tv NOW With Alex Wagner MSNBC November 19, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm PST
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feathers. it's wednesday november 19th and this is now. >> washington has allowed the problem to fester for too long. >> i'm going to be announcing some steps i can take to start fixing our broken immigration system. >> the president has decided to move forward. >> will be announcing a set of comprehensive reforms within our existing legal authority. >> it will be deeply harmful to our nation's tradition of the rule of law. >> wait couldn't he wait to see what this new congress does bl zbl . >> we have waited for years to pass reform bill. >> this shows obama is not a lame duck. >> democrats find it hard to say we're in favor of separating
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families. >> i don't anticipate there will be a government shutdown because of this. >> washington has allowed the problem to fester for too long. mike, dropped. today president obama officially announced his intention to issue executive order to prepare immigration system and he did it on facebook. >> everybody agree that's our immigration system is broken. unfortunately washington has allowed the problem to fester for too long. so i will lay out what i can do as my you lawful authority to make the system better even as i work with congress to encourage them to get a bipartisan comprehensive bill to solve the entire problem. >> the ci-- there will be no
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special protections for farm workers or parents of dreamers, something immigration activists had hoped for. tomorrow night the president will unveil the specifics before traveling to las vegas for a rally with soon to be senate minority leader harry reed. republicans have not been invited to that chow down. and their outrage ranges. texas senator cruz wrote this. >> a spokesman for john boehner dropped a more specific royal title saying this.
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>> at the annual conference of republican governors in florida, scott walker went for the full monte. >> it is a president who talked years ago about the audacity of hope it is the audacity of a power grab. >> the president doesn't get to make it up himself. it is a clear separation of powers issue. >> ready the lawyers. and then mccain was down right disponde dispondent. >> my question to the president is why couldn't he wait to see what this new congress does. give them some time. not a deadline but some time. you will know whether they will be able to move forward or not and see then, but obviously that's not going to be the case. >> joining me now senior advisor to president obama and political analyst and former chair of the
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rnc. david let me start with you, in many ways, as hopeful as this is for the five million men and women who will not face deportation in the coming months, this in some ways mark the end of president obama's 2008 promise of bipartisan and a washington that could function above partisan politics. how does this moment make you feel in terms of that legacy. >> well, look, that was the -- that was the promise, the hope of that campaign and the nighin. i don't know that this is news that there are big differences in washington. i sat in a room, alex, five years or more ago with members
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of republicans and democrat who reforped in the past where the president urged them to lock arms and move forward together and they were afraid to do that because of the base of their party would object and we're still in the same place. they passed a bipartisan bill, 68 votes, that's the desire that the american people, republicans and democrats working together, and the speaker wouldn't bring it up on the floor because he feared it would pass and there would be a bipartisan vote for that bill. so i think the president is doing what had he has do in the face of the evidence that this congress isn't going to move forward on this issue. >> michael, if you were in a room with the republican leadership in the senate or soon to be leadership. what would your advice be at this particular moment? because the outrage is in the air. it is tangible. i think no more so in the halls of congress where a lot of
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business needs to happen before the end of the year. >> it would be two things, the first would be get a grip. because you're sounding tone deaf here. as i think the president is, as well. we could talk about that in a moment. i would say first off get a grip. and number two, you have the solution in front of you. the senate in a bipartisan effort passed an immigration bill. if the house members have an issue with the enforcement mechanisms in the bill, if liberals in the house have issues with the fact that certain aspects of the bill may go too far than craft a bill that compromises around those points and start from there. you have the solution in your hand. marco rubio took huge hits in the party for leading on this issue in the senate. john mccain and others came to the table. so you have something here. that's my frustration with what the president is proposing to do and what house members are
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proposing to do. they are talking past each other and quite frankly they are being rather ignorant because the solution is right in front of them. they are playing politics. it is dangerous point for them. >> there's a general understanding, david, that there will be pay back from the gop. ted cruz outlines his plan which include delaying any appropriations process or making it so painful that there will have to be a full or partial government shutdown which is most likely? >> i have said since the day of the election, the question wasn't really how this president would relate to republicans, it was how republicans would relate to republicans. the leadership understands how disastrous it would be to take these draconian steps because of
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a disagreement over this issue. the question is whether they have the strength or power to resist the ted cruz's of the world and do what they know is right. to michael's point, i have great respect for michael, but the fact is the evidence is so clear, yes they passed a bipartisan bill, represented a compromise both sides, the votes are there and the speaker won't allow a vote. so are we more likely to get action on it next year when the speaker changes? highly unlikely and the president is acting as someone who wants to dieal with the problem and still would like to do it with congress but is taking the steps he can. >> the problems i have is you seem to forget the first two years thf administration when you had a big majority in the senate and you had the majority in the house. and coming off that historic
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campaign, the president talking about this issue did nothing. so you could sit it will and say well republicans are being the obstacle here when you had a greased pathway to getting this issue done. the president did nothing. so here we are six years later having to deal with the fall out of doing nothing in the beginning and literally casting aspirtions aside. >> first of all. -- >> go ahead david. the republican members didn't feel secure enough to move forward. so you feel we should have rolled this bill, the same people who are objecting because
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a health care bill passed on bipartisan basis. >> you fought for health care bill against objections why then didn't the you fight the immigration bill. >> that's a question of democratic priorities i think. >> it wasn't a priority. >> no. no what it comes down to is, you had republicans and democrats who said they wanted to work on a bill just as you hear some of them say that now. we've had five years. we did have cooperation on a bill in the senate. it passed in 2013 and it is language wi languished because the speaker of the house was afraid of his base. >> to that point, setting aside immigration, listen, i love to pretend i'm around optimist on television. i don't think anybody thinks that there's any chance that republicans will pass the senate
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bill at this point, now or later. the real pressing question is whether john boehner can avoid a government shutdown on december 11th. i'm not sure anyone know the answers to that question. >> i any we do but i don't see that happening, to be honest. not over the immigration issue. i don't think that is a legitimate leverage point when talking about the nation's budget. people will call for that but they don't want to go into the next congress with majority in both houses with this baggage of shutting down the government on this hook. i don't think they want that. >> okay. guys, hang with me, when we come back after the back after the break, president obama's facebook announcement on immigration reform, outrage has
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owned the day. the holiday season is here, which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. hurry in and get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. [annit's working forny. new york state. already 41 companies are investing almost $80 million dollars, and creating 1750 jobs. from long island to all across upstate new york,
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>> i think it's the height of arrogance for any president to say i'm going to ignore the constitution and do what i want. he's the not the first to disagree with president but may bre the first president to ignore the separation of powers. >> the top brass of each party is circling up to plan next steps on immigration.
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right now annual conference for big conservative confabs since the 2014 midterms. if you were hoping for proposals for the mid yllions of undocumed men and women in this country illegal you didn't get any. >> i think we have to do more to secure the border. >> what do you with people who are already here. >> i think it is meaningless if you don't secure the border. >> a thousand miles north in washington, d.c. it was a different if gathering, for center for american progress. >> if we want our businesses to have a competitive workplace than we must make sure that education is affordable. can i have an amen on that.
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we just got to do this. joining us political correspondent and reporter from center for american progresses, making progress policy conference. casey in terms of reaction from republicans governors to today's plan on immigration has it been across the board indig nation. >> i think that is a fairly accurate way to describe it. one of the things taking this action does is it allows these governors to really put their focus on president obama and talk about the fact they think he is drawing outside the lines, and some have pointed to the fact he made remarks not long ago saying this wasn't something he thinks jose' lart could do lawfully and that has turned into a talking point.
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so i asked scott walker what their proposal would be and no one has a good answer what to do with the people that are already here. except to say they want to focus on the border. i asked chris christie whether he would move this, and he dismissed it as being to hypothetical. that shows the problem some of these candidates have. >> what has been the reaction in progressive circles. some moderate democrats have expressed potential apprehension about the legal limbo that this would throw the presidency into and then there are others on the progressive democrats who are very happy to see action. generally what's been the mood over there? >> definitely here at the center for american progress you won't find the skeptical moderates.
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it's all sunshine in this cold swamp of washington. people are very excited about it. after a bruising midterm loss two weeks ago this is something to be happy about along with the climate deal with china. i think people thought there was no chance of the republican house moving on immigration so they are very, very happy to see president obama going ahead on it on his own. >> thanks guys for the update. michael, casey outlined this difficult terrain for republicans, the fact chris christie wouldn't way in is steal telling. >> yeah. >> and i wonder if you are a republican strategist at this point i feel you do what scott walker suggests, which is pass a border security bill and call it immigration reform and say the gop has passed immigration
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reform in the run up to 2016 is that at all a possibility. >> i think that is the thinking of some people and quite honestly it's insufficient because this is just not about the border security. we got the memo that we dropped the ball in passing the 86 reagan amnesty bill, we understand that we dropped the ball there. so we get that part. we know we're going to have border security, the technology, and personnel in place so we don't have a repeat of the situation 20 years from now. you still have to answer the fundamental question because it impacts social, political systems, what do you do with the 12 to 15 million people that are currently here. how will you argue for or against their presence as president and the congress. the party has to come to grips
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with that reality sooner than later. >> david how likely they would roll back executive action in 2016 on this. feels like this poses a longer term problem for republicans leading into 2016. >> if that the plan they won't have a republican president in 2017 because no president is going to get elected on avenue anti-immigration reform plat forp. >> yeah. >> the great challenge for the republican candidates is how do you get through this and emerge in a way you can win a general election where there are states where hispanic voters are pivotal in states like nevada, colorado and florida. that is what happened in part in 2012. if jeb bush runs and sticks to his guns on immigration reform
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and get nominated he would be a very formidable candidate. if someone runs on the opposite platform they won't get elected as president. >> it is coming at a pivotal moment for gop saying the rainbow coalition is real, at least there are faces in the gop that are not traditional, they are browner and more diverse both in terms of race and gender than the party has been in a long tile. that said, the policies need to start meshing up with the faces. >> like i said in the piece, let's not be premature in jumping up and down. because you have had this movement by some blacks to vote for the party and certainly you have the emergence of more african-americans and others who
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are running at candidates but you still have to deal with fundamental issues. in the black community, issues around race as well as civil rights. in hispanic community not just around immigration but how that ties into their ability to access the job market. so real dynamics that are opportunities for the party if you have the voices of jeb bush and rand paul and other who's are trying to cut this new space, lead the way, versus where we have been in the past. >> david, i think there's a weird by-product on executive action on immigration which is something folks are talking about in materials of the 2014 midterms which is democrats need bright new ideas and in a lot of ways this administration making strides on health care and education and now certainly on immigration leaves democrats with a a smaller play book 2016
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and beyond. they may be things this administration may have covered. is that a concern? >> it shouldn't be. if democrats focus on fundamental issues, which is how do you make a living if you work hard in this country, how will your kids do in their future, if they come up with economic mobility they will be on the right track. >> thank you guys. david hang with me. >> okay. >> coming up some areas of the country digging out from five feet of snow. more on that next. a secure retirement. a new home. earning your diploma. providing for your family.
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people in western new york dig out from a devastating storm that dump five feet of snow outside of buffalo. at least six people have died and there's a state of emergency in ten counties. about 140 miles of interstate 90 have been closed. dozens of commercial vehicles remain trapped. these are pictures of a truck driver who has been stranded since 1:00 a.m. tuesday. another storm tomorrow could bring in another two feet of snow. yikes. how about video of these surfers catching wicked waves on lake erie yesterday. of course it is a good day for those in the hot chocolate business. just ahead, conservatives are in a frenzy in alleged the white house scandal, spoiler alert, there's another one over obamacare, more on that next.
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obamacare hoax. >> the obamacare controversy grows. >> jonathan thinks everyone is stupid except for himself and john kerry. >> i'm no doctor but this looks like a case of political am indones nesia. >> if you didn't watch fox news you wouldn't know about gruber. >> new video shows jonathan gruber, alleging the quote stupidity of the american voter,
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is key to getting obamacare to the finish line. having this to say. in gruberrism and our democracy . ifs . >> joining us correspondent for the new york times. josh, we have gotten to a point in politics where proposals have to be all honey or all vinegar and that can america understand the nuance conversation of government do you think is
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overly optimistic. >> i think it is particularly with health care. a sixth of our election goes to health care. double that is spent in other rich countries. we spend all this money that is hidden from us. our health insurance is part of our compensation but doesn't show up in our paychecks. we don't realize we're spending thousands of dollars of year on this, well over ten thousand dollars a year if you have a family. if people understand that they would be angry. we have a health care system that is hiding the ball. and so no, i think jonathan gruber was fundamentally right about the fact if you want to do health care reform you have to hide the cost that go from healthy people to sick people.
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and i think that is true of basically health policy from the right or left that has a chance of adoption. >> there's a political mongering of this fear-mongering on the right. there were a number of falsehoods that were circulated among them the notion it would uncover undocumented immigrants, exempt muslims, that it would force doctors to inquire about patients sex lives and then of course the death panels. so for the white house to have a full accounting of how this redistributed wealth is asking for uni-lateral misarmaments. >> my concern was how could we
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convey the virtues of it, which were many. and effected people not just who didn't have health insurance but people who do by eliminating lifetime caps and ending prohibition on prehexisting conditions, by allowing kids under 26 to be insured on their parents policies and a variety of other things that have benefited far more people who simply didn't the have insurance and now have insurance. but it was hard to do because of this fog of misinformation that was out there. people say why isn't the affordable care act more popular, one of the reasons is, hundreds of millions of dollars of negative ads and campaign on the right to obscure the virtues of the law. >> david, let me follow up on that, do you think the desire to proclaim the good news led to over simple fiction, the president saying, you're not going to lose your health care
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plan, as it turns out you may have to change plans, the system is better and more functional, but because there was nor defense do you think there was sacrifices along the way in terms of specifics. >> obviously if he could get that one back he would and should. i mean, we're talking about a small percentage of people who didn't fit that qualification. speaks to the fact you shouldn't talk in absolutes about any public policy in that way and yet our system demands that you speak in absolutes. i think the most ix hiexill rat part of the debate because i have weird tastes, was the seven hours the president spent with democrat and republican leaders talking about it and really exploring that issue. that was really a high point to me. would be nice if we could discuss all public policy issues
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in that way and leave our armor at the door but that's not necessarily how the system works. >> i think the gruber thing touches a nerve because it reaffirms a conservative fear that all liberals know nothing or there is a general distaste for the maddening crowd, the american people are stupid, something that has been furthered by the right since the beginning of the obama presidency. carl roef, having this to said. >> that's so funny he zchdidn't come from that back ground at all.
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>> i think this drives conservatives mad on health care because they say why can't we just go out and buy whatever plan is best for you using your own judgment but turns out health care is weird and complicated as a free market and doesn't work well. b . >> david, it is always good to see you and talk to you. >> thank you. >> josh thanks as always for hanging with me. >> sure. >> coming up how far will president obama go in his executive action. we will look at who, just who is among the 5 million americans to be shielded from deportation and all the rel n vat details just ahead. hungry for the best?
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secret service found a hunting rifle, ammunition in his car. the man was taken into custody after approaching secret service officer saying someone told him to go to the white house. that arrest comes on the same day joseph clancy testified before congress about recent security lapse and said they no question damaged the agency. nks coming up what will executive action mean on immigration. but first the market wrap.
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will not be known until tomorrow's primetime announcement but here's what we know right now. the president's executive action would shield about 5 million from deportation. 4 million will qualify for deferred deportation using criteria in the u.s. the order will not include protections for the parents of "dreamers" nor will it protect farm workers and the action will not change health benefits or offer coverage to undocumented workers through the affordable care act. the president went about as far as he could. >> i do think by any measure upon reviewing the actions the
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president has chosen to take, an impartial observer would conclude that the president has sought to maximize the use of his authority to tackle these problems. >> thank you both for joining me. maria let me start with your immediate reaction to the outlines of the plan, what do you think of the policy thus far. >> i think it will be one of the most aggressive pieces of legislation -- executive action signed by the president, which is good but we have to figure out what will happen to the other 5 million that will be living in the shat shadows. we will look at if he will address current communities, local law enforcements working in conjunction with the fbi for the undocumented. they will look at whether or not he will basically address secure communities and so while folks
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won't be grandfathered into this executive action they can walk around and feel like they won't be targets of detention rates. >> initially in the new york times that was reported so we will pay attention to that. in terms of the reaction on the hill is the sense that republicans in congress will try to unwind this in the budget process? >> that's certainly an option, alex, and it's something that they will address while they are in the lame duck to some capacitiy. i heard three things are a possibility. that they would actually try to strip the funds available to the president to carry out executive action within the actual budget bill, of course it is due by december 11th, then it will be send every to senator and go from there. >> only other option to pass an
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adjoining bill that will prohibit funds or something. the last thing i heard is to try to pursue this legally. you heard speaker john boehner say that was certainly a possibility. discussions he had with his members, that perhaps he would direct the house counsel or someone else to see whether or not the president has legality to move forward on executive action. think that may be their best course of action. i say these things now but we've had these conversations on your show many times, there's one man, ted cruiz with 35 follower in the house of representatives that will follow him to the gates of hell and he is upset with this, it wouldn't be surprising if it gets dicey towards the end. i actually heard a member today say the negotiating strategy for republicans should be to trade
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docka which is already law in order to get rid of birth-right citizenship. >> that's a great idea, let's change the constitution. >> exactly. >> in exchange for deferred action on dreamers. >> yeah. >> we talk a lot about the politics on this but i think it is really important to understand that the cloud of fear, the terror that a lot of undocumented or mixed families have been living with, maybe listed this week, and you know, someone that interfaces, that is l latina herself, this is hugely important in terms of people's every day lives and the amount of relief one could only assume is that we will be washing over men and women and children and millionsle across the country should not be under stated. >> not at all. it will have an incredible
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impact around the country. the asia community. caribbean community. this is a moment where folks will have a sigh of relief and say i can get home safely. when i get home my mom, dad, grandmother will be there, i will not have to raise myself. i am working with a young woman who is an actress on "orange is the new black" she came out over the weekend saying at 14 years old her noerng mother, father and broerng were all deported to columbia and she had to raise herself. you hear that all across the country. this is only a temporary measure. congress needs to provide a permanent fix to this broken system. >> yeah, there's been a lot of fear-mongering around obamacare and then you have a wave of
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stories about lives that have changed for the better, maybe in this case for executive action and that is a harder nate ative for conservatives to compete with. >> and they had to get their message points to be sensitive, and not come out being unsympathetic to what is happening. families are broken up, you know, that pulls on the heart strings. >> family values, it's a tough one. >> on the issue, all of the establishment business guys want to see this move forward and they can't because of the more emotional sort of people who don't want to see undocumented to have a pathway to citizenship. it is very difficult to conjure up here. >> i think what you're saying is exactly right. the majority of the folks in the republican party right now actually believe in passing the senate bill before them,
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unfortunately it is the small minute maid led by ted cruz that doesn't want anything to happen. >> john boehner could change it for the republicans. i won't hold my breath. thank you boni thank you both for your time. in montana same-sex marriage ban is lifted meaning marriage equality is legal in 34 states. coming up the era of isa is over. introducing the citi® double cash card. it lets you earn cash back when you buy and again as you pay. that's cash back twice. it's cash back with a side of cash back. the citi double cash card. the only card that lets you earn cash back twice on every purchase with 1% when you buy and 1% as you pay . with two ways to earn, it makes a lot of other cards seem one-sided.
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♪ which means it's time for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta... and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned... pen. hurry in and get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse?
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i lost my sight in afghanistan, but it doesn't hold me back. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. non-24 is a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70% of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms and learn more by calling 844-844-2424. or visit the central republican accusation in this investigation -- >> close it down -- [ indiscernible ]. >> the classic daryl-issa
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hearing genre is now for the history books. utah congressman won a four-way race to succeed issa in holding the gavel. he shall live on. in video glory. like the time he went head to head with attorney general. >> yes you didn't want us to see the details. >> no -- >> knowing the to and from. >> i'm not going to stop talking now. -- >> mr. chairman would you inform the witness as to the rules of this committee. >> it is unacceptable the way you conduct yourself it is shameful. >> shameful and also wasteful, specifically the millions of dollars and thousands of dollars
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he spent hounding the white house over benghazi. >> i am in the process of issuing subpoena because those people are now hiding behind i thin statement that there is a criminal investigation. >> then there was the special brand of isis-fear mongering over ebola. >> doctor. you can get ebola sitting next to someone on a bus if they throw up on you. >> the misty-eyed issa accolades don't dispair, in times like these you can always turn to twitter where he is fond of tweeting photos of himself. over sight, more like outta sight. that's all for now. see you back here tomorrow at 4:00 eastern. "the ed show" is up next.
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good evening americans. welcome to "the ed show" live from a very chilly detroit lakes, minnesota, let's get to work. ♪ ♪ >> tomorrow night i'm going to be announcing here from the white house steps that i can take to start fixing our broke n immigration system. >> the president talked years ago about the audacity of hope. >> reagan, bush, and bush, they have done it and we didn't hear a single word from the republicans. >> everyone knows they are there. we're not going to deport all of them. >> my position hasn't changed. >> president could be days if not hours away from executive action. >> i would like to encourage congress to get a bipartisan comprehensive bill. good to have you with us tonight, folks, thanks for
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