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tv   Lockup Holman  MSNBC  November 9, 2014 3:00am-4:01am PST

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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. america's prisons, dangerous, often deadly. there are 2 million people doing time. every day is a battle to survive and to maintain order. >> down on your feet. down! >> located in the deep south, holman correctional facility, where most are serving life sentences. we spent months documenting life on the inside, where the prisoners have nothing but time and nothing to lose. this is "lockup: holman, extended stay."
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of the nearly 1,000 inmates at holman state prison, several hundred are segregated for breaking rules on the inside. for inmates with violent crimes and no parole dates in sight, their minds require distractions to stay sane. >> never a dull moment. >> whether it be the friend next door or the relative hundreds of miles away. >> i want him closer to home. >> and when these comforts are taken from them, the results can be explosive. administrative segregation, or ad seg, is where holman's most volatile inmates are kept in 23 hour a day solitary confinement. for 19 of his 43 years, bobby
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ray gilbert has known no other home. >> it affects a person, it does. i would be lying to say it didn't. your thought patterns change, of what you think about changes. back then, i daydream about the whole getting out, having a family, picket fence. you know, the daydreams to get out and do it right this time, you know? and now you daydream about how you can blow this whole prison up and kill everybody in it. just feel like, man, if i could just do society a favor. >> bobby gilbert, whose friends call him snake, was locked up for murder when he was 18. he's racked up a lot more time for his violent behavior behind bars.
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>> i've got life without parole, two life sentences, two 99-year sentences, a 40-year sentence, a 20-year sentence and a 10-year sentence. yeah, i have anger issues. >> we first met bobby gilbert during the shooting of the original "lockup: holman" episode. >> you want us to exhibit some sort of model behavior but yet every avenue is closed to us to do anything constructive. we can't read a novel because we can't have one. i can't play chess through the mail like i used to. >> it's segregation. it wasn't meant to be nice. you ain't here because you were doing something constructive. >> bobby gilbert's mother kathy hartline remembers their abusive household where both she and bobby were exposed to extreme violence. >> 12 years old, bobby saw a lot of abuse. he did. and i guess it's partly my fault. because i should have got out of
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it. but i had nowhere to go and i thought i had to stay there. >> i didn't have what you call a childhood where you could, you know, be a kid, play. you know, humor and cutting up wasn't looked upon too favorably. >> a lot of times bobby would see his dad beating me, abusing me, and bobby would tell him, dad, quit, dad, don't do that. we're very close. he's my baby boy. and he always stood by me and i did him. >> i started picking up where he left off. [ bleep ]. i was turning into the same [ bleep ] he was. i had anger inside of me and then i get into an argument with a man over some money that he owed me and some words were exchanged me and he would pay me over had his dead body. i said, okay, fine, we'll do it that way then. i left.
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went and bought a rifle and went back and shot him and took my money out of his wallet. so because i took money out of his wallet it was a murder/robbery now. >> instead of rehabilitation, prison had the opposite effect on bobby gilbert. it bred more violence in him. >> i killed somebody because i felt like they were taking something from me and then i come to a world where everybody thinks they can take something from me. so you've got a convergence of forces here. in november of '90, another inmate beat me out of some money. i went and confronted him and he said some [ bleep ], you know. i just went back in that mind-set that i had enough of this [ bleep ] so i went to my cell and packed all my property because i knew i was fixing to go to jail. i went and got a knife and i stabbed him to death. >> we struggled together. we've hurt together.
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and he knows if he needs me, i'm here for him. >> at this point you just look back and realize that the best part of it is over with anyway. you know, the ball game is pretty much played. you're just sitting in the bleachers now. >> i talked to him about it. he says little weird comments like, yeah, in about ten years i'll just go ahead and kill me a police and go to death row and just be over with, you know. because you ain't doing nothing here. you know, not with life without. he ain't got an upper hand, you know? >> bobby's neighbor, donald pippin, has been in ad seg since a botched escape attempt from county jail in 2001. >> what are you doing over there? >> your mama. >> through a shared cell wall, bobby and donald have become friends. >> what are you doing? >> nothing. >> retired? >> yeah. >> it's going to be too hot here
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in about another month. >> soon donald and bobby will have to do their communicating long distance. donald is getting out in a month. >> i'll probably miss snake. we go at it all the time, you know. he's a cool dude. i hate his situation, you know. >> got a girl next to me that keep me company all the time. >> nobody wants to talk to you. go on home, sissy. i don't [ bleep ] short-timers anyway! >> in addition to yelling through their doors, donald pippin and bobby gilbert communicate by passing fish lines between their cells. >> everybody's here for a reason. you know, i think he's got his issues just like everybody else, you know. i ain't going to buy no helicopter and help him escape but i hope he does get away one
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day, you know. >> bobby has been on good behavior for a year, trying to clean up his disciplinary record so he can be transferred to a prison in northern alabama. >> i don't get to see him but about twice a year because he's in atwater and i'm not financially able to drive down there every month. >> it's a financial strain on her. she has to miss work to drive 400 miles down here. >> i want him closer to home where i can go and be with him. >> it's not about me. i'm going to be locked up wherever i'm at. it just takes some strain off my mom because she wants to see me and i want to see her. and while i understand punishing me or making my life, you know, miserable. you know, that's all well and good. but you know, she ain't done anything to anybody. >> today is bobby gilbert's annual progress review where the senior staff will look at his disciplinary record and see if he should be recommended for transfer. >> what's up, bobby?
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>> what's up? >> you been doing okay? >> hanging in there. sweating a little bit. >> you was doing all well until march 27th of 2007 when you had a disciplinary citation for insubordination. >> citation. >> citation. what was that all about? >> i had a disagreement with the mail lady. >> mail lady? >> mail that was rejected. i don't even see where it was. i talked to warden culliver but i wrote him about it. he understands the situation. i rather be written disciplinary so i at least had a hearing on it. i didn't get no say in the citation. you know how that works. >> my assessment at this time due to this recent infraction, i can't make a recommendation for a transfer per your progress review here. >> he just wants to get closer to home, his family traveling. i think he said his mom or someone ill, but if i complete the paperwork here and send it
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in to central review board, they would not go along with the transfer. just due to that infraction. you okay? >> no, i ain't. >> all right. >> next on "lockup," bobby's reaction to the staff's decision. >> i will make you hold the transfer! ...the getaway vehicle! for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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bobby gilbert's request for transfer to be closer to his mother has just been rejected by the senior staff at holman.
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>> i sat on my [ bleep ] for five [ bleep ] years. trying to do it the right way. i'm going to show you what i'm made of. i'll make you transfer the snake! >> what's the problem? what's up, bobby? >> i don't have a problem with you man and i don't want one. >> let's don't have one. what's going on? >> my mom drives 400 [ bleep ] miles down here -- >> quit beating on that glass. you know we can't let you keep doing that. >> whenever you all want to take me, man. i'm ready to go, man. i don't care. [ bleep ] everything i've been working for right now. however they want to do it from this day forward -- there's two sides to me. they're going to see the [ bleep ] wrong side.
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>> i'm not going to let one individual disrupt 1,000, so if force is needed to remove you from one area to the other, so be it. >> i sat up there and mind my own [ bleep ] business for five [ bleep ] years and they blindside me like that. >> this is what you live for in the penitentiary. never a dull moment. >> bobby must spend time in the bull pen outside while officers clean his cell. >> he can go on up there and strip my [ bleep ] cell. i got 100 friends out here. give me whatever i want to work with. >> finally got him out of the cell, moved him outside. now we'll find what he was busting that window with. here it is.
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one of the caps from the bull pen out there, the post. bobby getting out of the cell. somehow or another he smuggled this into his cell. one of the caps from the metal post. busting the window out. making all kind of threats about what he was going to do. he's pretty agitated right now. >> just leave him in the yard. >> we're going to leave bobby out there in the bull pen for probably three or four hours, let him calm down, think about it. when he gets through with his mad behavior, he'll be ready to apologize and get back to what he should be. >> ask any officer what he wants, by god, i don't [ bleep ] with nobody. but it's me and neil that have a problem because these son of bitches took me off -- i ain't got no other recourse now. >> meanwhile, back upstairs in ad seg, bobby's old neighbor, donald pippin, prepares to leave
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holman. >> in about 28 days, that it is eos, end of sentence. i get out of prison. >> in his criminal career, the worst crime donald committed was in jail. >> reg stayed in the cell and me and billy hid in the showers and reg's job was to get the attention of the guard and he beat on the door and he was a woman. and she turned her back. it was the easiest way out and billy grabbed her back of her arms just so she couldn't move. i put my hand on her shoulder and told her she wasn't going to get hurt, just give us the keys, you know. she gave us the keys and dropped the flashlight. she was scared. she was crying. [ bleep ] herself. but the fear made her do it, gave the keys up. >> although donald's discharge is days away, he has yet to find a place to live upon release. >> when i came to prison i had everything. i had a house about three blocks from the beach in navarre and i was doing pretty decent, you know. when i came, they stripped all
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that away, all my clothes, vehicles. hell, my rights, you know, they took everything. >> this is what i will be taking out of prison. everything i own will be in here, letters and stuff i bought a long time ago. this shower bag. that's the only thing i'm getting out of prison, a leather bag and myself. >> but then a phone message comes into holman that can provide the answer to donald's search for a new home. >> hey, your father called today. >> who? >> your father. he said he didn't forget your birthday. he's made several attempts to send you a letter. he said happy birthday. he changed his mind. he's going to give you a second chance. if you're sincere about getting out and coming to work, coming to oklahoma. >> oklahoma? i ain't going to no oklahoma. >> that's where your father is and has his own business, right? >> right. >> he says you're more than welcome to come when you get out on the 4th. you're welcome to come home, but only if you plan on doing right. >> that's a stretch.
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>> but i just wanted to inform you of that. so, are you going to go home? >> no. no. no, i ain't going there. >> okay. >> i appreciate it, though. >> he was thinking about you. he said he made several attempts to write you. >> i guess he can still be thinking. >> i done what i was supposed to do. >> appreciate it. thank you. >> all right. thank you. >> it's been ten years since i seen any of my family, my dad, my mom, my brothers or my sisters. ain't no use in changing it now. they had a long enough time to do what they're going to do. they haven't done nothing. so they can stay in oklahoma and i can stay over here. >> i figured he would be happy to be reunited back with his father and have a job and something to look forward to, but he didn't, so maybe he hasn't -- he's not ready to do right. i guess we'll probably see him again.
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coming up on "lockup," with his transfer denied, has bobby lost all hope? >> how long does it take to starve to death? 35, 40 days? do solemnly swear that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies foreign and domestic... ♪ ♪
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with a week until release and nowhere to live, donald pippin desperately needs to find a place to call home. prison counselor dr. holbrook may have a solution. >> we need to sit down and help him to accept the fact that he doesn't have anyone out there in society and he's going to have to accept living in a halfway house when he gets out. good day, mr. pippin. have a seat. good to see you again. >> all right. >> how are things going today? >> same old, same old. >> i have some bad news for you, as far as i tried to contact mr.
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austin for you, and he indicated he wasn't going to be able to be of any assistance to you in helping you get out. >> pick me up? >> picking you up. we're kind of on our own to try to find and establish a good place for you to live. you need to look into these halfway houses. some of the directors or supervisors of the halfway houses, they are ex-offenders themselves. some of them have alcohol and drug backgrounds. some of them are professionals. they will be concerned about you. i think they will be able to help you with the transitional program that you require. do you have any further questions? i'm sorry this didn't work out for you. >> i'm glad it didn't. you know, i got -- at least i know my options now. i thought i had a place with a friend of mine who was going to let me stay with him. but obviously i guess it didn't turn out right. talked to dr. holbrook. he said he was going to look into a few halfway houses in mobile. figure i should start out on my own anyway.
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better than having friends and family hounding around me. >> it's certainly real important that he has a structured environment for the next six months when he gets out. so he will be better off actually going to the halfway house even if he had family. >> while donald is looking forward to life on the outside, long-term inmates must create homes inside holman. >> they were dead when i first got out of lockup, they were dying so i pulled them up and bust the roots up on them and replanted them. being able to see things grow, to me, is therapeutic. >> t.c. takes care of more than just plants. >> it's kind of like a little therapy thing, right. i used to be angry all the time. and i didn't like nobody talking to me, didn't want to be around nobody. so i started messing with the cats in the garden, and now it's
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just like, one of them things. hey, girl. >> i'm going to get my bait and set my cat traps. they like scrambled eggs. this is my cat bait. >> now, this is fluffy. this is the mama cat of all the cats. >> stray cats have a calming effect on inmates but they create a nuisance for officers. >> i've been trying to catch fluffy for six months. i haven't caught her yet. well, i caught her and somebody turned her loose. she got smart. she won't go back in the trap. >> it's personal between him and her, you know what i'm saying? it's wit, animal wit against human man wit. >> microwave signals course through the fences of holman that when crossed notify officers of a possible breach. >> three different sections of the fence have microwaves in
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them and the cats will walk through that microwave. a staff member has to go around and check and see why it went off. see if they can figure it out. it takes up a lot of man hours, a lot of time to check. i picked this place for the cat. if you notice, there's a couple biscuits thrown out, a chicken bone. there's a hole in that second floor window where the inmates are feeding the cat. so i know that the cat will come to this area. >> she know better. she's been in there four times. don't you think she know better? i hope she do. i hope she don't be fooled like i was because i've been here two times. this is my third time. so i hope she show them. i can learn from her. >> fluffy isn't the only one not
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eating. back at ad seg, bobby gilbert has chosen to go on a hunger strike in response to his transfer denial. >> how long does it take to starve to death? 35, 40 days. they can have it. i gave them 22 years, 6 months. that's enough. start to feel like sisyphus. start to roll that stone uphill knowing damn well it's going to roll back to the bottom. you reach a point, it just ain't in your heart to fight anymore. >> i told him i'd write him when i got out just to have some kind of a way to look back and know where i came from. he'll be there and every time i get a letter or i'll write or something, it will remind me to keep me on the straight and narrow. i feel that's more of a rehabilitative services than anything the state can offer. >> next on "lockup," donald's release is just days away and his future is more uncertain than ever. >> i know i told you last time i would probably go to the halfway house.
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but i ain't going to no halfway house. >> and later, has bobby changed his ways? >> screw that. i'm going to do this. ddenly, yoh breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender, in the sleep aisle. (prof. burke) the more you learn the more gaps you may find. like how you thought you were covered for this... (pirate) ahh, haha! (prof. burke) ...when you're really only covered for this. (pirate boy) ahhh, haha! (prof.burke)talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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because health is everything.
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i'm frances rivera, here's what's happening. a very special reunion in washington state as two americans freed from north korea arrived home to their families in the united states. kenneth bae and matthew miller were freed after a visit from james clapper. they spoke briefly about being reunited with his family thanking all those who worked for his release and even saying he had learned a lot while being held in north korea. we'll bring you more news later. back to lockup. due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. what i'm doing right now is re-dyeing this saddle. reconditioning it, refurbishing
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it. i cleaned it, stripped it of all the old finish on it. and i put new dye on it. dyeing it black. in here it take me four months. to do a saddle. i will be 70 in a couple months. i'll be in 24 years this june, doing life without. i got a violent crime. this is my sanity here. you know, getting up here, working. you can get your mind off of what prison is and just relax. i just enjoy doing this. it's therapeutic for me. >> donald pippin meets with dr. holbrook for the last time before he's released from holman. >> hey. mr. pippin, how are you doing today? good to see you. >> i wrote my aunt. she wrote back and said i had a place so i'm going to stay with her. >> that's a for sure thing? >> yeah, that's a for sure thing. you can call her. i told you last time i would probably go to the halfway house but i ain't going to no halfway
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house. it's one thing to be able to go somewhere and be comfortable where you're at and another thing to be forced to be somewhere you don't want to go. when i get out of prison, i want to be free. i don't want to have to abide by some more rules that are institutionalized, you know. >> well, keep in mind that your aunt will have expectations, also. >> right. i know, she -- >> she has chores to be done around the house. >> that's one of the main reasons why i'm going. she's -- she's not a midget but she's a small person. and she has problems getting around the house and doing stuff and running errands. she lives by herself. >> halfway house would be better for him, but like he said, he's not willing to abide by further rules when he gets out. i think his aunt's home might be a little too lenient for him. i'm concerned about that. so it's really going to be all up to him to make it and make his own rules, to live by society's rules. >> i think i can -- i can abide by the laws, the regulations of the state. i think i will be all right. you know, i'll get a job.
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>> are you concerned about your alcohol and drug use? >> no. i'm pretty much going to stay off drugs when i get out. i ain't going to mess with it. >> you're narcotics anonymous, n.a. and a.a. is available in the community. >> the fact is, you start by crawling. and then you've got to walk. that's what i'm going to have to do. start crawling when i get out of here. >> see you later. >> all right. >> back in the yard, fluffy makes an appearance to show off her new kitten. >> this here is leon. there's leon. little black cat with gray on him. looks like he's got something in him. real fluffy. >> word travels fast to sergeant english. >> fluffy's had another kitten. one of the inmates told me he saw where she carried a kitten and hid it. i'm going over here to see if the kitten is still around there and see if she's been back. >> she's going to get with him now. she's going to go.
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she's going to go. she's gone. she hiding from sergeant english. she hiding from sergeant english. she know sergeant english ain't going in there. >> she had that kitten put out right here in a box. >> there's no telling where she carried him to. >> man, what's up? >> where's fluffy? >> why? >> 'cause it's one of my jobs. >> one of your jobs? >> yeah. >> one of my jobs is to keep you from catching her. >> you got all the ammunition. you got to give me a break, man. >> that don't play. one of us is going to fail. >> i know, it's going to be me. >> i hope it's you. >> i hope it's you. and she's got another kitten. >> yeah, it's black. can't get to her yet. she ain't going to let you get to her. >> you get her where you can pet her up. we'll give her to somebody. >> i used to be a hunter way
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back. when i got married my wife has tendered my heart towards animals a little bit. so i can't be mean to them no more. one of them kittens went all of the way to california. >> yeah, i heard. >> i believe he might be living better than me and you are. >> i know he's living better than me. he's free. i'm inside this fence. >> i bet he's in an air-conditioned house. what do you bet? it's 90 something degrees out here. me and you going to sweat. he laid up in an air-conditioned house. >> yeah. >> a little while later in ad seg, sergeant english escorts bobby gilbert to a haircut appointment. bobby is eating again after he made an agreement with the warden. in return for taking anger management classes, the warden promised bobby a transfer, eventually. >> [ bleep ] >> his old prison buddy, sherman moore, will be cutting bobby's hair. >> he's basically the same person that he was when i met him.
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he had just came to prison. we were both in segregation. we understood one another off the top because we had the same mentality. it's all about being tough. the tough guy road, be a gangster in prison, nobody means nothing to me, it's my world. the world revolves around me. >> do you think you can pull a flat-top out of your hat? >> is that what you want? >> yeah. do this thing up right. >> you want to look like g.i. jane? huh? >> yeah. >> okay. bobby has not come up out of that thinking mode yet. he still thinks that he has to do the things he has to do to survive when really prison is so much unlike it was 24 years ago. i was telling them all about you and me drinking that bottle of scope up in west jefferson. remember that? >> that was about 1988. >> yeah. >> i was sick as a dog. >> didn't know the whole thing would get you drunk. >> it ain't got enough alcohol
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to make you drunk. make you sick, though. we chased it with what, lemonade? >> yeah. >> chase it with lemonade. >> got you sick as a dog but you got some fresh breath. put me down there in that observation cell, keep an eye on me. >> safe cell? >> yeah. take me down and weigh me every day. i lost about 13 pounds in four days. >> was the attempt to go on a hunger strike, did it accomplish what you wanted? >> well, you know, culliver come down, you know, he could have just been an ass about it and said starve yourself. but you know, he [ bleep ] told me about go on and hold it in the road, i ain't get no [ bleep ] talk about anger management classes. so he gave me the word i wouldn't be here this time next year. so that's all i want, you know. >> you need it. he's good people, but he's gone through a lot of stuff. he's not willing to put nothing down. that's what makes it hard on
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individuals to try to change, because they don't want to let go. >> we met in segregation. >> yeah? >> we met in segregation. >> can't get along with nobody. >> at one time i couldn't. at one time i most definitely couldn't. i had the same problem you had. we both went through that. >> i ain't outgrew my problem. >> yeah, right. >> i'm in prison 22 1/2 years now. i've spent almost 19 years in solitary confinement. so it ain't like i've had opportunities to develop social skills and be a gregarious individual. you keep on cutting, there ain't going to be nothing left up there. >> we're going to get you out of this chair. we all have choices. we all have options in prison, just like we have in society. it's whether we're trying to go the right direction. it all depends on us. it's nobody's fault but ours if we don't. >> you like that? >> yeah. coming up next -- getting out of prison proves more difficult than donald originally thought.
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oh no... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. you ain't going to bother my trap. you beat up one of my traps and you will be in one of those cages for a long time. >> been there what, five years. >> two of fluffy's kittens have been spotted near the generators and sergeant english is on the scene.
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t.c. uses a special whistling method to warn the cats. >> you will never hear a cat when he's -- in panic when he's like -- he's stressed. he will hear a loud sound. that will panic and make him break away. run away. you ain't got to put him in no cage. [ whistling ] when you catch him, what are you going to do with him? >> give him a home somewhere. >> like you did all the others? >> like i did all the other ones. >> he's caught now. he's caught right now. >> t.c.'s warnings are no match for scrambled eggs. >> it's that easy to catch them. >> with two cats in the bag, sergeant english is hot on the trail of their mother, fluffy. >> man, them babies right there,
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that's cool. but i want to see you work with fluffy. i want to see you work with fluffy. >> ain't got no cuffs. >> donald pippin's end of sentence has finally arrived after nearly six years in prison. >> ready to go? >> i'm here. >> around the back. >> can't i put them in front, okay? >> around back. you ain't gone yet. you ain't gone yet. >> we got an inmate eos'ing today. we're going to get him processed, get him in his free world clothes. get him dressed out and then we'll take him up to the bus station about 45 minutes away, put him on a bus and he's a free man. >> what you going to do when you get out? >> i'm going to mcdonald's and get me a big mac combo meal. $44 and a change of clothes, 5 years, 10 months and 23 days. i ain't had no real food. these are about the only clothes i'm going to have, too.
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i need to find somebody to donate some. it ain't really going to sink in until i get in the bathtub and soak in water for about three hours. >> put that shirttail in. one last time. one last time. we get out there. you can pull it out then. but one last time. >> clear the hall! >> look we don't know. he still could have enemies. in the population. we don't know that so we want to make sure nothing don't happen to him before we get him out there. >> somebody might not want him to leave. >> all right, donald. >> two, one gate. one more to freedom. start take off running like a dog on a leash. >> no, don't do that now. >> yeah. they might start shooting me with the bullet shots.
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it feels good to be out here. >> does it? >> yeah, it feels good. no chains, no nothing. just the sky, the sun is hot. feels real good. feel like a million bucks. i'll be glad to get rid of that building. >> go on. >> finally free. it's wide-open country out here. i ain't been in such a wide-open space in so long. i feel like i can run across that field and tromp in the dirt or something like a little kid. >> with a 55-minute van ride to the bus depot and a five-hour bus ride to dothan, donald calls his aunt to confirm she will pick him up at the bus station. >> i'm calling to tell you i'm out and i'll be there around 6:00 tonight. sorry you can't pick up the phone. hopefully i'll call you soon. see you later. bye. love you. i guess she ain't home. voice mail or answering machine or something. that's pretty cool.
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>> what's the last time you saw a cell phone? >> i ain't never seen one this small. i ain't never seen one like this at all. six years is a long time, i think. i hope -- i hope i can still be able to go on a -- i don't know how to say it. i'm choked up. in a way i am, in a way i ain't, you know. i just hope i can do the right thing, you know. it's hard to say it and do it. >> you know what not to do. >> i know what not to do. it's going to be hard. it ain't going to be easy. this is the easy part, going home today. >> yeah, it is. you know, just being real about it. >> right. >> never said anything wrong to me, kevin.
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>> 20 minutes change buses in montgomery. >> montgomery? >> yeah. >> thank you, sir. >> he said 12:30, so you got about 20 minutes. if you want to walk in there and get something, you can. >> something to drink, something to smoke. that's a nice bike, dude. it's kind of crazy looking at all this stuff. i ain't seen so much variety in so long. i ain't never had one of these. i got locked up before this came out, red bull. i might just have to try this. i'm going to get this. pork rinds. i'm going crazy. pork rinds. here we go. i can get some of them. tell your boobs to stop staring at me. i might need this one. liberation right here. because i can. in there you can't have that
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opportunity to do what you want to. this is probably going to be the only cigarettes i buy, to be honest with you. when them done, probably go to dipping. no, i'm kidding. >> bye, donald. take care of yourself. >> thanks. tell snake when you see him, tell him i'm finally free. >> okay. all right. i don't want to see you back, neither. >> no. >> all right. take care. >> i got my degree in life now. >> all right. take care, donald. he's on his own. there's going to be a lot of pressure on him. it's hard to tell if he's going to be sincere. i know he wants to be. but the temptation may be just too strong for him. but we're through with him unless he gets picked up again and gets another case and they send him back our way. next on "lockup," donald sends news from the free world to his old pal bobby gilbert. >> the girl who picked him up,
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she blank-blank so i'm not going to go there. but maybe i might get me a blank. ♪ let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together ♪ ♪ i've got some real estate here in my bag ♪ ♪ it took me four days to hitch-hike from saginaw ♪ ♪ "i've come to look for america" ♪ oats go! wow! go power oats! go! go power! yayyyy! wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it.
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and mama loves you. ♪ here we go, here we go, here we go. ♪ fifty omaha set hut ♪ losing feeling in my toes ♪ ♪ nothing beats that new car smell ♪ ♪ chicken parm you taste so good ♪ ♪ nationwide is on your side
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♪ mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm
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i'm going in there and getting bobby gilbert for disciplinary court. >> sergeant english holds a disciplinary hearing for the damages that bobby gilbert caused during his angry
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outburst. the officer observed inmate bobby gilbert repeatedly throw an object against his cell door window, causing the window to crack and shatter. bobby, the punishment for room 69, destroying state property, is 30 days disciplinary seg and refer to "i" and "i." whenever "i" and "i" picks you up, you know i can't control that. do you understand? >> yep. >> do you wish to plead guilty or not guilty? >> guilty as sin. >> bobby, can you read and write and understand what's going on? >> on a third grade level, absolutely. it ain't no drastic change. you know, they take most of your property, put it in the property room. you're just allowed certain things. can't have a radio. that's basically the only thing you lose. >> i can't believe that my son ended up in a place like where he's at. >> in exchange for an eventual transfer, bobby has agreed to take anger management classes.
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but bobby is the first to admit that a change in his behavior is unlikely. >> it's all well and good to sit there and talk about, well, you know, i've got an anger problem and i'm going to work on it or make it better. then when you get in the moment and the anger's there, it's like, screw that, i'm going to do this, you know? >> i told him i would write him when i got out, just to have some kind of way to look back and know where i came from. >> all right. got a lot of mail. >> after his release to the free world, donald pippin attempted to send a letter to bobby gilbert. >> said he ate a big mac combo. and then he says some ugly stuff that i'm not going to repeat. ugh, yeah. and apparently he's very racist because he likes to say the "n" word a lot in here. he says, talking about the girl
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that picked him up, gina, at the bus station. and she blank blanks, so i'm not going to go there. but maybe i might get me a blank. but he says he's not going after no blank blank. homey don't play that. okay. well, we don't play that either. not here. so, this letter is going to be rejected. >> let's go cat hunting. >> cat hunting? >> let's go. >> with reassurance from sergeant english that he will find a safe home for fluffy, t.c. agrees to help track her down. >> take her to california? >> i don't know if she's going to california or not. >> somebody needs to take her to california. >> she gone? she don't move. >> she's watching us right there. you see her?
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>> i see her peeping right now. she's smiling. she's peeping. she's going to get somewhere. she's gone. she ain't coming back. she's going to stay on that side where she's safe at. >> t.c., i believe she just told us where her kitten is. kitchen gate, two tower. >> stay away from my girl, man. >> get on out of there. she's leaving a false trail. that's what she's doing. >> leaving a false trail. it was worth looking. the search continues.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> msnbc takes you behind the walls of america's most notorious prisons. to a world of chaos and danger. now, the scenes you've never seen. "lock up: raw." ask any "lockup" producer where to find the most drama and tension inside prison, and the answer is usually, intake. the place new inmates cross the threshold into a world where they will be known as much by a number as by a name.


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