tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 7, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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welcome to "the ed show" live from new york. i'm mike eric dyson. j.p. morgan chase has done anything in their power to keep their criminal activity hidden from the american public. but on "the ed show" that is change. a bombshell article is shedding light on the large-scale criminal activity on wall street that led to the 2008 financial collapse. it stems from a whistle blower who was a former transaction manager for j.p. morgan chase. she is here on set and will join us in a moment. she saw first hand the criminal activity j.p. morgan chase was taking part in. as tie casinoey pointed out, her main job was to make sure that the bank didn't buy spoiled merchandise before it was tossed into the meet grinder and sold out the other end. she told her managers, j.p.
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morgan chase was buying bogus mortgage backed securities, oversaid incomes and old dates. they were described as the bottom of the mortgage barrel. they were used cars that had been towed back to the lot after throwing a rod. they sold hundreds of millions of dollar of these mortgages after fleischman repeatedly raised red flags she was fired in 2008. now she is a central witness. what is worse than j.p. morgan chase's criminal activity is the refusal of the justice department to take meaningful action against the bank. j.p. morgan chase paid $6.5 billion in penalties in the end for their massive mortgage fraud they knew all about. it comes out to 104 days of pre-tax profits for the bank. it's nothing more than a slap on
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the wrist. joining me now is matt tiibi. malt you wrote this article. this is a bombshell. we have ms. fleischman here for the first time to talk about the detailed account of what went wrong here. for those of us who are nonfinancial experts tell us just plainly for the layperson what the heck happened there and we will ask ms. fleischman to detail what she saw. >> what was going on during the pre-crash period there was a boom in the housing market. everyone was buying houses. a lot of companies like countrywide, mortgage companies were going into low-income neighborhoods and giving
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mortgages to anyone with a pulse whether or not they could afford them and banks were buying up these mortgages and throwing them into a big pool and grinding them up into hamburgers and selling them as securities to investors like pension fund holders, retirees and hedge funds and security companies. they were buying these loans and didn't know they were poor quality. we knew this but we never had a person like elaine explain the process. >> the people who were being taken advantage of were getting dissed and the people who were buying them were getting dissed. >> sometimes they were the same people. you might have a person who couldn't afford to buy a big house and they were a state worker who had a state pension buying mortgage-backed securities and their taxes went to pay for bailouts or the settlements that the banks ended
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up paying. >> ms. fleischman, your heroic and near, you know, incredible job of exposing what's going on here, certainly has brought you reprisals and blowback. even before we get into what was going on there, tell us how you managed to hold on since you have been quietly laid off and difficulty finding work. what is going on in your life right now? >> at some level there are some things i won't take part in. i have always stood by. when i wrote the letter i knew i won't be able to keep my job after doing this. but at some stage it was better to do what i felt needed to be done. >> tell us, i mean, you know, in the thriller like it is because when you read this piece is it an extraordinarily thrilling
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moment there expect for the people who were beat up on there. tell us when you first began to notice the discrepancies that led to your being outraged and feeling that something was wrong here? >> they brought in this diligent supervisor who wouldn't let us do e-mails. if you e-mailed him he would yell at you. we have this policy of not recording what we're doing. then what happened is we had this pool come in where all of these red flags started coming up. they were way too old for loans we would ever buy which means they were already dumped or they were bought and sold back because they are so bad. and we -- i am the diligence manager was raising these flags, and there was a push to get the loans through. unfortunately that included just yelling and berating the
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diligence managers who were saying no to buying the loans. really keep going with that until they gave in and cleared the loans even though they clearly didn't agree they should have been purchased and sold to investors because we knew there were serious problems with them. >> so, let me turn, then, to matt. you have a statement from j.p. morgan with their side of this case. >> they didn't comment on the case. >> they said no comment. >> right. they basically said we're going to let her say what she wants to say. >> alayne tell us what happened when you alerted j.p. morgan know what is going on. did anyone act concerned or committed to trying to get right? >> no. that's what i couldn't understand at the time. first we had irregular deal warnings that fell on deaf ears. even while closing for these
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loans i stopped the meetings and said have you talked about the securities issues? you can't put them in the pool. that's why i wrote down this long letter that really set out not only the problems with this particular pool that we were buying but all the general problems i was seeing across the diligence process. and as you asked, nothing came from it. >> did you anticipate after writing that letter -- you anticipated that there would be some pushback from j.p. morgan chase. but did you anticipate or feel you would have support from outside sources, justice department or others? >> i was certainly surprised. for four years i didn't hear anything at all. i thought maybe they just didn't sell these to investors and you know, it worked although i always had a feeling they were probably sold. when i met with the s.e.c. for the first time in 2012, four years after the crisis, they
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wanted to talk about a different deal. so i kept bring up greenpoint and what happened and they didn't seem interested in it. it wasn't until the d.o.j. came along that suddenly that they really broke the whole thing wide open. >> in old days when someone in alayne would send a letter saying we have serious problems with this product and we cannot sell this to investors, that would stop the process in the old days. people would be afraid of proceeding because there would be proof that they knew. >> why not in this case? >> we are living in a new world where these companies can ignore these kinds of things. they know they are going to get away with it and the worst case scenario is they will get a fine. and they proceeded. >> what it is about this culture that has made that kind of
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perception for those doing the wrong, i'm not going to stop. there has to be some change in the culture itself that tolerates that kind of malfeasance. what has happened in the last five, six years? even before that when the crash came, that allowed people to kind of people they could get away with it? >> the main thing is these banks are so enormous now that they know that -- that the government really can't effectively do anything to them because they are too afraid of imperilling the world company. >> that is what eric holder basically said. if they are not too big to fail they are too big to prosecute. if you do the economic system goes to hell in a hand basket. >> that's a huge factor. we've seen scandal after scandal and they are worse each time. they certainly know they're not going to get in trouble. >> knowing there is this big
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infrastructure and a lot of malfeasance going on and knowing that people feel i'm not going to get busted, what made you stand out? what made you want to challenge that? >> because this can't be the template with how we deal with these sorts of crimes. it's important to remember they are crimes. when you sell the investments and don't tell people about the problems, it's the same as stealing. the people you are stealing from are pension plans and 401(k)s. they are steeling from ordinary, hard-work americans. as a society you can't have a system where people can keep doing that without any repercussions. >> were they intimating you? was there hostility directed to you or implicit threats? >> while i was there? >> while you were there and even after. >> certainly it's known that that's not going to go over well
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and it's -- you know, you're supposed to go along. >> i think alayne knew her time was short after she wrote that letter. >> i went through a lot after i wrote that letter. i was really shut out of everything you are normally able to do or see which is part of what shows the case is that there was an attempt then to make sure i couldn't see anything after that. yeah. >> did you feel any parallels with snowden? i mean, with the n.r.a.? did you feel a parallel track going on there? >> people like snowden or people in the military context they take on a risk i can't even imagine. really there is a chance of jail or the espionage act and capital punishment. i'm happy not to be in that boat. >> it's the military industrial complex. in that sense the financial industries are so massive that like the military they seem to be invulnerable to certain kinds
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of rebuff. did you feel that your life was threatened or you were really scared? >> it's scary to go through. and it's partially you you in the middle of this litigation and you have the d.o.j. on one side and a powerful institution on the other side it's like being between a bear and a lion with a steak on your head. you don't know what to do and no one who is on your side. >> matt, in your article you talk about the department of justice. is that how it is set up. the banks are doing their thing over here and the department of justice should be the arbiter of what is right and wrong and when the whistle is blown they should come in and then impose fines, clean up the situation. what do you think went wrong here? >> well, i have been asking this for years. i had a telg moment where i was talking to a former prosecutor
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and saying why aren't any of these people in jail. i brought up an example of a bank who laundered money for a drug cartel. and he said these are not crime crimes. this is the psyche in the regulatory system. they view them as violations and not crimes. this is stealing. this is taking hundreds of millions of dollars and putting people in jail who are doing realtime for stealing incredibly small amounts of money in ordinary street crime. the government has lost its perspective. they don't realize it is really important to send a signal to the country that justice is blind. >> would you encourage your co-workers or former co-workers to behave in a similar fashion as you have? >> i would and not just at j.p.
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morgan but all these banks. if you know the industry and know securities and how they work, to me, i can't see how it's possible that there weren't also crimes at these other banks. and what a lot of people don't know, the criminal securities fraud is similar to the civil securities fraud. you have to have a bit more intent and you have to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. but those are the only real differences. the question is how can you have these multi-billion-dollar settlements and no one has done anything criminal. it's hard to understand. >> what do you hope comes from all of this? >> what i'm hoping for and i haven't had a chance to do it yet is get out and have people write to their representatives. at the end of the day i think we're not in the realm of law, this is politics.
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you have to tell your congressmen this is unacceptable and want to know what they're doing about it. >> thanks for your time tonight. up next, republicans play nice in the capital this week. more on their motives next. backlash over victoria's secret ad campaign. the rapid response panel weighs in ahead. do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic... ♪
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gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. i would enjoy having some kentucky bourbon with mitch mcconnell. >> drop a couple of cherries on top of it. >> the president is meeting with congressional leaders. >> this was not a truly earnest "kumbaya" moment. >> my job is not to get along
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with the president. >> we can surely find ways to work together. >> you can't. >> when you play with matches. >> "kumbaya" moment. >> you take the risk of burning yourself. >> it's time for us to take care of business. >> welcome back to "the ed show." republicans went to the white house today to play nice. it seems like a large dose of political theater considering the g.o.p. has been the party of obstruction. mitch mcconnell and house speaker john boehner have been the stars of the blocking president obama show. >> the president's job is to faithfully execute the laws. the president has not. the president ignores the law and brags about it. >> our top political priority should be to deny president obama a second term. >> it's incompetence down the line. >> the republican knows how to block. president obama was ready to put the obstruction aside and invited 16 top ranking lawmakers
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to join him for a bipartisan meeting. the president outlined what he hoped to get out of it. >> everything that we do over the next two years is designs and geared towards ensuring that folks who work hard in this country are able to get ahead. now obviously we've had a significant mid-term election. as i said at the press conference, my attitude has been and will continue to be that good ideas don't necessarily come from just one party and i'm looking forward to seeing the leaders of democratic and republican caucuses this afternoon to have a chance to share with them both what i think we need to be doing to build on the economic momentum we already have and make it stronger but i'm going to be interested in listening to them in terms of areas where we think it's possible to work together. >> the top issues in this election were jobs and the economy. republicans are focused on passing more major bill once
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congress begins its post election lame duck session on wednesday. at the top of the list is a spending bill to keep the government running beyond december 11th when current funding runs out. these are the same republicans who shut down the government last fall. they are going to force boehner's jobs bill through the senate. the labor department reported this morning employers added 214,000 jobs in october. the nation's unemployment rate ticked down to 5.8%. that's a six-year low. employers have added at least 200 nou 200,000 jobs for nine straight months. the labor force hit a post-crisis high of 156 million. that means more americans are back to work. with the republican party officially start taking credit for the u.s. economy today? the gop has a few goals for the
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next two years. mitch mcconnell wants to chip away at the affordable care act. speaker boehner says that his party has no plans to stop the effort to repeal the health care law. here's what he said. >> finding common grounds can be hard work but it will be even harder if the president isn't willing to work with us. the president continues to act on his own. he is going to poison the well. when you play with matches, you take the risk of burning yourself. and he's going to burn himself if he continues to go down this path. the house i'm sure at some point next year will move to repeal obamacare. the american people's priorities are our priorities. they don't like obamacare, i don't like it. >> republicans put president obama on notice they plan to twist his arm on the keystone xl pipeline. >> when you say energy these days, people think of the
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keystone pipeline. the employment figures are stunning if we would just get going. >> you take a step back and think about american kitchen table issues, tuesday's results are surprising. an alarming number of people voted against their own self interests. states where the people are receiving assistance put their lawmakers against their entitlement programs in the office. and even vowed to repeal it the first chance they get. you have to wonder whether the republicans who voters put into power will work for the american people or continue to work against president obama. let me bring in john fuglesang. do they want to work with president obama here? >> i live in new york and work
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in theater. theater creates jobs. these guys don't. >> and they have skills. >> president obama has to help the american people. and i think he believes no one who works full-time should live in poverty. and if we work full-time in minimum wage you cannot afford a two-bedroom apartment. president obama has to help the people. he also has to take care of his legacy and let the republicans be crazy enough to help a successor. the g.o.p. has to redistribute wealth to upper 2% and make conservatives think that is a good thing and they have to do something to make something happen to work with the president but the risk they run is they will be called appeasers by tea party members who don't know what that means. >> if they concede to the appeasement and work with the president, then they -- you
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know, evoke the ire of the tea party. but if they don't aand lou the tea party to go again in 2016 they will look lunatic fringes to the population. >> the winners are the people what you to forget that george bush happen. these guys are in a difficult position. they have not been on the side of working americans. this president in 2011 put forth a jobs bill that was 60% tax cuts and they filibustered it. >> let me ask you this question, how is it that people who have benefitted from the policies that obama has put forth despite their connection to a left wing
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liberal, in the red states where they are voted against their self interests, obama has hooked them up. why has that occurred? >> it's cognitive dissonance. they will pillage this man instead of fighting to make sure that the millionaires get a tax cut. and they will tell you things about abortion to make you feel better. >> the republicans are also pressuring obama in regard to immigration. let's take a listen at what they said earlier. >> what held us back last year was a flood of kids coming to the border because of the actions that the president had already taken. and -- let me tell you what, the
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american people from the right to the left started to look at this issue in a very different way. that's why i'm -- i made it clear the president -- if he continues to go down this path of taking action on his own, is inviting big trouble. >> if we put the truth meter here what do you think that swings toward? >> that is a lie. but there is an element of trooth in it, the people coming to the border are coming here because of president reagan's policies, i'm talking about the drug war. i had the privilege of performing for the troops in honduras and el salvador. we are still fighting the drug war and making terrorists powerful men by our policies of criminalization and those folks coming to the borders were central americans fleeing the violence. so what boehner said was a lie. you can't win the white house without the latino vote.
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and marco rubio tried to bring forth a draconian immigration reform bill and got a drubbing from his own party and he is talking about gay marriage every day. >> he has to turn to poppy again. you dabble in comedy. tell us which new elected official are you most looking forward to -- shall we say -- clowning? >> in colorado the chaplain that was elected he is hilarious. joni ernst is going to be terrific for comedians. i appreciate she was able to run on the virtue of castrating pigs. but she is all squeal and no bacon. she will be terrific to watch. watching mitch mcconnell have to work will be a joy for comedians. >> but, look, if obama pushes the issue of immigration reform,
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could that really lead to him being impeached? it seems these republicans are serious about figuring out a way to marginalize him. >> nothing can protect his legacy more than if they tried. it would be great to watch the republicans try to impeach him. jesus wouldn't call these people illegals. if you drive 56 you're an illegal. and they where paying state and local taxes and sales taxes as well. it's ronald reagan who granted amnesty. not president obama. why the dnc doesn't drill this has a talking point all day is beyond me. but they devoted to losing the election. >> amen, reverend. john fugelsang thank you for
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welcome back to "the ed show." we love hearing from our viewers. our question is from ruth do. you think president obama will give away the store to the republicans? i sure hope to heck he won't. don't learn the wrong lesson from this president obama, it is not to retreat from your believes. we knew the republicans were dead set against you from the beginning. it is to reinforce the common value you share with most citizens in america, redistribute wealth from the rich to the poor and make sure those whose backs are against the wall are supported and obamacare continues to thrive and you give an opportunity for
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young people to get educated in our nation as the jobs numbers go up and the unemployment goes down, make sure you address those for those who it has not gone down precipitously. you have done that greatly, don't give it up now. next from aria, what advice do you give to people who don't vote assay that all politicians are the same. you have to get up and go to the polls. people died, bled in the streets for all americans to be able to have that right to vote. don't throw yours away and say it doesn't make a difference. if it doesn't make a difference it's a self fulfilling prophesy. you can't explain if you didn't stand in the rain to make sure that the politicians feel the pain. stick around, the rapid response panel is next.
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>> here's your cnbc market wrap. stocks end mixed. the jobs add 19 points to the dow. the s&p is up a fraction and the nasdaq falls 6 points. the economy added 214,000 job last month. the unemployment rate is falling to 5.8%, a six-year low. and j.p. morgan says it is cutting 3,000 more jobs this year than previously planned. that's it from cnbc, first in business worldwide. take a closer look at charmin ultra soft and you'll love what you see. not only can you use less, but you can actually see the softness in our comfort cushions. plus charmin ultra soft is so much more absorbent you can use up to four times less. what are you boys looking at? my main squeeze. rotorooter approved. charmin is clog-free or it's free.
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definition of perfection. over 28,000 signatures flooded into an online petition demanding that they amend their wording. opting for a body for everybody. the sloggen swap appears on the website but not in stores. the company has been shy to comment on the change. but companies have been riding the wave set off by the backlash. an underwear company caught the attention in their reimagine a perfect body campaign. dove is celebrating ten years of warping the supermodel and skinny idea of beauty. in 2006 they tackled photo alteration. the decision has paid off for
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companies like aerie. the response, although silent from victoria's secret is a triumph for consumer. whether it is a lasting change remains to be seen. joining me is the co-founder of a long walk home and co-host of "the cycle." >> i don't know how i can compete with that. >> no competition. you are both doing your thing. but why did this particular victoria's secret campaign set off such a powerful response and garner so much attention? >> i mean, i think it's both the image and labeling perfect. it assumes all girls and women should be adhering to the body type and racial type. the critique is being thin or
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ultrathin. but to have a perfect or ideal is constructed against a negative which would be women of color whose hair type don't fit this, all the anti-esthetic. that's one thing. and this campaign was led by young women. and i think it's a complicated moment for women who are coming of age who are told they are supposed to be fully empowered and supersmart and strong and lever. but when it comes to your body that's the only area you are supposed to go against your natural inclinations and be ultrathin. it's a conflict of interest that appeals to consumers. they are saying stop for this moment. it's horrible and harmful and we're not going to take it any more. >> raise up the window. we're not going to take it any more. that being the case, how do young women find their way
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between on the one hand, beyonce or emma watson feminism where these are extraordinarily attractive young women who are the face of the movement whose bodies are the opposite of what they are saying. how do you say that and at the same time acknowledge there is work to be done? >> i think what is happening online in particular is part of that. when you see a company like victoria's secret having to respond to consumer outrage directed at them from young woman that makes all companies realize that they are going to be held accountable and to think twice before they put this sort of imagery and messaging out. and this isn't the first time that we've seen women in particular create a women online and force a company to change. we had lululemon's ceo have to resign after making comments that some women's size are not
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intended for his pants. not to mention the backlash against rush limbaugh. women are powerful online in making their voices heard and that will make companies realize they can't get away with this stuff any more. >> in light of the fact that we've had years and years of feminism and multicultural ads don't people get it now? natural is not just straight as a ruler. beauty is not a bone-thin ideal. how do we come to the point where we -- do we have to constantly vigilant? >> i think it's dependent on what product is being sold. you can have a cheerios commercial and you have a woman selling that who has brown skin. when crow selling sex and sensuality and an ideal of beauty that victoria's secret is so determined to make its money
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off of i think it's still going to feed into a very old school victorian in some ways notion of beauty and femininity. >> that is the problem. a lot of the beauty products companies make their money by convincing us that we are not good enough in some way. that's the whole thing right there is that they're making money off of women having negative body image issues. >> right. and despite your brilliance and eloquence, you two are -- i don't know, commercials for what? extraordinary -- >> for -- >> for and at the same time you fit the perfect bodies because perfect bodies are the bodies you possess. thank you very much more. >> coming up, dr. ben carson lands in pretenders with a very important announcement. stay tuned. [ female announcer ] if you don't think "i've still got it"
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in pretenders tonight, page dr. pben carson. he will introduce an ed that will introduce himself into 22 states. in light of this, fox news has cut ties with carson as a contributor. the documentary is titled "a breath of fair air" here is a promo for the ad. ♪ >> there's a reason no words are in that ad. because if there were it might sound something like this. >> i have to tell you, you know, obamacare is really, i think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. and it is in a way -- in a way it is slavery in a way.
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because -- because it is making all of us sub serve cent. >> you know, what, my emphasis is that marriage is an institution institution established by god himself. and when you look in the new testament, you see that the marriage relationship is used to help us understand his relationship with his people. so when you start distorting that, i mean, you're really going pretty deep into the finger in your eye to god. >> i see what's happening with the veterans is a gift from god, to show us when you take layers and layers of bureaucracy and place them between the patient and the health care provider. >> ben carson has a long history of ignorant rhetoric. if he thinks he would be a breath of fresh air as president of the united states of america, he can keep on pretending. no. it's called grid iq.
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time now for the trenders. keep in touch with us on twitter @ed show. "the ed show" has decided and we're reporting. here are today's top trernds voted on by you. >> get in my belly! >> the number three trernd, hard to swallow. the discovery channel is going where american television has never gone before. >> discovery's latest stunt has
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animal activists outraged. they're promising a man to be eaten alive by a giant snake. >> to top it off it's drenched in pig's blood. >> a petition said this is animal abuse to the highest degree. >> there's no science, there's no reason for the show. >> i'm going in. >> the number two trender, outer delight. >> this adorable noisy ball of fur is known as pup 681. >> chicago's shed aquarium welcomes a new marine member. she was found separated from her mother on a beach near santa cruz. they're nurturing her back to health. >> she'll stay here until she's learned the skills to survive on
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her own. >> they're teaching her how to be an otter. >> her day, is swimming, playing, eating. >> and today's top trernd, shake it. >> sam thorn is shaking things up for wvns in west virginia. >> he's a dancing machine. >> that's not the only dancing anchor. >> we just put you on television dancing. >> this anchor's smooth moves made him a youtube star. >> videos of him dancing in commercial breaks has gone viral. >> this is just me being myself. >> sarah ignores dan thorn. >> he's a silly guy. >> i'm joined by dan thorn and sarah petitionary who are anchors in west virginia. dan, tell us about these videos. is this part of your typical routine when you have a break in the action? >> yeah, we have a really good
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relationship off camera, so we like to keep things very loose. i wouldn't say it's a ritual between commercial breaks, it's just a way for us to have fun. we were just enjoying some music and went with it. >> sarah, you don't seem to be too impressed by his dance moves. do his antics distract you, or you just don't think he's a great dancer? >> neither, really. you never know where these things are going to end up, or who's going to see what you're doing, you know. so i think me not reacting, was me just being really cautious and, you know, when it doubt, just air on the safe side, i guess. because you really never know, as we've seen, who is going to see this. >> well, okay, so now that you've been cautious and you never know who's going to see it and you've seen everybody's seen it now, weigh in for us. give us your honest opinion on dan's dancing. >> um, i don't think he's a bad dancer.
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i think it's fun dancing. you don't have to be a good dancer to be fun. >> i don't have to be professional either. >> i don't think he's a bad dancer at all. >> so, dan, did you expect this kind of reaction from the public? you've gotten quite a bit of viral hits from this. >> no. and that's the god's honest truth. we had no idea that was going to take off the way it did. we were connecting with your viewers. i posted some videos on facebook. and then celebrities started sharing it. they were trying to look for it on youtube. i posted it on youtube, to my channel and then it just continued to grow and grow and grow. that's the honest answer. >> so, sarah, what do you have to say about people who say that your non-reaction is the reason the videos went viral. you said you were being careful. but a lot of people think because of your non-reaction, it spurred the videos on even more. >> i have to say i agree with them. because when we watched it back after the show was over, i was like, let me see that, i want to
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see what that looked like, and i was laughing at myself. i thought it was hilarious. i thought it was funny. >> it's got to be funny. it's just cool to see the ying and the yang chemistry. >> no doubt. dan, you want to bust a move for us before we go right now? ♪ >> i might need my ipad. ♪ [ laughter ] >> dan, it's not disappointing. >> i've been told they're painfully caucasian. >> i don't know, you might have a little soul in there. you're meeting our expectations, and so is sarah. that you for your time tonight. that's "the ed show."
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"politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks to you for tuning in, i'm live tonight in las vegas. breaking news tonight, the white house slamming a new attempt to gut obamacare in the courts. today the supreme court announced it will rule on a lawsuit, challenging a key part of the affordable care act. if conservatives get their way, millions of people could lose their ability to pay for insurance. the white house ripped the lawsuit today, saying, quote, the aca is working. these lawsuits won't stand in the way of affordable care act and the millions of americans who can now afford health insurance because of it. this lawsuit reflects just another partisan attempt to undermine the affordable care t,
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