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tv   Lockup Holman  MSNBC  November 8, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PST

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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. america's prisons, dangerous, often deadly. there are 2 million people doing time. every day is a battle to survive and to maintain order. >> down on your feet. down. >> located in the deep south, holman correctional facility, where most are serving life sentences. we spent months documenting life on the inside, where the prisoners have nothing but time and nothing to lose. this is "lockup: holman, extended stay."
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it requires a unique set of skills to run a violent prison like holman. >> on the ntsds. all the way to the back of it. >> warden grantt culver embodies them. he's authoritative. >> you know that. >> dynamic and tough. >> you are not going to win an academy award. >> he shows compassion for the inmates he oversees, many of whom will never get out. but when violence explodes at holman, his zero tolerance policy is in full effect. >> lock down. we are under a lockdown.
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administrative segregation is home to roughly 200 inmates. confined to their cells 23 hours a day. these men often become defiant and desperate. when an inmate acts up in general population, he's moved to ad-seg. but when he acts up in ad-seg, the officers' only option is to periodically move the inmate from cell to cell. >> we're going to move him out. be a little particular with him, because he's already hofrtal. hostile. we'll just use caution with him, okay? >> [ bleep ] -- >> put your hands behind you. cuff up. >> stick your hands out.
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>> what you going to do to me? >> shower stall right now. >> jammy bell is temporarily housed in the shower stall until his new cell is cleaned and inspected. >> all that nasty -- somebody stop harassing me. >> our crew first encounters bell a month earlier when he was outraged by unsaner to kipgss in this cell. >> i can't breathe in here. my toilet is filled up with feces. >> today, he's moving to a new cell after an inmate threw urine and feces through the ventilation. >> do what you're supposed to do. let me see your hands. >> the department has a rule
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about profane language. so you got a guy that's acting out. you go up to him and you say, joe, i need to you quit banging on that door. i'm trying to talk to you. i'm trying to talk to you. you think he understands that? it don't click. if you would shut -- up, nobody would be so pissed off with your ass. in this damn unit. you're acting like a damn child. [ bleep ] everybody is tired of your ass here. >> i'm tired of your ass. >> if i can get to your language, if i can get to what you understand day-to-day, then that's what we use.
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when all else fails, we take it up a notch further. >> take his ass down -- >> put your hands out there. [ bleep ]. >> you are going out. >> [ bleep ] i'm not going to put my hands out. >> i'm not going to let one individual disrupt 1,000. okay? so if force is needed to remove you from one area to the other, so be it. >> are you going to cuff up? >> [ inaudible ]. >> that's good. well, he refused to cuff up and come out. we're going to move him out because he caused a disturbance, and the warden said move him out and let him get some fresh air and calm down. he's refusing to cooperate. i gave the officer an order to spray him. after a short order of time, he'll be ready to come out and get the spray off him.
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it may take longer than normal today. he's pretty agitated. >> you sprayed me for no reason. >> let's go ahead and move him. check on him in a minute. if he continues to get louder, i'll call the warden and probably do a cell extraction, get him out here. the unit gets calm again. everybody is in an uproar at the moment. >> [ bleep ] -- >> he's getting loud enough, i think i'm going to have to make the call. >> after more than an hour of continuous yelling, the sergeant is left with no choice but to inform the warden. >> we sprayed jammy bell. he's still refusing to cuff up and come out. he's pretty loud and getting louder, it seems like. go ahead and go in and get him? that's what i was hoping but i wanted to make sure you was good with it. thank you. all right, fellas, we're going to do a cell extraction. >> i'll give you one more chance to cuff up and come out, jammy. >> listen to me one time. put the handcuffs on.
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come out the cell. all right. >> all right? >> to the bull pen. >> i'm mad because y'all are doing your jobs incorrectly, man. >> talking all that [ bleep ], man. mother [ bleep ], you suck my [ bleep ] you -- >> get him out there and get everybody else in, he calms down, we'll bring him back. if he gets compliant, we'll bring him back. if we have to, we'll do whatever it takes. >> they [ bleep ] my vent lakes and they [ bleep ] allow it! >> somebody told me you were going to do an audition for "american idol." y'all got that together? >> we're going to get it together. [ laughter ] >> when i came in five years ago, one of the things was to try and change the culture of this facility from a no-care type of an attitude to let
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people know that we did care. you are locked up but then you should consider this as home, because the majority of you, that's what it is. >> let me step back in the barber shop. get your shirt on like you're supposed to be. >> i don't like sloppiness. i just think you can do better. if you can't do any better, it's one thing. but if you can do better, you need to take care of yourself. get your clothes together, guys. get your clothes together. get your clothes together. >> warden culliver is a sign of change. since he's been here, he's implemented several good programs. >> the facility used to be open. you could go and come as you please. so we implemented a few things. you're not allowed to go into anybody else's housing unit, we implemented arm bands to help identify where you should be assigned to. >> the band has my name on it. >> it serves as an identification as far as my living quarters. every dorm here has a band and the band indicates what color
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the door that you walk in. it's a controlled environment, a structured environment. >> people feel a lot more comfortable now. you don't have guys that sleep with their knifes as much now. but i attribute that to staff. i attributed to do some of the control factors that have been put in. i attribute it to the overall culture of the facility changing. >> once a week warden culliver walks the tiers of ad-seg, acting as a sounding board for these men locked up 23 hours a day. think you like lockup. you don't like lockup? why you keep coming back? >> i'm pretty much a straight-up guy. if that guy steps on your toes a little bit, that's not what my intent is, but i need to give it to you straight. >> your mouth. you're going to have to learn how to control that. if you're ever going to make it. >> we deal with people. that's what we do. it takes a hell of a person to deal with people that no other citizens want to be bothered with, to be able to walk among
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these people day in and day out, give instructions, tell them what to do, you know, manage them without creating problems. next on "lockup: extended stay" -- >> move it. lock him up. >> violence erupts in holman. and for warden culliver, that means no holds barred. >> i want the whole housing unit locked down. we are under a lockdown. sure. take your time. built-in nav, heated seats for mom, dvd with wireless headphones for the kids! and tons of room for the golf clubs! golf clubs, and strollers. shhh ... i love this part. so what do you think? i think it's everything we wanted. great. discover for yourself why more people find their perfect car at carmax. carmax. start here. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things.
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>> don't step on the blood. >> get my hall crew up. there's a mop and pail. start the cleanup process. >> what happened, we were getting the laundry in, coming back from the other prison, got up over in the receiving area, they were in front of unloading the laundry, heard him screaming and looked up and he was bleeding. grabbed him, pushed him out of the way. where he had him cornered up at, he could have probably killed him if he wanted to. looked like he may have got an artery. he was gushing out pretty good. >> he was in laundry. >> he had possession of a weapon. we documented that and
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processing it as we speak. >> doesn't have a handle on it. been on a grinder. >> i don't want to touch it with the blood. >> i didn't see him pick it up. it's a good chance it was dropped off there by the metal fab near where we were taking the laundry. he could have picked it up laying in the grass or something. this isn't the first time. >> from the time we got there to now, just blood everywhere. >> come on. go back. >> go back and tell me. >> come on. come on. all right. >> look it down. >> i wanted the whole housing unit locked down. we are under a lockdown. >> all right, lockdown, gentlemen. take it in. let's go. >> someone just made it easy for you this afternoon. >> just a lot of [ bleep ].
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worry about y'all. don't worry about nothing. >> unloading the laundry. that's where the guy got hit, was over in laundry. and he handed a barrel to terry. when he handed it to him, i heard [ bleep ]. come down with a knife, hit him. >> they were on his side? that was the handle? >> that was the handle. still got a burn mark on it. it just got bladed out of the metal fab. somebody laid it out. >> came out of the laundry, that's what you said? >> yes. >> just on the barrel. >> all he had to do was open the barrel and find a wet rag and that's going to be his knife. >> we got a motive, tennis shoes. >> tennis shoes and try and sell them back to him. >> they worked on the laundry crew together.
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>> whatd going on now? >> we're going to lockdown. i'm irritated with the stabs. we're having too many. we're having four stabbings a year. it's july, we've already had four stabbings. and we seem to be increasing. for whatever reason. we shouldn't be increasing. we're just trying to check. we'll go back clue and check. see what we can find out information wise. >> why does the whole prison have to be on lockdown? >> because that's what i want. that's what i feel like is best right now. they got to understand i'm not going to tolerate it. another day in the penitentiary. another day. >> less than 24 hours after the stabbing, the warden has regrouped, taken the prison off lockdown and is back in control. >> we get these out of here. we had the hall looking great last night.
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let's try to keep it that way. we learned a few things last night. if you have an incident, at least make the best of it, try to learn what you can out of it. we reorganized the laundry, the way we bring our laundry in. the piece of metal, for things fairly fresh. coming off a grinder. i feel that took place in the metal fab. we have a couple suspects that may be producing weapons in the metal fab. so we'll be looking at that to try to pull those guys out. it was actually about shoes being stolen. he said he paid the guy three bags of coffee and the guy stole the three bags of coffee plus didn't bring his shoes back, so that's why he stabbed him. >> he had about three stab wounds. the one in his side was serious. the doctor told him they just missed getting his liver, which would have been, could have been, terminal. but after we got him back in from the hospital, he went on to ad-seg, and, of course, terry is in ad-seg. they both will go through disciplinary process.
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moore is probably going to get disciplined for assault, with a weapon. he's looking at probably quite a long time in the segregation unit. next on "lockup: extended stay" -- >> it's not my first stab, it probably not going to be the last time. >> stabber terry moore operates by a different set of rules. >> it's what had to be done. >> and later -- the warden shows a softer side. >> eat your ice cream cone. ou lt your coverage, the more gaps you might find. like how you thought you were covered for this. [boy] check it out,mom! [prof. burke]when you're really only covered for this. or how you figured you were covered for this. when you're actually paying for this. you might be surprised at what's hiding in your coverage. talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [announcer] call 1-800-farmers and see how much you could save.
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somebody let me sit down. i don't care who lets me sit down. >> holman is changing and the
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faith-based honor dorm reflects that transformation. this nondenominational self-governing dorm provides opportunities for inmates to achieve personal growth. >> men can come into that environment, be nurtured in their spiritual needs, i guess is one way to put it. they have an opportunity to be productive, have a sense of purpose in life. >> good morning. how are you doing? >> living area, without a doubt, is much better than general population is. there are more tvs, there are more opportunities, you have computers, but everything is more structured, which means that there's a's point system. so if you mess up, you get points taken away. you have to keep a point level in order to be able to stay in the dorm. if there is any disciplinary action, you get moved out of the dorm. >> this is sort of like the home away from home. hopefully, this is temporary. very temporary. >> michael jordan was sentenced to life without parole from charges ranging from rape to burglary.
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he has called prison home for the past 24 years. >> after the honor dorm was developed, i was reluctant. this was a concept completely new to all of us. i put in an application, got involved before i started doing janitorial work or whatever was needed of me originally. i went from there to taking on a leadership role, currently teaching classes. >> each inmate in honor dorm has a job. ray everidge is serving life for theft. his job is dorm security. >> my job consists of monitoring the dorm. i walk down each aisle and check for what they call uniformity. uniformity is where you check to make sure all the beds are properly clothed and make sure all their living area is in order. >> in general population, correctional officers can write
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up inmates for infractions. >> thank you. >> but here in the honor dorm, fellow inmates police the hallways. >> if you see anyone violating, you give them a warning, tell them to stop doing it. if you see a direct violation, it's your option to give them a what we call a writeup. if you get a write-up, you go before a panel. and if you lose so many points, you get removed from the dorm. >> i love construction work. i have a building here that i designed i hope to build upon my release. god willing. you get out here, all that tension seems to gradually dissipate. this is a blueprint of what i built. maybe do something positive with my life for a change. it gives you a different perspective on the things that you've done in your life. >> still, the warden runs a tight ship, even in honor dorm, and has noticed a recent increase in marijuana use. in his monthly meeting with the representatives from the dorm, he tackles this issue head-on. >> you can't tell me that the people in the dorm don't know who's using the dope or if
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you're selling or pushing dope out here. you can't tell me that you don't know who is doing that. it hurts the overall image and process of the community when it comes up like that. >> who's coordinator on duty? >> today we're heading into the faith dorm. there are some that have not made the grade, and i guess the one fellow we're going to talk to now is one who tested positive for marijuana trace elements. >> do you know why you're moving out? it's that reefer you smoked. >> i don't smoke no reefer. >> you were around it. some know how to beat the test. they don't have distinguishing traits between those who beat it and those who are around it. you are suffering the consequences. >> a single infraction is an automatic ticket back to the hectic atmosphere of general population. inmate laurence stall learned that lesson the hard way.
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>> there was a guy, he apparently thought i disrespected him somehow, and he asked me outside. as soon as we got out there, he swung on me. we got into a scuffle, nothing real big. that's what caused me to get thrown out of the honor dorm. thanksgiving a year ago this may. honor dorm material. >> honor dorm material. >> that's me. hopefully pretty soon, i'll go back. i'm on the top of the list now. >> without the possibility of parole, lawrence stall has nothing but time to reflect on the events that landed him in prison 26 years ago. >> it was a homicide/robbery that got me here. i had never done any pcp. i was high, not really even thinking about what happened. we go rob a place and then two people got killed. we picked them up, took them out to a wooded area and they were killed. it's not really something i like to talk about a lot. and i've come to accept prison, you know, as my lot in life.
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>> we got one coming in on that bed. >> with a bed freeing up, chaplain summers informs the man at the top of the list that it's his time to move back to honor dorm. >> the lost lamb. we're coming to get you, man. >> i'm feeling good. >> glad to get out of here. >> you're coming back? >> i hope not. i'm ready. >> you got my name. >> i didn't realize i had that much tension on me. it was just like a weight that was lifted. >> for a guy serving life without parole, the honor dorm is as close to freedom as he'll ever get. >> where do we want to start? >> my bible. i have to give a shout out at my bible. step outside at nighttime, which is something i couldn't do for years. there's a lot of little perks i mean most people take for granted, little bitty things we we think a lot of it, just standing under the stars for a minute. this is really a job. coming up on "lockup: extended stay" --
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we meet one of the most infamous and violent inmates in holman. >> i go into these dorms where i stab and cut inmates and strangle inmates. i just snap and i go crazy. i turn murderous and dangerous. it's like i'm in commando mode or something. health can change in a minute. so cvs health is changing healthcare. making it more accessible and affordable, with over 900 locations for walk-in medical care. and more on the way. minuteclinic. another innovation from cvs health. because health is everything. esurwhich means fewer costs, which saves money. their customer experience is virtually paperless, which saves paper, which saves money. they have smart online tools, so you only pay for what's right for you, which saves money. they settle claims quickly,
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i'm richard lui. two americans held in north america will be back in the u.s. mathieu miller and kenneth bae. en released from north korea. and from ferguson, missouri preparing for protests. a decision could come as early as next week for the officer that shot michael brown.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. ♪ ♪ baby, every day i sit around while i play ♪ ♪ my harmonica thinking about you ♪ ♪ wishing i could hold you like i used to do ♪ >> hit it. ♪ >> that's it. holman's ad-seg unit houses roughly 200 inmates, some of which are the most violent and dangerous. steven parker is one of the most
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notorious. >> i'm in maximum security. i'm stuck in a lockup cell. they may not ever let me out of lockup because i have a tendency, every time i get out, i try to kill somebody. i go completely calm. i make up my mind what i'm going to do. i go into these zones where i turn into this cold-blooded. i don't know what causes it, other than just being depressed and feeling like i have nothing else to lose and nothing else to live for. i grew up pretty rough. my mother left when i was real young. i lived with my stepmother and my dad. and my stepmother, she was really hateful. she was kind of mean and abusive. i just wanted to kill her, and i thought that would be what ended the pain and the problems that she caused.
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one morning, i woke up about 4:00 in the morning and drove to where they was living, my stepmother and my dad and rang the doorbell. and when she answered the doorbell, i shot her at point-blank rage. and then my dad -- my dad come around the corner on me and i shot him three times. i've always regretted shooting my dad because i felt like i was close to my dad. it almost killed me, you know? my stepsister called the police on me and i surrendered to the police that morning. i felt like i was at the end of my rope and i did what i did. >> our crew first met steven parker more than a year earlier during our shooting of the original "lockup: holman." he was in ad-seg back then and considered very dangerous. >> steven parker is crazy. he's not a person that's very intelligent. >> it wouldn't take much to incite a riot or whatever. you could take four officers hostage at the same time and it's going to domino. it's going to domino.
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they don't have control. it's just a delusion. >> he's quite an individual. here a few weeks ago, he called me up to his cell. he was having a real problem with his next door neighbor. in fact, he just told me, he said, if you don't move me or my next door neighbor, i'm going to kill him. if steven was having -- if he was having these kind of thoughts or these kind of problems, the guy next door -- somebody needed to be moved. that's why we did it. again, steven's a big man and -- but i have to say in much a way, he's a big man in a little boy's -- with a little boy's mind in a lot of different ways. open l-38, please. >> once in prison, steven parker, whose friends call him the worm, became more violent. >> stay away from him.
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we don't want him to have on the cameras. >> he slit one inmate's jugular vein with a box cutter and nearly strangled another to death. >> this happened several times in prison, where i've stabbed and cut inmates and strangled inmates. >> worm! >> i just snap and i go crazy. i turn murderous and dangerous. i'm not nervous at all. it's like i'm in commando mode or something. and i'm very deadly with it, too. it was one night, about 10:00, a guy come in, tried to take my cigarettes from me. he came in and snatched them off the bed and he called me a bitch. i let that brew on me for a while. i thought about it all night. about 2:00 in the morning, i went and stabbed him 18 times. >> deputy warden patterson, along with the other senior staff members, make their weekly rounds in administrative segregation. >> this is a place of
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confinement for those men that need to be down here, be isolated from contact with the general population through their behavior, their disciplinary problems or the fact they just simply can't live in living. general population. >> they review each status to determine who is ready to return to general population. >> what would it take to release a transfer? >> what would it take for you to get a transfer? if you go anywhere, it will be maximum confinement. just do a request. okay? we just completed our weekly segregation review board and now we would go into our deliberations about the status of these men that are incarcerated down there. steven parker. he needs to stay where he is. he is a dangerous man. we did recently find a weapon in his cell. he will do good and he will tell you he will do good and his
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behavior is good right now, but not so long ago, he came out and assaulted an officer. he's a big man, he's hard to control, he's a dangerous man and he is appropriately assigned in that segregation cell at this point. >> he is dangerous. as far as my vote, i don't think he'd ever need to be in a population setting. >> segregation is a place of confinement for men who you must separate from the general population. and steven parker is one of those guys who must be separated. we must keep him controlled at all times. >> i guess i'm going to go crazy. i don't know. i guess i'm going to spend the rest of my life in prison and keep doing the same things i've been doing. i don't know what else to do. until somebody kills me, i guess. i don't know. next on "lockup: extended stay" -- >> life on death row was a very traumatic experience.
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death was definitely next. >> eight years on death row can make any inmate question his sanity. >> i felt confused. went through a mental stage where i likened to lose my mind. setting long term goals. diversifying. dip! you got our attention. we did? of course. you're type e* well, i have been researching retirement strategies. well that's what type e*s do. welcome home. taking control of your retirement? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? ♪
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thwarted desire. enter the sleep number bed. right now save $400 on the c4 mattress set. he's the softy. his sleep number setting is 35. you're the rock, at 60. silent night not so silent? elk bellow sleep number's even got an adjustment for that. give the gift of amazing sleep, only at a sleep number store. where you'll find our lowest price ever on the c4 queen mattress plus 36-month financing. know better sleep with sleep number. so ally bank really has no hidden fethat's right. accounts? it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic... ♪
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♪ it's been one week since terry moore stabbed another inmate over a pair of sneakers.
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he said a mixture of fear and anger fueled his attack. >> if you take something like shoes, they took shoes, i know who it is. the other guys in the block, they know i know. so if i don't deal with it, then that's a weak spot on my point. so they can go, okay, he's weak and we can steal the rest of his stuff and that's what was coming next eventually. it's not my first stab, not the first time i've had stuff stolen and probably won't be the last time. it's what has to be done. >> since he's serving life without parole, it's unlikely he'll receive any additional time. the victim of the stabbing is recovering, but remains in ad-seg until the warden feels he's ready to return to general population. with no parole date in sight, terry moore feels he has nothing to lose, and so fear of breaking the rooms is not much of a deterrent for him. but hope is not lost for all inmates serving life without parole. >> what did you do with the sunglasses? >> i put in drops. >> what kind of drops?
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>> eye doctor. the eye doctor gave them to me. >> the culture has changed because i think people have more hope. what coincided was a couple laws that changed. some of our life without parole inmates, when you serve life without parole and all your crimes were as a habitual offender, they were all nonviolent, then you have an opportunity to go back before the judge. having your sentence overturned. some of the life parole guys are violent or have a no-care attitude, they really have hope they will get their case overturned and they'll have one more chance to go back outside. >> and the inmates serving life without parole aren't the only ones getting the second chance. mitch rutledge was on death row before his sentence was overturned. >> i came here in 1981. june 17 i came to death row. i did approximately a little over a year on death row. came off 1989. reversal from the alabama supreme court find the d.a. said there's no such thing as life without parole and gave me a new sentencing hearing.
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the jury recommended life without parole. the judge went along with it. i'm guilty. there was a man, he was shot and robbed. >> by? >> by me. >> on december 23rd, 1980, rutledge and two friends carjacked a van from a 28-year-old man. after robbing him, rutledge then shot the man five times, killing him instantly. the victim's wallet contained $20. when rutledge arrived on death row at 22, the threat of execution pushed him to the edge. >> life on death row, to me, was a very traumatic experience. i stayed in the cell 23 hours a day. i felt lost, confused, devastated. and knowing that you're going to die, that they sent you there to die, it have an even more vicious effect on your mentality and that death was definitely
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next. i went through a mental stage where i like to have lost my mind. >> since coming off death row, mitch rutledge has taught himself to read and write and earned his ged. now he expresses himself through his writing. >> i consider myself a poet. but i wrote this because at this particular time, it was a friend of mine being executed, and i was deeply wounded by that. and i was deeply touched. "tonight, death has been called forward once again from the world it resides in to carry out the wishes of the state of alabama in the execution of another death row inmate. death all smiles tonight. it didn't have to hunt man down. it didn't have to catch man by surprise from his fatal gunshot, a stab, while he lay in a deep sleep. knop no. tonight death is the hero.
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a feast is being held in his honor. everything we all feel is being worshipped tonight. the evil is the evil man do." everybody inside. everybody inside. >> jeremiah jackson called death row home for ten years, but he's just caught a major break. >> today, lieutenant came to my door. he told me, jackson, call your lawyer. i just said a little prayer and i called my lawyer. he said, yeah, am i off death row? he said, yeah, you are. he said congratulations. i said praise the lord.
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my i.q. was in the range of 69 to 72. >> although he's no longer a condemned man and is now serving life without parole, the reality is jackson committed a violent crime. >> at the age of 19, a robbery occurred on april the 15th, 1996, a robbery and murder. and a female victim got killed in the process. i wish i could change things, but i can't. >> as part of standard procedure, jackson is spending 90 days in ad-seg to ensure a smooth transition into general population. >> they got me in ad-seg now. you're like -- i really had the best night of sleep i've had in a long time. like a weight got lifted off my shoulder. i feel that i did a crime, i'm paying my price for it. i do believe it.
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if my life, my story, can help somebody's child bypass all this, i feel, due to the lord, he done made a point through me. coming up on "lockup: extended stay" -- >> open l-23. >> jeremiah jackson is finally released from ad-seg. >> nice time for a new -- to start. >> and later -- >> get awe hamburger and a salsa? >> no. i refuse to take the shot. >> the warden's patience is put to the test. >> i don't need no shirt.
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fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know certain cartoon characters should never have an energy drink? action! blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. introducing the birds of america collection. fifty stunning, hand-painted plates, commemorating the state birds of our proud nation. blah-becht-blah- blublublub-blah!!! geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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ics, i had two j-3s. >> jeremiah jackson, who's recently come off death row, has fulfilled his required 90 days in ad-seg. >> are you ready? open l-23. >> and he is allowed to join general population for the first time since his sentence in 1997. >> i be blessed, man. all right. now it's time for a new journey to start. >> top of the hill. >> what's up, man? >> what's up.
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>> i'm going to population. yeah. what's up? >> jackson passes through the death row corridor and says good-bye to his old friends for the last time. >> hi, gus. >> officer austin escorts jackson to get his dorm bed assignment and armband. >> you have to keep this on at all times. if you get caught without it, you could get disciplinary action. all right. >> good to go? >> you're good to go. >> what's up, pee-wee? how ya doing? hey -- where is bed 74 at? >> third bed down. >> when i had left seg, i had to go back through row. it was kind of bittersweet. because i know them people back there. i know 'em. i can't stop telling them how much i'm going to miss them. >> while on ad-seg and death row, jackson was only allowed one hour outside per day where
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he was confined to a small cage. >> hey, how you been outside? >> but now, for the first time in years, he's able to roam the big open space of the general population yard. >> i feel like a bird, free. >> lettuce and tomato? >> yeah. hey, how are you doing? >> fine. >> as part of his effort to turn the culture of holman around, warden culliver starts by honoring the staff. >> only at holman. >> to thank his hard-working crew, the warden is hosting a lunch where he serves them. >> appreciate you, tony. >> i'm waiting on a hamburger. they won't feed me a hamburger. >> what are we doing, david? >> employee appreciation day along with an open house. >> we try to do it once or twice a year, basically give the employees some downtime and feed them lunch. just a way to try to give back,
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say "we appreciate what you do, the hard work you do." we had a nice show for open house here. >> this is not burger king, as you can see, but i'll still have it my way. >> what's going on? >> the break from the prison routine is short-lived. an inmate is refusing to take his required medication. >> take the shot, i'll get you a hamburger or sausage. >> you need to come on, just get the shot. get it over with. >> get you an ice cream cone. you don't like ice cream? >> i like ice cream. >> take the shot, i'll get you an i cream cone. hot dog. baked beans. before i leave here today, you're going to take the shot. you've got to take the shot. i don't know why today you feel like you don't want this shot but you have to take it. you can make it hard or you can make it easy. you're still going to have to take it. i don't have no choice. >> ain't going to do nothing but
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resist. >> you're a big man. >> i'm not going to take the shot. >> are you going to fight me? or passive resistance? >> i'm not going to punch nobody. >> give it to you and it's over. boom. how about it? >> i don't need no shot. >> i have to give you one because the doctors say you need the shot. it's not my decision. >> i don't need no shot. >> sit down. be still. >> be still so it won't hurt. >> be still. don't stick him yet. don't stick him yet. lay down here. lay down. lay down. it will only take but a minute. >> come in, somebody. put it right there. >> sit you back up now, okay? are you going to be all right? >> yes.
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>> all right. watch him and make sure -- he'll probably go down and lay down and go to sleep. make sure he doesn't go down and start messing with nobody. we're going to leave you alone, all right? don't be mad with us. >> i ain't mad. >> all right. >> the sign of change in holman is evident in the way culliver handles every situation in hopes of preventing the violent past of the institution from returning. >> appreciate that. >> every day my shifts change and we get out and nobody gets injured or hurt, and that's another day that we actually won.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. america's prisons, dangerous, often deadly. there are 2 million people doing time. every day is a battle to survive and to maintain order. >> down on your feet. down! >> located in the deep south, holman correctional facility, where most are serving life sentences. we spent months documenting life on the inside, where the prisoners have nothing but time and nothing to lose. this is "lockup: holman, extended stay."


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