tv Politics Nation MSNBC November 3, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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and where we stand on the issues. they can't continue to ignore us. >> wiz pan, little elk, and oliver, good to have you with us tonight. it will be an interesting race tomorrow in south dakota. i'm reporting from the charlie crist headquarters in florida. that's my assignment, looking forward to it. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. i'm live tonight in miami. tonight's lead, one day to go. we're just hours away from polls opening all across the country. and in the last 24 hours, we've seen the biggest names in the democratic party, hitting the campaign trail, stumping for candidates in crucial senate and governor's races and pushing the point that every voter could make a difference.
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>> reach everybody, through the phone, the door, e-mail, whatever it takes. >> this whole thing's coming down to turn-out. >> take your people, your friends, your neighbors, to the polls. >> things are still looking tough for democrats. but new polls in some key states show they could hold on to the senate. in north carolina, a new poll shows senator kay hagan up two points. new hampshire, senator jeanne shaheen is beating scott brown by a hair. a new poll has her with a one-point lead. in iowa, bruce braley and joni ernst are neck and neck. and in colorado, a new poll has republican corey gardner up by only 2%. still within the margin of
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error. most pollsters say republicans have a good chance of taking the senate, but there's still a clear path for democrats to hang on. and one thing everyone agrees on, it could all come down to turn-out. >> this is straightforward. i got a simple message. we got to vote. four years ago, democrats lost. vote! vote! vote! vote! >> democrats have lots of reason to get their voters to the polls. starting with the supreme court. should republicans control who gets confirmed. and the health care law, should the gop get another shot at
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repeal? also, the minimum wage, fair pay, immigration reform. and the last two years of the obama presidency. the stakes are too high to stay at home. joining me now are msnbc host steve kornacki, msnbc political correspondent casey hunt, and the face of the "chicago tribune." thank you all for being here. >> steve, you're up at the campaign boards for us. how can democrats survive tomorrow night? >> sure, let's take a look at the big board, and yes, the republicans are considered the favorites heading into tomorrow night, but there are definitely multiple path ways for the democrats, a, to retain control of the senate, and b, just to survive tomorrow night and live to fight another day. let me show you what i mean by that. we have two different columns for battleground states. republicans, majib number is 51.
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that's what they need for senate control. democrats need 50, because joe biden would break the tie. republicans are looking good in kentucky for mitch mcconnell. mark pryor is in grave danger in arkansas. we'll move that one over. republicans would be at 47. now you get to the fire wall for democrats. they look at north carolina. this is a must-win. if they get kay hagan across the finish line. she's been leading by a small margin. if she gets it, put that in the democratic category, same for jeanne shaheen in new hampshire. they already have two independents who caucus with them, so add two to that 45. they're at 47. keep that in mind as we look to the remaining states. there's no democrat in the race, but the independent has a slight lead over roberts in the poll. he could go with either party. republicans fear and democrats hope that he'll be going with
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them. for right now, let's say orman were to win and caucus with the democrats, that would leave you with a battleground of five states. democrats are two away, republicans three away. democrats would just need two of the five states. the bad news for them, in polls in all five states, they're running behind. the good news, none of them are out of reach. georgia and louisiana, these two states are run-off states. a run-off almost guaranteed in louisiana. and a run-off is very possible in georgia. so these three states, colorado, iowa, alaska. democratic incumbents struggling to hang on. democrats running a little behind but think they can win that race. here's the thing, if everything goes wrong for democrats tomorrow night, if they lose colorado, if they lose iowa and alaska, that still leaves the republicans at 50, if these two
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states go to run-offs. so this is the bare minimum the democrats need to do to survive tomorrow night and live to fight another day. they need to win new hampshire, win north carolina, have greg orman win in kansas and have these two states, georgia and louisiana, go to run-offs. if that happens and the democrats could win the runoffs, that's two more, plus 46 is 48. plus the two independents, is 50. that's the bare minimum they need to get out of tomorrow night. >> let's go back to louisiana. what is mary landrieu's path to victory there? >> let's take a look. this is the clear politics polling average right now in louisiana. it looks funny because you don't see this in many states. louisiana is a jungle primary state. every candidate from every party on the ballot. a run-off is certain in louisiana, nobody getting close to 50 here. the reason why people think the republicans might be favored in
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that run-off, we can show you, when you poll them head-to-head, when you poll cassidy and landrieu running ahead. the things that democrats will remind you, mary landrieu has been in this situation before. she won a run-off in 1996 to get the seat and defied all the experts in 2002. remember 2002 was a very good year for republicans nationally. mary landrieu was forced into a run-off that year and she survived it, in particular because of new orleans, because of orleans parish where there was a huge turn-out of african american voters in that run-off. the last time she needed a run-off, she got a huge turn-out out of new orleans, upset the expectations and she survived. >> now, what -- steve, what is my path to victory for michelle nunn in georgia then? >> right, so georgia, the other state with a possible run-off, we can take a look at that as well.
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again, right now, this is the average. michelle nunn, david perdue, the republican. the key in georgia, there's a libertarian running in the race, getting about 3, 4% in the polls. if she does well enough, she'll keep either candidate from getting 50 and there would be a separate election next january between perdue and nunn, just the two of them on the ballot. and the key here for nunn and for the democrats, right around the atlanta metro area, the demographic space of georgia has been changing dramatically in the last 15 years or so. getting a lot more diverse, growing african and american and latino population in and around atlanta. so the key in any run-off -- first of all, the key to get to a run-off for michelle nunn is get as high as you can turn-out in that area, as high as you can with african american voters in particular, and to win the run-off, that would be it. the question is, can you get
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those voters out? >> let me go to you, casey. you've seen a lot of elections. what's going to be the story tomorrow night as you see it, based on these night-before predictions and polls? >> i think at this point, reverend, it's really a question of whether or not republicans have succeeded in nationalizing this election. that's been their goal from day one. they've always said they want to make this about president obama. and it looks like in the final weeks, they're having some success. many of the democrats i'm talking to are saying that particularly in the last two weeks, the environment has really changed, and the president has come more to the forefront and become more of an issue for them. that's not to say they're expecting a gop wave. as steve was outlining, so many races are so, so close. it's entirely possible we could spend the night going from one surprise to another. that said, we're going to get some early indications in new
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hampshire. their polls close relatively early. i think if you watch that, if senator jeanne shaheen keeps that edge over scott brown, that we've seen in most polls for her, democrats are probably in for a night that's going to be okay. if she loses badly to scott brown, or if she's trailing him when the polls close, i think democrats are in for a pretty rough evening. >> i want to go to clarence, but i want to push a little on what you said. because one thing we've seen a lot of in the cycle is democrats trying to distance themselves from the president. which you said the president has become more of a factor. now, when you interviewed alison lundergan grimes and mark pryor, they both did that. i want to play you part of those interviews. >> i want to ask you about president barack obama, would you want him to come down and campaign for you? >> this race is about putting the people of this state first, and i speak for myself and don't need any other surrogate to do that. >> do you think that the obama
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administration has done an appropriate job handling the ebola crisis? >> um, i would say that it's hard to know, because i haven't heard the latest briefing on that. >> kasie, was this a good strategy for them? >> well, in particular in the south, democrats have struggled to answer these questions. and take alison lundergan grimes, for example. if she's going to hope to win, and it's looking less and less like she will, but it's been a close race all the way along. she and other democrats in similar positions have to walk a careful line. the president is pretty unpopular, especially among rural white voters. whereas his popularity is very high among african american voters and these candidates really need them to turn out to the polls for them. they've all found themselves caught in a difficult position, between having to distance themselves from the president without saying anything that's too over the top.
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i think that you saw alison grimes and mark pryor both sort of stuck in that situation. >> clarence, two big years for republicans were 1994 and 2010. but in '94, 41% of the americans had a positive view of the gop. in 2010, 34% did. this year, only 29% of americans have a positive view of the republican party. can the gop expect a wave election when only 29% have a positive view of them? >> i rather doubt it, reverend. and i think so do republican leaders. but at the same time, a win is a win, if they indeed do win. the question of whether it's a wave or not becomes academic. but at the same time, it is significant that republican disapprovals are so high, and that's partly because they have not been offering much in the
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way of a positive agenda. newt gingrich in 1994 offered a contract with america, you remember. a ten-point agenda which, by the way, they pretty much violated within a few years, all ten points, just about. but it didn't matter. they were standing for something positive in the tradition of ronald reagan. and had a lot of swing voters react positively to that, the reagan democrats. this year, the republicans are offering a lot of negativity, trying to repeal obamacare, they don't say what they want to replace it with. they're of course attacking obama himself even though he's not on the ballot. and democrats in many cases have gotten stirred by this, like grimes who doesn't want to say in public they voted for obama. which hurts them with their base and with swing voters, because it shows a lack of character, frankly. >> if republicans do win the
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senate, they could have some big issues, senator ted cruz told "the washington post" republicans should, quote, pursue every means possible to repeal obamacare. he also wouldn't pledge to back senator mcconnell for leader. is the gop facing a civil war coming if they win, clarence? >> they already have a civil war. and it's becoming more apparent. what was interesting to me, you know, over the weekend, ted cruz, for example, gave interviews in which he came out of the wood work. he's been keeping a low profile in recent months as have other problematic, far-right republicans, because they don't want to go and scare swing voters like they did in 2012 and hurt mitt romney. this year, they've been keeping a low profile and you haven't seen a lot of guests hurting the republican side. but ted cruz was talking about what he wants to do after the republicans win the senate if they do. he wants to have more votes to
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repeal obama care, more hearings into benghazi and every other scandal. where the positive agenda? he doesn't care. he wants to run for president, so he's firing up the base. that's where the civil war is. >> let me ask quickly, one word answer from all of you, what state will you be watching tomorrow night to give us an indication of what kind of night we'll have. steve? >> new hampshire. like casey said, that's going to tell you how the night's going to go if democrats are not winning new hampshire, very bad night. >> all right, casey. >> since steve took new hampshire, colorado, which will be not just about tonight, but nationally for 2016. >> clarence? >> since they took new hampshire and colorado, i'll take north carolina, because i think that's a testing ground for the democrats get out the vote effort, their ground game. if they can pull it off, that
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will show they can pull off last-minute victories. if they don't, it's going to be a sad night for democrats nationally, i think. >> well, one thing i see, nobody could give me a one-word answer. >> sorry about that. >> thank you all for being here tonight. and be sure to watch "up with steve kornacki weekends at 8:00 a.m. eastern right here on msnbc. still ahead, what voters are telling me now here in florida, the issues that really matter to them, and how they're fighting back against voter suppression. plus, is scott walker about to lose his job? there may be payback tomorrow for the gop governor who trashed the union. we'll explain. road rage, the nascar brawl that rattled the racing world. what would it take for you to
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walk a tight rope from one skyscraper to another, blindfolded? that's ahead in "conversation nation." [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we're not just insuring our lives... we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. transamerica. creeping up on you...
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coming up, one day to go and a voting record broken right here in florida. that's next. synchrony financial partners with over two hundred thousand businesses, from fashion retailers to healthcare providers, from jewelers to sporting good stores, to help their customers get what they want and need. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. engage with us.
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more important to get out and vote. this weekend, i was here in florida helping to rally people to get out and vote early. in fact, we saw record-breaking souls to the polls turnouts yesterday in south florida. vice president joe biden was also here this weekend, stressing how important it is to vote. >> ladies and gentlemen, go out and vote. vote, vote, vote, vote. we get out the vote. we win. people stay home, we lose. now is the time to deal the middle class back in. this is the moment. we can't afford to miss this opportunity. >> so go out and vote. get people out to vote. this is a big election. >> this is a big election. and democrats are getting more and more engaged. our new nbc news poll shows voter interest among democrats has spiked in the past two
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weeks, up 10% since mid october. while republican interest in the elections have leveled off. some on the right want you to think this election is over before it's begun. but make no mistake, every single vote will count tomorrow. joining me now is lee saunders, president of ask me, the nation's largest public employee union. thank you for being here. >> glad to be here. >> we worked souls to the polls yesterday together. you've been working to get people out to vote around the country. what's motivating and engaging voters in these final hours? >> i think people get it now. i think people understand there's going to be a true difference between the extremists in the state houses and in washington, d.c. who want to take this country back, versus those who want to have working people in the front lines who want to support voting rights, who want to support women's rights, to want who support an increase in the minimum wage, help working
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families across the country. folks are getting it. we saw it yesterday. we saw the excitement at the polls that we visited all day yesterday. we saw the excitement at the churches that we attended yesterday. folks are involved in this election and they're coming out to vote. >> you know, democrats have closed the gap in key senate battlegrounds across the country. the nbc/wall street journal poll shows in august, republicans had an 8% lead over democrats among likely voters, but now democrats have closed that lead, bringing those races neck and neck. this just shows how important every vote will be tomorrow, lee. >> and that's what we've been preaching all along. if we get our vote out, not only individual votes, but if we ask the voters to bring their family members, to bring their friends, bring their co-workers, bring their communities, get out to vote, then we can win these elections in state after state and in senate race after senate race. >> democrats have the edge with several key economic issues for
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voters, something dear to your heart. 70% of voters support raising the federal minimum wage. 68% of voters support equal pay for equal work. 59% of voters want their social security benefits protected as they are now. in the next 24 hours, how can democrats push these issues to the voters? >> just got to continue to push it, got to mobilize, organize, and educate our communities. there is a true and real difference between these extremists, again, who want to not support minimum wage, they want to take away voting rights, they want to take away women's rights, they want to take away labor rights. there's a clear difference. we have to convince our folks to get out and vote. if they vote, we win. >> i want to ask you this, because you were discussing this during souls to the polls with bishop curry and others yesterday. what will it do to unions, to labor, that if we end up with a republican majority in the senate? >> i tell you, if it looks like
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there's going to be a republican senate, that means we'll be playing defense all the time. president obama is going to have to play defense. they could come after our rights in state after state after state. the same if we lose the governors elections. we know what happened when scott walker took collective bargaining away in the state of wisconsin. we can't sit at the table. we don't have a seat at the table right now. that's what they want. they don't want us to have power. it's a power play, pure and simple. they have a lot of wealth, they have a lot of power. they want more wealth and power at the expense of the majority who play by the rules every day. >> you've been out here working in southern florida and you haven't been to the beach, that's for sure. lee saunders, thanks so much for your time this evening. >> thanks for having me, al. coming up, would democrats be in a better position running on president obama's policies and achievements? plus, some of the biggest republican governors in the country are fighting for their
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it could be the most underreported story in this election. big name gop governors who are in big trouble at the polls. scott walker tried to gut public unions in wisconsin. and tom corbett signed that infamous voter i.d. law in pennsylvania. now they have to answer to voters. we'll talk about that in fact. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that?
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now to a big story in the mid terms, the high profile republican governors who are in serious trouble. starting with the conservative hero and possible white house contender. wisconsin governor scott walker. his move to gut labor unions set off a 2012 recall vote. this time, he's making headlines for dismissing the minimum wage. >> i was paid the minimum wage when i worked at mcdonald's as a kid. i used that to save up for money in college, i didn't expect that was going to be my lifetime's work. >> what is your position on the minimum wage, should we have it? >> well, i'm not going to repeal it. but i don't think it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at. >> now, walker is at risk of losing. leading democrat mary burke by just two points in polling
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averages. he's winning only by two points. in florida, gop governor rick scott is worse off. now he's trying to beat democrat charlie crist, with gop campaign ads attacking crist for hugging president obama in 2009 back when crist was governor. >> i was proud to embrace him and his plan. >> and he still does. if you liked the last six years of barack obama, you'd love the next four years of charlie crist. >> four years of crist is exactly what florida might get. he's ahead of rick scott by a point. in pennsylvania, governor tom corbett is fighting for his political life. in 2012, he signed one of the strictest voter i.d. laws in the country. signed it into law. >> we are ensuring the integrity
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of the elections. >> but was there a question about the integrity? >> we're ensuring the integrity of the elections. >> but when was the last time there was a question? >> there have been questions about why the department of justice didn't follow up on voter intimidation in the past. >> that's a different issue. >> it doesn't matter. >> the court struck that down. now voters could strike down corbett's career. he's losing by over 10 points to democrat tom wolf. some of the biggest republican names in the state are on the ropes. joining me now, former governor bill richson, he also served as ambassador to the u.n. and e.j. dionne of "the washington post." thank you both for being here. >> good to be with you, rev. >> thank you. >> governor richson, you were
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chairman of the democratic governors association. what's your take on this trend of high profile republican governors fighting for their political lives? >> well, my main point here is that governors -- the governors' races have been a bit overlooked in favor of the senate races and governors are the ones that are setting policy in this country because of this dysfunction in washington. plus, if you're looking at 2016, governors control the political organizations that are going to be determining a president. so i expect that the democrats, it's 29-21 right now, republican to democrat. i bet you we narrow the gap, reverend. i see potential upsets in arizona, a neighboring state. fred duvall hasn't been covered that much. i think if georgia, you're seeing the carter era moving forward. i think scott walker's in trouble.
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i think florida's a huge battleground state and i think charlie crist is going to pull it off. so that's critically important. i also think, reverend, that democrats have made a basic mistake in separating themselves from the president. not necessarily recognizing that a president is not going to be popular in an off-year election, a midterm election, but from his policies. to try to separate themselves so much is figure to affect the turn-out of voters that the democrats need, young voters, hispanics, native americans, african americans, those voters that we need to turn out to win. >> you know, e.j., why is it that the republicans seem to think they can win the senate, yet they're in such trouble in key states in the governor races? >> well, i think there's a structural thing and a substantive thing. the structural thing, and this is professor sam wong of
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princeton who made this point. you're talking about two anti-waves here. democrats, even if they hold the senate are going to lose some seats. they were elected in 2008, a big democratic year. on the governors' side, all these guys were elected in a huge republican landslide in 2010. this isn't going to be that kind of republican year. but you also have a backlash against policy. the two races that interest me most, i think, above all, because i think they're real referenda on the whole tea party, supply-side program, are, yes, scott walker in wisconsin, which is hugely important, but also there's a fascinating governor's race in kansas they think democrats are going to win. sam brownback has pursued and he said he wants to turn his state into a red state laboratory, an experiment, he called it. people, including a lot of moderate and conservative republicans don't like the impact of those tax cuts, which
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have led to education cuts. so democrat paul davis has been running ahead. so you've got some really important philosophical issues being joined at the state level in a way you don't always see in the senate races. >> you know, governor, in five republican governor -- in five republican races, races that we find republicans in close contest, they're all blocking medicaid expansion to some degree. if they all lose, over two million people would gain health coverage. how big a deal is this in the mid terms, governor? >> well, it's an important issue. this is why i think some of the president's policies, raising the minimum wage, equity pay for women, obamacare is starting to cover more people, and health care and costing less. i think the fact that we have over 60 allies in this fight
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against isis. that he's gotten us out of iraq and afghanistan, i think these are issues that democrats -- voter i.d. -- should have been running on in a positive way. the american people like strong, tactical candidates. they don't like candidates running away. oh, i'm not going to tell you who i voted for. oh, i don't want the president to campaign for me. right now, we need the democratic base that president obama is still very strong with. african americans, hispanics, labor, coalitions of women, young people. that's my worry, that they won't turn out, because my party, our party, has kind of been turning away from those issues and the president that has championed them. >> you've got to turn people on to turn them out. ej, you recently wrote about kansas, governor brownback's
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reelection problems. you said the results of the tea party rebellion four years ago have led this civil-minded, middle of the road kansas to a quiet but fierce determination to take their state back from those who once talked incessantly about taking their country back. now, right now, brownback is trailing democrat paul davis by over two points. is this a lesson for republicans about the risk of overreaching an office? >> that's exactly the lesson. and you know, you mentioned medicaid, i was in southeast kansas and paul davis was campaigning down there, and he was very strong about saying how important medicaid was, not just to individuals, which was important, but also to local hospitals down there that were in a lot of trouble. so that's an issue that is working for democrats. and i ran into a lot of people
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who were republicans, who were voting against brownback. because they're pretty conservative, but they believe in basic public services. they believe in strong public schools. they believe in investing in highways and other public good. so i think that's why i think a focus on kansas is so important. because there aren't a lot of liberals in kansas. republicans outnumber democrats and registered voters by 2-1. if that state flips, that sends a real message. and i think that's true of a number of other states, including wisconsin. well, that's another big story line we'll be watching tomorrow night, the governors' races. bill richardson and ej deeian, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. still ahead, did some democrats make a mistake by running away from president obama in this election? lots of fierce debate on that
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today on both sides. also, what do you do for an encore once you've done a blindfold tight rope walk? is a head stand really the next step? and the ugly brawl that's given nascar a black eye. it's all part of "conversation nation," next. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters shopping online is as easy as it gets. and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is.
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joining us tonight, msnbc's krystal ball, comedian chuck nice and maria theresa kumar. we start with election eve and a question. would democrats be in a better position running on president obama's policies and achievements? it's been a point of conflict with democrats, and the president recently said his policies are on the ballot. b >> i absolutely think they should. in particular, the piece of not being able to say whether or not you voted for him and really trying to blatantly distance yourself from him. voters see through that. they know that you're a democrat. he's the leader of the party. and moreover, in a midterm election, you got to get your own folks excited and out to the polls. so by distances yourself from
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him, from policies like the affordable care act, that have been successful, you're depressing turn-out among the very people that you need to come out to the polls. >> chuck, you know governor richardson just said that the voters they need most in some of these close states, african americans, latinos, young voters, are the voters that really still strongly support president obama. is it wise to distance yourself from him? >> no, it's not. especially with those voters, because quite frankly, the republicans all along -- >> wait a minute. i don't hear you. somebody's playing a joke. >> do you hear me now? >> i hear you now. >> okay. i think it's a mistake because especially with those voters, because republicans all along have been running on obama cooties. that has been the entire campaign. they've got obama cooties. and the truth of the matter is, it's a juvenile position to take, because when you say the
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next four years you'll love with charlie crist if you liked the last six with obama. let's look at where we started with obama, unemployment of 10%, now down to 5.5%. when we had all kinds of problems besieging this country, and now that we have slowly made our way out, the real argument republicans are making right now is that obama didn't clean things up fast enough. so that's really the issue here. >> maria, should they have run on the president's policies and achievements even if they didn't want to embrace him personally, or bring him in personally? >> i think it's absolutely true that in order for a voter to like you, you have to be authentic. and if you're saying, you're not with the president and you're a democrat and you're running, you've run afoul of where you want to take your voter. if you start talking about issues that voters care about, you want to embrace what
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president obama's been promoting. he wants to make sure there's pay equity, he wants to raise minimum wage. he's passed a health care act. the dow jones has never been higher. it's sky rocketed at 17,000 percent. when was the last time we heard that? >> all right, let me move on, now to that heart-stopping death-defying walk high above chicago. professional tight rope walker nik wallenda made history again last night walking between two chicago skyscrapers 50 stories up, with no safety harness and no net. >> what's the view like? >> it's unbelievable. absolutely stunning. >> there are a lot of people down there cheering for you, nik. i know you can hear it. >> yeah, i can. it's amazing to hear that roar. it's pretty unreal.
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>> but his second walk was blind-folded, relying only on the voice of his father to guide him. a guinness world record for the highest blindfold tight rope walk. so what's next? >> i'm working on recreating my great grandfather's great walk over a thousand feet long. he did two head stands on the wire. i've never done that in public and i'm training for that. >> head stand? how far is too far? >> i think head stand might be it, to be honest. my hat's off from this guy, i look down from this stool and i get a little squeezy, to be honest. so i don't really know what drives him. but i wish him all the luck in the world. he's trying to repeat the success of his grandfather, and you know, i just hope that he is. because he's not working with a net. >> it's crazy. >> maria, what do you think?
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>> talk about taking literally bearing the weight of your elders on to you. i think we trust him. i don't think he needs to do it in public. i don't think i could bear to watch. >> let me go to the next one, with you. on to the all-out nascar broul. down the stretch, keselowski bumps jeff gordon on the track, and it spins gordon out of the race. after the race, a furious jeff gordon stops to confront him and this happens. >> there's gordon confronting keselowski. the drivers and crew members in a melee. nascar will issue penalties this
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week. keselowski had blood on his mouth. and gordon was left with a cut on his lip. >> he's just a dip [ bleep ]. the way he races, i don't know how he's ever won a championship. i'm just sick of him. that's why everybody's fighting him and running him down. >> there are kids watching this. does nascar need to ban fighting? >> yeah, this is not acceptable behavior in any sport. as you point out, there are a lot of kids watching nascar. there are a lot of people watching nascar. these men are role models and heroes. so i hope there's a stiff penalty here. there needs to be repercussions. i understand emotions are very high, this is very intense, crazy amounts of adrenaline, but still, you're grown men. this is not the way that you settle disputes. >> i don't know. i may have to disagree. for the first time ever, i'm actually thinking about watching nascar. because i never would have
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watched it before. >> you're part of the problem, chuck. >> i'm part of the problem here. [ laughter ] >> i didn't know if i was watching -- >> i'm going to have to leave it there with chuck's admonition now that -- well, it wasn't exactly an admonition -- >> no. >> thank you all for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> thank you, reverend. coming up, a record-breaking souls to the polls turn-out here in south florida yesterday. and why we must fight voter suppression all over the country by voting. ffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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csx. how tomorrow moves. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity whenever our customers need it. ♪ in just a few hours, polls will start to open across the
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country and once again, we'll have a chance to make our voices heard. martin luther king jr once said, a voteless people is a powerless people. he said this in the height of jim crow when too many americans were denied their basic rights as citizens. we're still facing challenges today, but this weekend in florida, i saw huge turnouts for early voting. i hope the rest of the country follows suit, because the only way to keep making progress is to keep voting. no one has argued more than me against ending early voting days and voter i.d. laws and other things that are impediments. but those impediments really don't come anywhere near the battle fought to give us the right to vote in the first place. people died. people lost their lives. people went to jail. all we have to do is get up and get in line.
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and do some things maybe that are inconvenient. but we must vote. remember as i stand in line tomorrow, and i hope there are long lines, there was a time when no lines would accept some of us. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. there's no politics nation tomorrow, but i'll be here with the rest of the team for live election coverage starting at 6:00 p.m. eastern. but first, "hardball" starts right now. prediction. a bumpy night. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews up in new york. let me start tonight with the election tomorrow night. i'm going to say something a bit more important at the end of
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