tv Hardball With Chris Matthews MSNBC December 29, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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went into detroit and chicago and other places on this show. as we question policing it is not the opposite of that fight. it is the same fight. because we must support good police and the best way is by raising the contradiction that those kids feel under siege, and feel that no one is there to help them. it's one fight and we've got to be willing to stop the violence and raise the questions of those that ought to be doing what their fellow good police do. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. no need to adjust your television set. let's play "hardball." ♪ grges i'm michael steele in for chris matthews. i want to start tonight's show with a simple question. is the republican party finally
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ready to confront the issue of race in america? the past few months have been ripped open through racial and political wounds that run deep in america, especially between police, the black community, and political leaders. in new york this weekend, we saw hundreds of police officers turn their backs on new york city mayor bill de blasio as he spoke at the funeral of a slain new york police officer. those actions ignited some strong responses. >> to be treated with people turning their backs, doesn't matter if you like the mayor or you don't like the mayor, you have to respect the mayor's position. i don't support that. but i do believe mayor de blasio should apologize to the new york city police department. i said it day one, and i think he'd get this over with if he did it. >> they really do feel under attack, rank and file officers and much of police leadership they feel they're under attack from the federal government at the highest levels. so that's something we need to understand also the sense of perception that becomes a reality.
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>> here's the bigger political reality. republicans have a remarkably diverse bench of candidates vying to lead the party in the next election but it appears none of them so far at least, wants to talk directly about race. they're the almost obligatory references to the american dream, the early struggles of the families but never in the context of the communities from which they came. in many respects the party's clinging to an old southern strategy that proved the basis for electoral success in the past but gives them little chance of winning the white house in the future. so i'll ask again, is the republican party finally rate to confront the issue of race in america? joining me tonight from "the washington post," jonathan capehart. and also john fury. john, let me start with you. the idea of the southern strategy is over i announced that when was chairman. we're not doing that anymore. yet we still seem to have the vestiges within the party that
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cling to the strategy where this focus, almost pull, towards that polarizing moment where you're almost separated between white and black. is that still the strategy here or is there something different we should be doing? >> well we need a better winning presidential strategy. i agree with you on that. and it's got to appeal to a broader base of voters of all ethnic groups but it can't be a pandering strategy. the issue in ferguson and new york is really sad. we thought as a country, we had progressed so far. now it seems we're going backwards. these are democrats in mostly the big cities that are having these issues. republicans have understand they have to be both pro-cop and pro-criminal just reform. and some of our candidates, like rand paul, pdunderstand that. >> who do you see emerging as
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that voice? >> i think we have a lot of responsible candidates. i think chris christie could be one of those guys. he did very well in the last election with african american voters. someone like jeb bushl who has this understanding of deeper issues and how to appeal to different communities, i think he could do that. i think that rand paul has showed he could do it. and i think marco rubio can do it. we have a deep bench of candidates who are willing to have bigger discussions. we have a problem in this country and we got to fix it. >> jonathan you wrote today that we're past the yufrorria of having a black president. are we past this issue? >> democrats are more comfortable talking about race and the issues surrounding race than the republican party. i would say chairman steele when you were the head of the republican party, you tried to do something that the party
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needs to do by taking the party to places where the party hadn't been before. to african americans, to latinos, to asians broadening the reach of the party. but you're no longer chairman. and ever since then, the party has seemed to retreat from reaching out. they put out an autopsy almost two years ago, bolding pointing out where the party needs to go in order to be an open warm attractive party, to people of color. from the moment that report was released, it was put on the shelf and either the republican party leadership or candidates or leaders within the party, did something or said something that further alienated gays and lesbians, african americans, and particularly potential latino voters who the republican party is going to need if it ever hopes to win the white house again or be viewed as a national party again. >> jonathan you raise an interesting point in that
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respect. particularly regarding the autopsy, the how we're going to do better how we're going to move forward. the party always seems to take one step forward and then has a step or two backwards. here we are today with one of the republican party's rising stars in congress finding himself at the middle of a racial controversy. "the washington post" reports today that representative skeef scalise knowledged monday he spoke at a gathering hosted by white nationalist leaders while serving as a state representative in 2002. that organization has been called a hate group by the southern poverty law center. in a statement, his spokesperson emphasized that the then state lawmaker was unaware at the time of the group's ideology. and its association with racists and ne-yoo-nazi activities. you know him, i know him.
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clearly, to me at least this sounded like poor staffing. you just don't do the homp work to figure out who you're speaking to. >> right. >> but then at another level, how does this counter the narrative that we seem to always run into trying to move the party forward in these areas, but then something pops up and here we are having this conversation about another leader of the party in a sensitive, racial situation? >> well, this happened 12 years ago. it was when he was on a barn-storming tour talking about how to get waste out of government. he's a devout catholics, and a lot of these groups hate catholics as much as anybody else. i think he knows it's a mistake made 12 years ago, but to put it in context, is it part of this discussion? no. it's good research by someone, but steve scalise is not a race-baiter. i think he's a good guy. >> but how does this though
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impact jonathan the party's overall efforts? this is one more feather in that negative narrative. >> yes, it is a setback. because i'm sitting here watching this and thinking, here's a leader in the republican party, a then state senator who as you pointed out, maybe this was poor staffing. i thought that elected officials when before they even agreed to go speak to anyone that those organizations were at least vetted and that maybe red flags didn't go off or maybe they thought, eh it's okay it's fine. but, you know what then state senator barack obama, when he was then senator from illinois and running for president, had to deal with sermons from his now former pastor at a church he attended where the particular sermon that got candidate obama's candidacy in trouble, he wasn't even in the pews that day, and obama had to deliver
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probably the most important speech on race we've had since the 1960s. i think that scal ease who is now the house majority whip is going to have to do a little bit more than the statement that he put out there. >> well he will. and i think he will in time. i agree with you john i think at the end of the day he kind of sees himself, you know not necessarily in this particular situation because of something he deliberately did, but because now he's got to go back and explain past actions. but it does speak to the overall dog whistles that dog both sides in politics and there isn't even agreement that there's a problem half the time. so as we look at the recent polling, according to the new abc news/washington post poll only 1 in 10 african americans agree they get the same treatment as whites under the criminal justice system. that figure significantly higher among whites where it's about 5
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in 10. among whites, there's a more striking divide. 2 out of 3 think that whites and minorities are treating equally under the law. only 3 in 10 democrats agree. >> i think we're speaking past each other and neither are talking about how we solve this really big gulf and how do we make things better in these communities so that there is trust. you cannot have a community where there's you such distrust of the police force. if you do you have a breakdown in all kinds of things. so what we have to do is figure out a way to start talking the same language, to each other and not past each other. >> jonathan this idea of talking to each other and not past each other, why is that a problem right now? why do we seem to have such a hard time getting those pieces to the conversation? >> it boils down to one word. and that's trust. when you have a conversation about race it demands that it
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happens between two people who have a friendship a relationship there where they understand the motives of the other when talking about certain issues or asking certain questions. and on an individual level, we see it happening all the time. people talking about race, which is a very uncomfortable conversation, which is why i say, it has to happen between two friends where there's trust. the reason why i think the conversation never gets off the ground on a national level, it's because as a nation we do not trust each other to have this conversation on race that we must have if we're going to step forward. if we're going to move beyond this. >> i definitely agree with you there. we seem to be shell-shocked to get in the same space to have that conversation. i think it's time we do. so good to have you both with us. coming up, the search is resuming for that missing
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airasia airliner that disappeared earlier this weekend, it disappeared from radar. a rescue chief said it's likely at the bottom of the java sea. plus jeb bush surges to the front of the republican field, he's the strongest candidate against hillary clinton. but for bush and clinton, there are big challenges that come with being the early front-runners and that's ahead. this is "hardball," the place for politics. mmm, progressive insurance here. ever since we launched snapshot, my life has been positively cray-cray.
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winning season. we wish the bushes well. we'll be right back. help on and your big idea is hot dogs shaped like hamburgers? nope. hamburgers shaped like hot dogs. that's not really in our wheelhouse... you don't put it in a wheelhouse. you put it in your mouth. get your credit swagger on. become a member of experian credit tracker and find out your fico score powered by experian. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. you're a hardworking professional with big aspirations. an advanced degree could help you get where you want to go. but sometimes your career can feel like it's getting in the way of your career. now capella university offers flexpath, a revolutionary program that puts you on the most direct path leveraging what you've learned on the job and focusing on what you need to know so you can earn a degree at your pace and graduate at the speed of you. flexpath from capella university. learn more at
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welcome back to "hardball." the search is resuming for airasia flight 8501. the airbus with 162 passengers on board went missing on sunday over the java sea, approximately 40 minutes after taking off from surabaya international airport in indonesia. that search now in its third day, resumed at day break. searchers are concentrating on the last known location of the aircraft, where it disappeared from radar. and they're also expanding the search to land. today the state department confirmed that the government of indonesia has formally asked the united states to help with that effort. joining me now is anthony roman, a former pilot and aviation expert and john mcgraw, the former deputy director of the faa's flight service standard. welcome, gentlemen. ics the question-- i guess the question that a lot of americans have on their
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minds right now, what's happening? this is the third asian airline that's gone down in this year. is it technology is it pilot error? is it the area they're flying over? what's going on is one of the big questions and concerns. >> it's natural for people to have those questions. i think it's very early in this investigation in the search. we really don't know for sure what happened with this particular aircraft. what we know so far wouldn't indicate that there's a problem regionally. even though there have been three major accidents. mh17 which was shot down over ukraine is something that you really couldn't prepare for, the fact that rebels would get this high altitude missile and shoot down an aircraft. so you almost have to take that out of the safety equation. i think people can still in spite of the fact that there have been fatal accidents, all tragedies, they can look at the safety record in asia and overall it's still very good even with these accidents, even though the fatalities are very
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high. >> so how long do you expect it will take before they find the plane and why would it take, you know a significant amount of time if any? they're outfitted with the latest technology presumably. how long do you expect them to take to find the plane? >> well that's an open question michael. everyone is saying this is a reasonably small search area. what we're dealing with is approximately 24,000 square miles of search area. and even though the java sea is approximately 150 meters deep which is in comparison to the indian ocean, where mh 70 landed it is still less than a needle in a haystack to try to find this aircraft. so a couple of things have to happen. they have to determine the fuel burn, the amount of fuel the aircraft had, its last known position draw a circumference
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around all of the possible trajectories that aircraft would have taken and create that search zone. so it can be a year or more before it's located. >> so we don't have the technology in place to pull that information sooner than a year? i mean does it have the flight recorder, and the various pings that go off? you're talking about a long period of time here. i mean i know that part of the ocean is deep and wide and all that, but really a year? >> i'm a lot more optimistic in terms of when they might find this aircraft. the difference with this aircraft and mh370, this aircraft was under radar contact. so you were in an area where there's plenty of radar painting the aircraft. i'm not sure they've had time to really analyze, particularly the primary radar sig lsnals which are sometimes military and take longer to get the data.
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to determine the last location of the aircraft accurately, or also, they may be able to pick out large, if the aircraft broke up in flight they may be able to pick up large items in the area where it was last seen. i think they'll find it in the next days or weeks, rather than a year i'm just more optimistic about that. >> anthony, you've had some thoughts on this idea of the weather playing a role here. i know that's been a big part of of the conversation over the last 24 hours or so. what's your take on the role of the weather? could that have played a significant part in bringing down this aircraft? >> without suffering from investigation bias one cannot ignore the enormous storms that were present in the flight path of this aircraft. now, three aircraft passed through that storm squall line within five or ten minutes prior
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to airasia. however, this area is known as the intertropical convergence zone. and in that particular area, during the northeast monsoonal season you get these monster storms. level 5 thunderstorms. they can grow in energy from 25,000 feet to 50,000 feet in a matter of minutes and engulf an airplane. but we don't want to suffer from investigation bias as i said, and we would volumehave to look at other considerations. it's much too early to tell. we have to look at the terrorism aspect. although that's a low likelihood. we want to look at all the technical data we want to look at what the pilots were saying when the flight data recorder is found. the problem with those instruments, sometimes they're damaged during the crash, which would prolong the investigation and even the search.
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>> which gets back to your earlier point. and i know this is a real frustration for the families. all our hearts go out to them particularly at the holiday to have something like this happen. hopefully the experts are able to speed up the process and we'll know soon what happened to that asian flight. thank you both for being here, anthony roman and john mcgraw. up next as 2014 winds down jeb bush and hillary clinton are the front-runners for 2016 but there's a danger to being the leader this early and that's ahead. this is "hardball," the place for politics.
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it's been over a week since jeb bush declared on facebook he would actively explore the possibility of running for president of the united states. according it a new cnn poll he holds a commanding lead over all the other potential candidates. his closest competition, new jersey governor chris christie is ten points back. on the democratic side hillary clinton continues to dominate the field by more than 50 points. the question is are there down sides to being out ahead this early? ryan grim is washington bureau chief for the huffington post. what's the upside of being out this soon? front-runner, really? there's no one declared. >> everyone's saying they're in the race until they're not in the race. i think everybody surprised, i certainly was, when jeb bush made this announcement that seemed to be very close to him inching into this race. everyone looks to 2008 and said
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hillary clinton was the front-runner then, didn't do her much good. but she wasn't as much of a front-runner then as now. and jeb's lead is not nearly as commanding as hillary clinton's. he's more like the mitt romney of this field. essentially because you'll see him take up that establishment, you know oxygen in the room in the way that mitt romney did in the way mitt romney splits everything else. >> ted cruz told politico he's a fan of jeb bush, but warned republicans, if we nominate another candidate in the mold of a bob dole air a john mccain or mitt romney the same voters who stayed home in 2008 and 2012 will stay home in 2016 and hillary clinton is the next president. is that a good calculation, or is that just ted being ted? >> that's the argument that he's going to make because it's the argument for ted. and the idea that ted cruz is going to get out enough of the
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kind of like white base in order to overcome the demographic challenges that they have, i think, is a bit of a fantasy. jeb's argument is a different one. he's saying, i'm going to shift some votes in the middle. ted cruz has not demonstrated he can expand the electorate. the people that like ted cruz they tend to vote anyway. >> so is there resistance by a jeb bush or hillary clinton to the tag front-runner or is there more of an emphasis by either folks in the press or the political opponents to throw that tag on to them because it does carry a lot of weight when you go into this contest. how do you see it? >> i think if i were running in this race, i'd rather be the front-runner than someone at 2 or 3%. because when you're the front-runner, you're going to attract the attention -- >> but 16% does not -- >> well, jeb bush he's 23%, he's a soft front-runner
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primarily because he's an establishment figure. it's name recognition. but you attract donors, and buzz and press and that feeds on itself. but i think you run the risk of getting a little lazy. i get nervous when duke is up far in a basketball game. so i think in some ways it could be the same. >> there are a lot of back and forth on this whole front-runner tag, and certainly the"the new york times" says he's been out of the state for 137 days or 40% of the time since his second naurtion in january. this month he was in canada endorsing the keystone pipeline which is backed by big republican donors but not so much by new jersey interests or their voters. the governor has remained silent
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on the pipeline that would run through his own state and is opposed by state republican leaders. last month, he vetoed a bill banning gestation crates for pigs. legislation popular in new jersey but unpopular in iowa the first caucus state where mr. christie is headed next month for a conference of conservative voters. so ryan big in the blanket here? all of a sudden we got pigs in jersey. >> now he's in the pocket of big pig. the problem for chris christie is that his calling card he's the guy that's going to tell you the hard truths. he's not this everyday politician who is going do cater to every old interest group here and there. and here he is bending to the whims of these iowa voters and doing it in such a transparent -- i mean as he's in iowa practically, he's vetoing the bill in new jersey. >> and i think that's the starkest part about this that you know you have these
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interests at home that you're not necessarily paying attention to and yet in states like iowa or elsewhere, you're championing or arguing the point. how does that ultimately play? you >> i think part of his calling card has also been the new jersey miracle, the turnaround that's been seen in new jersey. the problem with that is that it's not really a miracle. you've had the casinos close down, credit downgrade in that state. so part of his challenge is how does he sell new jersey in iowa? he's not really part of the home-schooling crowd and that sort of tea van gel cal crowd. so in some ways it's sort of useless for him to sell his message to iowa in some ways. >> while christie is having problems with pigs, hillary is not having problems with her polls. the gallup poll has found that
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she's the most admired woman in the world. she beat out oprah, michelle obama and a host of others. he's been the most popular woman among the last 17 years. not a bad number. sort of the sally fields, they like me, they really, really like like me. >> i think that's part of what you get when you're in the white house. obama is the most admired man. she only beat oprah by 4%. >> how do you see this? it's early and you're going to have this dance and this conversation for the next two years. but how do you see this thing setting up right now as we begin 2015 and the race for the presidency is under way. how do you see it falling out for jeb, chris christie has got some dangling participles out there in investigations. how do you see this playing out for them and hillary clinton? >> the problem for hillary comes if inevitability becomes her only argument. you know i am the front-runner because i'm the front-runner.
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because as soon as that starts to erode, then the entire argument is gone. the argument for her in 2007 and 2008 was that she's the front-runner, she's the one that's going to win, everybody better get behind them and remember the clintons are very vin dictative and will get you if you're not behind them so that works until it doesn't. and the second that it stops working, it can't be recovered. if somebody like elizabeth warren is going to run, at least she has an argument. everybody knows what her argument is. wall street's messing everything up for everybody. so that's her argument. you're either with that or you're not with it. what does hillary have? she has inevitability. once it's gone it's hard to get back. >> remains to be seen. it's going to be a fun campaign and it kicks off right now. up next sony put out "the interview" and it actually did
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>> here's what's happening. a uss destroyer is heading to the search zone where crews are looking for missing flight airasia 8501. the u.s. military conducted a strike and the pentagon is assessing the results of that operation. and bill de blasio will meet with representatives from several police unions. back to "hardball."
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it's a gift. you know what i mean? just to see what all the hoopla was about. >> it wasn't the most christmas thing we did, but it was the most american thing. >> welcome back to "hardball." those movie goers were talking about "the interview," the movie that may have the most winding road to release of any movie in history. at his first showing, the stars thanked the audience personally. >> we just want to say thank you. if it wasn't for theaters like this and for people like you guys, this literally would not be happening right now. >> so far, "the interview" has taken in more than $15 million online and nearly $3 million in theaters. it's a huge online success. going forward, will movie goers demand that big movies beeieseies be released online as well as theaters? it may be a whole new movie distribution para dime. i'm joined by the "hardball"
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roundtable "time" magazine's zeke miller and the daily caller's matt lewis. did you spent six bucks? did you get into the hype? >> no i did not. this time. but let me tell you, i would love it if this sets a trend. you know you got to the movies you sit there, you have to sit through these trailers that are just horrific. you go to see dumb & dumber too and you're watching horror movie pre previews. you're paying $15 for a huge popcorn. people are texting in front of you. >> that's a killer. >> everybody has hd tvs at home. i would love it to find a way to watch new movies at home and i'm hoping this is it. >> it opens up i think, a real opportunity for this new era to unleash itself. it's unfortunate the way it came about, cyber hacking, a company
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like sony has serious ramifications, but looking at it from a perspective of where movie theater goers are, how many people are going to the theater? >> box office revenues are down year over year. well before "the interview." in comparison to the number of screens it was o in comparison to other films that were released over the weekend. it's not a very good film. people want to watch movies, where they want whenever they want. you can order up a pizza in 30 seconds. i want to order up a movie on my couch in 30 seconds. >> i like that idea. in fact, i did that this weekend. but melinda, the whole idea you heard in the sound bite there, it was the most patriotic thing i could do. [ laughter ] i don't go to the movies am i
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not being patriotic? >> you want to see a stupid movie, just say you're in the mood for that not try to wrap it in the flag though i understand the point they were trying to make. i think you're going to see this more and more even without "the interview," for certain kinds of movies but for big blockbuster movies, i was looking forward to my taste in movies to seeing "into the woods." i wouldn't have wanted to see that at home. i think the major chains are still going to be able to block that kind of movie from coming out -- >> but to zeke's point, that audience is a diminishing audience. because i look at my millenials 26 and 23 they don't own a television. they stream everything. they rarely, if ever go to the movies. they may go if it's theat the next "star wars," only because the
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television in our house isn't big enough to accommodate that. but other than that a lot of it is at home with my popcorn and my beer or soda watching in front of my television. so how does hollywood transition itself to this new marketplace, because i think it's a threat to the big theaters? >> i think you'll see movie theaters trying to become destinations. you're starting to see the trend -- >> with ferris wheels and rides inside? >> even just from the multiplex where you're cramming in as many seats, you're seeing more and more theaters that are retrofitted with lazy boys and even drinks at your seat during -- at set points during the film. turning them into higher class destinations that you go to because they want to attract the people who want to see "star wars," the next "star trek," avatar -- >> it's harder to recoup the money for big movies if you're doing it online. six and 8 bucks for a whole
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family supposedly versus the -- >> it's relevant about the communl experience seeing a really big movie around other people. but for 99% of the movies out there, i would pay more money to get to watch it at home with my pug uncle rico -- [ laughter ] >> and i'd pay $19.99 because my wife could see it to too with me. >> and you wouldn't have to deal with the light from someone's cell phone. >> which is way worse. >> and the r popcorn. >> big movie comes out, blockbuster, big stars, would you stay at home or do you go to the theaters? >> unless it's special effects, i stay at home. it helps me out, because then i get to write about something that's happening this week. if you're writing about movies you have to right about them as they come out. >> how about you, stay home or go to the movie? >> it depends on the movie. >> i still like the idea of seeing the movie in the theaters. that said if it's a slow
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sunday, and i just need something to do and there's no football on i might give in and just watch it on the couch. >> what an old-fashioned idea. movies in the theater. okay, the roundtable is staying with us. as chris christie travels the country, voters back home in new jersey are getting frustrated. that's ahead. this is "hardball," the place for politics. book is nice. but i think women would rather curl up with their favorite man. but here's the thing: about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. and remember, you only take it when you need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. ask your doctor about viagra.
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is it right for me? is it right for my family? is it right for the country? if i answer yes -- >> in what order? >> me my family the country. and if i answer yes to all three of those things then i'll run. if i don't answer yes to all three, then i won't. >> we're back. new jersey governor chris christie has got a few questions to answer before he decides whether or not to run for president. a new poll has him in second place among republicans for the 2016 nomination but in new jersey christie's favorables have taken a hit. a "new york times" article headlined christie roams and popularity suffers at home
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suggests new jersey voters may feel ignored. it notes that as chairman of the republican governor association, over the past year he has spent 152 days or 42% of his time outside of new jersey. could christie's popularity at home affect his 2016 chances? i'm joined again by the roundtable, zeke melinda and matt. so what's up with that christie move? is he in trouble or what? >> if you look at the questions he had to answer, it's me, my family, the country. it's not the state of new jersey in there. christie's always going to have to break away from new jersey if he wants to run for president. he has to run on his record there and tell his story through what he's done in his state. but he has to get out of there and his popularity is going to take a dive when he does that. you have to outgrow new jersey to win the nation. >> that's always the sweet spot you know staying at home and taking care of business at home while your duties and responsibilities as rga
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chairman, for example, command that you be somewhere else. and he's taken the hit on that. but is there more to the story than just the rga and being out of the state? he's gone through the ringer certainly on the he's got an f.b.i. probe going on and a downgrade of the state's credit. are new jerseyians kind of feeling left out? or what? >> i thought it was interesting that he seemed to admit that he was putting what was best for him ahead of whether it was best for the country. but, that aside, i don't think that voters, nationally are going to care whether new jersey voters felt he was out 069 country too much when he was even seriously considering running for president. i think it would be a more serious issue if some of the things that people in new jersey seem to be umpset about it. some of the things that you mentioned, job numbers, unemployment is higher in new jersey than it is in the nation as a whole. i think that could be an issue
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for him. but, per se the fact that he's not in new jersey enough is definitely not going to hurt his presidential also peblgt. >> so that doesn play well at home in jersey playings wells well in iowa? how do you stack him up against the 2016 hopefuls so far? given what he's going to be bringing into a presidential race. given the push back and so the tit for tat he's already had with rand paul who's not going to be a wall flower. how does he navigate that bringing new jersey to iowa? >> well look you eve got a guy who won in a tough state twice. you've got a guy who's head of the republican governor's association, one in states like maryland, illinois mae mae, l are are are massachusetts. a very goon e good tenure as head of the rga. i think the real question is how does the new jersey swagger play in a place like iowa. but i think he's very
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formidable. and i'll say this i think there's a hunger right now amongst conservatives for a governor. and i think that's why you're seeing people like jeb bush and chris christie who are governors, who have name id at the top of that poll. >> but are those same republicans who are hungering for governor also ready to check off or not check off certain boxes beneath the title of governor on that purity test. on whether or not you're the perfect kind of conservative. so how does chris christie check off those boxes in a place like iowa south carolina against a ted cruz or a rand paul. >> well, look. it's going to be tough. if you go down the conservative litmus test is he conservative enough? >> you go through the iowa caucus. >> but i think chris christie haz an ace up his sleef e sleeve in that regard. we tend to inflate toughness with et i don't care.
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etiology. the fact that he will viciously attack barack obama and hillary clinton covers a multitude of sense. i think christie does better amongst conservatives than you would think bassed on his et et logical record. >> i think he has to work out what he's going to do with jeb bush now. what's really interesting about this poll though is you have jeb bush at the top and chris christie in second. the narrative right now is that the republican party is controlled by the tea party. you put those two numbers together and you have an establishment republican weighing the republican nomination again in 2016. that is the sure sign of where the republican party is today. ampblt e and and, yes, the more voe k58 and out spoken members of that party
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are thegrass roots space. >> i and i think senators have declowned themsz. goef nors look better every day. >> they do. they do. but then there's always the gaunt lent of the primary. thank you. we'll be back right after this. blaeng >> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. please write down this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit
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this. it should not be lost on us that the racial lines are not as well-defined as they once were. in fact those lines have taken on new hues and texture as america has changed. which is why we still found ousts ourselves shocked when we hear or read about what happened to michael brown, shawn bell or eric garner in. how koumd that happen? we turn to the day-to-day harshness and find a way to escape the truth that there was more to do after the marches stopped and affirmative action was put in place. no doubt, enormous strides had been made since the days plaques were water hosed for wanting an education or refused service at a lunch counter. but there still remains so much unsettled business buried beneath the surface of that relationship. and let's be honest about it. this racial dynamic may have many hues to it. but its primary colors have been and will remain black and white. black and white america is quick to place the blame on the
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systemic issues of poor education, unemployment militarized police drugs and a host of other ills and we are very right to do so. but we are disconcertingly uncomfortable with addressing the underlying issue of race. how race is used by whites against the black community and as an excuse by blacks for harm we often do to ourselves. we do not live in a post-racial america. and we must be honest with ourselves and our children about that. but what does it say about these times? wln e when a black male can be shot and the community seems annoyed about the protests? each day, each week each month, more of our future is lost to gunfire, failing classrooms boarded up businesses and a lack of parenting and teen pregnancies. how are we prepared to respond to the increased incidents of
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targeting black males. how do we expect any changes if we don't vote? and, finally, what shoumd we say to our sons who have been told that this is a different america than the one their grandparents grew up in. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. >> tonight, on "all in." the disappearance of a flight from ind news sha. tonight, what we know and what we don't. then, saturday they turn their back on the mayor at a funeral. today? >> bill belasio. >> today, we'll have the latest on the on going clash between the mayor and the police of new york city. plus the third most powerful house republican acknowledges speaking at a white nationalist meeting. and, from 2014's rookie of the year.
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