tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 3, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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running ad sgi less pi will li lose the election, but perhaps there is a place for him on dan snyder's payroll. that's all for now. ed show is up next. good evening, americans. welcome to the ed show live from tampa, florida. let's get to work. >> governor rick scott and charlie crist going head to head. >> there is excitement for charlie crist. >> and the best organized ground game i've ever seen. >> charlie crist is about the future. >> i was told he wasn't going to show up. >> and rick scott is just a terrible past. >> a guy who ran a company who had to pay the largest fine for fraud. >> how would i know what -- >> charlie crist has the ability to right the ship. >> we're all in this together.
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>> what wins the election is vote are turn skrout. >> stand up and take back this state. >> both biden and crist were making sure votes got to the polls. >> we want people's governor. >> a new governor that has a heart and cares about you. >> how would i know what, i mean -- >> good to have you with us. it's almost here. tomorrow marks election day and key races around the country cooperate koochbt couldn't be any closer. the latest ppp poll has charlie crist tied with rick scott at 44%. a new quinnipiac poll released sunday has crist up by one point. many floridians have already voted. the tampa bay times reports over 3 million people have already cast their vote here in the state of florida. republicans have roughly a four
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point lead in early absentee voting. five counties have not yet reported, and democrats are seeing big voter turnout in democratic strong hold areas especially that of broward county. in roughly in half an hour, former president bill clinton will campaign with charlie crist at the university of central florida. it's charlie crist's last campaign event life election day. and the stakes are very high. i've spent the last several days here in the sunshine state talking to voters and politicos. no matter where you go, you hear the word done skroturnout. here in florida, for the did that, a hot spot is broward
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county. and what the crist camp is so encouraged about,didthat, a hot county. and what the crist camp is so encouraged about, there are 20 early polling places. and in recent weeks, there has been an uptick in the newspapup numbers every day. >> every day all of our sites get better than the previous day. this is there grass roots activity, from positive tv commercials, this is an end result of people being so it is gusted with rick scott and his negative commercials so bad that he threw in an extra almost $13 million, his ope money own mone. >> democrats are counting on the crossover votes. cha charlie crist is no stranger to republicans about. >> you've traditionally been a republican? >> i have. i am actually a registered republican. i have some strong feelings about health care and health care reform. and was quite disappointed in the last election and the
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outcome from that that had florida not accept things like medicaid expansion. and i don't think that's been good for our state and our residents in florida. >> here in florida, the theme for the democrats is scot-free. but the millions of dollars it's taken is almost staggering. so the democrats are counting on old retail politics and just being brilliant on the bases. >> governor scott has been a weak governor, and the governor should be the governor for everybody. >> i think people are coming into make florida better, you know, and the best choice right now is charlie crist. >> people are not motivated by the issues, they're motivated by being for charlie crist and against rick scott. >> i have some personal concerns
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about his business back fwroupd and some of the things he took place when he was running his former health care company. >> governor scott according to the commercials has taken the fifth 75 times in a fraud case. and to me, i don't want my governor to be fraudulent. >> form he president bill clinton has been making the rounds. he'll be in orlando, florida tonight to shore up what the democrats aren't too sure about. it's the issues. the issues are ringing with voter. >> we appreciate it so much, we have commercials from president obama as well running. so we are very proud that everybody is coming together to make sure that we'll get out and vote. in florida, we can't wait 537. 537 votes is what decided bush versus gore and changed the history of the world. >> 565 votes. and if there are more to be still counted or opened, do we really want to rush to concession. >> and so in florida i say to all the floridians take it
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seriously, every vote does count. >> what has been the hardest thing about this campaign? >> the money. special interests. and rick scott himself. he just wrote a check for $20 million and we know where he got the his money from, the biggest fraud to medicare in the history of the united states of america. so he bought the election last time. and he's trying to do it again. and i think our voters are trying to send a message that florida is not if safor sale. >> governor christy's comment was that he's tired of hearing about the minimum wage. and there isiy's comment was that he's tired of hearing about the minimum wage. and there isey's comment was that he's tired of hearing about the minimum wage. and there is's comment was that he's tired of hearing about the minimum wage. and there is rick scott standing right next to him. does that help your campaign? >> i hope so. i think it's amazing that they don't realize that the last time florida raised the minimum wage, and we're seeing it all across the country, when you raise the minimum wage, employment actually goes up. >> i'd like to see minimum wages
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increased. i'm concerned about our college kids graduating from their universities having tremendous, tremendous debts. they graduate, i don't know how they can start their career when they have hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. >> annette says down the stretch, they think that scott is vulnerable democrats have been consistent and strong. >> he's also campaigning with ted cruz. he didn't believe in immigration. so telling me who you're with and i'll tell you who you are. that's a big saying that we have in spanish. that's what rick scott is. >> for more let me bring in adam smith, tampa bay times. mitt caesar also with us. great to have you both with us. mitch, you first. let's talk early voting. what are the numbers.
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does it give you any encouragement. >> well, we've always talked about trends. and the trends in south florida as well as the trends in broward county are very significant because we are the largest democratic county and south florida is a democratic region. we have noticed day after day increased numbers, sunday, just yesterday, we topped our previous best day in early voting by 60%. in this county alone, over 20,000 people voted in early voting just yesterday. so we believe and that is a south florida regional issue, as well, all three county, broward, dade, palm beach all doing seemingly well which i believe will spell the end of rick scott. i don't think he'll be able to make it up. and we actually believe the margin going to election day will probably be around 3%. four years ago, their margin going to election day which he narrowly won was 12%.
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>> adam, what about the early numbers. on the ground down here, my reporting tells me that it is broward, it is dade, it's palm beach county. if the democrats turn out heavy in those county, it will be hard for scott to get reelected. what is your political call on that? >> this is florida, so we are the state of razor thin races obviously. early voting numbers by mail and in person look good. they look -- four years ago, rick scott won by one percentage point. he went into election day with about a 275,000 republican advantage. will time that advantage is more like 99,000. so it looks pretty good. but this is still a down to the wire race. >> so mitch, better than 2010 but not quite 2012 some ? do i have that right? >> you have it exactly right. and even your viewers knowsome? do i have that right? >> you have it exactly right. and even your viewers knowome? do i have that right? >> you have it exactly right. and even your viewers knowme?
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do i have that right? >> you have it exactly right. and even your viewers knowe? do i have that right? >> you have it exactly right. and even your viewers know? do i have that right? >> you have it exactly right. and even your viewers know you can't compare an off year cycle with a presidential cycle. so we compare with four years ago 2010 and at least in south florida, we're running about 50% at this point ahead of where we were in 2010. this has been an unprecedented effort. certainly better than any coordination i've ever seen short of a presidential cycle. >> what is rick scott wearing the navy cap for? everywhere we see him, he has navy cap on. what is that all about? >> well, you know, we know he's -- i'm sorry, go ahead. >> fgo ahead, mitch. >> well, we know he's follically challenged. that's why he wears a hat. so i guess everyone knew he was ethically challenged because of that medicare fraud. now he's trying to hide the fact he's follically challenged. i don't believe he ever served in the armed forces. maybe he's claiming it's a gift from somebody.
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>> why does scott have a four point lead in early voting in is this normally the way it looks for the republicans? >> yeah. usually going into a midterm election, i'd be talking to mitch caesar and he'd be trying to smile, but he would exude a sense of impending doom. and we don't really have that this time for the democrats. the republicans always turn out more not just in florida, but especially in florida in midterm elections and they still are doing it, but their advantage is a lot less. >> adam, in your reporting across the state, the lady that i interviewed in the story just a moment ago is a registered republican who remembers charlie crist as a moderate. this is a rather unique equation unfolding here in florida. how do you see that playing out and is that a factor in this race? >> i think it is a factor in the sense that, yes, the big democratic counties like
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broward, palm beach and miami-dade are crucial, but tampa across the state to daytona, those are your swing voters. four years ago, exit polls showed rick scott actually when he barely won, he had a lead with the independent voters. so that former republican profile of charlie crist i think might be reassure to shusuring those swing voters. >> and the third candidate, libertarian candidate in this governor's race, how much does that play into this? >> well, it's interesting. because at the beginning, the polls all said they took away from rick scott. now the polls are saying they take away from charlie crist and in fact there is a poll that just came out that said if this third party candidate wasn't in the race, 75% of those people would vote for charlie crist. so we think we'll win. it will be very close. but obviously wiley has made it
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much closer. wi think at the end of the day it really won't make a day because charlie crist's main attraction has always been the independent swing voter this florida. >> adam, in your reporting, what are you hearing people saying the issues are? medicare, medicare expansion, what is moving voters? >> people are saying enough. let's get this over with. they have been inundated with more than $100 million pof mosty negative ads. so it's opportunity. florida that has been a low cost low wage state, now increasingly it's a pretty high cost low wage state. so there is a lot of anxiety, pocketbook issues. but in terms of the campaigns, it's mostly just negative adds. rick scott saying charlie crist was a lousy governor and charlie crist saying the same about rick
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scott. >> and there is a new york element that has been injected in to florida's politics. unfolding the last couple days is i think a real personal attack on charlie crist from former new york mayor rudy giuliani. what is your read on it? >> i think it's a desperate attempt by rudy giuliani to make himself still feel needed. i think it will be have no political effect because they forget as rudy giuliani did when he lost that post most of the v down here are hardcore democrats and they will vote democratic. and that's chadollarl charlie c. frankly, rudy giuliani hasn't stuck for a long time. >> great to have you both with us. appreciate your time. this will be close race. my assignment is the charlie crist headquarters and that will be tomorrow night in st. petersburg. our coverage here on msnbc will be outstanding.
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guarantee that you. coming up, republican organizations pump millions of dollars into the walker campaign. rapid response panel weighs in on that. plus road blocks. yes, road blocks for north carolina voters. voting booth system glitches favor the republican candidate. we have the story. wethey were a littlehorizons to mbit, what they do actually is rocket science. but at ge capital we also bring expertise from across ge, like lean process engineers
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i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. welcome back. just a day before the election in the senate race in north carolina, also neck and neck. the latest you gov poll shows senator hagan with a three point lead over thom tillis. tillis led the charge in north care carry against same day voter registration in early voting. it seems those voter suppression
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tactics have backfired. nearly 1.1 million votes were cast during the ten day early voting period that ended on saturday. that's 200,000 more votes than during the 2010 midterms. very encouraging for the democrats. but some early voter faced another road block as they tried to cast their ballots. voters have reported voting machine irregularities. they received 14 calls from voters having problems. one voter in greensboro, north carolina says his vote for hagan registered as a vote for tillis. this happened three types on his voting machine before it registered correctly. the same issue was reported at another greensboro polling place earlier in the week. both voters were allowed to cast their votes on different machines without
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urges voters to check the paper roll to make sure their vote is cast correctly. but it sounds troubling. joining me tonight a dr. barber, president of the north carolina na achlt krcha n naacp. how does the story about voting machines strike you and what is your response? >> it's deeply troubling. not only do we see this tactic in policy, now we have the trouble with the machines. but we're on it, we is an army of voter suppression monday are tors out in the field. you see the signs we're holding. we're asking people to call 1-88-our vote if they have any problems. we understand that those things were corrected here this greensboro. but we have to be vigilant on every error because what has happened is we're at 127% higher in tim terms ofof turnout in 20d 24% is african-american.
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we have to be ready for every trick because we have seen what people will try to do to suppress the vote. >> well, what does this mean for tomorrow, reverend? is this a great sign for senator kay hagan and other democrats on the ballot? what does this mean? >> well, i think it's great sign for progressivism. i won't make a part sisan statement, but because we have movement on the ground, people focusing on the general assembly, it is having a trouble reception in the community. people are voting because they recognize voting rights is really on the ballot. medicaid is on the ballot. health care is on the ballot. public he had xags is on the ballot. women's rights. and they're not just h. just voting for a personal or political candidate, they're voting for a different direction. and what we're seeing is why you have to have an independent movement.and what we're seeing u have to have an independent movement.
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you need energy in the election particularly in an off year. >> reverend, what kinds of things are you doing to make sure that the integrity of the vote is what it is? this just was brought to us today that the justice department says that it's going to be monitoring the vote it robeson county where 38% is native american, 24% african-american and about 30% of white voters. very diverse in that county. and there are a number of counties around the country that the justice department will do this. but what about the rest of north carolina in. >> we have all of our branches and our 160 coalition partners on full vote are suppression alert. we have voter monitors at almost all of the resiprecincts. we is have a host of lawyers we
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are watching everything in this lau election because we've already seen what people will try to do in the lens lay chur. best way to overcome this is to vote. all that didn't vote in 2010, vote. we're calling on people to turn out massively, make sure that this is not an off year election and we're already seeing good signs of that. >> do you think voters understand that if the republicans get the senate, that there will not be a raise in the minimum wage in this country? >> i think that's why a lot of them are voting. they already know for instance with thom tillis, i don't have to talk endorsement, i can talk what he's already done. he said minimum wage was a dangerous idea. so he's already signals. he said 2that he will repeal
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obamaca obamacare. so he's saying people with a pre-existing condition should not be covered. they have resisted any conversation about living wages and labor rights. that's why i started in the mountains up in mitchell county, 99% white, 89% republican, and we had organizers up there. and today this greensboro is the 42nd march and we've done 17 straight in the last two weeks. and everywhere i've gone, the crowd looks like what you've seen on your camera. diverse, broad, concerned with these bread and butter issues and how they will affect every day people's lives. >> all right. reverend william barber, i appreciate your time tonight. you have done magnificent work for the residents there in the state of north carolina. thanks so much. >> take care. >> preeappreciate it. thanks to joining us. coming up, scott walker is 36 hours away from becoming aets player or pretender. rapid response panel weigh this is.
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plus the mayor of mistrust teams with florida republicans to slam charlie crist. stay with us. but i've managed.e crohn's disease is tough, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. and when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission.
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welcome back. the final countdown midterm election eve. candidates are doing their last minute stumping and making appearances all over the country today. the latest nbc news/"wall street journal" poll shows a deadlock heading in to election day for control of the congress. 46% of likely voters prefer republican controlled congress. 45% say they want the democrats in charge in the senate. in many of the key battleground states, the republican edge is slightly bigger. for more on this, let me bring in chuck todd, moderator of "meet the press" and nbc news political director who does need a new set of tires on that bus he put so many road miles last week. chuck, good to have you with us tonight. break down these senate races.
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at this hour, where are things? >> everything in yellow here, let's me show you you here, this is all the senate races that are up. everything in red are races we believe are leaning republican or likely to stay republican, including three democratic held seats. montana, south dakota, west virginia. everything in yellow is up for grabs. and what is amazing here, eight of these ten i'd argue are four points or less as far as the margin is concerned. but i'll circle two quickly early on that will tell us something about tomorrow night. that is north carolina, new hampshire. democrats seem to being hanging on by a thread. if there is a republican wave of any sort, and our poll doesn't really indicate that, but if there is, then one of those two fall to the republicans early, and then it's not going to be a long night. the question isn't if the senate goes republican, it's how big is their majority. but if democrats hold serve, we
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have an interesting night ahead of us. let me take you to another toy i have here. a sliding states here. so as i was saying, if democrats end upholding north carolina and holding new hampshire with shaheen and hagan, then the path is tricky for the republicans to get to six. arkansas, they feel pretty good about. they're leading there. kentucky, certainly looks like mcconnell will hold on there. so now they have to find four more here. they're confident in colorado. i'm a little skeptical, but we'll see. let's give to them for now, though. and then go ahead and give them iowa. "des moines register" poll, some people question the size of that lead. but that only gets them to 49. the question is where. it won't come from kansas. i'd bet on orman winning that thing. we don't know who he caucuses with. then we have the two runoff states of georgia and louisiana. and that puts alaska in here and it will take us a long time to figure it out. but let's say democrats hold alaska. now look what you got here.
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republicans will need two of these three, somehow convince orman. maybe they don't. they spent a lot of money trying to defeat orman. so then we're looking at the two runoffs. and they would have to win them both. louisiana is in december, georgia would be this january. so i think we'll learn a lot early with new hampshire, north carry care. democrats hold serve on both, then suddenly it's a long and intriguing night that could turn into days that do turn s thas months. >> all right. appreciate your time for breaking it down for us. chuck todd, nbc news political director with us here on the ed show tonight. a lot more coming up. stay with us. this is your cnbc market wrap. stocks little change after friday's big rally. dow falls 24, s&p down just fractionally. and the nasdaq adds more than 8. oil slid below a key support level as west texas intermediate
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crude fell below $80 a barrel today. shares of oil drillers lower. gm mostly flat. but it was the best october for gm since 2007. ford sales fell 1.7%. that's it from cnbc first in business worldwide. ♪ music ...the getaway vehicle! for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment
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ahead by just one pointic chall burke. in 2010, republican governor association spent $5.2 million on walker's campaign. for the 2012 recall, they spent $9 million. and this time around, they dropped $8 million into walker's campaign. tomorrow we'll see if republicans long term invest chlt pays off. if walker wins, the sgchltgop w have a radical battle tested anti-worker hero ready for a presidential race. it would be the third opportunity that the progressives have tried to knock off walker and were not able to do it. that might say a lot on the national scene. if walker loses, it sends a message to the republican governors nationwide don't mess with the workers. joining me tonight on our rapid response panel, congresswoman
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gwenn moore of wisconsin and chief of progressive magazine. great to have both with us. congresswoman, let's talk about milwaukee. the turnout. the president has been there, the first lady has been there. there has been a lot push in the area of milwaukee for turnout. whether it be there? are you encouraged by early voting and what kind of an impact will it have on this race? >> well, ed, we certainly have seen an increase in early voting above the 2010 levels. and even above the recall levels here in wisconsin and here this milwaukee. so we find that very encouraging. we certainly have appreciated all of our visitors especially the president who has been here stumping for mary burke. but you didn't mention the enthusiasm gap. we're concerned about the enthusiasm gap because republicans are just so enthusiastic that they are
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poised to intimidate voters. we just got word that the department of justice has really answered our request to have election monitors because election observers here are requesti going to benefit from a law scott walker put into place where they only have to be three he feet away from a voter. and we've seen already calls for election observers to being v g vigilant, where these election observers have tried to get into the personal space of voters. so republicans are the not only enthusiastic about electing this right wing governor, but intimidating and suppression the vote for our voters. >> enthusiasm to me means who
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shows up. will there be enough of a turnout for mary burke to win this? and if walker does win, this would be the third time in four years that the progressives were unable to defeat walker. put that in perspective. >> i would say it's the second time the progressives were unable to defeat him if he wins because the first time i think it flew under radar. people were focused on russ feingold. the early race for governor did not feature this union busting and our governor who has become a national star didn't look that way. so when he ran as milwaukee county executive, a lot of people were caught flat flooted. as far as the enthusiasm, that's the right question. if people come out and vote, the majority of people who are eligible to vote in wisconsin, then walker loses. if people stay home, he wins. the election board is predicting
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56% turnturnout. which is huge. so i hope congresswoman are moore is right. and i think that there has been a strategy by the republicans in wisconsin as across the nation to intimidate people. voter i.d. law this was overturned by the united states supreme court this wisconsin for this election spread the word it will be difficult for them to vote. they didn't need i.d.. so people need to be determined to come out. but if people are enthusiastic enough to drag somebody else to the polls, walker may lose and that means his presidential career will be derailed which is really significant. most significant race in the country because he is the man for the republicans this year. they're really looking at him as a potential presidential candidate. so significant for everybody. >> it would make him battle tested, election tested, up lnl any other republican in the country. but it seems to me, congresswoman, that scott walker is a lot like washington. he's not like the middle of the
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country. your thoughts. >> well, i've known this guy for a really long time. having been the only person that successfully defeated him. but i'll say this. to ruth's point, you know, when he won the recall election, it was because he repudiated workers. but since then, he has thrown everybody under the bus. women, he's taken $800 million out of the education fund, k through 12, technical college and universities. no other governor democrat or republican has done that anywhere. he has approved strip mines, has no concern for air and water quality. didn't take the medicaid expansion money. something that cost voters $200 million and a lot of small towns
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and villages are giving second thought to a republican scott walker because there is concern he'll dip into our pension fund and treat regular citizens like he does those public workers. >> ruth, what are progressives saying about possibly being challenged at the polls? just ignore 2450these people th come up to voters. they're not obligated to answer any questions whatsoever. is there a campaign out there to tell people just to stay focused and look straight ahead and pay no attention to these rebel rousers? your thoughts. >> yeah, i mean, people have had to switch directions a couple of times because we didn't have voter i.d., then the voter i.d. law got through the court, then pfs t it was put on hold. so there were conflicting
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messages. so now there a real effort to tell people you don't need i.d., just get out and vote. and i think congresswoman moore is right. it's not just the folks that you had expect to vote against walker having second thoughts. those education cuts and the privatization of education, the fact that we have a do you hav r coucher program that serves 75% of people that already sent their kids to private schools. that's huge for people. so a lot of independent voters are thinking burke would be better for wisconsin, we didn't need this deviivisivenesdivisiv. >> all right. great to have both of you with us tonight. i wish we had more time. lots going on before this election day coming up tomorrow. appreciate your time. coming up, the south dakota senate seat could be in the hands of the state's native american population. we'll break it down. members of the rosebud sioux
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and in retenders tonight, mayor mack cheese, rudy giuliani. he slammed charlie crist with a new commercial featurings mayor of mistrust. >> i've met a lot of good people, a lot of bad people, people in politics that are wonderful, people in politics that are okay, and i've met people in politics that i don't like. i've never met a person in politics that i disrespect more than charlie crist. >> here is the kind of politician rudy juligiuliani do respect. >> putin decides what he wants to do and he does it in half a day. right? he decided he had to go to their parliament, he went there and he got permission in 15 minutes. he makes a decision and he executes it. quickly. and then everybody reacts.
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welcome back to "the ed show." south dakota's senate seat could be in the hands of the state's native american vote. this is a very interesting scenario that could play out. democratic candidate rick wile an has an uphill battle in tomorrow's race, no doubt. scandal embattled republican leads in the polls, wileand says forget the numbers. don't count him out. >> i've been endorsed by all our tribes. i'm proud to have received that endorsement early on. i've been out and about for almost a year and a half. >> they're with you on keystone? >> yeah, they are. >> is that a motivator? >> to them, it's a huge motivator. >> so you're counting on a huge native american turn-out? >> i'm hoping for a huge native american turn-out. they've turned out in the past
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when they've been motivated and i sense there's real motivation not only on keystone, but they're looking for someone who will fight for them too. >> it wouldn't be the first time the tribal vote came through. in 2002 johnson held on by 524 votes over over his opponent. the native american vote got credit for the victory. the editor's blocked his face with the stamp reading, invalid senator. than thoon supporters claimed johnson stole the election. he didn't steal the election. he listened to the voters and the voters made a big difference. gentlemen, good to have you with us tonight. tell us about the early voting. is there a motivated vote that's going to come from shannon and
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todd county, which in the past have had a big influence on south dakota elections? >> there's absolutely a motivated vote. in actuality, todd county, which is historically underrepresented with county and has been plagued by lower voter turn-out, has led the entire state of south dakota in early voting. we've seen really great numbers out of shannon county as well. so i think the voters are motivated, they're motivated by the candidate, by the issues, and i think we'll see a very, very good turn-out. >> in 2004 when john thoon came back and defeated tom daschle, he won by less than .6 of one vote. do you see this being this close tomorrow in south dakota, and nour thoughts on the native american vote? >> well, i'm hoping that it does
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become an issue where the native american vote turn-out makes a difference. you have to understand, it's not just going there and casting the ballot. native americans are fighting, early voting places are fight g fighting. the sheriff there at the voting place. we had to call in for federal monitors to sit there so they can be able to try to cast a vote. so, yes, we expect a high turn-out, but we're also being faced with obstacles all along the way. >> wizy pond, what about the integrity of the vote, can it be protected? >> well, one of the reasons why i've been such a staunch advocate for participation in the american system is, voter intimidation that i've seen. i've seen an old indian grandmother going to the polls for the first time in his life,
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in her 80s. and i've seen a republican operative standing in front of her taking pictures. that's one of the reasons why i've been such a staunch advocate for participation in the american system. we have to protect the vote and we have to get our people out and raise our voices and to say, no more. i think the civil rights era kind of skipped over much of indian country when it comes to voter participation. >> oliver, what about the keystone pipeline project? there's still a permitting issue in the state of south dakota. but when i was out there reporting, there are many native americans who are very concerned about the protection of the resource and the land. is this moving people to the polls? >> yes. what it is, we have a obligation to our ancestors to protect the sacred land and the water. and our generation, and the next generation, all see that as a
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reason for us to make our voice heard. >> wizy pond, mike rounds, a former governor who is leading in the polls right now says that keystone is a done deal. what's your response to that? >> it's absolutely not a done deal. people have been saying it's a done deal for the past five years and we've seen the cowboy and indian alliance. indians in south dakota, cowboys from nebraska, come together, and i can say that we've stopped the pipeline thus far, and we're going to continue to fight the pipeline. it's not a done deal by any means. >> what happened, oliver, if mike rounds wins this senate seat? do you think there's a chance that rick wileand can win, and also pressler in there as a third candidate, what about it? >> well, right now, they have the numbers as far as the polls
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are concerned with mike rounds winning. but i've talked to hundreds, if not thousands of native americans. they didn't get those phone calls for the polls. so we're the undercounted, not only when it comes to voting. we're urnt counted when it comes to polling. so i think you'll see a big surprise when it comes election day, where everybody's going to say, where'd all these indians come from? because we are here, we will vote, and we will make a difference. >> what about that wiz pan, your thoughts on that comment? >> well, i think that we're going to get out in record-breaking numbers. i think that we're going to do extremely well. we're doing really well when it comes to early voting. and you know what? we're 13% of the state now. half our population is under the age of 21. in ten years, we'll be 20% of the state. in 30 years, we might be 30% of the state, and i think that both republican and democrats need to
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start listening to the indians and where we stand on the issues. they can't continue to ignore us. >> wiz pan, little elk, and oliver, good to have you with us tonight. it will be an interesting race tomorrow in south dakota. i'm reporting from the charlie crist headquarters in florida. that's my assignment, looking forward to it. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight in miami. tonight's lead, one day to go. we're just hours away from polls opening all across the country. and in the last 24 hours, we've seen the biggest names in the democratic party, hitting the campaign trail, stumping for candidates in crucial senate and governor's races and pushing the point that every voter could make
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