tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC November 21, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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don't be afraid to grow. growing is hard, but keep growing. grow with america, don't be stuck in the past, even your past or mine. learn from our scars. turn them into stars. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton, have a great weekend. "hardball" starts right now. obama bets the ranch. let's play "hardball." ♪ ♪ good evening, i'm chris matthews out in los angeles. you could see it in his face today, the president has his gung ho back. smiling the radiant smile. a fellow who is watching his horse, racing for are tthe fini line. he's doing what bill clinton told him to do, have fun. even acted as a cheerleader
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today in las vegas. let's watch. >> when members of congress question my authority to make our immigration system work better, i have a simple answer. pass a bill. [ cheers and applause ] pass a bill. [ cheers and applause ] pass a bill. nobody is stopping them from passing a bill. [ audience chanting "pass a bill" ] >> pass a bill. >> you heard the message, pass a bill. you know how he knows he's done the right thing on immigration, he's got the clintons, both of them, bill and hillary, betting on him. both have jumped out fast in supporting his decision to give relief to over four million people in this country without legal permission. that tells you more because no one has more riding on this
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success in the next couple years than the clintons. if they think he's on the right track, it explained why the president is doubling down. now that the democrats are doing the part of immigration reform the republicans didn't want to do, it's a great time for them to do what their party says they want to do, turn the executive order into a law they're proud to enforce. lesley sanchez is a republican strategist and former white house adviser to president george w. bush who was for immigration reform. let me go to john. you were in the arena. what impressed me most, obama seems happy. that may seem superficial to some people. but he hasn't looked so happy lately. i get the feeling he thinks he has a winning hand in vegas. your thoughts? >> i think you're exactly right. inside that gym, and it was a packed gym, people were lining up three hours beforehand. they were so enthusiastic to be there for what they saw was history. and he was doing what obama
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likes to do, or used to like to do, at least. that was feed off the crowd's enthusiasm, deliver the lines. we didn't build the statue of liberty with her back to the world. people loved it. it was essentially the same speech he gave last night, but with some rhetorical flourishes, but he was a joyous warrior again. i think you're absolutely right. he's feeding off this. and you mentioned the republican savvy. i think he is laying a political trap for the republicans. they can talk all they want, but going into 2016, if they don't figure out a way not to completely alienate the hispanic demographic again that the democrats are trying to get back after somewhat losing it before the 2014 election, i think they could be in trouble. >> let me get right to lesley sanchez. your thinking about this, i want to give awe i shot here. my argument will be the republicans have an opening here.
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they can spend all this time now, away on vacation, yapping about how mad they are and how to get even. or they can say this has always been a difficult compromise. the president gave away what he wanted to do, relieve to people here illegally, for more than four million people. republicans wanted more enforcement. like to think they wanted to stop the illegal hiring, although i never fully trusted them on that. isn't it time for them to build a real immigration bill like the president says, pass a bill? >> i agree. there are many conservatives crying out in the wilderness for this to happen for a long time. we've seen a lot of republicans pass immigration reform going back to '86. if anything, the speech was -- harkens very much to grant park. this was a very important speech. >> like when he got elected. >> absolutely. it was that important in the magnitude of it. it does replace republicans in an acrimonious position. no doubt about that.
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>> well, there are some good people in the republican party like the guy i do like among several is john kasich of ohio who says this could be the thing to go with. some say they will take actions to counter the president's actions. but they're going to vacation for a week or so and they don't have any unity or a plan. let's watch speaker boehner do his best here. >> with his action, the president has chose tone deliberately sabotage any chance of enacting bipartisan reforms that he claims to seek. and as i told the president yesterday, he's damaging the presidency itself. we will not stand idle as the president undermines the rule of law in our country and places lives at risk. >> john, it was interesting today he brought the traveling troupe of democrats with him. harry reid was there.
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but also nancy pelosi and a bunch of other folks. this is a major event. did you get a sense from the crowd, who was there, adults and kids? who was in the crowd? >> it was a mixed crowd, chris. there were a lot of people there. the culinary union, which is made up of about half hispanics, represents about 88 different countries, 14% asian. that was the first union in the country to endorse obama back in 2008. there were a lot of young hispanic activists there, and there were a lot of politicians. the person who might have gotten the loudest round of applause at the beginning when he walked in was luis gutierrez who has been a big pusher of immigration reform. but this clearly is a big democratic push. i think they sense an opening here after the disaster of a couple of weeks ago, to turn the tables, to turn the ship around. john boehner and others can
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bring up how obama's an emperor, the imperial presidency, against what bush 41 and what reagan did. people aren't listening to that. they're much more interested in the human stories of a woman like astrid silva and her father, who was there. -- he's not going to have the gift that you remember very well of sharon angle in 2016. >> let's talk about turkey. let's talk about the people on the streets of vegas. without naming names of casinos or anything like that that might get you in trouble. when i look at the hispanic workers out there, working the big restaurants and hotels, working all over the street, everywhere out there on the strip. how many of them are going to benefit from this personally, what the president did today?
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how many people are lyniving in the shadows, even though they go to work, but they're not on the books. >> there are some. it's difficult to quantify that. you will have some casino owners talk about this issue. sheldon adelson, right-wing, republican mega donor is very much an advocate of immigration reform, partly for the reasons that you're talking about, like jim murren, the head of mgm resorts. so they understand this issue has a real-world impact on their business, as well as believing that it's got to happen or it's going to be a problem politically for both parties. >> and they really want to stop illegal immigration, or just want relief from people here illeg illegally? do they want the whole shebang? they don't want cheap illegal labor, people like adelson? >> i can't answer that directly, because they never say that, we
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just want cheap illegal labor. >> of course not. >> not so much in the gaming industry. but remember when las vegas was the fastest growing city in the country for decades, the construction industry, they loved the cheap illegal labor. then the construction boom ended and the bottom fell out of the construction market. that dynamic has changed. i think it's much more significant than it has been in the gaming industry. >> what's the view on the republican side? are they serious about stopping the illegal immigration? people come for getting a cheap job, hear it's in chicago or vegas, they got a cousin who gets them in the door, it's off the books. that's what goes on, i assume. they're going to get relief, but are we ever going to have a comprehensive bill and to have one you're proud to enforce, bring people in as guest workers, simulate them into society, make it legal,
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everybody pays taxes, educates their kids and get in the car and drive it legally. just a thought. >> if you had a choice of being legal or illegal, i think people will take the legal path. there's no doubt about that. john said some interesting things about nevada. nevada was the one that put life back into hillary clinton's campaign. >> she beat obama. >> it was the culinary unions that made this split towards hillary clinton. >> when she won the battle of nevada, i was there that night at the caucus. i thought she had beaten obama. she was going to beat him. she had momo, it's called big mo. i'm sorry. the response from the right-wing has been ferocious. let's watch the usual suspects from the clown car. here they go. >> all i heard was contempt for the american people, as though he thought we were so stupid that somehow he could say that his illegal actions were legal and we would all turn over and
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roll over and believe it. it's not true. >> this president has come in and said, you know what, for political gain, i'm going to give five million people the authority to work here. even though it's illegal, i'm going to do it. >> this man dictates by his pen and his phone. what shall we, who are the senate, tolerate president obama openly desirous to destroy the constitution in this republic. we the senate are waiting in our duty to stop this lawless administration, and its unconstitutional amnesty. >> now he's set to go around congress to legalize millions of illegal aliens. he's giving voters the middle finger. he's rejecting our democratic system. he's turning it into the democrat system, big d, democrat
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system. >> what can i say, except to just pay attention to what you just heard. louie gohmert said over and over again, the president is from africa and has illegal papers. so put that in perspective. u.s. congressman mo brooks of alabama suggests the president should be thrown in jail. he said at some point you have to evaluate whether the president's conduct aids and abets, encourages or entices foreigners to unlawfully cross into the united states of america. today congressman lamar smith of texas -- texas seems to be the problem here -- accused the president of waging war on the american people. some have that the actions he is taking this week equal a declaration of war on republicans. i believe he's actually declaring war on the american people and our democracy. >> there are some voices on the
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right and the left that are very extreme. >> where's the middle in the republican party? don't they talk? >> there is middle ground. conservatives are right to say this is a flawed process, that is not the way the policy should be written. >> whose fault is that? i agree, i've been saying that for days. >> he could have done this a year ago and made meaningful reform. he didn't choose to do that. >> how could he have done it a year ago? how could he get the republicans to agree to a bill a year ago? >> he forced their hand. >> how could the president have done this better a year ago? >> he could have made the same speech. he had temporary initiatives with daca -- >> how could he get the republicans to act? >> putting pressure on them like they're doing right now. this forces them -- >> i agree with all his concerns and hin the end, he's left with
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the question of doing something or doing nothing. i'm queasy about this, but maybe it's going to get the republican party to actually get something done because nothing else was working because john boehner is scared to death of the right-wing, for some reason i don't get. >> but we need good policy. >> we need boehner to be boehner. thanks so much. great story there. lesley, thank you as always. coming up, hillary clinton was quick to support president obama's action on immigration, very quick. and the republicans eyeing the white house were just as quick to criticize. those republicans, they can express their anger, or they can do what the president said today in vegas, pass a bill. except for governor john kasich of ohio, most of them are choosing option one, just to yell. and the other big story of the night, ferguson, missouri is expecting a decision from the grand jury, any time now, it's imminent. we'll get the latest on that fact. this is "hardball," the place for politics.
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filed their lawsuit against president obama. they say the president overstepped his legal authority in the way he implemented the affordable care act. they're still on that baby. the suit was filed just hours after president obama announced he was taking executive action to protect millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation. john boehner says the suit is aimed at stopping the president from making his own laws. while nancy pelosi says it's about putting impeachment hungry extremists before the needs of the country. we'll be right back. no? oh, right. extremists before the needs of the country. we'll be right back. -hungry extremists before the needs of the country. we'll be right back. insurance. so, it's no surprise to you that companies depend on today's xerox for services that simplify how work gets done. which is...pretty much what we've always stood for. with xerox, you're ready for real business. which is...pretty much what we've always stood for. ["mony mony" by billy idole she cokicks in on car stereo]y".
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we're for creating more innovation and competition. we're for net neutrality protection. now, here's some news you may find even more surprising. we're comcast. the only isp legally bound by full net neutrality rules. welcome back to "hardball." president obama's executive action on immigration will be a hot-button issue in the 2016 presidential race. among the republicans vying for the job, their tone may vary, but the message was the same. they all slammed the president, most of them did for taking action unilaterally. the most contemptuous response
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came from senator ted cruz in a video. >> today is a sad day in our nation's history. tonight, just a few minutes ago, the president of the united states went on television and announced he is defying the constitution, he is defying federal law, and he is defying american people. all across this country, republicans campaigned saying, if you elect a republican senate, we will stand up and fight to stop obama's amnesty. so now it's incumbent on republicans to stand up and lead. >> senator rand paul echoed that sentiment, saying president obama is not above the law and has no right to issue executive amnesty. florida governor jeb bush, an advocate of immigration reform hit hard. saying president obama has once again put divisive and manipulative politics before the sober leadership -- so far only one republican has had the
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stones to publicly support a path way to citizenship. john kasich of ohio. here's what he had to say wednesday. >> we got to think about what's going to bring about healing. my sense is, i don't like the idea of citizenship when people jump the line. we may have to do it. there's a lot of people who have gone through legally who have not jumped the line, who are bitter about this. but at the end of the day, it may be necessary. i'm open to it, i will tell you that. i'm open to it. >> fascinating discussion there. on the other side of the aisle, hillary clinton offered strong and immediate support for the president's action. she said, i support the president's decision to begin fixing our broken immigration system and focus finite resources on deporting felons rather than families. our disagreements on this important issue may grow heated at times, but i'm confidence we
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can find common ground. >> the former california chair of the george w. bush campaign. i want you on tonight for a lot of good reasons. but one of the main ones, you've been a george w. supporter. he supported immigrant opportunities. he's not anti-immigrant. his brother jeb is married to a mexican american. the kids are latinos. but that family seems to be alone, until the other guy in your party, john kasich had the cajonies. he said, we may have to go that far. it's a strong statement. >> there are many people in our party that believe in comprehensive immigration reform. this was a political speech dealing with one segment of immigration. republicans should not overreach. should not react process wise. they should react with a positive policy, dealing with immigration. we need to put resources on our
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border to prevent illegal immigration. >> what about illegal hiring? >> there needs to be penalties for employers that hire illegally. but we need to expand our guest worker program. >> i agree. >> so you need a comprehensive approach, not just a political speech that may be temporary. >> you know, i was very hesitant about the president doing this, but since he's done it, it's a new fact. there's no sense arguing about should have, could have, would have. he's done it. the new fact, we have four million people getting relief. basically the parents of the anchor children, if you will. kids born here and are citizenc under the 14th amendment. and older dreamers, people whose parents brought them here. it's a big relief effort, but it doesn't create a new immigration law that's going to deal with what we should have. >> as jerry says, there are
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republicans who support immigration reform. but on the other hand, they haven't brought it up to a vote. >> only heard it from john kasich. >> chris christie in the last couple weeks, when he's about immigration reform. he said i won't talk about immigration reform. he's supposed to be the streaigt shooter and he won't even talk about it. [ all speak at once ] >> the straight shooter thing is ridiculous, right? >> but when it comes to the real right-wingers, he's chicken? >> that's absolutely right. >> i'm never going to new jersey again. >> when it comes to the house, the issue is not that they haven't passed it, it's that they don't vote on it. the speaker of the house won't even bring it up for a vote. while we have some reasonable points of view here about the fact that immigration reform
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should happen, they're not even allowed to vote on it. >> can't he get 125? a small majority for this thing and pass the damn thing? >> i think he can. because i think popular support for this kind of reform is building. and after all, the people will determine where policies should move. there's no issue more pertinent or more important for the 2016 election than immigration reform. >> here's where i disagree with jerry. and the republican seats in the house. they're safe seats. >> they don't have voters. they don't care about immigration reform. >> but senators care. >> senators care. they voted for it. marco rubio put his shock on the line -- >> john mccain, lindsey graham. >> but in the house, they don't want it. in the now republican senate, if they got to a conference, it would be a better deal for the republicans if -- >> does this action by the president, which was really jumping on the galloping horse.
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he changed reality. i'll start with you, matthew. does this make it more likely the republicans will get moving here and bring up a real bill in the house, or less likely because they're angry? >> i hope it's more likely. because in the house and the senate, the leaders of the republican party do want immigration reform. >> where's kevin mccarthy in this thing? i think he's for reform. >> he's definitely for reform. >> he's number two now. >> kevin, as most republicans want additional resources to secure the border, one of the basic problems with this speech is that it, to some extent, doesn't encourage legal immigration. you need to have a policy -- we're a country of immigrants. >> just to be fair, the president said this relief he did that will go into effect today, doesn't make it any safer for somebody jumping the border tomorrow night. we'll be focusing more on the
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more recent law breakers -- [ all speak at once ] >> what's the percentage of latino vote in this state right now? >> l.a. county is over 50%. the entire state will be over 50% -- >> we've talked so much about this privately, but tell me if you can, your party has two obstacles. one is choice out here. can you ever beat boxer? can you beat feinstein? can you get a governorship? >> no. no to those. >> let me hear from the republican. >> well, the state, i believe, is slightly right of center on most economic issues. >> i agree with that. >> slightly right of center. but if you come across on some of these social issues as intolerant of any other point of view, you're lost. until we get a grip, as
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republicans, on the fact that we can maintain very strong views, but we got to be tolerant of others. >> you talk like a northern california republican. >> well, i grew up in connectic connecticut, that's okay. >> on the republican side, you don't hear about who they have. >> i heard michelle obama's coming out here. thank you both. up next, the other big story of the night, the community of ferguson, missouri, is in high alert right now, awaiting a decision from the grand jury on the policeman who shot the african american teenager. this is "hardball," the place for politics. the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me? go.
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mid-size price. (aaron) purrrfect. (vo) meee-ow, business pro. meee-ow. go national. go like a pro. you know how fast you were going? about 55. where you headed at such an appropriate speed? across the country to enhance the nation's most reliable 4g lte network. how's it working for ya? better than ever. how'd you do it? added cell sites. increased capacity. and your point is... so you can download music, games, and directions for the road when you need them. who's this guy? oh that's charlie. you ever put pepper spray on your burrito? i like it spicy but not like uggggh spicy. he always like this? you have no idea. at&t. the nation's most reliable 4g lte network. welcome back to "hardball." as the country awaits an announcement from that grand jury in ferguson, missouri, the governor has declared a state of emergency. even activated the national guard and the local school district has canceled school in
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case of violence or unrest. a grand jury decision on whether to charge officer darren wilson in the death of michael brown could come any day now. according to -- joining me right now on the ground is our own craig melvin of msnbc. thanks so much. what do you know that we need to know right now about what could happen in the next 48 to 96 hours. >> here's the thing, not a whole lot. the fact of the matter is, the st. louis county grand jury, the prosecutor's office another, notoriously tight-lipped. we don't know whether the grand jury met today. we do know that a few hours ago, we got an e-mail from the st. louis county prosecutor's office. the e-mail read in part, we are in the process of setting up the press conference to announce the decision of the grand jury case, the date, time, and location has not been announced yet. this prosecutor's office, any time you ask them about the grand jury proceedings, they respond with pretty much the same sentence.
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we do not comment on grand jury proceedings. but you do get the sense based on e-mails like this, that we are very close to having that decision announced. we were told, of course that it was going to be mid to late november and here we are. i spent some time today, talking to a pastor. the pastor of the church closest to the police station where we've seen protests over the past few nights. i talked to him and a guy that runs a hamburger joint up the road, and a guy that runs a barber shop and all three guys are saying the same thing. whatever the outcome, whatever the grand jury has decided, let us know now. everyone here is ready to move on. everyone here is anxious. so you had the attorney general of the united states with his message, stay-calm message. the parents of darren brown, the brother with his calm message, we heard from the mayor, said he thought there would be some type of unrest.
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the pastor today, raised an interesting point, talked about governor nixon activating the national guard. you have all these folks warning of unrest and telling folks to be calm and his question, is that a self-fulfilling prophecy? >> yeah. >> that's something we'll see unfold in the next few hours, but that's the sense on the ground. everyone here is ready for it to be over. the protests that we've seen over the last two nights, they have been more intense. last night, three arrests. the first time we've seen pepper spray in some time. the night before that, there were six arrests. but by and large, nothing like what we saw here about a hundred days ago. >> well, let's talk journalism besides what could happen in terms of the streets and the people out there in the community. let's talk about the facts of the case. do we still have assurances from the district attorney out there that they'll release a transcript even if it's redacted for names, of what the jury heard, what evidence they heard? >> we have been given every
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assurance time and time again by the prosecutor's office, that if the officer, if officer wilson is not indicted, they are in very short order, going to set up a website and allow journalists to log on and see and read and even hear some of the audio files, everything that the grand jury had access to, we have been assured that we are also going to have access to. again, assuming the officer is not indicted. >> yeah. >> and chris, we should note, that's something we're told is going to happen within hours, not days or weeks, but within hours after a non-indictment would be announced. >> i have to tell you my own personal concern. i'm distanced from that event out there and also from the passions of the people on both sides out there, the police force and the community. but i have to tell you, i fear they're going to tell us what the decision was and not give us immediate information, so all people who really want to know what happened on august 9th, what happened, what can we try to figure out in our minds,
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based on all the evidence, that open-minded grand jurors, what they heard, even pictures. i want to know everything about this case. like you, probably spent two days reading every single thing. i want to know what happened. and i think the public will benefit from that transparency. your reporting has been great. stay awake. you said hours. could it be tonight? >> you know what, it could be. but our thinking at this point is that it would probably be during at least daylight hours, we would assume. >> thanks so much, craig melvin. when we come back, our round stable joins us to talk about what we heard from craig in ferguson. what happened there, how did michael brown end up dead? you're watching "hardball," the place for politics. ♪ let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together ♪
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i'm milissa rehberger. here's what's happening. residents in western new york are digging out from two lake effect storms that dropped seven feet of snow in some areas. secretary of state john kerry has changed his plans, will stay to have nuclear talks with iran. and the u.n. says the ebola outbreak in west africa continues to worsen. 5,500 people have died. the virus has now spread and mali. now back to "hardball." ♪ ♪ welcome back to "hardball." now more on this soon to be decided grand jury in ferguson, missouri. attorney gener attorney general eric holder has taken on the role of peace
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maker. he visited this summer when riots plagued that community. today he delivered an impassioned plea for peace. here he is. >> peaceful protest has been a hallmark and a legacy of past movements for change. from patriotic women who demanded access to the franchise, to the civil rights pioneers who marched for equal rights and equal justice. americans exercising their first amendment right to free assembly should look to those examples as they work to bring about real and lasting change for themselves and for future generations. now, of course i recognize that progress will not come easily. and long simmering tensions will not be cooled overnight. these struggles go to the heart of who we are, and who we aspire to be, both as a nation and as a people. and it is clear that we have a great deal of important work still to do. >> what a great attorney
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general. the roundtable joins us, democrat from california and ted johnson, senior editor at variety, the showbusiness mag, it's a daily. and chairman of the george bush presidential campaign in california. more importantly, a good friend of mine. he knows his stuff and he's a moderate republican. we don't have enough of you guys. >> you have a message, what is it to people? >> the same message as attorney general holder, which is peace. and i'm hoping that regardless of what the decision is, that the people in ferguson will understand that this is going to be a long struggle. and so peaceful protest, and we're concerned in los angeles as well. i'm having a press conference tomorrow with the president of the city council. i was here when the rodney king verdicts happened. i know what that destruction brought about. we still have vacant lots from that destruction in 1992. i don't want to see that happen.
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>> how will this play out? they have the ability, the finesse, if he's not indicted, officer darren wilson, that's the trouble, if he's not indicted. do you think they have the ability based upon their performance so far to explain why not, explaining why they think the guy was justified, if that's what they decide, explain it so that people who are listening, may not go with it, but at least hear it? >> i think the more disclosure the better. as you were talking about early early in the show, they have to release what evidence were they seeing? what were they looking at? how did they come to that decision? it's a little difficult because grand juries usually don't do that. usually there's a delay when they release any of that information. i think the quicker they get that information out there, the more it will actually diffuse the situation. >> we have all these leaks, of course and some of them may come from the prosecutor, we don't know where they're coming from. but seven african american witnesses said the guy had his
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hands in the air. six african americans said he didn't. do you go 7-6, too close to call, do you go reasonable doubt? how do you deal with that fact? >> i'm not a fan of when lawyers should be speaking out. but in this case, once a decision is made, there's a responsible for the legal community, leadership in the legal community to speak out and explain the process. because we're a country of laws. and if those laws are adhered to and due process is given, the legal community of all different persuasions should speak out. >> what do you do when you have a jury with only three minorities on it and it's fraught with racial aspects? >> well, there's that and there's also the question of the prosecutor, which people don't trust because of what his particular history has been. >> his father was killed by an african american. might have an attitude. >> right, and he wouldn't step aside. and then there's the general
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governance in ferguson as well. 67% african american -- >> but who would he step aside for? it's a tricky question. i said i'm not getting into this case, i'll pull back. >> 67% african american in ferguson and very little african american leadership. >> vote. >> i'm with you. >> i know you are, because you got elected. [ laughter ] >> the police forces -- >> five police officers. >> in filly and new york, you have a lot of people come out of high school and apply, the tradition of applying. why aren't there more african american police officers? it's an honorable profession, especially good if you come from the community. >> we had that problem in los angeles. l.a. was, you had a lot of problems that was nationally known. we were able to turn things around. one of the things that happened was the diversification of the police force. >> how do you do that? >> we had a police chief that
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went to mississippi and alabama -- >> we know that story and it was all played out in the o.j. simpson trial. but how did you fix it? >> we had a police chief that was interested in community-based policing. >> bratton. >> yes, bratton. he went to the community and paid a lot of attention -- >> did he recruit? >> absolutely. >> let's go to the other question, the immigration thing. in california, immigration, it used to be a spanish colony out here, way back when. it's got a long history of spanish names. everything's named in spanish. you're california here, everybody's california here. you're former connecticut. what does california know about relations with people, some of whom have legal documentation, and some don't. how do you build a community based upon on that mixed history? >> well, first of all, what happened in california, there's all of this expectation that it's going to happen in the rest of the country, after prop 187
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passed in 1994, it really kind of blew up in the face of the republicans. >> don't get too nasty with immigrants, that was the message. >> that was the message. >> he taught me that. jerry said don't do that. you know who else told me? john mccain, because the republicans lost arizona in 1996. >> what about pete wilson, what did he do? >> but, when you think about california, 50% of los angeles county is now hispanic. by 2020, 2022, the state will be. the demographics of california has changed. >> children. >> yes, children. but the most important thing, california is like the country. they believe in legal immigration. they're for legal immigration. >> i've seen the stats among the hispanic community. very surprisingly strong support for toughness. >> and also, california is diverse in other areas as well. the asian population is one of the fastest growing immigrant populations. >> who's grabbing them
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politically? >> actually, it's a mixed bag -- [ all speak at once ] >> however, if you look at the presidential elections asians overwhelmingly supported obama. >> okay, thank you. >> the entire community would be that way. >> we got to go. the roundtable is coming back to talk about hollywood's obsession. why is it so uncool to make a movie about politicians? now it's the hottest thing in the world. it's like cowboy movies on tv, like "gunsmoke." we'll be right back. kid: what if you're not happy? does he have to pay you back? dad: nope. kid: why not? dad: it doesn't work that way. kid: why not? vo: are you asking enough questions about the way your wealth is managed? wealth management at charles schwab
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that, of course, was kevin spacey in the hit netflix series, "house of cards." "catch'm, scandal, madame good wife kwtsd. i'm back down with the round table, u.s. congress woman bass. >> first things, ted johnson and my friend. why is hollywood hot for washington. >> yeah, it used to be you wouldn't touch politics with a 10 foot poll. and now, not only do -- >> now the ratings for politicians. >> yes. >> is that it? >> no, no. it's funny. i ask show creators. i asked gary trdeau who did alpha house. he said i have no idea.
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i asked john lovett. he's working on another show. >> sarah palin says 1400. >> so you remember congress. you're the heart of this mountain. and you represent l.a., which is out here. we make all of these movies. what's going on? >> i want you to know that everybody in congress watches them. >> did anybody ever come up to you and say is it really as bad as k"house of cards". >> absolutely. and i say in their dreams. >> the young woman from the newspaper under the tracks. he takes the other congressmen from south philly and he rigs the exhaust pipe to kill'm. >> so it has murder, sex, everything everybody likes. >> there's a long standing tie in hollywood. hollywood looks at what's relevant today. i called a friend of mine --
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>> yeah, he had a party for my book. >> and he said to me, you know, i'm making this hbo serioes abot the u.s. government and the pakistani government. i said you're doing what? he said yes, i'm doing this. i said why? he said because it's relevant and it's what the people want to watch. so it becomes, in one sense, hollywood brings washington reality to bear. a little bit of satire, a lot of exaggeration. >> but they're about three months behind. they take into his headline. they agree to a story and then all of the sudden, you're wamping it again. >> yeah, like state of affairs which just debuted the other night. >> all of these shows like frank underwood, kpeexcept he's a sna. >> it took a lot of distribution out let outlets to take a chance on this
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and kind of breakthrough. >> we have a whole lot of stuff in here, by the way. we did a koz molg. w w anyway, thank you. thank you, ted johnson. thank you congresswoman kerry bass. when we return, let me finish with the president's call today for republicans to pass a bill. you're watchings "hardball", the place for politics. black how can power consumption in china, impact wool exports from new zealand, textile production in spain, and the use of medical technology in the u.s.?
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i couldn't agree more. and i totally agree with the president's call today. don't talk impeachment, don't listen to the demagogues. get to work and pass a bill. my argument is political. my question is why not? if you can't reverse what the president did today, do him one better. pass a comprehensive immigration bill that does what a comprehensive bill is supposed to do. tiegtsen the border, kill the magnet of cheap, illegal jobs that draw people across the border. i am not a polyanna. i notify the politics. i also know that to be a presidential party you can't spot the party in the entire voting group. you can't say to the latinos, buzz off. you can't ask them to self deport. i can ask for a bill you're proud to enforce. an immigration bill that truly enforces immigration. who comes into the country, why
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they come in and how long they stay. so, mr. and mrs. republican, take that sovereign right and pass a bill that you are proud to enforce. just do it. pass a bill. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. >> tonight, on "all in". >> we live here together. this is our home. we are stronger united. >> there will be a grand jury decision in the michael brown case "very shortly." so says the mayor of st. louis who joins me exclusively tonight. >> then -- >> pass a bill. >> the president stays on offense in nevada as one republican suggests the president belongs in jail. >> barack obama has such an established track record of ignoring the law or violating the law. >> tonight, my interview with congressman moe brooks. and actor
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