tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC October 28, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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>> robin morgan, it's just a tremendous pleasure to have you here. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> that is kwt all in" for this evening. the rachel maddow show starts now with rachel live from denver. good evening, rachel. [ cheers and applause ] >> we are coming to you live tonight from the great state of colorado. we are at a global place called the view house in denver with a lot of very, very attractive people. so a funny thing happened on the re-election of obama. they held their election in 2008 in denver. when it came time for the election, candidate obama won the state of colorado pretty easily.
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he beat john mccain by like nine points. the private polling being done by the mit romney campaign showed mit romney winning colorado. that's why he is out here still doing colorado events three days before the election in 2012. the romney campaign was actually published by the new election by the american public, which is how we know this information. the secret poll on the saturday before election day showed that mit romney was going to win the election 48-45. that was saturday. on sunday, they still thought mit romney was going to win. but when the molling was over and the actual results came in, president obama not obama e only beat mitt romney in colorado by
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2012, he beat him by a ton: despite the polls saying otherwise. so what explains this distance between the polls and the results. it's an interesting outcome in colorado, 2012. here's another. this one is from 2010. this was the polling in 230 ini. of the final 18 polls done in that senate race before the election in 2010, 17 of 18 showed that colorado's next senator would be a republican guy named ken buck. 17 of 18 polls. despite those pods, republican ken buck lost. and if you keep going back in time over the last few election cycles, there is something real and something kind of inexplixble going on in this state over time.
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that's, in part, why we're here. you go back to 1996. kre k colorado looks like utah. in 1998, george wrchlt bush over al gore. 2002, republicans won again. 23 004, george w. bush wins again. for the first time in a long time in 2004, a democrat won a top-of-the-ticket race in colorado. even as colorado re-elected george w. bush. but it was that first interupgs in the republicans running the table in this state. after that little chunkink in t
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armor appeared, things started to slide downhill. and they won the governor ship that year. 2012, the streak continues. democrats win the presidential vote in colorado, again, december piet mit romney being sure that wouldn't happen. just look at that change in fortune over time. republicans still now believe that colorado is home territory for the republican party. but colorado doesn't vote for them anymore. democrats think they've figured something out in this state. they say it doesn't appear in the polls, it just appears here, when the results come in for election day. it's a secret sauce that underestimates their strepgts for a solid decade now by
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beating them in the top of every single ticket race. it's fascinating. and this year, the national democratic party decided to bottle democratic secret sauce. that senator who beat ken buck, democrats have now made him the head of the democratic campaign committee. and in case the strategy isn't clear enough, what they call their effort, nationwide, is the banack street project because it was on bannock street here in denver, and a building that is
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now home to a gym where, well, this explains it. watch. >> all right. here's what i want to do. i want you to correct my misconceptions. i'm quiet sure i've got it wrong. so this is bannock street in denver. and this place, again, correct me if i'm wrong, but this place, in 2010, was the -- not the michael bannock campaign headquarters, but the field head e head quarters. right, but it has a long history of democrats. bill winters, mark udol, 2008, winning here. and then the bannock street project, as they call it now, the victory field office in 2010. my favorite head quarters was, like, in a child modelling agency that still had the runways and the mirrors.
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it was the most bizarre thing when you went in there. they still had runways. i never saw him practice his walk, but he still won. >> if you're going to extrapolate from your local victory, don't do it from the child modelling agency. >> but it worked. >> here's how i understand whand in 2010. in 2010, and, again, i get that this isn't the template for exactly what's going on here. but from the democratic perspective, michael bennett was getting killed in every poll. i looked at the last 18 polls before the erection, 17 le e election, had a time of michael ben et losing. and so there's two ways to interpret that. welt e well, three ways. one is lead swing, everything changed at the last moment to polls were wrong.
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they've decided it was number three chlts they've decided that they had some magic in there ground game, like in their organizing effort. they got people to turn out that the polsters didn't expected, is that right? >> basically, in a nutshell, that's what they're saying. republicans will tell you that that theory doesn't hold well at all. >> i can tell you this is why we're going to win. jefferson county is our bell weather. it's the barometer. and when early returns came about, they're the good people, the democrats come to the door and say come on, get up, vote. >> but he was up 2%. someone came to the news room and said i think michael bennett might have won. he won by two percentage points.
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>> that's lynn barter who agreed to become my political tour guide. lynn told me for all that the democrats believe that it is their secret sauce that helps them beat not only the republicans here, but beat what the polls say here, she says, this year, the republicans have upped their ground game, too. but they don't like to talk about it. >> there's this interesting thing going on where all of these unaffiliated and democr democratic vote errs are gettin all sorts of mail from corey gardener.
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they don't talk about their double secret ground game. >> it's in the lock box. >> in a state where the senate race is tied and the governor's race is tied and nobody trusted the polls and nobody knows what's going to happen, that's the person you want to talk to. the person who can make the random al gore joke about social security being in a lock box while she's fake locking your face closed. people say why did you come to denver? this is why i came to denver. i love it. >> in the middle of a race like this in a middle of a state like this while the party is trying to extrapolate to the whole nation is the guy who made it happen here first. he is senator michael bennett of the great state of colorado.
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>> let me ask you about the fight club assertion, first e first. no republicans will talk to me. but what i am hearing is that republicans have spectacularly upped they're ground game. they think they are in great state and staying quiet about it until the election. >> we haven't seen any evidence of it. we know that afp has knocked on doors and i can't imagine what it's like to say i'm here on behalf of the coke brothers as opposed to on behalf of your party. i think they claimed yesterday that they knocked on 140,000 doors since june. udol's knocked on 145,000 doors last week. the reason that we do this is particularly after citizens united, there's no way we can come peet on the air waves. what we've got to do is this house by house, block by block.
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that's what we're doing here and all across the country. >> is it more old school, shoe leter, get out the vote? is it just more of it? >> it's that combined -- so let's talk about that, first of all. in order the do that, you have to have people that blooeelieve the candidates and take extra shifts and make exz tra phone calls. this isn't something that you pay for. some people try to pay for it, but they're not successful and it. >> you asked what's different. what's different is the level of precision people have when they know which door they're knocking on and which call they're making.
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we're much more precise today than we ever have been. >> twlie are the polls always so wrong here? there's all this excitement today in the national press. the polls show alaska surging ahe. and i'm thinking there's never been an 5:00 rat poll in alaska within 20 points of the actual result. >> it's very hard to poll alaska. >> thank you, by the way, for reminding me of that long summer when every single poll said i was going to lose and i was t e taking calls from my mom. our poll had me up by one. the only time we were behind was in the very last week.
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i thought maybe i've got to get used to the idea that maybe we're going to lose. >> there's a lot of doubters, but it's going to be fascinating to watch. >> we will see. >> thank you. i appreciate it. thank you. i'm having a great time. >> all right. we are live from the view house in beautiful -- am i saying this right? lodo? lower downtown denver. the most hotly contested political state in the union right now. we've got lots more ahead including my interview with senator mark udol. plus, once again, we need to debunk just plain aggressively wrong information about the election from the fox news station into being afraid of the fact that people are voting in this state in particular. we've got that ahead. plus, my first-ever visit to a
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legal pot shop where i got everything wrong. that's all ahead. stay with us. everyone has questions about money. you know, i think about money kind of a lot. -money's freedom. -money's always on my mind. credit cards. -mortgage. -debt. it's complicated. it's not easy. i'm not a good budgeter. unfortunately, i'm a spender. i would love to learn more about finances. so there's questions about the world that all of us have, especially about money and finance. the goal of khan academy and better money habits and the partnership we're doing with bank of america is to give people the tools they need to empower themselves.
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so bake the world better, and turn any moment into a warm cookie moment. find them in the frozen aisle. nestlé. good food good life. that comes across. because of how they run their campaign with him staring into the camera, i'm mark udol and the world is about to end. it's not played off of his sfrengts, which is somebody you really like and you want to so e go have a beer with. even a republican said to me if you don't know any better, you would think that mark udol is the republican. >> because he seems happy, but
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you look at what they're in support of. >> for some people, it doesn't work. >> right. >> fascinating. >> so con e control of the united states senate hangs in the balance. part of the calculation in determining that is who seems happy during the campaign. if ur7 the guy who everybody said didn't seem happy, how unhappy would that make you to hear that? >> so i was talking to lynn bartels from the post today. who was a big fan of yours. she described herself to me as a legitimately undecided voter. she said it makes both sides very unhappen pill. she said in person, when she talks to you, you're fun to be with, you enjoy life, you are a conversationalist. and in your ads, and in your campaign, you are already on mt. rushmore and you are carved in stone and very dour and serious. and she feels, stylistically, that may be a problem for your campaign that corey gardener seems more fun and less
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conservative because you seem like the dour guy. what do you think about that? >> i think she's got it wrong, actually. when you look at this race and you look at the case i've been making, this is a serious choice that coloradons have right now mplt we c. we can move the state forward or are we going to go backwards? it's so wrong for the state. >> in terms of what he's been like in the congress, i mean, and you've been hitting this in some of your ads. he's out there in the louis gome. there's the edge and then the piece that's kanterred out over the edge. but he's out there. and the way he's running in this state, you would think he's running to be a sen tryst, crossover, you know, new model republican. has he been able to define himself better than you've been able to.
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>> i think voters are going to have the fiernl say, but it's not just women's reproductive freedom. he denies climate chachk. he's voted to deport dreamers on the lgbt front. he's voted against allowing gay couples to adocument. he's voted against measures against gay discrimination in the workplace. that's the fundmentedal case i've been making. >> senator mark udol of colorado making the case that it is worth being very serious about policy. and, also, it's worth being very serious about who you're running against, even if sometimes voters seem to prefer the slightly what? giglier candidate. around i mean, we're not making this uch. senator mark udol, serious as a
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heart attack. corey gardener, delighted. happy, happy, ebola, ebola. this is sort of a factor up here. multiple people that we've talked to have raised this stylistic factor. >> so, this morning, e e i went to my first-ever legal pot shop. the republican candidate says he'll do everything he can to get rid of the existing legal e marijuana in this state.
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how do you think it's worked out so far? >> i just thought the voters ought to make a decision based on their own perspective. whatever they decided, i would stand with them. >> want e we what we 'doing is urging the federal government to butt out. the big challenge right now is it's a cash-only business. it creates inefficiencies in the industry. so those of us in dealt gags are pushing very hard on the attorney general. just to let us itmplement a classic example. >> even when talking about beer and pot, very serious. which is kind of a nice thing, actually, for somebody who is in charge of important things.
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squl i should tell you that his opponent has taken a different approach. i would love to tell you more about that trip, but the campaign never returned our calls until the denver post today published an art kal that quote\ed me saying never called me back and then the campaign finally did in order to say no, he wouldn't come on. but they were very nice about it. the other guy who said no turns out to be the nicest of all. that's next. plus, more on my confusing trip to learn how to buy pot when it is legal to do so. >> do you guys show people how to roll jointss if they don't
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know how? >> no, we don't. >> you can buy joint by joint? >> yes. >> are they all priced the same? >> yes, $10 per joint. >> hmm. it's soo co complicated. this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! and cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives,
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base, it's not your usual, 22-year-old looking to get high at 10:00 in the morning. >> it's your 44-year-old looking to get high in the evening. >> exactly. he's going to go home after a long day at work and put 2 kids to bed and irn stenstead of hav glass of wine other beer with his wife, he's going to sit down and enjoy a joint with his wife. >> its's a whole new world. >> so i got a new introduction today to the wide world of legal pot in colorado. we've got more from that at the end of the show, sort of which we're saving as your desert because it's amazing. we're coming to ewe e you live from the view house bar live in den krer. we have to right some seriously wrong information that our dear friends at the fox news channel are putting out there now about why voting here in this state is a terribmateriaterrifying thing. that's next.
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so one of the cooler things when you drive around colorado close to election day, one of the cooler they thinks when you drive around colorado close to election day, something that i saw earlier today when i was walking around denver. look. n that, right there on your screen, is a polling place. you drive up or ride up on your bike, as i saw one guy do. you hand your ballot over to one of these election officials stationed inside the tent. >> what we do is they give us the ball los. we give them the stick other and ask them to wear its. and then we put it in the box and they pick it up whenever it's full. >> in colorado, this is the thing. drive-up voting. kroe kro has a male-based voting
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system where every voter registered in the state gets to mail a ball lot. you can drop it off at kwun of these very, very handy dandy locations. that new voting system, where, again, the state mails you a ballot that you can then drop off somewhere, that has turned into this on the fox news channel. >> breaking tonight with two weeks to the midterms, we are getting warnings that a new law has opened the door to possible voter fraud in a critical senate race. it was roughly 16 months ago when the democratic governor of colorado signed a first-of-its-kind new election law. a set of rules that literally allows residents to print ball lotss and then encourages them to turn ballots over to collectors in what appears to be an effort to do away with traditional polling places. what could go wrong?
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not everyone a ln a little bit . so, you know, fraud. colorado voters cannot all print their ball lots on their home computers. members of the military and overseas voters can do that. that's not a new law at all and it's never been controversial before fox news started to make it controversial. the local press has gone to pretty great lengths to try to clean up the mess that fox news has left bhiernd with their unfortunate viewers here. but it has been left on the ground here about how you can and cannot vote. >> it was incorrectly reported that you could print your ball lot.
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so liberals had visions of people going to buy up all of the ink carte ridges. >> as you heard lynn from the denver post say there, if you are an overseas voter or member of the u.s. military, you can print your own ballot. otherwise, the state mails you a ballot, you still it out. you mail it back or if you don't like the idea of your ball lot in the mail, you can drop it off at one of these handy locations. not that complicated. thankfully, last night, the fox news channel did sort of correct their error on the air. >> last week, we said the new law allows all voters to print out their ball lot at home. that actually is not the case. members of the military and some others can indeed print out their ballots at home. but this was the case even before the new law passed. >> excellent. it's good. they're correcting it.
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end of story. no. had that bchb it, oh, we got a thing wrong, we'll be right back. no. now, fox news has figured out another way to scare monger about this idea of people voting in colorado. please watch this. i promise you, we did not make this up. i promise. >> there are some colorado people who prefer not to get a ball lot mailed to them because they may be spim e intimidated. the union boss knows when the ball lot is going to show up and they can try to come over and obtain that ballot from you and turn it in for you. >> see, mail-in voting is bad for colorado.
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this is completely insane. but that is the concern being very seriously right now a week before the election, their idea is that union bosses are sneaking into people's homes in c kro day and night filling out their ball lots in secret union boss ways. do you have evidence that they're not doing it if fox news did not exist, we would have to make them up. >> you should know what's happening on the foxz news channel because that's what your crazy conservative uncle now thinks. that's why he's worried. tada. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label
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misspoke and i apologize. >> i stand by my statement. if you ask the beltway, that guy's race is the only competitive house race in colorado right now. congressman, i standby my statement indeed, that is a hard-fought colorado house race this year. but it is not the only one. here's a sleeper for you. superer-conservative district. third most military-heavy district in the nation. colorado springs, home to a huge population of active duty that usually ternds to vote republican. is running for a fifrt term. given those fundmentedals should be a shoe in. but, surprise, as of october 15th, the democratic challenger in that race had out-raised
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congressman doug lanb born by a ton of money. and it so happens, that that retired manager is a major general who spernt 32 years in the zfs. and if you add to that the amazing tape of what congressman doug lanborne got himself famous for doing, well, then, you've got a race. >> a lot of us are talking to the generals behind the scenes saying hey, let's have a resignation. let's have a public resignation and state your protest and go out in a blaze of glory. and i haven't seen that very much. in fact, i haven't seen that at all in years. >> let's have a mass resignation amoong the generals. go out in a blaze of glory. congressman sdoug lanborne is a member of the house service committee. he says he's working behind the
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scenes to kbget american war generals to quit. he says it would be a blaze of glory, so he's been trying to talk them into it. so, yeah, nobody is polling this particular race, right? nobody's doing public polling, nobody thinks it's in play. but it's doug lanborne whose seat it is chlts i wouldn't bet on this race iert way. >> the house campaign arm has now run tens of thousands of dollars of ads for doug lanborne in a place where they never thought they would have to spend a dime. this is a sleeper race and a fascinating one.
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>> i think your race is a sleeper. why have you been able to raise a bunch of money? >> look, doug has not ever been popular sdoun there, even among republicans. the colorado springs folks know he has a horrible record of achiefment. and many of them are tired of him. unfortunately, they haven't had a choice, so we're giving them one. we're in a great position down there and we believe it is a sleeper race and that we're going to take this. >> when you decided to get involved in politics, obviously, jowl eve had a long and storied career. you've been in the business world since retiring from the military, as well.
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why did you decide to be in the military. you're a conservative democrat, which is a rare breed. i think a conservative democrat is a much wider tent. i was a republican much of my life, and proudly so. i look back at folks like ronald reagan, which i didn't always agree with his policiepolicies,w he's a leader. what i see is a little too much close mindedness at times. i have a lot of republican friends. i have a great respect for them. i think in a lot of cases, we see the world the same. i anythink a conservative democ is made for the center. >> in the welt e beltway, they think military voters always equal republican voters. do you think that's getting scrambled a little bit? >> when i was in uniform, i
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frequently where he minded folks that nobody should assume this. and that the military should stay a political. one of the things thafgs t was agree jous is that everything in that team is supposed to be about one team. and i think people would be very surprised to find that the break out in the military is much more evil than many poo peopeople th. this is my pick for a sleeper race in this part of the country. thank you, sir. nice to meet you. >> coming up next, as a non-pot smoker lost in a pot shop, i find out what something called alien dog is and it works out very well. that's next. stay with us. ♪
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>> here comes the bus. i know it's a pedestrian mall, but you can't stand -- here's the thing. here's a metaphor that i've yet to suss out about denver and about colorado. ske so we're in denver. this is the 16th street mall. it's a place where one walks. not a place where one drives. and, in fact, you as a normal person can't drive on the 16th street mall. it's a pedestrian area. filled with buses and cop cars and cops going really fast on motorcycles. so i don't know. this is a normal compromise here? we won't have people and private cars. you can't be killed by a private car while you're walking and not paying attention, but you can be absolutely killed by a bus because it's a special bus-only area. and the buses just -- anyway. i don't get it. there's a lot of things about colorado that are colorado specific. the pedestrian mall with the giant buses running through it
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is one of them. but the reason that we are here is right here next to the 7-eleven and nest to the sports van, recreational meds. that's a euphemism for you can buy pot here. and so colorado has legalized recreational sale and use -- sale for the purposes of recreational use of marijuana and i want to see what that's like. let's go inside. watch out for buses. i'm rachel, how you doing? you need to see my i.d., don't you? how old do you have to be? >> 21. and you need a legal form of i.d. from some state. thank you very much. >> do you know what you want? >> categories, flour.
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i'll figure this out. may i take this? thank you. >> hi, rachel. i'm jamie. how are you? >> thank you for doing this. >> do you want me to give you a little explanation of what's going on here? >> i'm already mystified. >> if this is your first dispensary, you're going to be impressed. most you walk into a counter, the budtender will hand you a jar, you take it. >> as an example, what name is this? >> alien dog. >> what we do with indica, that's what you think of i don't want to use the pot head, just sitting around, kind of lounging. that's it. >> indica makes you boring in a happy way. okay. euphoric, tingly, creative and happy. let's skip the medical effects for now. side effect, most common, users experience from this strain is
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dry mouth. medical effects, stress, pain insomnia, lack of appetite or insomnia, or the lack of the desire to exercise. if that's pathological in your life. >> write your strain name. because you are out of state, you would only be allowed to purchase seven grams. >> seven grams? that's a lot. >> it is a lot. >> depending, i guess. >> so if you are from in-state you can visit 28 grams or one ounce per visit. >> you can purchase 28 grams per day? if you had the money. >> if you wanted to. >> cash-only. we have the atm here? >> it's the down side. we are not allowed to bank. there's no banking allowed for us. >> because even though it's legal in state, there's no state specific banking. >> it's a huge issue for us. a lot of industry groups, we get together and stuff, we talk about this. it's no longer an issue or problem, we're calling it a
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crisis. we have no place to put our money. and it's really -- >> meaning your profits you can't -- you can bank your profits? >> you can't technically bank your marijuana money anywhere besides your own safe and your mattress. >>astonishing. >> i think that's something a lot of people in this country don't realize. this is a huge issue. we have a count or a map, and you can see we have visitors from not only all over the u.s., but all over the entire world. >> this is where people -- this is since you've been open in april? >> there is really, i don't think a continent that hasn't been -- obviously a continent that hasn't been represented -- most country has at least one visitor as well. >> wow, that's amazing. we're very excite the about what's happening here. >> you have greenlanders? >> icelanders, greenlanders. >> basically on 16th street
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mall, what you can smoke in denver, because you can't smoke anywhere in visibility, we find our edibles are the biggest sellers. >> this is not normal candy, even though it looks like it? it's pot candy? >> this is, in fact, infused medicated candy. these are child proof containers. children can't get into them. >> although once they're open. the peach banana rings that didn't look any different than a regular gummy candy. i can see why there's stress around the edibles in terms of people essentially getting dosed when they don't intend to. i guess the laws are all really still in flux in terms of how things are getting regulated. >> that's why the state of colorado is trying to regulate better so it doesn't get back into the hands of children. but i say it's the same as alcohol. it's the responsen't of the parents to keep it out of kids' hands.
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we have some scotch guard here. and you open up the bottom of it, and it's a stash can. >> why do you need stash cans. ? >> it's kind of a novelty item. we sell a ton of them. it's kind of fun. >> so it's a weighted like a can that was closed. that would have fooled. this is why i don't work as a border patrol officer. can i ask you a cultural question about your buyers. what time of day do people come in and buy the most pot? >> usually after 5:00. >> you're open really early in the morning. more women than women? >> i would say half and half. but it's not your usual 22-year-old, you know, looking to get high at 10:00 in the morning. >> it's your 44-year-old looking to get high in the evening. >> exactly. he's going to go home after a long day of work and put the kids to bed and instead of having a glass of wine or beer with his wife, he's going to sit
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down and enjoy a joint and call it a night. >> wow. it's a whole new world. it's a whole new world. i knew i was a dork before walking into the pot shot and having no idea what anything was. but now i'm a certified dork in the state of colorado. that, ladies and gentlemen, is how i spent my day in beautiful denver, colorado. thank you all so much for being here tonight. it's been a hoot to have you here. we will see you again tomorrow from new york city. now it's time for "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. >> thank you, rachel. i know you can't hear me with all those adoring fans. i'm just going to say thank you. well, there are new details tonight about the spacecraft that exploded on takeoff just hours ago. but first, new polls give democrats new hope in their fight for control of the united states senate. and one candidate is proud to stand on the stage tonight with president obama.
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