tv The Ed Show MSNBC December 23, 2014 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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9:00 this evening in honor of wenjian liu and ramos the two nypd officers killed. meanwhile ismaaiyl brinsley was seen in a brooklyn mall mid day before the incident. please believe he was carrying a gun in that plastic bag. police want any information to contact them immediately. mayor bill de blasio held a moment of silence at 2:47 this afternoon the precise moment officers wenjian liu and ramos were gunned down. >> talking to the families hearing what motivated these young men to serve, it is humbling and reminds us we have to keep serving and working for something betterful better.
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there's a lot of pain right now. we have to work our way through that pain. we have to keep working to bring police and community closer to together. we have to work for that more perfect union. >> mayor de blasio also paid his respects to the two officers this morning during a visit to the memorable at site of the brooklyn murders there. tensions have cooled a bit. the mayor calling for peace throughout the city to mourn the fallen officers. funerals for ramos for saturday and for wenjian liu until family members arrive from china. his widow says she is thankful for all of the support. >> the liu family would like to
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express our gratitude and appreciation to the police department, our neighbors, the entire new york city community, friends and coworkers. for the help and support they provide, we would also like to express our condolences to the office ramos family this is a difficult time for both of our families. but we will stand together and get through this together. >> here in new york city most seem to be heeding calls from state local leaders surrounding protesters to be put on hold. around the country continues. civil rights division, fbi and
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u.s. rights department will determine if the department should pursue a federal rights that coming after decline to charge christopher manney with a crime after shooting hamilton 13 times. he said he believed he was in danger. he was not fired for the killing itself but was fired for failing to follow department rules in the moments leading up to the altercation. the district attorney maintain's former officer's use of deadly force was justified. >> under these facts and circles, he was confronted with a situation that posed a real threat of death or great bodily harm. was he justified in using force. was the amount of force appropriate. my conclusion is, yes. >> hamilton's family said that
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he has received treatment for schizophrenia but he was nonviolent. protesters are expected to continue. dozens were arrested over the weekend after demonstrators shut down part of this roadway. request for national guard response if needed. while protesters in wisconsin remain vigilant new york has paused at a critical time in the national conversation. the question remains will the protest pause in new york city slow the national gain. do you think the pause in new york city is going to in anyway, shape, form or fashion slow the movement nationwide? >> no i think the justice department and the attorney general eric holder will still
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continue their various investigations and as we have said all along that the problem is not a new york problem, it's a national problem. and so i think what individuals do in other areas will continue and we're just asking out of respect for the two slain police officers that there be no demonstrations until after their funerals. >> most seem to be heeding that call by the way. i haven't heard a great deal of demonstrations around the city. >> i have not. clearly no leadership of some of the other demonstrations that have taken place. in you listen to the relatives of mr. garner they are all honoring it. when you listen to the burrow president of brooklyn adams and mater of course. i think we are together on that because we want to make sure we respect the individual families who are still mourning the loss of their loved ones.
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>> mayor de blasio talked about easing tensions. this is a bit of what he said. >> we have to put the divisions of the past behind us, they were left to all of us, in this generation, we have to overcome them. we need to protect and respect our police just as our police protect and respect our communities. we can strike that balance. we must. >> there's a noticeable shift in his tone. >> i think mayor bill de blasio has always tried to bring the city together. it's a big city. a lot of voices ask for justice within the criminal justice department but at all times i never heard the mayor or president or anyone say anything other than police officers we need them, they are good, this is not anti-police.
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we don't want any violence, that's the message that has been throughout with the families and with the mayor. >> how do you think that message was that some folks came to try and co-opt the message or even programs the movement to a certain extent. >> well i think unfortunately the kinds of rhetoric the president of the police association mr. lynch has talked about that revs it up and from former giuliani that revs it up. they are using the same rhetoric that is causing the city to be divided again. i would hope mr. lynch would tone down some of that rhetoric and have behind the scenes conversations to pull this city back together. >> protesters who are concerned about police reform we will talk
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to one of them in a few moments, protesters who are concerned about that what should be the next step for them. >> i think the mayor has said the right thing having folks to understand the attitudes and what would be proper respect. i think the worse message is when you have police officers turning their back on the mayor. that shows a lack of respect and i was always taught respect gets respect. so we got to figure how we dial this back in that regards because that is the exact wrong message in fact in many of the communities that are asking police reform is the way certain police officers come in without any respect to various folks there and these are good folks and they want that to change and i think that is the cry there. if the police department hears that clearly i hope they also hear we are not anti-police. >> you got to wonder next time
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something like this happens in this city, god-forbid in the near future, what will it mean for the dynamic between the mayor's office and law enforcement and for the dynamic between the people living in the city and the police who are sworn to protect them. >> i would hope because of the tragic loss of these two police officers and of mr. garner that we have more dialogue and conversations. i already met with my district attorney to talk about how with he can do this better. i intend to talk to the commanders in the local precincts to make sure there is more of a interrelationship, an interaction between the community and police departments. if we can do that before and pray there is not another circumstance like this on either side, that if such tragedy takes place we at least will have that base from which to work from.
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>> someone pointed out earlier today and has gotten loss, point made by the killer's sister, here's a guy who was arrested more than 15 times, spent two years in prison, clearly had issues and according to his sister couldn't get help in the system, slipped through the cracks time and time again and something like this ends up happening. >> and that's the real issue here. >> what can realistically be done about that? >> well, it's difficult f. the first thing that came to my mind was what happened to my colleague in arizona. gabby gifford. must be someone deranged because no one in their right mind would commit such an act. >> you know any time you start having a reasonable conversation about, i'm reluctant to use the
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phrase "gun control" but when you have a conversation about guns, that's it. you know. >> that's absolutely true. other part of the news was the guns being smuggled through atlanta and coming through jf krk. we have to do something about that to get rid of the guns that get into the hands of individuals who do not need themful but we have to do something about those individual who's do need mental health. sometimes when we incarcerate individuals, as you indicated he was incarcerated for two years, maybe that could be addressed and not just incarcerated without trying to fix the under lying problem. >> a guest said to me i know of no one who has ever gone to prison and came out better on the other side. >> yes, sir. >> thank you for your time and have a very merry christmas. >> thank you. >> i want to bring in joey
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stevens, good to see you. >> thank you. >> in response to hamilton the milwaukee police trying to implement plemt training for dealing with psych responses. >> in addressing that from systemic level i'm not from milwaukee area so i can't speak to this specific case but i can say as we look at gun violence prevention nationwide one thing we need to take into account is expanding access of mental health services for those who need it more and taking into account those seeking to obtain
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weapons. >> what do you hear about police reform and those who have been marching and will continue to march for police reform. what's next for their efforts? >> well certainly on the ground here in the minnesota area where i live it is continued attention through black lives matter movement and drawing attention for needs for systemic change at local level as well as national. garner and brown are indicative of lots of other names including here in the minneapolis area. and addressing the way police are or are not being held accountable. so we definitely need systemic change. >> your organization is very instrumental in the weekend protests at the mall of america there. a number of arrests there as i understand it, correct? >> well certainly the federation
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that i'm part of isaiah, a federation in minnesota we did play a part in the action that happened in the mall of america last saturday we played a part out of many other organizations under the leadership of black lives matter movement in minneapolis organizing 3,000 folks into the mall of america, it was a historical and powerful opportunity to say it's not okay to continue behaving as things are the same as they always have been. the nation is crying out for greater accountability by the police, certainly those asktsed by the disprop portionate number of deaths in the black community. >> when people think about police reform or the necessity for police reform they think about new york or chicago or typically major metro areas, i don't think people think
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minneapolis, minnesota is a place where there needs to be this kind of effort, no? >> well absolutely. i think you raise a fair point. certainly these issues are not just indicative of the new yorks and chicagos and los angeles's of the world they are indicative of small communities. i live in a small suburb of minneapolis and the tensions between police and communities of colors are not unique to larger cities. ferguson, missouri is not a large metropolitan area but certainly we seen what happened to michael brown there it is an issue that impacts all of us, bottom line. and it is an issue that those of good conscience need to lift their voice and begin to speak the truth it is time for systemic exchange. it is a situation that needs to be turned around. >> lastly, how have the killings
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of the two officers in new york city, how has that changed your approach on activism or has it? >> it certainly has not changed my approach. i'm saddened by the death of the two officers in new york, it's a tragedy to say the least. in my opinion, it is not tied to the protests. it's not tied to the public outcry around all black lives mattering. it is tied to a greater systemic issue of the mental health of this individual and clearly opportunities were missed along the way for this man to get the help he needed. those individuals who are still crying out, i encourage them to continue the movements and continue drawing people in. but not disruption for the sake of disruption, certainly looking at the ways we can create the systemic policy change that will
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be needed to bring our commun y communities back to together. >> i've enjoyed your insight this has been enlightening. thank you very much you'll have to come back. >> thank you. we have learned joe biden will attend the services for officer rafael ramos on saturday. of course we will continue to follow the story and bring any new developments as they happen throughout the hour. coming up severe weather rocks the south, not just the south, but around the country, we will tell you how it will impact your holiday travel. unfortunately i can tell you the news, not good. also jeb and chris's excellent adventure, we will weigh in on the latest 2016 news. this is "the ed show" on msnbc
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just wanted to wish everybody a merry christmas. >> bahambug. ♪ ♪ we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas, we wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year ♪ ♪ here's a question for you: if every u.s. household with a computer used sleep mode when they weren't using it, how much could we save on electricity each year? up to $1 billion? $3 billion? $4.5 billion?
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the answer is... up to $4.5 billion. using your computer's built-in energy-saving features can generate real household savings. take the energy quiz -- round 2. energy lives here. time now for the trenders. you can keep in touch with "the ed show" on twitter, also on facebook as well. social media nation has decided and we are reporting, here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> i really want my house to be seen. from space. >> the number three trender, christmas in the cosmos. >> hello from the international space station. >> 205 miles above the earth. >> astronauts send their seasons greetings from the space
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station. >> we want to take the opportunity to wish you all a merry christmas and happy new ear. >> we have santa hats and other gear. >> i would like to take the occasion of christmas to wish for your life a lot of joy and happiness. >> this is definitely going to be a christmas that we'll remember. >> number two trender stout swimmer. >> u.s. navy putting their ghosty navy unmanned vehicle to the test. >> are those sharks with laser beams attached to their heads. >> the navy tests the waters with the new shark surveillance drone. >> go swimmer is about five feet long and weighs nearly 100 pounlds. >> you're going to need a bigger boat. >> was developed to help keep dives safe. >> it is the latest in the series of science fiction projects being developed by the navy. perfect called silent nemo. >> just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming.
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>> and today's top trender, holiday headache. >> the weather outside is weather. >> trmore than 98 million americans travel. >> holiday travellers can expect a wet or white christmas commute. >> the eastern two thirds of the country dealing with all sorts of wild weather. >> that does not look like fun to drive on. >> could see snow through the evening back through chicago. >> on christmas eve every major hub city in the east could be effected by wind and heavy rain. >> bahumbug. >> steve is with us, so we know it's going to be bad, how bad is it going to be and for how long? >> it really depends where you are. places in the south are getting huge storms right now. that's our number one concern. if you are on the gulf coast you
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have to take these storms seriously. we've seen 45 reports of severe weather. nine reports of tornado. we've seen damage in places like miss must aissippi and in louis trees are down and people are trapped in homes. we don't want you driving on interstate 10, 59, 55, these are the problem spots at the moment. we have also been seeing flash flooding and a lot of lightning strikes. these are torrential down pours moving 55 to 60 miles an hour. in and out pretty quickly. here's the storm system. it is massive, takes up a lot of real estate from texas up through new england. the northeast quiet. there are airport delays due to low clouds and fog. heavy rain for new york city, philadelphia and washington. wet not white in these locations.
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the back part of the storm a different story. >> i've got to ask a selfish question, we have an 11:00 flight tomorrow in pittsburgh, any chance this we are going to not get delayed? >> i hate to break the news to you, but you can break it to your wife, yeah, we have a chance of airport delays tomorrow with the low clouds, the rain, best chance getting out in the morning hours, it turns stormy in the afternoon and evening, wind gusts 40 to 50 miles an hour heavy duty rain. >> so earlier the better. anyone going to get a white christmas. >> chicago around the great lakes, they will make out three to six inches with this storm system. >> thank you so much. we do appreciate you. >> thank you. up next jeb bush and chris christie what they must do to rock the vote. and a dramatic reading in the two minute drill.
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and a free 30-tablet trial. and welcome back to this christmas eve eve edition of the "the ed show." pope francis took church leaders by surprise monday and also took them to task at what is essentially the vatican christmas party he delivered a blistering i critique of the vatican likened it to an aling body and warned against -- arrogance, careerism, gossip and division effecting the vatican philosophy. >> catholics converge the today on st. peter's square in anticipation of christmas but inside the vatican still reeling
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from the pope's lashing out at the bureaucracy calling it a sick body, hypocritical, arrogant, and out of touch. at times, cardinals looked stun by the pope's scathing indictment. >> this time he came down literally like a ton of bricks. >> it got worse, francis claiming some are blinded by worldly goods and petty rivalries forgetting why they even became priests. why the attack? some say it is his blunt way of saying necessithey are not refo their church fast enough, if at all. >> there's a lost of resistance to change, he said. it's been a historic first year, softening the tone on gays in the church and helping to mediate break through between
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cuba and united states but the pope's biggest challenge could be the one closest to roamin ro cleaning up his own house. >> shaping up to being a show down in 2015 between pope francis and the very men who elected him to do the job. reporting from rome. >> stick around. the rapid response panel is next.
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welcome back to "the ed show." former florida govern, jeb bush, looking into running for president in 2016 could be causing headaches for other potential candidates, republican insider say some big time donors will back jeb bush rather than a chris christie or rubio. last anytime christie had this to say. >> what will you base your decision on? >> three things. is it right for me? is it right for my family? is it right for the country? if i answer to --
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>> in what snororder? >> me, my family, the country. if i answer yes to all three, i will run, if i don't answer yes to all three then i won't. >> how much does it matter to you that your good friend and someone you respect a great deal, jeb bush made it clear that he may run. >> that's not one of the three questions. >> okay. >> okay. the latest poll on presidential hopefuls show establishment holding strong among gop voters. >> here's what the latest nbc news wall street journal poll looks like among all voters. 33% say they could possibly support mitt romney while 61%
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oppose him. 31% see themselves support jeb 57% would not. 27% would back christie 53% say they would not support him. more than a year to before the votes to be cast. it is anyone's ball game. bringing in our guests now, thank you for being with us. good to see all of you. >> good to see you. >> what would jeb bush in the race mean for chris christie? >> it will mean that he will have a lot more trouble raising money. remember most of the money in these contests comes out of new york and california. and chris christie thought he was going to have access to a lot of that establishment money, particularly in the new york area. but suddenly jeb bush who is
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really thee establishment candidate and has these legislation that go back 50 years in american politics, his grandfather was senator from connect keicut that has to give christie pause. >> is there anyone in florida would support a christie state over bush? >> no jeb bush is still popular here among republicans and frankly democrats as well. he did away with social promotion which was a good thing to do educationally. i don't think chris christie could get anywhere over jeb bush. >> a lot of folks have made a great deal about jeb bush's position on common core, which
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wouldn't cost a general election but in a praimary battle -- >> i don't think common core will make big head way in florida. >> what about you mitch? >> i think he has. it is really chris christie's fault that jeb bush is in this. >> how so? >> because i don't think he's looking hard at this race until pardon the pun, based on christie's verbal skills and personal attitude so we can call it the bully pull pit problem, literally, i think until you reach the problem area he had a number of months back i don't think bush was looking at that. when he saw the faltering from the gentleman in new jersey he began looking at it harder and donors began to say it's a
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maybe. i still think because governor bush stalktalked about getting the race with joy, which i believe. but i think because of marco rubio from florida acting up or acting out so to speak it pushed jeb to make a decision faster. i think chris christie has done himself harm and if i'm one of those tea party candidates i would want to coalesce behind one. >> everyone knows christie is a tough guy in new jersey, he talked last night about how he would change his demeanor if he ran for president. this is what he said. >> do you have any intention of doing anything to tone down or alter your demeanor? >> no.
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why would i? it's who i am. you know, if people want somebody different than if i ever ran for president than they would vote for somebody different. but i don't intend to become a phony to win an election. >> how does that work on the national stage? >> i'm not sure it travels very well that sort of bully boy image in new jersey. the thing i would caution everybody on is that these races are so fluid and chris christie is only one great debate performance away from being back in this thing and then will go up and down and there will be week where's it looks like he's doing well if he does end up running and jeb bush stumbles but overall you see a situation where the republican establishment is starting to close rank behind jeb bush financially to power you through
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the ups and downs of a campaign you need money. >> i heard $30 million is that a conservative estimate for republican to get the nomination. >> i think more than that and it will be very negative campaign. the bush family is very good at running negative. >> i remember very well. >> here in the state of florida it was $100 million governor's race. it will be a very expensive campaign. >> is it safe to assume rubio is not in this if jeb is in it. >> he said that won't impact his decision but i think does, absolutely it does. he can't compete against jeb bush. i mean i worked with marco in talib ha. >> he is ready for primetime.
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>> not yet. he needs to sit this one out. >> mitch do you think christie has put the bridge gate stuff behind him? >> i think he has to an extent. the problem is, he had a certain brand which he is sticking to but he has kind of pmarred that brand. have to score early in the prima primary. got to score against jeb early. >> thank you to all of you. especially to you, people have no idea what is it took to get you here. >> with the traffic. i actually went over the georgia washington bridge to get here today. >> merry christmas to all of you. new coming up, "the interview" release. they're gonna do it!
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welcome back to "the ed show" time now for the two minute drill a rainy monday night football game ended in a big upset for peyton manning and, the bengals beat denver 37-28. manning with four interceptions in last night's loss and the loss means the broncos lost any chance for number one playoff seed, will head into playoffs without home field advantage. the road for the superbowl for denver will now have to go through the new england patriots
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in massachusetts that is ai path peyton is very familiar with. meanwhile watch this marshawn lynch making a spectacular 79-yard touchdown run flplowing through multiple defenders jumping through the end zone on his back, many calling it one of the best touchdowns ever. last month was fined $100,000 for refusing to media after games. so he is taking a new approach. this is what his post gail interviewed look like sunday nightful .
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lynch thanked for asking. he thanked reporters five more times. at least he's talking to the press, avoids the fine. we'll take you to the movies on this christmas eve eve. find out what's worth seeing in the theater this week. you're watching "the ed show" on msnbc. you tap the bumper of a station wagon. no big deal... until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? hey insurance companies, news flash. nobody's perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance.
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welcome back to "the ed show" up show". developing news from the entertainment world. after drawing sharp criticism for cancelling the release of "the interview," sony pictures announced that the movie will have a limited release on christmas day after all. several independent theaters have already offered to screen the movie. sources say sony is also looking to distribute "the interview" on video demand. they said, the company was continuing efforts to secure more platforms in order to reach the largest audience possible. lynton wrote in part, while we hope this is only the first step of the film's release, we are proud to make it available to the public and to have stood up to those who attempted to express free speech. still not clear precisely how many theaters will show the
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movie after hackers threatened a 9/11-type attack on theaters moving forward with the premiere. it's set to be a busy week at the box office. if controversial comedies are not your thing, perhaps, there are plenty of other movies coming out this christmas day. joining me now to give you the rundown, senior editor of in-touch weekly. even if this is the most mediocre comedy of the year, it's gotten more publicity than any movie of the year. >> who cares what the movie is about, if you want to see it, to send a message, people are going to see it. it's one of the top-rated films. very few people have seen this movie, but people are already writing positive reviews because they're trying to get the message out. we want to see this movie and who cares what it's about, everyone is happy that it's being shown at least in some
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theaters. >> what else is coming out on christmas day? >> a lot of great movies. let's start with "into the woods." i was obsessed with it. there was a pbs version in 1990 or '91 that was the broadway version. i watched it obsessively. so a lot of people have been waiting for it to come out. huge movie, meryl streep, johnny depp, emily blunt, it's the stephen sondheim version. they toned it down a little bit. so you can take kids. though older children. younger kids, take them to see "annie," for example. but it's a great movie and i think people will like this. >> we have a snippet of this one as well. >> oh, no, son, these are no ordinary beans. these beans, they carry magic. >> magic?
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what kind of magic? >> tell him. >> it's a magic that defies description. >> yes. >> how many beans? >> six. >> five. they're worth a pound each at least. >> could i buy them on sunday? >> possibly. yeah, seems like we've made a fair trade. okay, here you go. that's one, two, three, four, five. all right, well, good luck and pleasure doing business with you. >> so that's "into the woods." another movie with buzz, oprah winfrey's "selma." >> absolutely, so timely in so many ways. it parallels so many things that are going on in the world right now. getting a lot of buzz. you will hear more about this as we get closer to the oscars for sure. >> another movie with critical acclaim ahead of its release,
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angelina jolie's "unbroken," is that right? >> yeah, although it was snubbed by the golden globes, here's another true story, obviously getting a lot of publicity, a very inspirational story, though harrowing a lot of times. an olympic athlete, a prisoner of war, goes through really troubling times. so it's dark in a lot of places, but it does have an uplifting end to this movie. >> "american sniper." >> clint eastwood movie. bradley cooper put on 40 pounds of muscle. completely transformed himself. it's oscar time so you see a lot of actors with physical transformations. this has a bit of a feel of the hurt locker, so you're seeing the iraq war and how it affects their families. so another dark movie, but getting a lot of publicity. look for bradley cooper to get an oscar nomination for this one. >> and last but not least, "big
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eyes." >> this is all the oscar material. this is the time you see the oscar movies. amy adams. a true-life story about the paintings, how her husband took credit for this art. amy adams, also, she's becoming the meryl streep of her generation. look for her to get an oscar nomination. really interesting movie. it has that tim burton feel to it. it's like an old-fashioned caper about how she struggles to get credit for these paintings that her husband took credit for. >> if you can only watch one, which one should it be? >> "into the woods," i love because i'm a broadway fan. but "selma" is one of most important that parallels things that are going on in the world. >> always great to see you. merry christmas to you. that's going to do it for "the
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ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. >> thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, worst socialist ever. today records broken on the economy. >> maybe it's what's due. >> the s&p has not fallen four days in a row all year long. the last time that happened -- never. >> look at your screen, the dow topping 18,000. >> for years, republicans have tried to rip the president on the economy, which was wrecked during the bush years. they said president obama has waged a war on job creators. they've covered the right-wing media with doom and gloom. but today, a true reality check. the stock market hit an all-time
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