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tv   Caught on Camera  MSNBC  December 25, 2014 9:00am-10:01am PST

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thing because we were raised to do the right thing. >> my family call me honest abe now. >> there some things we mere mortals can't explain. >> i swear to god. >> from mysterious lights in the sky -- >> they looked triangular in shape and they had a red led light. >> to a creepy night at the museum. >> it was actually moving. >> i thought someone was playing a trick on me. >> mythical beasts. >> what is that? oh, man. >> monsters at sea. >> what in the heck is that?
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>> these things are big. >> you have to be kidding. what is that? >> i'm convinced there is something in that lake. >> if it's true, the population would freak out. >> caught on camera, fury and alien. an ancient statue. >> people were describing it as possibly a poltergeist. >> shrouded in mystery. >> it was moving. >> people suggested it was a spirit returning to the statue. >> the year is 2012 and the manchester museum in england is under construction.
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>> to celebrate the can gallery's 100 year anniversary, we display and reopened at end of october 2012. >> a 10 inch tall statue dating back to 1800 bc is moving. >> i came in and i noticed one of the statuettes was on display. >> dr. campbell price returns the next day to an eerier sight. >> i thought that was very strange. i was baffled. i thought someone was playing a trick on me. >> if this is a hoax, it's elaborate. the display case is
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well-guarded. >> to get to the top, you need a later and you have to turn the alarms off. >> a time lapse is installed hoping to catch the prankster. seven days later, he checks the footage. >> they are looking at the spending, uned aed while nothing else moves. >> not something you can see if you see it on realtime. you can only see the time lapses. it rotates around the direction. >> if this is not a hoax, some wonder whether something about the statue's history could be causing it to spin. >> they represent a man who was a security guard, if you like, in ancient egypt. the idea of them keeping watch on other exhibits is appropriate in ancient egypt.
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>> appropriate, but spookily sinister. they attract all kinds of wild things. >> with the discovery of the king tut's tomb. anyone who dares to sdush the tomb will suffer the mummy's wrath. >> there is a big story about how everyone who was connected with opening the tomb met with a nasty grizzly end. >> several members did fall ill shortly after opening the tomb and the lord who funded the dig died months later. it said that at the moment in his death, every light in cairo went out. >> ancient egypt has been unexplained and we just like to
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believe mysterious things. >> the curse refers to mummies, not statues. or does it? ancient egyptians were often buried alongside mummies. . >> they themselves knew it was preserved and they need to back up. >> they believe his spirit could transfer into the statue et. >> they had a talking point that went viral on the internet. they attract the ghost hunters and scientists, vying to solve the mystery. >> it was only the vibration expert and installing sensors under the case.
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now believe not visitors rather than vexations are to blame. vibration, even subtle vibration at night and he was moving a little bit during the night. >> if vibrations are causing this statue to move, why are the others remaining still? >> the statue at the base is not flat. it's convex. the other pieces in the case are flat and more secure. >> one mystery remains, why did it take 80 years for the statue to start moving? >> essentially he was not moving before because he was properly secured when we redisplayed the galleries. we had not thought about securing him in the way that they were the other statues.
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the oversight resulted in this mysterious movement. >> dr. price secures 3,000-year-old with tape. >> he is not currently spinning. >> he may no longer have a 360 degree view, but the average i don't want security guard still watches over the museum's priceless relics. his neighbor this is this life. coming up -- >> it is gong flag. the interview was not going well. >> an interview shrouded in conspiracy and intrigue. >> if you believe his story, he smuggled highly classified footage. he would be in a lot of trouble. >> when caught on camera, eerie and alien continues. those to c
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>> a smuggled tape. >> he felt the world should know. >> bizarre footage. >> for it's real, it's true. the portion of the population would freak out. >> july 26th, 1996. los angeles, california. filmmaker jeff broad street is working at a video distribution company called rocket pictures when a man identifying himself as victor calls, claiming to have smuggled highly classified footage out of america's most secretive military base. >> he said that he had reason to be at area 51. he wouldn't say whether he was an employee or not, but he wanted to get the information out. it's unclear why he contacts them specifically, but his footage is extraordinary. >> it is a typical gray alien
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and it's supposedly being interviewed by an area 51 telepath. >> unable to prove whether the alien is real or not, he takes a gamble and produces the documentary. area 51, the alien interview. >> i thought it looked puppety, but there was something compelling about it. it was creepy. that's why i was going to make the documentary one way or the other. >> the mysterious victor agrees to be interviewed only if he is filmed if silhouette and his voice is altared. >> my purpose is to expose the aliens and not compromise the individuals. i am taking precautions to protect my identity. >> he smuggled highly classified footage. he would be in a lot of trouble. big trouble. >> victor reveals that the extra
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terrestrial biological entity arrives at area in 1989, the same year some believe a flying saucer is shot down over the desert in south africa. legend has it, two aliens survived the crash. no worth on what happens to number one. >> he said they were interviewing them for a certain number of hours. they are interviewed telepathically. >> twice a month they sit it down for a session that lasts threw to five hours. >> could this be part of an elaborate government plan? some believe in the existence of project sigma. >> project sigma was an exchange
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program. it is believed to vp implemented following a crash of a spacecraft in new mexico. some say eisenhower sought ways to communicate with aliens and wanted to make a deal. >> eisenhower made the agreement with the aliens that they would get dna from us and get to abduct a certain number of people. >> he showed up five days later and had been captured and not harm and creatures from the united states. after that we had fiber optics and night vision goggles and we made this hugely forward in the late 50s and early 60s. >> could this tape be prove that
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project sigma is real and active in the 1980s? we may never know because the video unfortunately or perhaps conveniently is silent. >> there is a very good chance their family or friends on the outside will be recognized. >> here is the alien interview in its entirety just as it appeared in the documentary with victor's commentary as an audio guide. >> we are looking at the interview and it is kept dark for the comfort of the aliens. >> in this case the only other person was a military aide. the alien is seated behind a
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glass partition, the lowest designation. that's primarily for the protection of the aliens, not us. in fact, all the indications are the aliens eliminated lifelong ago. they are not susceptible to our diseases directly, but it has been shown that they can reproduce and form colonies in the respiratory systems. you can see here the interview
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is not going well. they are in real distress. but at this point the telepath is sending out a message to the medical staff. he is trying to communicate with the alien and getting no response. there is very little he can do. there is no direct connection between his space and that's the aid. they are slow in responding. there they are. i have to say the medical personnel is less than first ready. they send to be selected for the willingness to keep secrets or the way he is not going in.
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he is hemorrhaging in the nasal cavity. i'm sorry. it's hard for me to watch this. >> the u.s. government has never commented on the documentary, but denied having evidence that extra terrestrials have made contact with humans. >> i know the interviews can't be bad. whether they are harder, i don't mean that in the sense of having it killed and it's part of the interview process. i just don't know. >> if we found out tomorrow aliens are real, there is a big portion of the population that we freak out. >> some wonder if the video and the subject could in fact be real. we asked a specialist. >> i have no doubt that it is a
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puppet. >> he's a cinema tronic artist. >> it goes through a set of movements and the parameters are most likely the cause that there only so many pieces inside of the head, if you will. >> he always finds the props in the room suspicious. >> if i were to set up a scene, i would want something similar to this where we had limited coverage on the subject and we have a desk or something that enables us to get underneath it. >> what about the lighting? >> the alien is sensitive to light. it's a low light situation, but it's still lit. it's directly on the alien's face. if it was sensitive to light, we could have shot this. as a conat the present time,
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it's cool, but just about any working effects, it's clear that this is a bit of film. >> the documentary, area 51, the alien interview is released in 1997 to mixed reviews. over the years, however, it's become a cult classic. >> if you go on you tube, there literally pages of people who posted parts of our show. clearly people are fascinated by this. >> despite naysayers, some believe the footage is real and we are not alone. >> people want to have something digger than themselves to believe in. i would like for it to be real, but until a flying saucer lands on the white house lawn and the press is there, nobody is going to believe it.
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>> use your own judgment. >> coming up, an ancient myth slithers to light. >> you can almost see the face of this snake. >> rocking a tiny village to its core. >> i'm convinced there is something in that lake. when caught on camera continues.
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. >> a 900-year-old fairy tale with a terrifying ending. >> it became a giant monster. >> has the fable come to life? >> i'm convinced there is something in that lake. february 2012, iceland. it's a freezing winter morning and this sheep farmer is looking out over the lake. is slow and excitement rare. that's about to change.
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as the least makes his way in, he calls a local news reporter. >> they were trying to swim ashore. i thought to myself okay, this is probably something floating in the river and he recorded this video. later he showed me because the debris seems to be swimming. the video shows some sort of snake swimming in the river. you can almost see the face of the snake or the eyes. it's amazing, i think. >> he uploads his uncle's
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footage to the local news website and it's an instant sensation. >> there is our website and he called me and told me that the website was almost crashing. there were so many people looking at the video. >> the video has three million views. many believe he captured the worm on camera. >> there have been all kinds of ferry tales and legends about the animals. all kinds of fantastic super natural powers. >> everyone learns about this myth. >> the legend dates back to 1345. to the time of the vikings. she wanted the gold to grow so
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she would be witch and they were supposed to make it grow. >> there is a twist as in so many fables. >> the worm grew instead. when she found out, she was very afraid and took it and the worm grew. >> storybooks tell of a deadly sea serpentent wreaking havoc from the watering dwelling. >> it caused a lot of trouble for people in this area. the message is that if you don't deal with your problems, they will grow. >> many claim to have seen the monster. >> people have been seeing all sorts of weird things. >> few have caught it on camera.
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>> this video will make it as big as the lock ness monster or big foot and the most famous creatures on the planet. >> not everywhere is so excited. there murmurs of a bad omen. >> people believe if they see the worm, something big will happen. >> there is a crack in the ice and the water is rolling over and it kinds and moves. >> it could have been debris floating in the river and maybe a net. people can start to imagine all sorts of explanations. >> but for him, there is no question that the worm is real and alive.
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>> real or not. it crossed borders and captured the imagination of millions, bringing attention to this beautiful, remote country. >> i think people in this region want to believe in the worm. they want the worm to be famous and that's the fun thing about the smith. it gives the imagination wings and makes the world a better place. . >> coming up -- >> what is that? oh, man! >> the chase to catch a legendary beast is on. >> it's a chupacabra. >> she is seeing it, but not believing it. >> when caught on camera, eerie and alien returns. er ] fedex® hs solutions to enable global commerce that can help your company grow steadily and quickly. great job. (mandarin) ♪
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here's what's happening. 50 to 60 protesters marched through berkeley, missouri the day before christmas and shut
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down a highway in protest of the fatal police shooting of an 18-year-old upon man who pointed a gun at the officer in the incident. the interview opened at midnight screenings, the lead actor seth roguen surprised an audience sbi showing up to thank fans for support. now back to caught on camera. . >> a legendary creature in the flesh. >> it's a chaupacabra. >> there is no thing this mythical. >> or is there? >> that's the main question. >> dewitt county, texas, 2008. 8-8-08. it's an auspicious sounding date
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and the corporate and sheriff are on important police duty. we were in this area and looking to find out where you make your rounds. >> the hum drum hunt is about to take an unexpected turn. >> they came around the corner over here and saw the animal. it was odd. >> i told him it's a damn chupacabra. >> i said i have to record this. i hit record on my car video system. >> this close encounter of the hairless kind is a big deal. people here believe the legendary beast is haunting them, but there has never been proof. the hysteria began a year earlier when animals on doctor phyllis's ranch started to die suspiciously. >> i began to lose chickens and
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i lost them in a fashion very different than anything. he was not interested and in all instances it was opened up just in this thor ax area. everybody is saying oh, my gosh, that's the chupacabra. >> it was all over the town. >> it was a good story down here because we have the highest population that believed in this for a long time. >> the story spread to expand through publications and the internet over the 1990s and into the 2000s. >> legend has it the chupacabra is a vampire dog inhabiting parts of south america. >> all the stories you have read about the chupacabra, they stood
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on their back legs and appeared to have spine down their back. don't do that or the chupacabra will get you. >> the blood thirsty predator showing its face only once. >> they appeared to have a large hump back. the legs look like they could have been broken on the front. my thirst thought was oh, my gosh, what is this? >> the animal officers catch on camera fits the same description. >> how crazy is that? >> we are following it and she is just oh, my god. >> here this thing is and i get to be one of the persons wo sees it alive. in motion. it's pretty neat. >> the animal hants ds it up an giving a better look at his other worldly appearance. >> the side who file was different than anything i had
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seen. >> the snout was elongated and the rear legs were longer than the front legs and kind of ran out of gallop. like a rocking back and forth motion. i have seen coyote, wolves out here running and even dogs. i have never seen that type of running before. >> it was ought. just an odd thing to see. especially in the daytime. i always thought they were creatures of the night. >> after a 60 second, four-legged four-wheel chase the animal darts to the right and disappears. >> when it turned off, i hit the stop button and we started laughing. as a matter of fact we joked all the way back to the call we were supposed to be on. >> but to locals, this is no
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laughing matter. the joke goes viral. >> we get calls from everybody. can you do an interview? would you like to do this? >> it spread like wildfire. it was something else. >> so what is this creature? could it be the living legend? after months on the ranch, a similar beast is found dead. dna test results point to answers more mortal than mythical. >> it is coyote on the maternal side and mexican wolf on the paternal side. we have not had mexican wolf in texas in over 82 years. >> the new species is yet to be named. >> we are leaning towards texas blue dog because of the color and get away from the mythical attachment from the chupacabra?
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. >> he occupies a fitting pedestal. >> i have been on the back roads a lot. i have never seen anything like this. that's the only one i have seen. we were looking for them. it was one of the things that you catch the next on video. it never happened. >> coming up -- more than 100 witnesses see something strange in the night sky. >> scream to tj telling him to get a camera and film it. >> i got it on tape! i got it! >> when caught on camera, eerie and alien continues. bl and the 2015 motor trend car of the year all-new golf. if you're wishing for a new volkswagen this season... just about all you need is a finely tuned...
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>> an unsolved mystery that seems to be quite literally out of this world.
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>> reddish illuminations in the sky. >> triangular in shape and at each corner it had what looked like a red led light. >> it's all caught on camera. >> i got it on tape! i got it! august 2004, people were reporting in volume, three reddish illuminations in the sky. moving in a triangular pin. >> tj and dave are at a block party that night in tinnily park, illinois. >> we were having a couple of beers and we had eaten some food and having a good time. >> the events that are about to unfold are not witnessed through beer goggles. >> my son, justin, said look, there is strange lights, i believe. >> it's a ufo.
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>> nobody believes me. >> we didn't believe him and he said tj, you need to look up. i said no, you guys are harassing me. he said look up. i turned my head and said you have got to be kidding. what is this? >> i was exciting and telling him to get a camera and film it. >> i got it on tape! i have it. >> i have it on tape. it sounds like seinfeld. >> three bright lights are hovering above tinnily park. >> you zoomed in and it came different colored lights. blue, grown, red, light yellow. it was hard to get a solid picture where there was consistency. >> it being looks like a triangle. >> it looked triangular in shape and floated and rotated in the
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skies. >> sam is the illinois state director for the mutual ufo network, an organization dedicated to the study of unidentified flying objects. >> one of the objects that may be accountable for the isosolese formation may very well be just that. a large isosolese type of craft. >> whatever it is, it is moving slowly and silently. >> maybe that was an airplane. >> that's not an airplane either. >> it doesn't have one red light. >> some person said it's a helicopter and some said it's an airplane. it moved through too slow for a man-made object. >> seems like it's getting faster. >> yeah, it is moving. >> if it was an airplane or a helicopter, it would have taken that math in maybe about a minute.
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>> finally the lights disappear. >> whoa! where did it go? where did it go? go on. >> when solitary lights blinks back on -- >> there they are. >> this time everyone is rate. >> what do you see? just a red light? >> from the naked eye it looked like one red led light. it looked oval in shape and had about 8 to 12 red lights. >> what made the sighting very promising is the volume of video footage. the other thing, this is a mass sighting of 100 people or more seeing the same event from various perspectives.
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we had military personnel and employees and police officers. doctors. lawyers. amateur astronomies and meetorologists, etc. >> some take the sighting more seriously than others. >> it's so cool. we could be invaded by aliens. we could see them again and the entire species could die out. aliens could take over the world. >> that night police officers stopped by and said they were getting calls left and right about the ufo. >> two months later on halloween night, tinnily park residents are once again looking up. >> the three lights were back again. that's when i high tailed it home and grabbed the videorecorder and started shooting again. >> they are back. i'm out of breath.
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here they are coming again. there is airplanes in the air. they are back again! >> i can't explain how weird it was again to see them. it was neat to see them. >> this is not an aircraft. at least not man-made. >> you have the plane coming across the bottom light. >> the airplanes along with them. look at that. look at that. airplanes with them. yeah. >> but the size of it compared to the commercial airline that was cutting through, it's huge. it's big. it's big. >> we are talking something just shy of a mile. something very, very large. moving about with it and making no sound whatsoever. >> say it again.
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one minute left on the tape. >> many tried to explain the lights, but years later, the mystery remains. >> what happens? >> the weatherman's favorite is it's the aurora borealis. that's colored illuminations and not lights of sky that is in there, but you see it flickering or moving with the wind. this didn't move with the wind. >> it's not a plane or a helicopter. we would see skmoek that makes me think it's unidentified. >> it's a phenomenon. >> they scroll through the footage, looking for answers. >> you figure out why. >> he said he stumbled across something he had not noticed
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before. >> he was going through it frame by frame and he zoomed in and if you look closely, you can see a picture of what looks like an alien face. >> a trick of the mind's eye or prove that we do indeed have company? >> no, no. don't go out on me now. no, battery. >> coming up -- >> oh, my gosh. you guys should see this. >> what lies beneath the surface. >> i have seen every creature on the water and i don't know what that was. >> come here, quick! with your fam ra. . >> when caught on camera, eary and alien continues. no. it's called grid iq. the 4:51 is leaving at 4:51. ♪
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>> there has been in excess of 200 sightings. >> the mystery. >> never have i seen anything like this. >> those things are big! >> what's lurking in the waters of cad borrow bay? >> i know there is something in that lake. >> come here quick with your camera! >> i got it. >> history is full of sea monster folk lore. >> it's in the consciousness of people from time and memorial. whenever there has been a ship of any kind on any body of water, they encountered animals they don't know about. >> nessy, cressy and ogo pogo. many play host to a mythical creature. some are proven hoaxes and others are unexplained. >> it's imperative. until you do that, they float
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around in the clouds and myths. >> in 2009, this video surfaces. the species caught on camera remains unidentified, but for believers, there is only one 0. this is caddy. >> should you see this. this is crazy. >> caddy for short is a creature said to inhabit cad borrow bay in british columbia. >> the story of caddy is very old. the first nation's people here in british columbia had representations of it. >> a lot of them won't even go on the lake. >> some 200 plus sightings have been documented. it was found in the stomach of a sperm whale that there was physical evidence that an unidentified species might exist. 72 years later came this
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sighting. >> holy [ bleep ]. >> in alaska, it's a calm day at sea and kyle nash is salmon fishing. >> there were hardly any boats around us and hardly a breath of wind. >> while the air remains still, the water suddenly starts to move. >> my dad was saying hey, kyle, what are those things? they look like waves. he's like those are not waves. >> it's like a gigantic eel. he said this is something we need to catch on film. >> come here quick with your camera. >> kyle and jason grabbed cameras and started recording. >> look how fast they are going. >> look how big they are. >> you couldn't tell if it was sea snakes or something that might have been seals.
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>> it's a sea snake. holy [ bleep ]. >> we realized they were creatures that we hadn't seen before. >> just huge. look how fast they can go. look at the wave it's making. >> this was almost 40 or 50 feet long. >> they are not filming one animal, but several. >> it may have been maller ones following the big ones. they were dark gray and they had a snake or serpentent head and poking their head out of the water. >> they had gills and the water flowing behind the head. >> i have been fishing for about 15 years and never had i seen anything like this. >> hoping to get a clearer image, they tried to get closer. >> when we did that, they kind
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of went under and the water went down deep. after that we went back. that was it. >> kelly nash shows his video who investigate extinct and undiscovered species. >> everybody we showed the video to was intrigued by the film. they all agreed it was something that they had never seen in alaska before. >> when i saw this, i was grabber ghasted. i thought he came up with one of the greatest treasures of the. >> the field investigator is certain kelly nash caught caddo camer on camera. >> i said you have one of the best things since sasquatch. >> kelly nash taped it and i have seen every crete are on the water and i don't know what that
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was. that's what got us to want to go off and try to find it. figure this out. >> jonathan, king crab captain and star of the deadliest catch believes it is a giant sturgeon. he set sail in 2011, hoping to prove his theory. >> the daily news or whatever put the word on this thing. i thought woun't that be nice? >> despite an exhaustive search, he returns empty-handed. >> i had high hopes about finding this thing. i would love to go back up and when i get older and more time on my hands, i will go up there and disprove this thing. until then, the myth lives on. perhaps the mystery is what we love most of all.
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