tv Politics Nation MSNBC November 26, 2014 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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to 2:00 a.m. fims are really not fair for them to be working. >> the i appreciate your time tonight. thanks for doing. this we need to shine a light on this. thanksgiving is being eroded away by middle class americans because they have to work for the retail giants. i wish legislation would be done to reverse this so we can respect people's time off and time together with family. that's the ed show. politics nation with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening. thank you for tuning in. tonight's lead, michael brown sparking a national movement. nearly 48 hours after a grand jury declined to indict officer darren wilson. we are witnessing protests from coast to coast, and we're hearing a growing outcry from many saying the process was unfair. questions about a prosecutor who attacked the victim, and a
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country wondering where we go from here. but at the heart of all of this is a family who lost their son. a family spending their first thanksgiving without their son at the table. joining me now is michael brown's mother, leslie mcspadden, i know what family attorney benjamin crump. thank you for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> leslie, it has been almost 48 hours since the announcement. how are you feeling? >> disappointed, let down. >> you were seen visibly sobbing and crying. but you wanted to be out there with the people. what went through your mind when you heard this prosecutor make this announcement? i know we had been talking for weeks if not months that we didn't expect much. when that moment happened, what happened to you in your mind?
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>> it made me feel like they didn't have any care or sympathy, compassion for my son at all. >> you know, the fact is that darren wilson spoke about the shooting. i want to play part of that to you. and i want your reaction. >> is there anything you could have done differently that would have prevented that killing from taking place? >> no. >> nothing? >> and you're absolutely convinced when you look through your heart and your mind, that if michael brown were white, this would have gone down in exactly the same way? >> yes. >> no question. >> no question. >> he said nothing he would have done differently. as a mother, how do you react to that? >> that lets me know that he wasn't doing his job. he had another agenda. and like i said, he didn't do what he had to do.
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he did what he wanted to do. that's what he's stating. he didn't give it a second thought. he wouldn't consider anything different. he think what's did he was right. >> leslie, president obama spoke about the grace that you maintained, as well as michael's father. listen to what he said earlier this week. >> first and foremost, we are a nation built on the rule of law. and so we need the accept that this decision was the grand jury's to make. there are americans who agree with it and there are americans who are deeply disappointed, even angry. it's an understandable reaction. but i join michael's parents in asking anyone who protest this decision to do so peacefully. now, michael brown's parents have lost more than anyone. we should be honoring their wishes. >> how do you feel with the
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president of the united states quoting you and michael's father to the world? what does that do to you when you their president addressing this? >> it gave me more hope than i had at first for them to do what should have been done. which was indict darren wilson. >> i mentioned there's been an eruption of anger from the community about the prosecutor, bob mcculloch. and how he hand the grand jury. what did you think about the whole process those three months? >> i really think that they took us through some heart breaking, agonizing pain, when bob mcculloch pretty much knew what he wasn't going to do. and the way that he did his job was almost insubordinated. like you should have just stemmed aside and let someone do the job correctly. >> you know, i said the other day, i've never heard a prosecutor disparage a victim
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the way mcculloch did. what did you want -- what would you want to say to him? i know michael's father said, peel don't know his son like you and he did. what would you want to say to him when you heard him saying these disparaging things about michael jr.? >> that's a tough one, rev. i want to say a lot of things. but the proper thing would be to ask him, if you hold this seat, then why won't you do your job? no one should do your job for you. and we've been saying a lot of different people doing different people's jobs since august 9th. >> i want to ask you about something else. your husband right after the decision came down, he was seen shouting, burn this aexpletive down. some say he had a hand in sparking the violence. >> i don't agree that. it was his raw emotion.
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he was upset. and to speak on and act on is two different things. and freedom of speech. you can say whatever you like. but remember what those people were saying august 9th. and it wasn't coming from the family. >> it's been a real, real rough week for you and the whole family. a lot of tension. what does this mean for you as a mother? i think that people, we had a, with other families. you're going to face thanksgiving tomorrow with an empty seat. and the families getting together. what does this as a mother feel to you? >> i'm just hurt. i don't even want to think about tomorrow being thanksgiving. it's just thursday. >> i don't even plan to celebrate because i can't.
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>> attorney general eric holder. let me go to you while leslie composes herself. attorney general holder says this. during the investigation on whether there was civil rights violation, what's your hope? what's the next legal step? >> well, one of the things we're hoping for after reading the transcript from darren wilson that was presented to the grand jury, he says certain things about the community in which michael and some of his family members lived in the canfield community. and that may be attributed to his state of mind, reverend sharpton. so that will be an interesting aspect of the case for the justice department now to look at. >> the justice department can move in how many areas here? >> they can move in several
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areas. obviously, the civil rights aspect is the one that is most common. and it goes to his mentality of, did he profile, did he do anything because of certain ethnicity or certain racial reasons. and he said what he thought about the community in the can field community in ferguson, and how others in the department thought about it. and it was just sad to think that he believed that michael fit a certain profile. and we didn't know that until we read his words. >> let me ask you, i'll come back to you, leslie. michael described as having a demonic look. like hulk hogan. tell us about michael. what kind of person was michael jr.? >> michael was a big kid.
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but no aggression. he would never provoke you to do anything to harm him, hurt him or anybody around him. i don't believe a word from darren wilson that my son. you knew him a few seconds. you didn't want to see anything but what you saw. what i think he saw was him looking at his own self. he wanted to kill his self that day. >> your son's death has sparked a national movement, protesters coast to coast. what would he say about this? what do you think michael would say? >> same thing he told his father. everybody going to know my name. >> he said that. >> he did. >> i remember that it was said he had predicted the whole world was going to know his name. >> yes, he did. that's because he got off into making songs, making beats, things of that nature.
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so he felt like from there, he would inspire. god had another plan for him. but he didn't stop everybody from knowing his name. >> what do you hope comes out of this tragedy? >> peace of mind. >> ben crump, i want to thank you. leslie, thank you for your time this evening. we'll see you later in the show. and to remember your son. i want to say this though. that i think it is important that people understand that this is a mother. as we saw the father last night. you didn't ask to be in this public platform. and i think that's important. >> yes, sir. and reverend sharpton, thank you for being there for the family and these other families today who are going to experience their first thanksgiving without their child. >> well, thank you.
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coming up, new questions about the ferguson grand jury. was it fair? or was there a thumb on the scales of justice? and how did officer wilson justify the shooting? >> at that time, i gave myself another mental check. can i shoot this guy? legally can i? and the question i answered myself was, i have to. if i don't, he will kill me if he gets to me. >> also, a blast of winter weather on the busiest travel day of the year. millions affected. flights grounded. we'll have the very latest. plus, reasons for hope. mothers united in grief and fighting for change. and a new social justice movement across the country. and of course, a great day for two lucky turkeys.
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was the ferguson grand jury process fair? or was it stacked in favor of officer darren wilson? and against michael brown, jr.? "the new york times" says, quote, the gentle questioning of officer wilson, and the sharp challenges prosecutors made to witnesses whose accounts seemed to contradict his narrative, have led some to question whether the process was as objective as the prosecutor claims. here's what the prosecutor said
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about witness testimony. when he announced the decision. >> eyewitness accounts must always be challenged and compared against the physical evidence. many witnesses to the shooting of michael brown made statements inconsistent with other statements they made, and also conflicting with the physical evidence. >> but the witnesses who were challenged most were the ones testifying against officer wilson. like one who said michael brown jr. in h his hands in the air. the prosecutor told that witness, basically just about everything that you said on august 13, and much of what you said today, isn't consistent with the physical evidence. but we saw very different approach with officer wilson. for example, prosecutors asked about the moment he shot michael brown by asking, quote, you felt like your life was in jeopardy? and quote, use of deadly force was justified at that point in your opinion. the tone is striking.
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in fact, the questions seem tougher in that tv interview than they did in the grand jury. >> you say, he starts to run. starts to come toward you. and? >> that at that time i gave myself another mental check. can i shoot this guy? legally can i? and the question that i answered myself was, i have to. if i don't, he will kill me if he gets to me. even though he's 35, 40 feet away? >> once he's coming that direction, if he hasn't stopped yet, when is he going to stop? >> joining me now, former u.s. attorney, kendall coffee and jim cavanagh. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> what do you make of the prosecutor asking, you felt like your life was in jeopardy. does that strike you as odd? >> well, i feel pretty clearly, that rather than a leaderless
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grand jury investigation, this was a grand jury that was being led to a conclusion of innocence. think of it. it is just the questions a defense lawyer would have asked officer wilson. didn't you feel like your life was in jeopardy? well, of course you know what the answer will be. didn't you feel like in effect that the shooting was justified? not only does that tell the witness to say he's innocent. it tells grand jury members there in the room that this prosecutor is signaling very clearly that the prosecution thinks that officer wilson is innocent. so in some of the most critical stages of this entire process, the prosecutors, rather than being neutral, were basically stepping over to the defense team. >> jim, you question why prosecutors didn't wait until the end of the grand jury process to call officer wilson. what is important about that? >> well, reverend, an
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investigative grand jury process, i've been involved in many of those. you gather all the information. your witnesses come in. you're trying to put the case together. the target of the investigation, in other words, the investigation of who would get charges preferred against them if the grand jury returned a true bill. normally would you bring it at the end based on a target letter that the united states attorney or the district attorney would put out. you don't let the person sift the narrative and everybody has to see if it falls in place. in other words, the grand jurors would know everything. then the person who would be possibly criminally the charged would come in. and then they would decide. so you can test his statement against all the other statements. in investigations, that's what we like to do. the target we like to get last, not first. so what happened here when the officer goes in, everybody is tested against his statement. if it doesn't match his statement, it is rejected as not true or right.
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inconsistent witness statements is the norm never case. certainly, to even bring up a witness who makes some fantastic claim that michael brown was shot in the head, shot in the ground. it is so fabulous. it would be so rejected. we would never have that person call it a trial or a grand jury. we would totally reject that. to present to the grand jury, i don't think that's a fair process. >> here's an example of two different accounts. one from officer wilson. the other from darian johnson. it is about whether mike brown reached toward his waist band. listen to this. >> when he stopped, he turn and faced me. as he does that, his right hand goes into his waist band myself immediate thought was, was there a weapon? >> his hands were never at his waist. he didn't have a belt. on it wouldn't stay in his waist. even if he did have it there it wouldn't stay at his waist. >> couldn't a prosecutor argue
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the physical evidence doesn't support officer wilson's account? >> exactly. and just as jim described. you put the target on at the end if they want to come in without immunity. then you confront them. you've had presumably a number of witnesses. a number of important pieces of information and the physical evidence. and you aggressively and intensively cross examine them. you don't put them that there to tell their story with the aid and the assistance of a couple of friendly questions from the prosecutor. that's a great example of a key point that the officer was allowed to say basically unchallenged. that kind of failure to challenge the target, if he walks into a grand jury investigation, is something that never happens. targets are aggressively relentlessly challenged by prosecutors who are serious about exploring a prosecution. >> jim, officer wilson said he pursued michael brown to prevent brown from attack someone else.
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quote. what would stop him from doing what he just did to me or to him or worse. knowing he has already done to it one cop, he still posed a threat. not only to me, to anybody else that confronted him. does that make sense to you? or should prosecutors have followed up? >> you know, you can assess that yourself. is that really a believable statement? it is a statement the officer says that allows him to use deadly force, even when the guy is fleeing. is this guy really an imminent danger to every other citizen? he was involved in a strong arm robbery. stole the cigars and pushed the clerk. he is involved in an assault on the officer. he slam and punched the officer, probably the worst case. to fight over the gun. let's take all that and say it's true. he doesn't necessarily pose a great imminent threat to the public at large. it wouldn't be a situation where
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you could shoot him in the back. but the officer seems to feel that is okay. that he pose this is great danger to the public at large. i don't think that's a valid argument. but i don't think it would come into a test of excessive force because he wasn't shot in the back. i think the excessive force come when he was shot in the front. in the first volley of shots at a great distance where he was shot probably in the upper arm, with an upward trajectory. that doesn't indicate he was walking forward. there are a number witnesses who talk about hands in front at different stages. out here it may be incredulous what's going on and he gets shot with this volley and pauses and you know, then comes forward, staggering, stumbling or charging. maybe to save his own life. if he is trying surrender and being shot stoex excessive force to me is not at the car. it is not when he is running away. it is when he is shot from a
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distance he is and unarmed. that's what the department of justice, and kendall can elabora elaborate. the department of justice civil rights division, the fbi as well, to put this together and see if this will really hold. is it an excessive force case? not can they prosecute, can they prevail. first, is it or is it not an excessive force case. then they need to go from. there they will have all the evidence. map it out. put the stop watch on it. he only traveled 25 feet. get that thing tightened down and get answers to the public. >> i'm out of time, kendall. but suffice it to say, bottom line, this is very unusual in many areas. >> yeah. it is extraordinary. and it doesn't show an even handed treatment of a process of the people involved. >> thank you both for your time tonight. have a good thanksgiving.
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coming up, serious questions about how police and investigators hand the michael brown shooting. plus, the busiest travel night of the year and a nasty storm is threatening millions of travelers. and president obama's latest executive order. pardoning the turkeys. we'll introduce to you mac and cheese ahead. line with 3 gigs for $65 a month. 3 gigs ... is that a lot? that's about ... 100 app downloads, 45 hours of streaming music, and 6 hours of video playing. (singing) and five golden rings! ha, i see what you did... (singing) four calling birds...three french hens ...(the guys starts to fizzle out) two... turtle...doves... i really went for it there ya you did ... you really, really did now get 3 gigs of data on one line for $65 a month. switch to at&t, buy a new smartphone and get $150 credit per line.
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it's the day before thanksgiving. the busiest travel day of the year. and if you're already home, be thankful. because millions of americans are facing delays on the road. and in the air. hundreds of flights have been canceled. a messy storm is bringing wet snow and heavy rain up and down the east coast. msnbc's meteorologist dominicka
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davis is tracking the storm. >> it is looking to be a bit of a mess, especially with the travel delays. we're looking at a new travel delay. logan has been spared pretty much all day. we're starting to see this in last couple hours. they have hour and a half delays. the brunt of the storm pushes up through new england. these travel delays will continue right through much of the night. you can see though, the storm is starting to cut off around the beltway. that's where we're getting some clearing. that's good news. the storm continues to push to the north. the heaviest snow and rainfall now is pushing into new england. so places like bridgeport, boston, you are in the thick of it and will be for at least the next six hours before we can wrap this storm up. the interior sections like i-81, the mass pipe. that's where we're looking at the heaviest snowfall by the time this is over. eight to ten inches. manchester, eight to 12.
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by thanksgiving, it is all said and done. everybody is dry and a nice turkey day ahead. >> thank you for your report and have a happy thanksgiving. still ahead, why was officer wilson allowed to drive himself back to the station after the shooting? why did they let him put his own gun into evidence? that's next. (vo) nourished. rescued. protected. given new hope. during the subaru "share the love" event, subaru owners feel it, too. because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. we'll have given 50 million dollars over seven years. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. hey! so i'm looking at my bill, and my fico® credit score's on here. we give you your fico® score each month for free! awesomesauce! wow! the only person i know that says that is...lisa?
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[ male announcer ] just apply to the gumline of sensitive teeth for a quick 10 minutes. the special ingredient forms a lasting barrier that provides immediate relief and up to one month of protection. see why dental professionals endorse crest sensi-stop strips to treat sensitivity. that's 1 strip. 10 minutes. and up to 1 month of protection. satisfaction guaranteed. [ woman ] life opens up when you relieve sensitivity. we're back with more revelations from the grand jury. the "washington post" reports the grand jury documents raise serious questions about how police and investigators handle the michael brown shooting. the post reports that after the shooting, officer wilson was allowed to drive himself alone back to the police station. he washed the blood off his hands before they were photographed. and he even put his own gun in
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an evidence bag. and the problems didn't end there. the "huffington post" found other problems in the investigation. the first officer who interviewed wilson didn't record the conversation or take any notes. and an investigator for the medical office's notes didn't measure the likely distance between officer wilson and where he stood and michael brown's body. saying, it was self-explanatory, what happened. and that investigator also didn't take any pictures. telling the grand jury, quote, my battery in my camera died. county police later did take photographs. but still, my battery died? when a young man is lying dead in the street, we expect better than that from investigators. so a big question tonight. did these issues receive proper attention from the grand jury? what role could they have played
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if this case had gone to trial? joining me now, prosecutor paul henderson and trial attorney and legal analyst, midwin charles. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> if this case had gone to trial work these issues have come up? >> absolutely. one of the first things that attorney dozen when cases to go trial is they focus on how bad the investigation was. and whether or not the investigation was done in a manner to sort of get at the heart of the truth. when anyone looks at how this investigation was done or lack there of, all that comes to mind is that these people are supposed to be trained. they're supposed to be experienced and they're supposed to be professionals. the fact they did not follow protocol raises the question. why is this how they handle all investigations when someone is shot and killed on the street or is it only because a police officer was involved?
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>> you know something that really struck me. another issue in this police investigation. look at this police lab report that the grand jury examined. it said the offense was an assault on l.e.o. leo, or law enforcement officers. it also refers to officer wilson as the victim, quote, and michael brown, as quote, the suspect. the grand jury saw several reports with this language. does that impact their point of view? >> it absolutely does. so as they are receiving this information, it really does matter. because that is what a grand jury is influenced by. the reports that are placed in front of them. and when they see, and when they read, and when they hear about official reports, it does have a subbive influence on how they perceive the case and how they perceive the evidence. and all of that is compounded
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with the facts in this case whereas we talked about before, in missouri, where the target of an investigation is allowed to testify in front of a grand jury, which isn't normal. when you have a police officer himself coming in and giving his version of events, that matches an official report. that he contributed to and he contributed to writing, you know, that's very persuasive and more than persuasive. that is actually influential and the role of the prosecutor to do aggressive advocacy, to opponent out whatever inconsisrtencies may exist. >> now i want to get back to the grand jury. how rare it is that a grand jury doesn't indict. in 2010, u.s. attorneys prosecuted 162,000 cases. grand juries declined to return an indictment in just 11 cases. now those were federal cases,
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not state cases. but it is a striking statistic. what does it say to you? >> well, it says to me, one of the statements that a lot of lawyers use is that a prosecutor can indict a ham sandwich. that's because the threshold is so low. all a prosecutor is trying to do is get a grand jury to understand the person being investigated probably committed a crime. not that they are guilty of the crime or not that they are innocent of the crime. that did not happen here. i represent so many clients in new york. they don't get this treatment. there are no 60 witnesses being paraded out and listening to evidence over the course of three months for 25 days. it just doesn't happen. this is highly irregular. the problem with this case is it sets a precedent so. when other police officers are us is pirks or there is an
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indication they committed this sort of crime, is this the protocol that will be followed to ensure they don't get an indictment. that's what is so dangerous. it sets forth a two-tiered legal stemt. i want to go to another tragic story in cleveland on. saturday, an officer shot and killed a 12-year-old boy named tamir rice. a 911 caller reported seeing him waving and pointing a gun outside a recreation center. but said it was probably fake. it was fake. a pellet gun. but that information was never related to police. today, police released this surveillance video of him walking around outside the rec center. police circled the pellet gun in red. the next video i'm about to show is extremely disturbing. it shows officers arriving at the scene. one gets out of his car and shoots and kills tamir rice
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within seconds. a grand jury will decide if the officer should be charged. >> this is exactly why it is important that the public feel like there is aggressive advocacy and representation so that all of the issues come out and in a tape like this, you want to hear prosecutors presenting a persuasive argument that outlines all the issues surrounding the possibility that an individual may have committed wrongdoing and could be charged with a crime. this is why we have so much tension and outrage. people feel like they're not, the value system that makes the determination as to who is accountable in society. and that there are different standards for if someone from the african-american community shoots a gun, versus an
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individual that may be an officer shooting someone else with a gun. >> midwent, police say they told the boy to show his hands. it happened so fast. how could that be possible? >> that's what makes this tape so disturbing. the fact that it happened so quickly. i have to keep harping on the fact that police officers are professionals. they are trained. they have experience. and they are trained how to deal with these sorts of situations. i can't understand how it is that a police officer could come upon a child, a 12-year-old. and not try to de-escalate the situation or try to even gain more information from that 911 caller. >> quickly, a 12-year-old boy killed. do you think a grand jury would recommend charges? >> you know, when you just say a 12-year-old is killed works a grand jury recommend charging? >> generally i would say yes. we have to focus on the prosecution and the individual defending the evidence to outline how to interpret what
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police procedure is. how to interpret the reports and evidence and the testimony from that officer. so that's what will be important in this case. >> paul henderson, midwin charles, thank you both for your time and have a happy thanksgiving. straight ahead, michael brown jr.'s family join others going through tragedy to turn grief into action. get to the terminal across town. are all the green lights you? no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪ they cut the power. it'll fix itself.
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at the heart of the tragedy in ferguson is a grieving mother and father. the mother lost her son. back with me to remember her son, leslie mcspadden and had her attorney, ben crump. what do you want the world to remember about michael, your son? >> that he was kind, he was friendly, he was loving, he was a regular teenager. and he was a human being. he deserved every free right that all of us do. >> you know, today, you and other families are dealing with tragedy like eric gardner's family at my action network for bonding and prayer. what does it mean to you to have these women by your side at this time? >> it means a lot. for them to have the strength to keep going.
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and it makes me keep going. and it makes me feel so sad for them that we have to relate to such a situation to have a closeness. it is sad. it is very sad. and the other sad part about it is that over half of us have not got the justice that we seek. >> and in his testimony, officer wilson described michael looking like a demon and he was asked about it in the interview. >> why did you choose the word demon? >> i don't really know what was going. on i was so shocked by the whole interaction. this escalated so quickly from a simple request to now a fight for survival. and it still doesn't make sense to me why someone would act in that way and be so mad instantly and be aggressive. >> does that sound like your son to you? >> no. like i said before, it sounds like he is pretty much
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describing himself. i've never seen a demon. i can't say what a demon looks like. >> hulk hogan, a demon. these characterizations, does that sound anywhere like your son? teenagers can be different. but does that sound like the son you knew? >> no. that doesn't sound like anyone that i know. >> why do you think he would say that? >> because it sounds good to him. he wanted to add insult to injury. he is disrespectful. >> michael's death sparked a movement all over the country. the president is talking about it. michael would have said what about this? if he saw the president of the united states and people all over the country holding up his name? >> i think he would be overwhelmed and ecstatic, happy and eager to do something more to keep them talking about him.
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>> what do you think his legacy would be? what do you hope he would be remembered for? >> i hope he would be remembered for the good and everything that we present to you about our son. because no one knew him as well as we did. and everybody thinks that they know him and they don't. they really don't. >> mr. crump, before we go, the hulk hogan 5-year-old boy analogy, you had taken a lot of umbrage at. >> when you look at this process, this grand jury proceeding, they allowed him to come and talk for four hours and they never asked him a tough question. they never cross examined him. it was just glaring analogies. like the hulk hogan analogy to the 5-year-old boy analogy. him being 5 years old. when you look at i, in fact, he was 6'4". almost 220 pounds.
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and michael brown was 6'6", 290 pounds. so they were both big. and so when he says, he beat him up, he hit him so hard. you're looking and saying, where are the hulk hogan punches at? he just has blush on his cheeks. why didn't the prosecutor cross examine him on that? why didn't the prosecutor cross examine that he told the detective one thing august 9th and says something totally different when he got to the grand jury? what they wanted was due process for their child, nothing more, nothing less. and they did not get it in this grand jury proceeding. >> attorney general benjamin crump, leslie mcspadden. thank you very much. the mother of michael brown jr. for sharing with us. and we will be praying for peace for and you the family. and justice.
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happy thanksgiving to everyone in politics nation. president obama marked the holiday with the white house tradition, going back to the 1800s. the pardoning of turkeys. the president's daughters, sasha and malia were there for the fun. >> i am here to announce what i'm sure will be the most talked about executive action this month. today i am taking an action fully within my legal authority, the same kind of action taken by
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democrats and republican presidents before me to spare the lives of two turkeys, mac and cheese. from a terrible and delicious fate. let's face it, if you're a turkey, and you're named after a side dish, your chances of escaping thanksgiving dinner are pretty low. so these guys are well ahead of the curve. they really beat the odds and they will get to live out the rest their days respectably. some will call this amnesty. but don't worry, there's plenty of turkey to go around. >> thanks to those who voted on twitter. mac and cheese beat the odds. mac is a 47-pound male with a feather shaker strut and a
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medical owed just gobble. cheese is a 49-pound male with a grand champion strut and a loud romantic gobble. >> now, because i know everyone wants to get out of town, mac and cheese included, it is time for me to engage in the official act. let's see what we can do here with cheese. >> careful. come on, girls. are we ready? all right. cheese? you are here by pardoned from the thanksgiving dinner table. congratulations. he looks pretty happy about it. >> yes, he does look happy about
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it! but he probably didn't like what the president said right after the pardon. >> i will tell you though, turkeys don't have the best looking heads. you know what i'm saying? you think they're beautiful? >> i think they're beautiful. >> and they're red, white and blue. patriotic, too. >> absolutely. you guys want to pet him? >> no. >> whatever their heads look like, mac and cheese have a lot to be thankful for this thanksgiving. and so do we. we'll talk about that next. has the power to captivate. that's why shakira uses... crest 3d white with whitelock technology, removing up to ninety percent of surface stains, and locking out future stains. so your smile always steals the show. crest 3d white. so your smile always steals the show. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours, but aleve can last 12 hours... and aleve is proven to work
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you'rbam!ean. charmin ultra strong cleans so much better it meets even the highest standards of clean. with a soft duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong is 4 times stronger. and you can use up to 4x less. charmin ultra strong. finally tonight, why i am inspired about america's potential for positive change. last night, thousands participate in the peaceful protests from coast to coast. all standing in solidarity for michael brown.
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we need to keep it up and never give up. america has changed time and time again and we saw proof of that on the very day that the grand jury decision was announced. on monday, the president awarded the medal of freedom to 18 people. the nation's highest civilian honor. three of those awards went to slain civil rights activists, james chaney, andrew goodman and michael. they were murred by the kkk in 1964 while registering blacks to vote in mississippi's freedom summer. their deaths shocked the nation and inspired millions. >> james, andrew and michael could not have known the impact they would have on the civil rights movement or on future generations. here today inspired by their sacrifice, we continue to fight for the ideals of equality and justice for which they gave their lives. >> another award was given to
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charles, the first black golfer in the pga. faced harassment and death threats everywhere he went. he never let it get them down. >> on the tour, charles was sometimes banned from clubhouse restaurants. focus threatened him, shouted slurs from the gallery, kicked his ball into the rough. charlie is laughing about that. my ball is always in the rough. >> the way ahead may look rough. but we can't get discouraged. this holiday let's be thankful that america can change for the better. but only if we fight to make that happen. i've been in the fight for social justice all my life. yes, it's rough. yes, you're going to get attacked. yes, you'll get castigated. in the end, if your life purpose is to try to make a difference, all of that are only thing that toughen you up and make you more firm in your resolve. i'm thankful to see a junker
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generation all over the country of all races stand up with the same passion i've had in my life. and that passion will lead to change. yes, it is a sad day with some decisions but i'm thankful that there are those that still believe we can make a difference. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton a happy and safe thanksgiving. we'll see you back here mont night. "hardball" starts right now. the night before thanksgiving, will there be peace in ferguson? let's play "hardball." >> good evening to you. i am in for chris matthews. demonstrators and protests continue again today. now 48 hours after a grand jury declined to charge officer darren wilson for murder or manslaughter for shooting michael brown. demonstrators gathered near the
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