tv Morning Joe MSNBC November 5, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST
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. >> we do have an obligation to work on issues where we can agree him i think we have a duty to do that. just because we have a two of party system doesn't mean we have to be in perpetual conflict. i think i've shown that to be true at critical times in the past. i hope the president gives me a chance to show it again. >> that is the senate majority leader of the united states senate mitch mcconnell, whose
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republican party has swept control of the party. >> they did it in battleground states thought to be tighter than they actually were. so far the gop gained seven seats. >> it wasn't even close in kentucky where mitch mcconnell beat his opponent allison lundgren-grimes. >> in iowa, joni ernst beat congressman bruce braley. >> another big win was in north carolina, thom tillis unseated kay hagan. >> in arkansas, not close, tom cotton, blasted mark prior. democrat mark udall has fallen to congressman cory gardner in colorado. the stunner of the night was georgia. which was expected by most to go to a january runoff. you knew it was going to be a bad night when the democrats made it look ease against sam nunn. >> in kansas, pat roberts survives being down in a hole to
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independent greg orman. >> shelly moore capito won the senate. steve daines is being sent to the senate in montana. >> in south dakota, mike rounds. >> in new hampshire, it's a lone bright spot for democrats where jeanne shaheen survived. scott brown challenged. >> alaska still undecided, but republican dan sullivan is holding on to a narrow lead over democratic senator mark beckich who has ed to concede. >> an extraordinarily close night in virginia. you knew, you knew it was going to be a long night. they saw incumbent mark warner, the apparent winner facing
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republican ed gillespie did not concede in his speech to supporters. even the real clear polls have this at a ten point margin. >> good morning, everybody. it is wednesday, november 5th. >> it was a long night. >> i cried all night. it was a great night in many ways. we have a mark halperin and former senior adviser to david obama, david axelrod. everyone has been up all fight. they are also with us, former chairman of the republican national committee michael steel and jeremy peters, a great audience with us this morning. >> a fantastic audience. >> good morning. >> so you, i got to say, we'll go around the table real quick before we get into the details. are you good at this. you called it before. if we have a certain runoff, you might have nailed that time. 53. >> i predicted 53 the hill, the middle guessing game every
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couple years. i guessed 53. i will tell you why. this was a really surprising election, a lot different than a couple years ago a. lot different in terms of a couple years ago, because there was no late break. a lot of people to the romney was going to get the late break. he didn't do it. it seemed to be poll driven. there is no doubt the last couple of days, david axelrod, there was a wave. and, you know, i made the predictions, but didn't really have the courage and my convictions only because the polls all showed so many of these races to be so tight even the polls were wrong or there was a late break for the republicans. >> in that sense, it is like two years ago. we had discussions about that then. look, i think one thing that i also expected to be surprised on the high side rather than the low side. i thought it was 53, 54. >> a lot of people were talking
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it would be 50 or there was going to be a wave and it was going to be 53, 54. >> you know, to me, when you have seven states or six states in which obama lost by an average of 19 points in 2012. >> right. >> you have democratic incumbents in an off year election, both to me, i was ready to write those off. the top -- >> you are ready to write those off, though, but colorado, iowa. then you look at the governor's race the republican party basically won the big ten. i mean, they now control wisconsin, michigan. illinois, ohio. that's pretty remarkable. >> it was a big fight. democrats won pennsylvania. that was the one consolation there. but it was a very very big night. >> mark halperin, what happened? >> the republican wins were really big. right. most these races were not close. the undecided voters, the ones up for grabs. i think this is why you saw the pollsters in some instance, democrats have looked at it and
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said a lot of the undecided voters had the job performance of the president. the ones they were fighting for at the end. >> what did you think was a surprise? >> ed gillespie and virginia coming close. illinois governor, home state, president's home state. >> what about maryland the bluest of blue states? >> in that race, maryland has elected a governor recently. the democratic campaign was one of the worst run. martin o'malley. illinois, now having a republican governor makes a big difference for the party. >>let hope for him that the illinois governor he doesn't go to jail like every other. >> that would be nice. >> he has a 50% chance of staying out of prison. >> four of the last nine. 50%. >> it was funny last night, a lot of bun dits were having trouble being the wave.
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>> i was the one -- later on, i amended my view. >> we had like north carolina, like that was going to go to kay hagan, i will tell you, it was obvious, it wasn't only a wave it was massive, you have republicans winning in massachusetts, illinois, in maryland. >> that is -- >> you have three groups the house the senate and the governor races in the house, which we haven't talked about yet. it looks like the republicans have held the most seats. in the senate, we were talking about 13 contested races. right now the republicans can talk about arkansas. >> and they probably will. the governor's race, we talked
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about florida, wisconsin came through for the republicans, maryland and illinois, it sounds like a wave to me. >> it's hard to do much better. >> looking at the numbers, the pollsters were giving democratic candidates far too much credit. nate silver broke down some of the races. he looked at the weighted polling averages before tuesday's vote and compared them to the end results. the polls gave tom cotton a six-point edge in arkansas when his actual margin of victory was 17 points. >> that means the polls had an 11-point bias in favor of the democrats t. same proved true in kansas, kentucky and georgia to name a few. >> michael, still, the polls, some were terribly wrong two years ago. i didn't even mention gallops names for a couple years. in 2012, if i hold every other pollster to that standard, there are a lot of polls i can't look
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at polling has become difficult. most major pollsters got it wrotening. >> they did. there are a lot of reasons for that. a lot of it is due to technology. people are communicating differently. cell phones. people talk about being able to access voters through the cell phone process. it's very difficult to do and i think a lot of it is voters just are keeping these kind of elections close to their vest. they're just not willing to put it all out there as they once were, talk about, oh, this is what i intend to do. because they're evaluating and being much more critical in their thinking. there is a reason these races are so tight. looking at what happened in maryland and illinois and places like that, where the expectation was, you know, the status quo. a lot more was going on at the grass roots level in kitchen tables around those states that was not reflective in any polling that was being taken. i think that the real clear average has brown, lt. gov.
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brown up 9 points in any poll they would take. he loses by 9. that's an 18-point swing that it was not captured in the polling. >> david axelrod. >> michael, let me just say about illinois. that wasn't as big as -- pat quinn is a great friend of mine. i love him. i'm sorry he lost, his approval rating never got above the mid-30 throughout this race. he was really defying gravity throughout race. all the polls had it rather close. he ended up losing by four-and-a-half or 5 points. that was less shocking than the other results last night. >> we have jeremy peters. i could actually wall paper all of the castlings in ver sigh with newspaper clippings and blog posts of how extreme and rad cam the house republican party has been over the past two years and how it's terrible for washington and terrible for america and lo custers will descend from the heavens. they will eat the flesh out of every republican member there, they are such hard, miserable
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beasts. >> that's on par. >> no, it's not, actually, i literally could. and yet, huge gains for republicans and in the house of representatives, they have a historic advantage in the house, in the u.s. house this morning. >> that's right. they look like they've had the biggest advantage they've had since world war ii. now, it's interesting, because, usually, what majority parties will do when they try to add to their numbers is jam it down the opposition's throat. what boehner was trying to do, to get a sizable majority that he could more effectively deal with his fractured tea party conference. right now one of the big questions looming over john boehner and his legacy which as speaker right now has been defined by dysfunction is whether or not he will be able to bring the tea party in line and get the big ticket agenda items done that he needs to get
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done like tax reform. >> you know, mica, one of the things that surprised me last night coming from the republicans. >> yeah. >> was how much they have learned actually from the mistakes of 2012 and even before that. a big scene is the party of obstruction. you look at cory gardner's speech last night. hold on. come on. i know you want to say something. they have learned their lesson. >> not if you listened to ted cruz last night. >> stop using ted cruz. seriously, stop using ted cruz as an example. he is the boogieman for liberals in the northeast. cory gardner last night goes out. he doesn't talk about this great conservative wave. instead, what does he do? he talks about how washington is broken, how people want washington working again. how they want deals done. early in the evening, a lot of people surprised by mitch mcconnell's graciousness. >> very gracious.
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it was a really nice speech. >> an extremely gracious speech. graciousness. you did not hear that in 2010. you didn't hear what you usually here in these election years from the main players, the big players that won. >> i completely agree with you and i to the they were very disciplined across the board with their remarks. >> discipline, they have not been. >> the question is really now in the execution, what is the need in. >> exactly. >> the issue is as much can republicans overcome republicans and whether the president and the republicans can get along. tehran a whole campaign, spent an awful lot of money telling people they're against obama. they have to opivot and in their faces aren't all satisfied. they are happy with those results. >> i will get to the governors in just a second. let's work this down. you are misunderstanding me. i hope you are right. i really do.
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i'm not completely sure for exactly what david axelrod just said. that's all. >> i'm old enough, unfortunately. >> so am i. >> i got elected 20 years ago yesterday and i remember when i drove into washington i thought, this is our time. we are a permanent conservative majority. we got bumped two years later. karl rogue made the same mistake in 2004. >> right. >> democrats made the same mistake in 2006 the same mistake in 2008. republicans made the same mistake in 2010, democrats in 2012. i am hoping in 2014 my party has learned the lessons. they don't own walk. not even close. they are leasing washington for two years on capitol hill. and i've heard it from one republican after another. yes, it will be great if we win. if we don't get anything done if 2015, we will lose again in
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2016. >> i swear we are saying the same thing. go ahead. >> except i'm not rolling my eyes. and i'm not wearing a black dress. that was last night. >> okay. >> i'm going to say the question is what is the thing to get done? and that is something that has to get worked out. do you lead with immigration reform, xl pipeline or repeal of obamacare? >> right. >> i think or do you have. >> by the way. >> ramp up conversations by impeachment. that's the balance between the senate and the house. >> ted cruz wants to say mitch mcconnell will not have the first, sec, third, fourth or fifth bill in the senate, meaning the impeachment, being obamacare or even talking about investigations. ted cruz can have his press conferences. i don't say this in a demeaning way. i am running for president of the united states from the senate floor. >> mark halperin, real quick.
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>> the signals the white house is sending so far i think are exact opposite of what mcconnell and gardner knows. officials tells split core you got to worry about your liberal base. you see the "wall street journal" reporting definitively. the president is not going to change staffing or his policy orientation. it's true republicans will have some problems coming toke. but if the president's prosture is no changes in personnel or policy or outlook or relationships, i don't think it can get done. >> it's very early. i mean, this is a big shock. >> it's a big win. let's give it to them. let's be gracious. >> let's wait a week or two. >> aren't we? >> before judging what the president will do. >> i squarely hope for the same thing you do. as we mentioned, republicans are also celebrating big wins in governor's races across the country. the victories include pickups in several democratic states, president obama's home state of illinois has elected a new governor, bruce rauner.
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massachusetts also went red with charlie baker defeating martha cokely. in maryland, republican larry whogan upset antony brown a. republican is once again leading arkansas after republican asa hutchinson defeated pike ross by double digits. also, republicans maintained the governor's mansions in several closely watched races in the most expensive gubernatorial race in the nation. incumbent rick scott defeated the fan guy charlie crist by a little more than 1%. i'm sprieded by thsurprised by actually. >> people in florida say rick scott ran an extraordinary campaign. >> dear lord. >> since he was elected, it was an extraordinary campaign. but you know, willie, looking at these governor's races, what i have been saying all along, if republicans won, they would be holding serve.
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this year it's not in red states. two years from now they will be not in blue states. but you look at the governor's races, you look at florida, which brought morale. you look at illinois. you look at wisconsin. >> there you go, defeated scott walker in wisconsin defeated democrat mary burke. it's the third victory in four years for the possible 2016 candidate who beat back a recall challenge back in 2012. >> we're excited about the next four years, we're excited that they tried to do with the groups out of washington who wanted it to be against something, we were for something. we were for a better wisconsin, for a better schools, for a better university system. for a better technology system, for a better economy, for a better future for our children and our grandchildren. >> since scott walker weathers another storm the recall, this is a close race, a tight race,
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some saying it could be the end of his political career. now all that changes on a dime. he wins another section. people will continue to talk about him as a presidential candidate. >> and neighboring michigan governor rick spieder was reelected to a second term. jason carter, former president jimmy carter's grandson. >> the ebola guy, he won on ebola. >> he did. he won a close race in maine. wendy davis lost to greg abbott. not being gracious this morning on twitter to wendy davis. wendy davis was set up to lose that race. no democrat was going to win that race. a big sock, sam brownback actually reports of his death greatly exaggerated. sam brownback wins. still no clear winner in vermillion. let's go back to wisconsin. is anybody going to find another
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conservative in america that's as conservative as scott walker who can win wisconsin three times in four years? please, give me their names. because chris christie would get about 3% there. i think this is an incredible feat. >> i am interested to hear what you think about his future. obviously, his name gets tossed out a lot. for a higher office. to do it in a pretty blue state three times, it's a remarkable thing to achieve. do you think he's got his eyes on bigger things? >> i think certainly he will take a look at it now. not to diminish his wins. this is still a state where he did not face in these elections a tough opponent the woman he is running against turned out not to be a very good candidate. he did win. >> no, no, no, you can't understate that. i don't know why you would even say that this morning. >> it's not a major league -- >> okay. and the unions went after him. i mean, listen, i'm a guy it was
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a saying that his future was in great jeopardy t. guy has won there three out of four times. there is no buts to this. >> in the context of the presidential campaign, he will face much tougher opponents than he faced in this race. >> i think we will find out now. >> still ahead on "morning joe" the chairman of the democratic campaign, steve israeli, senator j jerry moran and u.s. snof elect will join us. you are watching morning joe. we will be right back. ♪ it's not about how many miles you can get out of the c-max hybrid. it's about how much life you can fit into it.
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re-election. it wasn't just the president felling the heat. 54% of the respondents to our exit poll say the government is trying to do too many things that ought to be left to businesses and individual. the economy remains a major concern. 70% responded saying the economy is not in good shape. taking a look at the key senate races. in new hampshire, it appears scott brown's residency remained an issue helping senator jeanne shaheen win re-election there. in georgia, michelle nun could not run far enough in the obama administration with 36% of voters there saying they used tear senate vote as a rebuttal. >> by the way, if georgia, you have an economy that's one of the weakest in the nation. they probably were feeling that and you are going to blame that on the sitting president, whether it's a republican or a democrat. >> a lot of people, most people predicted a runoff there. >> so i, in my predictions, i got everything right except this
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race where i said it would go to a runoff and actually michelle nun would win. this is an example. i try to tell people this sometimes. i got elected in a wave election. i always say, you got elected, we lost in '92. i would have lost in '96. sometimes waves carry candidates that are weaker over the finish line. sometimes they boat back really good candidates. let's make no mistake of it. initial nun won a great race. >> win? >> she didn't win. you'd be hard pressed to find a democrat who would have lost there. >> clinton nun. >> i would be careful comparing exit polls with a mid-term election with a general election presidential year it's an entire different election. that's a part of the story of this election. it was not in red state t. turnout is a third less than what you get in a presidential election. it's a much different profile. we're a mid-term country and a presidential country. >> we really are.
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even in the states that i talked about where it was not in the blue states, we've said it before, we'll say it again, this election this six-year election, the voters are older. they were wider. they're more conservative and this big win, this massive win for the republican party suggests that maybe as we move forward and the electorate expands, we may have a competitive race in 2016. >> a total different match. >> any republican that wants the results ahead of 16. >> i think all those guys making consilltory speeches recognize 2016 is a different ball game. seven sitting republican governors in blue state. they have a real impotence to try to change their. >> by the way, willie, they learned their lesson from 2010. another night, conservatism won. liberalism failed. they get stumped two years
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later. they've learned their lesson. i think this action will be productive in two years. >> let's take a look at kentucky. allison lundgren-grimes and there was a sizable gender gap if colorado. men favored republican cory gardner by 14 points. 59-45. senator mark udall won the fe pail vote by that same margin. >> mer my, what do you make of this? >> i think you have to wonder when democrats pull back on the war on women, i mean, clearly, you can do the trick in colorado. it was not as helpful there as it would be in north carolina. i think democrats right now are kind of in a reassessment mode as to whether or not the same playbook tehran if 2010 and 2012
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will be effective in 2016. >> it wasn't effective in 2014. also, we had mary landrieu say that gender and race were two things driving things. there are a lot of people that rolled their eyes. we had yesterday they suggesting race was a huge issue in the south and that's one of the reasons democrats are doing badly. he comes from the state that elected. reelected and indian american woman and an african-american male. >> right. well -- >> state wide. >> let's not read too much into that. i think the -- >> wait, i'm sorry, jeremy, why wouldn't you read too much into that? >> go ahead. >> there's one white state wide senator and there is a black state wide senator and there is an indian american who is governor, who just got reelected.n i think it's okay when somebody suggests this as racist that they take a close look at where the civil war began.
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>> a, i don't think that's what mary landrieu said. i think she said blacks and women historically have had a more difficult time in the south. second of all, i think the country is as polarized along racial and political lines as ever. one of the more interesting results last night in the house races is john borrow, the last white democrat in the dopamine south defeated by a republican. >> that shows you, these parties had settled into their more left leaning and right leaning locations. >> i just want to say one thing on this war on women. one of the things we do wrong in politics is we sit on the back of the truck. we see what happened in the last election. >> exactly. >> we facilitate it as if it's all transferrable. that's not the way it works. >> they emphasized it not to the degree of udall. they say it worked then, it will
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work now. we hit these issues in 2012. it was very targeted. it wasn't the thrust of our campaign. >> exactly. >> they made us the thrust of our campaign. >> in '94, i got elected. you know, i would go in and close founding fathers who have these quotes about god and government, but i would start when i went into the church. i said, don't move for me, i am not. early on. en the i would give these quotes the founding fathers about god and government, all this other stuff and it worked very well. right. two years later, i would go to these campaigns, the republicans would be quoting bible verses, they're like, jesus this. dude, it's not going to work for you. okay.
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months ago all the political pundits said georgia was not in play. we put georgia in play. >> it was a michelle nun, who was a part of the democrat's efforts to turn traditionally red states purple. but in the end, it didn't work. nun failed to get enough african-american port to get past david perdue. it didn't work either for wendy davis in texas, white voters were by far the largest group to turn out. joining us now msnbc political mike man cal. casey hunt is with us. political reporter for the washington post robert kosta. where do we begin? what is your take away? >> i have never seen an election where i think the biggest element was the increasing distance between people and their government. they feel such a distance between the government. i was struck by it. >> and you are talking about how
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this is the section of washington? >> no, not so much that. they feel the government is not on their side any longer. they feel government doesn't work for them the way it used to. they don't trust the government. >> there have been a series of missteps over the past couple of years, the irs, the fsa, whether you want to talk about isis, ebola. obviously, this was, you know, a lot of people will make this an indictment against obama regardless. >> there is so much more going on, culturally and politically f. your refrigerator breaks, your cable breaks you are punching button, you push three if you want it fixed. the distance between people and the ordinary norms of their live, political and cultural i. >> i wouldn't put the impact on negative ads.
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i don't think that makes anybody happy. >> largely negative ads as well. >> joining us now, u.s. senator elect from west virginia, congress woman chelly moore capito. she is the first woman elected to the senate from west virginia. congratulations. gore. i know we have a bit of a delay. let launch into it. if you agree with what mike barnacle is saying, what do you do to fix the problems in terms of the rift between america and walk. >> well, i'm a republican now elected from a democrat state and i know the value of bipartisanship. i know how to work together and i think that that's the first thing we can do is to prove we can govern and that's what we will do. >> your state, joe manchin is a good friend of ours. so many days he wanted to bang his head against the wall because he said he couldn't get anything done.
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do you think that changes? >> i do think it changes. because i think that as you you were saying earlier in the show, people are just fed up they're really fed up with the gridlock and the partisanship. i have known joe manchin for decade him we are friends. we will be able to work well toke him maybe that will be a model for the rest of the senate. i certainly hope so. >> let's bring in casey hunt. she has been following these elections him casey, what stood out to you last night? >> well, you know, mica, some of what we were talking about generally as far as this being a real you know intense wave for republicans. we saw a lot of these races break late and of course the congressman's -- congress woman's race, excuse me, had a particularly large margin. there was one congress woman as you are looking ahead to the next month, first of all, what is the biggest mistake you think republicans could make in the initial session and also aside from senator joe manchin, who
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are some democrats you think you could work with? >> well, you know, i know several democrats, joe donnelly from indiana, somebody i served in the house w. i think that, you know, we could work well together. regionally, i don't know if virginia has been called, but if senator warner goes back to virginia, i certainly know him and could work well with him. i. >> i think the biggest mistake we could make as republicans is maybe take too big a bite. i think what people want to see immediately and what i want to see immediately is some successes, are some successes and i think that, you know, i think we can achieve that. whether it's tax reform, whether it's energy policy, certainly in west virginia, energy policy played really big in this election we got to find a way so we're not picking winners an losers in this country. that really is the reason i'm going to the united states senate. >> shelly moore capito,
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congratulation, really amazing. >> congratulations. >> one of 100 women elected to congress for the first time ever. very exciting. >> bob kosta, what a big night for the republican party. any big surprises for you last night? >> the big surprises, we're seeing a new class coming to the united states senate. i think congress woman capito is a part of that group. it will enable mitch mcconnell to get something done, maybe even on immigration. >> bob, it's willie geist. we have been talking this morning about some of the graciousness we saw lost night from republican was won. it's easy to be gracious, of course, when you just one an election. what matters is can you be jaishs gracious after january in dealing with the president of the united states, as someone who covers the hill so closely, do have you reason for optimism? should americans be optimistic after what happened last night? >> i think there is one particular note of optimism, i think the most important relationship in walk right now is between senator mcconnell and
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vice president biden. if you look at past fiscal impacts, past disagreements on capitol hill, it has always been mcconnell and biden who have been able to craft a deal and get it done, in a divided washington, in a divided government. i'm looking at those two as a report tore cease to find some kind of light and find a path ahead. >> i will tell you the most productive period ahead in the time i was there in the lame duck session if 2010 and a lot of business was done and much of it was worked out through senator biden and through vice president biden and senator mcconnell because they have a relationship that goes back decades. so i think that's right. i think he's going to be a key player. he has been trying to build these bridges that needs to be billed. >> mike born cal, stay with us. robert costa, thank you so much. casey hunt, we will see you later this morning. up next, he didn't sugar coat it for the democrats. they said they knew the election would be a challenging night.
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it was at every level. steve israel will join us next for what he thinks can get done in walk. anything? much more "morning joe" when we return. a little while ago, i spoke with myopoint, secretary brown ran a spirited campaign. she earned a lot of votes and she earned my respect. it took a lot of guts to take on the race like this. because of the business we're in, it also meant she'd take some heat. i admire her willing inside to step in the arena and fight as hard as she did. we need more people who are willing to do that. not fewer. she deserves a lot of credit for it. this was certainly a hard not contest. they're still after me. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪
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last night. you hear it from democrats as well as republicans. haley reed he made a multibillion dollar bet on demonizing the coke brothers. it was a devastating loss for harry reed and this strategy was an extraordinarily bad strategy. we said it wouldn't work. he said he was wasting democrat's money. this is as embarrassing for him as karl rove debacle. you can't overstate how bad of a fight this was for harry reid and hope donor mine he completely blew. >> his party was wiped out in his home state. they lost the whole thing in nevada. also harry reid at war with the white house. bob costa wrote his chief of staff on record going after the obama camp, finally he is a minority leader at a time when the white house can no longer
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cater to him. >> mike born cam. his pack raised and spent more money than any pack in america. any pack. he blew it by trying to demonize two guys that most americans don't know about, don't care about. has nothing to do with tear daily lives. >> that's true. there is one added element, reid went out of his way to villify and get removed bill deihly on the edge of a deal with john ban tore put together an economic deal moving forward. three years ago. harry reid killed that. >> joining us now from capitol hill, congressman steve israel from new york. not a great night. do you agree with what might have helped set the theme here, sir? ? >> no, tflgs an ugly nighting to blunt about i. there is no way around that. look, i think that there is a
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sooeting anger by the middle class at washington and i think that both parties need to listen to that. i agree with joe. this isn't necessarily about super packs. it's about pocketbooks and our ability to come together where we can. i think we can come together on key economic security issuings. that's what has to happen now this election is mercifully behind us. >> congressman, willie geist. we have been talking about the virginia senate race. i don't think we are on the radar. the maryland governor's race, you could liss about ten or 12 of them. which ones kind of stunned you the most? >> i will tell you, i was surprised this ended up the way it was. 2006 was a wave election for democrats and republicans lost 30 seats. 2010 was a wave election for republicans. democrats lost 63 seats. this was a wave election at every level. the only good news for us in the
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house is that we did contain the wave. i think we will end up topping out at about 15 seats. there are still some elections that haven't been called. we were able win in some tough republican areas, like joe's state in florida. it looks like we may win a race in omaha, nebraska and flip one in california. but the bottom line is that i did not believe that this was going to be a wave election more of a wave for senators and governors, less of a wave for us. but we still lost. we need to do better in 2016. >> so congressman, we are getting word from the white house the president is convening a fuse conference this afternoon. so we're going to get more information exactly when and where at the white house, but it will be interesting to see what they have to say. congressman steve israel, do you have any idea what might happen there? >> i think we need to pick three things we can get done together. i think it's college debt, reforming the tax code. we need to do this increment
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amelie. i think both parties have a delivery for the middle class. we should pick those three things and move forward. >> steve, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. >> still ahead, are you shaking your head. >> mike barnacle, we'll talk about it later. steve kornacki brings us more next. why geography matters sometimes within an individual state. we'll explain much more on "morning joe's" coverage in the 2014 mid-term election. ♪ [ male announcer ] this man has an accomplished research and analytical group at his disposal. ♪ but even more impressive is how he puts it to work for his clients. ♪ morning. morning. thanks for meeting so early. oh, it's not a big deal at all. come on in. [ male announcer ] it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪ makes sense of investing. ring ring! progresso!
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. >> we have results, jeanne shaheen has defeated, has defeat ed former massachusetts senator, a man who claims he's never heard of massachusetts, scott brown. brown responded to the loss with grace, ticket and a downpayment on a house in maine. >> a house in maine, yes, that was the second woman he was defeated by. >> i talk about michelle nun running a good race and losing. going up to new hampshire, a state that is very protective of its politics, demand a lot of its politicians. come on, scott brown did a great job. >> he did. >> to make this close against
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jeanne shaheen. there is something about scott brown. he has picked really tough battles to fight. but you see that guy on camera. you see him in the closing days of the campaign. if he picks the right race, he would have been massachusetts governor tonight. he would have been elected last night. >> i think he would have been a massachusetts senator had he run against ed marky when he was running a special election. we should point out. i think we would all agree that anyone any time who puts their name on a ballot and goes out there to take the abuse as well as the products, to have their likes drenled up and put in the public prints every single day. they december some respect for. that scott brown, our friend, state senator in new hampshire says scott brown crushes the shopping mall. >> scott brown, mica, is a great politician. he is, he has lost two races. i will say, too, i agree with mike, as we see everybody pile on wendy davis last fight and this morning. >> okay.
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you try. as a democrat, to run in the state of texas as a woman. i mean, it is a very, very red state. like massachusetts is a very, very blue state. but people, i saw people mocking scott brown last fight from the left. i saw people mocking wendy davis from to the right. you know what, you try it. you put your name on a ballot. you go out there. you are like ripped to shreds. have you your family attacked. have you your very existence torn apart with ten, 20, $30 million of advertising against you. rig right? then you can criticize these people and mock them and ridicule them on the low points of their lives. it's graceless. you tack about scott brown in new hampshire or wendy davis if texas. they zefb our thanks for giving a dam about america and actually putting it on the line and getting blood in the arena.
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>> still ahead on "morning joe" the strategists and bill gibbs will join the table. >> that will be something. plus, what happened in kansas? it was one of the most closely watched races in the year. in the end, it wasn't even close. the chairman of the senatorial committee, jerry moran talks the victory over independent greg orman. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment.
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interview, in this case a very long one. it is time for a new direction. it is time for a new way forward. >> we said for months, it's the rod to a republican majority and the united states senate led through kansas and we did it! >> we are heading to washington and we are going to make them squea squeal! >> i'm sorry. that's just the line of this campaign. make them squealed. they really have. they were thought to be really tight. they weren't. so far the republicans have gaentd at least seven seats. >> it wasn't in kentucky, mitch mcconnell beat his opponent.
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>> in iowa, joni ernst beat congressman bruce braley. i wasn't even close. >> another big fight, south carolina, make them squeal for thom tillis defied the polls to unkeith kay hagan. >> do we feed to play the theme song from "deliverance"? stop doing that. >> you always make it dirty. and walk in congressman, war veteran tom cotton ousted mark prior. this is another race. maybe new hampshire stopped it. mitch mcconnell's race was called, tom cotton's race, called one minute after the polls were closed. at that point estart thinking, okay. wait, tucker, these margins have to be pretty darn big for all the big networks to jump up there. they were. we are talking about the margin,
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so much bigger in these states. >> arkansas and georgia. it was assumed, that margin is bigger than a lot of people thought. >> georgia was shocking. >> by the way, you were talking about the wave discussion at the early evening. i wasn't ready to call anything a wave. within i saw perdue, leak at one point chuck todd looked at me, he was looking at me, like. >> because it was a forejohn conclusion. we might not know until january within we had that runoff. >> i predicted 53 seats. that was the one seat i said they could steal. i wasn't even close. >> georgia was discussed by many to go to a january runoff. but republican david perdue made it look easy. >> bob dole was there for a week
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campaigning. you know what, bob dole has had a rough couple of years, what a great morning for him. >> amazing. >> unbelievable. >> republican shelly moore capito becoming that first woman elected. >> what an approach, 1 of 100. another pickup was in montana. despite a sudden interest a couple weeks ago. >> new hampshire is a lone bright spot for democrats, jeanne shaheen survived scott brown's challenge. >> questions out there, alaska is still undecided. all going to a narrow lead. he is probably going to eek that one out. that's not nbc news, that's not msnbc. that's joe. it looks like he is going to win. >> and louisiana will go to a number of mary landrieu failed
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to win. >> a tough battle. the big surprise of the night. an extraordinarily close lead in virginia, mark warner could face a recount. ed gillespie didn't concede and actually yesterday morning, you said watch this race, it can be a lot closer than anybody expected. you literally are the only person i heard on national television say that. >> well said. >> the clock is right. the price of that. warner tried to coast in. this is the results from president obama. also you ran around the state with john warner. >> one second, you said a serious policy campaign. you know, mica, we have been saying the reason why this race stayed so degrees for so long it's because republicans were only running against barak obama. >> right. >> ed gillespie defied gravity. >> he did.
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>> by doing what? by coming up with a serious health care alternative. i heard from a lot of people, republicans are saying nothing, oh, wait, except for ed gillespie in virginia. >> that's a good point. people are looking for, that's not birth control or women's issues. >> you did like the pig squealing ad. >> because that's about washington, actually. you know what i make fun of it because it's funny, but it's true. >> what happened in the gillespie race is what would the senate look like against republicans just looked a little ways over the potomac and invested money, gillespie was down on tv for about a week. no ads. you know, it's one of those races where it's a quintessential swing state t. campaign is virginia. to not have invested in that, if somebody is no doubt kicking themselves this morning. >> you know what, robert, i think last night, you always have to be really careful with
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taking anything that happens in off year elections and projecting them on to an election. in. have a, though, it is a were whating sign for democrats. if 2008 the media jumped up and down. oh, virginia has changed to a purple to a blue state. the next year, they win by 21 points. they fell for the same crap in 2012 because barak obama, you guys, what you guys did to get out the votes, mainly african-american voters, targeting them, that was not transferable to mark warner. >> that is not transferrable to hillary clinton. if democrats think it is, they're making the same mistake we republicans made thinking that ronald reagan's success in '80 and '84 will be transferrable to us years later. >> the only thing interesting to us, obviously, you don't think of it as much, vamt for 25 years was the most republican southern state. right. in '76, when north carolina and
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georgia are going out for carter. you know, and when bill clinton was oneing arkansas and some of these other places, virginia was as republican as any of the old confederate states were. >> right. >> it is now a defined purple state. >> it is. >> but it is as you said, it's on either side. >> you had mica last night a democrat taking virginia for granted. a democrat takes vamt for granted now at their own peril. >> exactly. there is one barak obama. one 2008 campaign. >> it's a lot closer than anybody expected it to be, looking at the public polks, there is no doubt, no one is going into 2016 thinking the ceilingis anything other than 51. >> you wonder if there is going to be a kind of a correction from past republican years where they didn't do so well? if you look at mitch mcconnell's speech, that was a good speech. >> absolutely. >> that was very elegant. >> joe, we were talking off air,
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it's remarkable how well republicans presented themselves after their victories. >> at that time right. >> i say, boy, republicans have been disciplined. he goes, yes, for the last 48. >> for the next 48. >> for the next 48, back to the normal. >> there were real disagreements. look. they were i78 pressive candidates. tom cotton, joni ernst. dan sullivan, cory gardner, that helps, candidates matter. >> well, if you put those names next to the christy o'donnells, the todd aikens, a lot of those races that were you know you're 53, maybe 54 if sullivan wins and landrieu doesn't, you know, that's four, five seats on the other side that republicans could have picked up had they had the effort last night, which was to identify and train in many ways really, really good candidates. >> i agree with a lot of you.
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the speeches were gracious last night. you will forgive me. a lot of americans are thinking the piece will break out. >> we're looking at some of the numbers. it's clear the pomsters were giving democratic candidates way too much credit. nate silver at broke down the races. he looked at the weighted polling averages before tuesday's vote and compared them to the end results. for example, the polls gave tom cotton a six point advantage in arkansas. his margin of vicstory was 17 points. that means the points had an 11 point bias in favor of the democrats. the same trend were true in kansas, kentucky and georgia. the polls are way off. >> i apologize. tom cotton. >> that race probably was a six-point race, ten days ago, 12 days ago. i know they had internal tracking polls spanning that eight, nine, ten, during the last week. they had polk numbers, they didn't have any more money to win. no one expected them to win by
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2017. there was a late break. that's why the margins. governor walker of wisconsin. >> they were pretty confident they were winning by two or three, maybe four points. they won by seven. so what happened is what happened, it happens in wave elections. on the last weekends, you have an extra three, four, five points. >> the electorates, if they polled, might have been as they predicted. it wasn't what it was on election day. >> one thing, the fork times have been arguing about this online, if i remember, in which cotton was down ten points to prior harry reid super pack spends, what, four or five million in arkansas. it's not like it was a give me state. >> they are stunning. >> i can't say, they thought the people in rural arkansas were more concerned with david coke in new york city than getting their kids to college. >> well, they thought priors have won in arkansas the last 30, 40 years. >> i just wanted to say how
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wrong harry reid was again. >> how gracious republicans are, i don't think they went 48. >> no, they're very gracious. >> harry reid. >> no, no, no. >> joining us from capitol hill, senator jerry moran from kansas. so where do the republicans go from here? >> mica, i this i what the message from last night's election is always risky to take messages. this is a pretty simple one. demonstrate that you can govern. demonstrate that you know how to work towing to solve the country's problems and make certain that we do the things that our candidates said they were going to do as they campaigned across their state around the country. >> so, jerry, of course, a big surprised last night, pat roberts wins comfortably and there is a story about a call that mitch mcconnell had to make in august. very angry to how bad that campaign was being run, bake amelie, to him him he acted together, a former marine.
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there is no such thing as a former marine. the marine did not take that lightly. had a big fight just in august. i guess it paid off last night. >> senator roberts ran great campaign. it went through the primary him took whatever admonition or instructions were given to him. my guess is pat roberts heart and his brain, i'm going to get to work. i'm going to, that marine is going to accomplish this election. kansans, it was clear, there is grit frustration in my home state with certainly policies that emanate from the obama policy him there is an equal mess in the united states senate harry reid created the do nothing approach in the united states senate. in fact, it's what got me willing to chair the senate campaign committee, being told, i need to understand, shortly after i became the united states senator the strucks to me were, jerry, you need to understand, we're not going to do anything until after the next election. kansans despise that, so it all
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came together i think last night and the voters broke as you'd expect in kansas with some belief these policies are wrong and we don't want a democrat leader continuing in the senate that does nothing. >> so can you imagine? would you ever be in the middle of a fight between two wolverines or mitch mcconnell and pat roberts in. >> oh, god, i'm take the wolverines. >> senator jeremy peters has a question. >> good morning, senator. i think last night as you listen to republicans talk about their stunning victories in a lot of these races, there was a certain humility, i think they were careful not to read too much into these victories. so i wonder, do you think it would be a mistake for republicans to see a mandate in last night's results in. >> i think the mandate was what i said, skepticism by american people the country is not headed in the right direction, but even greater skepticism or distrust, dissatisfaction with the united states senate that has not
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worked, certainly in the four years i have been a united states senator. so i think the mandate the about let's see some accomplishments. i think that's what you saw candidates across the country last fight saying is, roll up our sleeves, physical out what we can do together and let's demonstrate to the american people, the people who ask us to work for them, that we actually can work to accomplish things for the good of the company. this was certainly a republican victory. what i think the american people want to see is, this was a victory for america. >> senator jerry moran. thank you very much. congratulations. do we have that sound byte from mitch mcconnell? do we have? all right. here is mitch mcconnell, his speech late last night after his win. we have to stretch a bit. they have to pay in the machine. >> we got a beta max. 1958. >> go ahead. play it. >> a little while ago, i spoke with myopoint.
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secretary brown ran a spirited campaign. she earned a lot of vote. she earned my respect. it took a lot of guts to take on a race like this. because of the business we're in, it also meant seed take some heat. i admire her willing ins to step into the arena and fight as hard as she did. we need more people who are willing to do that. not fewer. she deserves a lot of credit for it. this was certainly a hard not contest. we do have an obligation to work together on issues, i think we have a duty to do that. just because we have a two-party system doesn't mean we have to be perpetually in conflict. i think i have shown that to be true in critical times in the past. i hope the president gives me the chance to show it again. >> it was a good speech.
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i want to believe him. >> i think you can. i think old school is new school. i think mcconnell wants to take the senate back to the way they used to do business. i think the new crop of senators coming in, will give him the support to do that, the calgary he has is creating the balance between this chamber and the house chamber, which will have a little more fire brand, so given the numbers they picked up last night as well. i think mcconnell wants to set the tone early between the republican leadership and the white house he wants that to be a positive tone so he recognizes down the road he doesn't want to alcohol old battles. >> for mitch mcconnell, people say all he wants to do is fight democrats. within i talk to him privately. it's not democrats that he's wailing against. it is some of the let's say more extreme people in his own caucus
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that are saying still what jerry moran was angry about. that's let's get nothing done. mitch mcconnell is old school. he comes from the old school where you get things done and in the past couple of years, in his own party, it's been really rough in the senate. >> no doubt that speep was not directed at a larger audience. it was as if we were on a republican caucus conference call and the leader was setting the agenda right there. >> i like it. >> for the ted cruzs of the world and others he is worried are going to take -- >> i am worried. >> stay with us. still ahead on "morning joe," the chairman -- >> he had a big night. >> yes, he did. plus, why yesterday's results could mean republicans will have the control of the house of representatives until the year 2022. >> that was hard to say. i will be 40 by 2022.
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. >> we have the race that we want. bill cassidy, can you not run. can you not hide any more. this race is starting tonight [ cheers ] . >> the questions facing us tonight the voters in louisiana will be a very sipple one. which candidate has the proven record of standing up, fighting and delivering for our state? and which candidate has a record of running scared and trying to hide his record from the voters?
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>> that's for mary landrieu whose race is heading to a jun runoff, joining us is the mod tore from "meet the press," chuck todd and legal writer from the new york tiles john harwood joining us as well. conduct, before we get to this concept of the gop controlling everything until 2022. >> nothing is permanent. every time we think that, things change. >> can mary landrieu 'ul this you've? >> i say that, if you were to pick the best chance mary landrieu would have of surviving, you would say, make sure senate control is not done. make sure she can make it more about cassidy tan d vs. r. will democrats write a check? >> are they exhausted. >> i don't know?
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>> in 22, she was in a runoff, down five or six points going into that lasted race, the difference is 100,000 african voters live in houston because of hurricane katrina. i think that may be the difference. >> what about this control thing? >> mica is concerned about republicans controlling the house. >> she's worried that they're holding controlth in until 2022. >> the structural defeat of the democratic party him people say minimum 2022, hillary clinton now will have to win the presidency by double digits to bring the house somehow. that is how big this majority is
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right now. >> john harwood, did it pay off? >>. you know, when you get a wave like this, it's not going to make the kind of difference i watch as somebody who lives in the washington area the ads bill clinton cut for anthony brown the candidate for governor in morale. it was you need a leader. you need a plan. people don't pay attention to that stuff when you got a tide like this. the one thing i think we can say for certain, absolutely, positively, hillary clinton will not win the presidency by double digits in two years. >> exactly. endorsements matter so rarely. i think it's unfair for people to look at hillary clinton, who by the way i said had it miserable by 2014. it's unfair to blame hillary clinton for not being able to carry weak candidates in the finish lean. >> i thought bill and hillary were like the magic touch?
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>> like he said, when you get a twhaef big, you can only stand on the beach so long. >> if i were hillary clinton, i would be worried about who lost, people who have been around a while? that's what voters wanted. they had a chance to reelect kay hagan. i think one message of last night was new, fresh faces, change. >> the republican party has elected a bunch of people who are younger and diverse. >> mm-hmm. >> new people coming into washington and the democratic party now, look at its leadership in congress. the democratic party looks older. the democratic party looks -- >> by the way. >> looking it's all it's not president obama was the reason why. okay. but if are you the democratic party this morning, are you a rank and file member of congress. are you a rank and file senator mark warner and jeanne shaheen we think one we will see on the
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canvass, if you look at it. you say to yourself, boy, this leadership team isn't working. don't you say it's time to bring if fresh faces, fresh thinking? i have talked with a couple democratic senators who hope there is competition for harry reid. i think there are some people that assume he's up in 2016. maybe he doesn't want to keep doing this but what about on the house side? >> talking about harry reid, barak obama, obviously, a big loser last night. but harry reid gambled with downers money, millions and millions and millions of dollars going after two businessmen that nobody had heard of five, six years ago and he lost in the biggest weigh possible. why wouldn't the democrats look to somebody like conduct scheduleer in the senate? why would you 'ut that guy back
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if, you are a minority leader? >> you know, i wouldn't rule out the possibility that something like that could happen. but i think parties tend to stay with the people who have been leading them. there is a certain inertia and a certain stability to those structures as is chuck scheduleer going to want to have a platform with dick durbin? i'm not sure we will see that change. the one thing i wanted to.out about 2016, yes, we have different faces in the republican party. ly have different voters in 2016, presidential elections. so that will change the equation as well as a much broader map. >> john harwood. thank you very much. chuck todd, stay with us if you can. coming up, he had said nothing short of a republican takeover of the senate would be a failure. the share of the rnc ron prevus is here to explain how his body explains the polls, nick schneider joins us.
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. >> if you lose this election, can you pick yourself up and still run for 2016 or would a loss here mean you would not have a shot at being president. >> my plan is for the voters, to be the government for the next four years. >> are you committed to serving the four years? >> that's my plan. >> would governor walker make a
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good president? >> governor walker is a great governor him he would do great at any position he would want to pursue. >> now, casey hunt. her interview style is just fantastic. like, hey, why are you a jerk? i don't get it. can you help me understand? >> fresh off a big win last night, the republican party is looking ahead to 2016. joining us from walk, the chairman for the republican national committee ryan prevus. congratulations. good job. >> thank you, it was a great night. our volunteers and staff did a great job. we're obviously excited about the outcome. it's nice to know some of the things we are doing is working. >> where do you think this goes from here in terms of how the republicans lead, these new faces, is the page turning for
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the party? >> i i think on the outset a couple years ago, we said we needed a more diverse younger party. a party that's year aroundsh not a party that shows up once every few years before an election and a party that got its act together when it cable to our digital and data program. i think some of the stuff you saw happening last night i would say when my wife asks me about a project at home, i say, i'm 80% done, i got 80% to go. that's kind of where we're at here. >> robert gibbs and i were talking before and it's almost like somebody in your position, you have seen recent history, can you celebrate for about 12 hours. then you go, oh my gosh, it's great. i've run 20 miles of this marathon. the last couple piles are straight uphill. 16, of course the senate races are found in blue states. most of them are and the map
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expands. so how do you make sure that the republicans don't repeat what happened in 2010 followed by a heart breaking loss tore them and we don't see the same thing in '16? >> well, i think it's nice to know a lot of the things we were doing worked. so we were very confident going into the last several days at least the last couple weeks, because our modeming was good we few where these races were at. what do we have to do? we have to double down on the field operation, on our engagement in black and hispanic communities across the country. we have to be more like what robert and his team put together when he had teams across the country. they did it two straight years. they weren't sitting around talking fracking and clean comb. they were having pizza parties, having bands come in.
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they were talking to voters. it's the bake stuff. abraham lincoln said. >> i said drills may be drills. i love that line him i was saying to republicans in the middle of 2027, they were like, obsessing over the smallest things in the world. well, you guys are bitching and moaning at each other, figuring out who the real republican is? you know what the democrats are doing, knocking on doors, making phone calls. i love that line, chuck todd, instead of talking about fracking and clean comb the democrats are knocking on doors. >> that's right. >> i mean, when do you as chairman of the party, do you want the 2016 primary race to start now? do you hope there is a six month pause? do you want to see, do you want to give republican lead herbs a chance to govern for the first six months and hope a bunch of people don't jump in? you are the leader of the party. what would you like to see when
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it comes to the presidential race of when it starts, sort of unofficially? >> well, i think, after the new year, i mean it's fine if candidates get out of the blocks, obviously, i think the race to 2016 i think is good for our party. but i think it's 4-20-16, i think it's important our leaders in the legislature set forward now real achievable goals that are simple that we can define for the american people, one, two, three, four, achievable things, work with the president get those things done, repeat, repeat, repeat. i think one of the things that hurt us in 2012 that isn't talked about is we need to have a legislative agenda that was clear and an accomplishment going on in washington as well as a message in the field. it's an important piece. >> enjoy the moment. congratulations on a job well
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done. it's good to have you on. joining us from detroit t. reelected governor of michigan, republican rick snyder. good to have you on. >> the nerd zitz again, the governor a couple weeks ago, we were seeing polls that showed republicans in trouble in wisconsin, the race was closed. obviously, nobody saw the noise coming. i said last night it looked like the republicans won the big 10. >> it worked out great. support was strong from the sids. it's strong support across the political spectrum. we have been really reinventing michigan. recovery is going on. good things are going on. the same thing is happening in the mid-western states. >> chuck todd. >> governor spieder, some people have talked about you as somebody that might have annual big beyond the state of michigan. 2016, what do you think the
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parties should be thinking about? what type of candidate should the republicans be looking at when it comes to 2016? and are you one of them? >> i appreciate the question. right now, i'm excited to be reelected governor. the election is yesterday. there are so many great things to do in michigan. when you look at nationally, one of the big issues will be looking at leadership. i think in many cases, people will be looking to the governors across the country. we've got a great group of governors that have a track record for results for people. >> jeremy peters has a question for you, governor. >> good morning, governor. one of the big things in this election him when they have strong candidates, they can win in tough environments. you proved that in michigan. with the senate race, the republican candidate was not as strong him i wonder if you have regret itself and think if republicans had nominated somebody better that you could have picked up that seat as
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well? >> will, again, i don't want to speculate on someone else's race. i'm proud of the when i had in michigan t. other part i would mention is we increased our majorities. we increased seated in both chambers. so that shows voters can really look at candidates out there and support great candidates. we are seeing the results. now we will turn that into tangible results in terms of more jobs for michiganers. >> great seat, go. i was just looking at the website, going to the races. another race, i said georgia surprised me. another one north carolina, thom tillis somebody many people didn't pay attention to. a couple were tight. she always seemed like she was going to pull this out. 26 million, 27 million, spent against tillis, the most attacked candidate in america him he pulled out a win in the
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state that barack obama won. >> he basically won the romney win when you look at it 2012. >> are you surprised by this result? because i am? >> i think we all thought if there was a republican wave, that would bring tillis over over the top. she did everything. are you in a trouble incumbent. you don't want a referendum. you turn it into a choice electio election. . >> all right. chuck todd, bill crystal, thank you very much. >> he was a little smug.
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we reached a point where begich is going to overtake sullivan. he has to win more than 60%. closer to two-thirds of the vote. it's still outstanding. it's an extremely tall note. we should note, when he won this street, he trailed then, too. that's a grain of hope they have. when we go back to the map, we see the other piece of yellow, louisiana goes on a runoff there. mary landrieu, this is a jungle candidate. every candidate, same ballot. you can see two republicans here, 41, 14, add those up. the republican vote last night 55%. that's a lot to run off. the governor's side, outstanding results here as well. the alaska race, the independent is leading, teamed up with the democrat. take a look here, maybe the biggest stakes right now, they're defeating the incumbent governor in colorado.
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good fuse overnight for democrats, he was trailing most of last night t. vote is still out. he's ahead by 13,000 t. vote that is still out if colorado is disproportion natalie from denver. it's like a three-quarters democratic city in boulder, the university of colorado. very liberal. democrats are optimistic about what's happening right now in colorado t. other too close to call. keep an eye, connecticut. this is one democrats have optimistic about. over 22,000, looking at a democratic city. he will be in better position right now. >> thank you so much, steve. with egreatly appreciate it. of course, dana mallie went out and spoke, it looks like he's going to win. his opponent said it looks like we're not going to make it.
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on the ballot in several states. there's been some concern that questions like do you support the legalization for authorized dispenries for marijuana might be too confusing to people who actually smoke marijuana. as a result, ballots in those states are wording the question in ways easier for pot users to understand. >> oh, good. >> in oregon they asked, would you ever wrap a burrito in a pizza? you see where i'm going? in being an an have you ever put a slayer cassette in a teddy ruck rucksin to freak out your little brother? have you ever worn cargo shorts to a funeral? >> a number of controversial ballot measures across the country. voters in oregon and washington, d.c. accused legalized recreational marijuana. >> i've got to go get my cargo
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pants. >> the other ballot initiative to watch was the minimum wage. workers in arkansas, alaska, south dakota and nebraska. four states. i thought it -- >> a lot of people looking to move to alaska. they passed the minimum wage and legalized pot. >> well, there you go. illinois may not be far behind. colorado voters rejected a so-called personhood clause over fears it would be a de facto ban on abortion. washington state will expand background checks. and close ways known as the gun show loophole. that's good. voters in berkeley california are the first in the nation to pass a tax on sodas and other sugary drinks. >> we have a lot to talk about. i mean, tons to talk about. coming up. i'm going to be talking to jeremy peters about how americans for prosperity, funded in large part by the koch
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brother, had a massive turnout. >> much more on last night's big election and what the results mean for the future of our government. tom brokaw, andrea mitchell join the conversation. we'll be right back. just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional... or managing your investments on your own.
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i hope he saved enough. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. whether you're just starting your 401(k) or you are ready for retirement, we'll help you get there. please turn your phone off, tom brokaw, good lord. the republican party has swept control of congress. and they did it through big wins in battlegrounds that were thought to be a lot tighter than
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they were. >> no doubt about it. it was not even close. it wasn't even close! >> the gop has gained at least seven seats. we're waiting. it wasn't close in kentucky. >> it wasn't in kentucky where mitch mcconnell easily beat his democratic opponent grimes. one of the key victories in iowa where joni ernst beat bruce braley. another big win for the republicans in carolina. thom tillis unseated kay hagen. >> in arkansas, tom cotton ousted mark pryor. >> democratic mark udall is following congressman cory gardner in colorado and has been attacked for some of his own supporters for many a one-trick pony in that campaign. >> georgia was expected by many to go to a january runoff but republican david purdue made it look easy against michelle nunn. >> in kansas, pat roberts survives, despite being down in the polls to independent greg
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orman. >> republican shelley moore capito becoming west virginia's first woman elected to the senate. >> montana, steve daines going to the senate. >> in south dakota, mike rounds. >> and new hampshire, the lone bright spot for democrat, jeanne shaheen survived scott brown's late surge and challenge. he ran a great race. >> but questions remain as of now. alaska is still undecided with republican dan sullivan holding on to a narrow lead over democratic senator mark begich who has yet to concede. >> that is an uphill battle. that looks like that's going republican. another state, an uphill battle for democrats, louisiana. after landrieu failed to run outright. >> extraordinarily close race in virginia. independent mark warner the apparent winner. could face a recount. republican ed gillespie did not
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concede in his speech to supporters. >> welcome back to "morning joe." we've got nbc news's tom brokaw and the association editor of "washington post" and nbc political analyst jean robinson. tom brokaw, saying this last night, that over the past 20 years, we've had some -- hold on, we've had a hostile environment in washington, d.c. over the past 20 years, the republicans have held the house 16 of 20 years. democrats have won the popular vote in presidential elections 16 of 20 years. the senate, ten years republican, ten years democrat. we're a 50/50 nation. it's almost like a tennis match. where one side holds serve, then the other side holds serve. >> is it a seismic shift that will last a long time? i think you have to be careful about that. >> right. >> you remember newt gingrich goes in '94, contract for america, he lights up the republican site and gone within a couple of years because the president, bill clinton, at that point, completely outfoxed him
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on that. reminds me of the morning after gingrich and the morning after reagan was elected president of the united states in 1980. it was a different country the next day. we had the republican conservative out of the west come in to washington. but he was the president. this is the congress. democrats still have the white house. the question is how does the white house deal with all this. >> and to follow up on your point, ronald rereagan, a massi historic victory in 1980, he got pounded in '82 in the midterms. >> if you read the ronald reagan diaries, he talked about compromise, the importance of it, you know, raising taxes. he said jack kemp came in and gave him unbridled hell. he says, he doesn't understand, to get things done, you got to find the middle somehow. somebody familiar with the obama white house said to me last night, send joe biden to the hill, that should be their point man. biden lovings it and he's pretty good at it and he knows them.
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but they're starting from deep deficits. >> biden's been iced out for the past couple of years. politico's leading with a no obama pivot after the midterms. i think it's impossible to write a story at 3:00 a.m. about what happened at 2:00 a.m. this is a little early. barack obama by the way somebody said you're being awfully nice to barack obama for the white house being defiant. this is a big punch in the gut. and you have to feel empathy for anybody sitting in that office that has endureded what they endured. i think they'll come around. and realize they've got two years and they're dealing with a republican board of directors. even though they're ceo, the two are going to have to talk to each other. >> it's a huge punch in the gut. what are the options moving forward? >> looking forward to that. well, so, talk about an option. let's talk about one big issue. immigration.
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comprehensive immigration reform. the president said after the election, he's going to do the maximum he can do on his own authority. which is apparently a lot. that would be a polarizing thing. especially given the republican victory speeches last night, which were almost uniformly as if reading from a script open armed and inviting the possibility of compromise and moving ahead on big issues. so it seems to me if you have a precedent, you've got to have that conversation at the bare minimum before you do anything. >> mike, i think what we have -- take something like immigration reform that gene gives up. if we go back to the old way, where the president wants to do a lot more than the republicans want to do, but they get something done. and then they fight about the margins. but they actually get something done. i find it hard to believe --
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this morning we had jerry moron coming on. he mocked fellow republicans who said, we're not going to get anything done. we're hearing this time and type and time again. just as you heard republicans coming in in 2010 that thought everything was an indictment against barack obama and an act of -- these candidates seem to understand that this is an indictment against washington gridlock. >> yeah, and -- >> by the way, i am more optimistic than everybody else. >> that's why it's clear that the tone of today's press conference by the president of the united states, his tone is going to be critically important as to what happens where things go. not only the next six to seven weeks on things like immigration but he's going to set a tone for his reaction to dealing in the new environment and one of the elements of that is going to have to be the increased deployment of the vice president of the united states whose natural habitat is the give and
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take of congress. >> one important thing i think is the president called tom cotton in arkansas. >> i think he has to do it. i get you on biden, but president obama -- >> congratulatory from the message personally. this is a president who does not easily pick up the phone. so, you know, is this the start of something new, we'll see. >> a vice president would doesn't easily hang up the phone. >> you also have to remember, it's in the republican's interest to do something about immigration. maybe not as far as the president does. that hispanic vote which was not as much in the president's corner this morning as they were two years ago, but it's large. that is a really hot button issue out there. if you just dial back and remember when the kids were coming up from guatemala and central america, they were all up and down the board. people said, we don't want them here. even though they're going to be in federal facilities, they didn't want them even near them at that point. a lot of that goes to what i
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think is a number of voters feel like they're losing the america that they grew up with. and they want it back in some fashion. and they don't want something that comes along to threaten the america that they grew up with. look at all the polling last night. they feel the american dream is going away. thatter the er thertheir kids w the lives that they had. >> that's the data out there. i mean, our children are not going to do as well. it's not just that they feel america slipping away, it is. >> we had some students here. >> you're not going to do as well as your parents. >> the data is wrong. i'm been saying it for some time. the next generation is going to be one of the most prosperous american generations -- >> i like your optimism. >> in 50, 75 years. i'm with warren buffett on that. there are a lot of naysayers that think that's not going to happen. >> tom brokaw, i want you insights on the governor's results here. republicans are also celebrating
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big wins in governor's races across the country. the victories include pickups in several democratic states. president obama's home state of illinois has elected a new governor, bruce rauner. although pat quinn is not conceding. mass mass went red with baker defeating coakley. in maryland, republican larry hogan upset lieutenant governor anthony brown. a republican is once again leading arkansas after republican asa hutchinson defeated mike ross by double digits. and republicans also retained the governors mansions in several closely watched races in the most expensive gubernatorial race in the nation, incumbent rick scott defeated -- i'm surprised by this, defeated charlie crist by a little more than 1%. maybe not. >> let's start really quickly in the middle of this. we're going to go to tom in one second. jeremy peters wanted to talk about florida. because florida, americans for prosperity, you say americans for prosperity funned in large
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part by the koch brothers focused on florida to try to replicate in 2014 what the obama team was able to do in 2012 in getting out the vote. tell us about it. >> that's absolutely right. we tend to think as the koch brothers bankrupting negative ads. one of their most effective tactics in this midterm election was to go on the ground and build these operations in states like north carolina and florida. florida wallas key because whate koch brother operatives were saying they were doing all along is seeding the ground for 2016. now, there will be a scramble between now and two years from now to see would cho can bit of most robust get out the vote effort. right now, they do have a leg up. that was intentional. >> over in wisconsin, republican governor scott walker defeated democrat mary burke. the fourth victory for the
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possible 2016 candidate who beat back a recall challenge in 2012. >> we're excited about the next four years. we're excited about the fact that instead of doing what they tried to do, the groups out of washington who wanted us to be against something, we were for something. we were for a better wisconsin. for better schools. for a better university system. for a better technical college system. for a better future for our children and our grandchildren. >> i can't help but laugh listening to that. scott walker has won three out of four races statewide in wisconsin. what an incredible night for him. he beat the unions. and he won't say this but he beat chris christie. chris christie was trying to elbow his way into the state. he wanted to keep coming back to the state because chris christie wants to run for president. he was complaining about christie not giving him enough money. christie running around taking credit for a lot thing, he shouldn't be taking credit for when his ratings in new jersey are as horrific as they are. this was a huge win for scott
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walker the governor, scott walker the conservative and scott walker the presidential candidate who's probably going to be running against chris christie. >> okay. >> i want to go back to the governors races. i saw that first one, illinois, tom brokaw, i was explaining to my daughter a couple of days ago, because she was talking about somebody's first love. i said, dear, they always break your heart. they're wonderful. but the first cut's always the deepest. and the first love also breaks your heart. you can say the same about politics. barack obama comes in, conquering hero, 2008. last night, his heart broken again. and the unkindist cut, his home state of illinois, goes republican. >> well, if he had been the president of the last couple of years as this campaign team was that got him back into office, we'd have a different morning probably. i mean, they established the model that the republicans went to school on.
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i mean, the republicans took a look at what happened two years ago and they said this is what we have to do. we have to identify our voters. we have to flood the states where we need to get elections like in florida for example. and they went after it. i also say looking at scott walker this morning, there are an awful lot of winners last night who woke up this morning with visions of 1600 pennsylvania avenue dancing in their head. well, if i can to this, maybe washington and pennsylvania avenue. >> emboldened. >> talk about just how volatile you said that the republicans went to town on barack obama's game plan. i got elected 20 years ago, right. first time republicans controlled the houses in 40 years in a generation. republicans won the house, the senate in '94. in '96, bill clinton wins. in '98, newt gingrich is run out of town but republicans still control the senate.
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then in 2000, george w. bush wins. and then it switches again in 2001. switches again in 2002. republicans lock it up in 2000 14. karl rove talked about a permanent majority. 2006, nancy pelosi, speaker. 2008, the most electrifying campaign win for democrats since john kennedy. then in 2010, it is a year of ted cruz. 2012, it is the year of barack obama. again and confirmation of the establishment of the permanent democratic majority. and 2014, this, gene robinson, you would have to go back a long way in american politics to find a more tumultuous time. it seems like the the two-party system is one of those planes that's just falling apart, about to explode. >> there are problems i think with the two party system and the incentives are wrong. the incentives for members of congress certainly is to play to the base, not to compromise.
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there's nothing in compromise for you if you want to keep your job. >> shouldn't that be a message, that that's why they keep losing? >> well, right. you get in, you manage to keep your job, and then you get kicked out because people get angry at how you were -- >> because you won't compromise. >> that's one thing. the other thing is, it's a volatile -- it's a time of canning and anxiety for the country. and so we talk about these fine young people here who will do well, i hope, you know. >> he's hoping they do well. >> i'm rooting for you. >> i'm rooting for you but. >> no, but we look ahead and, you know, globalization, automati automation, manufacturing, gone. it's a different country. >> i'm not sure all of that is completely -- i mean, i don't think manufacturing is gone. i think things are going through a change. innovation has to take over. >> exactly, exactly. but it's a big change. it's happened gradually. now we kind of understand more
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about its implications and how big it really is. and we ask, like, where do those millions of manufacturing jobs -- what replaces them. >> republicans expanded their lead in the house as well. so far netting 13 seats across the map. they've picked up seats like georgia. blue dog john barros. and they added three states in new york, the home state of steve israel, chair of the election committee. the national divide only getting deeper. jeremy reports there are only nine democrats from districts mitt romney won and 17 republicans from districts president obama won. what remains to be seen is whether john boehner will have any easier time controlling house republicans mike barnicle. >> the answer is yes mike barnacle because he'll have a much bigger majority. it only took five crazy people like me to basically shut the whole thing down. but, i mean, we almost sort of
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disregard this news about the u.s. house. the biggest majority since what, 1948? >> yeah. >> the biggest republican -- more republicans then 1948 -- >> when harry truman was president. >> so for all the talking about john boehner and how bad the house republicans were, they actually locked it down for a long time. >> you know, one of the items that we haven't talked about, that we have alluded to in everything we've been speaking to this morning is the rumbling out there beneath the surface of this great get up, put your head down, go to work every day country of ours. and it is that in the winter of 2008 and 2009, we suffered a calamitous loss of confidence in the american economy. and there are hundreds of thousands of people out there who lost their pensions. lost their pensions. because they were -- trust funds, pension funds, gone. the disruption that caused in people's lives i think still
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plays itself out. i think people are fearful of what's going to happen with the economy. we talked about this earlier. wall street almost guaranteed will go up today based upon the republican win. their checks won't go up. >> there's a trickle down effect to all that as well. i'm keeping very close track of the millennials. these are the people would are -- the young men and women would come from those families would lost a pension, had their house taken away, father lost a job, mother maybe working two jobs. the millennials are really skeptical about their attachment to this country. they're attached to each other and they have the social medium in which they can stay in touch. but when you talk to them about their commitment as citizens, that becomes a whole other argument because they don't trust the big institutions. why should i get involved, look what happened to my parents. >> why should i trust the big institutions. going back 20, 25 years. and there's been a big letdown from the government time and time again. republicans and democrats.
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mike barnacle, we have to talk about your home state. a republican wins the governorship again. only one republican is allowed to win an election in massachusetts. it almost seems the governor. martha coakley lost again. >> she ran a terrible campaign. >> she's a really nice person. she didn't run the best of campaigns. i would hate as we talked earlier about state senator from texas would lost. >> wendy davis. >> to see them brutalized for losing an election is morefully unfair. >> it's not unusual for republicans to win the -- >> i've always asked bill, why is everybody democratic in there? he go, because if he wasn't there, we would still go off the top of the dome. we need one person to keep us alive.
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>> the death of the former mayor of boston disrupted the campaign. martha coakley, she may have pulled it out. >> tom brokaw, thank you so much. >> thank you, tom. >> your phone didn't win. i'm disappointed. still ahead, steve schmidt, andrea mitchell join the conversation. kacie hunt bring us the never before seen moments. and later, monty python fame. join us on set. we'll be right back. a lot of this is how they get to 2014, mitch mcconnell -- >> could that be me? >> no, it's something ambient. >> no, i'm afraid it is.
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the alarm goes off and there you go. >> i thought you were -- i thought you were a fire. >> yes, i will remember to bring home the milk and -- don't worry about it. i'll feed the dog in the morning. just sleep in, it's going to be okay. i'm sorry about that. anyway. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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well. with the former first lady and the former first couple invested a lot of energy. joining us now, nbc's andrea mitchell. former mccain senior campaign strategist and msnbc political analyst steve schmidt and eugene robinson and michael steele also with us as well. andr andrea, the clintons didn't have the effect that usually they have. do they usually have it? >> they usually have it. the democrats needed surrogates. i think this is more of a repudiation against barack obama than anything else primarily. it's washington and what voters were saying we're sick of gridlock. >> sitting there watching rand paul, the 2016 case immediately started. he said kentucky is a repudiation of hillary clinton. that just made me laugh. he's starting to run.
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they're off. >> no, you're absolutely right. they can frame it it's hillary clinton and bill clinton only because they were out there and barack obama wasn't. it's even worse i think to be hiding in the white house. acording to baker in today's "new york times," the president doesn't view it as a repudiation of himself. that aides are saying if they had brought him in, you know, remember when al gore wouldn't let bill clinton campaign for him in 2000. >> steve schmidt, you called this a couple weeks ago. i was swept call it was going to be a big night a couple weeks ago. i didn't see it until last week. >> i think there's a real sense in the country that the wheels are coming off. there's incredible anxiety. there's anxiety about the economy. there's anxiety about the future. there are real existential national security threats building in the middle east. we have government incompetent of an epic scale on display with
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regard to the ebola virus and respond to it. and all of that takes place in the context of a complete total collapse of trust in almost every major institution in the country. >> you can talk about the va, the irs, secret service, tapping reporter's phones. >> how about the website crashing? >> exactly. this follows up on years of -- a couple really bat years for this administration. not on ideology, just that michael dukakis word, confidence. >> here comes the test for the president. clearly a massive reputation of the president personally. it's a repudiation of his policies. so if he wakes up this morning and this is the great leadership test in my view of his
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presidency. how does he begin to try to restore some level of trust and confidence in the american people with regard to our systems of governance in this country? because you look at the totality of all the polls what they come back and say they have little faith in our political leaders across the country to actually govern the country. >> republicans and democrats alike. if the republicans numbers are low, the republican's numbers lower. >> mitch mcconnell had head winds going against him of anger at congress, anger at incumbents and a 52% negative in the early exits. and at the same time, he won and he won because first of all i don't think his opponent ran a good campaign but also obama was a drag. about what presidents can accomplish in their second -- after this kind of setback in their second term. bill clinton facing every bit of
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scandal and after losses and newt gingrich, after that terrible loss with newt gingrich in '94. they got together in the roosevelt room and they dealt with the mexican bailout crisis. house republicans were not willing to go with it. gingrich sat down and worked out deals. >> i'm only smirking because that was 20 years ago. i can still remember, bail out mexico, bail out goldman sachs, no. >> they paid back, all that -- >> but anyway -- >> but the bottom line was the economists said it needed to be done and clinton with the help of gingrich who, you know, you knew how angry they were. but made deals. >> you hear that all the time when we're out talking. i always tell the story time and time again about how they hated
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each other. but together welfare reform, balance a budget for the first time in a generation. balanced it for the first time since the 1920s -- >> -- for the president today in his news conference, and i think what you saw here, remains to be seen if that's what we'll get. but people want -- i don't even know if they care what gets done. they want something done competently. >> even though it's soon after the election, think you have to kind of get it at this point if you're in the white house. it will be interesting. the fact that the president's going to have a news conference and he's going to set a tone, you know, they're smart over there, they'll realize this is an important moment, especially after the victory speeches by republicans last night which were so expansive and, you know, open to possibilities of -- >> they were good. they set a time, 2:50 eastern time. of course we'll be running that. still ahead, 14 state, tens of thousands of miles and a lot
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of coffee. the states in play team can unpack at least for a little while. "morning joe" is back in a moment. let me get this straight... yes? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, no discomfort, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and try lactaid® supplements with your first bite to dig in to all your dairy favorites. listen to this sweet symphony of flavor. beautiful! gorgeous! here comes the fruitful crescendo! incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. a masterpiece of taste. now with more fruit.
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over the last year, states of play have taken us all over the country. 14 states going to many more than once. moments worth remembering. oh such delicious questions. some of the candidates probably wished they'd forget those. here's msnbc's political correspondent kacie hunt. >> reporter: from arkansas to alaska, colorado to kentucky. states of play spent a year on the road with candidates across america. >> you know kansas means people of the south win. >> 240,000 miles, new set of tires, this baby's going to get me over the finish line. >> reporter: democrats work hard to distance themselves from an
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unpopular president. would you want him to come down and campaign for you? >> i speak for myself and don't need any other surrogate to do that. >> you know, you and scott brown keep wanting to make this race about the president. >> reporter: do you think the president is a good model as an executive, is it someone you would model your own leadership style after? >> you know, i probably look to other models whether it's ab abraham lincoln, george washington. >> reporter: some republicans struggled to prove there's no place like home. if you lead this race, will you and your family commit to staying here in new hampshire? >> of course. my mom is five miles away. >> reporter: democrats have labeled you eat coast dan implying you're not from alaska. where are you from? >> i'm from alaska. >> reporter: not everybody was eager to answer questions. hi, i'm kacie hunt with "morning joe." >> hi, i don't really want to talk to you. >> reporter: i'm sure not. some questions were tougher than they seemed. do you think the obama administration has done an appropriate job handling the ebola crisis? >> um -- i would say that --
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it's hard to know -- >> you're acting like she found your porn. >> reporter: and we didn't just talk politics. this big ten expansion. >> ridiculous. maryland and rutgers make no sense whatsoever. >> reporter: have you loosened up at all? >> i did enjoy the campaign. i've enjoyed getting to know my fellow kansans better. >> i grew up castrating hogs on a farm. >> reporter: what does it involve? >> a very delicate hand. >> reporter: after 14 states, tens of thousands of miles, untold gallons of sweet tea and pounds of barbecue, states of play's boots are finally home. at least for now. >> hello, iowa. i'm back.
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>> she went to all those great states and all i got were these bumper stickers. >> kacie, you've been -- >> john, it really was a really, really wonderful team. >> joining us now, also, columnist for bloomberg view, margaret carlson. good to have you both here. >> margaret, i'll ask you your takeaway. who was the big winner last night? >> mitch mcconnell who gave the most gracious speech i have ever heard him give. and i think he is back to his pre"scared to death of the tea party" self and ready to govern. kasich, a winner without the drama that went on in wisconsin. ohio is 48th in jobs.
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had an $8 billion shortfall in the budget. 89 cents in his rainy day fund. kasich turned that all around. he won with 60%. >> that's amazing, 64% of the vote in ohio. a swing state. so were you surprised last night? we heard these races were going to be so close. i saw you last night as the early polls were coming in. were you surprised how quickly it broke for them at the end? >> especially some of these states where you had democrats making the sale, especially at the end with michelle nunn. the margin was wider than we expected. you talked about ballot initiatives. people voted for democratic policy. in many cases, they voted for the minimum wage. the minimum wage -- cory gardner won in colorado. he did not run on the minimum wage. >> he ran one of the best campaign, didn't he?
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>> reporter: kennedy, looked moderate. gave up on personhood. just completely outfoxed mark uda udall. we're not a captive of our gender. we really have other issues. >> we have the same issues. >> one thing that suggests to me is even with all the caveats, the midterms, older voters, just seems it's not automatic that any candidate brings out the full democratic coalition. and that's something democrats better think about for 2016. bill clinton, barack obama, were extraordinary politicians. once in a lifetime politicians. they managed to do it. not everybody can do that. >> thank you so much. great job. still ahead, how will the republican takeover of the senate impact the markets? cnbc's sara eisen has a preview for us. later, you know him from monty python and "a fish called
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wanda." >> one of the greats. >> john cleese joins us. we'll be right back. they challenge us. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud. ♪ there's confidence...
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call or come in today for a free one-on-one review. it's time now for a check on how the markets are reacting to the election results. cnbc's sara eisen joins us for business before the bell. >> good morning. it looks like investors are cheering the results of the midterm elections, pointing to a higher open on wall street. that means we could be in record territory again for the stock market. the caveat here is that history actual actually bodes well for this day, the day after midterm elections, no matter who is in charge. you'd have to go back to 1990 to see all three major indices, the dow, the s&p 500 and the nasdaq actually lose momentum. there's a stat there. we usually have a strong day. we just got the economic data on jobs.
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it turns out the private sector in this country created 230,000 jobs last month. that was better than economists were looking for. it's also notably the seventh month in a row the private sector has created plus 200,000 jobs. that's important. it shows the trend is continuing. we'll see what friday's numbers show. that includes the private sector and the public sector. in term, s of some of the issue that came out of late night, one notable one is the minimum wage hike. voters responded. they want higher minimum wage. we saw that in five different states. in alaska, for instance. next year, the minimum wage goes up by $1 to $8.75. t taylor scriwift, hit records, t best album of the year. >> sara, thank you so much. up next, time for something completely different. you know him from monty python
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but john cleese is showing a different side with his new memoir. he joins us anyway. he joins us next. to map their manufacturings at process with sticky notes and string, yeah, they were a little bit skeptical. what they do actually is rocket science. high tech components for aircraft and fighter jets. we're just their bankers, right? but financing from ge capital also comes with expertise from across ge. in this case, our top lean process engineers. so they showed us who does what, when, and where. then we hit them with the important question: why? why put the tools over there? do you really need those five steps? what if you can do it in two? whoo, that's an interesting question. ideas for improvement started pouring out. with a little help from us,
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automatic. it's defense, social security, health, housing. last year, the government spent less on the ministry then it did on national defense. now, we get 348 million -- which is supposed to be spent on all our available products. >> that is awesome. >> it is amazing. mike barnacle. 45 years later i saw the first second of the clip and i burst out laughing. i knew that was coming. >> you're going to be happy you stuck around. one of the original members of the monty python gang, award winning actor john cleese, out now with his memoir, "so anyway" is with us. off that clip, off of joe's immediate reaction, what's it like to walk through life and whenever people see you, they
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smile? they smile? >> you're absolutely right. it's really nice. the thing is, if people make you laugh, you feel affection towards them. it doesn't matter if you're w.c. fields with a grudge against children, animals and women. if you make them laugh, they still feel affectionate towards you. >> i think it's very generous to make people laugh. such a generous person. >> it's also a gift. >> it's a gift. >> that you're giving to people. >> that you're sharing. >> flattering you enough? >> extraordinary, you know, we did the shows in july, the ten shows. >> i was going to ask you about that. were you shocked? for people who don't realize this, i remember you guys announced that you were going to basically bring the band back together. sold out faster than any other show. >> we sold out the first house, 60,000 seats, in 44 seconds. >> 44 seconds.
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>> i've never played to such wonderful audiences. because it wasn't an entertainment at all, it was sort of -- you know what i mean? they wanted to come say thank you for making us laugh and we wanted to say thank you for thanking us, you know, i mean it was just wonderful. i'd never felt so relaxed on stage. so when comics are relaxed, that's when they get funniest. >> those shows sold out faster than -- you name the rock act. i mean, it's amazing. >> i'm just curious, john, what do you get recognized for, monty python or -- >> depends where i am. if i'm england or australia. in america, it's always python. >> gene, step in. >> your funny lines have often been about politics. my favorite is during the 2008 i think it was, during the 2008 campaign, when you said michael is no longer the funniest palin.
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that was great. so any comment on the pageant of democracy you saw yesterday? >> when i first came here, when johnson beat goldwater, the thing that impressed me then, really impressed me, was the friendship across the aisles. how people from the parties liked each other and got on okay and it was so different to england where there was still some arguing about the general strike of 1929, you know. and i thought this is great, this is the way to run a democracy. but things change. >> things have definitely changed. now, when you walked in here, you're very tall. >> you noticed. >> how tall are you? >> partly a trick of the light. i'm actually 5'8". >> no, you're not. >> no, i'm 64 1'4 1/2".
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>> so you were 6 feet at ten years old? >> gawky. >> that must have been something, to tower over your class by several feet. >> no, to tower over all the teachers. >> oh, my god. >> it was not easy because when you're young you want to fade into the background. >> can't do that. >> no, i think i was -- >> so how did you use that to discover your ability, your knack, for physical comedy? >> that was much later. because i was so discoordinated. i was physically weak. i'd outgrown my strength, that's what i was told. there were all these little tough guys would could pull themselves up on the rings and i'd just hang there. but i found -- i was -- look, i was an only child of older parents. and that meant that i didn't fit in very well when i first went to school. >> i want you to do that here. >> i wish i could. >> that's so funny.
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>> i've had a knee and a hip replacement. >> okay. >> the bionic man. >> ended up teaching in a private school. when did you first realize that you were funny, that you had the ability to make people laugh? >> it was actually earlier when i was in school. the kids didn't like me very much when i first went to school and i immediately discovered if you could make them laugh, there was this feeling of warmth, you know. and i don't think it was conscious but i think that's just -- i just started to make people laugh. because you -- if you tell a good joke at a party, it's very simple, you feel good, right? everyone laughs. if they don't laugh, it feels terrible. no, that's why i did it. i think as a kind of defense thing. >> the book is so anyway. john cleese, thank you so much. so nice to have you on. up next, what if anything did we learn today.
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try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates. [ inhales deeply ] [ sighs ] [ inhales ] [ male announcer ] at cvs health, we took a deep breath... [ inhales, exhales ] [ male announcer ] and made the decision to quit selling cigarettes in our cvs pharmacies. now we invite smokers to quit, too, with our comprehensive program. we just want to help everyone, everywhere, breathe a little easier. introducing cvs health. because health is everything.
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as the company that's all about printing. but did you know we also support hospitals using electronic health records for more than 30 million patients? or that our software helps over 20 million smartphone users remotely configure e-mail every month? or how about processing nearly $5 billion in electronic toll payments a year? in fact, today's xerox is working in surprising ways to help companies simplify the way work gets done and life gets lived. with xerox, you're ready for real business. welcome back to "morning joe." it's time to talk about what we learned today. this is possibly the most well behaved audience. i like an audience that will get their chairs and throw them, break something. >> jen scared them. so they're like -- >> really? >> i will say what i learned
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today is this group will do better than their parents despite what the data shows because they got up before 5:00 a.m. to be here. that's committed. >> that's disturbing. >> yeah, and disturbing. >> i learned for the democrats to grow from this nightmare of theirs last night, harry reid has to go. >> oh. all right. >> i learned that john cleese sadly no longer does the silly walk. however, i'm hopeful on the -- >> you want me to do it for you? >> i learned two things. first, it ain't over until it's over. second, it's good to be a republican until it isn't. and we have to wait to see how long that takes. >> maybe will last a year. you never know. thomas, what did you learn? >> i think we're in for a wild ride for the next two years and i look forward to it because we can't get any more stagnant than we already are in d.c. >> there's accountability. a democrat in the white house. republicans on capitol hill.
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no more excuses. show us what you have. i don't know about the republican party, that's not really to be honest with you that i care about. i care whether good things are ahead for america. i think that washington's been holding america back. i think now there's going to be accountability. >> if it's way too early, what time is it? >> it's "morning joe." >> now, "the daily rundown." have a great day. a red republican wave from coast to coast. the most expensive midterm elections in america's history finally in the books. good morning from washington. i'm peter alexander. it is wednesday, november 5th, 2014. this is a special post-election edition of "the daily rundown." for the first time in eight years, the gop will control the senate majority. republicans are poised to win their largest majority in the house of representatives. since
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