tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC November 3, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PST
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>> what are you sighing in kansas? hoping for big drama. >> you will see plenty of drama? kansas. orman is ahead.>y](w prediction. a bumpy night. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews up in new york. let me start tonight with the election tomorrow night. i'm going to say something a bit more important at the end of our show tonight. but right now, i want to advertise what you're going to see tomorrow night. let's put it this way.
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it's going to be an edgy, uneven, nasty, and unpredictable evening here on msnbc. rachel maddow and i will be giving you the results as quickly as anyone gets them. they'll be challenging, difficult, and the night will be longer than most nights because we're simply not going to know the winners of the close races that will decide who controls the u.s. senate. here's my prediction about the drama. to quote the great betty davis. fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night. and this is especially the case for the democrats defending off a republican takeover. they need to beat scott brown in new hampshire for sure. kay hagan needs to win in north carolina. orman needs to win in kansas. they need two more wins in colorado, iowa, alaska and georgia, perhaps somewhere else. it's not going to be easy. more like an icebreaker jamming its way over the north pole. but it is possible and the polls show it's possible.
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we have reporters covering some of the tightest races. we begin in overland park, kansas. kelly, it is so fascinating that it comes down to 49-50, and this one guy who nobody heard of a few months ago, orman, nobody knows what party he feels at home in, and he could decide the whole shebang sometime after tomorrow night. >> and he's enjoying that moment. i was with him today as he was visiting potential voters in topeka, kansas. and what he is saying, he's giving us clues, but not answers. when i asked him about which party he would align with. he's running independent. but in the senate, you have to sit on one side or the other. get your assignments from a leader. you have to work with a structure, the organization of the senate. and basically his answer is, he will work with the majority. but he won't say if he'll sit alongside republican or sit
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alongside democrats. today he said, he would not be a silent soldier for either party. he thinks that gives power to kansans because he might be able to be a power broker, chris. >> the bottom line is, after all that deferment of the answer to your question, who is he going to vote for, harry reid, or mitch mcconnell. and my question, do the voters understand the powerful game this guy can play? also, all the democrats are thinking he's one of them, he's going to help them get the 50 they need to win. >> in looking at those clues, he voted for president obama in 2008, and for romney in 2012. he lines up with abortion rights and immigration and gun background checks. but what voters are saying, they like the appeal of this fix of broken washington, end the gridlock. that's appealing in a campaign season. when you talk to voters about how the senate works day to day,
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just like anybody's office is organized. you have a boss you have to report to. in the senate, those party leaders call a lot of shots. if you're not on one side or the other, it can be difficult to be effective. orman thinks that by being in the center, and throwing his allegiance back and forth, that that would give kansans power, when i talk to senator pat roberts, he said that's like a high school sophomore walking around saying i'm just looking for good ideas. sharp criticism from him. republicans are worried about kansas because pat roberts has been in polls running really underwater and that's a real concern. >> and i were a republican in kansas, would i trust a guy that called me the clown car? give me a break. that's a phrase i use here. and there you have within independent saying the republicans are in a clown car. i'm joined by luke russert in iowa.
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all your political skills are required. can the democrats count on iowa, or is this too far a reach? >> well, depends who you talk to, chris. but the des moines register poll, the gold standard of polling, showed joni ernst up seven points on saturday night, was a gut punch to the braley campaign. quinnipiac came out today showing the race tied. all that being said, some numbers have struck me in that poll, in terms of his own district, he's losing by three points. in terms of the issue, who cares more about people like me? joni ernst, a republican with strong tea party support doing better on him on medicare and social security. so definitely some stiff head winds, but the way democrats can win this, chris, they have to have the ground game they had in 2012.
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republicans said they've narrowed the gap, won't be able to bank as many early voters, and that republicans will win on election day. but democrats are confident they can get voters to the polls and make an upset occur. that all being said, the momentum is with joni ernst, 44-year-old female combat veteran. everyone in the gop is waiting for her, because they think she'll be a rock star. and everyone thinks if she pulls this off, she could become maybe somebody a vp nominee for republicans. that's how much she's regarded within their party. they want this victory, not only for control of the senate, but also to make a new perhaps national party star. >> you know how somebody's going to lose, when they bring up the dewey beats truman thing. every time you pull that out, it means you're going to lose. tom harkin, democrat, apologize for comments last week he made about joni ernst.
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>> in this senate race, i've been watching some of these ads. and there's the sense that, joni ernst, she's really attractive, and she sounds nice. well, i got to thinking about that. i don't care if she's as good looking as taylor swift or the nice mr. rogers, but if she votes like michele bachmann, she's wrong for the state of iowa. >> this is a tough counterpunch. >> i was very offended that senator harkin would say that. i think it's unfortunate that he and many of their party believe that you can't be a real woman if you're conservative and you're female.
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again, i'm greatly offended about that. if my name had been john ernst, attached to my resume, senator harkin would not have said those things. >> that's called an attack from a defensive position. the most powerful thing in politics when you're defending yourself and your honor, people root for you. >> and, chris, one thing that really comes up with this mess with harkin, what an unforced error. today was the day that bruce braley wanted to be on message, talking about medicare, social security, talking about the health care law, which is somewhat popular here in iowa. not able to do that, because the lead of the local newscast and everything everyone's talking about on the radio and, why would harkin say such a thing? he's since apologized to ernst. she had fun with it, quoting taylor swift, saying, i can shake it off. all that being said, not what bruce braley wanted to talk about the day that he was trying to move turn-out in his way in eastern iowa. >> thank you.
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joining me is suzi kemp. now we have a tricky situation down there in georgia, which i hate because it complicates things. but is this any reason to believe that if michelle nunn, the daughter of the former senator from georgia, if she can't win the 50 points now, any reason to believe that she could win them later on in january when they have the run-off? >> well, it's interesting. i actually was walking around with michelle nunn earlier today as she was out canvassing for votes in decatur, a suburb of atlanta. i asked her that very question. and she said, we've defied the prognosticators before, which suggests that i think they know it would be really very much an uphill battle. the wild card here is that libertarian candidate amanda swafford who you haven't heard much about, because she's only polled, 3, 4, 5 digits. the assumes is those voters would be conservative and would go for perdue in the run-off.
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>> any reason to believe a libertarian would vote for a democrat? >> i think folks are definitely making a distinction between michelle nunn and president obama and the washington democrats. i know this has been the line of attack from republicans, from ⌞ñ perdue campaign from the start, but they do see michelle nunn as being her father's daughter, as being more of a moderate, more of a cent rift. even those who support perdue, have a positive image of her.ku some folks, i've talked to republicans who like her, but they can't bring themselves to pull the trigger. >> well said. thank you to everybody, luke and suzi. i'm joined by steve kornacki. i want to tell you my assumption. you can tear it to bits if you want. i think we agree, there are three ways the democrats need to begin to win the evening. one, hold on to new hampshire. beat scott brown there. kay hagan has to hold on in
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north carolina. and a break with an independent who will probably go with them, greg orman, we just talked about. after that, i'm wondering how they get the two more they need. >> let's go to the big board. let's take a look at what i think would be the most likely path for the democrats to retain the senate. start with two assumptions.
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election, not a single one of them put the democrat ahead and yet they won by two points on election day. they say they missed the latino vote. two major variables. let's say the polls have missed that in colorado and democrats can pick it up. where else do they look? i think the next most likely one, believe it or not, is alaska. when they talk about states being tough to poll, they are talking about alaska. we've seen polls with begich of ten points, and polls that put his challenger ahead by a single digit.
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this is a state where if begich wins comfortably, we wouldn't be shocked. if he loses it by a big margin, we wouldn't be shocked. but he's shown life. you got 48 now, you got two independents and joe biden to break the tie, i think that is the most likely way they can get to 50. >> that's really good. let me ask you about probabilities. it seems to me that those are all possible. the trick is, they all have to happen. that's the tricky part, right? >> like we say, you have three other sitting here right now. iowa, like being luke was saying, the quinnipiac poll they were talking up today. there's these run-off scenarios right there. but what it really comes down to for democrats, new hampshire, north carolina, kansas. absolutely must-wins. and then basically they need to pull off two upsets. they need upset in colorado and probably alaska. they're going to need to get
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lucky. probably not going to get lucky, but i've seen luckier things. >> to be honest, we know the business. it's hard to poll alaska, for example. and the accent on the progressive voters showing up in colorado, which is purple. it's a hard state to figure. there are suburban women who are pro-choice, cultural conservativism, but there's a lot of smart people who read the newspapers that could show up. they did it for michael bennett. >> and that's the key in colorado, to keep in mind. why we say there's some uncertainty there with the polling, it's not necessarily about showing up in colorado anymore, because this is the first time that colorado has universal mail-in balloting. so every voter in the state has been mailed a ballot. they don't need to drive down to the school or the polling place. they just need to be moved at some point in the last few weeks, to check a name off and put that in the mail. democrats are saying the exact
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kind of voter you're talking about, maybe wasn't going to go to a great effort to go to the polling station, but will put the thing in the mailbox. >> this sounds like a republican horror story. so easy to vote. when do they have to arrive? do they have to be date-marked? >> they have through tomorrow by mail. >> you mean, the mail would get there in two or three days, with snail mail? >> that's right. and alaska could take a while to get in. believe it or not, we're talking about this in the context of this election. it's crabbing season in alaska and there are hundreds of fishermen who are out to sea and they have until the middle of november to get their ballots back. >> thanks so much, steve. nobody does it like you. coming up, what's a stake tomorrow night? that's a big one. what does it mean for president obama if the democrats lose control? or keep control? ted cruz is talking about what he's bringing. he's out for trouble. what can we expect from the
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tomorrow night rachel maddow and i with live coverage with all the results, including the victories and the concession speeches as we find out who will control the u.s. senate. plus all the hot governors races on a night that could see a record number of incumbent governors knocked out of office. that's tomorrow night right here on msnbc. 'wóóñt
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welcome back to "hardball." this is what's at stake if democrats lose the u.s. senate. ted cruz said the first order of business should be a series of hearings on president obama himself. quote, looking at the abuse of power. the executive abuse, the lawlessness that has pervaded this administration. if democrats lose, here's what republicans will control, the
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senate judiciary committee. grassley would be a major figure in supreme court nominations. he's pro-life and voted against sonya sotomayor for the supreme court. and inhofe, a science denier, he does not believe in climate change at all. he'll be chairing the environment committee. john mccain will chair the armed services committee. and back when he was running for president, he used to sing the song "bomb bomb iran." >> we were misled, there were supposed three protests and then something sprang out of that, an assault sprang out of that and that was easily ascertained that was not the facts. >> with all due respect, the fact is, we had four dead americans.
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was it because of a protest, was it because of guys out for a walk who decided to go kill some americans. at this point, what difference does it make? >> both you gentlemen have had the honor and the guts to run for office. joe, i want to ask you about the power of the sub committee which ron johnson will control. i've been told that's the only chair on the hill where the chairman and his majority members don't have to get the okay. they have the rights to use subpoena. that's where the game plays to me. your thoughts? >> well, i've seen the committee on the house side, the -- i saw what it was like when republicans ran it, and when democrats ran it. you could put a mirror up to it. obviously, the subpoena power is
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important. i think more importantly i've heard about ted cruz. ted cruz is an outsider in the republican caucus inside the senate itself. republicans understand. most republicans i talk to understand, if all they do is obstruct in 2015, they'll lose the big election, the big prize in 2016. they've lost five out of six of the last presidential elections. they have an approval rating far below that of barack obama. they have to put points up on the board over the next two years. or they'll be the party of "no," and they won't win in 2016. most republicans understand that. i don't know if ted cruz does or not. but i don't think it really matters at this point. >> let me go to harold. it seemed to me the party has made mistakes. back in 1947, after the long new
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deal period, they said every day started with a prayer and ended with a probe. are they going to make that mistake again? >> joe said it well. if they do, it will be two years where the paralysis and arresting narrative that grip washington will perpetuate itself. assume they win, if they get the president trade promotion authority, but senator reed has been unwilling to give it to him. if republicans offer a narrow tax reform bill and offer some infrastructure spending for the president, can you imagine the start they could get off to. the question really comes, can you make ted cruz, to joe's point, the distinct island of one? if you don't do that, it's problematic for republicans, and for the country. >> how does the fight go? progressives don't want to hear it, but good possibility
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republicans will control the senate. here's the question, how do they make that pivot between why don't we fry to get a trade bill through? how do we get tax reform, plugging loopholes. even the president believes in that to some extent, and infrastructure. how do they put together a growth program that gives people really good jobs or waist the next two years trying to point the finger and screw obama. who makes that decision? >> only one democrat matters in washington, d.c., and it's barack obama. republicans have a lot to prove over the next two years. they need to prove they have a positive agenda. a lot of conservative thinkers believe that barack obama has a lot to prove as well. he's got to prove he can make the pivot bill clinton did. bill clinton's greatness, as a president, came after republicans like myself came into washington and started fighting him and bill clinton
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figured out how to work with us, how to beat us. we passed welfare reform together, balanced the budget, passed tax reform together. passed regulatory reform together. 22 million new jobs were created over that decade. that's something barack obama has to do, and he needs to do it the last two years if republicans take control. you can blame republicans for obstruction -- not talking about you. talking about my friends in the white house blaming republicans for obstructionism if they want to and they can make a lot of great points, but if he's stuck dealing with republicans over the last two years, he's going to have to make the pivot that bill clinton made, and if he does, he can get energy reform passed, he can get tax reform passed, he can get education reform passed, and he can really get a lot done. >> how does the president jump into this? i agree with him completely. can this president say, damn it, i lost big.
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i can listen to you about corporate tax reform and listen to you on trade and don't just take the labor union's side. is he willing to be that humble and deal in the middle? >> if he wants to get things done, he's going to have to. in addition to the domestic challenges where there may be some progress this president will still face foreign policy challenges. i'm hopeful the president will do it. it will be interesting to hear bill clinton who will be asked to comment if republicans win the majority. mr. president, what advice do you have for this current president? curious to see the approach he'll take with the drama and the impending run for mrs. clinton. >> i hope he doesn't notch them too far to the right on foreign policy. >> i don't either. but we have to think differently about your posture there.
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>> it's going to be a fascinating president. >> i can guarantee you he won't go as far right on foreign policy as hillary clinton. >> i love your smile, joe. i love it. >> hillary's more of a neo con than most republicans are comfortable with. >> if you want to know what people are thinking heading into tomorrow night, let's look at what voters are searching about. where are people searching to learn stuff about the candidates they want to vote for or against. we'll give all of you that in a minute. this is "hardball," a place for politics.
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about up to election day, there's a good chance their google searches can tell you what information about a candidate is most important to them, because they look it up. google tracked the most popular search items in the last 30 days associated with candidates in states with hot contests. most people want to know the voting record of the candidate, they want to know their age for some reason, and they want to know their net worth. that tells me a lot about the issue of class arguments over wealth and who do you trust. when searching for scott brown, up in new hampshire, another popular search item was, you'll love this, center fold. there he is, 1982 spread in cosmopolitan magazine. when searching for his democratic opponent, different story there. jeanne shaheen, top search item was hillary clinton, because she campaigned for her this sunday. it's also a state where they have an all female cast of top leaders. the governor of new hampshire, the two members of congress. all women.
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in iowa, with bruce braley, chicken dance, referring to the ad that they're running against the democrat. >> the chicken dance. bruce braley claims he's a farmer. >> so am i. >> but he's really a trial lawyer. >> i've spent 24 years of my life practicing law. >> the chicken dance. braley supported obamacare. he wants to be our senator. >> shows you the power of advertising, they got people curious. it's dangerous if you think about it. the odds may be long, but there's a way for democrats to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and keep control of the united states senate. it means winning five highly contested states. we'll talk about that next with our roundtable. you're watching "hardball" up in new york, the place for politics.
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i think their best bet is new hampshire. jeanne shaheen should win that race. kay hagan, north carolina has run a great campaign. kansas, i think orman will win and vote for the democrats with leadership if they do well elsewhere. then maybe iowa, colorado, alaska, georgia. i think they got a chance. it's a very narrow path to victory, but one of the few best case scenarios i can think of. this is the roundtable msnbc political analyst howard fineman, joan walsh. in that order, tell me what you think. talk now to progressives and tell them where their chance lies tomorrow to keep control. give them some sugar. >> okay, so progressives out there, as you're watching, the first thing you need -- >> here. >> -- as you're watching here on msnbc, the first thing you have to watch is new hampshire.
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if jeanne shaheen can hold on in new hampshire and she's facing a surprisingly strong challenge from scott brown. if she holds, there's hope for you progressives out there. similarly kay hagan in north carolina, she's got to hold there. if those go democrats, then there's hope to keep watching. >> that will get them to 8:15. >> you got to hope the independent in kansas is going to win. >> that's an early call too. >> and you have to hope that he caucuses or gives indication that he will. he's running against republicans, so by logic he will. >> he calls them the clown car. i call them the clown car. >> and iowa, i feel, is going to be tough. colorado, the democrats have to hold colorado. and that's going to be tough as well. but they've got to do it. colorado is an almost schizophrenic state, it's probably the toughest state to call. it's deep red and deep blue.
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and alaska, i don't know if begich can hold on. then you got the two women, democratic women in louisiana and georgia. they have to do well enough to give themselves momentum of some kind going into those runoffs. >> that's a big democratic night if all of that happens. >> the inquisition, i got to go to joan walsh. your colleagues who read your stuff, what should they be looking for? >> i think it's the three we've all identified and personally i think the two most likely are going to be alaska and colorado. >> that's what steve kornacki said. >> what's challenging about that is we are not going to about until very late, or maybe days later. and we don't know the rules, i think, for colorado, voting by mail. it's never happened before. so that kind of thing, as you
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joked before, democrats like things like vote by mail. that should be positive for the democrats. it's easy to do. but if people don't understand it -- >> it's registered voters voting. >> also the republicans have been focusing more on that. >> let me go to steve here, the gray lady. >> all hope is lost. >> it's like o.j., if i did it. it they do win, how do they win? >> i would say, yes, absolutely kansas, north carolina, new hampshire, that has to happen or it's over. >> we all agree. >> after that, i feel like iowa, and colorado, i think republican candidates have kind of made the sale there. >> so what's left? >> i think obviously -- >> alaska? >> if you're looking for a hail mary, it's going to be alaska. because that race is so all over the place. [ all speak at once ]
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>> -- crab fishermen back in time and get their votes in. and then georgia. >> i agree. >> georgia, she's a nunn. >> n-u-n-n. >> and first-time candidate for senate. can't use against her the things you've used against democrats, she hasn't been with obama all over the place. so she has the most capability to skate over -- >> i agree. >> if she hadn't been running against a strong candidate. >> if they win the three all we think they probably have to win. and then you pick up another state, alaska rather, you need a huge amount of money pouring into georgia between now and next year. >> that's already happening. there's tv time that's been reserved in both louisiana and georgia. both parties are already gearing
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up for that possibility. what i'm saying is, we will know pretty early in the night whether it's an early night, whether we're talking about the crabbers in alaska. >> let's get everybody excited who is going to vote tomorrow. i'm going to get strong and emotional about voting tomorrow. let's talk about if the democrats lose, we talked about how they could win. but if they lose, you have the subpoena power, republicans ought to grab that baby and use it to investigate benghazi, to the irs, to everything. >> everybody tonight has put their finger on the big danger for the republicans. it's going to feel really great to them in the senate if they get the senate back. if they get the subpoena power of that committee. if mitch mcconnell's in charge, even if he has to deal with ted cruz every minute of the day, which is a nightmare -- that will make them happy. president obama by his executive actions, i think, if he were more machiavellian than he
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actually is, he would be suckering the republicans into doing just that. >> but they might find something. >> what? >> they might find something. >> why should darrell issa have all the fun? >> well, yeah. >> darrell issa is going to be -- [ all speak at once ] >> we have been waiting since 2008 for republicans to have an outbreak of sanity, to realize demographics are against them, they have to come up with a governing agenda. ted cruz gets joined by ernst, by possibly corey gardner. >> i don't agree. [ all speak at once ] >> i think speaker boehner comes out with more members and a stronger hand in his house. i think republicans in the senate and in the house will say, look, we have leverage now. we can proceed very strategically, put the pressure on obama. i think we'll see more and more of that.
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the party out of power always has a little more of a problem -- >> and then hillary clinton comes in and says, all right, you kids, you can't run this place. >> here's the problem with that scenario. the people who will get elected, on the house side and senate candidates, are going to be more aligned with ted cruz than mitch mcconnell. >> right. that's the problem. >> rand paul will play peace maker. >> i guess if you're a progressive, better hope for victory, because defeat looks ugly. the roundtable staying with us. two contenders at each other's throat. this is the great battle to come. i am -- who am i? i'm selling this one. this is a great fight. who is the fight promotor? rand paul and chris christie, this is one of the great fights of all time. right out of spartacus. anyway, this is "hardball," the place for politics.
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[ high-pitched ] nailed it! [ normal voice ] you're right, that was really easy. i know, i told you so. on, you can compare our progressive direct rates with our competitors' rates, so shopping is easy. you don't sound like flo. [high-pitched] yeah, i do. [ clears throat ] who you talking to? [ normal voice ] what? what's on your hand? noth-- my wedding ring. [chuckles] symbol of our love and understanding. comparing rates for you. now that's progressive. [ high-pitched ] nailed it!
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new polling on some close races. we check the "hardball" scoreboard. to florida, a new poll finds crist leading by one over rick scott. hard to call that one. 42 for crist, 41 for scott. in connecticut, a new poll has dan malloy, the democrat, up one over republican tom foley. 43-42. to maine, a new poll finds michaud with a one-point lead over paul lepage.
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governor christie joins us here today. >> yeah, what? >> governor, what do you say to miss hickox' claims that her quarantine was inhumane. >> with all due respect, megan, you need to shut the hell up. >> we're back with the round stable. that was "snl's" take on chris christie's latest display of rage.
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yesterday on face the >> but i don't think that -- i think people want someone to be bold. people want someone to be bold. and there was a time when i thought, you know what, when he stands up and says something, that's kind of good. but there can be too much of that, too. i think there's a resurgence of people who want a little more civility and discourse. >> is this animal house against the conservative club on campus? this is animal house. >> he's a brawler. it's his brand. >> the republican party, it's combination of ooesz coast, people with some money, a bit more hawkish and then the midwest people more lib retarian and more isolationist. this looks like the bottom of
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the tributes. >> yes, two points of view and both guys capable of getting grassroots voters excited for different reasons. they both have very different reasons for crossing over and trying to get some sen tryst votes. >> it cries out for the answer, howard and i were talking earlier about the third man and the third government. this demands there be a third choice. i'd love it if they did, but they probably won't. >> and the other guy is too rough. >> and you have to mention, as we've been mentioning all night, ted cruz. what you've got is three cat goirs here. you've got the managerial kas goir, which chris christie would be in if he weren't always saying sit-down and shut up. >> h.r. may come. >> so there's the managerial class. and then there's the ted cruz cultural anger class.
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and then there's rand paul, who is the -- trying to be the bridge builder, oddly enough, the son of ron paul, the libertarian. >> who looks presidential? >> none of them. none of them do. none of them look presidential. >> what are they auditioning for? maybe for the republican nomination? >> they're auditioning for iowa. >> they are. but none of them, including chris christie, can cross over in a general election. christie has bruised himself so much, he's not the person to go up against hillary clinton. >> the job is open. people like jeb bush, although he's got the has pinnic kids. you can be the be more pro-immigration than marrying somebody from mexico. but then i look at john casey in ohio. it seems like the job is open. these two dwies are not going to fill it. >> i think there are a whole bunch of governors we haven't talked about tonight. there's casic. there are people in the midwest,
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right, who have some connection to the tea party, grassroots, who have solid records, conservative governors. and i think those guys are going to emerge more as the party elite says well, do we have the best that we can have right now. >> they are charisma free. >> mike walker, talk radio host. he's a very good speaker. >> you have to see how he can talk on the bench. >> there's some cynics who will argue that president obama has given charisma a bad name in certain respecteds. the older republican party, a royalist party of succession, paul ryan, who we have not mentioned, who is on the ticket, would be someone we talk about. >> hillary clinton taking the secretary of state job. she was just another talker from new york. senator. she wouldn't be in position to be the next president. i don't think. thaipg, guys. as always, good luck tomorrow night and your strongest emotions.
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chase. so you can. let me finish toent with something special. our right to vote. i've had the joy of covering two great events in my life. both stand out as shining moments in my hisz ri. they are the opening of the berlin wall in 1989 and the first election races in south africa. both involve the most basic steps in human progress.
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both, in a very deep and powerful way, are acts of hope. the first came a quarter of a century ago this friday. i will never forget standing on the east berlin side of the gaet interviewing people who were a member of that great civil division. it was a drizzling night raining of people waiting for their deliverance from repression. among them with my limited german i asked them what freedom meant to them. a young woman said it meant nurses in the hopt. and others had similar answers. finally, i came to a young guy with longish hair wearing an old army jacket. when i asked him, he gave me an answer that still haunts me. talking to you. that's all he said standing there in the open space and speaking openly about the country's political leaders.
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that is what freedom meant to him. what we take for granted five years later, in south africa where the great archbishop deposition exhibit no. e desmond tutu. the lines were completely integrated with whites and mixed-race people all waiting for the longest time in the son in the first true expression of democracy in the country. i remember the young white woman looked up to me and said this was the day i vat waited for my whole life. voting. it all, when you come down to it, acts of hope. we cannot always come out on top. but we think, we argue and we vote. all, when you get right down to it, are just as i said. acts of hope. tomorrow, where ever you are, however you believe, however you argue, make that act of hope. now, more than ever, hope is our best arguemented against the cynics and can complaisant e sent and those who would make all the mornt decisions without you.
12:00 am
that's hard e "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. >> tonight on "all in," election eve in america. nate silver is here with his final senate forecast. plus, senator sheldon whitehouse. then, the latest dark-money ploy to fool democratic voters in three states. >> and why being a bad candidate doesn't necessarily mean you're going to lose. tonight, our bipartisan lisz of candidates we believe have a real shot at winning. >> senator jackson claims to be for the people. but he's the first one to give it to the people without providing vasilne. >> all in starts right now. >> that comment is not pret plitically correct.
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