tv Ronan Farrow Daily MSNBC November 4, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST
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stumping for every last vote. >> louisville, are you ready to lead this state and bring it home? >> we are going to show our state and we are going to show our nation that grass roots efforts can triumph out of state billionaires who are trying to buy this seat. >> we are surging and we have momentum. >> together we can make a difference for the next six years in iowa. >> a sweeping on the ground view with the biggest races in the country. tre main in north carolina and suze kim is in georgia. all hot rhyses. kentucky is a blue grass battle royal and could determine the future leadership of the senate.
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the minority leader is up against clinton family friend, allison grimes. they tried to drown out the clinton length with comparisons to president obama. at a polling station there. are you seeing democratic groups turn out for grimes today? >> so allison grimes is going to need nothing short of a miracle. she needs to see this look more like 2012 or 2008 where the president supporters came out for him here even though he didn't win the state. in jefferson county where there has been extraordinary turn out, poll workers say it doesn't look like a mid-term. it looks more presidential. she needs to run up the numbers with african-american voters to beat the fact that the polls show a widening chasm in mitch mcconnell's favor. >> for grimes there, thanks for following that for us. let's go from kentucky to iowa.
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over there a 2ke78 krat is fighting hard to keep the seat for the party. bruce braley is in a tight race with joni ernst with pig castration and taylor swift comparison ads. ernst was ahead and that was unexpected. how large is that looming over the braley camp today? >> with certainty that "des moines register" poll is looming large over the campaign. there have been two and seven that showed a much closer race, but the polls considered the best and he has taken to stumping around the state with the false headline. they are all smiles and very confident into tonight. >> all bets are off and we appreciate it today.
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>> that's the effect for the first time today. let's look at how it plays out. kay hang in versus the tom tillis for the candidate. are black voters responding today? the voter said they are voting against what they say has been an attack. they would like to use this as a referendum. it's not about what's happening nationally here on the ground. tom tillis has pushed through the legislature with a slew of new laws that have been nothing
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but repressive and aggressive and turning the table back on black voters. >> thanks. your reporting is always incredible. let's stay in the south and head to georgia next. they are predicting that the senate race could go to a run off and be in limbo for a long time. standing by is susie kim. with talk of the run off, are voters hunkering down for a long wait? >> i think that voters here are ready for a fight. i talked to them here who understand and know that it will take a lot of work to fight an even more uphill battle. the coordinator who is heading up to coordinate democrats here. michelle nun needs to reach out to three key blocks to keep it for a run off. the democrats here in the state
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are thinking that through. >> on to colorado depending on which poll you look at, democratic incumbent. we have the story in denver. there is a big latino population and a lot of analysts are saying that could swing things here. that's a democratic vote. is that group in udahl awe corner today? >> the udall campaign expects to win by a wide margin. then democratic senator won 80% of the vote on the way to an upset win. republicans are playing pretty good here where voting is good
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for you. >> appreciate your reporting on this. >> thanks to our reporters. stick around. up next. and we will talk to a rising democratic star. joaquin castro about the loan star state that could change the stakes. today we are celebrating all of you. taking selfies before or after voting. not in the booth please. use the hash tag ro nation. before heading to the polls, eric stamps proudly wearing his i voted sticker after visiting his polling places. there a lot of good ones. keep the tweets coming. we will have more. stay tuned all day to the
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coverage here on msnbc as well as prime time coverage with our favorite team in the business that kicks off at 6:00 sharp. still ahead, this election day, that rising democratic star castro on the challenge of turning out the latino vote and why that could make or break results way beyond the lone star state. look at y'all in ro nation voting in texas specifically. new york state is jump-starting business with startup-ny. an unprecedented program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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wendy davis is up against greg abbott. she is looking to be the first woman since ann richards to win the office. technical problems resulting in long lines at polling stations in houston. >> it must be easier to vote in kazakhstan than here. >> how long did it take? >> about an hour and 15 minutes, i think. >> standing by in houston is zachary roth. are people lined up for an hour or more to vote? do you get the sense that problems are isolated to houston? >> these problems are not isolated. here at the westside in houston, they seem to have gotten more machines working as you showed. people were waiting this morning an hour and 15 minutes because there were two machines working. we had reports from other parts of houston about another site being down for an hour because of electrical problems. they say voters were not offered
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the chance to cast a ballot if they had to leave early. state-wide, the secretary of state's voter registration system has been down for much of the morning so people have been unable to access that to find out registration status and find out where they should be voting. we spoke to the office and they downplayed the problem saying one fewer option for voters to find out. that is causing serious confusion too. the backdrop is the state's strict voter id law which we know will disenfrance chiz the number of people. we spoke about the enormous bureaucratic headaches they have gone through in an unsuccessful effort. it's just a clue upon problems here on the ground. >> onest first times we are seeing the laws in action. zack roth, appreciate your following us.
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walking castro is a rising star of the democratic part and campaigning for wendy davis and he knows the heat well. congressman castro, i wanted to get your reaction to the problems in the houston area today. the spokesperson is this is a communication problem. what in your view if anything needs to change? >> mistakes on election day like that that cause people not to be able to vote are inexcusable. both the harris county elections department and the secretary of state need to take a close look today and after this election is over. the processes and what they are doing wrong. the secretary of state's website being down like that, that is just one more thing in a string of incompetence in texas state government whether it's the cronyism, the corruption, the fraud. this is one more thing. >> congressman castro, we heard our reporter talk about the impact of these stricter voter
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id laws. do you see them keeping people away from the polls? >> we had stories and anecdotes about people who were turned away and folk who is had to cast ballots because something on their id didn't match. certainly we have been getting the stories. it will be interesting to go back after the election is over and i requested that the federal government do this. the gao do a study to figure out how the voter id laws affected voters. >> congressman, you have been campaigning as we mentioned with wendy davis in some of the earlier polls a couple of days ago. she was down in the double-digits. we are not reporting early results today. but in your opinion from what you are seeing on the ground, do you think she can pull through? >> wendy has a fighting chance. she has been working hard and she is excited and a new base of voters in texas. we know, for example, by looking at the early vote that the voter
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pool is more diverse now and a lot of people have been inconsistent or nonvoters coming out to vote. i hope that that is more true than on election day. she has a fighting chance and has done a wonderful service for the state of texas. >> speaking of important and often overlooked, a lot of talk about the pivotal latino vote. 7.8 million people expected to vote in the election. latino voters around the country. democrats in a wide advantage among latino voters across the board. that does seem to be trending down. a new poll showing diminished since 2012. 57% intending to vote this year down from 66% in 2010. what do you attribute that to? >> i think of course there were folks that were disappointed with the president's inaction on
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taking further action on allowing immigrants to stay in the country. i think also republicans have tried to spin a narrative that the democrats are not helping the hispanic community including the president. a lot of it is smoke and mirrors. republicans have been hostile whether through the anti-immigrant rhetoric or refusing to consider an increase to the minimum wage or refusing in many states to expand the affordable care act including the expansion of medicaid. a lot of it has gotten caught up in the debate between republicans and democrats. >> you mentioned disappointment in the president's actions or lack there of on immigration reform. he is in this controversial position of not specifying what he is going to do and pledging to do something through executive action. how is that playing with latino voters that you are talking to?
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>> i think people are hopeful. the president should be a plowed for deferred action and the executive action he did take before. i am confident he will take it after the election, but what the community has to realize is just because you are disappointed with the president doesn't make the group of republicans like ted cruise and others angels by comparison. they have still taken positions that are far worse than the i had stannic community than a simple delay in action. >> back in 2012, they clinched a full four states in the election for president obama. this time around they could make all the beverage in at least one race, colorado where mark udall is up against cory gardner. how does that demonstrate the latino vote and what would you say about them trying to reach out to the voter block. >> democrats and republicans.
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it's a community that is fundamentally part of the fabric. there a lot of politicians and americans under the impression that all hispanics are immigrants and come from another country. you have a large block of immigrant, but a lot of people who are second and third and fourth and fifth generation americans who are 16 and 17% of the country and their concerns in addition immigration are a lot like the concerns of every other american. making sure that they can support their families and making sure they have access to health care for students who are aspiring to go into their careers and making sure the pell grant is available and student loans and work study opportunities. i would hope that everyone makes an attempt to reach out to the community and make their best argument. >> congressman castro, appreciate your clear voice on this. thank you for taking the time to join. just ahead, we head into the war
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room with operatives on both sides. ro nation's jg teaching his sons the important of casting a ballot. [♪] great rates and safety working in harmony. open an optimizer +plus account from synchrony bank. visit to open an account. service. security. savings. synchrony bank engage with us. having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident.
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yoplait light is now better than ever. it still melts in your mouth. with 90 calories. and is now aspartame free. yoplait light. it is so good; it's better than ever. >> i'm offering a ride to get a lot of people out. i don't think they understand what the other people went through to get the right to vote. >> they need to come on out. >> making the vote count. >> it's so important. we need so many things in florida. i'm a first time voter. >> not only that my vote counts, but i want to exercise the right to vote. that's what i'm doing today. >> america's fine voters after
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casting the ballots. who else but the greatest campaigner can make them explode with the single photo bomb. a sad girl while he was stumping for mark pryor. they call it the greatest campaign move yet. sweet jeeds us, nothing against pryor. i have a vision and i'm glad that's not the case. with polls showing races tidening, our predictions of a big gop wave premature. top republican operatives. stay tuned for election coverage tonight at 10:00 p.m. we are hosting the digital decision here. you can be part of that and the races you want to hear about with the hash tag msnbc votes. you will be answering your
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questions. the party continues all night here on television. we pick up the coverage at 2:00 a.m. eastern and 11:00 a.m. pacific. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you're watching one of the biggest financial services companies in the country at work. hey. thanks for coming over. hey. [ male announcer ] how did it come to be? yours? ah. not anymore. it's a very short story. come on in. [ male announcer ] by meeting you more than halfway. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. but at xerox we've embraced a new role. working behind the scenes to provide companies with services... like helping hr departments manage benefits and pensions for over 11 million employees. reducing document costs by up to 30%... and processing $421 billion dollars
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with a little help from us, they actually doubled their output speed. if you just need a loan, just call a bank. at ge capital, we're builders. and what we know... can help you grow. welcome back, everybody. it is election day. as america looks forward to potentially major shake-ups in leadership, let's take a look back at the most memorable campaign moments in 2014. we laughed and cried. >> i am a candidate for the united states senate for the state of new hampshire. >> i grew up cast rating farms on an iowa farm. when i get to washington, i will know how to cut pork. >> i have become only the second female democratic gubernatorial candidate since ann richards.
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>> join with me, fight with me. fight with president clinton and the middle class will rise again. >> i'm not a politician. i don't want to be one. >> i know there is a lot of long faces here tonight. you have to do it. >> governor crist asked to have a fan, a small fan placed underneath his podium. >> why are you reluctant to give an answer on whether or not you voted for president obama? >> bill, there is no reluctancy. this is a matter of principal. >> the congressman does not want to talk about the allegations concerning his campaign finances. we wanted to get him on camera. >> with biker's discrimination, we are cop magnets like a playboy bunny wearing a mini
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skirt gets hit on all the time. >> i don't care if he's as good-looking as david swift or as nice as mr. rogers, but if she votes like michele bachmann she is wrong for the state of wirks wa. >> i needed to apologize and i accept that apology. as taylor swift says, i will shake it off. >> by a congressman to a senate candidate being likened to taylor swift. the make up of our democratically led senate could look different since the defeat if 2012. they made inroads in key states that is the other side, the republican party. let's take a look at how they got there and what it could mean for the income two years. our power house panel, tim pawlenty, shawn spicer and former bush-cheney adviser
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robert. good to have you back. i will start with you. there a bunch of tight governor's races right now. one of the wildest in florida. we all remember fan gate. crist uses them to lead as a democrat. what's going on down there. for good reason, the untold story here is how close the races are, governor's races are in a good republican year for republican incumbents. i think the republicans are going to pull it out in the key states. the races are a lot closer than they should be. it speaks to the governor's races being more localized and what they can bring forward. >> the very most expensive senate race is in north carolina, upwards of $100 million.
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it was what they were wrestling away from the president. why are they neck and neck with kay hang in? >> that's an interesting state. they have gone republican for many, many years and president obama won in 2008. you mentioned mitt romney in 2012. they are trending more blue given the immigrants coming in and a lot of military individuals as well. that's a state and they are in the margin of victory. the momentum is on his part. i do think that is a race that republicans will pick up this evening. the state is becoming much more diverse. >> we are looking at turn around stories. they lot of badly in 2012 and trending in a different way. what was different on the republican side this time?
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>> i would add colorado in particular there. i think we made a couple of decisions and we needed to get in a lot earlier. we needed permanent staff and that's one of the things we needed to talk about. we needed to go into the communities and be there not just months before, but years before the election and engage in the communities and different minorities. we sent staff and asian and black communities and hispanic communities to build bridges between the party and the voters that we don't talk to. the republicans have not gone into it in the past and they pick up for all three of them. >> if the republicans assume control of the senate, what is in specific terms a legislative priority that they can work with the president on. is there any such priority on
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the table? >> there two. the keystone pipeline is something that labor supports. it will grow jobs and long-term jobs with good benefits. these are the jobs we talk about wa create in america. this is what the president has opposed and he has labor to back them up. that's something to work on and trade and expanding how many products we sell overseas is another thing that the president talked about and his democrats have opposed. as we look to open up markets and increase and all of the focus will be on the economic issues and growing the economy and trying to increase people's take on it.
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>> we laid on the the plan and i think one, there is a lot of skepticism among house and senate with dealing with the president and the trust issue is huge. we saw this summer with the flood of children believe we need a secure borter for a time before we start talking about hoe to bring more people in. they want to see substantial progress before we start looking at reform as a big peas of going for the. and a major presence on the democratic side. we have mitt romney hitting the trail aggressively.
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do you see mitt romney hitting the trail on that? >> most candidates would love to have them campaign for them. mitt romney does a great job and popularity has gone up. absolutely. more broadly tonight beyond the surrogate frenzy, the elections if they go as many predict will reflect three things. it will be a referendum on the president and many of the senate states are being fought on surf that is favorable to republicans. and three, the candidates are better and we upgraded the quality. those are three of the reasons they did well tonight. >> mia love is on track to make a first record. i want to get to you in a moment, but why has it taken so
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long? for a black republican female to get election of-elected? there has not been a good quality batch of candidates. she lot of by a couple of points and she is the former mayor. she definitely represents the nair in terms of the past. they have yet to get to the finish loin. she is not the last to run for congress as a female conservative. >> is that partly grounded on the measures that keep people away from the polls?
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they tried to vote early and he feels there is discrimination and we need more than talk from current gop leadership. is there anything to say we are not just talking, but help get you to the polls? from the governors, the state can control at every level. if his wife had trouble, you can't blame that on republicans. with respect to the point, i think there issues where republicans believe strongly in that. it's an believe it makes sense. the we we engage to explain to folks why we believe in it they
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engaged in a kmund conversation and talked about how to get it and they are going up. they want to show that it works and people see what the motive are and everyone feels a part of the process. >> clearly for voters and a lot of those efforts will be pivotal. you represent your party very well. you heard about what the democrats are doing and whether to prevent a gop take over. our round table of dems weigh in next. vanessa jackson voted bright and early this morning. thanks,
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. >> welcome. it is election day and americans of all parties are getting their democracy on. democrats have the most at stake. across the country in close races especially, democrats need to hold off a republican wave. some fear they may be held back by the president's 52% disapproval rating. the front page said it all. dem dooms day. a little hysterical, but we will see if it's merited. to take a look at the democratic challenges and tactics, bill richardson, a member of clinton's cabinet and the head of the national urban league. thank you both of you for joining us. i will start with governor richardson. plipt has been a mixture
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dwarfing president obama's efforts. he hit the trail for smaller local candidates. is the democratic party no longer obama? is it the party of the clintons? how do you read this? >> they are the biggest attracts. every president in mid-term elections towards the end, their popularity goes down. this is still a party of president obama. it's a mistake for democrats to disassociate with him and his policies. i would be talking about obamacare starting to work and the economy improving and
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unemployment down and a foreign policy over 60 countries supporting us in the fight against isis and getting out of iraq and afghanistan. i just am per34ex plexed why the party of clinton, obama, roosevelt and kennedy is going away from it. mark will tell you, turn out is going to be key. we need hispanics and women out to vote. when you turn off obama and don't use him the way you should, that's not good. that's my view and i'm a lone voice on this. >> that's an important point and let's go to what dems need to see to prevent the senate changing hands right now. now the center for american progress and worked as an adviser for obama and clinton
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campaigns. on the sent of women as bill mentioned, that is typically a stronghold for democrats and we are not seeing it gain traction. getting called senator uterus. what is the lesson about how to connect with female voters? and the fact that you are a republican candidate who supported personhood is an issue and people who dismiss that as just a women's issue are dismissing women voters. they care about economic security issues and a lot of
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candidates talk about the issues. they talked about minimum wage being a crucial voting block as we go into 2016. >> another very, very important voting block right now. the black vote. there has been talk about the president losing that connection that caused unprecedented turn out in the last race. and they have been doubling down on that with the black newspaper. get his back. stand with president obama and vote with democrat in november 4th. what is the biggest and they
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have energize the the turn out. you had a record early vote and to some extent attacking the president which has been the tact of the gop in many states is a mixed strategy. help with some voters, but it will backfire with others. it remains popular and by talking about sustained economic growth and talking about the success of the health care law and talking about the reshaping of the judiciary. and every election is less about national issues and more about a competition between one candidate and another. i think voters in states across the nation, you will see it tonight. they will make the decision
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based on what they think is the best choits for them between candidate and another. >> bill richardson, what about the talking points that are showing up on the campaign trail. talking about the issues that resonate with black female voters. one thing absent is the foreign policy issues at a time when there is a fraud landscape. can dems timeout the track record on it as a success on the campaign trail? i would have said he got us out of iraq and afghanistan and he has. 20 restore america's presidency abroad after the bush years, he has done this. he assembled a coalition and fought a tremendous battle against a spring that brings the
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middle east. we have new relationships in trade and with latin america, asia and china. i would have touted the foreign policy, but for some reason there has been such uncertainty and explosiveness with isis. republicans in the past have been on national security issues. they were positive. they worked with democrats. this time it's all partisan. i think the president had a good foreign policy and i believe that we should have touted it a lot more. instead we are hiding. voters don't like the candidates to hide. sure, president obama, a lot as i said historically at this time may not be as popular as he was before, but voters don't like their candidates to shy away. >> you got bin laden. >> there is that. there is no small thing. >> and getting bin laden is singular in that it took time and effort, but the president
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green lighted the effort to get the person that cost 3,000 people their lives in new york city. that's an important element abos good that you've done, even though they're great challenges. >> thank you, all of you. i wish we had more time today. it's a fascinating and challenging landscape for dems but a lot to celebrate, too. governor bill richardson, mark and nyria. up next, which are the key gubernatorial races to watch for tonight? we'll break it down for you with our steve kornacki. take a look, they, too, should vote. if i can impart one lesson to a
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elections. you have two candidates that have basically held the position of governor. >> i'm 67 years old and you have to keep in mind, when they turn 67, never know what it's going to be like. >> spirited voters in florida making their way to the polls. a fierce contest, of course, under way there for governor. but it's not the only state with a gubernatorial race to watch. steve kornacki is the host of "up with steve," tracking all this. tell us about illinois. >> it's a fascinating race because you have pat quinn, democratic incumbent who barely won in 2010. turned around, raised taxes by 67%, watched his approval rating plummet to the high 20s. he is ahead against rauner, the republican. the interesting thing to watch tonight to see if quinn can pull this off, there are 102 counties in illinois. pat quinn lost 98 when he won in 2010. the reason he's governor is
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right here, cook county, chicago. he won this. >> why are those pivotal parts to watch. >> just specifically this county. he lost everything around this county. he won the election overall by 32,000 votes in 2010 because he won cook county by 500,000. that's the key. can he get that number out of here again and win the whole state? >> a lot of money pouring into just that end. take us to connecticut, which is also a big, hot race on the governor's side. >> dan malloy, another embattled democratic incumbent, a rematch. foley ran against him in 2010. nearly beat him. the complicating factor is you have this third-party candidate, joe who is a tea party type who dropped out. >> we've seen? in a bunch of places. >> the rise of the independent and fall of the independent. in the last week he dropped out of this race and he said, i'd rather have tom foley than four more years of dan malloy. there's a lot of nervousness among democrats. they thought malloy was in a pretty good position and now you
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have this guy here who's been running on the right teaming up with foley at the last minute so it throws a kink into this for democrats. >> if that's the way it plays, if those votes go on the republican side, that makes or breaks the race, right? >> but it's never that easy in politics. look for a close one. >> steve, thanks for helping us sort is that out. "up with steve" 8 a.m. eastern on msnbc. it's a favorite of mine. thank you for joining. thank you for submitting your voting selfies. do we have -- yes, a look at lori. we mentioned her before, reminding workers to vote. appreciate it. finally found that photo. thank you for chiming in. tune in for our prime time coverage. all the results, all the analysis starts at 6 p.m. eastern. up next is "the reid report." chris matthews is filling in. thanks, everybody. can you start tomorrow? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise.
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11:00 am
hello and welcome to a special election day issue of "the reid report." decision day has arrived on the longest, most expensive midterm election psych until our country's history. i'm chris matthews, obviously, in for joy reid, who's on the road today in battleground georgia where michelle nunn is in a hot one with david
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