tv Morning Joe MSNBC October 31, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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>> lebron james, last night, the big homecoming, against the new york homecoming against the new york knicks after a few seasons away, a few titles in miami, comes home, throws the powder in the air, everybody is excited except they lose the new york knicks. 95-90. lebron may be a little amped up, had 17 points amidst a bunch of shots. eight turnovers. he was happy to get this one out of the way. >> i read on twitter he was 1 for 9 happen somebody said they neilded to get michael j. fox delorean. >> college football, fsu went down 21-0 last night. unbelievable.
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jameson stole the game. >> happy halloween, guys. >> thank you so much. >> what your going to be. >> i don't know. i think this is scary enough. what about you. >> you have a similar pant thing going on. >> oh, wow. >> did you guys coordinate that? >> plaid. >> i brought these in and mika went out and bought like 14 of them and so, you know, what am i supposed to do? >> what the heck. >> you know what, here's the best part of them. they are just as comfortable being slept in. >> okay i don't sleep in mine. what your going to be for halloween, willie >> i'm not at lie better to disclose that. suffice it to say i'm a little out of breath now after my rehearsal. very exciting. >> okay. i can't wait to see that. oh, gosh, good luck. >> we almost didn't make it. >> we got abc news political
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commentator and npr senior analyst cokie roberts. what an incredible day to have her on. host and managing editor of tv one daily morning news show, roland martin. let's start with the news. lots to talk about. >> actually, you know what? did you get this facebook thing? >> yeah. you're upset about it. >> yes, i am. i found out that this is -- i think there's some coverage on this, on the broader issue on buzz feed or something. but i just found out somebody was charging $15 to e-mail us or me on facebook. >> somebody sent mika a nasty e-mail -- >> it was a nice guy who wanted his wife's cooking book to be talked about. i never got it so i never responded so then he reached out to the head of msnbc and i was
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irate saying it's bad enough i have to pay $15 to reach your anchors and they don't respond. >> mika find out on facebook, facebook tells people we'll send an e-mail to the person you want, but we're going to charge you $15. >> that's the receipt. >> which of course you end up getting anyway. it's the biggest scam. >> in other words, if the person was protect like you're not getting emails you can break through that if you give us $15. >> no some sort of message that's direct. it goes to the facebook inbox which a lot of people don't -- i don't sit there staring at it every day, do you? >> i was going to say. >> privacy stuff. >> we haven't been on facebook since like 1967. no. after sergeant pepper i went on there to talk to some of my friends in san francisco.
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but for them to charge people $15 thinking that somehow mika is getting it or you're getting it is crazy. >> you ought to look into that. >> now let's go to the news. >> republicans are starting to open up leads in some of the key races that will decide which party controls the senate. in ken, mitch mcconnell has a five-point lead against alison lundergan grimes. in colorado, republican congressman cory gardner has a seven-point lead against senator udall. and in arkansas republican congressman tom cotton has a commanding 13 point lead against mark pryor. senator kay hagan is hanging on. she has a four-point lead over thom tillis. michele nunn and david perdue are tied. there's a runoff in january. >> cokie roberts, a lot to look
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at. identify been talking about no trends for quite some time. it does look like in a few of the races where republicans should win in red states. >> yeah. actually, all this week i've been looking at the numbers and thinking we might have a sweep but i'm very curious to see what happens this weekend. a bunch of races where i thought it would open up, like that, kay hagan/thom tillis race it's not. we have to get through the weekend and see if anything starts to break. but all of the national polls are really breaking republican particularly among independents. >> romand martin, the question though is turnout. a lot of races way too close to call. if the democrats have half the turnout operation they had in 2012 or 2008, actually will be very long night of vote counting. if this off year election is
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like the last off year election and the electorate is older and whiter a big republican night. th all about turn out. >> absolutely all about turn out. that's why democrats are pushing hard when it comes to early voting. they have been flooding the zone. cornell belcher one of the top pollsters in the democratic party made it clear early in the year there was a 14 to 16-point gap between obama voters in '12 in terms of whether they would vote in 2014. many folks didn't even know about election. the other problem that the democrats as a result of how they structured this did not have strong operations in some of these states like for instance arkansas. you look at louisiana. so one of the reasons senator kay hagan is doing well in north carolina is because the obama folks had a strong operation left in place so i think the democrats have got to go back and re-examine what howard dean talked about having a strong 50 state strategy. you can't focus on the
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presidential election year. you have to build a national party to have the infrastructure to drive people in these mid-term elections. >> of course -- >> republicans are claiming that they now have a ground game too. >> they said that in the last eight years. >> this time they say they really have a ground game and that they have -- >> mitt romney's super computer. >> i understand. they learned their lesson from mitt romney and barack obama and have identified a lot more voters they can get to. they feel they are doing pretty well in the early voting in iowa and that's a very peculiar race. >> that is a very peculiar race. what cokie is bringing up is 2016. a lot of republicans would love -- would like to win the senate. if they win the senate and lose again in 2016, then you're going to have a massive crisis. this is a real proving ground
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this 2014 race for the very reasons that cokie was talking about. have they learned their lessons from 2012? will their turn out operation be better. will their technology be better? if not. if. there are a lot of groups that invested in a lot of money in turn out operations. that's what republicans are going to be looking at at the rnc. >> talking about 2016 they have to find a candidate first. it's unclear who shakes up. you start to look at these polls, colorado, arkansas where the republican margin is growing a little bit. it would be i think it's fair to say a big disappointment for republicans if they don't take the senate. they have so much going for them. good candidates. the president is unpopular. they are in the right states. he's being fought in red states. if they don't win the senate you have to look at it as a big disappointment for republicans. >> devastating. the money game. you've been following this very closely for the "new york
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times." where do we stand as we get to the end of this campaign. >> it's not going to be a campaign that's won and lost on the money. everybody has the money they need. i think the republican side is ahead in spending. not by so much. what strikes me about these polls, if cotton is that far ahead and gardner in colorado, really there's only one path for democrats to get to 50 and it involves both georgia and kansas. if you imagine that the party hopes are holding on to the senate would rest on those two states a year ago would have been crazy. >> joe, remember when the congressman was on your show. he's looking like a oracle when he made the point it's not about money it's about message. democrats will reflect how they ran way from the president and had horrible messaging over the last year. >> i think you're right. democrats have made such a
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horrible mistake running against their president and running away from some of the thing that they actually could have campaigned on. again, i'll say it again, if you're a democrat and running you have to defend what you've done especially if there's things out there -- >> think about the state senator from ohio state university, how easy it was for her to have a message, stand by the president but not completely. >> cokie, everybody talks about money. we all know at some point it's a law of diminishing returns. you look at those two returns that republicans could be shocked. you look in georgia what's happened there. they spent a lot of money but it's about a guy who was outsourcing and bragging about outsourcing. kansas, a guy that forgot to even buy an apartment in kansas at the end of the day it comes down to the blocking and tackling. >> there is a national message which is as john says obama bad.
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that's the two words that is a problem for democrats. but in those races you see both democrats who have run in the case of kansas and an independent that ran good campaigns and republicans who ran terrible ones. candidates do make a difference. michele nunn in georgia understood the real message to take was the message of 2012 which was basically a populace message. she's running against david perdue the way obama ran against mitt romney. now, it was easier because of his background, but it was so much smarter than these campaigns that have been about war against women and all that stuff. it was a straight economic message to the people of georgia. >> that's right. all right. then there's this. new jersey republican governor chris christie. not backing down from criticism about this confrontation with a heckler at an event marking two years since super storm sandy.
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here's a little portion to remind you of what happened. >> yeah. good. there's been 23 months since then when all you've been doing is flapping your mouth and not doing anything. so listen you want to have the conversation later i'm happy to have it buddy. until that time sit down and shut up! >> i know, sometimes you have moments where you're a little overheated and you back off and apologize. sometimes -- >> there's a question of whether it's just those of us in the corridor who thinks this won't play. i will just tell you that if i and cokie i'm sure your father probably would have said the same thing, if somebody -- i were helping somebody on their campaign and they exploded like that on the campaign trail i would pull them into my office and say if you do that one more time not only will i not support you i will yank all of my money from you. i'm not talking about chris christie, maybe it worked for
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chris christie, maybe his millionaires and billionaires like seeing him doing it. i would say in a second you do that again i'm yanking all support from you. >> except i think people are sick to death of these hecklers. and, they do go rally, some of them. if you're going to a rally you're going to a rally and presumably are there to either support somebody or hear something. i think the hecklers do get you irritated. having somebody call it as they see it is, might be very beneficial to that politician. >> then to cokie's point, there you go. chris christie tells kasie hunt he has no regrets and no plans to change his style. take a look. >> you give it you're getting it back. up get respect you get that back. if you don't get respect i'll take you out on it. that's the way it goes. i don't calculate these things politically. this is who i am. i think most people understand that. someone stands up yelling and
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screaming, it's not just appropriate to do and i won't sit there. >> would you encourage your kids into the behave like that towards other people. >> no. i wouldn't encourage my kids to go a public event and scream at a public official and treat a public official with disrespect and the audience with disrespect. if they didn't do that there would be no reason for anybody else to react like the way i reacted yesterday. >> politics 101. you don't scream at people to shut up. that's what i would tell somebody. i would say i have been surprised by just like i said a couple of days ago a lot of my liberal friends who supported quarantines an of course we see the poll the next day -- a lot of my liberal friends, i like him. maybe he's the anti-politician. guys say you can't do that that's not polite. i don't know. maybe americans are so sick and
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tired of blow dried politicians maybe they are cool with that. >> that's been his appeal he wasn't like other politicians. >> he's amped it up. he's in warp speed. like "star trek." he shoots into space. >> he did. we sat here 24 hours ago and we were first reacting to this tape in a asked me what i thought. i said do you think for a second chris christie woke up this morning and had any regrets about that. you saw the answer. he done regret that. that's his style. take it or leave it. there's a new poll out last week that shows his approval rating at 41% which is down from where it's been historically. is it wearing thin, i don't know. >> maybe it will work in 2016. i have never seen that work in any presidential campaign. it's so magnified.
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>> joe, we've talked about this before. chris christie will not be president so it's not a problem. the republican party is not going to nominate him. and that's where we are. but, you know, this kind of bullying business, i think it's probably working in maine, for instance. that nursing maine may re-elect the governor because, you know -- i understand what she's doing. she's saying, you know, it's the science and that's why i refuse to be quarantined it doesn't make any sense. he's saying you get in that house girl and i think that's probably work forge him. >> oh, my lord that guy is a character. we'll talk about that later. >> cokie is right. the nurse is playing right into his hands, science be damn. >> that's how people feel. certainly 80%. undecided voters in new hampshire are weighing their options after the final debate
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between jean shaheen and scott brown. the latest poll shows senator shaheen with an eight-point lead. they clashed on the government's response to ebola, obamacare and immigration. all of the talk after the debate was about this exchange, brown had with a panelist who was confused. >> what do you see going right in the economy and what's going wrong and please be specific. >> you're absolutely right. geography play as role. we have more opportunity in the south. up north it's more difficult. one of the biggest opportunities is tourism. one of our biggest opportunities is skiing. >> you were talking about the north country. what do you see -- >> i'm talking about any place past concord the challenges of our state. i'm referring to the challenges including the high corporate tax
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rate, obamacare coming in after the election. we have the challenges of high electric costs. if you go to any business in any county in our state. >> that's west of concord not north. what do you see going well and what's not. >> i answered the question the challenge is the same in every county in our state. >> i tell you what, mika, we saw him real-time last night scott brown is getting killed for not knowing geography in new hampshire. >> what he did -- >> it wasn't scott brown that had it wrong. >> after the debate the panelist apologized to brown and said the candidate was right about the county running both north and west of concord. campaign officials for shaheen and scott brown said the candidates will visit sullivan county later today. >> come on. >> come on now. >> if you're going to be a panelist it looked like you were trying to embarrass scott brown. >> he's a pro. he apologized afterwards. he apologized on twitter.
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the problem is this kind of mistakes lives on. people won't see the apology. what they will see is the clip over and over again. >> the mistake is understandable. >> if i were the candidate i would be angry. still ahead on "morning joe," actor and comedian -- >> wouldn't you tell him to sit down and shut up. >> no i wouldn't tell my children to act that way. i might do it. actor and comedian, aasif mandvi will be here. and fbi took down one of the most successful poker players. and this is affecting our crash test dummies. seriously. we'll explain. we'll be right back.
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♪ time now to take a look at the morning papers. we'll start with the boston globe. boston is the remembering its longest serving mayor this morning. thomas menino passed away thursday after a battle with cancer. the democrat took over city hall in 1993 and would stay there for the next two decades. he's credited with helping bring hi-tech companies to boston and for overseeing the response to last year's marathon bombing. he was in office when the 2004 red sox squad ended an 86 year dry spell to win the first of three recent world series. tom menino was 71 years old. mike barnacle had one of the last interviews with menino just two weeks ago. you can see it on our website.
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>> i saw him up at fenway. such a good guy. >> totally. >> a friend of the show. our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and entire family. >> city of boston loved him but the country got see him during the boston marathon bombings. he was there. he had broken his leg. still out front leading the effort. >> great guy. >> the oregonian, the terminally ill that made the decision to end her life says she no longer intends to die this weekend. brittany maynard released this emotional video yesterday announcing her plans. >> when people criticize me for not -- for not waiting longer or whatever they decided is best for me, it hurts because really i risk it every day. every day that i wake up.
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and i do it because i still feel good enough. and i still have enough joy. and i still laugh and smile with my family and friends and it doesn't seem like the right time right now. but it will come because i feel myself getting sicker and it's happening each week. >> maynard was diagnosed with stage four malignant brain tumor in april. she moved to oregon that has a die with dignity law allowing doctor assisted suicide. she originally planned to die on november 1st. as you heard at the end of the video she will do it sometime down the road because she feels herself getting sicker. >> "atlanta journal constitution" crash test dummies are getting a look as researchers trying to find different ways to save lives. they are getting bigger because we're getting bigger. studies show obese individuals are 78% more likely to die in a
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car crash. that's why i take the subway in an effort to cut down on that statistic some companies are making fat crash dummies that weigh in at 273 pounds with a bmi index of 35 which, by the way, coincidentally those are my two goals. by the end of the year i want to get down to 273. >> did you tell your personal train center >> i told my personal trainer. >> yes. >> a lot of pasta. >> a lot of pasta. >> quite disturbing they have to make dummies bigger. >> i get a baker. you're on to me. >> did you see this michael jordan. >> he's such a jerk. michael jordan is such a jerk. >> here he is. michael jordan had some choice words about president obama's performance, not in office but on the golf course.
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the response was prompted by a question from his buddy amid rashad. he asked who he would pick in an ideal foursome. >> never played with obama but i would. but no that's okay. i would take him out. he's a hack. >> do you really want to say that to the president of the united states. >> i didn't say he wasn't a great politician, i just said he's a [ bleep ] >> oh, my god. >> michael. if you can find some clips of his, hall of fame acceptance speech. >> for no reason. >> can't say on the air. >> we want to see that again. >> the thing that made him a great basketball player makes him different -- >> roland martin, we all grew up, i don't know about you but we had michael jordan posters all over the place. the best that ever was. he's just kind of rough around the edges. >> no, no.
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he's just as competitive off the court. >> again to me, i went to his birthday party and he said what's your handicap. i said it was a ten. he said when you get it down a six you can play with us. i don't want to play with you. that's who he is. that's what makes michael jordan michael jordan. my handicap is down to a seven. i'll be happy to take your money. >> i don't think you want to talk trash with michael jordan. >> when you talk trash you back it up. >> did you realize roland of such a good golfer. seven. >> i'm ready to roll. i got golf clubs in three cities. >> i didn't know about that. some people say their low
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handicaps. >> i never played with him. it's all hollywood. >> they do it to suck up to him. coming up an undercover sting to bring down one of the world's richest gamblers. now the fbi is under firehouse they closed the case. up next a look at the must read opinion pages. we'll be right back with much we'll be right back with much more "morning joe."
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get fire adapted now at ♪ time now for the must read opinion pages. "wall street journal." this is the paper's editorial. hillary "rodham" warren. so we hear hillary clinton's wall street admirers are concerned about her comments last week at a rally with senator elizabeth warren that businesses don't create jobs. they better get used to it. clinton knows that minor league liberals like maryland goff martin o'malley pose no political threat to her nomination but warren could. the wall streeters who think mr. obama is an aberration and that
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electing hillary clinton will one the country to the 1990s should think again if we know anything about the clintons it is that they will do whatever it takes to win. cokie roberts, fair or unfair? >> classic wall street journalism. wait, wait, she might actually like us so we better find out a bogeyman that doesn't like us. elizabeth warren. i think this is really putting up a straw man or woman. >> the paper itself putting up a straw man. >> yes. >> nick. >> this is a warning to all the wall street donor whose are going give money to hillary clinton who are republicans if she runs for president. the journal is saying guys, guys, don't buy it. that was an obvious gaffe. she cleaned it up a couple of days later. i'm not sure she meant to say that. >> the clintons are -- the
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problem for the clintons -- if hillary gets elected is not that she's going to be too tough on wall street. i think most people that followed her and followed her husband's career know they are going to be about as pro wall street as any democrat that could get elected president of the united states. all of their friends are on wall street. all of their friends have private jets. i mean these are people -- these are people they hang out with. the bigger challenge is getting out of a democratic primary if a progressive like elizabeth warren decided to run against her. is hillary going to go -- >> she partnered with goldman sachs. >> she's not going sharp left on economic issues with the friends that they have after she gets elected. >> it's not just the friends that they have. she was a senator from new york. you look at the records of senators from new york they don't tend to be anti-wall street. but i think actually the bigger problem here was another gaffe
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so to speak. she's having trouble just getting her message out and sticking with it and being -- >> cokie, why is that? we are still stunned that she was as flat footed as she was on her book tour and you can say hillary is not a natural politician but if you say that you forget everything that happened after new hampshire moving forward in 2008. she was an extraordinary candidate. >> and honestly being with her when she ran the first time for the senate in new york, it was brilliant. now part of what her brilliance is that she's very, very smart and she does her homework. so she can, you know, wow people with her knowledge of detail. but she's really having a hard time since she left the state department in trying to say something and make it -- make sense and not have to go back a few days later and say oh, that's not exactly what i meant.
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i don't know whether she's being too controlled. i mean i think she should be much more of herself but i also think that she's having trouble finding the right voice and that's surprising to me. >> let me read from "the washington post." this is charles krauthammer. if this election really about nothing? democrats might like to think so but it's not. first like all u.s. elections it's about the economy. here is a president who proclaims the reduction of inequality to be the great cause of his administration yet it has radically worsened in his six years. second is the question of competence. the revulsion of government incompetence exacting a heavy toll on democratic candidates. after all they represent not just the party now in government but the party of government. the stage is set for a major republican victory. if they cannot pull it off under conditions so politically favorable perhaps they might
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consider looking for another line of work. >> as usual i completely agree with charles krauthammer, willie. first if republicans can't win this year they can win. it's being fought in the red states. the president is fumbling all over the place. the other part i agree with him, this is about competence. democrats have been hurt. you can see it in the polls when the president bumbled on isis, went golfing after the beheading. jean shaheen quietly talking about losing six, seven points. the bumbling over ebola. you see the ebb and flow in democrats polls. this is an election about confidence. >> the irs, add to that list over the last six years and that's what a lot of the republican candidates in these races have based their campaigns on. roland, the president himself said look my policies are on the ballot. that was a perceived gaffe and something a lot of democrats wish he didn't say. this is a lot about the last six
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years in this country. >> of course. he was absolutely right. democrats didn't want him to say it. you know what? i get what charles is trying to say. what about this -- how about actually going to work. doing some work. you got all these polls showing americans, 14% approval rating of congress. you know what they will do? they will send 97% back. we'll have the same thing. we have folks repaying them for doing no work. how about that kind of competence. >> with charles krauthammer you find a lot of conservative commentators are saying the same thing as me. if you win an you win without a referendum telling people this is what we're going to do, if it's just about running against barack obama then you get elected without a mandate and you got two more years of mush. >> before we go to break today is icitizen question. do you believe the results of
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the mid-term election will move the country in a more positive or negative direction? download the app to take part in that. up next we'll speak to one congressman who is urging the president to quarantine all u.s. citizens returning from west africa for a mandatory 21 days to prevent the spread of ebola. he presents his case and we'll update you on the nurse who made her way to maine. plus after a 48 day manhunt the suspected cop killer who was at large in pennsylvania was captured yesterday. the significance of the handcuffs that police used in that arrest ahead on "morning joe." (receptionist) gunderman group. gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove.
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♪ after a 48 day manhunt suspected cop killer and survivalist eric frein surrendered to authorities near an abandoned hangar at pocono mountains airport in pennsylvania. frein accused of killing one state trooper and seriously injuring another will now face the death penalty. he was handcuffed in the cuffs belonging to the late trooper and was taken away in that officer's squad car. we got video now of kaci hickox, the nurse who -- there she is. on a bike ride with her boyfriend. yep. she's defying state officials who say she must obey a 21 day quarantine at home. shortly after the hour long trip republican governor announced talks broke down with kaci hickox and he would do whatever
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is necessary to enforce the quarantine. he says he was willing to let her go for walks, run and bicycle rides if she agreed not to come within three feet of others. the governor also said he was willing to lift the quarantine if kaci hickox agreed to sub to when a blood test. >> cokie, that's -- i mean maine would seem to be a state -- i mean fairly open minded state here but you're right. she's playing into the hands of a sometime volatile -- >> he's kind of kooky. >> right now he's tied in the polls with the democrat and elliot cutler the independent has now said okay well maybe it wasn't such a great idea for me to run and you can support the democrat if you don't like me. so it's a mess in that race anyway and i think that the governor is doing something that the people will completely
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support. as i said before, i get her. she's saying the science doesn't back this. but that's not where people are on this ebola thing. people are scared. >> with us now from pittsburgh republican representative of pennsylvania and chairman of the energy and commerce subcommittee on oversight and investigations, congressman tim murphy. the congressman is urging the president to mandate a 21 day quarantine to cokie's point for all u.s. citizens, residents returning from ebola hot zones in west africa. good to have you on board, sir. >> congressman, you heard the arguments against this. we saw a poll come out yesterday that said 80% of americans kind of where you are on this question. why do you think this is a good idea despite the science that says it's highly unlikely this disease will be transmitted to the public. >> two things. what i'm referring to is people who had direct contact with ebola victims, ebola patients, some workers have not, some have. second thing is highly unlikely
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is the operative word here. what's key is there are still some areas of lack of knowledge. we know that ebola is aggressive in trying to find new hosts. luckily it has not spread farther in the united states because a lot of steps are taken with some isolation and some levels of quarantine. we don't have to do things and put people in a bubble or lock them up in the houses. but there are a number of steps that other organizations also have that have volunteers going over there that says stay out of public places, keep a distance from other people, continue to monitor yourself for symptoms, have someone else report the issues with regard to your temperature. in an abundance of caution. those things will help us. because what's key until we have a vaccine for this virus, or a cure for this virus containment particularly in africa are key. >> roland martin is with us. >> congressman you're saying
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containment but it's not as if we had some massive outbreak and so are you not furthering this whole hysteria by offering this suggestion? >> well, look, i'm not a physician i'm a psychologist. i know some things that have added the worry and anxiety has been the conflicting information that's come from the administration, cdc and other folks. so people are saying wait first you told us don't travel and then you say travel then you say you can't travel again. there's been some changes in the cdc's approaches to the protective gear people have. so there's been some of those things and that's adding concern and confusion here. what i'm saying is we can grow from this. we start off with abundance of caution and restrictions. you look further into this let's examine on a case by case basis. you can't use tissue of whether a person is totally symptom free at this point as the measure. >> congressman tim murphy, thank
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you very much for coming on the show this morning. coming up, taking on the world of illegal sports betting. did the fbi cross the line to get inside the hotel room of a wealthy high stakes poker player? that story is next. we'll be right back. really... it's not worth it. no worries. i got this. ♪ a 2.7 gigahertz turbo processor. kevlar fiber durability. turbo charge for up to 8 hours of battery in just 15 minutes. introducing droid turbo by motorola. it's the yoplait greek taste-off and we're asking this sports town which blueberry greek yogurt is their champion.
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♪ the fbi is under a little scrutiny this morning for the methods it used to shut down an illegal world cup betting ring. crazy story. msnbc pete williams has it. >> reporter: after getting a tip that illegal betting was going on fbi agents wired themselves up with hidden cameras at caesar palace in las vegas in july to get a peek inside a complex of rooms for high rollers. where a champion poker player was staying. one of the world's richest gamblers had flown to the u.s. on his private jet after making bail in macau where he was accused of taking millions in from illegal sports betting. what happened next unfold in the setting of the vegas strip like something from the movie "oceans
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11." they suspected him and others in his entourage to take betts on the soccer world cup. but his lawyers said fbi agents cut off the internet service to the room then claim to be the repairmen summoned to fix it recording it all on this video obtained by nbc news. >> wi-fi is down too. both hard line and wi-fi. >> reporter: once inside the agents gallopsed at screens of computers in the rooms later claiming they saw evidence of illegal betting. after coming back with a search warrant the fbi arrested eight accused of taking betts on the world cup. now the lawyer is asking to throw the case out saying the fbi's ruse was illegal. >> if the fbi can do this. they can do it at your home.
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>> reporter: he said police can't trick their way into a house or hotel room unless they have something more solid than a tip that a crime success committed. prosecutors in las vegas declined to comment. their response is due in court in two weeks. but these stakes couldn't be higher. >> that was pete williams with a report. remember what happened to us? came back from macau. >> we did. straight out of johnny depp, i'm carrying the two suitcases, johnny law dogs all over me. you should have seen how we got away with that. >> that great scene at the dog track where we were running out the back door. >> seriously you guys can go on notorious. >> we had to jump 30 feet straight into a sewer. >> what's coming up next, willie. a tease. >> still ahead, we have the
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latest polls from five key battleground states. plus the gap that actually wasn't. >> this is terrible what happened to scott brown. >> this guy set him up. >> he didn't mean to. >> he set him up. scott brown shows he knows his new hampshire geography better than a panelist at the debate last night. what sweden did yesterday that had israel taking a shot at ikea. >> how dare they. >> a bridge too far. we'll explain that when "morning joe" comes back. ♪ [ male announcer ] this man has an accomplished research and analytical group at his disposal. ♪ but even more impressive
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is how he puts it to work for his clients. ♪ morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. oh, it's not a big deal at all. come on in. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ makes sense of investing. an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at i found a better deal on prescriptions. we found lower co-pays... ...and a free wellness visit. new plan...same doctor. i'm happy. it's medicare open enrollment. have you compared plans yet? it's easy at
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like a little kid. >> you can't do that. >> that's scary. that will stay with them forever. >> like the demon baby. >> can you bring the demon baby along with the other thing. welcome back to "morning joe." >> one the demon baby and two michael jordan's acceptance speech at the nba hall of fame. >> which is worse. okay. cokie roberts still with us now. joining us now national editor, amy walter joining the conversation. good to have you on board. so much going on with the mid-terms. can we start there. republicans are starting to open up leads in some of the key races that will decide which party controls the senate. let's start in kentucky where senate minority leader mitch mcconnell has a five-point lead against alison lundergan grimes.
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in colorado cory gardner has a seven-point lead against senator udall. and in arkansas, republican congressman tom cotton has a commanding 13-point lead against democratic senator mark pryor. but senator kay hagan appears to be hanging on in north carolina. the democrat has a four-point lead over republican thom tillis. and democrat michele nunn over david perdue tied at 47%. a runoff in january if either candidate receives more than 50%. >> cock injuries right now democrats have to look at three states. if you look at the new hampshire poll it looks like jean shaheen may be pulling away. most of us would expect that at the end. but right now north carolina, georgia and kansas, certainly offer democrats their last best hope. >> and really just hear yourself say those words.
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>> it's unbelievable. >> georgia, kansas, right? and part of what's going to confuse us, i think, is of course we're talking new hampshire, north carolina, georgia. we're talking early states in terms of when the returns come in. and so if democrats start winning in those states it might throw us off for what happens as you move west. but, you know, as one much you said earlier and it's true, if republicans don't win the senate this time, they should just pack up and go home. i mean they should have won it last time, the time before they had a very good shot. this time they've gotten all the ko kooks out of the field. they have good candidates running in the right states. they have all the environment that should just do it for them. and probably will do it for them. but if not, it's really -- it probably will but if not it's really a problem for them.
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>> probably will. amy let's bring you in. charles krauthammer said if they can't win this year, in all the red states, with republicans certainly believing and a lot of independents believing that the president has been governing in an ineffective and incompetent way, with all the advantages breaking their direction, if the gop can't pick a majority here, i agree with charles krauthammer, it's time to just pack up and get into another line of work because '16 is going to be -- >> that much worse. >> '16 will be fought in blue states. plus you got an expanded electorate for the presidential race. this is -- i'll say it right here, this is a do or die election for the modern republican party. >> well that's why i think iowa and colorado and new hampshire, but iowa and colorado specifically are that important because these are the states that republicans have to win in 2016. these are the kind of voters that they need to appeal to. now, look, you're right the
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electorate will look different in 2016. winning in those states in a mid-term year with an unpopular year a lot easier than winning in 2016 with a wide-open presidential race. if cory gardner can't win in colorado given how much more successful he's been as a candidate, given the political environment you're right this no way they can win as a national party. they cab red state party but not a national party. if they win control of the senate by picking up red states that's not a great night either. >> a lot of republican leaders i've been talking to have said we can't just win red states. we got to expand this out. we got to make sure we win the governorship in michigan, in wisconsin. we got to win the senate race in iowa, in colorado. we got to expand the map. and yet here we are, again, talking about north carolina, georgia. they are not going to win
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louisiana out right most likely and then kansas. >> yeah. also all these candidates are under 50%. all of them. it's not the kind of election where somehow the country is shifting in one big direction and making a big choice because it's almost like who do you hate less election, which is kind of hard. >> here's the problem. >> they should have a better message. >> if this were a presidential year where you had an expanded electorate that's one thing if it were a 50-50 election. this is an off year election. the electorate are older, whiter and look nothing like the electorate will look like in 2016. we still, cokie have too many races split right down the middle. >> yeah. absolutely right. people are not saying yeah republicans we really love you. and certainly the polls are showing that. you know, people don't like
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either party. and so it's really a negative, more against obama than against the way things are than anything else and i do think democrats are more associated with incumbency because they have the white house than the republicans are. but it is -- also, though, you know, interesting when you look at colorado and how far behind udall is and i do think some of that is that he's waged this war on women campaign that just has been relentless and really gotten him into trouble, but it's also interesting that we're not seeing that hispanic turn out there, at least so far, and that's what elected michael bennet his colleague in the senate a couple of years ago was the hispanic vote. and i think that that hasn't been anywhere near the emphasis you would expect in that campaign. >> so we want to go to colorado where kasie hunt is. we'll start with new jersey
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republican governor chris christie not backing down from criticism about a confrontation with a heckler at an event marking two years since superstorm sandy. here's a small portion of that back and forth. >> yep. good. there's been 23 months since then when all you've been doing is flapping your mouth and not doing anything. so listen you want to have the conversation later i'm happy to have it buddy. until that time sit down and shut up. >> joining us from colorado springs, msnbc political correspondent kasie hunt. you caught up with the governor yesterday and i'm sure he was very, very, you know, well apologetic, right? >> reporter: come completely apologetic and contrite. no. governor christie was subdued on the campaign trail yesterday as opposed to his normal brass appearance. you didn't see a lot of brass
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from governor christie when he was here campaigning in colorado. i did ask him about his confrontation with that heckler yesterday. >> you give it you're getting it back. if you give respect you get that back. if you don't get respect i'll take you out on it. that's the way it goes. i don't calculate these things politically. this is who i am and i think most people understand that. someone stands up yelling and screaming, it's just not appropriate to do and i won't sit there. >> would you encourage your kids to behave like that towards other people. >> i would not encourage my kids to go to an event like that and scream at a public official and treat a public official with disrespect and treat the audience with disrespect. i would hope my kids didn't do that. if they didn't do that there would be no reason for anybody to retact way i reacted yesterday. >> reporter: as you saw there pretty defiant. my question was if we're looking up to our political leaders is this the kind of behavior you want to see and is this the kind of behavior the electorate wants to see from a presidential
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candidate. >> thomas? >> seems receptive to the conversation and ready for the type of tough questions that are going to be asked of him about that exchange after the media attention and headlines that it received. what else was he saying about what's taking him on the road, what's his forecast for the future because that might play in new jersey but how does it play on the road when he's taking his message outside of state lines? >> reporter: the people in the crowd were receptive. several veiled references to christie's brass style from others on the podium and he got some applause for that. i think there's especially among republican base voters a certain appetite that christie offers. the question is just whether or not that wears well in the long term. >> because colorado is more a chill place. >> of course. >> look, his frustration with the hecklers is understandable but you have to have more tools
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in your tool box for handling that. seeing hillary clinton has handled some hecklers gracefully with humor. as much as it's part of his appeal i can't believe the constant hard ranging style will play in these states that has a more genteel nature. >> do you think they will send people out to set him up. >> try to wind him up and go further. >> that's who he is in terms of being aggressive and to the point. kasie hunt, thank you very much. a panelist is now apologizing to scott brown after the final debate between senator jean shaheen and the republican and i want focuses on this exchange. >> what do you see going right in the economy in sullivan county and what's going wrong and please be specific. >> you're absolutely right. geography play as role. along the southern border we
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have more jobs more opportunity. infrastructure and other opportunities up north are difficult. one of the biggest opportunities is tourism and one of the biggest opportunities is ski areas and trails for snow mobiles. >> we're talking about sullivan county. i think you were talking about the north country. what do you see going well. >> any place past concord actually and the challenges of our state so i'm referring to the challenges including the high corporate tax rate, obamacare coming in after the election. we also have the challenges of high electric costs. if you go to any business in any county in our state those are very real challenges. >> sullivan county is west of concord not not. >> i mentioned the challenges are the same. >> after the debate that panelist apologized to brown and said the candidate was right about sullivan county running north. >> how did he do that?
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>> i think he was trying to play a game of gotcha and he embarrassed himself. how did doe that >> a bad day. >> we've had other people -- there aren't a lot of counties to figure out. it isn't like iowa. >> or new york. >> or new york. i don't understand it. >> anyhow i'm glad it's cleared up. i feel bad for senator brown. >> i do too. but cokie we showed numbers here and i'm not so sure that political order is not trourng the universe in the latest poll it shows jean shaheen superby eight points. that may be an outlier. this is one of those races. if scott brown wins this race, democrats should just run for the highest ground possible. >> if he wins it's katie by the door. if we see that early in the evening we'll see a sweep. this is why people hate the press.
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is having that guy just sort of ask that same little question over and over again like that, and, you know, he was just trying to be so smart. and, of course, he turned out not to be. and i think brown handled it very well. he didn't get -- he didn't go the christie route. he didn't say not sullivan county. he said with all due respect and all of that, and he didn't get flustered by it, which was the point. the point was to fluster him and to show him as a carpet bagger, and i think that is the biggest strike against him, but it ended up being a much bigger strike against the member of my trade than it was against the candidate. >> all right, amy, it's punch list time here. >> here we go. >> come on, amy. >> as a candidate, this is like the last day of hard campaigning for me. i don't know what cokie, what
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your mom and dad did but on friday it was baked in to the cake. i see people shaking -- it was. it was already baked in. i was horrified every halloween i was just scared to death because it was like, okay, i can't do much more here so i go out with the kids and sweat a lot. >> joe, every election day of my childhood we went to the polls. we were still campaigning at the polls on election day. >> i was still campaigning up to the last second. i didn't think it made any difference. i was very scared. >> my going up to those voters and being an adorable 8-year-old didn't make a difference. >> it must have. it must have. >> it made a difference. look at the results. results don't lie. let's go state by state on some of the bigger states. new hampshire, what's the latest conventional wisdom on new hampshire. >> i'm with all you guys on this.
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i give shaheen the advantage here. >> what about in colorado? >> you know, in talking to both people on the ground and seeing what we're seeing on the polls, i think udall is behind. i don't think it's seven points. but i don't think he has enough time to catch up. >> iowa? >> golly, that is one where if you just look at the polls you say that one is too close to call. it hasn't moved in weeks. it's a one-point race. republicans feeling incredible confident there on the ground and suggest this is a much gigger margin. democrats have been saying this for months they feel a little bit like wiley coyote where he goes over the edge. he stands, moves his leg and gravity takes hold and drops. that's where we are with so many democrats. holding in there. iowa, i still think, that joni
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ernst, gives her a little bit of an advantage. >> i actually feel, two of the states i'm more comfortable saying republicans will win are actually blue states and colorado and iowa. i don't feel that way about north carolina. i just -- it seems like kay hagan has just continually scratched and clawed and fought and stayed ahead. what's the wisdom on north carolina? >> that's a good indicator too both of the candidate quality, right. i think that hagan not only has she bean good candidate but tillis got a slow start, easy to paint him as somebody too extreme and that state is so much more polarized than iowa or colorado so there aren't as many persuadable voters. you can push it on turn out. i want to be surprised on election night, honestly to see north carolina go republican and then what we'll see -- yeah because it's that close and to cokie's point if you see earth
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new hampshire or colorado go. >> lightning round is to become more lightning like, kansas. how is that going to go? >> every republican thinks they will lose it. i don't hearde cnt ethic. why not say orman. much more fun for us covering it. i think rockets catches up. >> is arkansas republican. >> i would say so. >> what about alaska, republican? >> it feels that way. >> georgia? >> runoff. >> runoff. i think there are a couple of races we just don't know. georgia, kansas, north carolina as cokie and i were saying earlier. those are the races to watch. >> amy walter thank you very much. still ahead on "morning joe" the very funny aasif mandvi joins us with his very latest personal project. plus are they harmless children's characters other
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crime -- the popular teletubby lala is in big trouble this morning. >> we need to get the update. >> we'll be right back. twhat do i do?. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me? go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable.
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♪ so we have our halloween costumes and i'm a kitty. joe is invisible. >> yeah the invisible man. >> he's the invisible man. i don't know what you have going there, thomas but i think it works for you. >> okay. the "wall street journal," are we really doing papers like this. a new study suggests the economy and housing costs may not be the reason young americans are living with their parents but rather they just love them so
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much. no. it's student loans, young adults age 18 to 31 living with their parents rose 36% up from 31% in 2005. student loan debt is responsible for 30% of this increase, experts suggest living at home is desirable because education related financial debt makes it harder to get additional credit. thomas. >> we look staten island advance. endorsing republican representative michael grimm in tuesday's congressional election. still the paper made it clear the choice was not an easy one considering grimm is facing the 20 count federal indictment. the editorial said his challenger said little during the campaign aside from attacking grimm. they go on to say there are occasions elect tore rail races where both candidates are of high quality and high integrity. the 11th congress enamel district is nothing like that. to have the staten island congressman under indictment is
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a black mark on this borough. grimm was faced with a head scratcher during tuesday's debate. look at this. >> mr. grimm, what's the last book you read? >> wow, it's bean while. i haven't had time to read. i think it was a tom clancy book. >> these are not supposed to be stumpers. >> huh? >> i'll move on the next paper, the express times. here's a lesson in whatnot to do this halloween weekend. in pennsylvania last sunday a lehigh university student in full costume as the yellow teletubby lala from the children's show on bbc allegedly broke into a friend's house and took some chinese food.
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he reportedly dumped the food into his man purse. would that be his tummy, the pocket on his tummy. >> no. tiki winky carried the purse not lal. >> the student has been charged with criminal mischief and criminal misconduct. i think it's against the law to be teletubby. >> lala stole his friend's purse. went into a dorm room and stole the chinese food. we're down the wire with four days until election day and no race is closer than the one for u.s. senate in kansas. we'll talk to kansas congressman about that razor type contest in a few minutes. but first tom brokaw joins us with his analysis on what this election means for the future of both political parties. should i keep the ears for tom? do you think he would like it? he might be disgusted. >> it's halloween. i think it's okay.
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east german government that now for the first time since the wall was erected in 1961 people can move through freely. this crowd has gathered here tonight spontaneous from the east german side they have been bringing water canons on some of the he is less brants but doesn't make much difference. >> that was part of nbc's historic coverage of the fall of the berlin wall nearly 25 years ago. joining us now the man with the legendary reporting on that and other groundbreaking events, tom brokaw. tom thanks for being on this morning. >> it's a pleasure. >> great event at the newseum last night. >> i was on stage with luke russert. i said in the introduction it's a historic moment. i'm being interviewed by luke russert who i first saw in a sonogram. his father brought to it me and said i'm going to have a son. we've been very close ever is in.
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and luke did a fantastic job. we had a capacity audience. we talked a little bit on this broadcast about the fall of the berlin wall. not just because nbc there was. it did change the world. not in way we expected it to be changed. obviously germany is the most powerful country in europe now. angela merkel is widely regarded as the most powerful and visionary leader in europe. we walked from east germany into west germany that night. she was a lbt technician in east germany came to the west and now the chancellor of the country. the nato alliance began to fray around the edges and this is when we need it more to deal what's going on in the middle east and putin. really a full discussion last night. and newseum is a treasure. we need ad repository for the good work of journalism and history of it and a place where journalists can go and talk about their craft and it's working out very well. >> that changed the world.
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here's the next question. as we move on to the election, the mid-terms next week will they change anything? >> i'm sorry, repeat that again. >> will the mid-terms next week change anything, what is this election decideding? >> we talked about changing the world with the fall of the berlin wall. we were just like washington to change a little bit. will next week's elections do anything to do that? >> you know, the thing is, joe, that i don't think -- we were so relieved when the wall went down that the soviet union was coming apart at the same time. china was changing. we took our eye off the ball. for a long time the last feeling in this country all right we won the cold war. but the world is a dynamic place. as dr. kissinger said. we couldn't have anticipated somebody like putin coming along. we couldn't have anticipated what's going on in the middle east. and the nato alliance ought to be a much larger factor than it is in dealing with isis because there's no indication whatsoever
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that this jihadist movement that we see raging across iraq and syria will be confined there. they have their eyes on the west. they are online talking about it. we had the attack on ottawa, the attack last summer in belgium. we need the alliance to be stronger in terms of how it deals with that. >> nick. >> i think we're in for two more years of the same. two more years of gridlock. i think if republicans take the senate it gives them an ability to be a little more aggressive in forcing the president's hand. we've seen mitch mcconnell says they will start to bundle their policy agenda into these omnibus spending bills and give the president the option of either shutting down government or acceding to their demands. it will be a lot like the last two years, guys. >> tom, i remember several years ago we had asked whether the
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current political state was as ugly as it was in 1968. actually i asked you and pat buchanan who famously was calling during the chicago riots and calling nixon and reporting on it. i was shocked a couple of years ago you all said no politically things are much uglier today than they were then. can you look at the political landscape today and compare it to how it was even 15, 20 years ago, how -- i mean are we just glorifying the good old days or have things got that much worse. >> i wouldn't call 1968 the good old days. that was a traumatic time in america. the anti-war protests were so strong. we were emerging from the civil rights movement. still in the midst much it. cunning king was assassinated. bobby kennedy was assassinated.
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60,000 people died in vietnam. riots in chicago. george wallace running for president of the united states on a racist platform at that time. the country was in turmoil. now it's a different kind of turmoil. one of the things that's happened is that we have a world in which there's not a nation state relationship that we used to have. you got these kind of jihadist moments that are under way in the middle east. you have at the moment people not actively involved in politics as they were in 1968. the passion that bobby kennedy and gene mccarthy people and coalition as you know that richard nixon put together for the republican party to win just barely the election that fall but it was a real seismic shift in american politics, joe, in '68. >> no doubt about it. >> tom brokaw, thank you so much. sounds like it was an incredible event last night. thanks for being on this this morning. still ahead he describes himself
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as an? do-british-american comedian. aasif mandvi tells us one word that convinced his father to move his family to america. kansas congressman plays odds maker for us handicapper this year's election including the surprising close race -- >> a governor's race, senate race. pretty crazy. >> we'll be right back. yeah, dinner sounds good. i could come by your place. my place? uhh... um... hold on. introducing the all-new volkswagen golf. plenty of room for whatever life throws at you.
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i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years, that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ ♪ all right. ready. >> we got a lot of republicans -- here we go. >> how could you even consider voting for someone who would
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support president obama's agenda or harry reid? you have to come together. we've been counting on you kansas. you're a republican state for goodness sake. >> republican senator rand paul stumping for senator pat roberts but is kansas on the verge of voting out a republican governor and senator? joining us now the guy you saw standing, there republican congressman from kansas. >> congressman, unbelievable. six months ago we were saying nobody would say that the republican governor and the republican senator were going to be in trouble. today the republican governor and the republican senator are in trouble. what's happened? >> there's no doubt. six months ago everybody said kansas politics it's all over. let's go elsewhere. we had reporters in from belgium and japan, the world's eyes this past week. >> what's the matter with kansas? >> what's the matter now. >> you know, i think -- i was
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out all last week, senator johnson was in, saw senator paul, a lot of folks coming into kansas making sure brownback gets across the line. senator roberts had a tough primary. yesterday his primary opponent endorsed him. i think there will be a coalesce. at the end of the day senator roberts political views are much more closely aligned -- >> it's fascinating in the governor's race sam brownback has caught flack even from republicans for tax cuts. i think this is a game changer that republicans, we have certainly since 1994 just always assumed you cut taxes you get rewarded for it politically. sam brownback has paid dearly for tax cuts. why is that? >> i think it's going to be just fine. sam did the right thing. he's moving to us a competitive tax state. we were less competitive than nebraska and oklahoma and all the places around us. so i think voters too will see
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that. >> mike, you know it's a problem. come on. you got republicans saying that it is -- i'm not being difficult, we both know this is true. >> no, no. i think you captured it correctly. i spent a lot of time on candidate. in listened to voters. they want good value. they want to make sure services work the tradeoff between taxes and good services doesn't have to be made but you can do both. you can have a smaller government and still deliver those services. i think the governor has made that case in the last few weeks. the race very, very close. >> i spent a lot of time in kansas too. the lives for 12 hours just a few weeks ago. i got a feel on the ground immediately. nick, so i understand the congressman, if i had the congressman's seat. that said sam down back cut taxes to make kansas more competitive but you now have a
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debt, a deficit problem, education funding. you got a lot of republicans that moderate republicans actually that have problems with it, that if sam wins we forget about this race the next day. if sam doesn't win, this is a game changer. >> what we're seeing in states like kansas and colorado which is controlled by the democrats what happens sometimes when one party gets control of the entire state government and has no push back and goes, you know, aggressively on policy, and in this case if you open up revenues, support the worker government support schools and education, you know, there are voters, even republicans, even those who favor tax cuts who might say, you know what? we have to have enough known keep the doors open. >> there's always been such a battle, thomas, in kansas between republicans, warring factions of the republican party. >> it's interesting to see and as we've been talking about this morning how red states can remain red and there's no
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definitive polling that's showing that these margins of error aren't in all play in a lot of these states, kansas being one of them. so congressman let me ask you because rand paul was out there on stump said the brand is in trouble overall the republican brand. just recently this week didn't use the word suck to describe it. do you think that's the perception of what's taking place in kansas and then also on a national level? do you agree with ran paul? >> i don't. i think it's more complicated. i saw the sound bite. i didn't get the whole context. i think it's more complicated. i came in 2010. i came in 2010 with cory gardner and 2012 tom cotton shows up. in two different states in arkansas and colorado these folks are now beating long time democrats for united states senate seat. this is something too six months ago i don't think anybody gave gardner a shot. he's running a good campaign. when we as republicans do that and honest and become
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trustworthy and communicate with the folks at the place they are the republican brand does just great. i think when we talk about ideology and we get off away from things that matter to our constituents i think that's when our party gets in trouble. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> still ahead, from a michael jackson impersonator to get hired by jon stewart for the "daily show," aasif mandvi is here with his story of an unlikely journey. keep it right here. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you outlive your money? uhhh. no, that can't happen. that's the thing, you don't know how long it has to last. everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive..
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only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at ♪ i wanted to ask you if you would be in my become trailer. >> what's it about? >> it's collection of humorous essays about my life growing up in the u.s., growing up in the uk, being an immigrant, being indian, being muslim. >> what? >> what? >> you're a muslim? >> yeah. well i was raised muslim. >> are you fasting. i had no idea. so sorry. >> no, thank you. that's very kind. >> i offered you a brews is ski. if you need pray, pray dude. >> what are you doing?
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>> everyone, stop production. aasif mandvi is a muslim. he needs pray. >> i don't need to pray. >> that was part of the book tr from funny or die for his new book, no land's man. >> did you retweet? >> you said no-man's-land and it's no land's man. it's a play on words. it's a switch. it's all right. you want to do a redo? >> what are we going to read in no land's man? tell us about it. >> it's a book of personal essays about -- inspired by my life as an immigrant kid. i grew up in the uk and in the u.s. down in florida. you know, it's about being indian, being -- >> -- trumped your english accent -- >> it did, i moved from the north of england to florida and then the two accents --
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>> melded. >> and i sounded like i was from brooklyn. thought, hey, how you doing. people like, are you from -- >> now that we have the title straight what does it mean? >> no land's man. it is about the fact that -- it's about dislocation identity, you know, stuff like that. it's about having lived in many different places on three different continents. >> how does it impact you? >> i think personally it impacts me in the sense that i -- you know, there's a global sort of consciousness that i feel like, you know, i have acquired over the years. professionally, you know, specifically on the daily show i think i've been very fortunate to be able to speak into the zeet geist from inside and outside the culture at the same time. >> you said jon stewart and the daily show turned you into a terrorist. >> yes, they do, they really did. >> explain that. >> i became a terrorist of
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economy. >> boom, there you go. >> i have a story called the jihadist of irony. you know, i got to the daily show and suddenly i was able to speak on behalf of a sector of society that was underrepresented which was american muslims, you know, who didn't have the benefit of being patriotic and critical of america at the same time just like other americans did. >> we actually talked -- i actually become good friends with him and he was talking about just basic reports that he would do and his parents were just absolutely horrified by the hate mail that not only he got but what they got too. that somehow he had no right, despite the fact that he was a georgia kid, you know, to comment on things that some americans didn't want to hear about. >> i've interviewed some crazy people over the years including a fair few islam phobes in my
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years on the daily show. i interviewed a woman back during the days of the ground zero mosque controversy. i interviewed a woman in tennessee who claimed 1 in 5 muslims were terrorists. >> which, by the way, i think there's a harvard study that backs that up, right? wrong. >> i think so. i did the math because she told me to and it comes to something like 300 million, 300,000, 300 million, something ridiculous like that. she was appallled by that number. i said, that means 30 million terrorists. she said right. i said, well, i can't understand what is taking us so long, i mean, should be way ahead of this now. >> it's like if barack obama is this evil dictator, shouldn't he be able to -- >> i know, he should have been able to do this. i feel like his muslim connections, he didn't really use them that much. >> there are a lot of muslims that obviously yearn to come to this country.
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one of my -- one of the most ironic stories out of the gulf war, second gulf war, was after abu ghraib, one of the people treated horribly in abu ghraib saying he was going to torture the united states or you can just let me move to the united states and everything's cool. i thought for all our flaws -- >> this deal, i guess you figure, you know, either i'm going to turn into a terrorist or i'm going to turn into a capitalist. you know, and he opted for that. >> thomas. >> when you look at what you've done to help break down stereotypes, how important is it to look at things with the perspective of humor? because you've been able to educate so many more people. the daily show gets so many people watching. certain reports go viral. so how do you think you've been able to help break down stereotypes through humor? >> i think satire is a really effective tool. it's been around for a long
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time. the daily show didn't invent it. often we get to say things in a way that the regular media -- in the way the regular media doesn't. doesn't have the courage to say. where you guys don't. because we're beholden to the laugh. and sometimes we're able to tell a story in a way, you know, point out the bs. >> and the absurdity because you're driven -- i love how you say driven by the laugh. so you're always pushing to see the absurdity. >> i think that's when the daily show is the best. >> they're telling us to go and i'm just not going to do it because you say that your father came to this country because of one word. >> yes, patriotic word. a word. that word was "brunch." >> the beauty of my america, my father would say, is they have
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so much food that between breakfast and lunch they have to stop and eat again. breakfast and lunch. put them together and you get brunch. genius, right? bloody americans, i love them. their english is atrocious but they have a word for everything. >> it's true, yes. >> it's beautiful. >> yes, he came to america and -- he came on a reconnaissance mission to see if he wanted to move here and somebody took him out to brunch and he was sold and he just thought $7.95, you get all this food. a legal meal. >> we love your father. which of course explains the pancakes on the cover of the -- >> i love the -- okay, in fact, i was so distracted by tweeting the book, which we got the tweet up. you need to retweet. the book is no land's man and you can read an excerpt from our website >> just come back and hang out, i'm serious. just come out for an hour or two. >> come do an hour, why not.
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welcome back to "morning joe." cokie roberts and rollin martin. open up leads in some of the key races that will decide which party controls the senate. in kentucky, senate minority leader mitch mcconnell has a five-point lead against grimes. in colorado, gardner now has a seven-point lead against democratic senator udall.
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among very likely voters in arkansas, republican congressman tom cotton has a commanding 13-point lead against democratic senator mark pryor. but senator kay hagan appears to be hanging on in north carolina. the democrat has a four-point lead over republican tom tillis. democrat michelle nunn and republican david perdue are tied at 47% in georgia. there will be a runoff in january if neither candidate receives more than 50%. >> cokie roberts, a lot to look at. i've been talking about no trends for quite some time. everything is bunched together. it does look like a few republicans should win, should win in red states. they're finally pulling away a little bit. >> all this week, i've been looking at the numbers and thinking we might have a sweep but i'm very curious to see what happens this weekend. a bunch of races i thought would open up like that kay hagan/tom tillis race, it's not. so we just have to sort of get through the weekend and see if
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anything starts to break. but all of the national polls are really breaking republican. particularly among independents. >> yeah, really are. rollin martin, the question is turnout. a lot of races that are still way too close to call. if the democrats have half of the turnout operation they had in 2012 or 2008, it actually is going to be very, very long night of vote counting. if it's -- if this off-year election is like the last off-year election and the electorate is older and whiter, it's going to be a big republican night, right? it's all about turnout. >> that's one of the reasons democrats have been pushing hard when it comes to early voting. they've been flooding the zone, if you will. cornell blecher, one of the top pollsters in the democratic party, made it perfectly clear early in the year if there was a 14 to 16-point gap between obama voters in '12 in terms of whether they would actually vote in 2014.
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many folks didn't even know about the election. the other problem is the democrats as a result of how they structured this did not have strong operations in some of these states. for instance, arkansas. you look at louisiana. i think one of the reasons senator kay hagan is doing well in north carolina was because the obama folks had a strong operation they left in place. so i think the democrats have got to go back and reexam what howard dean talked about, having a strong 50-state strategy. you can't just focus on the presidential election year. you have to build a national party to have the infrastructure to drive people in these midterm elections. >> of course kay hagan -- >> but the republicans are claiming they now have a ground game too. >> they've been saying that for eight years. >> i know that. this time, they say they really have a ground game. >> who could forget mitt romney's supercomputer? >> i understand, but they learned their lesson from mitt romney and from barack obama. now have identified a lot more
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voters they can get to. they feel like they're doing well in early voting in iowa. >> that is a very peculiar race. not just for '14 but '16. a lot of republicans really would love -- let's put it this way, they would like to win the senate. if they win the senate and lose again in 2016, then you're going to have a massive crisis. this is a real proving ground. for the reasons that cokie was talking about. have they learned their lessons from 2012? will their turnout operation be better? will their technology be better? if not, because, you know, there are a lot of groups that invested a lot of money in turnout operations. that's what republicans are going to be looking at in the rnc. >> as we've been talking about this week, we start to look at
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these polls, the republican margin is growing a little bit, it would be a big disappointment if they don't take the senate at this point. the president is very unpopular, they're in the right state, so they cycle around -- >> it's being fought in red states. >> if they don't win the senate at this point, it's being looked at as a big disappointment for republicans. >> the money game, you've been following this very closely for the new york times. where do we stand as we get into this campaign? who ends up raising the most money? >> it's not going to be a campaign that's won and lost on the money at this point. everyone pretty much has the money they need. i think the republican side is ahead basically in spending. but not by so much that it's a money game. what strike, me about these polls is, you know, if cotton is that far ahead and gardner in colorado, really, there's only one patch for democrats to get to 50 and it involves both georgia and kansas. if you imagine that the party's
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hopes for holding on to the senate would rest on those two states a year ago, then you would have been crazy. >> joe. >> yeah? >> remember when congressman jim clapper was on your guy's show, he's looking like an orrical when he made the point it's not about money, it's messaging. democrat, if they lose the senate, will reflect on how they ran away from the president and how they have horrible messaging over the last year. >> i agree. >> i think you're exactly right. democrats have made such a horrible mistake running against their president and running away from some of the things that they actually could have campaigned on. again, i'll say it again, if you're going to take vienna, take vienna. if you're a democrat and running, you've got to defend what you've done. especially if there's some things out there -- >> the state senator from the ohio state university, show we did this week, showed how easy it was for her to have a message, stand by the president but not completely agree with him. >> everybody talks about money. we all know at some point it's a
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law of diminishing returns. republicans could be shocked. you look at georgia. what's happened there? they've spent a lot of money. it's all about the guy who talked about he was outsourcing, bragging about outsourcing. you look at kansas. you got a guy who forgot to even buy an apartment in kansas. at the end of the day, it comes down to blocking and tackling. >> i mean, there is a national message which is, as john breaux says, obama bad. that's the two words that are a problem for democrats. but in those raises, you see both democrats who have run -- in the case of kansas, an independent, who have run good campaigns, and republicans who have run terrible ones. so yes, the candidates do make a difference. michelle nunn in georgia understood the real message to take was the message of 2012 which was a populist message.
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she ran against perdue the way obama ran against romney. it was easier because of his background, but it was so much smarter than these campaigns that have been about the war against women and all that stuff. it was just straight economic message for the people of georgia. >> that's right. >> all right. then there's this. new jersey republican governor chris christie. not backing down from criticism about this confrontation with a heckler at an event marking two years since super storm sandy. here's just a little portion to remind you of what happened. >> yep. good. and there's been 23 months since then when all you've been doing is flapping your mouth and not doing anything. so listen, you want to have a conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy, but until that time, sit down and shut up. >> i know sometimes you have moments where you're a little overheated and then you back off and you apologize because, you know, sometimes we -- >> there's a question of whether it's just those of us in the
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corridor who thinks this won't play. i will just tell you that if i and cokie, i'm sure your father probably would have said the same thing, if somebody -- i were helping somebody on their campaign and they exploded like that on the campaign trail, i'd pull them into my office and say, if you do that one more time, not only will i not support you, i will yank all of my money from you and -- i'm not talking about chris christie. maybe it works for chris christie. maybe his millionaires and billionaires like seeing him doing it. i would say in a second, you do that again, i'm yanking all support from you. >> except for i think people are sick to death of these hecklers. and, you know, they do go to rallies, some of them. i mean, if you're going to a rally, you're going to a rally and presumably there either to support somebody or to hear something. and so i think that, you know, the hecklers do get you irritated. having somebody just call it as they see it is likely very
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beneficial to that politician. >> well then to cokie's point, there you go. chris christie tells kacie hunt he has no regrets and no plans to change his style. take a look. >> you give it, you're getting it back. if you give respect, you get that back. if you don't give respect, then i'm going to take you out on it. that's just the way it goes. i don't calculate these things politically. i think most people understand that. someone stands up and is yelling and screaming, it's just not appropriate to do and i'm not going to sit there and -- >> would you encourage your kids to behave like that towards other people? >> i would not encourage my kids to go to an event like that and scream at a public official and treat a public official with disrespect and treat the audience with disrespect. i would hope my kids wouldn't do that. if they didn't do that, then there would be no need for anybody else to react the way i reacted yesterday. >> willie, so, you know, some of the same liberals. i just said what i said. politics 101. you don't scream at people and tell them to shut up.
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i will say, i have been surprised, just like i said a couple days ago, a lot of my liberal friends who supported quarantines. and of course we see the poll the next day that said 80% of americans support quarantines. a lot of my liberal friends were like, you're not going to like him. maybe that he's an anti-politician. >> i do like that. >> saying, no, you can't do that, that's not polite, don't do that. i don't know, maybe americans are so sick and tired of blow dried politicians. maybe they're cool with that. >> that's always been his appeal, right, that he wasn't like other -- >> yeah, but he's kind of amped that up. he's gone into warp speed. shoots into space. just trying to -- >> we sat here 24 hours ago and we were first reacting to this tape and you asked me what i thought and said, do you think for a second chris christie woke up and had any regrets about that? i think you just saw the answer. he didn't regret that. that's his style.
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there is a new poll out last week, a poll in new jersey that shows his approval rating at 41% which is down from where it's been historically. is it wearing thin? i don't know. >> maybe it will work in 2016. i have never seen that work in any presidential campaign. everything is so magnified. >> right, a presidential campaign is completely different. somebody aspiring to be the president of the united states has to behave in a different fashion. but, you know, joe we've talked about this before, chris christie is not going to be president so it's not a problem. the republican -- >> oh. >> the republican party is not going to nominate him. that's where we are. but, you know, this -- >> i think you're right. >> this kind of bullying business i think is probably working in maine for instance. that nurse in maine might elect him as governor.
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i understand she's saying it's the science and that's why i refuse to be quarantined. it doesn't make any sense. he's saying you get in that house girl and i think that's probably working for him. >> exactly right, the nurse is playing right into his hands. science be damned. you know -- >> that's how people feel. >> certainly 80%. >> undecided voters in new hampshire are weighing their options between shaheen and brown. the latest poll shows senator shaheen with an eight-point lead against the former republican senator from massachusetts. they clashed on the government's response to ebola, obamacare and immigration. all of the talk after the debate was about this exchange brown had with a panelist who was confused. >> what do you see going right in the economy in sullivan county and what's going wrong and please be specific. >> well, you're absolutely right, geography plays a roll along the southern border. we have more jobs. more opportunity.
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infrastructure and other opportunities up north are difficu difficult. one of the biggest opportunities is tourism, ski areas and trails for snowmobiles. i support those efforts. >> we're talking about sullivan county and i think you were talking about the north country so what do you see as doing well in sullivan county. >> talking about any place past concord and the challenges of our state so i'm referring to the challenges including the high corporate tax rate, obamacare coming in after the election. we also have the challenges of high electric costs. if you go to any business in any county in our state, those are the very real challenges. >> sullivan county is west of concord, not north of concord. what do you see going well and not going well there? >> with respect, i've answered the question. the challenge is the same in every county in our state. >> we saw in real time last night, scott brown was getting killed for apparently not knowing geography in new hampshire. >> when he did. >> but mika, it wasn't scott brown that had it wrong. >> after the debate, the panelist apologized to brown and
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said the candidate was right about sullivan county running both north and west of concord. campaign officials for both shaheen and brown said the candidates will visit sullivan county later today. >> wait, what? really? come on. if you're going to be a panelist, it looked like he was apparently trying to embarrass scott brown. >> no, he's a pro, he apologized afterward. he apologized on twitter, said it was his mistake. the problem is this kind of mistake lives on. people airport goiren't going t apology. plays into that narrative he's a carpetbagger. >> if i was the candidate, i'd be really, really angry. it's not just the candidates voters have to decide next week. from random drug testing for doctors from not one but two questions about wolf hunting. we'll take a look at some of the interesting ballot issues. >> -- by the way in fairfield county, we have a lot of wolf hunting. >> there's foxes. >> i'd like to be able to use my
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shotgun but they say only a bow. >> no, and no pistol. what michael jordan had to say about president obama's golf game. why would he do that? who does he think he is? >> michael jordan, man. michael jordan. >> he's got the killer competitive gene. anyone asks him anything, he goes right to that place. >> he is like the worst hall of fame -- >> awful, awful. >> in like the history of human kind. >> dominated you and i dominated you and you and you. that was his hall of fame speech. i love him. i got posters all over my house. not anymore. i used to. >> see. >> i don't know -- >> i've got a poster of this guy. >> there's just no transition. >> bill karins. have you seen it? you fold it out. >> i'm glad you put it up. >> the bikini weatherman of msnbc from '74 -- >> are you doing the richard simmons for halloween tonight, bill? >> no, still trying to decide
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maybe behind rihanna or maybe i could go with like lindsay lohan. we're trying to decide for this year. as you're going out trick or tweeting, go with a warm costume for much of the country. look at this map. 40 million people under freeze warnings for tonight. the end of the growing season all the way down to northern mississippi and portions of alabama. even dallas just to the north of you, down near the freezing mark. frigid air. this is some of the coldest stuff we've seen this winter easily, this early winter season. it is 6 right now, windchill in bismark, 6, that's it. chicago, windchill of 24. kansas city, 25. and that cold air arrives further to the south. we have snow showers in milwaukee. flurries in chicago. let me give you that forecast for your halloween. we are going to see one spot with heavy snow. that's the mountains of north carolina. that's late tonight. for all the other trick or treaters out there, you're fine, but very cold conditions in the middle of the country, especially after the sun sets and that wind is howling.
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mayor this morning. thomas menino passed away thursday after a battle with cancer. the democrat took over city hall in 1993 and would stay there for the next two decades. he is crediting with helping bring high-tech companies to boston and for overseeing the response to last year's marathon bombing. he was also in office when the 2004 red sox squad ended an 86-year dry spell to win the first of three recent world series. tom menino was 71 years old. mike barnicle had one of the last interviews with menino just two weeks ago. you can see it on our website, mojoe.msnbc. >> we just saw him up at fenway. such a good guy. >> totally. >> such a friend of the show. certainly our thoughts and prayers are with his wife and entire family. the city of boston loved him but the country got to see him during the boston marathon
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bombings. remember, he was there and he had broken his leg, was still out front leading the efforts. our condolences to their family. the oregon be. the terminally ill woman says she no longer intends to die this weekend. brittany maynard released this emotional video yesterday announcing her plans. >> when people criticize me for not -- not, like, waiting longer or, you know, whatever they've decided is best for me, it hurts because really i risk it every day that i wake up. and i do it because i still feel good enough and i still have enough joy and i still laugh and smile with my family and friends enough that it isn't it seem like the right time right now. but it will come because i feel myself getting sicker.
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it's happening each week. >> maynard was diagnosed with stage four malignant brain tumor. they moved to oregon, allowing doctor assisted suicide. she originally planned to die on november 1. as you heard at the end of the video, she will do it some time down the road because she feels herself getting sicker. >> the atlanta journal constitution, crash test dummies are getting ago new look. researchers try to find different ways to save life. in this case, they're getting a whole lot bigger. because we're getting a whole lot bigger. studies show obese individuals are 78% more likely to die in a car crash. that's why i take the subway. in an effort to cut down on that statistic, some companies are now making fat crash dummies that weigh in at 273 pounds with a bmi index of 35. which, by the way, coincidentally, willie, those
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are my two goals. by the end of the year, i want to get down to 273 and i want 35 to be my index. >> what you've told your personal trainer. >> i've told my personal trainer. by the way, a great chef. >> a lot of pasta? >> he's a great baker. >> really disturbing they have to make dummies bigger. >> i got a baker. you're on to me. >> did you see this michael jordan clip? from the washington times. he's such a jerk. can we say that about a guy we all grew up worshipping? >> michael jordan had some choice words about president obama's performance not in office but on the golf course. the response was prompted by a question from his buddy ahmad rashad. ahmad asked michael who he would pick in an ideal foursome. >> obama, no, that's okay, i take him out. he's a hack. would be all day playing with him. >> you really want to say that?
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>> i never said he wasn't a great politician. i'm just saying he's a [ bleep ] golfer. >> so funny. he's like, you really want to say that? >> dan, if you can find some clips of his hall of fame acceptance speech. he's just -- we just can't say on the air. >> do the dominant part. >> the thing that made him a great basketball player makes him a little different. >> rollin martin, we all grew up -- i don't know about you, but we had michael jordan posters all over the place. the best there ever was. he's just kind of -- he's just kind of rough around the edges. >> no, no -- >> because he is -- >> no? >> he is just as competitive off the course as he was on. >> look, he did it to me. i grew up with akeem mallodge won in houston. he said, what's your handicap? i said then it was a ten.
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he said, when you get it down to six, you can play with us. i'm going, i don't want to play with you. i told him that. that's who he is. he's a golf snob. so that's what makes michael jordan michael jordan. guess what, mike, my handicap's down to a seven, i'll be happy to take your money. >> boy. >> i don't think you want to talk trash with michael jordan. >> oh, yes, i do. >> you talk trash, you back it up. >> up next, it's not just the candidates on the ballot. there are a number of statewide initiatives up for a vote from the important to the absolutely ridiculous. we're going to bring you those in just a few minutes. >> plus, there's more from the exclusive interview with governor chris christie.
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♪ policeman do it ♪ football players do it ♪ even people fighting few ini it ♪ ♪ we all do it ♪ but i don't do it ♪ i don't have to pee in a cup ♪ >> but you operated on my kid last week. >> i don't remember that. >> that was a pro-proposition 46 ad running in california calling on doctors to submit to random alcohol and drug tests. just one question up for a vote in this year's election. we're joined by domestic correspondent from "the new york times" josh farrow. josh, the minimum wage is one of the big questions. >> yeah there are a few big questions that keep popping up nationally. voting on increases in the
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minimum wage, going anywhere from $8 to $9 an hour. it's more popular than polls would indicate. two states vote on legalizing recreational marijuana. >> what are those states? we have viewers who want to know. >> it's oregon and alaska. if you're in washington state already, you have legal marijuana, maybe you can get across the border. >> california is such a wreck of a state because they have referendumed themselves to death. why is california sort of the case study how this can be run, how this can be taken overboard? >> california we think of as a blue state. california, they really like to vote for spending. they like to vote for restrictions on tax cuts. they've created the situation where they've ordered the government to pay for all sorts of things and restricted the ability to do them. that's really, that question is
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not mostly about making doctors pee in a cup, it's mostly about medical malpractice. they're currently capped. a lot of trial lawyer groups would like ton raise that. they figured it out it focused group well to subject doctors to drug tests. they're focusing the campaign around the drug test issue. >> seem to be very popular on the ballot. drugs and alcohol. gambling. eight states looking at different gambling. this is looking to expend whand this means for different states. >> my expectation is most of these gambling questions will pass. that's what's happened generally over the past decade. this has been states looking for new revenue they can get in other ways than raising taxes. the problem is as everybody legalizes gambling, we're finding the market is saturated. you open a casino in your state, it doesn't lead to more total
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gambling, it's just drawing away from other states. they say, we better open more casinos, and that argument has been getting out there that really this isn't the revenue stream we thought it was. but people have grown independent on it so they felt compelled to expand to cling what they can out of that gambling revenue base. >> so more of a vicious cycle than anything else? >> i think so. it's a very regressive way of financing the government. it comes disproportionately from people with lower incomes. people say great, it's a way to pay for government without ra e raises but it's really a way to have poor people pay for government. >> the question on any initiative, the banning of dogs hunting -- >> that's something people will vote on in maine. bear hunting with dogs and also the baiting of bears. in michigan, there will be two ballot questions about banning wolf hunting. neither of them will matter. for some religiason, very deterd
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to avoid a public vote on this issue. they've passed a total of three laws authorizing a wolf hunt, each one to replace a through that could get repealed on referendum. >> speaking of initiatives, the marijuana issue was an important one in colorado last time around with some saying it even helped democrats win in that state in 2012. it's not on their ballot this year but there are other big issues that play. kacie hunt is in colorado with the latest. >> are you ready to do democracy? are you ready to get those ballots out? are you ready for a new united states senator on november 4th? >> reporter: can republicans win in blue states? next week, they'll get a trial run in colorado. it's been a decade since a republican won state-wide office here. congressman cory gardner is leading democratic senator mark udall and the republican is in a race closer than expected. >> let's make colorado a red state again. >> reporter: it's all a far cry
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from 2010. that was a great year for republicans but not in colorado. >> why should you vote for me? because i do not wear high heels. >> reporter: ken buck, dan maze and tom tancredo were all conservative favorites and general election leaders. this time, the gop picked candidates who will strike a different tone. >> we will make sure we restore a government we cab be proud of, a government that once again can accomplish big ideas with bold beliefs and courageous plans. >> reporter: that hasn't stopped democrats from trying to make them seem as scary as possible. >> his opponent is an attractive guy, says, i'm not for that anymore, everything's all right. and i'm okay on letting women buy contraceptives. hello, that's been legal for several decades. >> heard on the radio, i swear to you, you're going to start out buying condoms this afternoon. >> reporter: here and across the country will take more than just a change in tone. republicans have to prove their
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ground game is forever. that they can appeal to hispanic voters and that they can see it through to the end. >> the colorado party and our candidates have made a big effort. i think they're going to see significant improvements over the last two election cycles. i feel pretty good about it. >> so many ways in which colorado's a bellwether and gives us an opportunity to be an example to the rest of the nation. >> does it feel as if republicans have the momentum going into next week. >> hey, mika, well, i will say, you know, republicans have the advantage in returns on early ballots. some of the numbers suggest they do. i would say the feeling on the ground is probably the opposite. we've been to a number of events. we saw jeb bush and chris christie. those events drew reasonably small crowds. people were excited. but i wouldn't put the passion
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at a very high level. whereas the democrats seemed very engaged. even small bus tour events were a little bigger. when i'm pressing republicans here to try to explain how it is that they're going to do all the things that they need to do that they're going to implement their ground game, turn out hispanic voters, their answers sound a lot like what i was hearing from the romney campaign. and we saw how that turned out. >> no doubt about it. what about early voting. i have republicans that have e-mailed me and say the early voting favors republicans. any truth to that in colorado? >> sure. those returns you can already see that republicans have the edge. the concern privately among republicans is they're going to rack up most of the vote in early voting and democrats will have the edge on election day so i think what you want to look at is where the margin sits once we get to monday, what those returns are.
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if the republicans edge is under anywhere from 4 to 6 points, that could spell trouble for them on election day. >> kacie hunt, thank you. josh barrel, thank you as well. >> hey, josh, appreciate it. come back. >> still ahead, while president lyndon johnson's landslide victory against barry goldwater marked the beginning the reagan revolution. but first, the big move that walmart could be making to cash in this holiday season. we'll be right back with business before the bell.
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enjoy east lake high school's halftime entertainment. ♪ oh, my goodness. willie, you ready? >> i'm ready. ♪ everybody dance now ♪ ♪ everybody dance now >> he is so doing that tomorrow morning. he's so doing that tomorrow morning. >> more courage. >> oh, yeah, shake the booty. >> willie geist. >> that's pretty impressive.
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very good will ferrell. >> we're back. okay, very good. so mika's now dressed. she's got her -- what are those, cat ears? >> they're kitty ears. i am hello kitty. sara eisen, what to you got? >> i didn't have tyime to get a costume. i have this great bubbmblebee o from two years ago. >> it's a classic. bellucci classic. >> i found it on the floor at ricky's, the halloween store two years ago. turned out to be a big hit. recycling costumes. it's very cute. let me tell you what's going on on the floor. we are shaping up for a surge in stock, s at the open. really early going ahead of the bell. looking at more than 150-point rally on the dow jones
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industrial average. october was a wild month, but it is shaping up to be a positive one. the latest catalyst from japan, where they're injecting more stimulus to fight their economy and it's helping us over here. >> all right, cnbc's sara eisen, happy halloween, thank you very much. >> fantastic. >> up next, the two polar opposites who forever changed the world of politics. stay with us. we'll be right back. alright guys. the usual. double wings, extra ranch. we need to do something different. callahan's? ehh, i mean get away, like, away away. road trip? double wings, extra ranch. feels good to mix it up. the all-new, fuel-efficient volkswagen golf tdi clean diesel. up to 594 miles of adventure in every tank.
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here with us now, journalist jonathan darman. he's out with a new book "landslide." >> you actually chronicle starting in '64. '64 and '66, because in '64, you have the liberal revolution, which is supposedly going to stay with us for a generation. and two years later, the conservative revolution is launched in california. >> exactly right. you have these two men who are the iconic conservative president of the late 20th century, ronald reagan, and lyndon johnson. brushing right up against one another. we think of them as belonging to two totally different moments in time, but what we forget is they're actually contemporaries. they're born less than three
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years apart. what i wanted to do here was tell a story about 1,000 days in the mid-'60s where their lives overlap and you see them changing politics through the visions that they put forward to the country. >> so the book opens. it's a great opening. where lbj wakes up, he has a huge landslide, he says, it's the first time he's ever felt loveled by the american people. he calls pat brown the governor of california and starts giving him hell for not thinking he was going to win enough. pat brown tries to tell him that for some bizarre reason, he lost orange county and he was trying to figure it out. johnson didn't want to hear anything about that. but you brilliantly talk about how even in the greatest victory were the seeds of their own destruction in orange county. >> it was beyond even the political perception of lyndon johnson to see it.
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but there is this moment where johnson is basking in his victory and he speaks to brown and brown says, yeah, i don't really know what's going on in orange county. i've got, you know, the orange county newspaper. johnson just wants to go back to talking about how great his victory is. >> just tell me how many counties i won. obviously, orange county was the launch of the reagan revolution. where suddenly these people were showing up in shopping malls two years later going crazy for this b-list actor named ronald reagan. >> yeah, from nixon through reagan, california was a reliably republican state at the presidential level. certainly took the country in a different direction. president reagan still heralded by republicans as kind of their president in the modern era. how would he do today? >> i think what we see in the story i tell here is a really deep pragmatism on reagan's
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part, particularly his own self-interest, understanding where the middle of the country is, understanding the mood of the country changes, and he needs to be very perceptive to that. what would be different from what we see a lot in today's politicians is that sort of sensitivity to maintaining the connection with the american people. and not really sort of sticking necessarily to just whatever the talking points and principles are. >> can i answer that question? reagan would win and reagan would be presenting maagmatic. just like when regular be was winning in '66 and '70 and '84. he won because he was pragmatic and conservative with a small "c." he was not an ideologue. >> you go through in great detail here how actually there are a lot of similarities at certain points in lbj's presidency to the obama we see today. it's actually -- it's quite striking if you look at what's basically the comparable moment
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in the lbj presidency which is the fall of 1966, the democrats have held the white house for six years. and lbj at that period in time is struggling to communicate what his policy in vietnam is to the country. you have a sizable minority in the country that is saying he's not fighting hard enough. that he needs to take the, you know, pull out all the stops. another minority says he shouldn't be fighting at all. what no one believes is the strategy lbj is articulating is not going to work. he's presiding in a country where there's sort of a loss of faith and institutions, similar to what we see today. the energy's all gone out of his presidency. he's listless and removed. so even though we think of him as the great extra verdict who loves the process, in that particular moment, he's not. >> we could talk for a long time about this. the book is landslide.
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lbj and ronald reagan at the dawn of the new america. thank you so much. congratulations on the book. we'll be right back with much more "morning joe." i was just looking at your credit report site. do you guys have identity theft protection? [ male voice ] i'm sorry, did you say identity distribution? no. protection. identity theft protection. you have selected identity distribution. your identity will now be shared with everyone.
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what did you learn, mika? >> willie's got some moves. classic will ferrell dance moves. >> about the same height too. >> what did you learn? >> don't dress up like lala and steal chinese food from your college friends and put it in your purse. just don't do it. >> what have you learned? >> i learned geography is hard in new hampshire, even if you are from new hampshire. >> from new hampshire, exactly. of course we've learned of course about the passing of the mayor, great guy, a great mayor. certainly will be missed. and our thoughts and prayers are with him, his family and all of his loved ones and the people of boston. if it's way too early it is "morning joe." but stick around, "the daily rundown" is straight ahead. >> happy halloween. >> boo. good morning. developing this hour, an arraignment for the man who eluded authorities in the pennsylvania woods for weeks after he was accused of killing two state troopers.
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the ebola quarantine quarrel in maine rides on with state officials showing no signs of backing off. and what have the president's point men been doing so far? and christie has something new to say about telling a heckler to sit down and shut up. and the latest from colorado and his very busy finish for 2014. good morning and happy halloween from washington. i'm luke russert. it's friday, october 31st, 2014. this is the "daily rundown." after a 48-day man hunt, police in pennsylvania have captured accused cop killer eric frein. frein is expected to make his first court appearance any minute. you see him in the orange jump suit. last night, a team of u.s. marshals found the 31-year-old survivalist outside the hangar of an abandoned airfield during a routine search of buildings. police have been searching for frein since september when he was accused of
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