tv The Ed Show MSNBC November 20, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show," live from detroit lakes, minnesota. let's get to work! ♪ ♪ >> my whole life i've been watching cosby. >> the sexual assault allegations. >> the one man known by many as the tv dad. >> after story after story, you look at the whole thing different. >> i don't talk about it. >> nbc pulled the plug. >> nbc, tvland. >> women who claim to have been sexually assaulted by the comedian. >> it's the same m.o. it's the same old story. >> i think he did it, but there's not enough here to prosecute. >> there is no comment about that. >> how dare you? how dare you take advantage of me? >> the voices of the victims are finally being heard. >> there's no response.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> good to have you with us, tonight, folks. thanks for watching. it's one of those you've got to be kidding me stories. we start tonight with the story that the country is talking about. the sexual assault allegations against an american icon, the man known for clean comedy, bill cosby. cosby has been a fixture and a figure in many american living rooms for decades. the widely popular "cosby show" ran for eight seasons over the course of eight years on nbc. in recent years cosby has been doing stand-up comedy, going on tour around the country. very popular. cosby has been accused of sexual assault by 16 women over previous decades. accusations cosby has denied in the past. four women have come forward recently to repeat the decades-old accusations of being drugged, raped or molested, supermodel janice dickinson is making the most recent
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accusation against cosby. >> i remember before i passed out that i had been sexually assaulted by this man. the last thing i remember was bill cosby in a patchwork robe, dropping his robe and getting on top of me, and i remember a lot of pain. >> com bee writer joan tarsi is also accuses bill cosby of sexual assault and allegedly happened when she was 19 years old. >> he said why don't we try and write a monologue together and i said i'm working about the big tremor that we had last month and he said that sounds good, and i went up to his cabin, his cottage or his bungalow and we -- he made me another red eye. we started to talk about the earthquake, and the next thing i
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knew i was on his couch and he was pulling my underwear off. >> in 2006 cosby settled a civil suit related to a sexual assault. a former prosecutor told nbc news there wasn't enough proof to charge the entertainer. >> cosby was guilty and had done something wrong, but that -- i mean, i can't stand up in court and tell a judge and the jury. my gut tells me he's guilty. >> cosby has never been charged in conviction with any of these allegations. cosby's attorney call recent allegations, decades old and discredited. they called the most recent allegation from former supermodel janice dickinson, quote, a complete lie. dickinson also published a book where she describes an encounter by cosby. in the book, dickinson said she rebuffed his advances rather than being a victim of sexual
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assault. cosby was asked on camera about comedian hannibal burress making a joke about cosby's rape allegations. >> i have to ask about your naming coming up in the news recently about the comedian. >> no. no. we don't answer that. >> okay. i just wanted to ask if you wanted to respond as to whether any of that was true. >> there's no response. >> can i ask you, with the persona that people know about bill cosby, should they believe anything differently about -- >> there is no comment about that. >> okay. >> and i'll tell you why. >> okay. >> i think you were told i don't want to compromise your integrity, but we don't -- i don't talk about it. >> as the interview wound down, cosby then continued the conversation.
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the camera was still running and cosby and his wife were wearing lapel microphones. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> i appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> now can i get something from you? >> what's that? >> that none of that will be shown? >> i -- i can't promise that myself, but you didn't say anything. >> i know i didn't say anything, but i'm asking your integrity that since i didn't want to say anything, but i did answer you in terms of i don't want to say anything. of what value will it have. ma'am? what did you say? >> sorry? >> what did you say? >> i said i don't think it has any value, either. >> and i would appreciate it if it was scuttled. >> i hear you. i will tell that to my editors. >> the professional and personal fallout over these accusations has been severe.
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on wednesday, nbc decided to cancel a sitcom it was developing with cosby. tvland is pulling re-runs of "the cosby show" effective immediately. netflix cancelled a special that was set to air on november 28th titled bill cosby at 77. and at the age of 77, bill cosby clearly is experiencing a fall like we have never seen before in entertainment. for more, let me bring in dr. james peterson, msnbc contributor and director of africana studies. karen desoto, defense attorney and professor of political science at new jersey city university and psychologist, dr. jeffrey guardier. good to have all of you with us tonight. >> thank you. >> dr. peterson, you first. bill cosby has been in american living rooms for decades. he's known for clean comedy and this is a man -- called him out
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on some of their actions and that's what's so shocking about all of this, what is your reaction to this tonight and how does bill cosby recover from this, as you see it? >> well, ed, i'm not sure if there's a recovery from these allegations and accusations and the firestorm around them. i think, i've talked a lot in the past publicly about my thoughts about mr. cosby's critique of young black folks and him sort of targeting the pathology without being informed of the conditions in which black folk live. when it comes to this situation there are some important takeaways. number one, don't think that you know what the face is of sexual assault and sexual sort of predatory nature because we want to say that we know what the person looks like. we know what the stereotype or prototype looks like and that simply is not the case and
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number two, we are very, very good, you know, at engaging in the sort of celebrity culture snafu. so we're really good at elevating and making celebrity exceptional and contributing and piling on with the downfall and the celebrities are not always the best role models no matter who they are and what they do. they make mistakes and in this case, mr. cosby has allegedly made some pretty severe mistakes and has damaged some lives here. >> dr. guardier, if these accusations are true, who is bill cosby? >> well, what we're finding out is exactly what dr. peterson is saying that bill cosby may not be the person that he represents himself as being, america's dad and so on. dr. cosby is a very complex individual who i believe may fit into the pattern that we've seen in the past if this is true, if this is true, a person who has a lot of power, who has been enabled by many in the
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entertainment business where people have a cognitive disnance, where they can't live with the thought that america's dad might also be a very dangerous person. so i think what we're learning is what we're seeing on the screen is just perhaps a little bit of the tip of the iceberg as to who someone really is, but i will tell you tonight, i believe dr. cosby is in a lot of emotional pain as are the alleged victims. >>. >> about the alleged victims, dr. guardier. what would motivate them to come out so late after so many years and talk about this publicly? is this somewhat therapeutic for them? >> your thoughts on that. >> i believe it's very therapeutic and it is not atypical for rape victims in general to come out years later when they feel that they are healed enough or have the power to be able to talk about what
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has happened because now they can begin to finally get some of that resolved and to that point, ed, i mean, for someone to make this kind of allegation, we see that it's not about the money from what we know. this is something that they truly believe has happened and perhaps may have happened. there is no gain in making yourself a rape victim because as much as we should understand and love and support any kind of victim especially a rape victim, too often they're trampled upon by the media and by others who don't believe them. karen, desoto, what is the legal arena look like with all of these accusations flying around? is there any recourse for either side? >> well, no. the statute of limitations and anyone who has seen "law and order" know there is a statute of limitation problem. we know that anyone can file a case. that doesn't mean it can
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survive. can it be some kind of obscure, physical, continuing injury for one of these victims? it's possible. anyone can file it. what i can tell you is that it will be very hard to sustain. we're outside the criminal arena. those charges have already been put through the system and not enough evidence and i can tell you as a trial attorney who has tried rape cases, even when you have evidence, these cases are extremely difficult, so when you don't have any rape kit, eyewitnesses and it's years later, very, very difficult, even within the time limit. >> what would motivate these women to come out and trash a man who is revered by many americ americans? dr. peterson, taking the other side of it, is this a 100% trash job as you see it? >> it is not that. i don't see any ulterior motives and you can go back in time and look at the story in those specific cases and in those
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specific timeframes and you can talk about a motive like careerism or trying to leverage mr. cosby's fame. decades after it, it doesn't seem to be ulterior motives and everyone in the court of public opinion is welcome to their own opinions about this and there are still a lot of people out there defending mr. cosby and they think that those of us in the media are piling on, but you have to ask yourself what do these women have to gain? the reality is that they're sort of coming into the public together because they realize there's strength in numbers and for a lot of reasons these things are sticking more now than they were ten years ago, 12 years ago. some of it is the collective piece of it and because mr. cosby has been on this tour, around the nation espousing his views about the behavior of black folks and the people who would normally rally around him just aren't stepping up to the plate and it's an interesting moment about why the story is sticking. as far as i can see, i don't see any rational reason for them to think they're making this up 20,
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30 years later with nothing to gain for it except for attention from the public that's probably unwarranted and unwanted right now. >> nothing to gain for it on their part, but there is something to lose here on the part of bill cosby. he's having shows canceled. he's having future plans canceled. business is changing. karen, what about that? these women seem to be on the attack and professionally injuring him right now. what's his recourse as you see it, if any? >> he's not going to file a defamation suit because that will highlight it even more, right? this was out since 2006 and he's been surrounded in different cases, but ed, in the court of public opinion this is problematic. it's not like you have one, two, three, four, ten, 16? the problem is that each story becomes more and more credible because each person that comes forward is corroborating the other person and there seems to be a pattern here. like i said, back in 2006 when the civil case was settled there
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were 13 women identified, ed. so this is very serious and the allegations are extremely disturbing. so i don't know if we can say that, you know, he's being trashed. obviously, there hasn't been a criminal case, but there has been a civil case. so, yes, it's difficult because it's not just him that he's harming. the other actors and his shows have been pulled and people will lose money from their royalties. so there's a lot of harm here. so would 16 people come out and just say this and say that i'm a victim of rape? it seems to me from the beginning of my career as an attorney until now people are more likely to call a person who says that they're raped a liar. that was not so 15 years ago. so this is a serious position, and obviously, if they don't want to run his shows that's the court of public opinion. >>. >> yeah. certainly an element of sadness all of the way around on this story. >> yes. >> moving forward for bill cosby, dr. guardier, how does he
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deal with this? >> a lot of people are criticizing the way that he's dealing with this that he doesn't want to dignify it, but i think at some point he does have to come out. if this is not true, he has to come out and talk about it. he has to defend himself. you just cannot hide behind the cloak of invisibility because it is like the emperor with no clothes. people are seeing through this and therefore he has to come out and tell his story if there is a story to be told. >> yeah. >> dr. james peterson, karen desoto and also dr. jeff guardier. good to have all of you with us tonight. all three of you. i appreciate you being on "the ed show". >> republicans freak outside over the president's immigration action. rapid response panel brings us the facts. i'll have commentary and first, climate change rears its ugly head again. >> how long have you lived here? >> 30 years. >> have you ever seen it like this? >> not in one day.
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dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. what's hot, what's not. time for trenders. join the ed team social media. catch us on facebook @ed show. get the podcast free, 24/7. it's all free and you can find it at we got it.kohl, ring of ed show media has decided and we're reporting, here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> we're talking about a moat. >> the number three trender, on guard. >> a damning review by the department of homeland security blames the secret service for a series of performance, organizational, technical and other failures. >> it's supposed to be the most heavily protected, secured address in the world. >> congressman cohen wants to go
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medieval on white house security. >> a moat? >> water, six feet around be kind of attractive and effective? >> sir. it may be. >> we're not building a freakin' moat in our yard. >> we are in the process of working with our partners at the natural park services to see if we can do something with the fence. >> think of it as a little round swimming pool. the number two trender, bearing. >> playing in the snow not just for kids. >> snow day! snow day! >> toronto zoo's panda enjoys play time in the snow. >> this is damao. he's a 6-year-old panda at the zoo in toronto. >> zoo panda caught him hitting the sledding hill time and time again. >> don't try this at home, kids. i am a professional. >> he seems to be loving every minute of it. >> in today's top trender.
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double trouble. the snow and the misery is piling up across the great lakes region. we're not out of the woods yet. never in my life have i seen anything like this. >> buffer low braces for the second big wave of lake-effect snow. >> there are neighborhoods here virtually cut off. >> even the plows are getting stuck. >> hunker down, wait for the snow to pass. the heaviest band of snow is expected to push back into this area later today. >> some of the spots have seen close to five feet. how about an additional two feet on top of it? >> that will get to some places 90 to 100 inches and this snowfall may break all sorts of records and that's saying something in western new york. >> joining me tonight is paul douglas, senior meteorologist in minneapolis, minnesota. great to have you with us tonight. put in perspective for us, what are we seeing unfold here? have you ever seen any kind of snow event like this one before? >> no, ed, i have not. i've been doing this for over 40
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years, and i have never seen snow falling at the rate of seven inches an hour. that is considered heavy snow, but seven inches an hour, i don't care how big your plow is, you're not going to keep up with that or have the roads clear. it's summer thunderstorms that stalled out, but not just for a couple of hour, literally day after day after day and that's why we're getting these outrageous snowfall amounts. i've never seen anything quite like this, although the trends, if you look at the numbers and if you look at the data, we are seeing more of these extreme events. the weather's always been extreme, but the extremes are becoming more extreme and more frequent and we actually have some pretty good data going back to the 1930s showing that lake-effect snow is on the increase and it probably has something to do with the fact that the great lakes are trending warmer. we have less ice on the great lakes. about a 73% drop since 1971, and
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when you have that cold air passing over the open water and when that water is warm as it was this week. low to mid-50s, water temperature in lake erie, the result, you just get these incredible snow bursts with it falling at six, seven, inches an hour. outrageous. >> it is outrageous. >> it's hard to fathom. what part does climate change, in your opinion, play in this extreme weather? obviously, the science is out there now more than ever. your thoughts on it. well, ed, i've been tracking this since the 1990s and it wasn't al gore or the peer-reviewed science. it was the increasingly weird, jaw-dropping, eye-popping weather that got me talking about this climate volatility and i think volatility is the
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right word. when you use global warming people look out the window and when it's cold like it is across much of the nation, people say it's hughey and when you use the term climate change, people say, paul, the weather has always changed, the climate has changed and we had an ice age, you know? i think it's really volatility and that's what we're seeing in the data and, for instance, this past weekend we had a five-sigma event over alaska and northwestern canada. that's five standard deviations away from the mean. you can expect that once, roughly one in 23 million chance of having a 5.5 sigma event and really what happened, what was left over from typhoon nuri which was a category 5, super typhoon of the pacific, energize the jet stream which helped to pull this very cold air southward which led to the ingredients which have shut down much of buffalo.
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>> you know, seeing what's going on in the midwest and the great lakes region, pretty unusual, deep freeze. places like alaska and greenland are seeing warmer than average temperatures for this time of year. does this play into the extremes that you're talking about? >> it does, and it comes down to percepti perception. >> sarah palin and look out her window. i cannot look out my wind owe and make judgments on the planet. it's cold today. global warming has to be a farce. it's a hoax, and if you look at the data, if you really keep that global perspective, the united states accounts for maybe 1.5% of the entire earth's surface, obviously, we live here and we're hypersensitive to what happens here, but this is why we
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have climate scientists who help us track what's happening worldwide. the six warmest months for ocean water temperatures have been in the last six months and 2014 is probably going to be the warmest year on record globally in spite of a lack of el nino. it still looks like an el nino may kick in later this winter and hopefully that will prevent us from another polar vortex situation like we had last win thor. >> well, in the nfl, the buffalo bills and the new york jets will not be playing in buffalo this weekend and they are rescheduling and trying to relocate the game for week 12, but i have to quickly ask you, the people of buffalo, is this the way it's going to be all winter long? do they have to brace? is this going to be a continual thing or what? i don't know why those people are shoveling their cars out? where in the heck are they going to go? >> that's true, and it's going to be in the 50s in buffalo by monday so they could literally go from apocalyptic snow to
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flash flooding, back into the deep freeze. it's going to be a long, tough winter down into the great lakes. i'm forecasting a parade of big storms for the east coast. i think it will be a very stormy winter for the east, but i don't think we'll have the month after month after month where the polar vortex just sits. >> sure. >> so a little bit of good news and bad news, but we'll get through it. >> paul douglas, great to have you with us tonight. thanks so much for your time, sir. the executive action freakout. talking immigration coming up and wall street's first-class flyers. they get one over on the little guy. jetblue lands in pretenders tonight. got your questions next on ask ed live. stay with us. we're right back on "the ed show."
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think about the networks not airing the president's speech? easy to figure out. it's sweeps. it's money. and the speech is not about national security. so a sense of urgency, i think that they would carry it, but this is about an executive order. so i think the networks think you can go other places and see it like right here on msnbc. we'll have coverage starting at 8:00. our next question is from valencia. she wants to know what do you look forward to hearing most in the president's speech? >> i think the president has to drive home the point that anything the congress passes will remove any executive action he takes and announces tonight. i think it's very important for the american people to understand that he's doing this to motivate the congress to get off their duffs and do something legislatively when it comes to immigration reform which i do not think a mitch mcconnell
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senate will do or a john boehner house will do. stick around. lots more coming up on "the ed show." we're coming right back. i'm hampton pearson with your cnbc market wrap. stocks finish with gains. the dow rises 33 points. the s&p adds four and the nasdaq climbs by 26 points. falling fuel prices and an improving economy mean more people are traveling this thanksgiving. aaa says more than 46 million people will travel at least 50 miles next week, that's the most since 2007. meanwhile, filings for first-time jobless claims fell more than expected last week. they declined by 2,000 to 291,000. that's it from cnbc first in business worldwide. to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar. at night and when it's cloudy, we use more natural gas. this ensures we can produce clean electricity
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show." thanks for joining us tonight. in less than three hours president obama is set to announce the details of his highly anticipated executive action on immigration. he said he wanted to make this a year of action. well, tonight there will be a night of action and there are roughly 5 million undocumented immigrants in the united states. they had their opportunities. we're still awaiting specifics, but the immigration policy institute estimates that president obama's executive order could grant temporary protections for as many as 5.2 million undocumented workers in this country. joining me tonight, congressman steny hoyer from maryland on the democratic leadership team in the house. steny, good to have you with us tonight. >> good to be with you. >> you bet. i want you to give our audience a quick refresher course here. the senate passed something, senate over the house. boehner had a gang of eight working on this, encouraged them
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to keep working on it and then never brought it to the floor for passage. now boehner is ripping the president pretty good. i want you to play this sound bite of john boehner and get your reaction. here it is. >> instead of working together to fix our broken immigration system the president says he's acting on his own. that's just not how our democracy works. the president had said before that he's not king and he's not an emperor, but he's sure acting like one, and he's doing it at a time when the american people want nothing more than for us to work together. >> congressman, you have the floor. what's your reaction to that tonight? >> first of all, the underlying principle that the american people our democracy is working in the house of representatives and the congress. they don't. they have seen gridlock and confrontation and little, if any, substantive action. the president said a year ago in his state of the union, almost a year ago that, look, i want to work with congress and i want to cooperate with you to effect
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policy, but very frankly, if we cannot do that, if there's no forward movement, i, the president have a responsibility to the american people who elected me to try to fix that which is broken. everybody, including john boehner recognizes the immigration system is broken. 18 months ago, the senate sent a bill in a bipartisan fashion. they worked together and they came up with legislation to fix the broken immigration system. it has sat unattended for the last 18 months. i know personally that john boehner wants to see the immigration system fixed. he wants to see a comprehensive immigration reform. i frankly, this will give him the impetus to give his members who have been reluctant to follow his leadership in putting on the floor a comprehensive immigration bill. it would give him impetus to do so. so i think this is the right thing to do by the president of the united states. it's the moral thing to do.
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it will help our economy. it would give relief to literally millions of people who are worried about it being wrenched from their families. as i said, it's the moral thing to do, but it's also economically going to help our economy, and it is a system of accountability. people will have to come forward. >> what is your anticipation about what the republican reaction is going to be? they've threatened to shut down the government. they've threatened to block confirmation of nominees. the word impeachment has been thrown around over all of this, what do you think their response is going to be? are they going harder to work with? be on stin at? what do you work with? >> the american people want us to work together. he wants to see comprehensive immigration reform. for 18 months we've had in the house a bill that was sent to us with 68 members of the senate, more than two-thirds of the
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senate which sent a comprehensive bill to the house and we haven't had hearings and committee on it. the fact of the matter is that the president feels a responsibility to act in a way that can fix the broken system. it's limited. he can't do anything he would like and very frankly, when he's acted, the congress can pass a law which will substitute for the executive order. so it's not as if his is going to be the last word, but he is putting on the table and ordering through executive order as presidents have since eisenhower some half century. this is not an unusual action, and of course, we had the emancipation, proclamation which was an executive action of the president of the united states. this is the right thing to do. i would hope my republican colleagues would respond in an adult, calm fashion and say okay, this is how the president thinks we ought to fix it. we may have another idea.
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if we do, we'll put it on the floor and we'll send it to the president as a law and i think the president, if we work together will sign such a law that fixes it as boehner wants to do. he said that, and we shouldn't have this overreaction and threats to one another about shutting down the american people's government in some sort of tantrum. >> okay. congressman steny hoyer, good to see you, my friend. >> appreciate your time. thanks so much. >> joining me with more is mary kay henry, and also with us tonight, henry fernandez who is at the center for american progress. >> miss henry, does the president have to do this? tell us what you think the human impact will be with the executive order. >> we think this is a life-changing event and that the president is taking an incredibly step forward, ed, and that congress needs to finish the job and give a permanent solution for 11 million families in this country who want a
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pathway to citizen someone, but we celebrate that the president has taken this executive action. we're anxious to listen tonight on the fullness of the action, but we know that immigrant families are going to wake up tomorrow morning without the fear of being deported and that's a huge part of the relief that's needed and that all families are going to understand that 5 million people can step out of the shadows and level the playing field so that all working people can get an even shot at working together to get this economy to work for everyone. >> well, you know, there are a lot of predictions about how the american will respond to this. this is oklahoma senator tom kobe urn. he was asked about republican action. i was stunned by his answer. here it is. >> i don't think it's so much a republican reaction. the public will go nuts because they'll see it as outside of the authority of the president and it will be a very dangerous
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situation. you're going to see, hopefully not, but you can see instances of anarchy. >> what do you mean? >> you could see violence. >> isn't that a real overstatement, mr. fernandez and do you think we'll see possible violence and anarchy because of this executive order tonight? >> i just think that speech like that is completely inappropriate. this is an incredible opportunity for millions of families as mary kay said, and we should absolutely respect that this is going to be significant change. this is a major civil rights moment in this country. tonight, you're going to have millions of families listening to their president, hoping that they will be covered by this executive action that their patients, that their children will be able to wake up in the morning for the first time and
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be able to come out of the shadows, and we're talking about significant numbers here. we think it's going to be about 4.1 million people who will be impacted by -- who are people who have children who are u.s. citizens or who are legal, permanent residents and probably another 300,000 who will be impacted as a result of the expansion of the deferred action for childhood arrivals program. >> in addition to that we'll see significant reforms with regard to programs like secure communities. that's what we think is coming. >> okay. mary kay henry. >> i have to tell you -- >> go ahead. >> sorry. i just have to tell you i'm outraged that he would dare say that. we are going to organize and educate immigrant families and working families all across this country. we've initiated a website called i as a way to help
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get people the information they need to understand what the president is actually going to do, and then we're going to call upon congress to act. there is nothing about the president's executive action that prohibits the congress from creating a permanent solution to this broken immigration system, and that's really what we need. >> well, that seems -- that seems to be the plan, that the president is doing this because he's trying to prod congress along to doing something. steny hoyer says that john boehner wants to do something about it. he's had his opportunity and he hasn't done it. so we'll see what this does. it shouldn't take him very long to react to it. miss henry, do you think this will strengthen your union? i mean, we know these are workers that are lower middle class income workers. is this going to strengthen the service employer's international union. >> we know it will strengthen our families and we know it will strengthen immigrant families
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and we know those who have the courage to stick their necks out and work together to raise wages and create good jobs, the threat of deportation helps removing that threat, helps workers be able to stand up and join together. i think it will strengthen our communities. it will do way more than simply strengthen our union. >> mary kay henry and henry hernandez, i appreciate your time. thank you for joining us. >> walmart and jetblue are plague tplaying the part of the grinch this christmas. we have two stories of corporate greed gone wild. keep it here. 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me? go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably.
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i bet you didn't see this one coming. up your game with a new fritos chili pizza. a large for $12 dollars. add a mega chocolate chip cookie for just $5 dollars more. better ingredients. better pizza. better football. papa john's. and in pretenders tonight, bag it. jetblue gave wall street an upgrade. after pressure from investors, the airline will now charge baggage fees. customers will feel the pinch. jetblue is cutting down on legroom too. >> the airline that initially
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offered an all new customer experience, is, as they put it on investors today, enhancing their revenue performance. they'll offer three tiers of ticket prices, under the cheapest they'll charge for bags. they're adding more seats to planes, reducing net legroom. the incoming ceo of jetblue says we're very proud of our customer-first model, but we need to deliver a similar level of return as other models. jetblue isn't thinking about their customers. they're thinking about profit margins. if they think cutting legroom will give them a leg up, they can keep on pretending. my grandson's got this blankie
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and finally tonight, thanksgiving is one week from today. some people are being forced to work on the greatest american holiday. greedy retailers have been moving the black friday frenzy earlier. kmart will open at 6:00 a.m. on thanksgiving day and remain open for 24 hours. surveyed 56 employees from 13 states. only three people said they had the option to request the holiday off. think progress. one said, if you do not come to work on thanksgiving, you will automatically be fired. i made the request to work a split shift on thanksgiving and
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was denied. many walmart workers are expected to show up on the holiday. walmart locations are scheduled to open at 6:00 p.m. on thanksgiving. so turkey, football, and petting the dog is going to get cut short. it's anti-family. joining me, the man who directed the 2005 documentary, walmart, the high cost of low price. good to have you with us tonight. this is a trend that's taking place in american business. thanksgiving seems to be the most popular among big box stores like walmart and kmart and target. what's going to change this thinking? what's going to reverse this, if anything? >> well, i think it's going to be action and activism, ed. it's all of your viewers and others not going to walmart on those days and supporting these
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incredibly courageous workers who have been doing sitdown strikes and are going to be boycotting stores and it's spreading all over the world. so i think, really, that's our best chance. because, look, what walmart is doing, let's make no mistake about it is profoundly anti-patriotic. the family is worth $150 billion. they make $8 million a day without working for it. and we need to shout loud and clear that we're mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. should more states get on board with blue laws to force shops to close? is that the answer, legislation? >> well, i think with social change and at a time when we have capitalism run wild, you need everything. you need laws in states. you need, if we can ever make it happen, federal legislation. you need social movement, you need unions. you need all of the possible pressures that we as consumers
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and patriots and citizens, can bring to bear so that the pressure of the pocket book and the pressure of people says to these stores and companies, no, we will not support this behavior and the way you're treating workers. >> you know, there's a new report released today by the national retail federation shows that fewer people plan to shop on thanksgiving. if customers don't show up, maybe this will fizzle out, or are they just too profit-greedy, what do you think? >> again, i think we can hit the profit, the moral issue, electoral pressure. we can insist our politicians do something. there was another report that came out today, americans for fair taxes and walmart tax dodges $1 billion a year. think of what you could do with a billion dollars. maybe that's a question for your twitter feed. what would you be doing with the
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billion that walmart is taking by avoiding paying taxes? >> we could probably do a little bit more health care in this country, or maybe minimum wage increase, to lobby the people to make sure they get that done, that kind of stuff. you know, i just think that this is anti-family. it's one of the few holidays that we have on the calendar. it's one of the great american traditions and it's on the verge of being spoiled by people who intimidate and threaten their jobs if they speak up. for all the wrong reasons, they're open, i think. and the consumers certainly have all the power. i'm as much for business as anybody else, but the fact of the matter is, i don't think their bottom lines are going to increase too much because of this. and you have to wonder, how many managers of these stores are getting away with telling employees they're going to be fired if they don't get in line and do it. this kind of stuff makes the case for unions because if there's collective bargaining,
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negotiation, companies won't get away with stuff like this. robert greenwald, congratulations on your ten-year anniversary. we'll have you back. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening and thank you for tuning in. i'm live tonight in washington, d.c. for one of the most important nights of the obama presidency. we begin with that breaking news. in less than two hours, president obama will address the nation, revealing the steps he'll help to fix our broken immigration system. his historic executive action is set to help millions of families. it could also lead to a political wall to mount for years to come. tonight the president is helping to fulfill a promise he made
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