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tv   News Nation  MSNBC  December 2, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PST

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did not apologize and they go on to say that the players will not be punished. a ram's executive tells the police chief that he, quote, regretted any offense their officers may have taken but the team said that's not an apology. it prompted a tweet defining the word apology. the rams are also not backing down in their defense of the players' first amendment rights. >> as far as the choice that the players made, no they're exercising their right to free speech. they will not be disciplined by the club nor be disciplined by the national football league. >> meanwhile it was another night of calm in ferguson which remains around state of emergency. an opposite scene played out earlier in the day in the first meeting of the ferguson commission that saw outbursts from residents. it coincided with a meeting that president obama held at the white house with police, activists, and local leaders.
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the president proposed $263 million in funding for community policing initiatives including 50,000 police body cameras. the president acknowledged concerns echoed by so many people whether the meetings will result in action. >> there have been commissions before and task forces and conversations, and nothing happens. what i tried to do describe to people is by this time will be different and part of the reason this time will be different is because the president of the united states is deeply invested in making sure. in the two years i have remaining as president, i'm going to make sure that we follow through. >> and joining me now two activists from ferguson who attended the white house meeting. philip ag new and brittany executive director for teach for america st. louis. thank you for joining me today. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> brittany, i know that some of
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the interviews i've heard you done already regarding the meeting initially you said in the past the president had kind of criminalized the movement clumping in peaceful protests like yourself and philip in with people who were not peaceful. in this meeting you explained that to him that most of the violence was coming from the police department and something needed to be done and it wasn't about the protesters. >> so i'm not exactly sure what interviews you're prepped with. i've never said that about the president. what i have said that what we have seen over the last 116 days is a largely peaceful protests. a lot of young people, the elderly, children, people of all ages getting out there and making their voices heard. what i told the president is exactly what i'm telling you. that in a lot of instances we have been met with assault. i have not placed that blame on him. but what i have done is decided to speak that truth to power because as all of us in the meeting the first time i was tear gassed in ferguson, i was
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standing with an eighth grader. making sure that we preserve people's constitutional rights and the privileges and rights are available to every american. >> the quote i have from you it says, kwoetd, in previous remarks the president has used language that criminalizes our movement lumping in the vast majority of peaceful protesters with violence and bad actors in our meeting we explained that most violence in our community is coming from the police department and something needs to be done about that. that's the quote that was quoted to you that i was referring to. >> oh, i see. well, i -- those aren't my words. >> okay. >> i'm not sure why that quote was attributed to me. >> that's cool. philip, let me go to you. what do you feel was coming from the meeting in the president's intentions he said, listen, this will not be the same thing. this will not be another meeting that evaporates in the wind that he's committed to taking action. did you feel that energy and that sen sirty, and most importantly what he laid out
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specifically? >> i think the most important thing. i want to say one thing. i'm part of dream defenders. we supported for ferguson but i'm not a member of the ferguson committee or community but we're helping as much as we can from florida. the energy yesterday was there. i think a lot of energy came from the people. and it's important note that a meeting of that magnitude doesn't happen without over 100 days of protesting peacefully in the street. like i said, the energy was there. we'll see what really happens. the big take away from me and many of the people at the meeting was there's still a lot of work to be done. this is a product of years and years and years and years of movement from the people standing up against police repression. standing up against state violence. this was an opportunity for the president say to get the real. to hear from people on the ground about what was going on. >> absolutely beyond the
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national scope to the local level, do you believe, for example, the cameras placed these body cameras will that make the significant defense, i think that michael brown's family is hoping for and many of the peaceful protesters. do you believe it's the key there? >> no. dash board cameras caught draft mere rice being murdered. i don't think the cameras will change everything. in fact, i think the cameras could be a little bit iffy in the application. people could turn them on and off. small offenses may be getting into a dragnet now everything is cutting on camera. no, i don't think it's going to solve everything. what is going to solve everything is a cultural shift in how our police officers are trained, where they live, how they police, how they interact with their community and what we see on television of the image put forth of young, black, brown latino folks.
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if that combats what they're taught now. that's going to change it. the camera is going to catch what is happening. >> brittany, correct me if it's not right. you're on the ferguson commission you were appointed by governor nixon. >> yes, that is correct. it's an independent commission from diverse individuals from the community. >> the governor is a controversial player in all of this as well from the decision not to remove the prosecutor and a laundry of list of others. do you believe he's listening or will listen to the independent commission of people that includes yourself? >> well, i do believe that he will listen but ultimately we're accountable to our community. so my real hope they will listen. i'll be honest with you, i was hesitant to join the commission as were a number of us who are on the commission who have been active in protests and continue to be active in the protests. that really is where so much of the work is being done as philip discussed. and maintaining credibility with those people who are really throughout doing the important work and getting out there and doing the important work with
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them is what i and several others on the commission have continued to do. and so i think this is an important step. i joined the commission to make that community voice heard. also, to elevate the choice of 24,000 students that teach for america serve here's in st. louis. all children of color, first-generation american, and all low-income. so i think that just like the meeting at the white house yesterday, just like that this is a step. right. this can be a positive step in the right direction if we treat it that way. >> i think the community is proud of both of you. it to be great to attend that., that is who is quoting you in that article with the words i just read. you might want to tell them to take it down, if you did not say that. >> thank you. also, developing right now homeland security secretary jay johnson is vigorously defending the president's actions that allow some 5 million undocumented immigrants to
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remain in the country and work without fear of deportation. he's under fire at the house hearing from republicans. they're angry, of course, over the president's actions two weeks ago. the secretary is the highest ranking administration official to face gop questions. the hearing began with committee chairman michael mccall of texas challenging the legality of the action the president has taken. >> who should we believe? the president before the election who said he didn't have legal authority to take this action or the president after the election who says he does have the authority? >> i'm satisfied as a lawyer, myself, and the person who has to come here and defend these actions that what we have done is well within our existing legal authority. >> republican congressman mike rogers of alabama also challenged how those applying for the program will be to be prove they've been living here for the required five years. >> how do you determine how
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they're presenting themselves is accurate. for example, if they say i've been here seven years. how do you get them to prove it? >> good question. the o on yus will be on the applicant. >> this is going to be an area wrought with fraud. >> joining me live now congressman sheila jackson lee of texas. questioned the homeland security secretary herself. thank you for joining. >> thank you very much for having me. if i might, just thank the young peaceful protesters dealing with this ferguson crisis and debacle thank them for what they're doing and congress is listening and the president is listening. >> and certainly you're right. i appreciate you offering those thoughts there. you have supported the
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president's decision for executive actions here. this is our first hearing. this go on for awhile. it's just the beginning of the debate. did you hear any legitimate concerns you see as legitimate -- i should say, from republicans questioning sk tear johnson today? >> first of all, tamron, i think it is important for democrats and republicans to be fact finders. so i don't oppose the hearing. i oppose the underlying premise open borders, which is absolutely incorrect. we know this president and this administration, to some dismay, many of our dismay deported more persons than any other administration. many are innocent mothers and fathers and people here working. in listening extensively to this hearing and the questions and answers starting at 9:00 a.m. this morning. no, i didn't hear any penetrating legitimate questions that would undermine the extensive work that was done by secretary johnson. be reminded the president asked for the review before the
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election, and it was done to ensure a thorough vetting by the department of justice, constitutional vetting, vetting juxtaposition to the article the constitutional authority of the president meaning the executive order. all that was being said was that the president violated the law. that the president created rights that he could not do under the executive order. let me finish by saying one pointed question i asked secretary johnson is whether or not we created a pathway to citizenship or any legal immigration status under this executive order and the answer was a resounding no. what more do the republicans want? >> you know, and i think that at least some of the back and forth we had or heard here to your point what do they want they did not and do not want the president to take the action. it's simple, it seems. there is concern regarding border security. that is something you focussed on as well.
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will that be an area, perhaps, that republicans and democrats can find some agreement on if, again, there is a legitimate issue you see there. >> well, i also want to make note of the fact that i put into the record the words of speaker boehner to the president in 2012 where he thought comprehensive immigration reform or fixing the immigration system was of paramount importance. do tate he's done nothing and put nothing on the floor includes hr 1714 that i helped pass. it's a border security bill. i believe what the president has done in the executive order only responds to people in place here in the united states. it is not an invitation to people to come. as guidelines, certain years you can come under executive order having been in the united states and definitive ways you can prove it. maybe you worked for an employer for a period of time. this is not an open door
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invitation for come one come all. it is not the unaccompanied children. those people fleeing violence and murder. they were fleeing because parents said i don't care what happens in the united states i'm putting these children on a bus, a boat, train in order get them to refuge and safety. so, no, this is not a -- i think it's a scare tactic for the american people. in fact, in the executive order is a border security strategy creating a task force for the southern and western border and enhanced working with the border patrol agents to ensure what it does is gives status to people who have been working. gives status to parents of citizens children and legal permanent resident children. i asked the republicans if this is not in your line of thinking, all you have to do is get moving on the senate bill or the house bill hr 15 which has -- our
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border security bill and the senate component dealing with immigration services. i asked the question, tamron, why haven't we voted on the bill in the house? >> that's the question we'll see what republicans have to say. thank you for joining us. so let me bring in our "newsnation" panel today attorney usa today columnist and ruaul riaz. we were talking about in in the commercial break. separate from the hearing you have the complexity of the president's action meaning for those who are eligible for those who can apply how are they to get the appropriate information. i had a conversation with someone yesterday who seems the person who can apply can stay in the country as a result of children who is an american
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stgts. already hearing from lawyers and people who seem less than screw up louse who may attempt to take advantage of hard working people who can stay in this country. >> very good point to make, tamron. first of all, i'm a proud member of the american immigration lawyers association. i know, ayla has taken efforts to inform the public through the members themselves and encouraging members to go out and speak and programs such as this both in spanish and english and another languages. and inform the people of the right way to do this and not trust go to a local community agency staffed with lawyers or qualified paralegals to help them with these forms and give them the correct and true information. >> do you believe now we've watched this hearing and the republicans still vowing to fight the president on immigration is there a hesita e
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hesitanc hesitance. >> unfortunately i do -- the rumors and the rumblings in the community i've heard is some people are hesitant because they think it might be a temporary action or they know it's a temporary action. and there may be a permanent immigration reform provided congress and senate come together next year beginning of next year. that would incur spending fees and costs. but also, something more on people's behimind this will idey them or take them out of the shadows and put them into the main stream and identify them to the u.s. government. there's a bit of mistrust among a lot of the especially the latin american community in these issues. it's a good point you made. >> you point out that all though
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republicans are unified in -- they cannot decide what to do next. and that hearing is clear the peppering of questions from all over the place from how do you implement it to border security to the comments made by speaker boehner. there's not a unified what to do next. >> right. they only have three options going forward. they could file a lawsuit, which is unlikely to succeed and even if it did we wouldn't know the results of that and probably obama was out of office. they could try to legislate something on their own. and so far all the years had the time that doesn't seem likely either. or try to control something through the power of the pursestrings. speaker boehner and senator mcconnell said they don't want anything like last year where we shut down the government. what seems to be emerging -- i believe through september along with a continuing residence tlugs goes into early next year to cover funding for department of homeland security.
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they believe that will give them some leverage over the department of homeland security once new congress is in. but the weakness about that they threaten to defund dhs in january or february dhs controls immigration enforcement. if they shut down we'll have open borders. and the other part they will be charged with implementing the president's program. it's self-funded. it's funded by fees. they don't have any way of controlling the financial component of that program. >> the president has three actions. and then start signing people up. >> right. and the defending part in -- one of the big pillar of that is showing the country it's not just for latinos. today he's in chicago meeting with people at a polish-american community center. he's being introduced by a
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successful irish immigrant who owns restaurants. and then the third part will be encouraging people to come forward. there's a risk in the temporary program and coming forward to show the expenditure of political capital was worth it and the program can be a successf success. thank you. up next calling it quits. bill cosby resigned from the board of temple university after 32 years. why some call it a pivotal moment in the scandal. >> i took full responsibility for everything i did. the only thing i can hope for is a second chance. ray rice said he wants his life back in an exclusive interview. one of the stories we're following around the "newsnation." and a powerful storm is moving -- look at the radar on california. expected to bring heavy rain to the drought-stricken state and certainly it will cause new
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problems including potential landslides. we have the forecast and join our conversation online you can find the team @"newsnation." you can find me on facebook, twitter, and instay gram. (vo) nourished. rescued. protected. given new hope. during the subaru "share the love" event, subaru owners feel it, too. because when you take home a new subaru, we donate 250 dollars to helping those in need. we'll have given 50 million dollars over seven years. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. emma, it's simple, when you are in a place like this, the best way to capture the moment is to feel it, even if you can't see it. but the comfort it provides is it's justimmeasurable.ece
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developing now downtown detroit evacuations are underway for a wide spread power outage affecting several government buildings. some include wayne state university. the detroit institute of art, several fire departments, and the city county building. officials are working to determine exactly what has caused the outage. a little bit of the activity going on we'll keep an eye on the developing news out of detroit. comedian bill cosby resigned as a trustee of his alma mater
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temple university. cosby served on the board of trustees since 1982 and his relationship with the university goes back to his student days in the '60s. with alumni pressure mounting in the wake of the string of sexual assault allegations the university said cosby decided to step down. kate snow has more on the story. >> think about your power. think about it. >> for years now temple university has put dr. cosby on the podium. >> you did this. and you came and now you have it. now do something with it! >> this was his beloved temple. >> i associate temple with you and college. >> the place bill cosby reminisced about. the name he wore on sweat shirts. on monday he called the chairman of the board of trustees he served on and resigned. i've been proud much my association with temple university cosby said in a statement. i have always wanted to do what would be in the best interest of the university and its students.
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as a result, i have tendered my resignation from the temple university board of trustees. students and alumni from temple have been calling on the university to cut ties with cosby. the board said only that it accepts his resignation. the founder of a group that works to prevent sexual assault called that a pivotal moment. >> i think it's a big deal because his image has been tied to temple's for decades now. and also, because the first big allegation against him many years ago was by an employee of temple university. >> in 2005, the director of operations for the women's basketball program at temple accused cosby of drugging and assaulting her. that civil suit was settled but 20 more women have publicly accused cosby. cosby has never been charged with any crime and his attorney called the accusations unsubstantiated fantastical story. >> willing to believe that
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someone's love and respect could be capable of terrible acts is there in a way. cosby's next comedy shows are scheduled for saturday at a theater just outside new york city. the venue sent ticketholders an e-mail. one-third of the ticketholders -- to the sold out show asked for refunds. a tragedy avoided police. a student helped track down a boy with a loaded gun inside the story. we'll have the latest. plus one of the stories we're following around the "newsnation." and today the fda begins reconsidering a ban on blood donations from gay men. it is one of the storiies we jut thought you should know.
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welcome back. in california a region literally thirsting for rain. there's finally significant rainfall 3 to 5 inches falling over a wide area of the drought stricken state. but it could create a whole new set of problems. already, a mud slide closed more than 9 miles of the pacific coast highway for several hours. and today a voluntary evacuation has been posted outside los angeles. weather channel meteorologist jennifer delgado joins us. >> we'll be dealing with the rain today and tomorrow. it's shifting toward the north. here is a live view of the radar. it's something we haven't seen in too long of a time. the rain working in from san francisco all to the areas like san diego. and we're looking at the snow in the higher elevations. the snow that's not going to be the big story here. we are talking anywhere from 3 to 5 inches of rainfall. this storm is going to be diving down and pushing in at the same time it's kicking in this
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moisture with the problem we get the rain coming through in a short period of time. you deal with an issue recovering from burn scars from the wild fires. it starts to giveaway even more. here comes the low. this is going to be kicking in the rainfall. that's we have the flash flood watches out there from san diego to auburn. this it going to last today through tomorrow morning with the rain coming through roads will be dangerous out there. it's going to mean travel delays. at the same time you add the wind gusts about 50 miles per hour. this is going to be a one two punch but badly needed rainfall indeed. as we show through thursday locations to the north will be the big winner with 3 to 5 inches of rainfall. even parts of ventura county, los angeles county they'll be looking at three plus inches of rainfall as well. it will last thursday and by friday we'll start to see things returning to normal to the south. >> thank you. appreciate it. up next some ferguson activists are calling the
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president's plan to deal with the fall out a, quote, band aid and why some are disappointed. the plan. mark murray will talk about the president's strategy beyond what he said what he's planning to do next. our born in the usa series is back from howard. a new line of clothing is giving students at historically black colleges and universities their own campus wear when other companies have not. we're going talk live with the owner of chiccer college. vltsd hey matt, what's up?
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impacted by this evacuations are underway. they're trying to find out what is the problem here. but the wide spread power outage affecting downtown detroit. a number of businesses, government offices, as well as as we just reported, schools closing after a half day in session. more on the fallout from ferguson. president obama's series of meetings with protest leaders, activists, and law enforcement officials. the president unveiled a new plan for helping police department buy more body cameras. he promised programs to bring police and communities together. the president stopped short of criticize i criticizing ferguson. one called the plan a band aid on a larger problem. then there's this headline from the los angeles times. avoids addressing ferguson head on.
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joining me now mark murray. i'm curious with your analysis and looking at this. is this a situation where you'll have someone who is unhappy or did the president not take a strong enough stance here in. >> tamron, i'm not surprised people are disappointed particularly the activists. the people who are upset about the grand jury not indicting officer darren wilson here. in a lot of republic-- people st the indictment. i think that is one of the reasons why there is a lot of disappointment. there's also the disappointment in the fact that the people who saw barack obama and his 2008 race when he was talking about race about being an african-american, about some of the inequities when it comes to being an african-american in this country and why he can't do the same thing now. noted that president obama ended up to become president had to sacrifice being almost sometimes that truth teller when it comes to conversation about race.
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he's not president of just african-americans and democrats when he was running for the democratic nomination in 2008. he's president of united states and everyone. >> politico has the headline. to your point within he's the president of the united states of america but he does bring to the white house the perspective of being an african-american man in this country. stories he's written also including not being able to get a taxi cab in new york before his political career took off. he brings a perspective and a point of view that george bush and other presidents could not who were not african-american. >> and, tamron, that's a great point. you mentioned the political debate should he go to ferguson now or sometime in the future. and the white house is really just saying that would be a disruptive thing. not only with the security and the police detail but also disruptive in any kind of investigation. the federal government ends up
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making regarding officer wilson and what transpired in ferguson in august of 2014. so that's why you saw the president yesterday trying to talk about reforms, additional money, things he can do. perhaps he goes to ferguson in the long-term. but right now they want to focus on substantiative matters. things they can do as opposed to heading down there. >> we should keep in mind it was the family of mike brown who said they wanted to see body cameras on plif. that was a part they felt would give them some piece in all of this and they don't have their son but they can impact change in that arena. we'll see what happens next. thank you very much, mark. up next ray rice speaks about the domestic abuse scandal that derailed his nfl career. >> i want my wife, my daughter, and my family to -- we want our lives back. >> hear more of the exclusive interview. it's one of the stories we're
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an ex-girlfriend had filed a domestic violence claim against him. police arrested a utah teen who they say took a loaded gun to school with plans to open fire. investigators credit an alert classmate for noticing the gun and tipping off the authorities. the 16 year-old's identity hasn't been released. former nfl star -- he's still in the nfl. ray rice is hoping for a second chance in an exclusive interview with matt lauer he said he takes full responsibility for what happened inside an atlanta city elevator. and his first priority is making things right with his family. >> i'm sorry about everything i put my family through. i have to live it every day. take my daughter to school within she's going to grow up and she's going to goog the name and the first thing that comes up is, you know, who knows what is going to come up.
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that's the reality of it. and that's what i'm worried about fixing. i want my wife, my daughter, my family to -- we want to our lives back. and, you know, i realize -- i realize that the amount of people we've affected, the amount of families we've affected domestic violence is a real issue in society. we can take our one bad night that happens to be on video. we're truly sorry to the people that are going through that. >> he and his wife are going to attempt to join the fight against domestic violence going forward. >> many stars showed up for a surprise concert with three hours notice. all of it to raise awareness on world aids day. and we are returning to our
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born in the usa series very popular series we're proud of. we highlight, of course, american business success stories and recent years historically black colleges and universities have seen a decline in enrollment. that's not slowed down enthusiasm for many who remain local to the great universities including some famous alumni sean puffy combs. that's where today's company comes in mind. it's geared toward male students. it's helping to fill a void for students at the schools who have a harder time finding school par -- and joining me now the owner of this company. >> thank you for joining. >> you look fabulous. it looks amazing. tell me the back story.
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>> it was conceived in 2012. i decided to produce different clothing line or different apparel pieces for moor house college such as the boston cardigan i'm wearing now. rugby, polo inspired from the '50s and '60s where students dressed every day. >> immaculately! prior to your company, looked up online i don't know vintage moorhouse sweater, did it exist? >> no. not at all there's one other company that is still around that is producing sweaters and cardigans. >> but nothing to the level you envisioned in your mind. >> no, not at all. >> how much was about the pride you feel you want to see young men young men of color, young moorhouse men show in their attire. >> that influenced me very much.
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what influenced me more so was the yearbooks of my parents and my aunts and uncles from the '50s and '60s and the imagery there. it was powerful to see the young african-american men and women every day in suits and ties and dresses and heels. >> because we do hear a lot of people talking about the pants are too baggy, the hats are on back. you should be able to wear exactly what you want. however, we know that many times your book is judged by its cover. when you're going ton an interview and presenting yourself. and at moorehouse being a moore house man is a part of the doctrine at that university. >> exactly. we want to highlight that and, you know, bring it back to a tradition where you dressed for success and you felt proud. >> so right now as i pointed out. it's for males. it's an all-male university. you have a list, a wish list of other universities you want to get your gear out. what is your list. >> the short list is spellman
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college, howard university, hampton university, and famu, as a matter of fact. we want to cross over as well. we want to include university of florida, alabama, even your alma mater. i would love to see that! you're a designer. did you design it on your own? >> i designed everything on my own. the cardigans and rugbies are basic pieces but i added everything else to it. >> anthony knows me. he's so kind to bring a handsome model in for us. come on over! let me see what you're wearing. tell me about this one. >> this is the rugby, actually. it's going to be available in grey and in black. it's very simple. very inspired by ralph lauren, if i might say. it's one of my favorite pieces. >> what is the price range? >> the price range on average about $110, $120 which is what a quality sweatshirt or something
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would cost. it has a beautiful story behind. it congratulations on this. you've made my production assistants they're blushing as soon as the man walked this man walked out. >> ryan, don't let them exploit you. we don't approve of that. i'm super proud of you. check out their website. go on to "news nation" and we will give you a link to their website and support these youthful universities and born in the usa. today msnbc is celebrating giving tuesday a global day dedicated to giving back. find a way for the company or organization to coming to and give something more. join us by writing down what you are giving and take a selfie and use the hash tag giving tuesday you can go to gives
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. >> there a lot going on this morning. a panel will hold a hearing to consider overturning a rule banning gay men from giving blood donations. it has been under strong pressure and the change has widespread support in congress. they also support policy change. rob portman of ohio ruled out a run for president in 2016. instead he will focus on winning a second term in the senate. it could be a possible 2016 vice presidential running mate. portman was on the short list for mitt romney. time for the gut check.
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president obama made a number of law enforcement proposals in the wake of the unrest in ferguson, missouri. he is asking for $263 million for additional training of police officers and other resources. that includes $75 million to purchase up to 50,000 body cameras for police officers across the country. they are charged with improving the relationship between the communities and law enforcement. they reject the calls to make changes that transfers military equipment to local police departments. do you think the president's plan to combat distrust between police and minority communities will help? go online to cast that vote. look at what "news nation" is saying about yesterday. do you think the st. louis rams players who took part on the field should be penalized. 23% said yes. 77% said no. that does it for this edition of
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"news nation." thank you so much for joining us. tomorrow you may be freaked out by this story. we will talk to the man behind the controversial new stunt. he will be swallowed by ann konda. he is doing this for just not a stunt. we will let him explain. every time i say anaconda, i think nicky minaj. what's wrong with me?
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>> right now on "andrea mitchell reports." the buzz inside the beltway all about the next secretary of defense. more coming up. hands up. fallout from the players's gesture of solidarity with protesters in ferguson. >> as far as the choice that the players made, they are exercising the right to free speech. they will not be disciplined by
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the club or the national football league. >> the first meeting of a task with healing ferguson backfires. >> i did not receive a call to protect my assets and protect my life savings. >> we don't expect them to come up with a miracle. that's why we are here. to support you. don't waste our time. >> it is giving tuesday as msnbc and others challenge you to give this hol diseason. we will talk to the man who kicked off the wildly successful ice bucket challenge. what's next for him? >> and good day, everyone. i'm andrea mitchell in washington. officials tell us that a new secretary of defense will likely be announced as early as tomorrow possibly.


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