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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  November 4, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PST

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today, the bitter and expensive battle taking place in florida between republican governor rick scott and democratic challenger former republican governor charlie crist. also, the race in wisconsin with 2016 presidential implications as republican governor and potential 2016 gop candidate scott walker seeks a second term in that state. he's in a tight race with democrat mary burke. among the 150 ballot measures today -- it's not clear if all the places will follow the lead of colorado and washington state legalizing medical marijuana is also on the ballot in florida. we begin in iowa where the front page of the des moines register said historically could be made tonight. joni ernst and democrat bruce braley are locked in a dead hit according to the latest
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quinnipiac poll. not only with ernst win mean control of the senate it could be the gop could have ernst become the first woman elected to federal office and first female in the senate. luke russert is in des moines. you got an exclusive interview with joni ernst. what did she say will happen as far as direction and policy if she wins. what is her vision? >> it's interesting, tamron. joni ernst has been outspoken. it came about in her gop primary win she wants to repeal the president's health care law. i saw at rally where terri branstad talked about iowa being the healthiest state in the nation. he put forward the president's health care law on a bipartisan way within the state. take a listen to what she told me about how she sees a full repeal of the law working for iowans. >> governor branstad wants iowa to be the healthiest state. can it happen with a full repeal
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of health care? >> you bet. we need patient center health care that addresses preexisting conditions. i think it's a great goal and i think we need to continue striving toward it. >> do you support mcconnell? >> i'm not there yet. i have to win an election. >> you heard it right there. does she support mcconnell? listen to her answer. it's a little bit vague. and that's what democrats have been trying to push in the last few hours. that joni ernst is against you on the issues. unfortunately where she's brale more about people like you. her charisma seems to be giving her a little bit of edge as we head to the final day. bruce braley will need the democratic ground operation if he is going to overcome joni ernst. >> thank you. let's move to colorado. where there's two important races we're tracking there there morning. two democrats facing tight re-election bids. first up mark udall is locked in a virtual dead heat with cory
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gardener in one of the closest races in the country, $94 million have been spent by the candidate and supporters making it, by the way, the second most expensive senate race in the united states after north carolina. and the race for governor is also neck and neck. john hickenlooper is facing a tough challenge from bob. keep an eye on colorado for a number of reasons because republicans had not had statewide success in colorado in a decade. that could change tonight. >> no, they have not. in fact, they haven't won a major statewide race in ten years. democrats have pretty much dominated the race. everyone seemed to be think it was trending blue. an election today in which republicans win both the senate and the governor's race. it's a possibility both are close. would seriously question the assumption that colorado is turning into a blue state. it could be seen an as
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opportunity for future republican gains perhaps in 2016 on the presidential level. both sides will be watching the campaign extremely closely on election night for signs about whether it might hold any clues as to the party's future going forward. >> and the first read team points to an article his column on data killing the political star. they point to mark udall's race and say if he loses many will question will his campaign seem to be about female turn out all about the abortion contraception ads and not why he was the best candidate to address colorado. they're using it as an example how some of the politicians are obsessed with consultants, ad buy, and data and not heart of the issue can you best represent your state. >> yes. and this is a source of tension among democrats in colorado as well. i was at a hispanic vote rally with mark udall yesterday and some of the attendees have been
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trying to organize latino voters around the state are concerned there's so much focus on the one abortion issue that udall hasn't runny ads talking about, say, immigration. the explanation the campaign gives based on their data and experience latinos already know. on the ground there's a question whether they can fire up voters without making that message explicit. it goes back to the same data you're talking about. >> thank you very much. to the expensive race in north carolina we mentioned the most expensive senate race so far. the stakes could not be higher than they are in north carolina. where both parties have poured -- if you can believe this more than $100 million into that race incredible. and the latest polls have democratic senator cay hagan leading tom tillis by less than 1%. in a surprise move after hagan spent most of the race distancing herself from president obama with hour to go
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before the election her campaign released a radio ad featuring the president. tremaine lee is in north carolina. he joins me now. a lot of people think suddenly the change of heart regarding the president and affiliation with the president has to do with the black vote. we've seen moral monday. we know the black vote is significant if senator hag season to keep her seat. >> oh, certainly. an association with president obama may be toxic in some circles. black folks and black voters in particular still love president obama. there's no doubt about that. when you talk about the moral monday's movement lead by the reverend william basher. you're talking about a broad coalition. not just black voters but white voters, older voters. remember the naacp was formed by
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a broad coalition. we're in the embryonic stages of a new reconstruction and a new coalition of voters. so he suggested that, you know, while black voters will certainly make a difference in this race in particular, that's a lot of weight to put on one voting block. it's going to take white democrats to come out. it's going to take the coalition. >> and right now the new york times is reporting that the state has seen a surge in early voting among black voters. also, tremaine, i know there's some news about some problems being reported at polling locations. what can you tell us about that? >> well, certainly. there's speculation about a slew of new voting id. you need a photo id to vote. it won't take effect forest fire -- for a couple of years. here behind me at this church just down the street from the college this morning they got the wrong voter rolls. there are reports of many
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showing up at the wrong polls. you can no longer vote out of presin p p p presingt. now to kentucky where democrat al son lundergan grimes is promising a, quote, photofinish. grimes told supporters last night the polls and pundits that claim she's losing will be surprised tonight. the latest poll putting mcconnell ahead of grimes by 9 points. with me kentucky democratic congressman. thank you for your time. >> my pleasure, tamron. >> let's talk about this photo finish that allison lu lundergan grimes is predicting here. being unwilling to say if she voted for president obama. congressman clyburn was on our show yesterday he cited it's a huge mistake and potentially
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will cost her the senate seat. what do you say? >> i think it was a mistake. i don't think it's going cost her. i spent a lot of time among african-american voters the last two weeks. they're enthusiastically behind her. they want to get rid of mitch mcconnell. i think turn out in the african-american community will be significant. i don't think it's going to cost her many votes. i think it was a mistake. >> let me play what senator mccobbm mcconnell said. it will be a repute yags of the president's policies. we're going to send him a message. if republicans take enough seats to win back the senate this will be true. i'm sure you heard new comments from joni ernst out of iowa saying she's ready to repeal obamacare. we know that connect has been very successful in kentucky. and that begs the question why democrats including allison lundergan grimes were not able to pick some traction where you see progress in thousands of
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people benefitting from the health care's law. >> it hasn't gotten much coverage but allison has been very adamant about the fact she doesn't want to repeal the affordable care act, she doesn't want to take insurance away from the kentuckians who have it and who didn't. she wants to tweak it and make some corrections. she's been fairley defensive of the act and complimented the governor for his efforts in that regard. it's a very strange issue because most people who already have their insurance aren't affected by the affordable care act. they actually are because they have new protections. but that they didn't have before. they're not aware of it. i'm not sure how it's going to play. mitch was embarrassed because he tried to say we could keep connect without eliminating coverage and the expansion of medicaid which is nonsense. he's been called out for that. what mitch has done is run the
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campaign basically on two ideas. one is president obama is bad. secondly, that he wants to be a majority leader and that would be good for kentucky. he refused consistently to say what he would do if he were majority leader because he has no vision for the commonwealth or the country and that's the problem, i think, right now that democrats are facing. is we're faced with the tax republicans who have no alternative agenda and so it's kind of strange, i think, a lot of voters don't have a clear distix as to what republicans would do versus what democrats would do. >> let me get your reaction. republicans are hoping to increase the majority in the house. the drive to 245 seats. if they are successful in the increase how do you believe the change or it wouldn't change the climate that is already clearly tense and many see it as completely ineffective >>well, it will be interesting to see. my hope would be that some of the republicans who are new would be more moderate and would actually would not be a part of
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the tea party and would try to get something done. i suspect, however, that they would almost double down and just keep passing the kind of extreme policies that trying to repeal the affordable care act 50 something times basically trashing the clean air act and the environmental emasculating the environmental protection agency. those are the kind of bills they've been passing. bills that have no chance of passing. even if republicans control the senate those type of bills would never pass the senate either. i suspect they'll just waste our time for two more years. >> thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. polls prove what comments and pundits have been joking about. >> it's very important. don't forget to head to your local polling place and cancel out your dad's vote. >> older voters flock together polls in the midterms while young voters apparently staying away. how to engage young voters in
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off year elections. plus, while control of the senate may not be decided for days, perhaps even longer what would a gop senate mean for the president and democrats? you heard congressman predict that many republicans might simply double down on some of the legislation they've attem attempted to push through including repealing the health care's law. i'll talk live with senator bob casey. one of the races that could stretch into december. the louisiana senate race. democrat incumbent mary landrieu leads a three-way contest but what will happen if she's forced into a month long runoff? join our conversation online. you can find me on twitter, facebook, and instagram under my name. and my team on "newsnation." give them a follow. we'll be right back. toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea
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it's what they call the midterm elections and you can cut the indifference with a knife. >> midterm election day! as people under 65 call it. why are the old people lined up at the elementary school? >> the candidates have all said all that can be said. and walked back all that i can regret having said. >> very important don't forget to head down to your local polling place and cancel out your dad's vote. very important. it's funny because there might be a little truth there. also raising some serious points about turn out and the makeup of the electorate. democrats are relining on a strong showing from women, mi r
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minoriti minorities. senior political editor mark murray. joini joining us from iowa steve. the author of rules for patriots. how conservative can win again. let me pick up on the turn out vote. ron burn seen noted the famine for democrats in the obama area. they point to minority voters and young voters. it's not a big surprise to people. but it will forever at least in the near future be a struggle with democrats. >> if you want one reasons why democrats do so well in presidential years it's the younger votes. and in 2012 they made up 19% of the electorate. more than the seniors did. but in 2010 they only made up 10 or 11%. and many people are expecting that percentage to be kind of similar we're going to get today similar to 2010. and then the question becomes so
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what can you do to get the folks out to vote. and a lot of smart people i talk to you have to wait for the 18 and 29-year-old. maybe people in the early 30s to become senior citizens before democrats start dominating. >> you saw in georgia democrats attempt to bring in the ferguson issue to the conversation in north carolina. there were moral mondays as people were vigilant trying to motivate minority voters outside of waiting until the 18-year-old my nephew's age turns whatever the citizens. i don't try to stay young. into waiting that number out. what did the party do especially now with this race? >> you know, again, when it comes to minority voters. i think the composition and the electorate will be similar to -- there's been a lot written about it in the races that matter like in colorado. i think you'll see strong turn out. good numbers for democrats is the younger voters that make the difference and how you actually
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decide to engage them or not. i think it's so hard to be able to do so. but kind of going back. it was those children of the new deal era which was responsible for the democrats having majority in the house in the 1970, and the 1980 and a lot has to do with who the people are and how they're voting. >> let me bring you in. some of the handicapping going on right now as we pointed out the top of the show. eight or ten races within the margin of error. the wreel journal if the night plays out the republicans would like. as for the republicans if they have a good night on tuesday, as they increasingly expect it would be nice if they were gracious and big minded and a real relief if they did not look smug. twont be nice if they were happy but modest and made it clear they are aware of the fix we're in. we're happy tonight but it's going to take work. the kind of work that is the most important in saving our country. if this night plays out the way some republicans certainly hope
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and believe it will, what do you believe is the single message being on the more conservative end of your party? >> well, the message clearly will be the president's policies will be rejected. he said himself his policies are on the ballot. i have appeared on the ground in more battle ground senate races for democrats than president obama. clearly he's not popular. neither are his policies. that will be the message if it goes tonight the way we think it will. i'm already getting calls from presidential candidates. i have for weeks and months now. i think it's going to create an environment for conservatives in 2016 in that primary. similar to what liberals had in the 2008 democrat primary after their big midterm win in 2006. >> i want to pick up on the environment of the climate from republicans. joni ernst was asked if she would support mitch mcconnell. she skirted away without answering that question. what does it say about the
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climate of your party someone who was against romney for president and did not support mitt romney's campaign. you did not feel his views were conservative enough. now you have members of your own party right now republicans looking back saying what if mitt had won. even some of the more conservative in your party. >> i know plenty of conservatives around the country are doing the math and thinking maybe the best outcome we get to 51 and mcconnell loses. mcconnell's popularity with conservatives around the country it's almost as low as the president's. i think that's why you see ted cruz he's not sold on supporting mcconnell. that's why you're hearing that johnni ernst. she's going win by three or four points. she needs to make sure she doesn't lose one or two points. >> the landscape as he view it is if the republicans control the senate and the house he believes it will be more extreme. doubling down of more extreme
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votes from obamacare to the clean air act. just some of the things that are great sources of enthusiasm for democrats. >> peggy newman's column referred to a lovely sentiment. but steve's comments put it more in perspective. in terms of the aggressive conservativism we're going it see. joni ernst didn't just say she was want going for president obama -- mcconnell. most of the republicans running for the senate advocating shutting down the government to get their away. even if it's costs $24 million. let's understand what the potential of the new republican senate means. it's doubling down on the extremism we saw ted cruz and the tea party do last time. cruz is already threatening subpoenas to investigate the president for abuses of power. >> what steve's point is, if the republican party has the night is expecting it's a referendum
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on president obama. discu despite the things you laid out. >> you see there's a big difference. we're looking at ten states. seven of which are not just republican states but voted against obama by double digits. >> but colorado, new hampshire are states that democrats thought they owned in a sense. or at least would have some traction. >> new hampshire i agree on. >> colorado. we should. we certainly should have. we should have done better there. i think we can win that state still. the fact it's close is troubling. my point there's a big obviously any president for six years wears on the public. the issues, for example, expanding the minimum wage. pay equity for women, that has great national support. democrats got into a more aggressive job if asserting that and less offensive in discussing the agenda. >> last but not least the tick to be here. early in the evening we'll will looking at new hampshire to see
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how it comes back. north carolina and that can set the stage. >> these are maybe the two most important states to watch. north carolina it closes at 7:30. new hampshire it's 8:00. it might take a couple of hours. if democrats are holding on you can see they have a path to a senate majority but if republicans win one or both of those it's going to be a rough night for democrats. so those two states are probably going to tell us a lot about how the national mood and everything else is breaking. >> i'll be there with my first pint of ice cream. >> what do you think your night will be like? robert said ice cream if the democrats get taken out here. >> i got tell you i'm more of a ben and jerries guy. >> thank you very much. a little humor in what will be a tense night. thank you very much. up next kansas may elect the first nonrepublican senator since 1932. why our team on the ground said independ greg orrman poses a
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throat pat roberts. and one tea party candidate in louisiana could upset the gop's chances of winning control of the senate. the president was on the trail this beak and revving up the vote in philadelphia. take a look. >> this is straightforward. i got a simple message. we got to vote. and just give them the basics, you know. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? [thinking] i'm still working. he's retired. i hope he's saving. i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses,
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democrats when the race comes down to just lane i did and cassidy. landrieu leads by five points. i'm joined by a great friend in the wonderful state of louisiana. and i know firsthand a few republicans in the state floating around e-mails encouraging voters to get out and vote for anyone but landrieu there. okay. we've run into some technical problem there. we apologize. we'll get cory johnson back on as soon as we work out the audio problem as we know that louisiana is a very important race in the state. let's move on now to another state kansas. long time senator pat roberts is facing an unexpectedly strong challenge. this year from independent greg orrman. they were deadlocked in the most
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recent nbc poll with orrman leading roberts bay single percentage point well within the margin of error. that's the theme of the day. senator roberts made a last minute appeal to voters making stops all over the state. greg orrman appeared on morning joe. asking if he'll caucus with democrats or republicans should he go on the victory tonight. >> you know i've said from the beginning that i'm going to caucus with whichever party wants to solve problems in the country. and engel real questions comes down to if we are the deciding vote. if we're the swing vote i think it's a great opportunity to vote the problem solving agenda in the senate and also hold the majority accountable. joining me now by phone in overland park, kansas is amanda. thank you for joining us. the gop has been flooding kansas with money and a bid to save roberts. why is he in trouble with in the republican stronghold? >> good morning, tamron. orman remains confident that voters will not be turned off as
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him running as third party candidate. he's threatening robert's reign there. they are divide order what they expect from orman. some anticipate him to run with democrats. it doesn't necessarily mean he's a shoo in for the party. turning out people to be vote will be crucial today since he doesn't have the party machine bhienld him. he's been knocking on doors from ear 0 to wichita in the last day. we'll see if the efforts will be enough. the other race to keep a close eye on is who will take over the governor ice mansion. republican governor sam brownback is in a tight re-election race here which could mean voters are pushing back on the for a right style of governance particularly with the tax cut and the spending cut which is have lead to a massive revenue shortfall here and the state bond rating to be downgraded not once but twice. >> thank you very much. we appreciate it.
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we'll take you wack to louisiana after a quick break. if the gop wins control of the senate, how will democrats work with a republican senate? up next we'll be joined by senator bob casey of pennsylvania and the black vote in the bluegrass state why kentucky candidates mitch mcconnell and allison lundergan grimes are focussed on the african-american voters. [singing to himself] "here she comes now sayin' mony mony". ["mony mony" by billy idol kicks in on car stereo] ♪don't stop now come on mony♪ ♪come on yeah ♪i say yeah ♪yeah ♪yeah ♪yeah ♪yeah ♪yeah ♪yeah ♪'cause you make me feel like a pony♪ ♪so good ♪like your pony ♪so good ♪ride the pony the sentra, with bose audio and nissanconnect technology.
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louisiana is a red state. they know how important this race is. not only locally but nationally. the potential of taking control of the senate. bill cass i didy's goal is to m the runoff. he wants mary landrieu to not get 50% plus a vote. mary landrieu feels a chance they could get the 50% and one vote and this thing tonight. >> and we understand the new york times reporting democrats are making a contingency plan. times point out they booked hotel rooms and out of state campaign operatives. to dissent on louisiana to help miss landrieu. they already activated this plan b or i guess it would be the plan a if she's going win the senate ultimately. >> they're expecting a third of register voters to vote maybe a million folks. a month from now it will probably be about half that
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number. they want both camps republicans and democrats. i think you'll see a runoff that's what is anticipated. there's going to be a lot of money spent over the next 0 days in laouisiana. >> thank you so much. we take you to kentucky where as we mentioned the african-american vote could make a huge difference in the senate race there. a piece on out today points to how both democrat allison lundergan grimes and mitch mcconnell are hoping to black voters show up for her. msnbc is live in louisville. if that is the strategy of allison lundergan grimes, what is the strategy of senator mcconnell? >> senator mcconnell has left no stone unturned. he, for the first time ever, was showing up in african-american communities strongholds.
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several folks have told me they have never seen him around before. now he's on african-american radio and in television ads starring african-americans. the greatest hope that al son lundergan grimes has at all to beat the polls which show her behind as much as eight points to tush out in places like jefferson county. so far that seems to be pretty good news. it may not be enough but when we talk to folks they're saying they've never seen turn out like this before. they're seeing long lines and folks are fired up. >> thank you. and our first read team said new hampshire is one of the two most important states to watch. how every scenario for democrats to keep hold of the senate relies on incumbent senator jane shaheen beating republican scott brown. we'll dig into that race right after the break. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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back now as we continue with our in-depth election coverage bringing you the latest from the key states. we'll turn to new hampshire, which our first read notes today is flagging as one of the most two important states to watch along with north carolina. every snare row democrats holding on to the senate assumes they win those two states. for that to happen, senator shaheen will have to fend off a late surge by scott brown. joshua miller has been covering this race from the very start. josh joshua, polls close at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. our first read team, of course, notes that is the flood gates. that's when we begin to see the setting of the night. >> that's true indeed. this has been a very close race in recent days. we've seen polls narrow it
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definitely feels like a margin of error race. there are pockets of enthusiasm from scott brown and those fed up with president obama. and pockets of enthusiasm for jane shaheen. it will come down to the wire. >> what is behind the late surge for scott browne? >> i'm not sure if it's a late surge. i think his message begun to connect a little bit more. his focus on making sure people connect shaheen with president obama who has become unpopular in the state. i think over time that message has begun to trickle down to more and more voters and if she's successful tonight i think it will be because he worked so hard to make that message that a vote for shaheen a continue what obama is doing. shaheen worked to localize the race and make it about what she said she has done for the state over time working to get this bridge built or the federal prison built that had this many
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jobs. we'll see which message comes back. >> the polls close at 8:00 p.m. eastern in new hampshire. they close 7:30 eastern time and if the first read team is right we'll see the stage set one way or the other. and disturb video of what police are calling an abduction in philadelphia. this tops a few stories we're following outside of politics news around the nation today. happened late sunday night. this was in the germantown section of philadelphia. a man is seen following a woman. she's been identified as 22-year-o 22-year-old. she grabs her and drags her into a vehicle. the reward for any information is $15,000. it's unbelievable video. we've learning nfl star adrian peterson is back in court today. a plea deal could be presented to the judge. nbc sports is reporting the deal could ruse a felony child abuse charge to a misdemeanor allowing possibly peterson to be back on
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the field by the end of the season. he's accused of disciplining his son with a tree branch earlier this year. peterson previously said he was not a child abuser and disciplining his son the way his father disciplined him. suspected of the disappearance of american teen natalee holloway has been reportedly tstabbed in a prison. he was seriously injured where he's serving time for killing a student in 2010. the attorney believes vander sloot was stabbed because inmates believe a high profile murder would close the prison. the prison director denies that a stabbing happened. okay. up next georgia senate race could end with an unusually long nine week runoff. go get your calendar and mark it for this one. a libertarian candidate could cost republicans a senate seat and elect a democratic senator for the first time in nearly two
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decade. in that state msnbc susie kim tweeted this picture of voters lining up in atlanta. she will join me next. first, the country's most popular democrat bill clinton urged floridians to vote yesterday in orlando. you have to elect your candidate not polarize for everybody dropping negative ads. let me get this straight... yes? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, no discomfort, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and try lactaid® supplements with your first bite to dig in to all your dairy favorites. for medicare.
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in a good environment with a very unpopular president, we ought to win in tough states. i definitely agree with that analysis and i think we are going to win in purple states. >> that was rnc chairman on "the daily rundown" this morning confident about chances of retaking the senate. democratic senator of pennsylvania bob casey, thank you so much for your time.
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>> thanks, tamron. >> the "new york times" puts it this way. the uncertainty is a fitting match for the mood of the nation. the slowly improving economy with gas below $3 for the first time in four years and deficit reduction has not translated into broader optimism. why do you believe that is the case? >> the of the reason for that is that the great recession was a lot worse than even we thought. middle class incomes because of what happened two years before the president got into office have sent middle class incomes back to 1989 people have been pushed very hard in the wrong direction. even with the deficit being cut from about 9% or 10% down to 2% or 3%.
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even with gas prices low, a lot of people have not felt it. it's the great recession that is harming the families. >> do you believe there is a messaging problem. the first team put it this way. the republicans would say the president stinks and democrats say nothing in reply to that. essentially run or walk away from the very things that you believe are drowned out by the noise and convinced people their lives are not better right now. >> i am surprised that a lot of our incumbent senators are hanging on. this is a very difficult terrain. the 6th year for any president is always a bad year and our candidates are neck and neck in a lot of states. it's surprising that republicans are not running away with it because they have all the advantages this year and we have
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our side has view few. our candidates are running a strong campaign. >> thank you so much for your time. we greatly appreciate you joining us. >> another state to watch where a run off is possible is georgia. our latest "wall street journal" poll shows republican david perdue leading michelle nunn, but amanda swafford. in georgia, nunn's came pan had to walk from distancing her from the president and exciting the democratic base she needs. susie kim is in atlanta and joy reed our colleague interviewed michelle nunn. >> i spent a fair amount of time watching her commercials and our opponent's commercials. the tone you are trying to set
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is not about washington, but a general bipartisanship. do you think that's realistic in the current climate? >> i think it's what people are hungry for. people say we are tired about partisanship and the bad feeling. people know that we have to work together and it's common sense and georgia values. a long tradition of people working across the isle and. >> the polls have been all over the past week. this has truly been an up and down races that will be the talk of the night. >> for sure and i don't think anyone is taking the out come for granted. i spoke with voters outside the polling station. one woman is a cancer survivor and has a doctor's appointment that she is going to drive her
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three grown children to the polls and any elderly folks in the neighborhood here outside in the out skirts to the polling place because she knows how important turn out will be for the democrats which is the party she hopes will prevail in the election. there is also -- i was going to say in terms of michelle nunn's message in terms of being a moderate to bring both sides together, that's a message that folks are hoping will prevail. michelle nunn will need to convince white women to side with her if she wants to win a run off in january. >> great job, thank you so much. we appreciate you joining us. that does it for this edition of "news nation." i think we hit every race you will be talking about tonight as we see how this all plays out. i'm tamron hall. we will be back with you tonight. stay with us for complete
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coverage of tonight's election. i will be part of the coverage covering the exit polling throughout the night. i will see you later this evening. up next, "andrea mitchell reports." ony mony". ["mony mony" by billy idol kicks in on car stereo] ♪don't stop now come on mony♪ ♪come on yeah ♪i say yeah ♪yeah ♪yeah ♪yeah ♪yeah ♪yeah ♪yeah ♪'cause you make me feel like a pony♪ ♪so good ♪like your pony ♪so good ♪ride the pony the sentra, with bose audio and nissanconnect technology. spread your joy. nissan. innovation that excites. [singing] ♪mony mony
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[ male announcer ] you're not just looking for a house. you're looking for a place for your life to happen. zillow. people will get out the vote. >> if you don't get out, you don't have a voice. >> right now on "andrea mitchell reports," decision day. as americans vote, at stake is the balance of power and key policies that affect your lives. will republicans take over the senate? who will win 36 governor's races? will young people and minorities come out to vote. what about the ads as the most expensive mid-term election comes to a close. >> the voters have a clear choice. >> we are in the home stretch. >> let's make them school. >> in the campaign with a number
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of big contests still in play. >> running for the u.s. senate. >> i think we will send a message. the road to a majority runs through kansas. >> it's difficult to see you fighting for new hampshire. >> good day at election headquarters. welcome to the coverage that will define the final two years of the obama presidency and determine what is going to happen in statehouses across the country. our team is in place live from the rocky mountains to the atlantic coast. luke russert in iowa and in north carolina and kristin welker in georgia. we begin in kentucky with perry bacon to senate republican leader mitch mcconnell. that's a race we thoughtld


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