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tv   Andrea Mitchell Reports  MSNBC  December 22, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST

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sanctions on them going back to the korean war. the economic impact is not large, but the political impact should be. >> travel trouble. mother nature seems prepared to give millions of americans a lump of coal on christmas eve. >> the brunt of the storm comes from the midwest to the i-90 corridor. we are talking wind driven rain. >> good day. i'm luke russert in washington. tensions are high in new york and police departments across the country are on alert as new york city mourning the deaths of two police officers shot execution style. new details emerged about the shooter who had an extensive history with the police.
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adam reece is in brooklyn and joins us now. what do we know about the gunman and what he was up to before the shootings. >> we are learning more about the hours leading up to the shooting as well as the criminal history. we know he was arrested 19 times in georgia and ohio and served two years in jail on gun possession charges and his mother said he attempted suicide in the last year. we learned from police that minutes before the shooting when he arrived here in this neighborhood he ran into two men who told police he asked them to follow him on instagram and asked what their gang affiliation was and said watch what i'm going to do now. one of the sons of officer ramos who attends college in maine, they said they will pay his tuition going forward. they learned that mayor deblasio
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is here with a makeshift memorial and they came here to grieve and mourn for their fellow com rats. >> he will be there at 1:15 to address a police athletic league and he is in a rough spot. we saw the police turning their backs on him when this first occurred. what do we expect to hear? >> i think the reception he gets from police officers at the luncheon, the reception he receives will be critical in relations twreen the mayor's office and police officers going forward. it will be interesting to see how he is received. we expect him here any minute to pay respects to the fallen officers.
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>> we will be interested to see how he is received at that site specifically. we appreciate it. as we just mentioned, new york city mayor bill deblasio is expected to speak about strengthening the bond between police and a community. the police commissioner, the mayor's focus was on the victims of saturday's shooting. >> the city is in mourning. our hearts are heavy. we lost two good men who devoted their lives to protecting all of us. it is an attack on all of us. on everything we hold dear. >> relations between new york's mayor and the nypd are extremely tense. so much so the group of officers turned their backs on the mayor in a public show of their frustration. for more on this, i am joined by
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congressman jeffries. thank you very much for being on the show. >> good afternoon, luke. >> i was struck by the facebook posting of the officer's son. he said this. "today i had to say to my father. it's horrible that someone gets shot dead because they are a police officer. they are the people people call for help. i will always love you and i will never forget you." that line everyone said they hate the cops and they are the people they call for help. over the last few months with the demonstrations regarding what happened with mr. garner and mr. brown in missouri, has the rhetoric gotten too heated where police are viewed in a negative way? >> this was an unthinkable tragedy for the community and the city and the nation and the police department, but most importantly for the ramos family and the lew family.
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we have to give them the dignity and the respect and the appropriate burial hero send off for the officers. we have to begin the process of healing as a community. part of that will be to make sure we move towards a more constructively and respectful relationship. we can use a cool down and rhetoric on all sides. >> how does that happen? you have a police department which you read some of these quotes saying it's open season on us. they are hating on us. you have the head of the union saying when everyone goes out, you have to have another car there. only arrest them when you have to and it will be more of a reactionary force than active force that tries to make that with the community. what can the official dos to try to bridge that gap between the community and the police?
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what can happen now? >> let's start from the fact that lives were lost unnecessarily. the officers did not deserve to die. eric garner in staten island did not deserve to die. as we need to figure out is how we enact public policy changes that can prevent these tragedies. we need to look at the fact that we have a gun violence problem in america. there is no way this individual should have been able to get access to a gun. he was a deranged individual with an extensive criminal record in two states. we have to figure out how to do better to prevent potential cop killers from being armed in a way we see here. we can assure equal protection under the law and deal with the issue of excessive police force. >> an important point that you touched on. there is speculation and this
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person was in fact mentally ill and found access to a firearm and used it in a horrific way. i ask you to put on your new york hat. the mayor seems to be in a difficult predicament. the police department does not trust him from what we have seen and heard. the union is against him. what can he do that he needs to do to talk to constituents that you are concerned and you talked to the police officers who do not feel they have the backing of the mayor. >> they have to bring all the stakeholders together. the community individuals that i represent who feel a greed with the relationship in the community and overly aggressive nature with which police officers engage communities of color. we have to engage stakeholders such as the rank and file police officers from a perspective that they will bring to the debate in
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terms of their legitimate fears and aspirations and considerations of individuals who sacrifice and protect and serve and who have now had to suffer through two individuals paying the ultimate sacrifice. the mayor as a leader of this city has the authority to bring everyone together to lead towards a more productive out come. that's what he needs to do to get through the funerals. >> thank you so much for sharing. we appreciate it. president obama reached out to new york police commissioner bill brat on and philadelphia police commissioner. he cochairs and expressed his outrage as what he described as senseless murder with no justification. traveling with the president and she joins me now from honolulu. it seems that the president whenever this topic comes up of
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the police involvement and specific communities, that the topic of race, he is never far away on this. what's the latest from the white house? >> as you point out, president obama did reach out to commissioners brat on and ramsey and spoke with commissioner ramsey on sunday and pledged the federal government's full support as it deals with this mounting crisis and these tensions now that are being between police and local communities. there growing calls for president obama to speak out while he is on vacation here in hawaii. i'm getting no indication that that is going to happen, but the top officials at the white house have been in contact with the officials in new york as they deal with the situation. there have been calls to do more to address the situation and the tensions between local communities and police departments prior to the weekend. basically what the white house said is look, the president wants to give that 90-day task
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force that is being headed up by police commissioner charles ramsey a chance. the goal of that task forces to find solutions to the problem. they are saying this is a serious attempt to do that. as you know, president obama has gotten some criticism from the right. there those who say he along with bill deblasio have fanned the flame and the racial tensions. they push back against that. you had charles ramsey on sunday saying right now everyone needs to tamp down the rhetoric. president obama continuing to get briefed on the situation in new york and continuing to call for a calm response in the wake of these latest shootings of the nypd police officers and as people continue to respond to the eric garner and michael brown cases. luke? >> it seems for the president he was politically after that press conference certainly on a track that he was much more favorable on and put down what would have been contentious michael brown
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and eric garner and the focus is back on there. thank you so much for joining us from honolulu. we appreciate it. >> thanks, luke. >> up next, north korea's newest comments. the latest move from sony pictures turns out you may be able to see the interview after all. we'll be right back. bl my name's louis, and i quit smoking with chantix. i had tried to do it in the past. i hadn't been successful. quitting smoking this time was different because i got a prescription for chantix. along with support, chantix (varenicline)
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>> more fallout over the sony cyber breech as the u.s. grapples to their response to north korea who is being blamed for the hack. north korea is accusing the united states of being deeply involved of the make of the interview. the plot to assassinate kim jung
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un. president obama promised a proportional response to the hack. >> we cannot have a society in which some dictator someplace can start imposing censorship here in the united states. because if somebody is able to intimidate folks out of releasing a satyrical movie, imagine what they start doing when they see a documentary they don't like or a news report they don't like. >> in the meantime, sony may be adding more fuel to the fire with report that is it will eventually release the film. joining me now is msnbc's adam howard. thank you so much for coming on the show. there has been a whole swath of controversy here whether it's sony reaction to saying they were not going to release it. i want to play what the sony
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attorney said on "meet the press" this past sunday. >> in the three weeks where sony fought the issue by itself, nobody, maybe george clooney and a few other people, but none of the second-guessers out there saying what a terrible thing this is, none of them were standing up to help. this is a national security problem. the government has to lead. >> there you are saying sony said the government has to lead. president obama said they never spoke to us. they told them to release the movie. what's the latest? >> everybody is pointing fingers and it seems like a lot of incrimination. nobody wants to take responsibility for this film not being in theaters. the white house is weighing the possibility of adding north korea to the list of nations that sponsor terrorism. it's a short list along with iran and syria and a couple of other nations. for the most part, the president and the white house seem to be doing what they can to tamp down the furor over the sony hacking. you had an interview where the
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president referred to it as expensive cyber vandalism. he wants to stop short of calling this an act of war. many republicans and conservatives are rushing to condemn it as. you have pressure on the president to screen the film in the white house which would be unprecedented. it's not supposed to be a good film or a film about geopolitics, but a lot of people think by screening the film, the president will send a message that we have a right to watch a film no matter what the quality or content is. >> the movies the white house screens are like apollo 13 or saving private ryan. that would be significant. is there a plan for sewn tow release it on a streaming service? do we have the latest? >> the biggest rumor is that sony will release the film on crackle, their streaming service for free. there is rumors that you tube might be in place where the film
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to be shown. what you have is a growing urs of people who say the film needs to get out there. sony pulling it may have been a mistake. >> the mitt romney idea, encourage everybody. that looks good. we appreciate it. with more on the u.s. response to north korea, joining me now is chris hill, former ambassador to the republic of korea and for east asian and pacific affairs. thank you so much for being on the show. so we saw them called the hack a spat-sponsored criminal act. there is speculation that should this should put north korea back on the list of state sponsors of terror. what would that accomplish? >> the list of state sponsors of terrorism is a list of countries that have been deemed to either commit an act of international
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terrorism or help a terrorist group do so. it would for gid the united states from giving aid or assistance to a country like that. it would be a political gesture and not deter any north korean behavior or frankly even relevant to the issue. i think we need to take much more direct measures like the kind the president alluded to at a time and place of our choosing. when we do, i would recommend we not issue a press release, but let the actions speak for themselves. i do believe they need to be reacted to. >> one thing that i find fascinating and reading into this is how north korea has gotten good at hacking over the last decade. it's like the new nuclear weapon and they tried to specialize on that. some of our intelligence sources from reports i read said this is
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honed in by training or assistance they receive from china or russia. is that the case from your understanding and what could be done by applying pressure to try to tamper down the ability to act? >> we ought to be in much close are contact with those countries, especially china on the overall issue of cyber warfare. we had a working group that and it's high time they got going again. we have a lot of difficulties with the chinese on this. i got back from beijing and i have never seen china or the chinese in such a mood about north korea. they are sick of them and never invited kim jung unfrom their country. the president of china has not gone to north korea nor does he have plans to do so. the time might be right to renew
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efforts with china. sooner or later we will have to deal with the country. they are way out of bounds on this issue. way out of bounds on the nuclear issue. it's time to step up the pressure on north korea. >> china is flush with millionaires and billionaires. it's not having a communist neighbor who would disrupt the goods too. i want to play sound that terrorism analyst said on "meet the press." i want to get your reaction to it. >> the rest of the u.s. corporations have the same vulnerabilities that sony does. we can't look at the private sector. they are going to have to rearchitect and the government will get much more involved in defending and then we will finally have the option of being more offensive. >> we were talking about this earlier. no one seems to have taken the deep plunge. it's the private sector will
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figure it out and they are the most advanced in this. do you think more needs to be done from the federal side and they have the federal inkripencn and it helps with america? >> the government has to lead the effort and albeit a lot of companies are affected. think of the personnel records that the federal government keeps. think of the health record that is the federal government keeps. clearly the federal government has an enormous interest in the issue. we don't have our hands around what the issue is and what the technologies involved. should we have something akin to a nuclear nonproliferation treaty or something like that? we would individual to do a lot more work to determine what the problems are that we are trying to deter. i think the federal government absolutely has to lead in this effort. it speaks to the needs of all
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americans whether in a private or a public sector. >> it does seem to be a bipartisan issue that congress and the president could work on. there is so much interest from a variety of groups. ambassador, thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. a pleasure. >> just one more note from the intersection of hollywood and capitol hill. the library decided to save two dozen classic films for all time. >> that's what you call me. that or his dudeness or duder or el dude rino. . >> that's right. the whole thing. the dude abides. that's one person's opinion. forever a national treasure inside the library's film registry. white russians for all.
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two dozen other films will be saved including saving private ryan. a little bit more important. and this one. >> bueller? bueller? bueller? >> great, great films. up next, how the questions around relations with cuba could impact 2016. what a turn to cuba in 2016. new york mayors take the heat from supporters. the nypd has the luncheon around 1:15. you are watching "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. y sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. which means it's timeson for the volkswagen sign-then-drive event. for practically just your signature, you could drive home for the holidays in a german-engineered volkswagen.
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try zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms... so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec-d®. find it at the pharmacy counter. president obama's new cuba policy ignited a war of words.
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>> if he wants to be the chief cheerleader, he has a right to do that. i will p pose the obama policy because i know it won't lead to freedom and liberty in cuba. >> i never start a fight, but i'm happy to finish a fight. the remarks were a little bit route and intemp rate. >> boom! 2014 starting off. jackie, here we are, the tail end of 2014 and the fireworks are going off over cuba. this is interesting. we have the old guard and supportive of the embargo. always playing with the interest and that would be symbolizing marco rubio against rand paul's more libertarian this won't work for us.
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how does this play within the politics? >> i think as you indicated, marco rubio has the advantage in terms of the traditional republican politics. even among traditional republicans, the cuba embargo is seen as sort of a steal -- they outlived their usefulness and politics. elections are about the future. as your clips showed, this was a chance for them to get a lot of attention. publicity is a good thing and comes at a time when jeb bush's flirtation with a presidential run eclipsed marco rubio. they are both from florida. marco rubio is a protege of jeb bush. not a lot of people thought he would run. this gave them a chance to reintroduce himself to people. get him looks at rand paul too.
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>> what i found would be interesting whether you are rand paul or marco rubio. when you put what president obama has done to the latino vote with action to his pen. you have this new cuba policy. they are in favor of more normalized relations and have been slightly tilting democratic. they put them in a box in florida through his last few actions. >> that's a great point and if rand paul goes for the presidency, he will be going after the non-traditional tradition, younger and more diverse and libertarians who don't always participate in the process. to the point of florida and the
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importance of the cuban-american vote. the florida primary will not matter that much. they say that's just a home field win for somebody. if you are playing the trade card and saying this is great fors iowa farmers, they get to send a lot more of their products and produce over to cuba. you can try to morph yourself into the business. >> i sup will see republicans jump on board. jackie, we were talking earlier on the briefing. i show on msnbc's great show. a little bit about jeb bush and the reality of him possibly running for president and looks like he is going to do it. i wanted to get your take. thing that jumps out at me. he hasn't had a contested race since 2002. you are having a 14-year gap for jeb bush in nitty-gritty
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politics. has the party passed him by or do you think bush is plugged in enough to parachute in and fight with the best of them? >> i think he definitely remains plugged in with the people who matter to the expense of a presidential campaign. it's not just the years that passed since he was last an active candidate, but the way that the election and the technology and the personal outreach has changed. it changed more than the years would suggest. that's going to be a problem for him, but if you have got money, you can buy what can help him. even though much of the republican party has almost disowned his brother.
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i think he always had better standing with the republican establishment than his brother did when he jumped in. >> he has always moved more of a moderate positions mark on things like immigration, especially things on common core where the party is now. >> that's a whole different question. >> right. also out with you though, one thing that i find interesting is we talk about his brother. you can't really point to something specifically that the modern gop holds on to and lifts up that his brother did. you had a lot of references to ronald reagan and a few to bush 41. there is a toxicity of that brand. not only nationally and within circles. that's a tough thing for jeb bush to encounter. >> that are holds true for the father. bush 41, george h.w. bush.
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they see his presidency as above average, but when you come to rank and file voters, they look back at the taxes that george h.w. bush raised. you are right. it's possible that we go from bush 41 to bush 43 to possibly bush 45. where the bush family name is not held in regard the way ronald reagan was or barry gold water was for so many voters. >> the legacy there, you have the deficit increase and a tough time trying to private as i social security. you don't have a lot of republicans in their act of war by any means. they have to focus on post 9/11 leadership. political editor and jackie, thank you very much. we appreciate it. developing news on the health condition on boxing legend mohamed ali. his health is vastly improved.
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he was admitted to the hospital with a mild case of pneumonia. we hope he gets better. a great american. up next of two new york city police officers. strong words only serve to make the tragedy worse. this is "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc. don't go anywhere. they challenge us. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall," the first multi-player game built and run on microsoft azure. empowering gamers around the world to interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud.
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. >> we expect to see bill deblasio visiting the memorial to the two police officers killed over the weekend. they left the brooklyn home of one of the victims. the family said they would welcome the mayor. there was speculation because of
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the fractured relationship, but they said they would welcome him although they don't agree with what he has done. they used the killings of unarmed african-americans to justify his rampage only com bound pounds the tragedies for the families and the nation. this is a conversation i think that the nation has been having since august and the events have taken a different turn now. for there to be progress and growth from this conversation, what happens after this tragedy? how can it be moved forward in a way which is meaningful? >> cooler heads on both sides have to prevail. one thing we have to keep in mind that the families of eric
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garner and michael brown have been calling from the beginning on people to -- if they are going to protest or when they do so peacefully to not do so in the name of their deads, husbands, partners. the officers knew just sort of strikes at the heart of a bad situation here. you have people demonstrating all over the country. you have one instance shown on videotape of people calling for dead cops. those voices are now drowning out hundreds of thousands of people demonstrating around the country against police and policies and police tactics, not against police. if we can just have the conversation where not only do black lives matter, but cops
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lives matter. two sides can come and say how can we make this situation better for all sides? if we can have that conversation with cooler heads and reasonable heads with leaders, i think we can get somewhere. >> police would say they felt ostracized and they were being made an example of for something they were not involved with. there was overall hatred of the police when the focus should have been on the policies themselves and the official who is create the policies. how moving forward, who can speak up within the proper community to try to make a difference. you mentioned that the policies and what the protests were about. it seems a lot of the screaming and the yelling and the outrage was directed at the police there on the streets trying to keep order. >> yeah. i mean again people were protesting about police policies.
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yes, there were some who were screaming and yelling at police, but the majority were protesting against police policies and it is all about bringing about a change that would allow people to feel safe. that would allow people to feel not that the police were against them or were an occupying force and working with them to make their communities safer. what needs to happen is that again, cooler heads need to prevail and people need to take a step back on all sides and you are not going to get any higher authority than the mayor of new york city and the governor of new york state. the local elected officials who were put in office by the people of the city to come together with rank and file cops, but also the police unions to come to a sort of resolution. you cannot have a situation continue where police feel that the people are against them and
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that they have to arm themselves or take a posture against them. then to have people feel that the police are out to get them. that's not a good situation. >> the big worry would be if police decide they will be much more of a reactive than an active force and they only get involved when they have to react to a situation instead of keeping up the relationship with the community. that's the big question of how that moves forward. jonathan cape hart, thank you very much for sharing your views. >> thanks, luke. >> the seemingly impossible task of educating children. displaced by the civil war in syria. this is a remarkable story that you have to see. "andrea mitchell reports" only on msnbc.
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. welcome back. the devastating consequences of civil war that has taken the lives of 200,000 people and displaced millions. for the final report in the original, carry shines a light on the challenges benefiting syria. we have a report from london. >> over the last nine months, we looked at the pressures that ten million syrians forced to flee their their homes. issues not just about the future and education and there people and syria's children still have a future. >> she gives her students more than a diploma. she gives them hope. without it, they have a bleak future. >> they would feel they are
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worthless. they might do anything crazy. this is dangerous for everybody because either you will be a criminal or you will be interested. >> the pharmacist from montreal, she started the school when war broke out in her native syria. all the children here are refugees. >> you are hoping these boys and other students like them will be the future leaders. >> we need the leaders. one will be our leader one day. i hope so. >> she started two years ago with 300 students and now she has 2,000. she has time for every child. >> the whole world let them down. nobody is helping them. >> some are helping. two syrian-americans from los angeles and lake forest, illinois organized mentors trips. >> they can learn new skills.
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if it's a moment that you experience is someone that is positive, that can impact you long-term. 10 or 20 years. >> this is the third visit to the school, leaving for home brings tears. >> we are going back to america and we said stay positive. being a syrian refugee is not going to limit your possibilities. >> the news documented their lives. in june, this 9-year-old whose syrian school was bombed had her first day back in class. six months later, she is back at her refugee home. >> how are you? >> mom has to work and they have to look after her sisters and a brother. i had a lot of fun at school. i learned toeded read. i never knew how before. i want to go to school. that's why even after a long day, they make home visits. urging families to get their kids educated.
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this 12-year-old got a bike to shorten his hour long walk to class. she insists she is not extraordinary. >> bravo, bravo! >> wow, no i'm not. >> her children are. >> i see in their eyes when they come running to the school in the morning. dancing, singing. i think they deserve everything i'm giving them. >> it is tough to see someone like this so excited to go to school six months ago to get the chance to learn and to read and write and to come back six months later and find that she has dropped out and she has to look after her siblings. that's been one of the important points about this project is that we have been able to go back to see how people are doing and understand that getting children to school, for example, is not just about finding a school for them.
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it's not just about persuading to go for the first day or month, but figuring out how to support their families so they can keep going for the years that it takes to get a decent education. that's one of the reasons why right now the un is saying that it needs $7 billion not just to feed these refugees, but to help with things like education. this syrian refugee crisis is simply getting worse and the conflict does not appear to be ending. it is in a stalemate and charities describing this as a movement of people not seen since the 1994 genocide. >> thank you, carry simmons. sharing the stories of those fighting to survive in syria's civil war. for more, watch the faces of war.
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msnbc's original series. visit the "andrea mitchell reports" facebook page and thousands of these children in iraq and jordan. if there is to be a new syria, it has to come from them. they are not educated. when will that day come? we'll be right back. you could drive home for the holidays in a new volkswagen. like the sporty, advanced new jetta and the precisely engineered passat tdi. ah, the gift of clean diesel. for the new volkswagen on your list this year, just about all you need, is a pen. festive, isn't it? get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on select new volkswagen models.
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>> from brooklyn, the mayor of new york city is about to arrive at a memorial of two officers killed in the line of duty on saturday. bill deblasio left the home of one of those officers where the mayor met with his family. we will have more on these news developments throughout the day on msnbc. the mayor is expected to speak at a luncheon that the police will be attending. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." remember to follow online@mitchell reports. follow me personally.
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ronan farrow daily is next. ronan, you will have the police commissioner speaking. no tease. that's it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." take care. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. [breath of relief] oh, what a relief it is. olay presents the regenerist luminous collection. i will light up every room i walk into. renews surface cells to even skin tone.
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uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. i'm in for ronan farrow. it's 1:00 on the east coast and 10:00 on the west. bill deblasio is expected to speak any minute now as his city's police department remains on high alert after the execution style murders of two new york city officers. this is new video showing mary deplasio and bill brat on visiting the only of one of the officers killed. raphael ramos. they never got a chance to pull their own weapons before they were shot on saturday. they were sitting in their patrol car in brooklyn. the nypd is getting flooded with threats in the wake of the
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murders. ishmael brinsley saying i'm putting wings on pigs today. nypd commissioner spoke about it earlier on "today." >> it's quite obvious that they are targeting the two police officers was a direct spin off of this issue with these demonstrations. >> the officers deaths have heightened tensions between the mayor and the police department in the wake of recent protests. officers turned their backs on deblasio when he visited in the report. over to florida now where another police officer was killed over the weekend by a suspect allegedly trying to avoid arrest. they responded to a noise complaint around 2:00 a.m. they saw him and opened fire and then took a car and ran the officer over when he was down on


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