tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC December 6, 2014 3:00am-4:01am PST
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tag, and transfer to intuit quickbooks. only with business cards from american express open. i'm john kaplan, and i'm a member of a synchronized world. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. when pay pull. these are the annual jobs totals year by year for the bill clinton presidency. clinton numbers are in blue, and the red years before him and after him, those are the two republican presidents he was in between, and george bush sr. before him and george bush jr. after him. when you see numbers like this, people like to have a general
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warm fuzzy feeling about the time that was his presidency, because the economy was really good, lots of jobs being created, especially compared to the years before him and after him. bush started off okay, and then he went south in his third year and then he dugout before clinton took over. and bush jr. started out bad, and then off the cliff before he left office. look at bill clinton, compared to both presidents bush. he was like roses every year. spectacular job growth. times were good. times were great. incidentally, if hillary clinton does run for president, this is why republicans will try to re-write the clinton presidency,
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they will talk about the monica lewinsky. put that thing up there, yeah. right. this is what it looks like. this is what it looks like if you add our current president. 2009 started out this the worst depth of financial can tast ri. but, in pretty short order, turned it around and has been putting up good jobs numbers ever since. now, this year, 2014, is set to be the best year for jobs in this country since bill clinton. since 1999. as of the new data we got right
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now, as of today, more jobs have been created this year than two of the years under the boom of bill clinton. ap today looked at new numbers just out and called them boom-like numbers. in the "washington post," quote, this is what a real recovery looks like. merry christmas and happy hanukkah from your friends at the bureau of labor statistics. in one line, spectacular. and the new numbers that came out today, not just a blip. this is now the tenth straight month in a row that the economy has added at least 200 thousand jobs for the month. ten straight months of job growth that strong. there has not been a run like that in our economy since 1995. but we've got it right now.
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so big picture? you want to take it even bigger than that? like global big picture? the latest evidence that the united states is out-performing other economies throughout the other developed world. >> the united states continues to out-pace most of the world. our last four years, we put more people back to work than europe, japan and all other industrialized, advanced countries combine. and we're going to keep at it. >> president obama crowing in his very somber way about the really, really good jobs numbers that came out. the economy making more jobs
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right now than at any times since the clinton years. best jobs numbers in 15 years. everybody watches those when it comes to the economy. the only number that anybody watches more is the economy is the price of gas. and at the same time we were we are getting these great numbers about job growth, sustained job growth, at the same time, we are seeing gas prices drop in some places below $2 a gallon. the national average is still over $2 a gallon, but some places have started to drop below the $2 benchmark. and the gas price analysts say prices are going to continue to drop around the country as oil prices just stay really low. and that is terrible news if your name is exxon. but it's great news if you're the average family. gas prices have dropped enough,
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if they stay where they are right now, the average american family will save $600 over the next year on gas alone. that's like giving a tax-free raise across the board to everybody in the country who drives a car. on top of that, even as corporate earnings have gone up and wall street has gone through the roof, and wages for average folks and average families haven't gone up during the recovery. the recovery overall has been getting better, right, and peoples' everyday paychecks have not been getting better, and wages are nowhere near where they ought to be, but amid all of the good economic numbers that came out today, the other piece of good news that we got is wages started to turn north as well, finally. look at the new york times today. front page headline. more jobs and higher wages. u.s. recovery starts to hit home. the "los angeles times" today,
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front page, americans' earnings are rising again. and a measure of the stock market going through the roof. the stock market is on fire right now. the dow jones brushed up against 18,000 today. the dow has been hitting records over and over and over again over the past few weeks. it looks like it is about to top 18,000 for the first time ever. for a perspective, the day obama was sworn into office, the dow closed at 7,949. the dow closed today at almost exactly 10,000 points higher. 10,010 are the number of points that have been added to the dow jones industrial average since president obama's first day in office. you look at numbers like these. you look at the basics. it's kind of hard to swear that information with the results of the last election, right?
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yes, the president's party always does poorly in midterms. in 2014, you double it. they got destroyed in the midterm elections last month. even in the midst of this really positive fundamental easy and bas basic economic data in the country. where are we now since the election? the good, economic data has gotten even better. this is the best economic portrait of the economy since the boom years of the 1990s. gas prices since the election has fallen even further. nobody likes to think of health care as an economic issue. last year, health care spending grew slower than anytime in the
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last 50 years. a huge economic inspiration. the white house has been able to pull off political since the election. president obama negotiating the historic huge climate deal with china, and they said it couldn't be done, and he did it, and the secret mission negotiating the release of the last american being held prisoner in north korea. it was a secret mission. we didn't know it was happening until james clapper brought him home. all year before, the republicans were trying to make benghazi a terrible fighting scandal of the obama administration. well, right after the election, the friday before thanksgiving, the republicans very quietly
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released their own house intelligence committee report on benghazi which said actually, everything that we thought was a scandal wasn't really a scandal. never mind. up until then, they were reporting the end of the world if president obama did something on the immigration. the fox news whipped themselves into a frenzy that president obama would have to be impeached if he did anything on immigration. senators like tom coburn said there would be anarchy. there could be violence across the country in response. president obama did it anyway. he made his announcement to the immigration policy 16 days after the elections. the first announcement showed that 50% of americans showed what president obama did was about right. another 22% thought he didn't do
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quite enough. you combine those numbers, that 72% of the country either digging it or wanting the president to do even more. republicans were sure. there would be a freakout if president obama announced changes to immigration policy, and they said he would be impeached, that one action would unify the country against him and unify all republicans against him, and it has not worked out that way. republicans, it turns out, have no idea what they want to do in response or if they want to do anything in response. actually, to be more precise about this, there are republicans that are sure they want to do nothing in response, and there are other republicans think they have to do something in response and now they are at war. president obama got the policy
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he wanted and he completely divided his opponents to the point where they are at war with one another on the subject right now and no idea how to move forward. john boehner hates your guts, people. you're neither a lobbyists nor a cigarette. you have no use to him except for one day in november. red state is running a campaign to get conservative activist to buy toy balls like you might play with in the yard, to buy balls online and have the balls mailed to john boehner's office, because he needs some. that's nice. racket balls, basketballs, any kind of balls, ship balls to the speaker. here is how one paper put it.
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speaker of the house, john boehner, has announced his plans to do nothing over president obama's executive overreach. we've got news. he can keep his symbolic gestures. conservatives who want a real action. there are six days left before the federal government of the united states of america shuts down. unless the republicans can figure out a way to pass some legislation to keep the government funded. their conservative members do not want to keep the government funded. conservatives have enough. it's all they need and then some to keep the government open even though he wants to. look at this, the hill newspaper reporting that the republican leadership has now officially asked the democrats, they're asking nancy pelossi and the democrats to please help them out.
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and provide enough democratic votes to pass a bill to keep the government going because they can't do it among their own members. so far, the answer from the democrats is no. you guys have to sort them out yourselves. everybody will have a great kumbaya weekend. because the republicans are hopelessly divided and at war with each other, they may bring about a government shutdown on thursday, this upcoming thursday. and so, yeah, there's a lot going on in the news right now. the protests about eric garner right now continue for a third straight night.
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protests continue for a third straight week about police brutality overall and police killings overall. protests going on tonight as they happen intensely for the past three nights and as they happen on and off for the past three weeks. we'll have more on that coming up in the show. there's also these two very big nominations for two of the most important jobs in the government, the new attorney general and the new defense secretary have both been nominated and need to get confirmed. these are the kinds of jobs that are about as high profile as you get. those nominations are out there and pending right now. nobody knows exactly how they're going to go. the torture report. this is the report about u.s. officials and what kind of accountability there ought to be for americans torturing people. that report may be due to come out next week. that's going to be a huge deal. there's a lot going on in washington, and particularly in the case of the policing issue
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in the major streets across the country, and this time next week, it is more likely than not that we will have a government shutdown again. it is all happening in the context. inside the frame of really good economic news in the country. nobody is thinking about it that way. that is the framework in which we are operating. lots of things aren't working. but the economy is, don't tell anybody, it's great. the economy is great. it's finally working. all systems go. this is new. it is likely to change just about everything. stay with us. we've got lots ahead. ol freak... i like to think of myself as more of a control... enthusiast. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees.
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and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. and i don't have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. and i don't. and national lets me choose any car in the aisle. control. it's so, what's the word?... sexy. go national. go like a pro. this is the equivalent of the and this is one soda a day over an average adult lifetime. but there's a better choice. drink more brita water. clean, refreshing, brita.
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not looking good. almost all of the odds in louisiana has been pro-bill cassidy and anti-mary landrieu. turnout is expected to be microscopic, which always helps the republican candidates. so, yeah, anything is possible. but mary landriue's tenure looks like it may be about to end with a short, sharp shock tomorrow. the polls open at 7:00 a.m. watch this space.
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these are live shots from new york city. this is the third straight in street protests after the new york grand jury decided not to indict the police officer who killed him with choke hold. we're keeping an eye on protests underway right now. of course, tonight, in new york, as you see right here, and also in places like washington, d.c. and boston. i should tell you last night's protests in new york city went very late at night. i got caught up in one protest well passed mid night last night. there were reportedly 200 arrests last night. tonight, on the street, you can tell it's colder and rainier. this is a shot of d.c. we're watching these live feeds
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as we get them, and we'll keep you update on these protests throughout the night . the garner protests has come on the heels since the grand jury in missouri decided not to indict a ferguson, missouri officer in the death of michael brown. a small group of marchers set off from a long march from the site where michael brown was killed and they started from where michael brown was killed and they walked out of ferguson and started a 135-mile uncertain march through the missouri countryside, toward the state capital. it was led by naacp, and the idea is they would call for new leadership in the ferguson police department and nationwide policing reforms. they were going to walk the 135 miles across missouri without any police escort, and for the
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past week they averaged about 20 miles a day, and they have held some rallies and sit-ins along the way, and stayed over in local churches, and rested when they stopped on buses that followed them while they walked. it has been a small march, a cold one at times and a very long march, 135 miles, and it also at times has been a disturbing tests of the marchers courage. this is a little upset. on wednesday of this week, two days ago, the marchers reached the small town of rosebud, missouri. it's 90% white. at first, some people in rosebud tried to block the buses until the police came and cleared the way, and even then the cloud made it clear the marchers coming through the town were not welcome, and one of the marchers marching with her mother a. schoolteacher said there were
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quote, people out on both sides of the streets and they were staring at us, and then they started calling us names. this is what was filed from the scene to give you an idea of what happened there. >> cornell williams brooks led 20 people through rosebud. the majority of people along the street yelled obscenities and held opposing signs. somebody put an empty bottle of beer, a melon and fried chicken in the path of the protesters. >> fried chicken and a melon and a beer left out in the street for the marchers as they passed through the all-white town. accounts from the scene describe
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local adults and children flying the confederate flag and holding up signs with racial slurs on them, and telling the protesters to go home. on wednesday, look at this, in rosebud, the back window of the marchers' bus got shot out. they have been welcomed in a lot 6 places. this was a gauntlet that they had to go through in parts of missouri. today the marchers walked the last miles of their journey, and they made it to the steps of the state capital, holding umbrellas and signs, and when they got there, michael brown's mother was among them to meet them. joining us now is the president of the naacp, and it organized the jury for justice. i know it has been an exhausting experience. >> yes, but it's good to be with you. >> those are very ugly pictures
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out of rosebud. how do you contextulize that? >> yeah, it was a gauntlet of stereotypes, but the majority people we met were kind and gracious, and 1% of the people we met were racist and mean-spirited, but the other 99% were kind and gracious, while in rosebud we met people who i believe were more fearful than hateful in the sense that they were vibing a toxic brew of fear, and they displayed a side
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of america is that rare but has to be dealt with. i saw parents using racial ep thets in front of children, and those were falling upon the cheers walking with us, so we had this wonderful rainbow hue band of marchers who marched for miles and miles taking off time from their work only to meet people who said to them and called them the "n" word over and over again, and "n" lovers. this was a disturbing experience, but it's a testimony to the determination of not only the marchers but people in the country who are calling for serious reform of policing. that's what the march was about, rachel. think about it this way. nearly 50 years ago, marchers, a small group of marchers, 50 only made the entire distance between soma and montgomery.
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1 out of every 4 african-american males reports that they have been mistreated at the hands of the police, and they are 21% more likely to lose their lives at the hands of the police. this is a serious and profound challenge. but more than that, profiling doesn't affect black and brown communities, but also people of faith, muslims, and our fellow citizens who are lesbian and gay, and so the point being is profiling has to be grabbled with, and we're not going to be distracted by a few angry racists, and we choose to focus our energies on the overwhelming majority of citizens in missouri
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who want to see a positive nonviolent response to this massive public policy challenge. >> cornell brooks, president of the naacp who led and took part in the 135-mile march. i hope you get some rests. thanks, sir. >> thank you. we will continue keeping an eye on the on going protests around the country tonight, and there are new reporting out of new jersey and big news about that tonight. and now, save without settling. get 2 lines with 10gb of data for just $110... ...or 4 lines for just $140. and get a $150 bill credit for each smartphone you switch. only on verizon. has the power to captivate. [ all cheering ] ♪ that's why shakira uses... crest 3d white with whitelock technology, removing up to ninety percent of surface stains,
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busiest bridge. for four days last september, members of christie's administration caused an intentional traffic nightmare on the gorge washington bridge. a days long traffic jam was created. and even though governor's office insisted it was a traffic study, turns on ut it was a lot more than that. the directive to cause that massive traffic jam came directly from governor christie's office. in the form of this one-line e-mail. that e-mail was sent by one of governor christie's staff employees. and the widely assumed theory was it was some form of political retrobugsz.
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we don't know why they wanted that gridlock, but it was a retribution against the mayor in ft. lee. the immediate fallout was the firing of the governor's deputy chief of staff, and he cut ties with his campaign manager who had been slated to take over the republican party. for much of the past year, there have been a whole slew of investigations into what happened and who ordered that shutdown and why, and whether it was a criminal act. they subpoenaed hundreds of e-mails, texts, notes, a very public months-long investigation started in january.
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and, today, until late last night, actually, their first report was leaked to the press. this is it. it's about 130 pages long, and it details a chronologically list of the events, and there's no evidence as to whether christie was or was not aware of the delays on the bridge. they said, quote, at present there is no conclusive evidence as to whether governor chris christie had knowledge of how these events developed. they said they are not in a position to know. and this is an interim report, and they say effectively they can't figure out what actually happened and how governor
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christie was or was not involved because some key christie administration officials invoked their rights and other witnesses are not being allowed to speak to the committee because of a much bigger investigation that has taken precedence over the legislature and that bigger investigation that has taken precedence, that's where we have news breaking tonight. it's the one being led by a federal prosecutor, a federal criminal investigation into the lane closers, and that has been going on for months and a grand jury has been meeting in secret in new jersey and hearing evidence, and that's why most of the key witnesses would not talk to the legislature for their investigation, and they concluded they don't know. while the federal prosecutor's office has been remarkably leak-proof up until this point, there has been one appears to be one dramatic leak tonight.
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tonight's the local station here in new york, wnbc, is reporting not only is that federal investigation almost complete, but there is big news to come out of the investigation very soon. this is from tonight. >> multiple sources tell us there's a potential for indictments in the bridge scandal and at least six officia officials. the port authority itself has no comment. >> there was an effort to confront and conceal what took place here. >> was there poor judgment? absolutely. as to whether or not that constitutes some sort of criminal cover-up or conspiracy, only the u.s. attorney can make that determination. >> the battle between republicans and democrats could get heated, but that's just the opening act, the main event will
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be the u.s. attorney and grand jury action, something that could be just weeks away. >> that was the reported filed by wnbc reporter, brian thompson. there could be multiple criminal indictments coming from the investigation just within the next few weeks. and joining us is the reporter that broke that story. >> hello. the most important thing is, you talked about it being the big event and it's the main event we are waiting for. >> in terms of the expected possible indictments, obviously indictments don't exist until they exist, and you are predicting. >> yeah, we don't know if there has been a single indictment from the grand jury yet, and all we know is from our sourcing is that there are expectations that there will be several people, as
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many as six, possibly seven, and maybe even eight, but those determinations will wait until the u.s. attorney announces it, and when they take their actual vote, which we don't think they have done yet. >> i can tell, you are wording this very carefully, and you describe what your sources are saying as these indictments potentially being some serving officials and some former officials, but your sources are telling you it's a mix? >> absolutely. you have to realize, if you took a look at the public record of all the people, and nobody is going to do that, but us insiders, we have to, if you look at the public people, all the people who have had some fingerprint somewhere along the line here, some are big fish and some are little fish, and what we are finding here in the
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definition of a conspiracy, even the little fish are being drawn into the investigation where they lawyered up and information is coming out that they are in some cases expected to be indeed, indicted. you have some people still working at the port authority and some of them are appointees of the governor and some are not, and you have the well known in the public record, people that used to work for the port authority, and then those that worked in the governor's office who are close to the governor who are no longer there, and they are all part of the pool that we are talking about here. >> again, the other key part of what you are hering, at least from your sources about the timing here, it could be as soon as january. >> that was a month specifically mentioned to me. >> thank you very much. we'll be right back.
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than 7,000 people were killed, and tonight right now there's a similar-sized typhoon which is bearing down on the exact same part of the philippines again. this is 150 miles per hour, the equivalent of a category 4 hurricane, and it's set to hit saturday morning our time in the united states, and this could be a very big deal this weekend. a heads up to keep an eye out for that. to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. you never jim jam shabriver flab dry ris.o is, bliss pounds hazy dray? drywall sh-boop leaver - murray. hey, big bog panorama corn salabaty?
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we have an interesting update for you on a story that we reported earlier this week. on tuesday night we brought you the story of this man, who the state of texas was due to execute on wednesday despite the man's long well-documented history of being -- for give me, completely off his gourd. in the 14 years before he committed this crime, he had been diagnosed with mental illness. he buried in his backyard all the furniture in his house because he thought satan was living in his furniture. this guy now believes the state of texas wants to execute him not because he committed a double murder but because he believes he represents the angels, and the state of texas has the death penalty for everybody who preaches the
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gospel. so the state of texas maintains he is sane enough to legally kill. the contention here is that this man is faking his mental illness in order to avoid execution, and that means they think he was faking it for 14 years before he was arrested as some of a master plan that wouldn't come to few kwreugs until his 50s. we talk about the pressure on rick perry to at least grant a temporary reprieve for this execution so this guy could at least have a mental competency exam to test his sanity. every major newspaper has editorialized even the state of texas should not kill someone this crazy. conservative activists and evangelicals, even texas
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congressman ron paul. a lot of conservatives have been lobbying rick perry to stop this mental execution because of this man's mental illness. now here's the update. on wednesday when this execution was scheduled, the court of appeals decided they would stop this execution so rick perry didn't have to. it's not clear yet if this guy will never be executed in texas, but there will be a delay while the courts consider his sanity or lack there of. oral arguments should be scheduled soon in that case. it will be back in rick perry's lap to make a decision. we'll keep you posted on that. stay with us. good morning everybody. we are about to make more deliveries to more places than anybody on earth. we have the speed. we have the technology. and we have the team. we made over 15 billion successful deliveries last year.
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it's time to dump this week's news all over one of our faithful viewers. splat! who's playing the friday night news dump tonight? >> we've got christina wise with us tonight from boulder creek, california. she's a second soprano in a church choir. hi hey, me, too. she was a contestant on "super password." >> super password that's like a tv game show for real? >> this was a real one back in i think 1987. i was 18 years old. don't do the math. and i was the youngest person to ever get on the show. and i played with susan rutan. she was the one with the short red hair from "l.a. law." >> oh, god, yeah.
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>> and also, edwin turz. he was doing a series at the time with oh, sally struthers i think it was. i won $1,000 in cash and prizes and most of that was nair hair removal products. so i hope i do better tonight. >> nothing we're going to give you tonight is going to remove your hair. i absolutely swear it. no matter what you do with it. in fact, nick, if christina does get two questions right tonight, what does she win? >> she wins this mini rachel maddow drink cocktail shaker. >> no matter what you do with it, it's likely to only give you more hair and not less. >> i'm in. >> we also need to bring in the disembodied voice, steve say hello to christina. >> good evening, christina. >> good evening, steve. what a pleasure. >> this is very exciting. >> i know. you have one republican watching your show tonight because he's a friend of mine.
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>> oh, there's lots of them. they just don't tell each other. if they all came out, the world would stop on its axis. question one. on monday's show, conservative congresswoman michele bachmann made a special guest appearance on video on our show while rapping a popular song. whose rap song was michele bachmann rapping, was it a, jay-z, b, the beastie boys, cmaclemore or d, waka flocka flame. >> it was c. >> clearly we have no choice but to take a look at it again. ♪ i wear your grand dad clothes i look incredible ♪ ♪ i wear your grand dad's clothes. i like in incredible ♪ >> yes, the horrifying answer is c, macklemore. christina was right.
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>> excellent, well done. and any excuse to hear michele bachmann talking in a low voice will be taken on this show. we spoke about the three nuclear intercontinental missile bases, 450 nuclear missiles between them. these three bases have been sharing something critical to maintaining those missiles. they have been fedexing it back and forth to each other every time somebody needed to make a missile repair. what exactly have these three bases been fedexing back and forth to each other. is it a special screwdriver, b, a special wrench set. c, a drill bit, or d, a set of specialty protective goggles. >> it was b, and there's one, but now they have three. >> i think that's right. but steve, can you confirm? >> the correct answer is b. there is a special wrench set. and as she noted, secretary of defense hagel said they were going to have two wrenches from now on. so good news is christina is
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right and we have more wrenches. >> they already got more and we're going to get even further. >> amazing. >> all right, but we're going to go to question three. this is sort of a special credit question for you at this point. this was also from tuesday's show. we reported an announcement from one u.s. senator who took the time that day to let the world know that he is not running for president in 2016. which of these senators took himself out of the running this week for the presidency. was it a, senator jack reed of rhode island, was it b, senator bernie sanders of vermont. c, senator rand paul of kentucky, and d, senator rob portman of wherever rob portman >> it is d, portman. who looks like your everyman. >> do you have the answer for us? let's check the segment from tuesday's show.
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it's rob portman who's not going to be running for president. he has officially announced today. honestly if that headline were not there and you were just looking at that picture of him and his family and his cute dogs, would you have any idea of what that was? >> right. the correct answer is what's his name. i mean, the correct answer is rob portman and christina is correct. >> spectacular. you only needed two to win the prize. nick, did christina win the prize? >> yes. she did. >> she got three instead of two. we will send you the baby sized cocktail shaker. we will also find something in our cubicle farm to send you, even though you don't want it. >> can i get the mushroom containers that were part of the commercial? >> oh, no, those have now been bid up so far in our internal auction house at the staff. you would have to be a zillionaire. no, we'll kind you something much, much sketchier than that. thank you so much for playing. congratulations. it was nice to have you with us. nice to meet you. >> it was an honor. thank you, rachel. >> if any of you think you have
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what it takes including the possibility of winning a tiny cocktail shaker that doesn't even hold a seal, you should go to maddow to learn how to apply. breaking news, reports that american hostage held in yemen, and the worst possible outcome. and fleeing the storm, and a part of the world still reeling from a storm last year. and rolling stone magazine walks back the rape, skpwh how much of it happened. a new warning. the u.s. embassy where the american was killed overseas is issuing more words of caution. good morning.
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