tv The Ed Show MSNBC December 16, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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do you trust a bush to handle the mess. that's the question. where are we a year from now? i think we will be in foreign policy environment and that is where jeb's charge will be harder. >> chuck todd let's do this every day. >> i would love to. >> thank you as always, chuck. make sure to catch chuck every sunday meet the press nbc. thank you chuck. that is all for "now." "the ed show" coming up next. good evening americans and welcome to "the ed show" live from new york. another bush? let's get to work. ♪ ♪ >> we're seeing more and more that people often model their lives on their parents. >> there's other people out there that are very qualified. we've had enough bush's. >> i can tell you if your parents work in politics, well,
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you know the rest. >> oops. >> these are dangerous extreme radical times. >> today has been awesome, girl. >> i think i could serve well as president. >> i do not like this uncle sam. >> gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate christmas. >> i hope jeb runs. i think he would be a great president. >> obamacare is more -- like jason. or freddie. >> running for the president is not an iq test. ♪ ♪ good to have you with us tonight we start with major news on the political front concerning 2016, yet another bush is setting his sights on the white house. earlier today, jeb bush, former governor of florida changed the news cycle with this facebook
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post. >> well, some republicans think jeb bush could be their savior. here's what former secretary of state james baker said last month. >> i hope he does. he would make an extraordinary fine president. he's a very, very capable young man. >> jeb bush's older brother george w. bush made it clear he wants jeb to run. last week he had this to say about his brother's possible run. >> you've often referred to bill clinton and talk about his relationship with your father and your mother and he's your brother from another mother. what does that make hillary clinton to the bush family?
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>> my sister-in-law. >> interesting. do you think your brother could run against your sister-in-law. >> yeah and i think he'd beater. >> do you? >> i do. >> she's formidable. >> no question so he is though. >> so you would take that bet. >> absolutely. >> well here's a statistic, republicans haven't won a republican election with bush on the ticket since 1972. this has other presidential hopefuls taking stock mainly in the lone star state of texas. ted cruz from texas is considering a presidential run. this guy has already come up with what is a very unique campaign strategy. the national review reports this. with a strategy like this we
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could sure count on the republican primy season being a lot of fun. better than the last one. >> it's three agencies of government gone when i get there, commerce, education and what's the third one there, let's see. commerce, education, and the, uh, um. >> epa? >> epa, there you go. no. >> is epa the one you were talking about? >> no sir we were talking about the agencies of government. epa needs to be rebuilt, no doubt about it. >> you can't name the third one. >> the third agency of government i would do away with education, commerce, and let's see, i can't, the third one, i can't, sorry. oops. >> i think that sound byte could give anyone a little bit of confidence if they ever want to run for congress.
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that's right rick perry wants to walk right into the white house. he says he's not the same candidate who ran in 2012 saying this. jeb bush, rick perry and ted cruz are all trying hard for the texas conservative vote. no doubt 2016 republican primary season will be very, very entertaining to say the least. i can't wait. get your cellphones out. want to know what you think. are you ready for another bush in the white house. text a for yes and b for no.
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we'll bring you the results later in the show. bringing in our guests tonight. thank you for being with us. brett i want to start with you tonight because i was really impressed with the play book or should i say, the manual that was put out by american bridge on all the candidates on the republican side or the hopefuls on the republican side for 2016 and you wrote this in there and fount had caveat about jeb bush.
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>> i think that's more than interesting. is this the kiengd of stuff -- does he have a romney problem? >> i think he does. not only do we know about his involvement in lehman brothers around and he tried to bail them out. we know he has been engaged in tax schemes over sea that's mitt romney was involved in. not only does he have a mitt romney problem that may present itself in the primary or if he made it in the general election but he and romney are tussling behind the scenes over who has the bigger problem in equity
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investments. i think jeb's problems makes it more likely that mitt romney will be in a little bit more enticing. i don't think he wants to give over the mantle to jeb bush. >> bush was there when leman burned down. it's not just wall street. he has project for new american century that hasn't been talked about. this is a guy who wrote the mission statement for cheney, hayden, bush, that are defending bush, he wrote the mission statement for it. it's what got us involve in iraq. it's why we're in afghanistan. it's not just a wall street problem. it goes well beyond that.
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when this discussion starts about pea knack we will learn a lot. >> they have perry, cruz and bush in texas how will this play out. >> and i would add rand paul to that. look, i actually think that jeb bush doing what he did today is actually kind of genius. it's not about voters. i think it's about donors. i think he's frozen all the donors in place on two fronts. front number one, the donors that would ordinarily support or at least think of supporting more of the established crew in this bunch, would include romney and christie, they get confused by that but more importantly to texas some of the biggest and most prolific in the conserve attive donors are texans and
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they have strtraditionally supported bushes and supported rick perry early on. and i think him saying i'm kind of sort of it, it freezes everybody in place. that's a big peril to some of the other guys. >> what about cruz's strategy. jews and hispanics and millennials is his ticket to win the nomination what do you make of that. >> every time a republican comes up with a strategy that doesn't include inladependent voter, th math doesn't add up. the biggest problem is believing for one second that a wide-swath of hispanic voters will vote for him just because his last name is cruz. that's never worked in texas.
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when hispanics run state wide in texas sthey don't get their fai share of votes. the hispanics are voting for people who support their values. i think hispanics of the world will say to ted cruz, you can go after our vote but you're not going to get it until you explain how you're going to represent my family. >> and he hasn't been able to do that in anyway, shape, or form. >> no. >> and now what about the former president, is he a hindrance or a guy who will really help his brother? you can't argue that the bush's know how to raise money. that's the name of the game. you can have a few friends and a whole lot of money the way it works now. with w.hurt or help his brother.
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>> i don't think there is any dat doubt that he could be helpful. not just him, his father, his family, george p. bush just won state wide office in texas. i associated with previous comments, in terms of donors jeb bush's strategy is strong. who else will be the next "establishment" person in the race that could compete with those texas donors. i think in that regard, the name and the president certainly helps. >> mike, where does this put carl rove? back front and center? >> this is great, for, you know, the bush's named him the turd blossom and now he's back with the bush family, it's life as
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usual for carl rove. it's not just about tieing up the money for republican candidates but for hillary clinton. she's working wall street mighty hard and last thing bush wants is to see all that money jumping behind hillary. he's saying guys i'm here too. >> you think there's a lot of cross over. >> tremendous amount. >> on wall street. >> tremendous amount. there's almost not a difference between the parties when it comes to ideology on wall street. >> does the bush name force hillary to -- on wall street go i think she has to. >> do you think jeb bush could beat hillary clinton. >> i do. >> i do not, ed. >> you have the bush dynasty. the clinton dynasty. bush has coverage right now. he moves into the arena.
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he's not worried about this idea of the criticism being the clinton dynasty. i know how effective he is. >> does he win florida? >> yes. >> do you agree. >> i don't first of all agree he will beat hillary, that shouldn't be a surprise to you. about the money, i believe he will lock up some of the donor class for a while. we know money don't buy you love. right now jeb bush's biggest challenge is the right wing, the tea party, the people that are so critical in a state like iowa or south carolina don't trust him on some key issues like common core, like immigration. i think he has a bigger problem. he doesn't even need to worry about hillary clinton right now, what he needs to worry about is his right flank where i think he will be easily attacked by some
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of his primary opponents. much the way perry fell into this. mitt romney attacked perry and. >> doesn't hillary rile up the right wing to the point they would accept jeb bush. would it be an over statement to say the right wing could not warm up to jeb bush? >> no i don't think their view is that long in the early states like iowa, new hampshire, south carolina, the real question isn't whether jeb couldn't beat clinton, the real question is whether he could get out of his own primary. i don't think he can. i don't think it will be very long at all before the right wing of his party starts reminding everybody of what bush's are all about. >> yeah. >> and if the primary voters of
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yesteryear are like the ones today, i doubt ronald reagan would have picked him as his running mate. i think he will have ate lot of problem getting out of the prime air why. >> great to have you both with us. thanks so much. remember to answer tonight's question at the bottom of the screen. share your thoughts with us on twitter and facebook we want to know what you think about this one. coming up outgoing senator from oklahoma, next. good morning everybody. we are about to make more deliveries to more places than anybody on earth. we have the speed. we have the technology. and we have the team. we made over 15 billion successful deliveries last year.
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>> my heart brakes for the people who commit suicide. they find no relief anywhere else except death. there's no answer for them. we don't give it to them. we have failed them. >> good to have you back with us. this one's hard to comprehend oklahoma senator one of the outgoing senator's final acts was blocking a bill to prevent suicide. 22 veterans take their lives every day in this country. the bill was passed by senator
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of oklahoma. it would have required the va and department of defense to evaluate their programs on a yearly basis. what's wrong with that. it also provided for more community outreach and better online access to mental health services. republicans love to tell us how they never turn their backs on many veterans well it happened on monday and is unfortunate. here to talk about it with us is montel williams. it is great to meet you. i've ad admired your work for years. your advocacy on this is outstanding. what do you make of this? >> i'm completely baffled and i can't believe someone would allow their ego to get in the way of our nation's responsibility. i'm so sorry.
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he's leaving so he wants this to be his legacy, dr. no. by saying no you have disgraced the service of every service member who served in the afghan, iraq war who put their lives on the line to allow him to stand their hypocrite -- doesn't even turn for a vote. last night i was in a room with so many veterans, talking with a guy who was pushing to get this bill passed, he said you're not going to believe this, but that is on the -- is on the floor shutting us down. and you could see the sigh in the room before the movie started. how dare he do this.
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>> someone might say the republicans who get the control will bring it back. >> a hundred days from now is probably the best shot. 22 lives a day. 2200 more soldiers have to die. thanks for the christmas present. you know. thanks. >> you are really emotionally wrapped up into this. >> i see soldiers. i talk to them daily. guy who left body parts behind for us. this is the christmas present our congress, i'm sorry our congress voted unanimously to pass the bill. this is the christmas present our government gives our veterans this year, tells them, you know what we'll wait another hundred days to stop the slaughter. i don't know, man. >> why do you think our veterans from iraq and afghanistan are coming to an end of life issue like this? what is it about this war? or is it something that just
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hasn't had a light shown on sho on it in the past. >> what we don't remember as a nation is less than one percent of this nation's population even sent a person off to serve. less than 1% are actually wearing a uniform and we sent them back and back and back and back and we wonder why they have post traumatic stress syndrome and wonder why their families are in disarray. we wonder why there are lines at the va to get them services because everyone needs services. and again, we say things out of one side of our mouths, constantly, the last two speeches ago the president said we're working on suicide rate, really? what did we go from 23 to 22. oh, okay. good. >> and you're convinced that this bill and the resources that would have been addressed to this issue would have brought
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that number down? >> $22 million is cheap to give it a try. i'm not convinced that it would have changed things tomorrow but what it does do, opening up our services, it allows psychiatrists to apply to apply to be psychiatrist for the va and be reimbursed for their college tuition, and over five years pay it back. so what we have is psychiatrists who understand the issues facing our soldiers today. go ahead. >> you wore the uniform. do you think this hurts recruiting. do you think it leaves a bad taste in the mouths of veterans about what they fought for and served for? i think there's long-term damage. >> i think the problems is our numbers are up. we have an economy that requires people to look for jobs and some of them are the best jobs we have. if you look across all the
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services, they have met their quot quotas. >> uh-huh. >> not like guys are running away. but it is hurting the morale of those who are there now. those are the guys who will be called back quickly in an emergency situation in iraq or afghanistan where something heats up and we put another 3,000 troops on the ground they call those guys back and their hearts are breaking because they feel they hathe senate doesn't care. >> do you have advocacy work and grass roots support could reverse this? >> i'm hoping. follow me i'm doing a #passclayhunt. we're going to try to put pressure call 202-224-5754 that's senator's office number
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and you tell them how disgusted you are. they are hanging up on veterans. i want to make sure his phone doesn't get any calls for the next couple days. tell him to back out of the way. the senator has done this before. they need to pass this before they go away before christmas. if you leave washington, d.c. without giving our guys some hope how dare you. and understand i'm coming. every veteran in this country is coming hard. elections are coming close folks. you may have won the last one you're going to deal with us on the next one. period. blow his phone up. 202-224-57 202-224-5754. blow his phone up.
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we're back following the murder of six people bradley stone. his body was found short time ago. zblrz some time around 1:00 brad stone was located in a wooded area about half mile from his resident. >> we have not received official confirmation from the coroner as to the cause and manner of death but based on what we found at the scene we believe he died of self-inflicted cutting wounds. >> swat teams have been searching for the 35-year-old since he went on a killing spree monday. he is accused of killing six people including his ex-wife and members of her family. he served in iraq suffered from ptsd.
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a lot more coming up on "the ed show" stay with us. so,as my personal financial psychic, i'm sure you know what this meeting is about. yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed... balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn't perform well for two consecutive gold. quarters. quarters...yup. then amerivest gives me back their advisory...
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free fall and gas prices falling. may want to reconsider some comments. >> putin decides what he wants to do and does it in half a day. he makes a decision and executes it, quickly. that's a leader. president obama he's got to talk to people about it. >> the world is never in a better place when you have a weak president. and russia is a symbol of that weakness. >> president obama it's a tragedy we have a weakling for president. >> turns out president obama was right wh right. ruble could end up worse
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performing occurrencekurn ensy year.ensy of the year. the impact of the sanctions scared off foreign investors, however those weren't the only criticisms republicans had. >> people are looking at putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. they look at our president as one who wears mom jeans. >> and adds 10 million people to roles in american and 58 months of job growth in america but putey is a real dude isn't he. you're feeling oil prices plunging. last year one-third of russians
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experts came from crude oil. it needs about $100 a barrel and today ending at $60 a barrel. as you see here ruble and oil prices go hand in hand but of course president obama didn't have enough testosterone for the republicans. joining me now congressman from california. good to have you with us. is there really a better example of how wrong republicans have been on the international economical front. they were all wrong and it was all geared towards taking down or president. >> that's certainly true. we could probably find half a dozen examples of that bad logic. clearly putin is in trouble in his country. programs not personally, not yet, he's banging the war drums, and frankly rallying the support
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of the russians, but there's going to be a lot of economic problems in that country. clearly they are heading into a serious recession and will have to blow through their financial reserves as the price of oil continues to drop. all of it means one of two things, putin may take immediate action and he may be willing to just run off and do something but what he might do could be extraordinary dangerous. so we want to be very careful and thoughtful. keep the sanctions in place. keep the pressure on. certainly we don't want to send troops into the ukraine. >> what kind of dangerous move do you think he could or would make. >> hard to say. there's some talk about kak stan and what he's doing in ukraine and baltic states, all of those things. i think one of things that happens when that kind of leader
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is in trouble back home is to focus the attention of his constituents on an outside enemy so they are not looking at the leader of the country as being an enemy rather someone outside. that's where there could be a substantial risk of a heat up of tensions in some part of the russians empire. >> congressman, do you think this would be a good time for the united states to reach out to putin and give it one more college try? >> no. >> and flat out say to the guy this isn't working for you, dude, it's going to go south even further. what can we do? >> what about that? >> i certainly wouldn't recommend that as a national policy. i know that there are on-going discussions on a variety of issues with russia not directly related to the ukraine. there's a lot of issues we do deal with the russians on.
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programs there may be some opportunities that lie in that area. i certainly wouldn't want to see the president take such a step as you suggested. >> okay. turning now to pakistan a horrific taliban attack left 142 dead in a school including 132 children. here's secretary john kerr. >> this act of terror angers and shakes us and we condemn it. the perpetrators must be brought to justice and we pledge our full support to the people in pakistan and will help them in anyway we possibly can. >> we've always depended on pakistan for a variety of things. it's not always been a smooth relationship.
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in are conflicts. clearly the pakistan army is taking on the taliban in the tribal areas in the northern part of the country and that really needs to be done. it's not clear exactly which group this is. it may be retaliation for what the pakistan army is doing trying to settle some of the problems in that tribal area. it remains to be seen but clearly we need to work with pakistan to open their economy and take on a series of economic reforms and back away from conflict with india. there's no way the issues in afghanistan will be resolved without working with pakistan. they have been integral in the good and bad things that have gone on for centuries but certainly in the last 30 years. >> thanks so much.
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>> time now for the two minute drill. sunday eagles beat cowboys in philly. monday's headlines, outrage. chris christie routing for the cowboys. we got curious. and we noticed what looks like rnc chair silting behind owner of the cowboys. we reached out to the rnc and they told us they thought he was at a dinner in washington, d.c.
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on sunday night. for the record -- he's a lifetime packers fan. maybe not any more. the outrage on twitter over christie was anything but muted. new jersey governor took quite a bit of heat. the giants and jets played new jersey and eagles were just across the river from the garden state. things got so bad christie had this to say about his behavior on monday.
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>> got to watch out governor toy department will get you in trouble if you're playing with the wrong toys. coming up hot or not, this year could be the hottest on record. will pollution set us over the top. that's next. stay with us. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? an apron is hard work. an apron is pride in what you do. an apron is not quitting until you've made something a little better. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? for us, everything.
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>> i'm not a scientist. >> what i have said repeatedly, i'm not a scientist. >> yes, everyone who denies man-made climate change has the same stirring message, we don't know what the [ bleep ] we're talking about. [ laughter ] >> i'm not a scientist either, but i think there's something goofy going on with our climate. that's the alibi that republicans is, that i'm not a scientist. there must not be a problem then. welcome to the therks show, the story for the folks who take a shower after work. global warming is a scientific fact. mitch mcconnell says approving the keystone pipeline will be at the top of their list next year. august, september and october hit record-setting temperatures. temperatures dropped a bit in
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november, to the seventh warmest since 1880. oceans remained at record-setting levels. 2014 will be the hottest year on record, as long as december closes among the top 15 warmest. man-made pollution, has a very strong impact on the ocean's temperature and global warming. a new study said more than 269,000 tons of plastic is littered throughout the world's oceans. that works out to be about 700 pieces of plastic per person on earth, unless we make a change soon, scientists agree we're not going to be able to reverse this problem. so you don't have to be a scientist, but there's plenty of scientists out there, that are saying what i just read. >> joining me tonight, dr. reese halter and author of shepherding the sea. also with us, paul douglas,
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senior meteorologist in minneapolis. paul, what do you make of these records, or is this just an anomaly and nothing to worry about? your thoughts? >> first, a true confession. i'm a recovering republican. i'm a moderate republican. so, please pray for me. light a candle. i've been in the bunker the last couple of years. and it wasn't al gore's documentary, it wasn't even the peer-reviewed science. it was the whacky changes, the extremes we've been witnessing since the late '90s. 14 of the 15 warmest years on record worldwide have been since the turn of the century. so when i -- >> what do you think the main reason is that these factors contributing these record temps? >> well, the fact that we're now 400 parts per million.
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we haven't been that high in terms of concentration of greenhouse gases in at least 800,000 years, possibly as many as three million years. and 93% of that energy, ed, is going into the oceans. the atmosphere comprises about 3% of the earth's system. 93% is going into the deep oceans. it may be turbo charging typhoons, we just had five category 5 typhoons in the specific. we are conducting an experiment on the atmosphere. i would tell my science-loving republican friends, it's good to be skeptical. in the day and age of scammers and hackers and demagogs, you should be skeptical about everything. but when 98 to 99% of scientists say essentially the same thing, you should pay attention, listen to them. >> dr. halter, what does the rising ocean temperatures do to marine life? what's the chain reaction here?
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>> well, basically good evening. what we're seeing is the elevated co2 is causing the plants, the phyto plankton to try to fix it into the ocean. and a byproduct is that the oceans are asidifying faster than in the last 300 million years. what does that mean? if you're a lobster, or coral reef, or a mussel, you're doomed. you melt. and we're seeing this. it's so frightening. it's so infuriating. and this is our life support system, ed. >> what does this study show about the amount of plastic in the ocean? what effect is that having, dr. halter? >> it's just shocking. every day, three and a half million pieces of plastic are going in the ocean. but the kicker is, this plastic is breaking down into small pieces of confetti-like material that the fish are eating at all levels.
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let me put it to you this way. everything in the ocean is plastic today. and if that isn't bad enough, the plastics are the most perfect sponges for ddt, pcbs, flame retardants, phthalates and a little bit of poison. biomagnifies up the food chain 100,000 times. so when you have your fish, you're having a lot of poison, ed. >> that's not good news, because i love to eat fish and i love to catch them too. you know, this is scary stuff. paul, would we have anticipated this some five years ago. >> the trends have been clear, ed, for the better part ofica y ical three decades now. i tell people, it's easy to read an article on the web, easy to watch a cable news program and take some talking points.
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it's much more difficult to really spend the time, take the time and dig into the data. there's plenty of information online, if you really take the time, and i tell people who are skeptical as well as outright denialis denialists, keep an open mind. because climate change hits home when it hits home. and it's going to be hitting home with greater frequency and ferocity in the years to come. >> dr. halter, what reverses this, quickly? >> all hands on deck. number one, sea shepherd conservation society has launched the martin sheen research vessel on plastics. we all need to lend a helping hand. i had my students at muse school on the beach. three times we removed 65 pounds of plastic in malibu and santa monica bay. we have no time to fail. when the g-20 meets like they did in brisbane, australia, and they don't address plastic,
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disaster. >> dr. reese halter, meteorologist paul douglas, great to have you with us tonight on this topic. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" r with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> good evening and thanks for tuning in. tonight's lead, is america ready for another bush? it's looking more and more likely. former florida governor jeb bush will run for government, it looks. today he released a statement saying, quote, i have decided to actively explore the possibility of running for president of the united states. jeb's been dropping hints for months. and just yesterday said this at a commencement speech. >> we're seeing more and more that people often model their lives on their parents. if their parents went to college, so do they. if their parents married late, so do they. i can tell you from per
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