tv Politics Nation MSNBC November 20, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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negotiation, companies won't get away with stuff like this. robert greenwald, congratulations on your ten-year anniversary. we'll have you back. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening and thank you for tuning in. i'm live tonight in washington, d.c. for one of the most important nights of the obama presidency. we begin with that breaking news. in less than two hours, president obama will address the nation, revealing the steps he'll help to fix our broken immigration system. his historic executive action is set to help millions of families. it could also lead to a political wall to mount for years to come. tonight the president is helping to fulfill a promise he made nearly two years ago. >> remember, this is not just a
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debate about policy. it's about people. it's about men, women. and young people. who want nothing more than the chance to earn their way into the american story. the time has come for common sense, comprehensive immigration reform. the time is now. [ cheers and applause ] now's the time. >> and why is the president taking this action now? because republicans in congress didn't. it's been 511 days since the senate passed immigration reformed, 511 days that the house has sat on its hands. 511 days that families have had to live in fear, fear that they'll be torn apart. so now the president's moving
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forward with a plan that could protect up to five million people from deportation. most of them, parents of u.s. citizens and legal residents. this will be a historic step forward for millions of people living in the shadows. and this president is making it happen. we're going to cover it all, all the angles of the story, from the president, to congress, to people whose families are directly affected. but we begin at the white house with nbc senior white house correspondent chris jansing. chris, this is a major moment for this administration. what are you hearing about the speech the president will give tonight? >> well, reverend al, we're getting new details on what will be sure to be the most sweeping change to the immigration system in 30 years. it's going to be about ten minutes long. the president will lay out his justification and some of the
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details that will affect nearly five million americans. as you pointed out, some of the biggest winners, if you want to put it that way, are parents of children who are citizens. so they came over here illegally without documentation. their children were born here. now they have a chance to stay. they will be allowed to get a social security card. they'll be allowed to work. what they won't get is social security benefits or obamacare. there's also a big new path for dreamers. more dreamers will be eligible. it expands the age. there's no longer an age limit. their parents, however, will not be eligible. and there's expanded opportunities for visas for people in hi-tech fields, although not as far as the tech industry would have liked. the white house is going to focus the deportations more on felons than family. so they have a specific list of the people they're going after
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at the border. gang members, suspected terrorists, felons. anyone who's come not united states since january 1st of this year, they want to discourage new people from coming who are undocumented. without a doubt, it is the most sweeping change. you've heard the republicans who have said, he has way overstepped his executive authority, but across the country, pro-immigration groups are setting up watch parties and say they're going to start a campaign to win in the court of public opinion. >> i sense that there's a lot of excitement. i was over at the white house earlier today with about 11 of us. but i don't sense that he's got any doubt in his mind about what he's doing. he doesn't seem to have the detractors and critics on his mind. what sense are you getting at the white house? >> when the president decided he wanted to do this, he went to
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his cabinet and said, i want to know how far i can go legally. we know what's in the bill that the senate passed. what in the bill can we do that we can legally defend? i should say, we've learned that the reason parents of dreamers are included in this. they don't feel they had the legal justification for the president to do it. but he feels confident, his cabinet feels confident that what he's done, he can legally defend. >> chris jansing at the white house, thank you for your time tonight. >> sure. >> now, let me bring in congressman louis gutierrez. you worked on this issue for years. i don't know anyone that's worked harder. how are you feeling tonight? >> i'm going to tell you what i told the president last night at dinner. i said to him, this is a bold, generous, and courageous step on your part. and i'm so thankful to you. i said i will travel anywhere in the country to begin signing
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people up. you're offering an opportunity for millions of americans to get right with the law, to register with the government, go through a criminal background check, and if they come back with a clean bill of health, give them a work permit to work and pay taxes, get right. we want to end amnesty for them and we want to get them on the books. i just got to tell you, when i think of the faces of children. the president said to us, no more children being torn up in our broken immigration system. let's put the resources of the federal government against criminals, felons, gang bangers and drug dealers, people who cause us harm. and families are going to come forward. i got to tell you, i'm going to be in chicago. i'm going tomorrow with the president out to las vegas, but you know why i'm going out? i got to tell you. i'm going, reverend, because i said to myself, i want to be there so that the president
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understands that i and others are with him. the other thing i want to tell you about. last night, maybe you saw it ted, reverend, what confidence and determination he exudes in speaking about this. i've never seen him more determined and more hopeful. and let me just say, the community out there is excited. it's almost in breathless anticipation. waited so long. the republican-held, controlled house of representatives didn't want to do anything, and the president's going to act tonight opinion can't wait to hear his speech. >> congressman, i want to have you hold are for a minute. >> sure. >> but i did see the determination and the focus of the president in his meeting with us today. but the fury on the right is as passionate as the excitement. how are we going to deal with the fury?
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>> here's how we're going to deal with it. we're going to tell the american people who it is. when we explain to the american people that amnesty is doing nothing, that we're going to register them with the government, we're going to have them pay taxes, make them pay at their own expense, to go through a criminal background check, and if they come back with a clean bill of health, the american public will say, that's progress. we're take the resources and put them on the border at laguardia, at o'hair and in miami. millions of undocumented workers are in this country. we're going to change the conversation. and lastly, we're going to talk about that soldier that has deployment order after deployment order after deployment order and unfortunately has a deportation order against their spouse. that happens. when the american public sees this is about americans, i think they're going to say, use that
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executive authority that you have, and they're going to be happy. because in the end, the american people are always going to be on the side of justice. and lastly, can you imagine what it must have been like when president truman in 1948 signed an executive order? he didn't go to congress, didn't ask a single senator, because if he had asked them it would have been the dixiecrats, his own democrats that told him not to do it. and he signed it. what do we do today? we celebrate truman's courage. it wasn't like that in 1948. we are going to celebrate today the president's courage. >> former pennsylvania governor ed rendell is with us too. thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure. tough to follow the representative's enthusiasm. >> he's very passionate, no doubt about it. but let me ask you, what are the politics here tonight?
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>> the politics, i actually believe the president is doing this solely because he believes it's the right thing and because it's a promise he made two years ago and he's right when he says, this isn't about politics, it's about people. but let's look at the politics. i think the republicans will lose in court if they go to court. the president has the discretion to tell the justice department who he wants to deport and who he wants to not deport, where he wants the emphasis to be, clearly within his rights. but more than that, if the republican party can't control itself, if they, in fact, shut down the government because of this, they'll pay a heavy price. if, in fact, they say, we're not going to do anything about immigration, because the president took this action, they'll look like spoiled children. they'll pay a heavy price. if they say, we're not going to meet the president halfway about anything because he did this, they'll pay a heavy price. so i think it's a test for the republican party and its leadership whether they're going to be responsible and go ahead, and if they don't like the
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executive order, pass a bill. send the president a bill. that would end the executive order. >> pass the senate bill. >> they have their power in a month to do away with this executive order. >> congressman, senior white house officials broke down what this process would work like. what it would be like. parents will be able to apply for deferred action if they've been in the country for five years and if they don't have a criminal record, which you pointed out. separately they can apply for work authorization, but it does not provide a path to citizenship. what do you make of the plan? >> here's what i make of the plan. as governor rendell just stated to us, what the president is doing is a first step. it's an initiation of a process to heal our broken immigration system. but the people who have to
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finish the job is the congress of the united states. the members of the house and the senate. and i just want to echo the statements of the governor. this program does not begin until january 1st of 2015. it will take 180 days from that moment until someone can apply for a work permit or anything from the program. 180 days. so here's what i'm going to do. on january 6th, when i get sworn in with the new congress, i'm taking a calendar down there, and i'm going to tell them, you got 180 minus six days and every 30 days we should continue to challenge them to say, every month, you got 60 days, 30 days, 90 days. tell them to act. they have six months before anybody -- and let me just say this. think about it a moment. what we're saying to people is, at your own expense, we're going to process these documents and these petitions for your work
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permit at your own expense. you got to get right with the law and pay back taxes. you got to get right with the law. it's amazing to me that republicans would say, i want to shut down the government because i don't want to collect billions of dollars in additional taxes from people in america. >> governor, you can't help but think about the moment in history this is. what will this be in terms of the president's legacy, president obama's legacy? what will this mean? >> i think it will be a real plus, a positive for his legacy. because i agree with the congressman. i think this is going to be the catalyst for action. i think the republican party has got to act. if they sit on their hands and act like petulant children, they'll pay a heavy price. i think you will see a bill sent to the president, a reasonable bill that can get democratic support in the senate, where they have to have democrats to pass it, because of the filibuster rule. you will see a reasonable bill
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sent to the president before that 180 days. representative gutierrez, that's a great tactic. we got the minimum wage raised because we started ticking off the days. eventually we embarrassed them into action. and that will be part of the president's legacy. >> congressman and former governor, i'm out of time. thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. coming up on this historic night for the president and the country, the gop scare machine goes into overdrive. >> you're going to see -- hopefully not, but you could see instances of anarchy. >> what do you mean? >> you could see violence. >> i've got a few ideas about what all this over-the-top
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rhetoric reveals about the gop. also, the human cost of gridlock. we'll hear from some of the millions of real people who have been asking for the type of action we'll see tonight. plus, turning point. how will tonight's big move affect the obama presidency and his legacy? big show ahead. please stay with us.
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in just under two hours, we'll hear a historic announcement from the president on immigration. straight ahead, the republican reaction is already heating up. one member of congress is even talking about jail time. stay with us. and alert you if anything looks suspicious. nice. i'm looking into some suspicious activity myself. madame that is not a changing table.
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in just under two hours, president obama will announce his executive action on immigration. the president has long vowed to take action if congress didn't. yet, republicans are absolutely losing their minds over it today. political threats, a shutdown, a lawsuit, even impeachment, and now this from a republican senator. >> the country's going to go nuts, because they're going to see it as a move outside of the authority of the president. and it's going to be a very dangerous situation. you're going to see -- hopefully not -- but you could see
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instances of anarchy. >> what do you mean? >> you could see violence. >> what is he even implying there? and today they were all -- they were all on message to distract and attack. >> president obama seems to have forgotten that he is not a king. >> the president is ignoring the american people, our constitution with the president's imperial actions. >> he drops this bomb in the middle of us, and it will tear asunder this constitution. >> it's almost like a 13-year-old reacting, look at me, i'm important again. >> it's ugly stuff. late today speaker boehner joined the chorus. >> the president has said before that he's not king and he's not an emperor, but he's sure acting like one. >> the president is doing his job. acting when republicans in congress won't.
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no matter what they throw at him, he's not blinking. joining me now is victoria di francesca soto and joe madison. thank you both for being here. >> thank you, reverend. >> thank you, reverend. >> joe, i have to start with the claim from gop senator tom coburn about the president possibly triggering anarchy and violence. what's your take on this? >> it's inflammatory. it's provoking violence, coming from someone who works in one body of government, and i don't think i've ever heard any kind of language like that, quite candidly, since the civil war. if one would go back, and i did this the other day, and look at what lincoln signed one of the executive orders, which was the emancipation proclamation, there are political cartoons accusing
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him of being an emperor. this is just history repeating itself again. >> victoria? >> what is so crazy about coburn's remarks, when he said this country is going to go nuts if he signs this executive order, why don't we think about what would happen to this country if we were to deport the five million people who would be covered under there, that's when our country would truly go nuts. our country would come to a standstill. economically speaking, we depend on immigrant labor and much of it is undocumented. what gets me is the hypocrisy of republicans. they talk about the need for growing and expanding the economy, don't they understand that substantive sectors of our economy, agriculture, construction, rests literally on the backs of immigrants. they are not in touch with the reality of what our economic society faces. >> you know, gop congressman mo
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brooks, he went even further. he said, quote, at some point you have to evaluate whether the president's congress aids or abets, encourages or entices foreigners to unlawfully cross into the united states of america. that has a five-year-in-jail penalty associated with it. is he seriously floating this idea to put the president of the united states in jail? >> he's serious about that. that's exactly what he is. he's very serious and very stupid about it. and there's not a lawyer, unless he is a lawyer, that would agree that anything the president does in the next two hours is high crime and misdemeanor that would have jail time. you find a lawyer and we'll interview him and i guarantee you that any reasonable attorney would know that is not possible. let me add something else too.
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these conservatives need to understand. if you had to deport five million people, i read the other day, where it would cost a minimum of $20,000 per person. >> per person? >> per person. >> times five million. you know, victoria, michele bachmann, the congresswoman, this is what she said about the president's plan. the social cost will be profound on the u.s. taxpayer. millions of unskilled, il let rat, foreign nationals coming into the united states who can't speak the english language. how many do comments like this undermine the republicans' efforts to be taken seriously in the debate? >> first of all, she's incorrect. by putting forward this executive action, we'll have increased revenue from back taxes and fines. second, in terms of rhetoric, they're alienating latinos, we get to than but more
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interestingly, they're alienating the moderate middle. they're even alienating republicans, because don't forget there are sizeable portions of the republican party who support immigration reform. they're saying it makes sense. so by using this rhetoric, you're pushing a lot of people away and endearing yourself to a small tea party extreme. >> when your uncle comes over for thanksgiving, you might hear this. >> the emperor in chief of the united states is going to declare war on the u.s. constitution and grant amnesty to millions of people. >> it is like we're going to put the constitution up on a wall and obama is going to start shooting a bb gun at it. how do they deal with this? >> i've got a cousin pooky, but he did go vote. i think what you have to do is
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remind that uncle that it was just a couple years ago you talked about family values and how important families are. what will the president do? he's going to talk about keeping families together. hey, uncle, excuse me, if we deport the mother and the father, who takes care of the child that is a citizen that you can't deport because the constitution says so? i mean, this is crazy stuff. you know what, i hope they do consider impeachment. i hope they do consider jail. because they can bend over and kiss their collective you know what goodbye. >> victoria, they say a lot of this because they believe it, or they say a lot of this because they really have no concrete, substantive answers to where they would go with immigration, which is why they haven't even passed the senate bill that's
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already passed the senate? >> i'm leaning towards the latter, reverend. there are some people who really do believe they can impeach the president or throw him in jail. but most republicans are performing kib uky theater, trying to make up for time and figure out what, can we do between now and when it's implemented. they also know if they were to pursue these options of impeachment or jail time, it would hurt them, not just in the short-term, but the medium to long-term. this say party that says it wants to increase its size, wants to be a big tent. this isn't what you want to do if you want that. 2016 is not far off. if they want to go back to the white house, they need to play nice. victoria and joe, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. coming up, a dream becomes reality. five million stories. we'll look at the human faces behind this action tonight.
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you're looking at a live picture of the white house where in about an hour and a half president obama will address the nation about his immigration plan. and we just got excerpts from the speech. the president will say, quote, that's the real amnesty, leaving the broken system the way it is, mass amnesty would be unfair. mass deportation would be both impossible and contrary to our character. what i'm describing is accountability. a common-sense, middle-ground approach. if you meet the criteria, you can come out of the shadows and get right with the law. if you're a criminal, you'll be deported. if you plan to enter the u.s.
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illegally, your chances of getting caught and sent back just went up. joining me now is congressman efiera bessettea, democrat from california, who's been a champion for reform. congressman beseta, thank you for being here tonight. >> good to be with you. >> the president will say reform is not amnesty and is a common-sense approach. what do you say to those who don't agree? it isn't amnesty, when you have to pay taxes and register and go through a background check. it's not amnesty. if you can't survive a background check, you're gone. if you're not willing to pay tax tax taxes, you're gone. so it's no freebie. you have to prove you can do things the right way, come out of the shadows. >> the opposition to this is really ferocious. can it be stopped?
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>> reverend, it's like the civil rights movement. the opposition was ferocious. can it be stopped? it wasn't a matter of, can it be stopped. the dye is cast. we're not turning back the clock. we're moving forward. this is a new day. and everyone who believes we can wind back the clock is in for a different story. it's time to move forward. >> you know, this is a civil rights movement, and it's about people. it's not about politics. let's listen to some of the voices that are affected by this. >> my name is aka. and -- [ indiscernible ] >> when you think about it, you realize -- >> sophomore year, when i took driver's ed, that's when it hit
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me, i can't get a driver's license, i can't have an i.d. there's no way i can get in the military. >> what do you think the reaction is going to be as people see the people coming from the shadows and finally be able to have an opportunity? because as the president said, there's harsh lines here, have an opportunity to come forward and live as american citizens that have been living here anyway. >> you know, reverend, i think one of the first and probably common reactions will be, i didn't know that that friend of my daughter's was undocumented. i didn't know that my neighbor was undocumented. i didn't know that the person who's been serving me my breakfast at the cafe for the last five years was undocumented. and now i know. and they're just like me. and it's like a lot of these things. once people begin to realize, oh, they're just like the family that i know, the friends that i know, it's going to change. i believe it will take some
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time. we have to make sure people understand, it's not amnesty. remember, this is not a permanent fix. we still need congress to act. it's only a first good step. the president can only do this temporarily and in a limited way. >> you know, there are more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u.s. the president's action could affect five million of them. so that means more than six million won't be eligible. including parents of dreamers and farm workers. "the new york times" said that decision was made to make it harder to challenge the action that he's taking tonight. quote, administration officials have said the president's actions were designed to be legally unassailable, which activists said, led the white house to make some tough choices. so the white house is very confident in its authority. but doesn't this show how much we still need the congress to
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act? >> that's absolutely right, reverend. the president has said, i can't change the law. the president has said, i can't fix this by myself. and what the president now is saying is, this is what i can do, because under my inherent authorities as the president of the united states within the constitution, this is what i can do to make a law work better and smarter. but he can't change the law. so he's limited. he can only do so much for that population that's out there. one of the reasons that he's going to put more enforcement at the border, so we can crack down on those trying to come in the wrong way. we've had a system that hasn't worked for a long time. it's no one person's fault that there are people here without documents. there are americans who are hiring and keeping these folks employed. >> oh, yeah, and exploiting them
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perfo . >> we're trying to stop that from happening again. for those here more than five years, working, paying taxes, do the background check, the president is saying, come out of the shadows, because when the congress is asked to make this a permanent fix, we'll treat you right. >> congressman becerra, you're quite right about this being a civil rights issue, by the way. that's why we are very concerned about it. >> yes, sir. >> thanks for your time tonight. >> thank you. coming up, high stakes for the president. what do americans need to hear tonight? plus, the political implications for the key political players in this fight. that's all coming up as we get ready for a big night in washington. please stay with us. i was just looking at your credit report site. do you guys have identity theft protection? [ male voice ] i'm sorry, did you say identity distribution? no. protection. identity theft protection. you have selected identity distribution. your identity will now be shared with everyone. thank you. no, no, no -- [ click, dial tone ] [ female announcer ] not all credit report sites are equal.
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ghan of u.s. news and world report. "the washington post" dana millbank, and political strategist angela rye. thank you all for being here. let's get right to the high stakes of this executive action tonight. 48% are against the president acting alone on immigration. but 74% support a path way to citizenship. so americans support the policies, but not the president's action. seems odd. what does the president need to do to address this point tonight? >> i wouldn't be too concerned about that. because what we've seen over and over again, americans do not care about process. and whenever anybody fights an election based on how the process worked or the vote, remember john kerry saying how he voted for the whatever hundred million before he voted against it? not a good way to proceed in politics. so if he's got the message right and the exit polls show he's on the public's side here, he'll
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win that fight here ultimately. just got to hammer away at the message. it's not about delivering a speech tonight. it's about making this point over and over and over again and intimidating the republicans and in seeing if they're going to be crazy enough to shut down the government. >> susan? >> i agree completely. while he may take hits in the short-term and republicans will make threats, in the medium and long-term, it's absolutely brilliant. if you're a republican primary cannot for president, you're going to have to come out to appease the base and say i'm going to undo this, that's not going to work well in a general election. how are you going to come out and say, i'm going to separate these families that were united? that's not a good message. the public may not like the way he's doing this, but they'll forget about it and focus on the policy itself. >> one thing we haven't talked about is the numbers. some folks don't want him to act alone because they don't think he'll go far enough.
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others think he'll go too far. one thing we have to pay attention to is the fact that over 70% of americans think that there needs to be some type of action. i think what we'll see tonight, again, just like the polls show, people frustrated on both sides. immigration activists don't think it's far enough. it's a temporary fix. it's not far enough for high tech workers. so there's lots of frustration. >> let's turn to the president's gamble. it's a decision that could majorly impact his legacy. what are the ramifications? not just for president obama but for all the key political players in the fight. angela, let's start with the president. what will this mean for him in the short-term, political pain, for his long-term legacy, what will this mean? >> i think it's another great step in building a legacy. you have the affordable care
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act, or obamacare, as so many know and refer to the health care law. i think the other thing you have to pay attention to is the fact that he has pleaded with congress to act. so he's saying, this is a great marker. i'm not saying this is all that needs to be done, it's not comprehensive. >> first step. >> that's right. it's a great way for him to demonstrate leadership. >> it works well for the president. i think he should have done it earlier and not been a chicken before the election. it would have done him some good. it will certainly help him with the latino base right now. this isn't the end of the story. republicans don't like it. good. start passing from legislation. there's a path to get all the way back to comprehensive immigration reform if they want to follow it. >> everyone, stay with us. when we come back, jimmy fallon and the republican party, next. $80 million dollars, and creating 1750 jobs.
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>> back with me, our panel, susan, dana, and angela. now to the gop becoming a punchline. >> yesterday house republicans picked an all-male group of new committee chairs for next year's session. they've come up with a pretty good name for that all-male group. no direction. [ laughter and applause ] >> so does the gop have an image problem and is it made worse by this immigration issue? >> i do think they do.
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i think that having an all-male committee chair set, except for the house of administration committee, which is the housekeeping committee of the house -- >> that's the only -- >> that's the only one they're putting a woman in to run. but, yes, the party is going to have to expand beyond white men if it wanted to win a national election. the selection of the committee chairs and their approach to the immigration bill is not helping them. >> basically they're in the position of using women as props and making sure the couple they have are front and center during the photo ops. >> they heard about it in the news, this picture problem, representative of a candidate recruitment problem. >> so the autopsy didn't help them? >> no, they're still dead, rev. [ laughter ] >> the fact is, how do you -- i
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mean, they're there now, the congress and the senate. and their policies are driven by their fear of the far right that affects them in primaries. how do they change their image given the political environment they're in? >> they need to do a better job of recruiting more women and more people of color into the party, both in the rank and file and for elected office. they have more than they used to, but again, the selection of the committee chairs is just, it's not seniority that drives it anymore. it's not an automatic thing with seniority. the visual just looks very bad. >> and, dana, the policies also seem to cause a problem with the picture. >> right. remember when that same committee that wouldn't allow sandra fluke to testify, all-male committee. >> right. >> so when you have the emerging of a policy that women see as hostile to them, with an all-male pack of legislators, it's a bit of an awkward
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we're just about an hour away from history. president obama's executive action. what does it mean for the president's legacy? joining me now is presidential historian doug brinkley. thank you for being here tonight. >> thanks for having me. >> doug, how big is this night to the obama presidency? >> well, it's gigantic. i think we can now cross off the concept of a lame-duck presidency. this is a major moment in his second term. it follows climate change, with china getting that deal and net neutrality. this president still has a lot of fight in him and i think tonight you're going to see him telling congress to get out there and pass a bill on immigration, but the system is broken and i have to fix it. yes, we can, the saying from
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caesar chavez, so six years later into his presidency to do a huge executive action to immigration reform, it's a big feather in his legacy cap. >> you know, here's another excerpt we just received from the president's speech. he's going to say, the actions i'm taking are not only lawful. they're the kinds of action taken by every single republican president and every democratic president for the past half century. and to those members of congress who question my authority to make our immigration system work better, or question the wisdom of me acting where congress has failed, i have one answer. pass a bill. i mean, politically there's mixed messages on immigration. new nbc/wall street journal
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poll, 70% support a path way to citizenship after background check and paying fines. but 48% don't believe the president should act on his own. how will the president address this? >> he'll talk about border security and under his presidency, he's deported a lot of illegal people. he's strengthened the people and we have to find some way to fix this brokenness. he's going to use this opportunity to address an audience during primetime to remind people that in the long run, this needs to be done. the encouraging stat for the president, most people want to see this fixed. so i don't think he's worried about a negative poll tonight. i think he feels this is long overdue. some people might wonder why it took six years, instead of doing the executive order in his first term. >> now, in terms of presidential history, where will this fit? you mentioned the affordable care act. you mentioned climate change. is this one of the big things
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that he would be remembered for in history, this first step he's announcing tonight? >> well, the first step's the big thing. this is like an opening salveo of a fight, an immigration reform fight that's probably going to consume a lot of oxygen in '15. but he wants to show he broke the glass ceiling, opened up the net for african americans, latinos, gay americans, people that have been marginalized, native americans, from the system. so this helps him in that regard. that's who his base is. this is a moment the base will celebrate. the danger republicans have is to play small ball. like senator coburn talking to anarchy and violence for no reason, to throw that into the public sphere is reprehensible. this president has to deal with 11 million people in this country and he's addressing five million of them that have broken
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no law. >> small ball, that seems to be what the opposition is doing. >> they're trying to get a sound bite because there's that energy with the tea party. that the louder your noise is, the more you brutalize obama, the more press you'll get. >> thanks so much for your time tonight. >> thank you. >> in a little over an hour, we will watch the president of the united states make a historic move, a first step. i've been involved in social movements all my life. how do you really gauge whether social movement is historic? a lot of noise and a lot of drama. and some time we get caught up in our own fervor. the way you judge it is by how it impacts and changes lives of people that would never have been touched or changed before. when you look at five million people, lives will change. you know this is real. five million people that were in
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the shadows. five million people that felt marginalized. you know this is real. you're watching history tonight. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton, please join us for special coverage of president obama's immigration speech in 45 minutes. "hardball" starts right now. president obama goes it alone. let's play "hardball." ♪ ♪ good evening, i'm steve kornacki in for chris matthews. we are one hour away from president obama's speech to the nation, laying out his plans to take executive action on immigration. here's what we know right now. the plan will allow as many as five million undocumented immigrants to stay in the united states and get work
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