tv The Cycle MSNBC November 14, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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like it may move forward without them. luke russert is there. what have you got, luke? >> reporter: well, ari, a busy day on capitol hill. the keystone pipeline construction bill passed out of the house by a margin of 252-161, included in that, 31 democrats supported the bill. it will now go to the senate where mary landrieu from louisiana wants to try to get it past. not sure if they'll have democratic support to break the votes and president obama said he will veto it. another one, immigration, detailing the fact that president obama is moving forward on executive action which is making a lot of republicans upset. i spoke to a few republicans today, guys, that said a government shutdown should remain on the table to prohibit the president from moving forward on executive action regarding immigration. that, of course, the deadline is december 11th. everyone thought this lame duck was going to be happy, cheery, all easy, but no sir, we're going to have some fireworks
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here ahead of december 11th. get your popcorn ready. >> thank you, luke. speaking of fireworks and the dysfunction, let's go to 1600 pennsylvania avenue where we have some details to report here. peter alexander on the scathing new report about the secret service breach. what can you tell us? >> reporter: probably more dysfunction than fireworks. the report by homeland security says everything that could have gone wrong that night did, a comedy of errors on september 19th, as one house republican described it. the secret service alarms, radios failed to work properly and many officers on duty did not see omar gonzalez, the fence-jumper, as he jumped the fence. one officer missed the radio calls because his ear piece was out. he was on a personal cell phone call. when gonzalez barnlged into the white house overpowering an officer, the officer fumbled, grab the her flashlight instead of the baton she was trying to get, then ultimately pulled out a gun. finally emergency response team
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members, they didn't immediately enter the mansion, because listen to this, they were unfamiliar with the layout of the white house. for its part, the secret service says tonight they have already changed its training and procedures. >> thank you for that report. we'll break down the big week for the lame duck congress and without with nation editor for "time," ben goldberger. how are you? >> good. >> we'll start here with immigration, which is big news you see now this white house saying they have going to finally move forward. we don't know how many millions will be affected. when you look at this kind of move, politically it seems to be a president saying that he's very much still in charge of a lot of big decisions in washington. policywise, what will it do here for our economy and our immigration issues? >> well, it's the president -- i mean, what the white house keeps telling us is the president has majority of the american people on his side. and he does in this case, because polling shows that most americans are in favor of this sort of overhaul. the reason he's encountering so
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many resistance is congress doesn't actually represent most americans. they are speaking from gerrymandered districts and the vast majority of new congress strongly on opposes anything like this. >> the keystone pipeline seems to be moving pretty quickly. the president said he's not changing his position on this. it passed in the house today. senate votes to next week. it might get to the president's desk before he expected. what is he going to do at that point when he has to sign yes or no? how frustrated will he potentially be when he realizes the democrats didn't do anything to negotiate anything in return for this? >> well, he's given every signal he's going to veto it, though he hasn't come right out and said it. he said everything but that he would veto. >> but can he veto this? >> yeah, he certainly can. >> but politically would that actually be a good thing? >> depends who you're talking about. wouldn't be a good thing for mary landrieu but all she needs is for it to pass in the senate. the reason this has been brought for a vote in house and senate,
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as a vote to this runoff. bill cassidy can go back to the voters and mary landrieu, the voters in louisiana, and make the case that they fought to pass this bill. >> and we saw today in the house, 31 democrats voted in favor of going forward with the keystone xl pipeline. how much support do you expect it to get from democrats outside of mary landrieu in the senate? because that's the case that will be difficult for the president f a lot of democrats support it in senate, it will be harder to veto. >> absolutely. he tells us right now he's not the sort of president who's beholden to his party. he's unshackled right now. >> he doesn't owe them anything after the way they treated him in these elections. >> absolutely. what they're hustling for is to find that last vote. what democrats are telling us is that they've got 59. they need one more and they're scrounging to find it so there can be a filibuster proof vote. >> one of the major justifications for keystone is
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job growth. when you look at other industries and other sectors, like the solar sector creating six times overthe overall job market is producing, why has the keystone pipeline become such a political focus and why aren't we focusing on other sectors where employment is working with leaps and bounds? >> good question. because keystone has become the biggest environmental issue in the country. it's just an incredibly charged, charged issue. you need to take a stand, one side or the other. >> you talk about the environmental impact. i mean, do we have any real credible evidence that the keystone is linked to severe weather events such as hurricane sandy or katrina? >> we don't -- right now what environmentalists are particularly worried about it, is that-s they think in getting oil more quickly to the gulf, it will be exported far more widely -- or the tar sands, excuse me, and the tar sands are far more likely to pollute than
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the previous oil sands. the worry for the president is that it isn't actually going to create the sorts of jobs that have been promised. he strongly believes that it isn't going to lead to the economic benefit that's been tauted, which is why he's giving us every sign he's going to veto it. >> according to state department analysis, it's interesting because they say on the part of the republicans, it's about 40,000 jobs it would create. of course, those are temporary construction jobs. it's just a piece of pipe. so, to actually operate it, the state department estimated it be about 35 long-term jobs. certainly not an economic game-changer in the country, shall we say. going back to what luke was talking about, there seems to be increasingly a challenge to the way republican leadership wants to move forward. mitch mcconnell said no more shutdown, no more brinksmanship. i don't think everyone in the party is going along with that. luke reporting he spoke to some republicans who say shutdown should be on the table. is mitch mcconnell going to have better control of republicans
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than john boehner did in these sorts of situations? >> well, the senate's easier to control. i mean, i think he has an easier hand to deal with. boehner has a much, much larger caucus and it's far more unruly. it was designed to be that way. mcconnell has had a reasonably strong grip on the senate even when he was minority leader. by all accounts, yeah he's likely to have an easier go of it. >> we're kind of getting used to congress as being dysfunctional, but we heard about the secret service. that's pretty shocking news when you think about how all of these things have played out. the report that has come out where you have agents that should have been watching the monitor. they were on their cell phone. one was reaching for their baton, grabbed a flashlight. some of these things sound pretty crazy. is it just an example of how dysfunctional government can actually be? >> yeah. i mean, i -- i'm weary of drawing any sort of parallel between what happened althout t white house and larger dysfunction at the white house which is a complete and total mess. the white house is a different story. we don't know why the secret service performed as poorly as
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they did. the head of it, rightly, paid with her job. but it's not necessarily symptomatic of the partisan bickering. i would be hesitant to go there. >> well, hopefully -- >> are you hesitant to go there, abby, or are you on record -- >> all i know is they have to fix those problems. sounds like they are doing that. >> we're about fixing problems on "the cycle." ben, thank you for being with us. up next, the president is about to wrap up the overseas trip. the biggest headline may not have been written yet. plus, winter without warning. what to expect when you head out. and one of the world's favorite politicians on one of the history's greatest leaders, the british are coming. they're still after me. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power.
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president obama's got a 19-hour ride on air force one sunday as he returns from his big asia trip. plenty of time to decompress on what has been a very active weekend. our relationship with china, in particular. the big climate change deal, concerns over the government restricting what its people hear and see. always a big sticking point, cyber security. but the biggest fireworks may still be to come as the g-20 summit that's this weekend down under. stratford is a local global intelligence form. so back on today, appropriately, is the head of their east asia team, vp roger baker. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. >> so, let's talk about the big climate deal, which i think has been the headline of this trip so far. the likely incoming head of the senate environment committee,
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senator jim inhofe, has called the climate deal a nonbinding charade. do you agree with his assessment or do you think this is consequential in terms of our relationship with china and also what will happen with climate change? >> the reality is, it's nonbinding. this is an agreement. it's a statement of intent. to a large extent there's no way to verify, there's no way to enforce what each side is going to do. nonetheless, in some ways at least it's a political gesture that says the united states and china are both willing to look at this issue. it may shift the debate, though, from broad multinational climate change arrangements to something that focuses a little more on bilateral agreements. >> mike kay standing in for toure today. i wanted to ask you about the u.s. defense budget, which is over five times that of what china is spending at the moment. but we do know and we have seen that china has been expanding its military capability from the
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j-31 stealth fifth generation fighter all the way to expanding its air craft capability ability. i want to know, do you think we should be concerned? >> well, china certainly is one of the few powers in the world that's emerging with at least pure capacity toward the united states, but chinese are fairly constrained in what they're capable of doing and what they're going to be capable of doing for a long time. if you look at china's geography, their location, they're very much surrounded by a lot of countries that aren't necessarily the most stable and aren't necessarily their best friends. the chinese/russian relationship, although it's getting better, has always been a little bit uncertain. and when we look at the navy at the maritime capacity of the chinese, which a lot of people are focusing on, we have to understand counting tonnage, counting the number of ships is not an accurate way to assess the capability. one of the things as you look at chinese aircraft carriers is that the chinese have no one to teach them carrier fleet operations. so, they may be able to move an
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aircraft carrier, they may be able to fly planes off it and land planes on it, but operating in uncertain seas, combat situation, uncertain areas over an extended period of time requires a lot of time, a lot of training and there's nobody out there to teach them. so, it's going to be a while before the chinese are able to truly bring these capabilities online. >> i think that's a really brilliant point, actually, that you bring. a lot of people don't think about the training and the expertise that the u.s. have and the western countries have that china still needs development that will take years. that's a spot on point. >> let me turn to burma. you have the president there, a rough transition but you don't have real pressure on some of the abuse of the minority there is. "the new york times" put it bluntly. they said, obama steered clear of burma about the riyognas facing persecution. what do you think of the way this administration is trying to walk the line and support what has been, many many account, a
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democratic transformation while there are these serious human rights concerns? >> i think if you look at the u.s. relationship with myanmar, it's less right now about pushing u.s. ideals and pushing the ideas of human rights and the ideas of the rights of the indigenous or religious rights, and more about ensuring that there's some room for dialogue, some room for cooperation. the main focus is on a sechltse. one of the constraints is they had big relationships with three asean countries. as u.s. was transitioning into that concept of pivot, the relationship with cambodia eased up, the relationship with laos and myanmar eased up. myanmar has its internal constraints. it has a series of internal insurgencies, ethnic conflicts
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all around its periphery. and there's not a lot the u.s. can do if it really pressures myanmar other than, perhaps, lead myanmar into closing up. so, i think what the president is hoping to do, what the administration is hoping to do, is to maintain dialogue and slowly ease myanmar into that adjustment. but mostly focus on the rest of asean. >> when you look at the progress that has been made this week on things like climate change and trade, is this going to be a week that we will remember and talk about for years to come or will it be quickly forgotten? in mikey kay's terms, will the brits be eating fish and chips on today's headlines? >> i don't think a whole lot was specifically accomplished here. don't think this series of discussions and summits leads to much that's permanently memorable, but there was a lot of space for the administration to have some very serious talks on the sidelines with some of its allies and some of those who weren't quite certain what they want to do in regards to the
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transpacific partnership. really it was an opportunity for the united states to try to demonstrate that even with a loss in congress, the obama administration is still committed to asia. and that paves the way for a little bit more negotiations, discussions and expansions down the road. but the week itself is probably not going to be remembered for much other than, perhaps, the typical apec outfits. >> excellent point. roger baker, thank you so much. and up next, "the cycle's" chief meteorologist is back to tell us all what to expect weatherwise this weekend. short answer, bust out the coat and gloves, ari, but before we officially close the books on the apec summit, a look back at some. most memorable moments of the week. ♪ >> you dress for a summit, you dressed for "the hunger games." >> he's chewing gum. they go crazy. ♪
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>> child labor, not a problem. censorship, not a problem. torture, not a problem. chewing gum, oh, my god. ♪ >> president obama saw putin and said, after those midterms, it's nice to finally see a friendly face. >> unscripted moment, the russian president offering a shaw to chinese first lady, but quickly made it clear she didn't really appreciate the gesture. >> putin just anexted the chinese president's wife. the guy is an annexing machine. i am totally blind. i lost my sight in afghanistan, but it doesn't hold me back. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms
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unfortunately, could be even colder. we have a cold night ahead. in fact, this should be the first night we see freezing here in new york city. look at the wind chills. look what they're dealing with in the midwest and also the plains. these are current windchills. improving, yes, but still brutal. feels like 3 in billings. 11 in minneapolis. taking a look at the weekend, tomorrow still very chilly in the northeast. sunshine and a high of 42 degrees. look at the midwest. improving here. some light snow. high around freezing in chicago. still abnormally cold, yes, but gets better a little bit. light snow in the rockies. sunday watch as the temperatures begin to drop again in the midwest. 19 your high temperature in minneapolis. chicago hovering around freezing. we catch a break in the northeast. mostly cloudy on sunday but temperatures are closer to 50 degrees. feel good for the second half of the weekend up and down the eastern half of the seaboard.
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let's take a look at the arctic air. this is today. can you see much of the eastern two-thirds of the nation dealing with that cold blast. i'll set this into motion as we head throughout the weekend, saturday and sunday, things ease up a bit. follow this pink color. that's the bad stuff. that's the coldest air. it's going to swing around again sunday, monday and it visits us here in the northeast on tuesday and wednesday of next week. so, we repeat this. just off by a few days here. gets warmer as we head into next week. deep freeze in chicago, extended forecast. can you see high temperatures in the 20s monday and tuesday. painfully cold again with light snow tomorrow. new york city, again, 42 degrees for your high tomorrow. gets warmer on sunday and then back to the low 40s. rain on monday and then high temperatures only in the 30s tuesday and probably wednesday of next week. so, get out the hats, gloves and scarves, you will need them next week by this time. >> ari looks greats in hat. >> thank you. the temperature in washington up near 50 but many
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people feel like the beltway is frozen. mitch mcconnell reiterated his promise that his party won't shut down the government but it only takes one chamber to shut down the government. as msnbc's bengie starlings reported, speaker boehner retreated, quote, all options are still on the table. >> our goal here is to stop the president from violating his own oath of office and violating the constitution. it's not to shut down the government. >> not to shut down the government, although that would be one of the options on the table. which sounds like a new majority singing the same old tune. now there's a new book out called "city of rivals" with a great subtitle, restoring the glorious mess of american democracy written by jason grome. how sflu. >> i'm doing great. >> let's keep going with our frozen theme here because your book has some ideas for a thaw. one of them being that we
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actually at times need to take the cameras and the attention off of washington, which is an idea that justice scalia has talked about with the supreme court. take a listen. >> i was for it when i first joined the court. and switched and remained on that side of it. i'm against it because i do not believe, as the proponents of television in the court assert, that the purpose of televising our hearings would be to educate the american people. but what most of the american people would see would be 30-second, 15-second takeouts from our arguments and those take-outs would be not characteristic of what we do. they would be uncharacteristic. >> that's his argument for the policy that reigns today, no cameras in the supreme court. you argue that approach is needed in other parts of washington, why?
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>> ari, our country is deeply divided, polarized and our congress certainly is the same. we're not going to have a centuryist kind of kum-bi-ya revolution. the goal is to go back to a time when we could be partisan and productive. when you think about why the country was able to do that, it's because members of congress and the president knew each other. had the opportunity to actually, you know, have those kind of constructive collision of ideas. my suggestion is not that we roll back the freedom of information act and do away with government and the sunshine, but it's to recognize there are some moments in the deliberative process where the imperative -- for privacy should trump the imperative for transparency. >> as a brit, i find the dynamics going on in washington absolutely fascinating. you touch on many areas in your book that cite some of the issues as gerrymandering to the physical geographic disposition of the representatives. this is clearly going to be a long and slow process, but where would you start to initiate that trust?
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>> so, you know, obviously it's -- we had a vicious cycle for a while. it will require a series of small steps to get things moving again. you know, one thing i'll note is that putting deals together and solving problems is actually an exhilarating experience. an experience a lot of members in congress haven't had lately. in order to get the ball rolling, one thing i would do, as the supreme court justice suggests, turn the cameras off from time to time. i would suggest we can't govern the country on wednesday afternoons. that congress come back as leader mcconnell has suggested and have a full four or five-day work week so they can spend time together. one thing that's creditly important and counterintuitive, bring back earmarks. give them some ability to attend to their local interests. those are just some of the ideas. congressmen should be taking more trips together rather than fearing that's going to undermine them politically. >> jason, another thing that is
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a major issue is the fact we have these gerrymandered districts where very few of the congressional districts are actually competitive in the general election at this point, so that means in essence, the next member of congress is decided in the primary. and yet primary voter turnout is abysmally low this year. it was at 36%. that's the lowest since 1942. so, this is a major issue and a reason -- part of why we've been so polarized. these representatives are representing the very few people who put them there through the primary system. how do we change that dynamic? >> so, two points. i think it's a really important discussion. gerrymandering is important but it's not as important as most people think. because we have organically sorted ourselves. you know, my favorite political poll ever is the whole foods/cracker barrel poll. >> i love that one. >> which shows in 2008, 81% of the kpt counties that voted for president obama had a whole foods and 39% had a cracker barrel. so, it's corrosive to our
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democracy to have our politicians choosing our voters and we do need to have independent bipartisan redistricting commissions. but that's not going to solve the problem. what is going to solve the problem is creating a true participator to democracy. in my book i suggest a number of ideas, everything from a national primary day. most people in off-year elections don't even know the primary's happening. we should be having more access to early voting. we should be cleaning up the voter lists. one out of four people are not registered, who should be. one of eight registrations are wrong. so there's a lot we can do. why do we vote on tuesdays? because it took two days for folks with the horses and carriages to get to the s countersecountey seat. we have to make it more accessible. >> i totally agree with that. jason, you are the founder of the bipartisan policy center. what do you say to people who make the argument that we've actually got to become more partisan? that's actually the way to move
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forward here. what do you say to that? >> there's some inverse relationship to when i founded the organization eight years ago and the comedy in the country, but i don't take full responsibility. >> we're not blaming you, jason. >> the essentially uniqueness of this country is the constructive collision of ideas. you know, our founders were profoundly idealistic and imagined people with different points of view and different classes would be forced to come together and find that common ground. that is what has made, i think, our policy, michael, much more resilient than that across the pond in a parliamentary system. so, we need to embrace that constructive partisanship and create a situation where people are demanding an outcome but not suggesting we should do away with our disagreements. >> thanks for your view. nice to get a nationalistic dig there at the end. up next, yes, the british are coming. the real reason we have michael kay in today? to interview the world's favorite mayor in dueling british accents.
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♪ it's a british invasion today on "the cycle." we have taken over. ari was very right. to prove it, i bring you one of the most popular politicians in my country's history, britain's most beloved politician now. winston churchill is known as the prime minister that led britain through the dark days of world war ii and victory over hitler, but he was also an accomplished writer, penning more than 30 books. he battled chronic depression and became the greatest orator of all time. countless books have been written about churchill and his leadership, but now nearly 50 years after his death, london's outspoken and very flamboyant man, boris johnson, is out with his own take on churchill called "the churchill factor: how one man made history."
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boris joins the table. great to see you. >> great to be here. i'm moderately flamboyant. we don't need to exaggerate. >> we use the word moderate too much. winston churchill has had thousands of quotes that have been used in all sorts of academia but one of my favorites is if you have an important point to make, don't try to be subtle or clever. use a pile driver. hit the point once. then come back and hit it again. then hit it a third time. a tremendous whack. now, winston churchill is revered for his leadership within wartime. and i'm wonder, given the type of nonconventional threats that we see now in terms of isis and al qaeda, how do you think winston churchill would have responded to that? >> well, i think he would have been very, very tough with the -- any returning terrorists. i think he would have been absolutely ruthless in cracking down on people who meant harm to america or to the united kingdom. whether he would have wanted,
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michael, to go into war in syria or iraq to put boots on the ground, i don't know. what he says about iraq in the 1920s, he says it's like living among grateful volcano. i wish we had never gone there. it's a fantastic phrase, isn't it? an ungrateful volcano. you can imagine george w. bush saying that now, couldn't you, about iraq? so, you know, the quote you started off with is absolutely right. i mean, churchill was a great believer in getting his point across. and what he wanted to do was to stand up against tyranny. and the reason for remembering him today, and the reason for writing about him, is that he was absolutely critical in resisting an anti-democratic racist tyrant in the 1930s and '40s. and we should remember that the values he represented, incarnated, are still important today. and they are, by no means,
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uncontested around the world. there are plenty of countries, you know, you've just been having a discussion about democracy in america. very interesting, i thought it was. but there are plenty of countries where democracy isn't accepted. and what churchill has to say to us today is still very important. >> and you think about those volcanos, they make such good noise, you at least want them to have good manners. >> you do want to have volcanos with good manners. >> you talk about the -- >> distinct form. but most of us are extinct volcanos. >> or dormant. >> impeccable manners. >> i want to ask you, when you think about how we evaluate leaders, we're often told look at actions, not words. and yet this man that you've studied and that you know something about british politics, used words not just to appeal or to trick, not just as we might say negative rhetoric, but to lead. how important is that as a
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leader? >> as ed morris said, he mobilized the english language and sent it into battle. his words, they put heart, they put courage into the british people. and they were heard in america, too, of course, in 1940 in those dark days when britain was on its own and america did not come into the war for two years and four months, never forget. those words from churchill were incredibly important in stirring the sympathies of the british people. but he was also a man of action. i mean, you know, the reasons for doing the book was to remind a generation that is forgetting about him. this was one of the first people ever to go up in an airplane. he fought in -- on four continents. probably even more than you have. michael, he didn't -- he came under fire. have you been under fire in four continents? >> three and a half. >> well, congratulations. he was the only prime minister in our history to have done so. >> mayor johnson knew churchill,
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and you are no churchill. >> that's very -- >> i'm paraphrasing you. >> it's his first day hosting. we have to -- >> more incredible than michael kay. >> i do enjoy the occasional cigar. >> there you go. and churchill smoked 250,000 cigars in his lifetime. >> wow. >> he didn't always finish them. he gave the stubs to his gardner, who unfortunately contracted cancer later on. i'm afraid to say. but he was a guy who -- he wasn't just -- the point i'm trying to make, in answer to your question, he wasn't just a speaker, a rhetorician, he was the guy who got things done in the most incredible way. the invention of the tank. the very foundation of the royal air force. he started the royal naval service which became the royal air force. >> talk a little, if you would, how he became the man that we all know and that you write about. i know you visited his childhood
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home and he had little stories or anecdotes you thought were particularly formative for him? >> i think the great thing to understand about churchill is that he wasn't this sort of buffalo like guy that you see in the statues. he was a -- actually, a rather shrimpy, runty kind of guy as a young man. his chest was 31 inches, he was about 5'7". when he was a kid, he got pelted with some boys by cricket balls and he ran away. and he said that ever afterwards, he desired a reputation for physical bravery, which he then showed to an almost insane degree. as i say, getting up in airplanes when they had barely been invented. throughout the second world war, continuing to put himself in the line have fire. d-day, when, you know, the great operation overlord to recapture the continent, he insists on being there, on the -- on a british ship.
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shelling the german positions. and, of course, the generals go crazy. >> that's how we remember him. my family grew up with a dog in his honor, winston. >> is that right? >> i want to make a little transition here to bikes because you have been a huge proponent of bike safety. i hear there are even bikes named after you in the uk. >> that's true. >> there you are riding. how are they? >> very comfortable. >> very large, padded, nice saddle. >> that's nice. >> beautiful machines. >> have you written the city bikes here in new york? >> i have. >> what do you think? >> it's a great project. i love them. i think they go well. and i -- >> there's abby. >> you're doing -- there you go. you're doing good things with cycling. >> a little hyped you guys, but -- >> well, we learn from each other. we learn from each other. and i will say one thing, it is political dynamite putting in these cycle lanes. i mean, i put -- we're putting
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in more cycle lanes. >> do you mean that in a good way or bad way? >> in a volcanic way. it's a nondormant volcano, the whole cycle thing. people go nuts. if the motorists -- when they finally get wind of what you're going to do to the daerncarriag in terms of restricting access for motor vehicles, they -- >> china has is all wrong. they're in reverse. >> they look at cycles as third world poverty. we need many more bicycles. >> boris johnson, it's been an utter, utter pleasure to have you. i'm glad we coincided this. thank you very much, indeed, for dropping in. >> my pleasure. up next, he may not be prince william or, indeed, prince harry, but he is a prince of the web. >> get a lot of this. ♪ attention span of the average
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with imaces, ipads iphones, so many is in a world we don't see we ♪ ♪ while it claims to connect us connection has gotten no better ♪ ♪ and let me express first mr. zuckerberg not to be rude ♪ ♪ but you should reclassify facebook as to what it really is ♪ ♪ an anti-social network ♪ while we may have big friend lists so many of us are friendless because friendships are more broken and the screens on our very phones ♪ ♪ we sit at home on our computers ♪ ♪ measuring self-worth by numbers of followers and likes ♪ ♪ ignoring those who actually love us ♪ ♪ it seems we would write an angry post than talk to someone who might actually hug us ♪ ♪ am i bugging ♪ you tell me because i told a friend the other day let's meet
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up face-to-face face he said okay what time do you want to skype ♪ >> artist, prince e. joins us. i love this video. at the end you say, call me crazy but i imagine a world when we have low batteries because that means we'll be one bar closer to humanity. i cannot tell you how often i'm out to dinner and i see a couple next to me both on their cell phones, not even interacting. i think, where did we go wrong? what inspired you to do this video? >> looking at my own life. i'm no stranger to walking around, looking at my phone and of trying to avoid human contact, you know, or texting or wanting to hear siri's voice over the voice of my girlfriend. technology permeates every aspect of our lives. for me i created this because i stepped back outside of society and looked tat like, where are we going? you know, how much are we going to be consumers or consumed by
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technology? >> there is a huge part of me that completely agrees with you. we are losing the art of conversation. er with lo-- we're losing the a of enjoying people's a side of says i wouldn't keep in touch with half the friends i do without facebook. now, all over the world, i can message with people. so you know, what elements of social media do you think are positive to society? >> social media is beautiful. it's us. it's our relationship to technology that's the problem. our addiction. we kind of don't look at things, we capture events and things that happen. we don't experience them any more. so i think social media is a beautiful thing overall. it's our addiction to it that's the problem. you could have a conversation with somebody, no distractions at all and your mind is a million miles away. we have to come back to our body
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and realize that the present moment is the only thing that we have. >> that's so well said. >> there is an irony here, though. i saw your video because someone texted it to me and it's on youtube. >> there's that. that's not to say anything negative but it's more to make the point that it's become so integrate into everything that we do. and we're going further into that addiction. do you think it's realistic to think that people would pull back? >> the only thing that would allow that to happen is to use adult language, it's responsibility. we have to take responsibility for our actions and not be so distracted in -- and engaged in these forms of technology and be present. the pixels in our phone might be great high quality, but the resolution in the real world is
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a lot clearer. and i believe if we stopped and looked up we don't have to play angry bird or flappy bird, we can hear the bluebird outside our window. it's beautiful to really just be. >> and you're saying something that taps way back into our history. we used to say be here now, a simple call. i love what you're calling for there. let me ask you why hasn't there been a generational backlash. so many rebel against their parents clothes and habits and i would have thought that more young people would looked a their parents overworked and distant and distracted and say i'm going to be different. i'm not sure that's happened yet, though. >> so technology is so integrated within our society. we are constantly evolved. four years of our lives spent, you know, imagine what we could really do. it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in something, you
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know, and you can become an expert in about three subjects. you can be a master of three subjects if we looked up. but this generation, it's so engrained and so embedded we have to -- we're adapting to it. >> it's so inspirational. i ran into the office and said we have to get this guy on the show. thank you for reminding us we need to look up more often. and what ari says that politicos have all wrong about president obama. looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. ugh... ...heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews.
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he is unpopular and lost a big election and the other party doesn't agree with him. and that's true. but many voters have soured on obama but more disapprove of the republicans in congress. obama's party lost these mid-terms but republicans lost both times they faced him on the ballot. obama must grapple with divided government for the next two years but so much congressional republicans. there are big challenges in washington but they're not all at the white house. and while the gop party has warned obama that republicans will be angry, a funny thing has happened, the president has kept on work. he reached a diplomatic breakthrough on the environment with china. >> today i am proud we can announce an historic agreement. i commend pxi, his team and the chinese government for the commitment they are making to
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slow, peak and reverse the course of china's carbon emissions. >> he announced a policy backing an open internet. >> i'm urging the federal communications commission to do everything they can to protect net neutrality for everyone. >> and now poised to overhaul immigration rules without congress. >> the white house is now finishing a set of proposals to allow as many 5 million undocumented immigrants to stay in the country legally all by executive order. >> people can disagree on all the moves but the president is making moves. the first two weeks of this lame duck presidency just haven't been very lame. today's "new york times" reports that in the ten days since the mid-terms, obama has flexed his muscles demonstrating that he still hopes to enact sweeping plans. that rebuffs the insist that he
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shut down after the election. as the new yorkers's john cassidy explains, washington thinks that obama should fire his aides and spend more time with the city power brokers. but instead he spent the first week of his term as lame duck in chief going about his business using the leverage of the divided government to advance pieces of his agenda and hoping that his supporters and critics alike recognize that his actions add up to something of significance. plus appointing loretta lynch as the new attorney general. other moves may draw disagreement from liberals like keystone or potential tax reform. but this is the healthy part of politics and far more constructive than the myth that
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elections or obstruction or compromise will bring an end to politics itself let alone an end to a presidential term that is only half begun. so quack, quack, everybody. quack, quack. that does it for the "the cycle" this week. "now" with alex wagner starts right now. what's the best way to follow up executive action? with a veto. it's friday, november 14th, and this is "now." >> they basically are giving away keystone for nothing. >> a key vote. >> the house voting to approve the keystone pipeline. >> the senate plans to vote next week. >> there is going to be enough support for this thing to pass. >> i have to constantly push back against this idea. the keystone pipeline is either a massive jobs bill or lowering gas price. >> a
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