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tv   First Look  MSNBC  November 12, 2014 2:00am-2:31am PST

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they're holding hearings, we'll let you know more as we learn more. good morning. right now the snow is piling up and frigid air continues to push into the country. a city on edge. gun sales soar in anticipation of a major legal decision. and president obama strikes a huge deal for america with the president of china. thank you for joining us on this wednesday. right now the country is coping with cold, dust, even lava. this morning the central u.s. is brace fur the icebox. temperatures in the 20s and 30s. by friday the east will be feeling it, too. >> i'm as prepared as i'll ever be. got the coat, the gloves, the
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scarves. in minnesota the icy blast sent a semi skidding and sliding. reports of more than a thousand accidents since monday. four of them fatal. in colorado an amazing picture. an arctic haboob. the winter dust cloud was kicked up by high winds and the cold front. on the ground this tumble weeds and lot of them. 16 miles per hour winds causing them to pile up. let's go to hawaii now. the red hot lava is on the move. next targeting a home. also overnight the announcement from the apex summit in beijing. the u.s. will slash its output by at least 26% by 2025. china will increase the share of green energy. the combined effort will result in $93 billion in net benefits.
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president obama spoke about the deal. >> as the world's two largest economy, energy consumers, and emitters of greenhouse gases, we have a special responsibility to lead the global effort against climate change. nbc white house correspondent christ en wekrist in beijing. in addition to the climate deal the presidents announced new agreements on trade and visas. this three-day trip has been aimed at showcasing new level of cooperation between the united states and china. still there are reminders that these two powers do things very differently. one reminder came during a press conference. when a new york times reporter asked about the lack of media access. it looked as though the president was going to ignore the question. he only circled back after
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answering a question from a chinese reporter. when he did so, he seemed to blame the media for any lack of access. it's a reminder there are still differences even as the world powers try to find common ground. working together on broader issues like iran, syria, and north korea. president obama pressed the president on the human rights concerns. we anticipate he'll do the same when he meets with leaders from bur burma. president obama heading there as we speak. he'll meet with the president there and the pro democracy leader. back here in the u.s. ferguson, missouri is once again a city on edge. bracing for a grand jury decision that could come any day now. there is a warning for anyone wishing to replicate the unrest seen in the days following michael brown's shooting. >> vandals smashed the windows of small businesses, criminals
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looted and set fire to stores, gunshots and molotov cocktails endangered citizens. that ugliness was not representativive of missouri. it cannot be repeated. >> this time local businesses are not taking any chances. nbc ron allen has the story. >> reporter: ferguson's already battered main street more businesses adding more protections worried about what happened when prosecutors will announce whether darren wilson will face charges for killing unarmed teen michael brown. >> do you there's going to be a need? >> we're preparing for the worst and hoping for the best. >> they're worried about the repeat of the protests last summer. heavily armed police, random shootings, a terrifying time. >> sales are three times higher than usual at the gun ranges. many first-time buyers like this
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>> you would use this this. >> yes. >> missouri's governor tried to reassure a nervous public. >> this is america. people have a right to express their views and grievances. but they do not have the right to put their fellow citizens or their property at risk. he said a thousand officers had been trying to deal with nidis tur bans. the national guard will be on standby and officers statewide on alert. county police in charge of protest security say they've spent at least $170,000 on fresh supplies of riot gear, tear gas grenades, helmets, shields, handcuffs. they want 48 hours warning before any announcement and safe zones for protesters. and moms worry about keeping their kids safe when the news comes. >> if history is any indication of what is going to happen when there's a verdict or the
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announcement comes down, it's going to be pandemonium. >> that was ron allen reporting. michael brown's parents now attending the conference in questi geneva. a bizarre move by the democratic led senate. it looks like they too busy to approve president obama's nomination. there's apparently they're not going to do it. instead the democrats will entrust mitch mcconnell and the incoming republican majority. harry reid is pushing forth some lame duck. the xl pipeline. it's thought to help some democratic moderates. a vote to improve the pipeline could boost mary landrieu's run
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off elections so she can hold her seat in louisiana. she previously urged the administration to approve the pipeline. let's go to florida now. a sink hallow swallowed a car could be much worst. it's on the right side of the screen. right in someone's driveway. six families had to evacuate because of it. now a second hole, this one on the street 25-feet away. geologists say both are connected and it gets worst. a third could soon appear. no injuries right now but experts are watching it very closely. former president bill clinton was on the ellen degener degeneres show on tuesday. she tried to use his status as grandpa to find out hillary clinton's plan for 2016. >> i'm just saying if you only had one. if you could only pick one. because, i can't afford to give you both
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>>well, if i pick that one, it would be best for the country. [ cheers and applause ] start taking me up to total strangers saying have you met my first husband. >> that's one way to answer it. he navigated it pretty well. let's get you some sports. good morning, francis. >> hi, betty. good morning. we started sports this morning with a 27-year-old who is $10 million riche eresearch richer winning the texas hold em tour. three 10's beating a pair of 9. he also gets a gold bracelet. kobe bryant is now the all time leader in missed field goal shots. look at the number 13,420
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misses. he still lead the lakers in scoring with 28 points in the 107-102 loss to the grizzlies. the nba is hoping to cash in on this holiday classic. the ulgly sweater movement. >> that is ugly! >> isn't it though? >> the cost is $65 a sweater. you can make your whole family holiday card there. on the ice the rangers and the p penguins. and manager of the year include baltimore's buck showwalter and scored the third award and matt williams who gets his first. check out this rocket pro l propelled baby that set a record by going 207 miles per hour. you can beat a ferrari in nothing flat as far as this goes. >> and low gas mileage, i'm
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sure. >> getting there real quick. thank you. stocks at another all-time high. it's good news for shoppers and retailers. it could give shoppers an average $100 on shopping. when it's added up it could give retailers an extra $40 million. youtube struck a deal that licenses music from thousands of independent record labels. it paves the way for the company to launch a subscription music service. marilyn monroe's lost love letters. they're heading to auction. among the 300 items intimate messages between monroe and husbands joe deimagine owe an arthur miller. the kardashians make a major phone call. one of the most vocal characters from the "big bang theory" has
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died. light snow and negative 15 windchills? no thank you, denver. this is heading east. when coming up. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are no branches? 24/7 it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do... try a new way to bank, where no branches equals great rates.
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from the bank where no branches equals great rates.
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coldest morning of the winter season. half the country is below freezing. and it's trekking east this morning. much colder in chicago and st. louis than it was. we're going to watch it today heading for pittsburgh and detroit eventually to the east coast. casper, wyoming is negative 19. that's the temperature. and had a little bit of a breeze. their windchill is minus 32. it's possibly one of the coldest mornings they're going to have all winter long. it's the middle of november. that's ridiculous. denver at minus 14. light snow in the area. you're going to see one of the coldest november days ever only a high expected of 4 degrees in denv denver. the windchill is negative all day long. be careful in the northeast this
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morning. patches of dense fog. give yourself some extra time for your morning commute. it will be a beautiful afternoon in the northeast. but we have to get past the fog. it will go away about 9:00 a.m. >> be thankful for the 60s. >> also making news. 15 minutes past the hour. old navy is the latest retailer kept caught up in a price gouging. women are paying $5.50 for plus size jeans than men are. nearly 20,000 people have signed a petition to get them to stop charging women more. >> howard! the phone is ringing. >> howard's mom on the big ba"bg
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theory" has sadly been silenced. carol ann susi died on thursday. she was praised for his comedic times. she was 62. it is the latest kardashian attention seeking stunt but it was quickly taken off instagram and rightfully so. khloe kardashian posted this picture the only kkk to ever let black men in. well. one twitter user tweeted -- shifting gears now. a winner named in the alaska senate race and holidays stricken from the calendar. has political correctness gone too far? scrambled politics is next. last night some of music's biggest stars honored our nation's bravest with a free
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veteran's day concert on the national mall. ♪ ♪ i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 50,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards, even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning a business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can.
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my motheit's delicious. toffee in the world. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. i never really thought i would make money doing what i love. we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side. it's time to get to work are finally over, fixing our long-term national debt to help build a stronger economy. with a solid fiscal foundation, we can create more jobs, invest more in innovation and infrastructure, and make america more competitive, giving our kids a better future. a bipartisan solution to our long-term debt means more growth today, more opportunity tomorrow. and the time to start is now.
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i don't know if he's going to be able to get into the spirit.
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he didn't dress for a summit he dressed for for the haimt"hunge games." >> jon stewart kicks off our edition of scrambled politics. we finally know the results of the alaska senate race. dan sullivan has beat out mark begich. on election night sullivan was ahead by more than 8100 votes. a new poll who should led the country reflects what election day held. this republican led congress will have serious growing pains. the in coming senate is the least experienced since 1989. staying with the post the named democrat bruce braley the worst candidate of the 2014 election. the reasons? a bad record and bad pr. over the course of two years he
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missed 75% of the hearings of the house va committee and public dispute with his neighbors over wandering chickens. there are nine signs someone is running for president. eating food in iowa. that's a sure sign. do they have a fan club? and are people talking to their moms? interesting. big news before black friday. the internet house bill was shelved. holidays names stricken from next year's montgomery school's calendar. the maryland county's board of education voted to eliminate references to all religious holidays on the calendar in a response to muslim leaders. students will still get the same holiday's off. they won't be mentioned by name.
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michelle obama wins a 2013 award. gave her $71,000 of jewels. the president got a $10,000 sculpture. here is the catch. the government keeps the gifts unless the obamas pay for them. that is your morning dish of scrambled politics. good morning, lee. >> good morning. we have to talk about this. senate democrats appeared to support delaying conformation proceedings for loretta lynch to next year. saying there might not be enough to confirm in a lame duck session. does that make sense or sound like a lame excuse? >> it is true there isn't a lot of time in this legislative session before republicans take over next year. so at this point, they have to kind of pick and choose which things they want to do. and harry reid and patrick leahy would be kind of solely responsible for deciding whether this nomination goes forward.
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and they don't necessarily want to be blamed for starting off a partisan fight right now at the end of the session. so in some ways they're kind of conceding to republicans to have this fight after they've taken the senate. but this also could show that there isn't a lot of reason to stop the nomination later down the road. there might not be a reason that republicans who want to fight this out later because they want to show they'll be working with the white house and democrats. >> play nice a little bit here. some moderate demes seem to want to push for a keystone xl pipeline vote what is in line with what republicans want. what is in it for democrats? it affects a senate race that is ongoing. there's a runoff in louisiana for mary landrieu. the run off is on december 6th. it's an important energy state. and the keystone vote could end up maybe giving her a boost in that race. and that seat is seen as being
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crucial for democrats to try to win back majority or build more support again in 2016. this could give democrats a chance to build more support for her in louisiana and they figure especially since keystone is a top republican priority they may as well have the vote when they're still in control. >> all right. just ahead. a brazen jewelry heist in the big apple. a first in space. this is first look on msnbc. for lotus f1 team, the competitive edge is the cloud. powered by microsoft dynamics, azure, and office 365, the team can gain real time insights and instantly share information around the globe. when every millisecond counts, staying competitive begins with the cloud. this is the microsoft cloud.
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27 minutes past the hour. some other stories we're following for you. the european space agency will
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attempt the first ever soft landing of a robotic probe on comet. after ten years of planning the move it will take scientists around 7 hours to complete. touchdown is expected at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. scientists hope to stream images from the comet within hours of the landsing. in another news police are investigating a jewelry heist that took place on tuesday. a man posing as a delivery worker pistol whipped an employee and took off with the safe. it happened as a veteran's day parade took place blocks away. a colorado man had to be rescued after getting trapped in walls of marshall's store. he was on the roof when he fell into a vent and became trapped. he could be charged with trespasses. he was in there for several days before they heard angry.
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>> the first thing you probably do is try to pick your phone up to call somebody and no signal. now you're charged with trespassing. way too early with thomas roberts is coming up. you don't want to miss that. stay with us. ♪ beijing president obama announced plans to speak china's president about human rights, trade, and freedom of expression. where as it will be broadcast in china [ expletive ] trade, and [ expletive ]. >> all right. maybe a joke onley night. there's breaking news with the historic agreement. president obama and the chinese president come together on a joint plan to tackle climate change. plus, new york city midtown manhunt. an armed robber and accomplice on the loose after making away with a bag of jewels in the diamond district. and former president bill clinton. he loves to watch vixen white
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houses on tv. what does he feel like he was missing out on his own time in the white house? this is way too early! ♪ good morning. i'm sorry thomas roberts. it is wednesday, november 12th. welcome to way too early. the show that is intrigued to hear what bill clinton thinks he missed in office. i don't he missed a lot. we're going find out. there are two major things. breakthroughs that came through in china despite often tense relationships between beijing and washington. the u.s. and china agreed to major deals involving pollution and military cooperation. both countries agreed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 25% by the year 2025. the countries have also agreed to major communications o


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