tv Jose Diaz- Balart MSNBC November 14, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PST
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to go around congress and issue executive orderings including stopping the deportation of possibly up to 5 million undocumented immigrations living in the united states. half a world away, intense pushback from the incoming majority in the house and senate setting up a show down that could go well beyond immigration and had john boehner refusing to rule out a government shut down. >> we're going to fight the president tooth and nail if he continues down this path. all the options are on the table. we're having discussions with our members and those decisions have been made as to how we will fight this if he proceeds. >> let's going to capitol hill where kasie hunt has been in the thick of our coverage as has ed o-keef who has two front page articles today. congratulations. i want to start with you, kasie. both sides were talking about
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just last week what happened. it's gone out the window? >> so much for that, jose. we've sort of gone right back to the old normal. you had the new freshman walk in here. there was a sense of, you know, maybe we were going get some conciliation. maybe everybody got the message that what americans wanted is for both sides to work together. you've had republicans warning as ed has written that if the president goes forward with his executive order on immigration that the whole thing could blow up in everybody's faces we could suddenly facing what they didn't want to repeat from last year which is the threat of a government shut down. >> yeah. are we being overly cynical. if there is a new congress coming in january and they say they want to tackle immigration reform, they didn't mention it, by the way, when they mention the principles but that's a different story. if they want to have immigration reform in the next session, this executive order could be a problem to that. are we being too cynical in
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saying it's because there's no real spirit of bipartisan? >> no, i think, you know, based on weeks of conversations with republicans and just about every republican candidate who said on the campaign trail over the past several months they laid down the marker. if the president does this it's going to be very difficult for congressional republicans to find any real reason to work with him on anything. you can add immigration to other things. there's health care. about what he's about to do on the keystone pipeline or perhaps not do. the fact he was talking about net neutrality and immigration probably the biggest of them all. you have enough senior rips or those who come from places like florida, new york, california, illinois, elsewhere that said, look, we're not happy about the fact he's going to do this, but, you know, we have to to be conscience of the fact that not tackling this issue, not talking about it, potentially spoils our
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opportunity to pick up hispanic votes in the coming cycle. not to draw your into this. your brother has been conscious of this. he's concerned in telling his colleagues, look, we can be opposed to this. but we have to be very careful about how we talked about it. it will be amplified in the spanish press and elsewhere. >> and cory gardener in colorado was another example of that. he didn't want to go so far as other republicans and calling a path to citizenship on amnesty. he was on "morning joe" saying essentially this. you know, the message voters sent was you need to work together. >> yeah. congressman gardener voted against the proposal that michele bachmann and others presented before they went on break saying they would defund any and all future actions. congressman gardener was one of the handful that voted against that. let's talk about the keystone
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pipeline, what is a time table and what's the impact on, we'll, let's talk about louisiana. >> it's all about lasouisiana. the senate plans to vote early next week. the house votes today. it came suddenly to the forefront as mary landrieu the senator from louisiana tries to hang on as the last vulnerable democrat standing. you saw mary landrieu decide she was going to push forward. the republicans in the senate were irked by it. they don't want to give her an opportunity to declare a big win on the keystone. she staked her job on the idea she's the energy chairwoman. she can get things done. she's been criticized for not able to get a vote on keystone. democrats are not entirely happy either. there are many environmentalists on the left wing of the democratic party who don't really want have to stand up and take vote. and the president, of course, the white house hasn't said exactly either way what they'll do. but the presidential veto is
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entirely a possibility. >> and that would affect if not a lot of races but certainly a lot of democrats who say they want to kind of keep at this issue should not be something that should be the headlines, you know, every single day. >> yeah. but, you know, even if the president vetoes this or ultimately doesn't provide a permit for the construction of the pipeline to begin, there's no loss, really, up here for those that support the pipeline. then, they can say look we created a significant difference between ourselves and the preside president. we hear you, america, the president seems to stand in the way of a popular support. even for democrats and see the president potentially veto it, for landrieu, especially it creates some separation for her. i will continue to try to do everything i could. and the president can continue doing what he does. >> and ed and kasie hunt thank you so much. the challenge going forward is to get three front page
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stories on the paper. >> i'll see what i can do. we'll have more on the immigration fight including reaction from representative luis gutierrez today. i want to go to ferguson the grand jury could decide as early as this weekend on whether to charge police officer darren wilson. the grand jury heard key testimony from the forensic pathologist who conducted an e conducted an independent autopsy on the 128-year-old. the private nature of the grand jury process could make any decision hard for the public to accept. joining me now is amanda. she's been part of the nbc team covering ferguson since michael brown was killed. she'll be traveling there today. you and tremaine lee have a new article on this morning. tremaine has been talking to activists in missouri. let me play some of the sound for you. >> with the pressure they've put on it from the outside in, if
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they want to sustain they have no choice but to hear the people out. and so to scare wo-- to work in the favor of the people. >> we have taken our anger to the strategy to the board meeting. there is still nonviolence. >> we need to sit down and talk so we can get everybody on the same page for nonindictment, for an indictment. >> amanda, is ferguson on egg shells? >> jose, it's been nearly 100 days since michael brown was shot and killed. in that time the most pressing. for the family the most agonizing. unanswered questions surrounding what will happen with the grand jury decision. for the first time, we may have concrete answers in that decision. it is expected to come within days. this is a case that has really swept the country and gone out to internationally to draw attention and so this anxiety that is building now is mounting, especially in the st. louis region. no one quite knows for sure when
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the decision will land. >> okay. so, amanda, what are the possible outcomes of the grand jury? >> the grand jury is determining whether or not there's probable cause in charging officer darren wilson of any crime. regardless whether or not there's a decision to indict officer wilson or not, both protesters and police basically have been bracing for protests to break out. it's near lay foregone conclusion it will happen. unlike august it's expected to take throughout the entire st. louis region at the ferguson police department and also they're bracing for more protesters to break out in clayton where the st. louis county prosecutor's office is. >> amanda, thank you so much. we're going back to missouri later in the hour for more on ferguson. later this afternoon president obama heads for the g 20 summit in australia for the final leg of the asia-pacific tour. when he gets back, a scathing
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report on the secret service will be sitting on his desk. one lawmaker said it reads like comedy of errors. they outline a series of failures in responding to the unpress denlted fence jumping security breach in september. peter alexander joins us from the white house. good morning. what does the report find? >> of course, it happened on that grass you see behind us here. just about two months ago supposed to be the most heavily protected in the in the world. apparently not. it's one of several reviews of that night taking place. calling it a harsh report that was intended to identify problems that needed fixing. we know the acting security secret service director joseph clancey is expected to testify next week at the oversight hearing. the secret service basically say it's already changed the training and procedures they hope to regain the trust of the american people. how do we get here? the report says nearly everything that could have gone wrong that night did. as gonzalez ran toward the white house he set off a series of
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alarms, an officer at the command center issued a radio announcement of a jumper but it was never heard by officers on the north lawn. one officer in charge of an attack dog didn't hear the radio transmission because his ear piece was out. he was sitting in a van instead talking on his personal cell phone. the report adds an armed emergency response team didn't immediately enter the mansion because they were unfamiliar with the lay out of the white house. according to the report and they waited outside to get into a tactical formation as it describes it before entering. jose? >> peter alexander, thank you so much. really scary report that we're seeing. coming up a lot more to get to this friday. we'll dig deeper into the immigration show down on capitol hill. a lot of reports about what the president will or will not do. and when he'll do it. speaker boehner warns nothing is off the table when it comes to stopping the president. the one and only luis gutierrez
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will answer the speaker. it's cold. take a look at the snow coming down in cleveland, ohio. it's in the high 20s there. which isn't so bad if you're used to the temperatures. the traffic is a mess. we'll have the frigid details. in the meantime here in downtown south florida it's kind of chilly. chance of sun very high. didn't mean to rub it in but i kind of did.
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immigration action it's a story we cover every week on the show. it could now happen as soon as next week. halting deportations for up to 5 or 6 million immigrants reportedly on the table. this imminent news of unilateral action from the president has taken the fight to the next level on capitol hill.
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>> we're going fight the president tooth and nail if he continue down this path. this is the wrong way to govern. >> surely the president understands the kind of explosion that would occur up here if he takes that unilateral action. >> the president in burma this morning. >> i would advise if, in fact, they want to take a different approach rather than devote at lot of time trying to constrain my lawful actions as the chief executive of the u.s. government in charge of enforcing our immigration laws, they spend some time passing a bill. >> joining me now is a democrat who has been front and center on the issue of immigration reform.
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lu luis gutierrez. good to see you, sir. >> good to be with you. >> you have asked the president to go big, expand protections. does this suggested plan that the president is considering go big enough? >> i think we're going know a lot more. every day we know a little bit more, jose. next week i fully expect that i and members of the democratic caucus will be meeting with the president so we can get a better picture and understanding of the depth and the spes thinksty which is which groups. i think every report we've seen in the media are good reports. it's about millions and millions of people. look, jose, there's going to be people left out. you cannot do through executive action what you can do through the legislative process. but i think what is key to this debate is that the president has the legal authority to do it.
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and he will use that legal authority. and, jose, is this a surprise to anybody? it's not a surprise to you or me. if you do not act, the president said, i will use my pen and pencil. he said on june 30th of this year. i'm going it act by the end of the year. what find kind of ironic is speaker boehner said, nope, he better not do anything. but he's not doing anything. all the speaker has to do is call a vote. let me tell you something, there are 40, 50, 60 wonderful members of the republican caucus which will join democrats to do the work for the american people. >> okay. >> but they don't want to do that. >> but, congressman, take me through this. you were part of a bipartisan group of initially eight then six then two or one or however many that didn't get it done in the house. you guys had legislation written. you dotted the i's and crossed the t's.
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you worked 24 hours a day many days to get it done and it wasn't done. what is it that the house is saying that they want to do now that the president shouldn't take executive action on? >> the problem is they won't give us a vote on all the wonderful work. look, jose, i don't want to mention the name of my republican colleagues they work -- you know who hay are. you're a good reporter you've done your background work. there are dozens of them. in the end they won't give us a vote. remember that the president of the united states on june 30th says i'm going to take action on immigration reform after he received the phone call from speaker boehner saying it's off the table. come on. if it's off the table, if you keep saying this is what you want -- i want to make clear that one of the things we cleared up in the discussions, jose, with republicans when i talked to republicans and they say, hey, luis, they can't all become citizens. i said okay. we have to do it in pieces and
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bits. i said let's start the process. they said it can't be the senate bill. we said, okay. my good republican friends that worked. one of them told me yesterday what a shame. we were so close. we were so close. all that was necessary was to give us an hour to vote on it. >> right. let me ask you this, congressman. and we have talked about this and, you know, the nine times i've interviewed the president probably eight of them i've asked this question. why don't you consider among other things deferred action for parents of u.s.-born kids. and over and over again he told me what he told you. i'm not king. i'm president. i don't have the legal authority to do that. now he does have the authority to do that? >> here is what we've learned in this process. that much of the process is what is the legal authority of the president of the united states. it is very broad. i think barack obama has learned how broad it is. let me just say this, jay johnson, secretary of homeland security. he's the one that was charged
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with drafting all of the rules and regulations at the department of defense to overturn don't ask don't tell. he knows what the legal authority of the president is. he views it, he used it in the past. let's look at last year. the.raised the minimum wage for federal workers. he intervened to make sure that women and men in the federal work force are earning the same salary. presidents have used the authority time and time again. i'm going to give you one last example. you'll remember this. in 1986 we passed the immigration reform and control act. 3 million people got amnesty. one thing about ronald reagan. he made the process simple. come, join, sign up and become american citizens. he granted amnesty to 3 million undocumented. there are 1.5 million people that ronald reagan and george bush protected a million and a half people from deportation because they were left out of the legislation in '86 until we
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fixed it in '91. republican presidents have used this authority. attorney general meese protected tens of thousands of knick rog nicaragua. my answer to you, honestly, between me and you. i don't think the president wanted to take the action. i think he understood he had the power. >> finally, congressman, there's some talk about the possibility of you thinking in the future about presidency gutierrez. are you thinking about any presidential run in the future? >> check my website on my congressional website is telling people how to get ready for the president's to get ready to be with the law and register with the government. that's my focus. >> i know but i'm asking you
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specific. >> right. if the president doesn't go big and the president doesn't go wide and isn't generous, certainly there are many throughout the country who say there should be a challenge for the heart and soul of the democratic party. if it, once again, turns its back on our immigrant community. if that happen, i'll give you a call. it will be something that we will be required to do. >> all right. because i want the exclusive in english and spanish. >> thank you. >> congressman, for now, luis gutierrez. let me bring in tell new dough's national correspondent. good morning. what is it congressman gutierrez playing out on the hill and in the white house. >> good morning, jose. the congressman is pretty much a laid out what we're going to see. and it looks like it's going to be a fight. we just don't know how big of a fight it's going take place. you know, the white house continues to push back and said
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the president hasn't made any final decision as of yet that he would consult with his advisers when he gets back from his trip to asia. that's not going happen until sunday. we know out there there are several drafts. we haven't seen a final draft yet. there are several drafts with many ideas. we know on the hill there's going to be a fight. we just don't know how big of a fight there is. speaking yesterday with several republicans nobody wants to see a fight an on the budget, for example. we know that speaker bboehner's office is talking about maybe a lawsuit against the president. we know the president has executive authority to take some actions on his own. and i think what the big concern for many republicans is the sheer numbers. they're talking about maybe 5 million people being protected from deportation by the president. what some people say that's half of the undocumented population, jose.
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that is what is scaring a lot of people. >> thank you so much. i'll see you soon. appreciate your time. and coming up we'll zoom some of today's other top stories including a possible new ebola case in the united states. we'll tell you what is happening on that important story and how do you say it's cold in america for 34 hours? my colleague al roker pulled off that feat. we'll salute his reporting this morning. a record that has raised more than $70,000 for the uso. congratulations, al. revolutionizing an industry can be a tough act to follow, but at xerox we've embraced a new role. working behind the scenes to provide companies with services... like helping hr departments manage benefits and pensions for over 11 million employees. reducing document costs by up to 30%... and processing $421 billion dollars in accounts payables each year. helping thousands of companies simplify how work gets done.
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country. take a look at cleveland. the relentless arctic invasion has not only peaked but it's not going anywhere. snow story is going into the weeken weekend. i know, the whole weird snow thing it's a phenomena i don't know much about. thunder snow in a town in ohio. these cold temperatures will continue from the plains to the ohio valley eventually into the northeast. take a look at the windchills and the snow -- here is what the next 48 hours will look like across the plains. in another story nebraska doctors are preparing to treat another ebola patient on u.s. soil. dr. martin is expected to arrive in omaha on saturday after testing positive in sierra leone on monday. he's a citizens of syrierra leo but legal resident.
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they successfully treated ashoka mukpo and dr. rick sacra. the case of the missing mexican college students. there are reports in the mexican media that former mayor has been formally charged as, quote, the probably master mind of the disappearances according to the newspaper. state attorney's office and judges ordered him to remain in prison for the disappearance of the 43 young men that disappeared in the town of ig voila. still no answers in the case information a scene we covered all week in mexico. their families and classmates trying now a new tactic after they took over buildings, burned some others there in a caravan ride across the country raising awareness about their story. in the midst of this mexico's president halfway across the
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world. attending the g 20 summit in australia. what is next? will the families and the country get resolution? joining me now anna maria director of the group and former drug policy adviser to the clinton administration. good to see you. >> hi, how are you, jose? hello from mexico city. >> hello. let's talk about the story. the exmayor may have been formally charged in the disappearance of the 43 kids. what is your reaction? >> well, it was expected but unfortunately for the families who are still hoping beyond hope they'll find the 43 kids alive it's not soon enough. part of the problem is that even though this is probably one of the best cases that i've seen -- i've been reporting on mexico for almost 15 years now. this is one of the best criminal
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cases that i've seen that have been put together and that have been made public. the images that were presented by the attorney general almost more than a week and a half ago these terrible images describing what they believed happened. unfortunately does not allow the parents to really accept what may have happened to these kids because, as you know, they claim or at least the evidence shows they may have burned the bodies. so the case, the investigation itself is taking its normal pace. you know, they've arrested more than 75 people. finally they've indicted the mayor. his wife hasn't been indicted yet, which i think is very important to underline. many consider her the main link between the criminal organization and this group and the mayor. and what may have happened to these kids. so it's not going fast enough, unfortunately. >> let's talk about the bigger
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picture both in mexico and why it's relevant to the united states. but in mexico, i talked to the parents of the 43 kids, as you know, yesterday i had a conversation with some of them in the area there. but mexico, many feel,impunity. it doesn't matter if you are in power. it doesn't matter what crime you commit eventually you'll be in the beaches of acapulco drinking a margarita. is that going to change? is there any possibility of change so the people feel as though i don't know things work in their society? >> you know, that's a really good question, jose, for my website we have documented more than 20 massacres in the last 20 years. there's been massacres in this country where if you recall
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there was massacres of 72 hi migrants and six months later there was 200 people were massacred. they burned a casino in the city of monterrey more than 50 people died. these horrible acts of violence have occurred before and you really are right in point out there's a sense that nobody gets punished. i think this may have been the tipping point, i guess, some of us hope. those who have been analyzing this for the last 20 years that this may be a tipping point in which between, you know, a lot of people identifying with the parents because we have kids. that there is a group of people who are protesting and demanding a resolution of this. not only in mexico but around the world. and the fact that the international community, the international media is paying as much attention as you have, for example. yourreporting.
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i don't think my colleagues have been able to do this. it's dangerous and it's difficult to get into the area. part of the problem there's so much going on in mexico right now. there's a huge scandal with the president and a house that his wife has and may have been provided to them bay contract some of the contractors. i mean, there's -- there's a hope that this is a tipping point but you're absolutely right. when we reviewed the 20 or so massacres in the last 20 years, there is a sense that very few people get prosecuted and even if they're prosecuted even fewer are being unpunished. >> yeah. and i also -- i'm going have you back shortly. this is a fascinating conversation and important one. but i also bring you back to the second of october of 1968 when government forces in the capitol of mexico massacred young people. and those people did go to acapulco to have drinks. thank you for being with me. i'm sure we'll have more on the
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story. i appreciate your prime mexico city. >> take care! bye-bye. coming up a pair of military stories with significant developments this morning. secretary hagel at the pentagon briefing about an hour ago talking about the emergency overhaul of the nation's nuclear defense. jim miklaszewski will join me. and the leader of isis is a new video message. a message is getting a lot of attention. i'll tell you about it in second. which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. hurry in and get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models.
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infrastructure, and skill deficiencies. a culture of micromanagement and over inspection and inadequate commune indication follow up in accountability by senior department and nuclear enterprise leadership. the root cause has been a lack of sustained focus, attention, and resources. >> and we go to the pentagon with correspondent jim miklaszewski. good morning. it will cost billions over the next few years. >> that's right. officials wouldn't put a precise number on it. we put a pencil to it. it looks like they're going to spend an additional 10 up to $10 billion to make up for a series of pretty dramatic break downs and scandals in the nuclear force. just a quick list, you know, it was about six or seven years ago that the air force lost track of six nuclear weapons that were inadvertently flown across country. they ship nuclear triggers to
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2009 taiwan asked for radios. for the more than 1500 nuclear weapons that the air force has, they had one wrench. one tool kit that create attack a nuclear warhead on to a missile. and they had to fedex that tool kit back and forth between bases any time they needed it. i'm going to tell you the root problem. at the end of the cold war, the nuclear mission just lost the significance. people in the air force and the navy when they thought they were going to the nuclear force they saw it as a career ender. essentially both the service and the pentagon took their eye off the ball. officials here, however, insist that the public was never at risk and that the nation was always secure. >> jim miklaszewski, just awe
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inspiring what you told us about how crazy things get. i understand losing your keys every now and then but six nukes. put a chirpy thing on it. new threats a aimed a the west from the man leading the isis terror ground. baghdadi calls the u.s. terrified. there are conflicted reports whether he was dead or alive. the recording suggests he's still very much in charge. > the group he's running might be growing. the ap said isis and the noosera found are joining forcing to fight their opponent. ayman mohyeldin is with me this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> baghdadi mentions president obama's recent discussion to double the number of u.s. troops in iraq.
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how significant is that? >> the fact he come out so quickly the fact he may have been injured or killed suggests he's a person operating with a certain degree of confidence. and certainly those around him he was able to get the audio recording quickly. he's trying to exploit some of the public sentiment that the u.s. is once again announced a troop increase in iraq and perhaps some criticized it as mission creep. he's trying to exploit that to the followers. they're not able to succeed with the air campaign and as a result they have to put troops on the ground which mean we'll have a chance to fight them. that's what he's saying to his followers. for him and his followers it's seen as a success that the u.s. is sending troops on the ground or increasing the presence on the ground as opposed to just relying on the air campaign to degrade the group. >> yeah. ayman few know the area before than you do. do you see any reason to doubta?
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>> at this stage no. there's a few reasons. the tape was released on top tier militant forums that have, in the past, produced some credible and authentic tapes and recordings of various leaders. two, i think the early voice analysis by analysts who know him and his previous recordings suggest it is, in fact, him. he makes some important references that things that happened in a relatively short period of time in the last ten days or so. it's an indication he's alert and aware of what is happening. not necessarily incapacitated as suggested. >> thank you for being with me, ayman mohyeldin. we'll continue to talk about this. be sure to check ayman's college, richard engel tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern on msnbc. you won't want to miss that. it's about an hour starting at noon eastern and richard will be answering your questions live on twitter using #msnbcchat.
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coming up we'll head back to missouri to talk about the fate of ferguson as grand jury completes his work. we'll gasp at the images earlier this week. remember the pair of window washers damangling nearly 70 floors off the ground? they were rescued in dramatic fashion. they told their tale earlier this hour. >> i'm just, honestly, happy to have made it. got home to see my family another day. as far as that, that's the most important thing. >> thank you, everybody. thank you, fire department. it's not about how many miles you can get out of the c-max hybrid. it's about how much life you can fit into it. ♪ the ford c-max hybrid.
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for fatally shooting unarmed teen michael brown three months ago. joining me now is maria chappell-th chappel chappell-nadal. city and state officials are urging calm when the decision is announced. are the right steps being taken to prepare everyone? >> in part. i have to tell you i'm glad that the governor now recognizes that the first amendment is very important, but i think the one question that he's not answering is does he understand why people are protesting? since day one, my constituents, frankly, have needed to have counselors on the ground trying to attend to some of the emotional needs they have. they haven't had that at all. so i do hope when the announcement is made there are certain assets on the ground that not only protect my
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citizens but also give them the resources they need to bring calm to the community. >> senator, i'm wondering why it is this hasn't happened. why is it three months have passed and the governor and others haven't really been able to help in ways that are critically needed. >> i have to tell you it's indicative how the state of missouri runs. not only do we have institutional racism in some of our police departments. but it's obvious we have institutional racism in state government as well. and because there is not a real genuine effort to understand the problems of minority communities that look like the one that i represent, that is why there's a disconnect. until there is real efforts to understand what this community is going through the governor will always be disconnected from what the needs are in my community. >> the headline this morning from usa "today" senator says the jury's decision will be, quote, a defining moment for missouri. how would you describe it?
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>> you know, it will. this is a historical moment no matter what. it's a grand opportunity for us to get some of our frustrations out and be honest. there are a lot of people including in my own party who want to sweep this matter under the regular. that's inexcusable. we're not going to back to the 1920's and the state of missouri. ly not allow that to happen. there are people who want to quiet me down from talking about the truth when it comes to institutional prejudice and racism. i simply will not do that. we're much better than that. >> maria chappell-nadal. the doors of msnbc will always be open to you. >> thank you so much, jose. msnbc will have a full team reporting from ferguson until the grand jury comes back with the decision. we'll watch it here on msnbc. coming up we go the distance. a friday five things in what better than the newest entered into the guinness book. my colleague, the extraordinary,
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we shouldn't do so thinking it's only fair to note other outrageous faetd of longevity. meet jane. she lived longer than any other human being in recorded history. 122 1/2 years ago. she knew vincent van goeg when he had an ear. the finger nails were broken off in a car wreck in 2006. she said her hands felt weightless. number three, set a record over 33 days in 2008 living in a glass room among 5,320 scorpions. she was stung 13 times. who comes up with this stuff? september 1st, 2014 -- this is dwrosz. squirted milk from the eye 9
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feet 2 inches at the istanbul hotel. i didn't know that was possible. number five 264 feet. the length of the cigar rolled by this man. more than a week of rolling he shattered his previous best. no word how long it took to smoke the cigar. al, congratulations. that's just some of the company you keep. and really it starts making me wonder what can i do to break a record? maybe start reading tell prompter. that would be a record. that wrapping up this hour on msnbc. an diexciting program note. not one but two hours of the broadcast starting at 9:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. in the west and running through tamron hall. "newsnation" with tamron hall is up next. have a great weekend! time for the "your business" entrepreneur of the week.
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good morning. i'm tamron hall. this is "newsnation." there are calls for more hearings on capitol hill followingfollow ing a scathing new report outlines of a list of failures during the secret service. the failures are even more egregious than previously thought. the agent that was supposed to be stationed on the north lawn with an attack dog was sitting in a van nearby. the agent was taking a personal phone call and did not have his ear piece in and left his two-way radio in a locker. he only became aware of the breach after he saw another agent running for gonzalez. the chairman of the house homeland security committee said this is unacceptable. >> this is a premier federal law enforcement agency that has gone awry. whhe
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