tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 4, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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l. engage with us. good evening, americans, an welcome to "the ed show" live from tampa, florida, where it's hot and it's too close to call. let's get to work. >> we were ensuring the integrity of the elections. >> i just think it's a dumb idea. >> big sprawling area of high pressure. >> for republicans to emphasize sgle if you're voting early, this is how we're going to win the election. >> if the republicans do capture the senate, there's no more excuses about impeachment. >> vote, vote, vote. >> we need to learn from history. >> i have to win an election. >> this election is too important to stay home. >> we are embarrassed by a democrat president in the white
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house that has failed america. >> don't move, by the way, i want you to vote. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks, thanks for watching. tonight the fate of the american middle class, well, it's in the hands of the voters and is going to be decided over the next two years where this country is going for wage earners. if republicans take control of the senate their obstruction will be unprecedented. president obama, look, he's not on the ballot. his policies, maybe, but he's not on the ballot. if you're a wage earner, your job is on the ballot tonight. the economy is on a role. who can argue with 55 months of straight sector job growth with over 10 million jobs created. unemployment rate is below 6%. the dow jones routinely closes at record highs over 17,000. now, this progress could be all
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put on hold if republicans get the senate tonight and drive home their agenda to get what they want. republicans have made clear that they are against a minimum wage increase. they do not stand with workers' rights in the workplace. and here's wisconsin governor scott walker. >> what is your position on the minimum wage, should we have it? >> well, i'm not going to repeal it but i don't think it serves a purpose because we're debating then about what the lowest levels are at. i want people to make, like i said the other night, two or three times that. >> we have heard now for weeks that it's going to be all about turnout. well, the sources i have in wisconsin tonight are telling me that the election commission has had to bring in as many as 50 people in milwaukee to process the lines because the on-site registration has been so strong. in some neighborhoods where they had less than 100 people vote during the primary, there are over 500 people. it is a stunning turnout in that
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portion of the state. we'll have more on that later on in our coverage tonight. now, if walker wins, it will be par for the course. the attack on labor and workers will continue in wisconsin. polls close in the badger state at 9:00 eastern time tonight. and we'll get our first glimpse of exactly what is happening. the latest you gov poll out of wisconsin has walker up on mary burke by just two points. it is a close race and it's going to go to the wire. we have a similar situation unfolding right here in florida. rick scott is clueless about the minimum wage. >> do you support the concept of a minimum wage? >> sure. but here's -- >> what should it be? >> how would i know what -- the private sector decides wages. >> i just got off the phone with some folks over at broward county. here's the bottom line. the numbers are good, the turnout is good, and it is steady but they're certainly not ready to say, hey, we're going to women this thing. this race is very close. in florida, it's just got
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everything. we'll explain it all in our coverage tonight here on msnbc throughout the evening. a lot of interesting developments in this race. in the latest quinnipiac poll has charlie crist up on rick scott by just one percentage point. we'll start reporting returns out of florida tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern time. in north carolina, republican state speaker thom tillis is locked in a close battle with incoming senator kay hagan. speaker tillis thinks the men wage is also a job killer. >> this is something that i believe is best left to the states versus another regulatory overreach. we need to understand that job-killing consequences of these sorts of policies. it is not something that kay hagan going to washington should agree with washington politicians about how we actually deal with that issue in north carolina. >> polls close in north carolina at 7:30 eastern time. the latest ppp poll from north carolina has senator kay hagan up on tillis by two points.
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i've been traveling around the country recently. the people on the ground tell me that the minimum wage is a huge issue. some states aren't going to wait for congress to act on this. for instance, alaska and south dakota and nebraska and arkansas all have minimum wage increases on the ballot tonight. and if these red states, if they raise the wage, i think it's going to send a message to the republicans. meanwhile, it won't do any good if senator mitch mcconnell becomes the majority leader. mcconnell is against the minimum wage as well and wants to repeal obamacare. the latest nbc news/marist poll shows mitch mcconnell leading allison lundergan grimes by nine points. earlier today, kentucky congressman john yarmuth speculated on what a mcconnell-led senate would look like. >> what mitch has done is run a
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campaign basically on two ideas. one is president obama's bad. secondly that he wants to be majority leader and that will be good for kentucky. he's refused consistently to say what he would do if he were majority leader because he has no vision for the commonwealth or the country. and that's i think the problem right now that democrats are facing is we're faced with attacks from republicans who have no alternative agenda. >> senate majority leader harry reid thinks republican control could come down to the race in iowa. reid told the pccc, quote, what joni ernst would mean coming to the united states senate is that mitch mcconnell would be the leader of the senate, someone who agrees with her on virtually everything. think that would mean -- think about what would that mean to our country. the latest ppp poll out of iowa has joni ernst with a three-point lead on congressman bruce braley. we'll begin reporting returns
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out of iowa at 10:00 p.m. eastern time. joni ernst wants the people of iowa to think that she's all for farmers, but her record shows she's not. she would have voted against the 2014 farm bill. she wants to cut food stamps and repeal obamacare. all these issues affect and are affected by the farm bill and of course would affect iowa farmers. she's also against the wind energy tax credit that helps thousands of jobs in iowa. wind energy is also a huge issue in colorado where senator mark udall is in a close race with republican congressman cory gardner. the latest quinnipiac poll has gardner up by two points. msnbc will start reporting returns out of colorado around 9:00 p.m. eastern time in our coverage. gardner has been running these misleading ads claiming that he's all for energy, green energy, that is. the bottom line is when it comes down to it, the guy's a fraud. he's for the keystone xl pipeline, he supports big oil with tax breaks and he wants to
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crush the environmental protection agency. so tonight as i see it, there's going to be a bunch of losers and a bunch of winners somewhere. i don't think there's going to be a mixed bag here. it's going to be interesting to see the governors races. how much of an impact has their radical impact had, number one on turnout, and number two on just how motivated people are to turn their states around, such as in michigan or in ohio, where i think kassich is going to win easily but also in wisconsin, in pennsylvania and down here in florida. for more let me bring in senator bernie sanders of vermont. senator, good to have you with us tonight. >> great to be with you, ed. >> you bet. how will the middle class issues like the minimum wage and income inequality as this day is unfolding, do you think that these issues have played into what we've seen so far as far as turnout is concerned in some of these pockets that we've talked about around the country?
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>> well, i hope so. and i think, ed, what is very clear is that the republicans have refused to really talk about their ideas and their agenda if they gain control of the congress. and i will tell you exactly what that agenda is. it is more tax breaks for billionaires and large corporations. they will cut social security, medicare, medicaid, nutrition and education. they will expand and increase military spending and they will refuse to acknowledge the reality of climate change despite what virtually the entire scientific community is telling us. in terms of the minimum wage, you've got more and more republicans who not only will not raise the minimum wage, they want to do with a way with the concept of minimum wage which in high unemployment areas, people can work for four or five bucks an area. there is a reason why the koch brothers and other billionaires are spending hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars
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on this election. they want a congress to work for the 1% and stick it to the working class and middle class families. >> on this issue, we have some new exit polling data at this moment. the nbc news exit polls asked voters in some key senate races today whether they favored raising the minimum wage. and in every case, according to preliminary data, solid majorities said yes. sizeable numbers of republicans are on board with raising the minimum wage. 44% in louisiana, 37% in north carolina, 39% in iowa and 31% in georgia. what's your reaction to that, senator? everything that you have talked about is clearly in the majority and on the minds of voters when it comes to wage earners in this country. that's our polling data at this moment. >> ed, if you look at the major issues facing this country, raising the minimum wage,
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rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure and creating millions of decent-paying jobs, expanding social security, if you look at the major issues facing our country, the american people, whether they're progressive or conservative want to go forward. they reject the republican agenda. what the republicans have managed to do quite cleverly, i must say is to deflect attention from their agenda and blame barack obama for every problem that this country faces. so i think when people understand what the republicans really stand for, they don't do they well, but they have done a pretty good job in sgiedisguisi that. >> we also asked in the state of wisconsin, scott walker recently said he didn't think the minimum wage serves a purpose and president obama campaigned for democratic challenger mary burke last week in milwaukee, highlighting her support for the minimum wage. in our wisconsin exit poll
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tonight, 65% favored an increase and that, according to our exit poll, included 45% of republicans, governor scott walker's voters. what do you make of it? >> what i make of that is that the american people understand that the federal minimum wage of $7.25 is a starvation wage. it is not a wage that anybody can live on with any shred of dignity. if we raise the minimum wage to at least $10.10 an hour, over 25 million americans get a pay raise. that is what the american people wanting. >> yeah. senator, these are my thoughts. if the senate goes to the majority with the republicans, if they control, i think you're going to see fast track legislation. i don't think you're going see the minimum wage on a federal level be addressed. i think you're going see a push for the corporate tax rate to be lowered because that's what they have been talking about a lot. but the big question in all of
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this, senator, isn't this going to put pressure on president obama to stand tall with progressives who solidly are against the tpp, who are solidly in favor of the minimum wage and most progressives i think in polling wanting to make sure that the corporate tax rate stays exactly where it is. in fact try to get corporations to pay their fair share. i mean if the senate is taken -- >> one -- >> go ahead. >> one out of four corporations today doesn't pay a nickel in federal income tax. collectively back in the 1950s, they contributed over 30% of our federal tax revenue. today it's less than 10%. no, we don't need more tax breaks for large corporations. and i think your point about the need for the president to stand tall and do not just what progressives want, what the vast majority of the american people wanting, and that is policy which represents the middle class and not just the 1%. so i hope, you know, that if the
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republicans do gain control of the senate, the president gets his veto men out and the american people i'm confident will support him. >> senator bernie sanders, independent from vermont, great to have you with us tonight on "the ed show." coming up, the latest exit polling from key states. how ebola, isis and the president's approval are playing in this election. keep it right here, we're right back on "the ed show." ♪ ♪ ♪ let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together ♪ ♪ i've got some real estate here in my bag ♪ ♪ it took me four days to hitch-hike from saginaw ♪ ♪ "i've come to look for america" ♪
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be the governor' race. i'll be camped out over at the charlie crist headquarters bringing results from there. it is a very close race here in flori florida, and we'll bring you all the updates and returns as the information comes to us tonight. when you take a look at the news cycle and the way things have unfolded the last several months before tonight's midterm we've seen a lot of talk about terrorism, national security, dealing with isis, what to do, what not to do. also ebola. just where are we on ebola? has there been just too much anything differe negativity about it, too much of scare? a lot of these story taken away from the conversation of midterm elections. but it's interesting in our exit polling about how strong the issue of minimum wage is. for more on that, let's go to bob shchltrum, professor of pols at usc. bob, good to have you with us tonight. a lot of talk about messaging
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leading into this date, november 4th, and a very crucial midterm for this country. are you surprised at the numbers on minimum wage? it would make me believe that actually the democrats have done a good job of messaging. your thoughts? >> well, the minimum wage has always been a strong issue. i'm not surprised at these numbers at all. i saw it over the years. republicans have resisted an increase which, by the way, didn't happen so much in the past. and if the minimum wage had been raised it wouldn't be an issue there right now. the biggest problem in the midterm i think is that the real economic story, and you alluded to this earlier about what's happening in this country, is not out there. we're having a very strong, finally, economic recovery, especially compared with the rest of the world. it's tough for the president to get that message out because the places where the senate is going to be determined are largely red states. he's unpopular there. he was unpopular in 2012. he was unpopular there in 2010, 2008. so it's been tough. the democrats have done a very
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good job of getting this minimum wage message out. >> the get out to vote effort has been as strong as i've ever seen it when it comes to a midterm election. in wisconsin as i reported earlier, there has been a very good turnout to the point where the wisconsin election board has called in 50 more people to help process some of these long lines. here in florida, there have been good numbers, steady numbers, better numbers than 2010. what do you make of all of that? >> i think the republican efforts at voter suppression, especially with african-americans, have motivated african-americans to come out. you can see that in the early vote totals in georgia where they represent a very strong percentage of the vote. you can see that in the effort that's going on in north carolina to turn out african-americans. and you know if you go all the way out to the end of the country to alaska, where polls are notoriously unreliable and there's some showing begich ahead, some showing his opponent ahead. the democrats have over 100 people on the ground trying to
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turn out that vote. we'll finding out tonight whether that worked but it was an effort that's certainly worth making. i'm a little skeptical of these people who look at a range of races and say, well, people are ahead by two or three percent and there's, therefore, a 70% probability that the guy who's ahead is going to win. have they ever been in a campaign if they're coming to that conclusion, because i've been in a lot where two or three didn't mean that much. >> let's talk about the senate if we can for a moment. new hampshire, north carolina. if the democrats hold those seats, what does that mean for the republicans for the rest of the night, as you see it? >> well, it means that we're going to go to a very long night in a very close race. if greg orman wins, the independent wins in kansas, then if the democrats can hold two out of three of iowa, colorado and alaska, they're going to end up at 50 senate seats even before you account for louisiana and georgia. now, a lot of folks say, well, they can't hold those two out of
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three. i think we're going to see some real impact from the on the ground effort. i don't know whether it's going to be enough, but i think over the last few days, this thing has begun to turn and it's begun to turn in a more democratic direction. the question is whether or not that catches up with the voting. >> do you think the democrats have done a good job explaining to their base, and this is a base election, take wisconsin, for example. president obama scored extremely well in both 2008 and 2012 in milwauk milwaukee. what did he do? he went to milwaukee. say what you want about the president, he can get his people out to vote. look what we're having right now. i was told today by some folks on the ground that they believe president obama's appearance and pitch in wisconsin in milwaukee has had a big effect on the turnout. so if it's about the base turnout, do you think the democrats have done a good enough job conveying to the people that are going to vote that if mitch mcconnell does get control of the senate, it may be
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a real untenable position for the democrats when it comes to any kind of policy measures whatsoever. >> well, to be truthful, some have better than others. the president is very effective in a state like wisconsin, he can really help there. there are other states like arkansas and georgia, for example, where there's a lot of resistance to him and where he can't help. there's this general tendency to say these election results are going to reflect obama's relative unpopularity in the country. the truth is folks like charlie cook right after the 2012 election, he's a great election prague naus cater. he said democrats are probably going to lose the senate in 2014 because of the structure of the race. because all these races are in red states. so i think blaming the president is a bad idea. i think he's been very effective in a number of places. by the way, bill and hillary clinton have done a great job of going out there and conveying the democratic message. >> i tell you what, bill clinton
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has done everything he can do. he has been a power lifter. he had a big response last night down here in orlando, no question about that. the job he did on the ground in kentucky of course was yeoman's work. but there's one race, in the midst of citizens united, bob, and all of this money floating around, it is interesting that candidates do matter. the state of michigan, gary peters is looking very strong, the congressman, to fill that senate seat in the state of michigan against a candidate that threw boatloads of money at it but just had no clue on how to message anything and came across -- i mean -- she was kind of like the sharron angle of 2014. your lots on that race. >> well, you know, she destroyed herself with that stupid ad where she said have you noticed i'm a woman and then she talks a little about being a woman.
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and then she says a war on women, would i be part of that? it assumed the voters were dumb. voters are not dumb. they looked at that and said that's it, she's gone. now, in fairness democrats have had some candidates that made some mistakes too and that's going to have an impact tonight. iowa is a place where bruce braley should be running away with this race. he said something about farmers he shouldn't have said. he thought it was a private meeting. and that's why that race is so close. >> also, allison lundergan crimes saying whether she voted for president obama or not. i mean i think the answer there would have been of course i did because i didn't want mitt romney, mr. 47%, to be president of the united states and i certainly didn't want john mccain back in 2008. but i think that those two races, as you mentioned, are
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good examples of how candidates can do self-inflicted wounds, no doubt. bob, great to have you with us tonight. appreciate your time. >> thanks, ed. coming up, scott walker tries to win his third election in four years. the question is, have working families have enough of this radical governor? keep it right here. we're right back on "the ed show." you owned your car for four years. you named it brad. you loved brad. and then you totaled him. you two had been through everything together. two boyfriends. three jobs. you're like "nothing can replace brad!" then liberty mutual calls. and you break into your happy dance. if you sign up for better car replacement, we'll pay for a car that's a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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the website can continue, but in my view, the pest interest of the country would be achieved by pulling out obamacare, root and branch. >> mcconnell's opponent, allison lundergan grimes support for n ken -- kynect -- thousands of residents now have health insurance because of the state's program. it's not clear how many of the 500,000 people in kentucky who now have health coverage voted in 2008. what is clear, mcconnell's argument carries no weight and had nothing to do with the success of that program. but what if mcconnell were the senate majority leader? let's talk to larry cohen tonight, the president of the communication workers of america. mr. cohen, good to have you with us tonight. you and i have had conversations with bad trade agreements in this country. if the riepublicans get the senate, it would seem mcconnell
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would give the green light to the fast track and put pressure on the president. how do you see that unfolding and is that one of your biggest fears? >> it is one of our biggest fears. in fact our activists out working hard right now. next week we'll be mobilizing against the tpp and against fast track, regardless of who the majority leader is. obviously mitch mcconnell will sign off with the chamber of commerce on any trade deal, no matter what it means for working americans. yes, we're quite concerned about it. >> how big has the ground effort been for your union, the communication workers of america? where have you really put your capital and how do you think it's worked? >> we focused in all of those swing senate races that you've been talking about tonight and in fact our materials, our conversations are about the mitch mcconnell takeover and what it means, and that it's not just an election within a state, it's about electing mcconnell as
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the majority leader of the u.s. senate and what that means in terms of gutting the national labor relations act, in terms of passing the worst trade deal ever. those are the two issues that we have campaigned on, particularly in those seven or eight key senate states. we have thousands of volunteers out right now. we've made tens of thousands of phone calls, particularly to our members, work site meetings. more volunteers that he know we've ever had in a midterm election. >> more volunteers than you've ever had in a midterm election. couple that with the exit polling that we reported on just moments ago here on "the ed show." minimum wage is almost in the slam dunk territory with the american people. your response to that. >> i think the american people overwhelmly believe that working people need a better deal, number one, the poorest among us. number two, america needs a raise regardless of where we are on that spectrum. candidates like mcconnell or joni ernst in iowa think what
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people are paid now is just fine. in fact we don't need a minimum wage or raise at all. we should just take whatever the market pays us. >> larry cohen, president of the communication workers of america. good to have you with us tonight. all great work, my friend, thanks so much. appreciate your time. we have much more ahead on this election day. stay with us, we are right back on "the ed show." i'm josh lipton with your cnbc market wrap. staurk staukts are mixed this election day. the dow adds 7, the suspected falls 5, the nasdaq sheds 15. oil slides $1.59 to a three-year low of $77.19 a barrel. the decline hitting energy stocks. halliburton, chevron all fin king lower. alibaba released its first ipo earnings report. profits jumped 16%.
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welcome back to "the ed show. " thanks for watching tonight. senate republicans are already licking their chops over power. rob portman began an early victory lap for the gop. he laid out the framework for their first work in majority if it happens. >> three things will be done in the first month. are you ready for this? first, a comprehensive package on energy. yes, keystone xl pipeline getting approved. second, in addition to energy, tax reform. the president talks a lot about the fact companies are taking jobs overseas. we want to stop it too. what the president has proposed isn't going to help, it's going to make it worse. the third thing is let's do something on regulations. >> it's pretty clear the
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republicans are ready to be aggressive and put the president on the defensive on the spot if they gain the majority. >> i'd like to see him move to the middle and address issues that he says he wants to address like trade agreements. he's not been confronted with anything that made him uncomfortable. i don't think there's anything wrong with sending the president a bill that makes him uncomfortable. he doesn't own the place. >> mitch mcconnell might have a point. if you don't take into account the constant obstruction the president has faced on just about every issue from the gop. the republican agenda is very clear, it's as clear as a bell. gut the corporate tax code to favor big business. fast track the secretive tpp deal. green light the destructive keystone pipeline and slash regulatory protection. do the republicans -- let me remind you folks, they will never be in favor of raising the minimum wage. their agenda is about reforms, that's what they call it. i call it attack on workers.
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this clearly is an important election for labor in this country so let me bring in two of the best tonight. joining me now on a rapid response panel, james hoffa, with the teamsters. also lee saunders, president of afsme. gentlemen, good to have you with us. i want to focus right in on what mitch mcconnell is talking about. basically he's saying the corporate tax ralt te is too hi there's too much regulation and basically we are going to see a push for keystone. mr. hoffa, what's at stake for labor in this country if republicans take over the senate? >> well, they have been waiting all along on this to get this done, to basically attack the president and go after issues that are going to have the rich and the big corporations. they're after attacking anyone that wants to raise minimum wage. they're against that. they're against equal pay for women. they want to basically have
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trade agreements where they can send american jobs overseas. so you can see what their objective is. it's something that's bad for america. they're just waiting to hope that they win this senate race that's on right now. but i think we've got a chance to win this. i don't think it's over yet. it's not about winning but if we can keep the majority here in the senate, we will be able to maintain this role we have right now and make sure we maintain a fair america. but the danger -- you see what they're talking about. they want to go into trade agreements where they can start sending american jobs overseas. that's wrong. we've been fighting this and we'll keep on fighting. >> mr. saunders, it's pretty clear to the democrats, the progressive movement, they have won the argument on minimum wage in this country it seems like. but can you win elections on that issue. your union, afsme, has really been hit hard by walker's agenda in wisconsin. how important do you think it is? in fact you've called him public enemy number one. how important is a victory there tonight and also where some of
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these other radical governors are? >> i think it's extremely important and there's a clear choice that can be made between these extremist governors who were elected in 2010 taking collective bargaining rights away from public service workers, attacking all kinds of labor rights, attacking voting rights, attacking the public education system in this country, not supporting an increase in the minimum wage. they want to do away with the minimum wage quite honestly. not supporting equal pay for equal work. so there's a clear choice that has to be made. and i believe, and i've been traveling across this country and i'm in florida right now. i believe that people get it. they understand it. if you look at the polling sites in florida, i was around on sunday visiting the early voting sites and there were line of peep estanding, waiting patiently to cast their voeft. people understand this is an extremely important election and the choices are very, very clear. we have got to vote out those individuals who think like scott walker, those extremist
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governors. vote in friends who believe and support the issues of working families across this country and that's exactly what we're going to do. >> i want to ask you about florida because i've been down here reporting the last few days as well. i think voter suppression has had a lot to do with this turnout. that people understand what's unfolding in front of them. you can talk minimum wage, you can talk obamacare, you can talk about wages all you want. but people -- they're upset that someone has tried to invade their freedom when it comes to voting. and i think this voter suppression has had a lot to do with it. have you sensed that as well since you've been on the ground in florida? >> i think you're exactly right, ed. i believe that people are reacting to attempts to steal our voices, to steal our democracy, take it away from us. people gave their lives for the right to vote. an that's why it's so important that we knock on those doors and that we make those phone calls and talk to our co-workers and
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families and friends about the importance of this election. this is a midterm election and we know that historically midterm elections a lot of folks don't show up. but it's changing here. you look at the early voting, the numbers are well above the 2010 levels. the participation to date looks great. we're just continuing to push our folks to get out to vote. they understand that they're under attack and working families are under attack. the way that they can make their voices heard is through the voting process. >> mr. hoffa, did you think that within your group the teamsters, that you were going to reset the mold, reset the model for midterm turnout? i mean we are hearing that there are some very good turnout in pockets of the country. >> well, i think michigan is doing extremely well. as i said before, so many states have multiple days where they can vote and you see people getting out to vote right now. in michigan, we're having record
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number of people voting. they are basically working families coming out to vote right now. so even though they have one day, they are swarming to the phones and i think we've got a chance to make sure we win the whole thing. >> okay. well, it's important for the democrats to hang on to the senate if the progressive movement is going to have any kind of life in the next couple of years. the obstruction that has taken place in washington has been unprecedented. and so, mr. saunders, let's say the democrats hang on tonight. lee, what do you think happens in the next two years? how much fight is going to be against this obstruction or are we going to see more of the same? >> well, i think that they'll think twice about doing what scott walker did in the state of wisconsin. i think if we're successful in electing folks who believe in supporting fairness, who want to provide dignity and respect for those on the job and if we're successful in electing those
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kinds of governors, those kinds of senators this evening, i think they're going to have second thoughts about it. but i think they're going to continue to try to attack us in every way that they can. we're always going to have to be prepared. we're always going to have to organize and mobilize and educate our communities and we're always going to have to be aggressive in fighting back. >> and 2016 starts tomorrow, i guess. james hoffa of the teamsters, lee saunders of afsme, great to have you with us tonight. stay with us. coming up, if scott walker is re-elected tonight, his next step might be the presidential candidacy. what this means for democrats next. stay with us. to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science. high tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. we're just their bankers, right? but financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge.
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elections. tonight might be the third. the question remains whether wisconsin's working families will turn out to vote against him, to stop him from getting re-elected again. we'll bring you to stop him getting re-elected again. we'll have the latest from the battleground state. keep it here, we're right back. life reimagined gives you tools and support to get the career you'll love. find more real possibilities at woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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big winner tonight. if he wins, he's going to be looking at a run in a couple of years to become president of the united states and go after the republican nomination, no doubt. all of walker's campaigns have been riddled with lies and broken promises. >> 250,000 new jobs, that's my goal. 250,000 new goals by the end of our first term in office. >> not even close. scott walker carved out victories in 2010 and 2012 by winning among independents, older voters, rural voters, blue collar voters, and men. they need to realize this guy has not been working for them at all. >> we don't have a jobs problem in this state. we have a work problem. >> a work problem. okay, democratic challenger mary burke has an uphill battle to block walker's three-peat. burke went to democratic headquarters on monday night to
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make a last-minute push. >> this is the two-minute drill her. the last two minutes of the game, we know we have to drive down the field, we have got to score, and we have to get over that goal line. and it is so close, it is within reach, but we need to get people out to vote. >> i mean, when you're in packer country, you talk about football, don't you? burke needs a big turn-out from democrats in two specific areas tonight. and maybe three. obviously milwaukee and of course around madison, but the fox valley, which is 16 counties around green bay is where walker has been strong. if she can get women voters in that area, that could turn the election. in 2010, democrats made up 47% of the voting age citizens in milwaukee. and 72% in november in 2012. but democrats have seen smaller turnouts and smaller democratic margins in midterm elections in wisconsin. wisconsin's working voters need to turn out big time to stop
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walker if they want a future. because he's not going to do the minimum wage or anything else on the state level to help workers. joining me tonight jennifer epps-addison executive director of wisconsin jobs. and also president of the international brotherhood of the teamsters. >> jennifer, you first. what you are seeing on the ground in milwaukee? what i reported earlier in this broadcast was that the election commission in wisconsin had to bring in some 50 people to process the lines because of on-site registration being so big in milwaukee. did you see that? what are you seeing? >> absolutely. what i'm hearing and what i'm seeing on the ground is that this will probably be the highest turn-out for a midterm election our state has had in over 50 years. people are excited. people are ready to vote and i was talking to a number of inspectors today at various polling locations, as we were polling the results, and they were saying that, you know, these turn-out numbers for them,
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are what they see during the presidential election. it's unheard of for them. and most importantly, they were saying that they are registering dozens and dozens of young people. at one location, just by itself, had registered 200 new voters by 2:00 this afternoon. so people are fired up, particularly underpaid workers, the working people of this state, who under scott walker, are getting poorer and poorer, while his rich campaign contributors are running away with the economy in our state and running away with the free give-aways scott walker has been giving them. >> mr. hoffa, that answer that you just heard, your unions have put such a social media effort into getting the vote out. >> i think it's very strong right now. i saw also when i was in wisconsin, a tremendous amount of people angry with what scott walker has done to the state. he wants to get people basically the shafting and, i see a lot of people coming to the polls.
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i see mary burke is doing a great job. it's time for us to turn the state around. we really have a good opportunity to do it. with what he's done to collective bargaining, it's time to turn the state around and we can do it. >> jennifer, mary burke, a professional businessperson, a woman, will that turn the female vote in wisconsin at all? >> women don't just vote for women because they're women. they vote for candidates with the interests of their families at heart. women are voting because scott walker forced through a vaginal ultrasound bill that is medically unnecessary and panned by the american medical association. i think women are going to vote because 2/3 of minimum wage workers are women. and scott walker says the minimum wage serves no problem. women are going to vote because their kids go to public school and scott walker wants to use your tax dollars so rich
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families can continue to send their kids to private school. that's why women are going out to vote today. regardless of what happens in this election, i think it's important to understand that we have to treat our democracy, that every single day that we have the opportunity to make our voice heard, is just as important as election day. so regardless of what happens tomorrow, i hope people of our state, wake up as united as we are today, to move our state forward, to build an economy that works for everybody, and to hold whoever wins the governorship accountable to the working people of this community. >> what did you see in wisconsin, as far as the angst of the voters, mr. hoffa? what did you hear? >> well, i heard from people that they're mad about what he's done to collective bargaining, and basically destroyed what people used to have. and it's lowered their wages. it's scared them into losing their benefits right now. and it's important that we turn this around. and also, the fact that people want a safe place. >> yeah.
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what he did back in 2011, they still remember in 2014. at least we think they do. we'll see. results coming in later tonight. james and jennifer, thanks so much. my assignment on our coverage tonight is here in florida. i'll be over at the charlie crist camp reporting here on msnbc. that's "the ed show." msnbc's election coverage starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> election night, get your popcorn popped, plan your hydration needs accordingly, because this is going to be a long night with lots of suspe e suspense. 36 u.s. senate seats are up tonight. about a dozen of them are in who knows territory right now. control of the united states senate is a coin flip at this point. about two dozen house seats are anybody's
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