tv Lockup MSNBC December 19, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. why y'all take me off my medication? the doctor prescribed to me -- >> an agitated inmate takes severe measures to get staff's attention. >> where's the lieutenant at? i don't believe this. mayberry just swallowed one of the arms off his eyeglasses. >> the doctor says they can't afford the medication. >> i've been told there's crazies here and dangerous
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people. and they're look at me like i'm a weakling. >> a young first-timer is found unconscious in his cell. >> jerry? jerry? and -- >> inmate tee angelo was segregated due to his enemy status. >> i've done a lot of thing in my life i'm not proud of. from its seawall to historic downtown landmarks, charleston, south carolina, is a picture of southern charm. but not everyone displays southern hospitality. and for some, that could mean time at the county jail better known as the sheriff al cannon detention center. most of the 1,300 men and women incarcerated here are only accused of crimes and are awaiting trial at the resolution of their cases.
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and each one entered the jail through the intake department. >> take shoes off. >> it's a steady flow from body search to fingerprints. >> all right. you're all done. >> and a booking photo. and for those who will be here for a while, the important step of determining where to house them. >> i'm officer teagarten, i'm doing classification interview. >> william jarrett began his stay here in a unit largely considered the most desirable -- minimum security, general population. there are no cells. so inmates feel less confined and have more privileges. but 16 days in, jarrett requested a transfer to protective custody or p.c. >> there's some older guys in there that really were creeping me out and making advances on me. i told sergeant that those guys were bothering me. so the woman at the desk was like, do you need pc? and i said, what is that? she says, do you need it? and i said, i guess so.
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and then i get here, and i mean, my anxiety is provoked by being in small places. and this is a really tiny room. >> jarrett says he didn't realize that protective custody comes with some of the same restrictions placed on inmates who violate rules. both are confined to single-person cells 23 hours per day. which staff say is the best way to protect pc inmates. >> it's a safety issue, not punishment. we have to make sure everybody is safe. that's our job. >> jarrett says this is more protection than he can handle. >> last night i had a really bad anxiety attack to where the nurse had to come. i started crying because she kept asking me all these questions and i was so confused. >> this is jarrett's first time in jail. he was arrested in an abandoned movie theater often inhabited by the homeless. >> i'm charged with burglary in the third, which is entering a premises with the intent to commit a crime. basically it's just trumped-up trespassing. >> jarrett has pled not guilty
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but admits to being in the theater. >> he said he was robbed on his way home to atlanta and had nowhere to go. the police report says he was found sleeping in the box office. >> call it hobo hotel. i just decided to go in there and sleep on the carpet on the floor. it was warmer than outside. >> jarrett denies another allegation in the report that he vandalized the building. >> there's some graffiti in there. they charged me with that even though it's obviously old. so they're charging me with stuff that's just -- i mean, they have no proof at all that that was me. >> as he awaits trial or a possible plea deal, jarrett says he now wants out of protective custody. in the meantime, he says he copes the best he can. >> i do yoga and tai chi. see, i'm a buddhist. i firmly believe every affirmation and every belief that the buddhist philosophy teaches. that's what's been keeping me pretty calm, the yoga mostly. then i can meditate. >> but some here take more
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extreme measures to cope. officers have been called to the intake department where an inmate just returned from a visit to the hospital after swallowing a foreign object, and now he's done it again. >> swallowed his glasses arm. he just got back in the door. howard was trying to dress him out -- >> i'm not worried -- i'm not going -- >> he's refusing suicide watch. >> you're going to have to beat my ass. i'm tired of this [ bleep ], man. >> calm down. calm down. >> why you all taking me off my medication that the doctor prescribed for me. the doctor said they couldn't afford medication. >> you see that? he swallowed the arm? >> he swallowed the other side of this. >> man. where's the lieutenant at? i don't believe this. mayberry just swallowed one of the arms off his eyeglasses. >> what's going on? >> i just had inmate joseph mayberry, he broke off one arm to his glasses and swallowed it. we just had him returned from the hospital for swallowing objects.
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when we went to put him on suicide watch, he did it again. i'm going to talk to the housing attendant right now. he have to go back to the hospital. we'll have to get a team back together while we wait on ems to get here. >> i broke the arm off about that long and swallowed it. >> mr. mayberry just came back from the hospital. he swallowed a pen earlier. he was just coming back and of going to be placed on suicide watch. and mr. mayberry basically told her he was not going on suicide watch. >> well, i've had it. i'm ready to be beat down, anything you want to do. >> i don't want to beat you down, mayberry. there's no reason to. >> suicide watch can be especially stressful for inmates. they are stripped of all their clothes and are required to wear a thick, tear-proof gown. they are placed in empty cells
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and are under direct observation 24/7. >> i've been here ten months, man. >> i've been here 20 years. >> if you ain't locked [ bleep ] with a bunch of women walking around -- >> stop it now. stop it -- >> the gown won't even fit around me, man. >> stop that, man. stop that. >> i ain't stopping nothing. >> as per policy from the jail, he has to go in the suicide gown. doesn't matter if he is mentally ill or he can be stable. that's the policy. >> mayberry says he was not intent on suicide but getting his medication changed. >> i can't be here. doc took me off the medication, said you couldn't afford it. i swallowed two things, been in the hospital twice. i just swallowed the glass thing. you all still won't give me my medication. come on, man! what they think the medicine's for? >> on the outside, mayberry had been taking a specific form of medication for his schizophrenia, but the jail was unable to provide him with the same kind. >> our medical department supplies the medications. and most of them are generic
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brands. it's a cost-saving effect because it's the county taxpayers that are actually bringing the money in to operate this facility. we always look for ways to reduce costs without taking away from the -- the services that we provide. >> you don't see the things i see. you ignore me for a while. you know what i've been going through. >> inmate mayberry, he's actually not a bad inmate at all. he basically just wants his medication to be right. >> you can push a person but so far. you keep pushing a dog into the corner, one day the dog will come out and bite you. you pick on it every time. you push him in the corner, he's going to come out the corner after a while. >> nobody wants to cause harm to you at all. >> you been good to me. you personally been good to me. but these other people, man. >> trying to help you the best i can. but i can't prescribe medication. >> they can lock people up, state hospital, just care, the state hospital for prisoners. y'all won't even send me there to get my medicine straightened out.
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it seems like that's what y'all would do, send me to just care. >> just care is a nearby mental health facility. the jail refers some inmates there for treatment but only when there's room. >> availability access is limited, and there's not a lot of bed space out there. and it's a waiting game that could take four months. >> you ready? >> for now, mayberry is headed back to the local emergency room to be treated for the eyeglass arm he swallowed. >> you're not going to give us any troubles, right? >> no, i'm not going to give you no trouble. >> we appreciate that. we're going to do the same to you. >> looks like i'm going parachuting. coming up -- >> don't spray me. you ain't going to get my clothes. >> the special operations group takes steps to make joseph mayberry comply with orders. and -- >> he started crying, emotion. >> william jarrett makes a new friend. so,as my personal financial psychic,
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it's been a long night for both staff and one inmate at sheriff al cannon detention center. earlier -- >> i just swallowed a glass thing, and y'all still won't give me my medication. >> joseph mayberry swallowed the arm of his eyeglasses because the jail would not give him the same medication his doctor prescribed on the outside. emergency room doctors were able to remove it, but now there's another problem. >> i ain't wearing that [ bleep ]. >> once he came back, he still wasn't going on suicide watch. i tried to talk to him. lieutenant tried to talk to him. it was just no giving in. >> mayberry refuses to exchange his clothes for the tear-proof gown inmates on suicide watch are required to wear. it's to assure they won't hang or otherwise harm themselves. >> he has to go into that suicide gown based on what he has done. he has to. there's no choice. >> officers from the special
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operations group or s.o.g. are called in whenever an inmate refuses orders. they're armed with less than lethal weapons including o.c. gas or pepper spray. >> don't -- >> you going to change? >> no. >> you're not? >> change out, man. >> nope. i don't need to change -- >> we need you to change, dude. just change out. >> i need this right here. this is for you to put on. but i need what you have on. >> no. >> if they're not going to listen, then we're going to raise the level. he refused, so my operators used the flashlight as a distraction. and at that point, we had to go ahead and use the o.c. spray. >> when you decide to come out, you let me know, all right? >> mayberry seems to have little reaction to the spray, so officers continue to wait. >> he has had that opportunity to sit down and let the o.c. take effect, and he can think about how much the pain is. >> mr. mayberry, you ready to comply? >> no.
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>> no? okay. mr. mayberry, you ready to comply yet? >> no. >> why not? >> i want to talk to the lieutenant. he made me a deal. i want to talk to the lieutenant. >> after you change, we'll let you talk to the lieutenant. >> you think i believe that? >> yep. >> you promise me? >> yep. we went back in and asked him again. he decided to take off the sneakers and the shirt. and we gave him the gown. we took him in the shower, told him how to wash away some of the o.c. spray. >> coming through. >> when we place somebody, we strip them down, put them in a green smock, we put them in a room by themselves that they have nothing. it may seem, you know, inhumane to keep somebody that way, but what people need to understand is that it's for their protection. we're not in their heads. we don't know what's going on. we don't know what they're thinking. and this protects the inmate and it protects us from any
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litigation because we can show that we did everything we possibly could to protect the inmate from harming themselves. >> mayberry has now been back from the emergency room for 24 hours. >> what saved me is if they would have had major surgery. it got caught in my throat. they put me to sleep and went down there and pulled it out. i'm doing good. taking my medication. and they brought me here when i got arrested and came here. they took me off all that medicine. and i just -- i haven't been right since. >> amy, who has requested that we not use her last name, is the jail's mental health supervisor. she says inmates like mayberry must often accept generic brands of the medicines they took on the streets. >> some of the challenges we face having more and more mentally ill coming into the jail is resources. it costs a lot of money to get medications. it costs money for our office to be adequately staffed, for us to have enough psychiatrists' time. we're looking at 20 hours a
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week, and we train about 350 people. >> i told them, i said, look. if they don't want to pay for it, my parents will pay for the medicine and bring to it you all and give to it you all. >> many years ago, we did accept outside medication. but some people were bringing in medications that weren't the real medication. they were bringing capsules that maybe had other substances that were not the actual medication. the dosages were wrong. the prescription bottle wasn't current. it became too much of a liability to accept medications from the outside. >> like jails and prisons across the country, charleston county faces an epidemic of rising health care costs and an ever-increasing number of inmates suffering from mental illness. the problem began decades earlier with the start of a systematic shutdown of psychiatric facilities throughout the nation. over the years, more and more of the mentally ill have found themselves in jails unable to address all their needs. >> how you doing? >> you all right? >> i'm doing all right. everything good with you? good man.
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>> thanks, man. >> al cannon has been the sheriff of charleston county for more than a quarter of a century. he's witnessed the problem from its early days. >> you go back to the late '60s, early '70s, the psychiatric community was moving away from institutionalization. and so what was supposed to follow along with that was community-based funding for community-based programs. and those programs did not follow. and so you've got some real challenges there. and a lot of it has to do with, okay, you're not putting people in psychiatric facilities like you used to. so more often than not, law enforcement ends up having to deal with society's failure to really fully address that issue. >> mayberry says he's been suffering from mental health disorders, including schizophrenia, since age 12.
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as an adult, he's had a number of minor convictions for crimes such as larceny, public intoxication, and disorderly conduct. but 15 years earlier, he was convicted of his most serious crime -- aggravated sexual battery and attempted rape. he served five years in prison but says he was wrongly convicted and took a plea deal out of fear. >> i had a public defender, and he said, look, he said, they're going to try to give you 20 years for the abduction, 20 years for the kidnapping and 20 years for the attempted rape. i said, okay, and i took the plea bargain. >> since his return home to charleston, mayberry has had arrests for failing to reregister as a sex offender, and that's what's led to his latest arrest as well. >> i didn't know about a sex offender has to register and not live by churches and couldn't go to shelters and stuff like that. i didn't know nothing about all of that. >> mayberry says bouts with homelessness and periods off his medication have led to his failure to keep current with the sex offender registry.
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he is now awaiting a court hearing to find out if this latest violation will result in additional time in jail or prison. >> i would die rather than go back to prison. i mean, my heart's right with god. coming up -- >> i'm not going to be okay. i'm going to keep passing out here until i get up there or somewhere else, somewhere. >> william jarrett's struggles in protective custody continue.
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is. other days you can't distinguish what it is, you're just eating it. >> deangelo is a worker in administrative segregation. >> we made him administratively segregated due to enemy status. he does have several enemies, nine in the facility. he's been fairly quiet since he's been in a1b. haven't really had any problems with him. >> most of toomer's enemies are from his affiliations with gangs. he's in jail on a charge of first-degree burglary to which he has pled not guilty. toomer says regardless of what happens with the case, he wants to change. >> i've done a lot of things in my life i'm not proud of, and i've lived a life in gang -- gang banging. first, i regret these. i regret these so much. tattoos. i studied a lot of things in prison. basically trying to find inner peace because i was trying to change myself. so what i try to do to keep myself sane, avoid foolishness and try to stay out of as little trouble as possible. >> i see his reaction with inmates. he's definitely got a leadership style. it's a shame he's in jail. i'd like to think that maybe he could do something better with his life. >> a whole lot of good meal
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here. >> toomer who served time in prison and jail on a variety of other convictions has befriended a new arrival in the unit, william jarrett. >> he's a good kid, but he has some issues. >> while toomer is in segregation, jarrett is in protective custody. but they share the same unit and restrictions such as 23 hours per day in their cells. >> in this unit, i've been told there are some crazies here and there's some dangerous people. they're looking at me like i'm a weakling, and they're going to -- first chance they get, they're going strike, because that's how it is in jail. >> i try to pass things on him. but he's very emotional. i saw him over there crying. he would go to prison and he would be crying, showing emotions, he would be prey. basically stay to yourself. stay to yourself, mind your business. don't deal with nobody. >> right. >> and another thing, please, if you're going to cry, just go in the room or go in the shower and put your head under the water. >> jarrett requested to be in protective custody because he
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says some older inmates were making advances toward him in general population. but he says he didn't know protection equates to confinement. >> i have anxiety disorder. i've been diagnosed and take trazodone for it. it's an anti-anxiety, it's also used to help me sleep because i don't sleep very well. and they just haven't been able to get it for me. i've tried since the very first day i've gotten here. >> jarrett says his small cell makes him feel claustrophobic and has caused him to pass out. so he wants to get back to general population. but it's not that simple. >> this is a request to be removed from protective custody. for classification, we have to research this inmate and to find out what type of person he can be around that he won't feel intimidated. >> from what i understand, he's new to the system. he has a tendency to suffer from what i've been told from anxiety
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attacks. we're not trained in any way to deal with him. sometimes just talking to someone helps. >> you going to be okay? >> no. i'm not. that's the thing. i'm not going to be okay. i'm going to keep passing out here until i get back up there or somewhere else somewhere. somewhere. somewhere other than in this room. i'm not going to be fine. i'm not going to be fine here. i mean, do you know anybody that has anxiety? >> not personally. >> i mean, that's the thing then. people just don't understand it. it's real. >> no, i'm not saying it's not. i'm not saying -- trust me, i'm not saying it's not. but there's 1,200 inmates here. and you can't just concentrate on william jarrett. >> this is like punishment without -- >> it's not punishment here. it's not punishment. >> i get one hour break from where i was coming from for saying that i needed help being protected? >> unfortunately, this is the way it's going to be until classification changes you. what i'll do is call classification later and see if they're going to move you because they've got your request. see what happens then.
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so you going to be hanging in there? >> i don't know. it's unpredictable. really is. the anxiety just comes. sometimes it just starts from nothing. >> yeah. i understand. i understand they're real. he has to realize it is jail. you just keep an eye on him to make sure that nothing does, you know, really, really upset him or he doesn't try do anything to himself. coming up -- >> jarrett? what's up? what happened? what happened? >> staff rush to william jarrett's aid. and -- >> mr. toomer's in disciplinary segregation. he threatened to stab one of our officers. >> i never made no threat to anyone.
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than 50 years. and the army has ended its investigation into the disapeerps of sergeant bo berg dau in afghanistan. they'll now decide whether he will face charges for leaving his base. he was released as part of a prisoner swap in may. now back to "lockup." due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. inside the sheriff al cannon detention center, inmate exercise is limited to what can be done in open-air rec yards. technically, inmates are not supposed to exercise anywhere else. though it's the type of minor violation some officers might let slide if it's not causing a problem. but today, a pair of cell mates has kicked it up a notch. >> getting your workout?
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>> you're going to love this. >> david ratliff jr. and joshua adahar have used a ripped-up mattress cover, blankets, water bottles, and a canteen box filled with books to create their own weight machine. >> you all ready? this is the bowflex in prison. try stuff like this. >> while the workout rates highly on the creative scale, it doesn't take long for staff to spot the goings-on. and the gym is about to go out of business. >> turn around for me, put your hans on the wall. what's up? what's up? this is contraband. >> what is? >> everything i'm taking out of this room. >> contraband? to what, a blanket? to a matt cover? water bottles? >> the inmates can be charged by the county for destruction of county property.
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they didn't deny it. they'll be reprimanded and probably lose four hours rec. that's about the most. and they'll pay for the destruction of the property. >> it is the type of violation joseph mayberry has no chance to commit even if he wanted to. he's on his third day of suicide watch after swallowing the arm of his eyeglasses. confined to a strip down cell with tear proof clothing is hard and not easy for officers to watch him. >> i came in this morning. i have to sit here 12.25 hours to watch, make sure he doesn't do anything to harm himself. >> it is draining whenever you have to put individual officers on active suicide watch inmates because it's one on one. it's 24/7, constant observation. our basic policy for suicide watch is 15-minute checks. they never lose sight of them, they actually keep notes, they take and put it in the log. that way we've got a track record of what he's doing, if
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he's being compliant, you know, if he's eating his food, is he drinking, those are the things that we're keeping track of. >> number two, you ready? >> yeah. >> on her shift to watch mayberry, officer lombardi fills the time by reading to him. >> i felt some compassion for him coming in to be in a little room day after day after day with very little interaction. and i read to him some articles from "time" magazine, and several people came up afterwards saying thank you because other inmates were listening. so it was kind of nice to feel a little bit more needed than just sitting there watching somebody. >> mayberry says he has suffered from mental illness since age 12. he is representative of a problem that is draining finances and resources from jails and prisons nationwide. >> some of them, i think, got in the system really early on and just have stayed in the prison system instead of getting any kind of care for their symptoms. >> dr. elizabeth leonard is the jail's psychiatrist. >> i think there's a lot of
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people that are behavior problems in the jail that it's just made it worse and exacerbate their already underlying illness, being in a stressful, close approximation to other people. the whole system is helping propagate another type holding ground or treatment facility for the population that can't get into the mental health center. >> william jarrett says he suffers from an anxiety disorder which has been made worse by his 23 hour-per-day confinement in a small protective custody cell. >> i seriously cannot meditate in here. doesn't work, doesn't work for me. >> while classification officers review jarrett's request to be moved back to general population, officer chamberlain hopes he has found a temporary solution. >> i've got permission to move william jarrett to another room. so he's going to be in a slightly bigger room. it's not that much bigger, but it's better. might be a little psychologically better for him. mr. jarrett, you ready for your move? all right.
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you got all your stuff? got your mattress cover, got your blanket, got your towels, washcloths? okay. everything. okay, good. you're going upstairs to room 114. right now he's staying in pc status until that's taken care of by the classification unit. >> going where? >> 14. >> oh. >> just a two-man room, but he's going to be the only man in there. it will be bigger than the other one you were in. so you all right with this one? >> for now. how hard is it to switch me off pc? >> that's up to the classification unit. that's not up to us. all right. you take care. he's got things purely psychological with him. the cell downstairs has a cut in the wall and that gives the appearance of it being shortened. whereas this one's more rectangular. he's by himself. he sees there's two bunks in there. that gives the impression that it's bigger. so he'll probably be a lot happier up here. >> well, do you think you're going to hear anything more from him tonight?
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>> oh, god, i hope not. i like to think he'll give it the night at least. i don't want to minimize what he's going through, but he's minor compared to a lot of the other people here who do have worse problems than him. >> less than an hour later, jarrett is found by a unit officer unconscious on the floor. >> jarrett looks like he passed out. >> we were coming and checking on one of the new inmates who happened to be a door down from him and walked by. i looked in his room, saw him laying facedown. >> jarrett? jarrett? >> me and the nurse went in there and checked on him. said his name, patted him a couple times. he was unresponsive. i called the medical emergency over the radio. and the sergeants came, nursing staff, other officers. >> jarrett? jarrett? jarrett? what's up? what happened? what happened? anything hurt anywhere?
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>> just my face. >> what's the status now? is he conscious now? >> yeah, he's conscious. he's talking to them now. >> okay. how long has he been in that room? >> about an hour. probably about an hour. he said he thought a bigger room would help. i guess not. >> all right. >> being in jail the first time. >> okay. >> what happened the last time you passed out? >> yesterday, i don't even know what happened. i don't remember anything from yesterday. >> didn't they take you to medical? what did they say? >> they gave me some medication. >> yesterday? >> something for your anxiety? it's not helping? i was taking trazodone as needed and now they have me taking something, i don't each know what it is, every few hours. and i would sleep for a little while and that's it. >> according to the jail's mental health supervisor, there are several reasons jarrett is unable to have the same medication he takes on the streets. >> we try treat anxiety through anti-depressants typically.
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the anti-anxiety medications, there's several reasons people don't get those. of course they are expensive. it would be a significant portion of our inmates that would request those medications which would get very costly for the county. the other very important reason is that they are schedule ii narcotics, and widely abused on the streets, widely abused in correction settings. >> though jarrett says he is suffering from anxiety in his protective custody cell, staff say they can never be sure. >> if you see an inmate requesting to move a lot, you kind of have a feeling that they're trying to manipulate the system. in this gentleman's case, it initially appears that way, that he's trying to manipulate and get where he wants to be. if he doesn't feel safe or he's having a lot of anxiety and being in a housing unit and he feels threatened, protective custody may be the place for him. >> the protective custody unit is in the same wing and follows the same restrictions as administrative segregation, or ad seg.
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deangelo toomer had been in ad seg because he has enemies. >> he apparently threatened officers. it was verbal, however we do not take that lightly. he was removed to disciplinary seg based on that. >> i never made no threat. if i'm going to do anything to anyone, i'm not going to threat. i'm not going to talk about. i'm going to do it. coming up -- >> i heard you are affiliated with the gangster of disciples. >> what is that? >> you know what that is. >> deangelo toomer meets with a gang investigator. and -- >> he had a 37e, a medical emergency. >> william jarrett passes out. to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves you. ♪
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suddenly, you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do, sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender, in the sleep aisle. wow! [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbell's chunky soup. it's new chunky beer-n-cheese with beef and bacon soup. i love it. and mama loves you. ♪
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inside the sheriff al cannon detention center, deangelo toomer is awaiting trial on a burglary charge. he has just been sent so disciplinary segregation for allegedly threatening an officer who had ordered him to take down the pictures on his cell wall. >> i came to lockup for refusing to obey. that was the initial charge. then another officer, he tried to come back with another charge 45 minutes later saying that i allegedly tried to threaten him. which is bogus. >> after speaking to other staff members, the disciplinary committee felt they could not substantiate the threat and dismissed it. >> wanted me to escort you out. i need you right here, sir. >> but toomer still received ten days in disciplinary segregation for refusing orders. the incident also prompted sergeant kitchings, one of the jail's gang investigators, to check in with toomer who has stated that he wants to stay out of trouble and no longer involve himself with gangs. >> we believe he's affiliated
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with the gang disciples. on his right shoulder he has a big "f." on the inside he has what appears to be a six-point star. the six-point star is a common symbol used by the gangsters disciples to represent their gang. >> toomer says the "f" and six-point star tattoo represent a clothing line that he likes. >> what's this clothing line you like? >> it's a drummer called travis baker. he has this thing called the famous f. and -- >> you mean travis barker? >> travis baker, barker. yeah, him. that guy. >> i didn't know he had a clothing line. >> yes, he does. >> i knew he was a musician, he was in a plane crash. >> yeah, he does. i liked it, and i just put it on me. it's just something at the time i was in prison, i think i was high as hell when i put it on me. >> the "f" could be for a clothing line like he said, or "f" could stand for folk, which is folk nation, which is part -- which the gangster disciples are part of. >> actually, i called you up here to clarify information i've been receiving. >> okay. >> i've been hearing you've been affiliated with gangster disciples.
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>> what is that? >> you know what that is. >> i've heard of it. >> you heard of it? what did you hear? >> just prison, street, thing of that nature. i don't deal with gang members. trying to stay clear of foolishness. >> no gang affiliation at all? >> none. >> none? what's up with the six points on your right arm? >> that's a famous -- that's what you call a travis baker, a drummer. >> oh, i never heard -- >> travis baker. he's a pop drummer. that's his famous "f." if you look at the clothing line. i like the style of clothing. >> you like the style? >> yeah. >> later toomer said he didn't appreciate the line of questioning. you could ask me about personal issues. if i was in a gang. i don't question you about your way off life or what you believe in. if i see you with a mason ring, i don't ask you about the brotherhood. i don't ask you about that. i don't even know why he called me. six-point stars, fs. i mean [ bleep ]. christian's star of david. >> not christians -- >> star of david.
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>> jewish. >> same difference. christians -- however you look at it, christian, star of david. >> a few years days later, toomer would no longer need to explain his tattoos to staff. he reached a plea deal to lower his first-degree burglary charge to third-degree burglary and was sentenced to time served. now his release is imminent, and he says he won't be back. >> i'm no better than you, you're no better than me. if i can do it, you can do it. all right? >> yeah. >> well, i'm a couple steps ahead of you. >> yeah, yeah. >> and you got a lot of catching up to do. but if you put your mind to it, you can do it. >> yeah. >> right? >> yeah. >> a short time later, toomer is changing back into his own clothes and about to take the eight-mile walk home. he says he made a decision to not ask anyone to pick him up. >> good luck to you. >> i just really want to stop and smell the roses, you know,
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as i'm walking to my destination. i want to isolate myself and pinpoint a plan of what i'm going to do. my main thing is making my mark in this world, period. >> toomer leaves behind first-time inmate william jarrett who 24 hours earlier said he fainted in his cell. now he's in the medical unit for a four-hour observation period after he was found passed out again. >> he, around 2:00, had a 37e, a medical emergency. so we're going to go in, check in with him, see what happened, and go from there. so what happened today? so another medical emergency? >> i guess i just -- i blacked out, and i guess i fell backwards and -- >> yeah, i see you hit -- hit your head a little bit there. >> yeah. >> what did they bring you down here, keep a watch on you, see what's going on? >> yeah. second time. >> i mean, do you feel it's better in here? >> it's better definitely in here -- >> it's more open, it's not as confined for you? is that what it is? >> yeah. >> yeah.
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so when you're done with here, they're going to put you back into a1b? >> i guess so. the anxiety attacks, they will build. and i could actually remember my chest going in and out and haven't had breathing. and this i'm just like lacking out completely. >> staff have questioned whether jarrett's fainting spells are part of a plan to get out of protective custody and back to general population. >> this is bull [ bleep ]. like, no, that's not what i'm doing at all. i can't force anxiety. it just comes. >> so far he's been cooperative, and we're still working to find out what's going on with him. >> why don't you go ahead and uncover. we're going to throw the mat on the bed. we need to do an ekg and get one more set of vitals on you, okay? >> he is almost at the end of his four-hour observation. and the end of that, we will call and report off to doc. and all decisions will be made using that information that we collected during the four hours.
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>> so have you been feeling okay since you've been back here? a little dizzy? >> yeah. >> you haven't blacked out or anything else, right? okay. all right. all of his tests came out good. his ekg was normal, and he was cleared to go back to his unit. do you feel that going down there today and spending time down there like helped you any? no? >> not really. >> no? >> didn't really accomplish nothing. >> no? when did you say you think your mom's going to be able to bail you out, though? >> saturday. >> all right. let's go back in. >> though jarrett might be out of the jail in a few days, he uses the computer kiosk in his housing unit to once again request a transfer. >> i put it as -- to attention sergeant price, explained the whole situation, how i got on
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pc without actually being told where i was going, just asking for another unit. this is not what i wanted at all. i didn't want to be locked up. coming up, the jail makes a decision on william jarrett. and -- >> hey, baby girl, how you doing? >> joseph mayberry makes contact with the one person who matters most. here's a question for you: as nations develop over the next 25 years, the world will have almost twice as many cars. how much fuel will be needed to power them? about the same as today? 50% more? 100% more? the answer is... about the same as today. by 2040, advances in fuels and vehicles could enable about 75% better fuel economy than today. take the energy quiz -- round 2. energy lives here.
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inside the sheriff al cannon detention center, sergeant price has just received another request from william jarrett to be moved out of the protective custody unit. >> and here it states again, "i'm having multiple anxiety attacks that result in myself blacking out. this is due to the small rooms that i'm locked in. please return me to general population." with this inmate's personality, it's very possible that he's going to have problems in any unit he's placed in. >> we're going to go ahead and go this way.
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>> given that, sergeant price has decided to move jarrett back to general population, but to a different unit than the one in which he said he was harassed. >> coming from where i came from, i mean, it's a huge improvement. i mean, all the new people i'm going to have to get to know obviously. but i should be fine for a couple more days. just looking around, everyone seems all right. no one really making any threatening faces at me or anything. >> how do you think this whole experience has altered you, if it has? >> i've never really gotten into trouble until this. it's made me see that -- like i thought i had hit rock bottom before like in the past. now this is a whole new rock bottom. it's the worst experience i've ever had in my life. >> for joseph mayberry, it's day seven on suicide watch after swallowing the arm of his glasses. he did so after becoming upset that the jail could not provide him the same medication he used to take on the outside.
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>> certainly swallowing all of those items that he has swallowed, he's certainly at risk to causing some great bodily harm to himself. so we're concerned, and we want to get him to a treatment facility to where he can get the treatment that he needs. >> mayberry is in jail for failing to reregister as a sex offender. convicted 15 years earlier, mayberry insists he did not commit the crime and was pressured into signing a plea deal to avoid decades in prison. >> how you doing in there? >> get to sleep a lot. you know, think about my mom. >> being on suicide watch, you know, you can't have a lot because we've got to take precautions. but they can use the telephone at the discretion of the supervisor. sometimes he just needs somebody to talk to, is what it seems like to me. he does want to talk to his mother quite often. his mother kind of cheers him up. >> hey, favorite girl in the whole wide world. how you doing? my mother's my best friend.
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we keep closer now than before. she told me, she says, "i got your back in this." my mother tries her best to look after me. she loves me more than anything in this world. when you coming -- when you coming to see me? >> he loves his mom a lot. and it -- it seems like he's a big kid when he's on the phone with his mom. also, she gives him money to get canteen and commissary which makes him pretty happy, too. >> our detention staff, they don't go to school to be true mental health counselors. however, we work with mental health and learn through some of their training that they give to us on how to address or how to approach certain mental health inmates. it is a strain on our staff because they know that they are very unpredictable. you've had officer assaults because they just weren't anticipating the inmate was quite calm and has been. and all of a sudden that one day it was like a light switch. >> we're escorting mr. mayberry to the shower. he's in the shower now. give him an opportunity to completely shower, then we'll
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escort him back to his room. we're just here so he doesn't take anything, swallow anything. because he's been doing that lately. >> but this will be one of the last showers mayberry will have on suicide watch. the jail's mental health supervisor has finally received word that a bed in an outside treatment facility has become available. >> joseph mayberry is going to be going to one of the state hospitals for psychiatric reasons. and he should be going there within the next couple of days. >> how does that make you feel knowing that you're going to be in a hospital? >> it makes me feel better because i'll get the medicine i need. this whole thing was about medicine.
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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> tattooed the whites of my eyes. two inmates resort to drastic action to stand out among their peers. >> and i'll bet you there's no one in the world that has the same color eyes as i do. >> and after 19 years in prison, a new courtroom gives another inmate a chance to go home.
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