tv The Cycle MSNBC December 16, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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joining us now is security analyst anthony roman, president of the global investigation firm roman and associates. thank you for being with us. it sounds like it has come to an end. what do we know that he suffered from ptsd and targeted his own family. >> his marine buddies when he was deployed to iraq said he was suffering extreme stress, which would compound the issues from iraq. his family were in a brutal custody battle while he was away. he left iraq early under a hardship leave, it appears. was there only three months and came home to a firestorm of legal activity. apparently it was causing him to go broke. apparently he simply reached the breaking point. >> is it common to go after family members? >> it's not uncommon. i wouldn't say it happens every
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day but a soldier or marine suffering from severe ptsd has to leave the theater early and leave their troops behind, come home to deal with family issues and then is compounded by money issues, then you throw on top of it the children. and that is always a deal-breaker in ptsd. so, we see more enhanced violence, greater violence when children are involved in custody battles. >> anthony, on the point of the family, "usa today" had a quote from a neighbor of the ex-wife that he allegedly murdered. this neighbor said of the ex-wife, she would tell anybody who would listen that he was going to kill her and she was really afraid for her life. what kind of legal steps can you take when there are clear red flags as there seem to have been in this case to protect against this exact situation? >> krystal, that's a very interesting question. simply because you can get a restraining order. however, there is no one to
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protect you from immediate violence following that restraining order. the police do come and they do pay special attention to your house. but they are not there 24/7. here you had a marine who when he was doing his deed and he approached his family's residence, he did it just before dawn. very similar to training marines do in field assaults. you know, if someone has made up their mind to commit these acts, they're generally successful. >> we had a situation where we had a marine hiding, running, in a wooded area for quite some time. complicated situation for the police because it's a wooded area. far different from your urban searches. and because you have a marine who's perhaps armed and dangerous. you don't know. talk about the challenges for police searching for someone in that wooded area and someone who is a marine. >> wooded areas change the
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entire search game. it makes it incredibly difficult. the danger factor for law enforcement and civilians goes up exponentially. because you need a tremendous amount of officers to hold ground. when you search an area and a trained marine can backtrack, come up behind you, ambush you. they're trained in ambush, trained in infantry techniques, so you have a severe problem there. >> you know, looking here at pennsylvania, folks who have followed will remember eric fein who killed that police officer in the same state, are there certain geographic areas or demographic trends that make these kind of acts, which we consider so heinous, more common? >> i don't see any current trends relative to the demographics. we've seen this type of violence in suburban areas. montgomery county happens to be a reasonably middle to
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middle-upper class area. so it's fairly affluent. >> ari is referencing twice we've seen someone go on the lam in pennsylvania. is there something about pennsylvania that would allow people to evade police for quite some time? >> well, the rural areas do make it easy to evade police for quite some time. in this particular case, it's not uncommon for the perpetrator to commit suicide because they undergo a secondary ptsd and that occurs after the act. so, we see no correlation. >> on ptsd, since you raise it, are these kind of times an appropriate moment to think about whether we're doing enough for our veterans? it's something we talk about on the show a lot. you look at people where, obviously, they're responsible for their actions but you look at the medical piece of this and whether we're finding cases, getting people diagnosed and in some cases f they're deranged,
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getting them the treatment they need. >> that's a wonderful question. simply because we are not doing anywhere near enough for the marines, soldiers sailors and airmen who are coming back. they don't get very much transition treementd when they're coming out of combat zones. and they are prepared physically and mentally for combat. but they are not prepared to destress when they come from a combat situation back home. >> on that point of ptsd, that's obviously a part of the story, or certainly seems to be a part of the story that he was suffering from ptsd, but how do we talk about that illness in a way that doesn't -- further stigmatize those suffering from ptsd? because we know the overwhelming majority are not going to go out and commit these kind of han no heinous acts. >> unfortunately, mental illness
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is still stigmatized in this country. health plans don't provide much in terms of economic remuneration. it needs a major study by the government and an implementation so that there's a destigmatation in the educational system and in society. really, in terms of the soldiers coming back military can do far more and has far greater resources. >> it should be our top priority across the board. anthony, you're the best person to put this in context, historical context. it feels like we're constantly on the show talking about another shooting. and it is so devastating. where are we when we look at years past? does it seem like we're seeing this more and more or is it worse than before now? >> at first we thought this is just a news cycle trend. in other words, we just hear more about them, but we check the statistics and there has
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been a pulse in the last three to four years that's increased about 20%. so the statistics simply don't lie. we do have many, many more incidents occurring in a concentrated period. now, however, mass shootings, home violence, person-to-person violence has been occurring, you know, time infinite. >> up next, a terror attack. some gruesome, top of the top terrorists in the world are condemning it. big 2016 news today. jeb is making moves and a prominent democrat gets senator al franken's stamp of approval. ari sat down with the progressive one-on-one. trust us, that's not the only interesting news he made. "the cycle" rolls on, tuesday, december 16th. o) nourished. rescued. protected. given new hope.
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cycling right now, terror strikes again. not this time from isis. the taliban retaking the headlines with their deadliest attack in years. the murder of 132 pakistani school children. >> wherever you live, wherever you are, those are our children. this is the world's loss. >> nine gunmen stormed the military-run school this morning, shooting at random. survivors say they went classroom by classroom selecting children to beat and slaughter. others were made to watch as the taliban burned their teacher alive. one of the youngest victims was just 2 years old. his parents waited desperately for word. the taliban says this is revenge
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for strikes against their hideouts. but the attack was so extreme, even by war torn pakistani standards that some islamic militant groups that usually back the taliban say this time they went too far. noble peace prize lawyer yet malala who the taliban tried to execute at her school two years ago condemned the attack saying, quote, innocent children in their school have no place in horrors such as this but we'll never be defeated. in sydney, australia, prime minister tony abbott wants answers as to why he was not on watch list but was allowed out on bail. two hostages and the gunman were killed. police won't say how. the tactical cops stormed the cafe open fire, ending the siege, prompting an investigation into their strategy. >> we're getting together all the information so that we can piece together, bit by bit, exactly what happened.
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>> both of those attacks are raising new concerns about global terror and terror sympathizers. we start with nbc news producer waj khan. >> all the attackers have been killed. some blew themselves up. some were killed by direct action from special forces who -- who were essentially choppered in from inland pakistan. one of the most tragic incidents in the country's war on terror. for years the military specifically has been criticized by internal and external critics that it hasn't done enough to slam down against these forces. and then just this summer, when political momentum converged when the pakistani military got its act together and started massive ground and air campaigns against the militants, they struck back at the very heart,
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the very base of the city where these operations came out from and were targeted from. essentially you're looking at a situation now where military families, army brats really, young high school aged kids, who have been targeted. >> nbc waj khan in pakistan. thank you so much. let's bring in anthony roman. anthony, let me start with you. on this horrifying attack by the taliban in pakistan. this is the largest attack they have had in years. is this a show of strength or more of a desperate attempt to regain relevance? >> well, i think the latter. this was a horrific attack. my biggest fear and what i've been writing about and speaking about for several years is that we are vulnerable in the united states for this very type of attack.
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we see the dovetailing into the sydney siege, where in a public place, a place of gathering, place where children are traveling, that these poor, poor children. i mean, just horrible. >> absolutely. i mean, there aren't words to describe this kind of horrific attack. fawaz, for people who follow pakistan, it was, of course, a very busy summer with that crackdown. speak to us about the paradox here. i don't want to oversimplify at all. george w. bush was criticized for smoking out all the terrorists. we want to find them. we want to defeat them and yet. seems the paradox, as i put it, or the tough catch-22 here in pakistan is you bring these guys out, you go after them. when they come back, they come back so furiously, i wonder if some people there are thinking
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this is not the right strategy. >> well, i think you're raising a very important question. i mean, for your own viewers, there's all out war between the pakistani state and the pakistani taliban militants and their allies. the pakistani taliban, if they lose in chaotic coalition, about 30 groups located mainly in the tribal areas along the afghan/pakistani border. since june pakistani army has launched all out offensive to move out the tribes, mostly northwestern waziristan. according to official sources, more than 1500 taliban fighters have been killed and tens of thousands have been displaced. so, this is the context. what you've seen today -- yesterday and today in pakistan, it is a direct attack against
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the pakistani army itself. the most powerful institution in pakistan. remember, this military college, even though you have civilian kids, children attend this school, most of the kids are sons of senior and junior officers. and this particular attack, as a pakistani spokesman, pakistani taliban spokesperson said, we attack children, all their children. think of this viciousness, children between 12 and 16 years old, elderly, old children, so the attack was meant to exact vengeance against the military. it was a attack, an instinctive attack. this is vintage pakistani taliban. i this was a mass car. think about what they did in 2007. inaugurated the birth of the pakistani taliban. the attack that killed the
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four -- the former prime minister bhutto. 2013, attack on a sunday school, christian school, killed 80 children. on and on and on. but this is now all out fight between the pakistani state and the pakistani taliban. even though the pakistani taliban has suffered a great deal of setback, obviously, they still have the ability to come back and really exact a huge, huge cost on the civilian and the military population. >> unfortunately, that is clearly the case. stick with us. >> reporter: krystal, i'm standing in front of what is a shrine now to the victims, to carek katrina dawson and tori johnson. the scene is now an active crime scene because behind this is the
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lindt chocolate cafe where that siege happened. as people come and lay flowers and write notes, in the meantime, authorities are trying to figure out how it happened. how did this gunman escape the net? why was he on bail? this was a man wanted as an accessory to a murder of his former wife. this was a very violent crime in which he was stabbed and then set on fire. what was he doing on the streets? these are just some of the questions that are being asked. meantime, there's an increased police presence here in sydney. something called "operation hammerhead" where we're seeing police on the streets. they're going to be in public places, on transport and also near iconic buildings like the opera house. that will take place over the next several weeks. back to you guys. >> nbc's sarah james in sydney, australia, thank you for that report. still with us, anthony romans and fawaz gerges. it's been 24 hours since we've been able to die gust what happened in sydney yesterday. the debate then continues around
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what the solution is for these lone wolf attacks. you know, the military and the police can do so much to detain the situation, but beyond that, the question is, what more can be done? you've mentioned that this is a sociological problem and also a generational problem. >> it really is. the lone wolf attack has a very long history that dates back even prior to the 19th century. and weaver seen it in the col y colonial period in africa. we've seen it in the middle east and in europe and the united states. the lone wolf is very difficult to stop. near impossible to stop. -p. requires in terms of tactical police containment, tremendous intelligence work. that's the gathering of broad-based information. i mean, you have timothy mcveigh, you have andrew brevic. they did tremendous damage but they conceal their activities
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very well by buying small quantities of nitrite, which was used in explosive devices for those massive, massive truck bombs. so, you simply have to have great intelligence but you also have to have the judicial system working with you. there is no reason this cleric should have been on the street given his past criminal record and there's really no good explanation for it. >> fawaz, you think about this self-proclaimed cleric in sydney. i think about how the actions of the lunatic fringe muslim lone wolf has an impact on the over 2 billion peaceful muslims around the globe and the way that the masses have to pay for the actions of the rare few. >> again, you're absolutely correct. i mean, all it takes is one disturbed individual. one deranged individual to
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basically -- i mean, i was here in the heart of london and probably new york. i mean, the entire media industry in the world focus on this particular disturbed individual. and basically connections were made between isis and this particular individual. the irony is, he didn't have a flag. the flag of isis. he requested a flag of isis. the irony, too, is that he was not a sunni muslim. i was a shiite muslim. as you well know, isis has a genocide against the shiites. here you have a shiite who's been targeted by isis yet portrayed by many media outlets as somehow part -- an extension not only of isis but also of the muslim threat. in germany just 15,000 protesters basically have taken to the streets in the last few days denouncing and condemning the president of muslim communities. and this does a great deal, the idea of islam phobia.
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let me save a few words about the lone wolf attack. think about what's happened in pakistan inspect nine militants exacted basically, created, triggered a mags car. it could have been much worse. you have 2,500 students in the school. it could have been much worse. thanks to the security forces that prevented a much bigger loss. the reality is, we feature our students. i teach international relations. will is no absolute security. international relations or even in domestic society. think about what happened on 9/11. 19 young arab men brought death and pain to american shores. you cannot guard against either the lone wolf attacks or even soft targets. we live in open societies. insecurity is part of our own well-being, the post-modern man. the reality is, we live in an age what i call the terrorism curious. the curious of disturbed human beings who basically would like
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empowerment through the barrel of a gun instead of basically making the journey in this life. >> fawaz gerges and anthony roman, thank you. up next, with the click of a mouse, 2016 just got a whole lot more interesting. plus, ari's one-on-one with minnesota senator al franken. pleasant politics to come. just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a new volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta and the precisely engineered passat tdi. ah, the gift of clean diesel. for the new volkswagen on your list this year, just about all you need, is a pen. festive, isn't it? get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models. wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it.
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let's be fair here. >> there we go. so are we staring down a jeb bush/hillary clinton campaign here? do you think the country is excited about a bush/clinton match-up? >> first, i don't think the country's excited about that. if i can speak generally about the country. why not? that's what i do. i don't think the country is going to be excited by that because i think there's going to be another desire for change for some kind by 2016. that's the macro view. the micro view within the republican party, i think jeb bush is basically -- his basic announcement today, basically a declaration of candidacy is very interesting and very important. i mean, it basically makes road kill out of marco rubio for one. and i'll go into detail if you want, but that's pretty obvious. i think it puts chris christie in the shade a little bit.
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i think it makes him instantly clearly the front-runner. he has the problem of figuring out how to downplay iowa and south carolina in the hard core on the right. but he's going to have a ton of money and a ton of backing behind him on the republican side. >> obviously that is all correct, howard, but to me the big problem, it is insurmountable problem, perhaps, for jeb is the big issue for republican primary voters is immigration. that's the issue that brings up the anger, that brings out that lizard brain level of fear and those folks are upset. 82% of republicans disapprove of the executive actions the president just took. almost half say they're unsympathetic to immigrants. four in ten say there should not be a pathway to legal status. jeb is on the wrong side of this in the republican party. you don't even have to say self-deport to get to the right of him on this. i don't see how he gets past this. >> well, i think the one
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advantage -- i agree with you. those numbers are quite accurate about the heartbeat of the core of the conservatives on the republican party and maybe the party in general. he'll have two advantages. i think he'll be the main establishment candidate, if not in the end, the only establishment candidate. and there's going to be a whole bunch of other people around attacking him from all sides. they could divide the vote amongst themselves. that's very probable. number two, i think you're going to see jeb rethink, remodulate, recombine in some way on immigration. and i think you're going to see him reach out to hispanics in the primaries in some states. i think it's going to be very interesting to watch to see if he can -- if he can get some new people involved in the republican primaries. i think if he can't -- if he can't, obviously if he can't somehow square the circle on
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immigration, he's not only not going to get the nomination, he's not going to get elected president. he's going to have some time and a whole lot of thinking and effort involved in repositioning himself on this as we go along. >> i would say in general if republicans can't figure out their message on immigration, they also can't win a national election. it will also depend on how much power the establishment has during the primary season, whether or not he can get through that. i would say there are a lot of republicans, wealthy republicans, that like jeb bush simply because of his stance on immigration. but, howard, the question i have is how much oxygen now is going to be taken out of the room from candidates who wanted to be the center right candidate for republicans? i mean, let's judge just go through the list. you mentioned marco rubio from the same state you said jeb bush basically makes road kill out of him. chris christie who lost his mojo over the past year. people see him as angry. rick perry, as you know, has pretty bad blood with the bush family. even scott walker who i would
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say the establishment would probably look over if jeb does decide to run. so, what happens to this list of potential candidates? >> well, i think they're in trouble. but i think that the big question is whether jeb can extend beyond the rich people on wall street and in florida and california who love the bush brand and love him and really think that jeb is the best of the bushes. you know, for bushologists, that's a standard line. and whether he can do it -- whether he can broaden the appeal out that -- remember rudy giuliani a few years ago, he had a big brand name coming out of new york. the establishment loved rudy giuliani who kept skipping primaries and caucuses and saying, i'm going to make my stand here in this later one. by the time rudy got around to making his last stand, he was finished. jeb can't do that. jeb's got to die in and he's got
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to get in the conversation with everybody while lowering expectations in places like iowa. i don't think he dare skip iowa. i think he goes in there and takes it like a man and gets in the arlg arg ument and gets in the fray and shows he's not trying to manipulate stuff, that he's really putting himself out there in an honest conversation. >> let me jump in, howard. >> that's his style of politics. >> no doubt jeb bush is fundamentally different from every other potential candidate for republicans because of the family name. he's sort of the beyonce candidate of this cycle. he woke up like this. he's flawless. you know that he's a bush. >> is he irreplaceable? >> is he irreplaceable is a question america will answer when howard feinman replaces him. >> when jeb bush gets out there and says, put a ring on it -- >> howard! >> political diynasties, it cut both way. hillary clinton never explains what side she wants to own and
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didn't. w., successfully differentiated himself from his moderate father. does jeb have to differentiate himself from two bushes to succeed? >> yes, up to a point. although i think the contrast with his now quite elderly statesman dad, george h.w., is not an urgent matter. h.w. passed into the realm of this sort of pantheon of the beloved, if you will. just in general. i think, yes, he's going to have to distinguish himself in some ways from george w. certainly. but i think in two main respects. aggressive, tough, military-oriented foreign policy and a certain -- a certain generosity, if you will, on immigration that george w. showed as governor. i think on those two basic things jeb and george are going to match up pretty well.
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they're going to be in agreement. >> to your point, howard, he could potentially benefit from tapping into the legacy of h.w. at this point. howard feinman, always appreciate you. next, more 2016 news with an endorsement by one of america's most outspoken progressives you'll only see here. >> people ask me about elizabeth warren. she's good. i think hillary would be great. if this is what you call an endorsement, i guess, yes. so, yes. i have the worst cold with this runny nose.
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fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know genies can be really literal? no. what is your wish? no...ok...a million bucks! oh no... geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. both parties are looking toward the white house with that jeb bush announcement of a possible run today. howard dean just endorsing hillary clinton before she's even entered the race. we have more 016 news to break exclusively here on "the cycle." today a 2016 endorsement from
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one of the most prominent liberals in the senate, al franken. i sat down with the minnesota washington thursday. we talked policy, debate, and franken's personal views of gop incoming leader mitch mcconnell. we spoke on the day when they were giving departing remarks. he sat down with one of his prioriti priorities, uber. >> it's taking your geolocation and storing it all the time. and that information is very private. where you are, where you go to the doctor, where you take your child to school, where you -- what you're doing on the web -- >> uber recently drew heat for
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reports that its employees misused company data on where customers travel. one executive reportedly threatened to use that information against a reporter who had criticized the company. as chair of a senate subcommittee on technology and privacy, franken has legislation ready to go to enhance consumer protection. and he gave uber a monday deadline to sdraes new questions about how they use sensitive geolocation data. >> part of what my work has been doing is letting consumers understand what's out there. and so you know what you're signing up for when you do something like this. and also letting the companies understand that they have some obligation to have a privacy policy and to follow it. >> then there are apps people never signed up for at all. franken's bill would ban stalker app which is can be secretly installed to track your movement. a problem franken heard about
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from his constituents firsthand. he shared one woman's exchange with an abusive partner. >> she went to domestic violence center in county building, st. louis county, northern minnesota. and she was there five minutes and she got a text on her phone saying, why are you at the county building? are you at the domestic violence center? and that scared her. so they took her to the courthouse to get her -- a restraining order against this guy. and after she was there, he said, why did you go to the courthouse? did you get a restraining order against me? it was a tracking app, a stalking app. >> how is that even legal right now? >> it is legal. believe it or not. stalking's not legal, but those -- i'm trying to make those illegal. that's part of this bill. >> the location privacy protection act previously passed the judiciary committee and franken plans to introduce it again in the new congress. >> on the morning of september
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11th -- >> as we speaking in franken's senate office a few miles away john brennan was criticizing the senate torture report. you said it shows the cia law lied to the public, lied to the president for some time. >> uh-huh. >> should there be -- >> and to the senate. >> and to the senate. should there be consequences for that lying? >> i'm thinking about that. you're talking about whether people should be prosecuted? >> should people who are currently working at the cia be fired? should anyone be brought before a court to have a trial and then depending on the outcome of the trial, should anyone go to jail? >> you know, i haven't thought that through. we have tended to not look back at this in a way that is about holding people responsible. maybe that's wrong. we are a country that
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acknowledges its failures. i think that's a good thing about us. on the prosecution of people, i'd like to hear more about. >> in the new congress franken will lose his chairman's gavel as republicans take over. he talked about the challenge of working with gop leader mitch mcconnell. >> what's interesting is he has promised a more open process, he says. and votes on amendments and et cetera. so, we'll see. >> would you call him a good friend or a best friend? >> more a -- it's the kind of thing where, you know, we will argue on the floor but then go out to dinner and just laugh. >> yeah? >> no. that doesn't happen. >> have you ever seen him laugh? >> i have. in fact, i've seen -- he has laughed. in response to something i have said.
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and i have laughed in response to something he has said. how's that? >> laughter comes easy for the veteran member of "saturday night live." though as a senator, he doesn't always lead with satire. he had some fun in his farewell speak last week for mark begich, who lost his seat. >> we need more mayors here, you know, sometimes we say we need more sdwersdiversity, we need m women. god knows we need more satirists. a lot of people ask me, is being a senator as much fun as working on "saturday night live"? and the answer, of course, is no. it's not close. but it's the best job i've ever had. >> and franken got that promotion by a razor-thin margin. in 2008 you barely, barely, barely won. >> i don't think that's fair.
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>> by a few hundred votes. one of the closest races in american history. you're now coming off a race where you won by ten points. what changed? >> one of the things changed is i had a term behind me, or most of a term behind me, so i was able to build on what i had done and communicate that to the people of minnesota. i think i had a pretty good record of accomplishment. they knew i had worked hard. that's very different from where i had been six years or 5 1/2 years previous -- or 6 years previously where i had been a comedian for all but a lot of them knew and didn't know exactly and were skeptical. and i -- so, i was able to give them something to vote for. i had reached across party lines to find common ground, but i also stood my ground when powerful interests came after
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the middle class. >> with a strong footing in middle west state the white house needs, franken is clear about ho who he wants to lead. >> i think hillary would make a great president. i haven't announced that i'm supporting her, but -- does this count, i guess? maybe this counts. >> here's the question, do you need to see who all the candidates are first before you publicly endorse her? >> no, no. i think that, you know, i'm ready for hillary. i mean, i'm -- i think that -- we've not had someone this experienced, this tough, and as -- she is very, very impressive. >> it was an endorsement delivered as only franken could. >> so, are you endorsing her today? >> if this is what you call an enforcement, i guess, yes. so, yes.
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>> and there you have it. franken also told me, elizabeth warren was great, but he noted she is not running. and on uber, the company just responded with a new letter insisting it does not use its data to discredit opponents and tauted its new written policies in an external data privacy review and explaining itself throughout that process. al franken credited uber with that response but says he's still concerned by the lack of detail there. he said uber failed to define its standards for even accessing or sharing customer data and he vowed to keep on pressing for more details. as for us, much more "the cycle" straight ahead. thanks. ♪ [ male announcer ] fedex® has solutions to
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affection to politics. had really smart ideas running through that show. which is what we call the picasso of our profession but where did pripryor rise to becoa legendary comic and national superstar. a new book called "booking richard pryor" let's break it down. you start in piori you have done a historical look, he grows up in a brothel. you write this. >> please talk more about that. >> i think one thing about
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growing up in that brothel is that violence was an ever-present threat. he grew up incredibly observant always waiting for something to happen never knowing when it would. because he saw how complex people were, had a grandmother who a madame and a step mother whocy prostitute but also a devout kacatholic and saw the white people going to the brothel so he got the sense that the world was impure. he will bring that view of the world in all its complexity and put that on the stage. >> talk about the time he spent in berkeley and how that added to the comedian he became. >> great question. in 1971 he drops out.
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he's been successful in l.a. as a cross over comedian, he made a name for himself but not the name he wants so he ends up in berkeley where black power as exploded in berkeley and there he finds the freedom to be unfunny. a lot of the tapes at that time he's experimenting, like an artist trying to find his medium not just a comedian trying to polish his material. that desire to find the nerve center of the american life, of the self, poke it, prod it so you can produce funny and enlightenment. so he followed his explorations wherever they took him. >> he was so talented in so many ways but didn't always come easy for him. when he first moved to new york opened up as a singer simone and
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she said he shook like he was so nervous, i put my arm around him and rocked him like a baby until he calmed down. the next night was the same and the next and i rocked him each time. this surprised me. when he was on stage he never showed nerves. >> yeah he could be very cool and collected on stage but i think that vulnerableability was a crucial part of his person. he always was that defenseless child who never got all the love he needed to have a secure sense of self. so he had an intense vulnerability but even on the eve of great successes he would feel he was on the precipes of total failure. on the other hand he could be incredibly strong and violent, all that threaded together in his personality. >> you talk about his wives saying there are about 25 or 30
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governors will be bummed out. >> it looks like 2016 is a go. >> jeb bush making it official. >> don't be afraid to shake things up. >> we've had enough bushes. >> all but dove head first into the to 2016 pool. >> i've decided to actively explore the possibility of running for the university. >> another clinton-bush election. >> there's the senator from kentucky, and florida. >> we've had enough bush's. >> he could be a very formidable candidates. >> if your parents work in politics. >> it's his mother who said -- >> -- we've had enough bushes. >> we're waiting for a press conference out of pennsylvania where police confirmed the death of bradley stone, the subject of an intense man hunt since yesterday. we begin with the
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