tv The Ed Show MSNBC December 5, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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facebook. this is the wealthiest county in the united states. and this is the largest homeless encampment in the u.s. this is a tale of two cities. that's all for "now." vo you back here at monday at 4:00 p.m. eastern. "the ed show" is up next. good evening, americans and welcome to "the ed show" live from detroit lakes, minnesota. let's get to work. >> something has to change. something should with done about it. >> calls for racial justice grew louder today. >> i can't breathe. >> this is an american problem. >> we've got a problem in this country. >> we can't breathe. >> the casualties in the escalating war on cigarettes. >> 190 cities where people
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walked off the job. >> more takers than makers in america. >> this is an american problem. >> i can't breathe. good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. what is going to be the response to all these protests we are seeing take place across this country? only the people in power, the decision makers, they're the ones that are going to have to move on all of this. protests are going to take place throughout new york city tonight at columbus circle at 6:00. this is common place across america. day two in new york city after the grand jury chose not to indict a police officer in the death of eric garner, enthusiasm hasn't dropped at all. massive demonstrations across the country. washington, d.c., boston, chicago, san francisco, philadelphia, atlanta.
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there is a message being sent to the lawmakers of this country, you better do something. the largest protest in new york where over 200 were arrested mostly for disorderly conduct and refusal to disperse. thousands of protesters marched all over new york city. demonstrators carried mock caskets across the brooklyn bridge and shut down the westside highway and a number of streets were blocked overnight. protesters gathered in union square in another demonstration. new york city is expecting more demonstrations this evening. last night's protests, what were they? they were peaceful. the fact that there was no violence lends these demonstrators huge credibility that those on the right simply cannot ignore these are start
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making these people a political target with commentary. these protesters are sending a powerful message across this country and i don't see them backing down. this will force america to have a conversation on race that i think is long overdue. but it's also going to be a conversation on poverty. when was the last time we had a conversation about poverty in this country? we talk about minimum wage and raising it. we talk about jobs. but there are people that are living in poverty that are desperate and have a lot of free times on their hands and end up on the streets becoming policed by law enforcement. now, this problem is much deeper than just policing. minority communities, here's what they need, they^gl need th same chance at success as white communities in this country. everyone needs access to a good
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education and college education. but let's talk about that publij education that has beenaxgi attack by conservatives on a state level throughout this country. it's go after the teachers and shut down the facilities and not fund districts because the property taxes are not there. we do not havecñt>z an equal education system. if you don't have an equal education system you will have a divided society when it comes to the money. without higher education, this country is going tog?f;?8-iñ be. president obama highlighted this sç >> beyond the specific issue that has to be addressed, making sure that peopleéc,+ confidence, r(n"ndh thatr+lñ poc there's÷ñof avaw@ys larger ques restoring a sense of common purpose. and at the heart of the america$
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ideal is this sense that-?owñ w in it together that member's guaranteed success but everybody's got access to the possibilities of success. and that we are willing to workh not just to make sure our own children have pathways to success but that everybody does, that at some level everybody is our kid. everybody is our responsibility. we are going to give back to everybody. and we do that because it's the right thing to do and we do it because selfishly, that's how this country's going to advance and everybody's going to be better off. >> the short of all of it is the president is saying that this country, somewhere along the line, stopped being our brother's keeper. it's all about opportunity. it's not about giving things away. it's about opportunity and not closing doors. what do minority communities
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need? health care and a secure social safety net. and most importantly, a job changes people's lives. a study from the university of pennsylvania found that disadvantaged youths with -- were 43% less likely to commit a violent crime if they had a summer job. you occupy somebody's time, you give them some security and give them an opportunity to better themselves and a lot of problems go away. but for some reason with the race to the bottom, this country has a hard time figuring that out. the jobs are there. the economy added 321,000 private sector jobs this past november. great news. unfortunately they are atíoñ th federal minimum wage at $7.25 an hour. the minority community need a fair wage and job training. if you give them the same shot as other communities it will be a huge different when it comes
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to fixing the problems in recent days in the news. if eric garner had a good-paying job he wouldn't have been selling untaxed cigarettes and become a target of law enforcement. if his time had been occupied and he had the job training and the good jobs that can be created in this country -- if we make at priority -- then maybe a lot of these policing problems will go away on a certain level. but that doesn't take away the fact that what we have seen in recent days is some really heavy handed police action that this country is now awake to. and the demonstrations are going to continue. and if these lawmakers who have been all about obstruction in washington, d.c. think they can ignore the protests, you better have hearings, this country expects it now. we have gone beyond the point of political games and agendas not
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being played out. this is a social issue on the verge of social unrest and it must be dealt with just like it was dealt with in the '60s. you know what they did in the '60s? they got together in washington and they passed legislation to make lives better. that's what i expect lawmakers who are using my tax dollars and our time, that's what i expect them to do. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. do you think jobs and street policing are connected? text a for yes and b for now to 67622. you can go to our block at a big discussion on this tonight. let's me bring in emanuel cleaver and michael mcbride of the national pico network. congressman, you first. this is starting to put a special kind of pressure on washington that maybe we haven't
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seen. i think certainly, we are seeing the most attention being paid to the black communities of this country than we've seen in a long time when it comes to the social issues that must be addressed starting with policing. is this going to move washington? is this going to move washington? >> i certainly hope so. if it does not we could very well see this kind of protest expanding or-tç spreading aroun even further. and if it's an embarrassment internationally. how do we talk to the iraqis about having different tribes living and working together when they can look at television and see in the u.s. that we're having that kind of difficulty? the congressmen of the united states must pass some kind of ac the best essential program in
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america is a job. we have summer jobs for young people and we have to retrain the work force and it's going to cost money and the federal government needs to show the way and lead the way. >> congressman, do you think there will be hearings? now, you know, there has been a caveat thrown out by speakera4é boehner yesterday. but this;or can't berm$obstruct $qyagenda, this is6s addressing social issues that people have awakened to in a big way and are mad and frustrated. what can hearings do? >> my fear is that the hyper partisanship of washington may not make way for a hearing according to the rules of the house. but i can tell you right now that there be hearings and they may be mock hearings, not only in washington but in new york and in cities around this country. the congressional black kcaucus
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will end up doing hearings. we're going to have the discussion one way or another. it would infinitely better if we had the discussions under the rubric of the u.s. government because people need to believe that their government is responding to this crisis. >> in new york city, it's not just people of color. this is -- you know, a lot of white folks are out there too. this is a real social statement that's being made. is this much more than policing in your opinion? >> absolutely yes. first i want to say when i look at what is happening now with the diversity you mentioned it's like what happened in the '60s. a lot of people didn't understand the breadth of it. people thought it was an exaggeration going on. and with every case more
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outlandish, people are understanding. you hit the nail on the head. even though it hasn't been proven he was trying to sell cigarettes, the construct they are setting up proves what you are saying. one of the major problems many of these communities have been ignored for generations. people say they want police and are asking for police and that's true. but they are asking for housing and for their streets to be cleaned and a better educational system. they just ask that the structure that houses the classrooms are better and none of those things are listened to. so you have to connect it. if you only send police to fix a problem that many agencies have to fix this is what the result is going to be. and if you add in racism and you have a construct of police that look at particularly black men in a certain way, there's nothing else to expect than what is happening. all of these things are connected. if we don't deal with all the issues that these communities are dealing with, we're going to
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have a problem. >> jumaane, this is much bigger than occupy wall street. and that did one thing that changed the conversation in the country. this is much broader than policing as i see it right now. this is a culmination of frustrations across society. what if washington doesn't deliver, jumaane, what happens? >> that question is something that is hard to fathom. black and brown communities have been ignored. it is broader than policing. we have to deal with better policing issues. that's a lot of what we have to do when it comes to accountability. but if we just deal with the policing and we don't deal with the fact that these communities have been asking for jobs and better housing and for community centers and youth programs, if we don't deal with those as a whole and the only resource we
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send is the police the problems are going to get worse and bigger and larger. it's a time that we're not going to be able to ignore. when we deal with race we get ?/ uncomfortable. we can describe the problem in race very easily but it's if we talk about the solution in terms of race we start getting very antsy and we shouldn't. it's a matter of fact the white privilege exist. that doesn't make any one white person racist. it's there. the fact that the country was birthed with these inequities that does not mean you aren't responsible for your actions. we have to have these conversations. >> what role does the faith community have? these are 20-somethings out there. they didn't live through the '60s. they know about it and that laws were changed and there was a push for equality in society.
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but now there is a tremendous inequity. i think it is important that the demonstrations are nonviolent. >> i want to commend all the demonstrations which i believe flow out of the spirit of what we saw in ferguson and many things before. much of this youth energy that we see claimed out of the trayvon martin situation, the jordan davis situation, black lives matter, dream defenders, a lot of these folks have been doing this for several years. so this is a manifestation of a spirit of nonviolent resistance and i don't think the clergy have to be there to maintain it but toxs=kñ amplify the outrage the ethical critique and stand beside all of the folks in the streets, not atempt to usurp
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them but use our collective voice to change these conditions. father greg boyle one of the greatest ministry leaders in the country he says it powerfully. nothing stops a bullet like a job. we have a lot to offer, but we have to be present and continue to stand aside the protests that are happening. >> and finally, the politics of this, congressman cleaver. the republicans have the power now. they control the agenda coming up in january in the house and the senate. it's a party that claims it has diversity but not many people believe. that isn't the onus really on the leadership of the republican party that this is an opportunity for them to prove that they're serious about being a party of diversity? that they have the power now. they can -- they can do something with all of these protests and take action and prove something to america. a is that a bridge too far? >> i'm not willing to say it's a
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bridge too far at this point. i would hope that speaker boehner will realize that most great men and great women for that matter were created out of chaos, out of problems. and so this is an opportunity for him and perhaps even mitch mcconnell to rise to the occasion and provide leadership. rand paul, i got to say, has been out front on this and other issues related to ethnicity and race in this country. they may want to take a page out of his book. he's doing the kind of things that would probably cause many minorities to take a second look at the republican party. this is an opportunity. i hope they don't blow it. >> the people have the power. the republicans have some positions of power but it's the people have the power to make the changes that we want to see. >> and we want to challenge
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progressive leadership, democrats to be more courageous as well. i find that the record has been dismal at best. we need everyone to step up, not just republicans and independents but democrats and progressives they have a role to play in this fight adds well. >> i agree with that. thank you for being here with us tonight. remember to answer the question at the bottom of the screen. like us on facebook. we appreciate. that and we want to know what you think. leave a comment. coming up, immediate the united states congressman elect who compares the social safety net to bribery. but first, out of a traffic jam, new jersey governor chris christie, the road to 2016 looks
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better tonight. we'll tell you about that when we come back. ...doing laundry mom. she still does it the old way. i haven't told her i switched to tide pods. it's a concentrated, 3-1 detergent that gives me an amazing clean with just one pack. you already knew? i can't keep a secret in this family. that's my tide. ♪ hi. i'm new ensure active clear protein drink. >>clear huh? i'm not juice or fancy water. i've got 8 grams of protein. new ensure active clear protein. 8 grams protein. zero fat. ensure. take life in.
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football has a season. baseball has a season. this is our season. i come out here today to apologize to the people of new jersey. i am embarrassed and humiliated by the conduct of some of the people on my team. i am humiliated by the fact that i did not know this and that i was deceived and that's an awful way to feel. >> welcome back to "the ed show." nenchz new jersey governor chris christie is breathing easier today. i thought he did an exceptional job in his two-hour press
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conference. our team had conversations about do you believe him? and i did. i -- that's why we didn't cover a lot of christie on "the ed show." i thought the guy went out and made a case that was believable. christie said he was not involved in ordering politically motivated lane closures on the george washington bridge. now almost oneëyvt year after bridgegate aãlegislative tt interim report. investigators found no conclusive evidence that christie was aware of the lane closures and no evidence he was involved in the lane closures. but the report notes that many critical questions remain unanswered because, quote, several key witnesses have declined to cooperate or were unavailable to provide testimony and other evidence. that be as it is, the report has
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not been formally accepted by the legislative committee. a meeting is scheduled on monday for that purpose. before the bridgegate scandal, chris christie was the front runner for the republicans in 2016. a lot of buzz and conversation and of course he's the head of the republican governors' association. with no evidence tying him to bridgegate, christie could be ready to take the lead again. could it happen? could it be a revival in the polls? joining me tonight, governor howard dean. good to have you with us tonight. >> thanks for having me on, ed. >> you bet. is this a shut case in your opinion? how do you view this right now the way this is unfolding in christie's favor politically? three . only one of which and it's the . biggest one is related to -- one of which is unrelated to
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bridgegate. the first problem with bridgegate is none of the people who know testified. they took the fifth. the only connection was the deputy chief of staff"ñó and th port authority. it's chris christie. he's got his office by being this brash guy who tells it the way it is and all this business and i think you probably saw the time he shut down the guy who was actually i think a republican turned independent who was an activist for people who didn't get their money after sandy, to sit down and shut up. you can't do that in iowa and minnesota. forget about it is not a platform that serves you well in most of the country west of the
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alleghenys. that is chris christie's big problem. they have three or four credible candidates. why bet on one you know has a problem? >> all of these things you just mentioned have taken place since the bridgegate all unfolded last january. you are suggesting he has been his own worst enemy. his personality sometimes gets out of the ring and getsjó'm+t control. >> it's terrific for new jersey. it's a rough and tumble place and people say what they think. it is valued in new jersey. telling people to sit down and shut up when you are the president of the united states is not going to fly. i think the problem with chris christie is no matter how much people like the tell it like it is stuff, average voters are not going to like it. >> you mentioned the u.s. attorney's office is still
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investigating. do you think there is a possibility that their investigation is going to be any different from the democratic-led investigation will that was certainly after christie? >> well, there's two parts about the u.s. attorney's investigation to worry about. one is do they find one of the people who took the fifth and threaten them with a lot of jail time unless they role. there is an episode and that was the question of whether the governor threw his lieutenant governor threatened the mayor of hoboken and claimed he would withhold aide unless she endorsed him. that is a felony. if the u.s. attorney finds evidence of that he is in serious trouble. you can't get in that much trouble for shutting down the bridge and pissing people off. this is criminal trouble and we have to wait to see how that
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turns out as well. >> christie is behind mitt romney and jeb bush if the republican primary were held today tied with dr. ben carson. what do you make of this? >> i think in general polls at this point are name recognition and too early. i don't make anything of it, to be honest with you. think of the last primary where they were saying, santorum was leading and donald trump was leading at one point. i don't make anything out of polls at this point in the race. >> governor dean, later on in this broadcast we'll do a story on hillary clinton and her position on keystone which really is not a position that's very defined right now. there's going to be an environmental push by liberals and progressives for 2016. where is this going to come down
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with the leading democrats in your opinion? >> keystone is going to be decided one way or another probably by the time hillary clinton gets into the race. i would be surprised if keystone were an issue in the 2016 race. i think it's going to be resolved in the next month or two. >> okay. howard dean, good to have you with us tonight. thanks so much. coming up, the new republican congressman headed for the hill, glen grossman joins me. plus nasa is back in the space game. stick around. we're right back on "the ed show." i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me? go. right on time. right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable.
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readers clarifying details in a story published last month. the magazine says it had no reason it to not to believe her story was untrust worthy. she requested the man who orchestrated the rape not to be contacted. but in the face of new information there now appears to be discrepancies in jackie's account and we have come to a conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced. we were trying to be sensitive to unfair shame that many women feel and regret the decision not to contact the alleged assaulters to get their account. we apologize to anyone who was affected by the story. virginia's attorney general responded moments ago calling the descrepancies -- stick
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around we're right back on "the ed show." i'm courtney reagan with your cnbc market wrap. the dow came within nine points of hitting 18,000 earlier in the day. the nasdaq jumped 11 points. it wasvj: led by a strongerñ7 j report. employers added 3,221321,000 jo november. crude oil futures fell 1.5% to a five-year low of just under $66 a barrel. just at the right time for the holidays. that's it for cnbc, first in business worldwide.
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show." thanks for watching tonight, folks. a newly elected wisconsinxçì(lc% congressman says that government assistance programs are bribery. glenn grothmanód slammed the program and itsq recipients. >> a parent can get $35,000 a year in total benefits. when you look at that amount of money which is a bribe not to work that hard or not to marry someone with a full-time job you have a problem. when you realize you have a problem and something has to be done you look at the generosity of the benefit. >> grothman says that the programs are creating a reason not to get married. >> well, if you tell somebody you get $35,000 if you don't get married and you're not going to get anything if you marry someone making 50 grand a year. it's certainly a strong incentive not to raise children in wedlock. >> wisconsin's governor is blaming welfare recipients for
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their status in life. >> moving our entitlement programs towards a system where it embraces the dignity that comes from work. >> scott walker advocates drug testing welfare recipients without reasonable suspicion. >> if they can't find enough people to pass a drug test. it is ridiculous to give public assistance if they arable bodied adults without children. >> open season on welfare recipients that started in wisconsin. grothman wants to take it back to washington. joining me is the gentleman in question, the congressman newly elected from wisconsin and also mark -- senator, thank you for joining us. do you stick to your comments? the 35,000 is a number i've never heard before. where are you getting your numbers? >> that is from the fiscal
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bureau. you get different numbers depending how much a single parent is making and how many children they have. the example i used is an example is if a single party is making $10,000 a year and two children one in school age and one in preschool. i object you characterizing me in going after welfare recipients. i'm angry at the politicians who allowed it to get out of control and create a situation where if a parent wants to get married they could lose $35,000 in benefits. >> i want to get back to that in a moment. are you aware of the program that mr. grothman just talked about and is that number correct in your opinion? >> i served with glenn in the legislature and co chair of the finance committee. i worked with that bureau a lot. you can give it any amount of
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information for what you want to get back. the numbers are fictional and fan fast couple. people who receive student aid that is less than 260 people in a state of 5.5 million people. that's just on one screening. that really is ridiculous argument to say it's easy to get that much. if you narrow it down this is a fantasy family with a fantasy problem on a fantasy issue and i think it's really a dangerous conversation. when people really need assistance we collectively get together and do that. if you think about children who get federal health assistance, six out of seven have working parents. half the people who get food assistance are work. and six of seven have worked in the last year. the criteria put out there by the senator is really very
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misleading and i think ultimately dangerous to have that. >> mr. grothman? >> right, we're talking about a single parent who has two children, who is making $10,000 a year. that's not an outlier. it's not like i used an example of someone with ten kids or something -- >> but they said that would be less than at most just on one screening, 260 people in a state of 5.5 million. to say it's easy to get those benefits when we're told it is that maximum number that is disingenuous. >> you haven't seen the memo. the memo came up with 39,000. and of that 39,000 only 700 or $800 was towards pell grant time programs. that was only that small amount. so when i spoke on other show i
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paired back that number to $35,000 which is a more reasonable number. it is true some people make more than $10,000. if you make $20,000, maybe that number is 26,000 or 27,000. if i gave the fiscal bureau a situation where the parent had four kidsú maybe it goes up to 4 or 45,000. >> but you are saying it's easy to make $35,000 a year. and we are bribing people not to work. and that is completely either -- >> that is true. >> said in error or maliciously. >> it is not true. >> it is absolutely true. >> everyone is going through looking at this and saying what you're saying isn't true but you -- >> it's absolutely true, mark. you add up the daycare benefits the earned income tax credit, the low income housing benefits. these are not obscure benefits,
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these are common benefits. it may be true not everybody gets them. but the people getting 20, 25 in benefits is high. >> but the facts defy what you think. >> it's a fact, mark. >> it's not true, mark. you have two -- people are reviewing your analysis and saying why it's not true. a lot of people are working while they are getting benefits. you can break the -- people lot -- your philosophy is so extreme. i'm -- >> you got to get -- no, mark. if you look and add up the standard benefits in the state of wisconsin for daycare, for health care, for earned income tax credit -- >> you're cooking the numbers to try to -- in a fantasy family you have been proven wrong multiple times. >> congressman, if i can jump in
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here. glenn i would like to hear your full explanation on that. go ahead. >> sure. if you look at the memo and i wish you had a chance to go over it. if you add up, those are the big five benefits. the big five would be daycare, earned income tax credit, health care, low income housing and food stamps. if you take a single person making $10,000 a year you add up the five benefits by itself and you get something like 25, 30, 32,000 or something. that's not an outlier or strange family. if i give that family three or four kids the benefits would be greater. the point is not that it is overgenerous or making fun. it's unfair if you have two people in identical situations and one decides to get married and one decides not to get married the person whoklaéñú#z married loses tens of thousands of dollars. >> don't you think your -- don't you think you're broad brushing
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the system when you say that? it's like you parcelling out a small part of the program and saying there is something wrong the social structure to the point that everybody getting assistance is being bribed by the state of wisconsin. >> i have not given a broad brush thing, i am saying when you is this many benefits it affects two decisions. it affects your decision, should i marry somebody who has a strong income and it affects your decision, should i work much harder because the more you work, the more you have to pay for your housing and all that. -- >> and have you come across people in wisconsin that have made that decision? i mean, have you talked to people that said it's so good on assistance i decided not to get married? have you run into those people? >> i have talked to people related to people like that. and if you look at the memo you
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will see it's not an outlier family. if you talked to social services and said i want to add up the benefits i'm entitled to with two kids making ten grand a year you would get a similar number. >> gentlemen, i enjoyed the discussion. good to have you with us tonight. coming up, hillary clinton's silent treatment on the biggest environmental issue of our time. -mortgage. -debt. it's complicated. it's not easy. i'm not a good budgeter. unfortunately, i'm a spender. i would love to learn more about finances. so there's questions about the world that all of us have, especially about money and finance. the goal of khan academy and better money habits and the partnership we're doing with bank of america is to give people the tools they need to empower themselves.
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welcome back to "the ed show." finally tonight, the environment is the key issue for progressives right now in this country with keystone. hillary clinton seems to be lacking in definition on the keystone pipeline project. earlier this week at a league of conservation voters fund-raiser, clinton addressed the need for change. however she notably avoided specifics. >> our economies still run
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primarily on fossil fuels and trying to change that will require strong leadership and intense cooperation. we do not have to choose between a healthy environment and a healthy economy. >> from president obama's point of view, developments are moving in the right direction. the agreement the president of the united states struck with china to double the pace of america's greenhouse gas reductions, guaranteed the environment will be a campaign issue in 2016. as i see it, if hillary clinton wants the support from the democratic base who's concerned about the environment, she needs to be just as committed to helping the environment as she was for hillary clinton. keeping quiet on the keystone pipeline project isn't going to win any friends in the environmental community. and giving us generic political talk i don't think is going to cut it. liberals are determined to address climate change in the next election cycle. i don't see how hillary clinton can keep going on dodging her position, if she has one, on the
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keystone xl project. joining me tonight, senior vice president for government affairs for the league of conservation voters. good to have you with us tonight. >> hi, ed, thanks for having me. >> it seems to me, with so much information that's been out there on keystone, you're either with us or against us. you're either for it or you're against it. why is the former secretary of state and former first lady, why is she finding it so hard to find her voice on this issue? >> well, ed, we were thrilled to have secretary clinton speak at our dinner in new york city on monday night. i think there has been attention to the things she didn't say. and as you know, lcv is opposed to the keystone pipeline. we think the more people who come out against it the better. but at the same time, we weren't expecting her to talk about it on monday. she thinks there's a process in place. and the decision about keystone is where it belongs, with president obama and secretary
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kerry and we're more confident than ever they'll reject it. what's exciting about the speech for us, she gave a powerful speech about the need to address climate change, called out the denie deniers, strongly defends president obama's plan to cut pollution from coal-burning power plants. we were pleased with the speech and glad she was there. >> i'm not trying to get your organization to pick a fight with hillary clinton, but i think it needs to be profoundly pointed out that if you're concerned about the environment, how can you be for keystone? it just doesn't add up. >> and i think a lot of what she said made us even encouraged. you're right, it doesn't make sense to be talking so much about the urgent need to address climate change, to support efforts to cut pollution from coal-burning power plants to support the incredible agreement with china to cut carbon pollution, then to turn around
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and take a massive step backwards with the keystone pipeline. we are optimistic more and more of our leaders are recognizing that climate change is one of the defining issues of our time, it must be addressed. >> there is a chance that keystone won't get approved. and this could be a fight all the way to 2016. how can the environmental community trust hillary clinton now on the environment if she won't even say where she is on the most visible project that's out there in front of the american people? >> well, i would say, you're right. i think there's more than a chance this will get rejected. we'll see the mcconnell-led senate try to push this through the congress. we saw the obama administration make clear weeks ago they would have vetoed that bill. because of the incredible leadership and progress on climate change, from president obama, i think the comments from
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secretary clinton were consistent with that. so we are optimistic. >> i appreciate your time tonight. thanks so much. there are others who were thinking about running for president on the democratic ticket who absolutely have no problem whatsoever saying they're against keystone. why can't hillary clinton? that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the grand jurors were playing on their cell phones. that's the startling new allegations in the eric garner chokehold case. it comes from the man who shot this cell phone video. ramsey otto testified before the grand jury, he tells the new york daily news they were barely listening. >> nobody in grand jury was even paying attention to what i had to say. people were on their phones. people were talking. i feel like they dn'
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