tv The Cycle MSNBC December 30, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm PST
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an asia air jet overshot the runway in the philippines. the emergency shootchutes came out. but no one was hurt. searchers have found the cite where they believe 8501 went down. portions of the plane have been found as well as a number of bodies. dis distraught family members learned by a tv report. >> a navy ship is aiding in the search. this has become a recovery mission clearly. katy tur is in singapore. >> reporter: they have pulled quite a few bodies out of the water and they will try to i.d. them as fast as humanly possible so they can get them back to these family so is they can start their religious customs, their memorials their burials as fast as possible. faenl family members were hoping for a miracle, but they found out about the wreckage and bodies in
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probably the worst way possible. they were watching local tv at the time when there were images of bodying floating in the water shown on live tv. they were not given a warning. it is worth repeating that there were 162 people on board this flight 17 kids one baby. tomorrow they will be given a charter flight to fly around the islands around the area where the plane lost contact with the radar and they want to give those family as chance to pray for the loved ones .they are still calling this a search and rescue operation. so there is still some hope that there could be a survivor or two out there. they will begin again today tomorrow once daylight comes out. five countries are involved including the u.s.. they have offered two of their own naval ships they will be combing the water to try to find whatever they can. they will also be sending divers under water to a big shadowy area where they believe the bulk of the wreckage is. they're hoping the divers can
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find the black boxes bring them bag so they can figure out exactly what went wrong, whether are or not the bad weather was actually to blame. >> we'll dig more into the investigation now with tom costello. what do we know at this point? >> i think what we know is that this plane was for whatever reason at 36,300 feet and at a relatively slow speed. in fact near stall speed when it ran into trouble. the question is why. because was it because it was suddenly facing unbelievable headwinds or did something else happen. was there some sort of a mechanical problem with that was there a computer problem. was there a pilot error. we know multiple planes transited through the storm and we know this pilot in particular tried to climb to a higher are altitude to get out of harm's way. but we don't know whether the plane was torn apart by winds
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and severe weather or whether in fact there was a mechanical reason that this plane suddenly approached stall speed and then did pilots lose control and did the plane quite simply stall and fall to the ocean some 36,000 feet below. it if so, the plane as you know it appears it came apart on impact with the water it did not it appears come apart in air. that is the earliest read on this this. and the priority will be first to recover the victims and then second to identify the tail section of the plane and in particular they will be looking for the flight data recorder and the cockpit voice recorder. it reports about 1,000 parameters of data everything from head winds to how the engines are performing to your altimeter to what inputs the pilots are making. what is the trim like. a whole variety of pieces of data. but then you couple that with the kfrngts of conferences in the cockpit, and those two pieces of data should give you a picture about what happened what decisions were made and
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what the crew was thinking and dealing with. >> you talk about that data and painting that picture. and a tremendous amount of data information that we know is there and stored. and yet one of the things that comes up whenever we cover these kind of disasters is the fact that the data isn't always communicated in real time. reading from the "new york times" today, they point out airlines use satellites to provide internet connections for passengers. yet they still do not stream data in real time about a plane's location. you can you walk us through that sort of contrast and whether any of that will eventually change? >> it is changing here in the united states. we're going to this next generation of air traffic control systems and they do have gps based satellite tracking that is now being rolled out across the entire system. but it is not mandated worldwide. you won't get the international civil aeronautics organization to mandate that because you can't order individual countries or airlines to spend the kind of
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money necessary to equip their planes with that. keep in mind this is a business the aviation business as really been on its knees financially only until the last five years are or so especially here in the united states. it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars and maybe even higher than that to equip every commercial aircraft in the world with that kind real time satellite tracking technology capability. this is by the way airasia is a low cost carrier. yes, it's been profitable other than the last you few years. but it's a low cost carrier. and when you start talking about having to add significant amounts of dollars to the cost of your trip topoint a to point b to pay for that big technology upgrade, airlines have been reluctant to do that. i don't see that happening anytime soon. it may come from peer pressure if the united states and the europeans for example set the tone and they begin map datingndating it in the united states and elsewhere and other regions
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begin to follow. but it truly is a situation of how much it costs and is there a cost benefit to be made. >> tom, one more question on that cost binenefit analysis. do the airlines lose significant money when a plane like this goes down or does insurance make them whole? >> first of all, there is no one single insurance policy. every airline has their open policy. and some individuals are individually ensured. but i don't know who is insuring airasia. as we saw with malaysia airlines and the loss of flight 370 and the shoot down of flight 17 i think it's fair to say it brought that airline to its knees. now, for malaysia airlines it can rely on the fact that it has a large chunk or was at that point largely owned but not wholly owned by the government. today the government has now taken full control over malaysia airlines. it's the only way that that airline could stay afloat. >> tom, thank you very much for that information. joining us with more on the
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challenges that lie ahead for investigators trying to find this plane is director of special projects. dave, your company is famous for finding proverbial needles in haystacks. you were the ones who helped find the air france flight that was at the bottom of the atlantic that people looked for for years. you found it and helped us learn what we needed to learn about that crash. talk about the challenges around finding this plane that are different from the challenges around other similar situations. >> certainly we were part of a huge international airport. i don't want to make it seem like it was just us. but we were the ones out there. and in this case that case air france 447, a plane people thought would never be found, we were dealing with deep water, very rupged terrain at the bottom mountains. more steep than any mountains we have on land. and a c-4 that was not known. we had no idea what was down there.
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in this case much shallower waters. and benign conditions. you don't have the 10 20, 30 foot waves. fairly calm sea conditions. i'm not saying it's flat calm. just relatively so. also the distances involved we're close to land here. we don't have to transit out for days just to get to the work site. we can get out there in a matter of hours. so i think that makes things a lot easier and the kinds of tools that we can bring to bear are much more easily available than the deep water stuff. >> give us a sense, you talked briefly about the heavy currents. this has to be the worst time of year to be doing a search like this in this part of the world with the winds and the currents. give us a sense of right now how much more difficult it must make it for them to independent for a the wreckage. >> i'm told the currents are right now not so bad there. i'm interested in finding out more about that. but certainly currents if you're in the water with vehicle it
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will start pushing the vehicles around. that makes things difficult. visibility, if you're using cameras and the like to document the fuselage, that makes things difficult, too, because it might kick up sediments. so there are just becauses's shallow water doesn't mean it's a cake walk. still going to be tough. two things are going on. one is the humanitarian effort to recover bodies. very important. and number two, to begin the forensic investigation about what happened to the plane all leading eventually to i said for aing those black boxes, finding the fuselage. >> it seems crazy that in 2014 commercial airlines do not use technology to locate planes immediately when they go down. it's not that we don't have the technology. they don't use it. they say there could be be no greater irony than the fact that when helicopters were sent to search for flight 370, because there were military equipment, they were fitted with deployable recorders, they had flight data recorders or black boxes that would be automatically ejected
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if the airplane hit the water. a transmitter would send out signals giving the exact location. why don't commercial airlines use this? >> i'm a little bit calmer about it today than i was yesterday. but my understanding is that the airlines agree that this an important thing, that it will be you have to -- it's not mandated. so it maybe tough to put it in place. infrastructure is not quite there yet. you talk about cost benefit. think about the anguish of these families and now there are thousands of families involved when you have 160 some odd passengers. but look at the anguish and tell me it's a matter of cost to make them suffer for days at a time and even longer in the case of flight 370. horrific. and the cost of a search. in deep water, we're talking about tens of millions of dollars before you're done with the deep water search. so i find it hard to believe that that's a good reason not to get off their butts and get the system in place. it's time. >> thank you so much for your time. we appreciate it. there is much more to come on this developing story mainly
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the question we are all wondering today, what happened inside that cockpit. the news does not stop for the holidays. and we are here on this second to last day of 2014. >> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. please write down this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you're on a fixed income or concerned about rising prices, learn about affordable whole life insurance with a lifetime rate lock that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information or if you misplaced it call this number now and we'll rush it to you. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. please stand by to learn more.
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tricky. here is carl parker. >> one of the leading theories as to the cause of the airasia flight is presence of super cooled water drop lets in the thunderstorm cloud. let's take a look at how that might have happened. here is the flight flying into the cloud. super cool water drop lets are liquid water drop lets that exist below freezing because they do not have ice nuke clee eye to form ice. but when they come in contact with objects such as a plane, they can form ice. there are tubes on the front of these planes and they measure the air speed of the plane. so air flows into the tube and that creates a certain pressure and that pressure is what reads the air speed. but if that tube is blocked for some reason, then they won't get an air speed measurement. p the tubes are heated so that generally does not occur. but it certainly is possible that it could have been not heated, there could have been a malfunction and ice could have built up thp case they wouldn't get an air speed measurement, they wouldn't know how fast they
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were flying and in that case they may have gone into a stall. that's a possible explanation for what happened there on the other side of the world. back to you. >> very interesting theory. let's bring in michael kay, former adviser to the uk ministry of defense. what do you think about this other about the pito tubes getting frozen and thus pilots not knowing how fast they were actually going? >> first thing i want to say is that we don't know what's happened until we get all the data. it will tell us what happened, it nt would he will it us how it happened. what has been described there is the sequence of events that brought air france 447 from the cruise into the crash location. what happens is that pressure you're talking about is dynamic pressure. it goes into the air speed indicator. when that gets blocked, the air speed indicator operates as an altimeter. so if the aircraft flims, you'll sclimb,
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you'll see an increase in speed, if it descends, a decrease in speed. there was something that occurred which was slow like an icing buildup that the crew weren't aware of. that's why a call didn't go out. or and we mustment rule this out, there was a catastrophic event. something like an explosion, something like a rapid decompression where there wasn't time a put a call out. >> and i heard a third 240ertheory from a pilot the that sometimes the actual emergency incident is so overwhelming that the pilots are completely focused in an emergency secretary of trying to manage it. say they have one or two minutes to go. and they never put out a distress call at all. do you think that should be fitted in here as a theory? >> there are a million different theories. and we never know how a crew is going to operate. crews go through what is called crm, crews resource management. and they are trained for hours
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on how to deal in situations like this. the mantra is to fly, navigate the airport, and then communicate. so it could well be that they have so busy flying the airplane that a call may not go out. i find it highly unlikely. >> you don't think that's likely. you think this is a situation where you run in into a problem and if or not in xhun cadn xhun cad dough, you would get a did it ists distress call out? >> i've been in a rapid decompression claim we are decompression chamber and all of a sudden they will take you to 30,000 feet. and what happens is the air inside your body expands. it's a very very uncomfortable thing that happens to your body. so you have to get over that to begin with. but going back to the simulator, these guys would l. havehave trained
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for hours. >> but for a storm like situation like this? how well trained are pilots for circumstances like this where you're in a moment as ari was mentioning and the pilot has to make the decision on his own. >> there are literally hundreds of combinations of emergencies that can occur. from the very basic ones such as a pito heater failure. and the crew will deal with it. it might be a circuit breaker popping. or from the severe double engine failure. what i would say is that in the simulator, when you go in, you are in the mindset to have all these emergencies thrown at you. if there is a situation when you're 30,000 feet you're in the cruise everything is looking good and you get a slow build up of something that's when it can be dangerous because or not getting alerted to it. and the way that you train yourself to deal with these type of situations is cross-referencing the instruments.
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what is the vertical speed indicator saying what is the -- >> so is it normal to slow down in a situation like that? >> you would never slow down as you're approaching. there is a stall speed for a reason. we talk about going into the stall. one of the key things when you get into a heavy stall is the stick shaker. what will happen is the yoke or the the stick which the pilots fly with which literally start to shake. that's when you're entering the very final moments of a catastrophic stall and you'll get alarms going off, as well. so there are a lot of alarms and indications built into something before you get into a situation where you have air france 447 descending at 14,000 feet. >> we come out here and we have these dyeetailed conversations and of course it would be absurd to report 4,000 planes took off and all landed safely. but overall, aviation is as safe
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as it's ever been. and the vast majority of times nothing is going to happen. we didn't want to overscare people by always talking about and never reminding them that aviation is still extraordinarily safe for this point in history. >> it's a great point. there are 50,000 people that die from road traffic extents s accidents, 300,000 people that die from obesity. this is something that is very unusual. i think what has happened is malaysia 370 has woken everybody up and because still hasn't been found yet, people are now more alert to this and there are a lot of people who travel through air, thousands of flights every day. >> when i took off for new york last week i could see probably 100 planes in the air. i was amazed at how there are so you few incidents that actual li happen. >> and i think that is probably something more concerning to me is the amount of aircraft. congested airways that we see.
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but there is technology that helps. >> michael, thanks. always good to see you. coming up, big weather problems here at home. has the power to captivate. [ all cheering ] ♪ ♪ that's why shakira uses... crest 3d white with whitelock technology, removing up to ninety percent of surface stains and locking out future stains. so your smile always steals the show. and to get even faster whitening use this collection for a whiter smile in just 2 days. crest 3d white. life opens up with a whiter smile. i take prilosec otc each morning for
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a new weather pattern being brought to las vegas. sin city will be more like snow city. several inches will expected there. the biggest storm in six years. and they are he's not alone. a major cold blast is spreading east. gabe guttierez took a big gamble and file this had report for us from vegas. >> reporter: cinci maysin city may be freezing over this new year's eve eve. perhaps 1 or 2 inches in the area. but the big concern, hundreds of thousands of tourists, more than
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300,000, are expected on the vegas strip on new year's eve. this is all part of a big arctic blastsis gripping much of the country. colorado seeing bone chilling cold, including temperatures that are barely over zero. and there has also been problems in other states. a crash fatality reported in idaho and very low temperatures across much of the country. here in vegas the last time they saw some snowfall was six years ago and there has never been a new year's eve where they had measurable snowfall. at least on record. so people here are wondering exactly how much snow the storm will bring and here in vegas though, i don't think it will completely ruin new year's eve parties. back to you. >> i think gabe is right on that. the new year's eve ball is now in place over times square. today they tested the lights. all will be bright no doubt. and you know what that means,
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the big count donecountdown to the cycle look back. and the guests helped make the cycle what it was. some are serious, some are serious, some are like ari. who am i kidding. none are like ari. but here are the biggest newsmakers in 2014. >> start with your strengths and weaknesses and most of us don't have a good feel for that. >> if you're tory you don't have any weaknesses. >> i sat down with several members of the congressional black caucus and their positions are clear about the government's role. >> many of us have needed a bridge over troubled water. >> i say this for young people all the time. they will say i'm not the afraid it die. i'll say, no, but you're afraid to live. it's harder to live. >> as you position on your legacy, however long you are in
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office, you're one of the -- ninth longest serving attorney general, is part of your legacy moving from in-takers indication to incarceration to rehabilitation if. >> i would hope one of the things that people look back on and say that we got right. was prevention, reentry activities. >> the problem on the war on drugs is taking a lot of people and punishing them for a lifetime and i think if we can get back back into both voting and working, they're much less likely to get in trouble. >> this has a profound racially disparate impact. we just take a dumb broken system frankly and make it work for every american. >> one iraqi interpreter proved so valuable that he became a brother in arms saving countless american lives and risks his own as one of the most wanted men in iraq. >> i'm the most lucky guys in
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the world to have this chance to work with military police and with s.e.a.l.s. and try to save my people. >> during the time we were in afghanistan, i really tried to detash 3450i68 from detach myself from him. >> the problem is what is a target. is this a civil war. you won't win solely from the air. and that's something washington has never quite graspeded. >> every time frank would come along and do off an aside to the camera and ifis even remotely close it him i'd go i can hear you. >> it's like everyone has a knife in their hand and not a smidgeon of conscious in their heart. speaking of conscience i'll try not to spoil anything. p. >> you know what they say. imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. >> politics is a dirty business. trust me. i see it every day working with these people. >> actors of color come in different kind of shapes sizes and training. and i just remember actors that
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were classically traineded a decisioning for these pinches and it's like i ain't got no many. when i get out of this car, you better make sure you pay me. >> he talks about coming out of the closet which he thinks should be called something more manly like busting out of a tool shed. >> you look very much out of the tool shed now. >> when i was growing up i didn't see out people on tv, but i realized i had the possibility to be that person that a young person could look to and say, oh he happens to be gay, he's a weatherman. he's on tv. and he's normal. >> we've been inside the vigilante gangs who catch gay men for sport. >> there is arising tide of violence against gay people in russia and it's incredibly disturbing. and that's why we made this film. >> not everybody outside the community is bad people. there are people out here that want to help. >> warren jeffs is your uncle. how emotional was it?
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>> i didn't really understand the emotional trauma that was still there. just watching that again now it brings back a lot of emotion. >> senator chris murphy of connecticut shadowed a homeless man to experience the real world challenges of getting back on your teets. >> it is a dehumanizing existence to just do it for a day. he's now in a vicious cycle where he can't get a job without a home because it's really hard to list a homeless shelter on job applications. but he also can't get a home without a job. >> i've been homeless many a years. slept in my car, me my father my mother. and instead of going home after a game or after school, i would just go to a parking lot and just sleep there for the night. >> sports serve different roles for different kids. there seem to be this one theme of i'm going to use sports to make my life better. best case scenario, i'm kevin
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durant, but maybe it means getting in to college, maybe just getting through high school. sports will help me. >> there is a twinkle in your eye, a feeling in your heart. when you start with nothing, you have nothing to lose. >> thank you so much grandpa. approach example of what the american greem dream is all about. >> he knows he has leverage with the united states. >> probably the smartest man i know on china. dad, thank you so much. say hi to mom for me. >> only thing you need to be a good meditator is patience. >> meat is also a really good source of nutrients, it has follow late folate, iron. it's a nutrients dense food. i'm saying it's okay to eat it. >> i love you. >> i'm a carnivore. >> what would it be. >> outside skirt steak.
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>> i have very little photographic imagery of me doing my job. it's a brute force job. >> in alaska a lot of kids grow up doing what they do as a business. and a lot of my friends own fishing boats or whatever it is. and i run a gold mine. >> 7 million people watch daredevil nik wallenda calmly walk a tight rope strung high across chicago. >> it's been overtraining walking backward kneeling down. it builds confidence. >> one name has been synonymous with the biggest, tallest and fastest. no it's guinness. >> people who actually carry them out are not so much off the wall, they're actually incredibly trained professionals. >> as long as people believe in ridiculous story, i think we'll be in business. >> we had lots of great guests this year. quite a blessing.
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♪ >> you know what that means and i don't because i'm not a sports fan, but it has something on doto sports. it has to do with baseball. but a lot of sports on the cycle and a lot of people who love shorts, in the sports cycle. game on. >> to sports because i'm apparently in character of that now. >> nfl conference championship sunday. a big pile of buffalo wings.
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it's all about execution. >> it's really about who gets better secondary run support and who is quicker with their read zone read options. >> what she said. >> and who is better in their power of o schemes. >> wait what? >> looks like you don't know your xs and os, my brother. >> i was saying to someone, well, i haven't watched a game all year but i'm thinking of sitting town anddown and watching the super bowl on sunday because my seahawks are in it and i was told the super bowl is not sunday, this past sunday yesterday, it's actually next sunday. >> what is even more sad about your story is the person you were talking to is me. i knew that and you didn't. >> odds makers had denver winning and i stumbled into a weirdly dead on be accurate prediction prediction. i'll say 40-love. >> yeah, that's -- that is a big prediction. >> when you know you know. and sometimes when you're guessing you also know.
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>> opening ceremonies were also taking place in sochi. it is now mid thigh there. we know this is all very hush-hush, but what can you tell us right now. >> that's right. i'm not really allowed to tell you about it, so sorry about that. back to you. no i'm kidding. >> irony an bounds in sochi. the site of the winter olympics is in the midst of a winter thaw. >> it's lady's night as champions were just crowned on the ice and in the half pipe. >> it's tourney time baby. >> we're constantly talking about ncaa stuff. and so i have a question for you that has been burning up on my mind. that is last year's cinderella story was wichita state. >> so much so you have to read it. >> who is winning the cycle tournament challenge? krystle with her hometown pick of virginia? >> not so much. >> yes, tory is winning. >> yes! so i won? i won?
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yay. >> congratulations. you get to be on television. >> belmont favorite california cell in position to become the first horse in nearly 40 years to win the triple crown. what is that on your left arm there? is that a tattoo that indicates that you think -- >> do you want to start with this? this is chromey is my homey. so if he doesn't win, i'll have to cover it over wrks i don't know arose or something. >> now to the game every is talking about today, team usa's heartbreaking tie with portugal last night. >> americans don't like ties. we don't do well with ties. >> you talked about your favorite players. mine is tim howard. he is the best goalie in the world cup. phenomenal. >> i think he's trying to avoid something that we are all waiting to talk about, which is that germany won the world cup.
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>> yes. >> you were wrong. jordan was wright. >> right. >> i did chase ken griffey jr.'s car donewn for an autograph when i was 10 years old. >> i was like ten, the car was leaving. he wouldn't sign. they drove off. and i just chased. he got caught in traffic and he rolled down the window and signed the ball. >> abby says you can't pick among the all-stars. that's like saying who adds the most to the group. >> now coming to the plate, six time all-star two time world champion, the author of the yankee way, the second baseman, thumb 30, willie randolph. welcome.
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>> bob shepherd you're not. >> derek jeter ends his final game with a walkoff single. derek jeter, where fantasy becomes reality. did you have any doubt? >> everybody is saying thank you derrick. and i'm thinking to myself, for what?erick. and i'm thinking to myself, for what?ick. and i'm thinking to myself, for what?ck. and i'm thinking to myself, for what?k. and i'm thinking to myself, for what? i'm just trying to do my job. thank you guys. >> so long captain. all yankee fans will miss you more than you know. >> one of the greatest jobs in all the world is to be a sports writer. who is boston's greatest athlete of all time? >> from my generation, number 4, be robert gordon orr. it's still a hockey town. >> bobby orr? for this generation. it should be bill russell. but it is not bill russell. we have a statue for bill russell finally.
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finally. >> sports, sport, sports. you know how we roll on the cycle. >> and that is how we've been rolling with the sports. and leaves us with just one final question. kobe or jordan. >> i'm jordan all the way. absolutely. i'm actually sad that they didn't play the clip of you you introducing the olympics. you called it the soki. do you remember that? >> did that happen though? >> that might be in the bloopers package. >> did that happen? >> that handed. >> how you can be so bad at sports? >> great question. >> we have done so many sports. >> the way you ask questions -- why did you suck? look we got to move. more to do with that we have more pun clips coming up because clearly we haven't had enough fun yet. sfwla people always ask me what is she like?
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fun. >> i think i'll outlive all of you. >> we'll see what happens. >> let the republican have fun for once. >> you know he is mcloving these results. >> excuse me. i didn't realize we were back. that election music gets me every time. >> i thought that was my music. >> don't. but according to one big thinker, it's because -- see that's over the line. i know it's a comedy segment. >> our facebook relationship status with edward snowden is complicated. >> always as smooth as snoopy. >> fewer americans have died of ebola a than have actually been married to kim car dash januarykardashian. >> i can say as a guy man opening for patti labelle is probably the gayest thing you can do that is not actually a -- >> ice bucket challenge mania has swept the country. >> are you ready? >> yes. >> it's my turn for -- ooh!
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>> all right. here i go. >> now it's time for a man who assigns seems toometimes steams to be loverable, have you ever been experienced. enough of me, let me play an interesting part of last night. >> i think my crystal ball is a bit more of a snow globe. >> i told you it was possible to be fly in the deep freeze. so i'm here to show you how to do it. >> this storm is already taking a toll on the city. residents are panicked because of the sharks that keep raining down from the sky. >> very believable. >> i hear he can't -- >> everybody is asking for
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autographs. >> the movie was so bad, it was great. >> normal, me some i? i appreciate that. >> i am it feels like freezing rain not a technical term but that's what it feels like coming into my face. >> it is a technical term. >> i think it is time for ask a brother. >> i hope you came ready to play. >> i'm always ready to play. >> what's better spinning or not spinning. >> why? >> because you get to talk about how you feel. >> and you get to argue. >> and you don't have to receipt the prompt. >> and he doesn't read that well yet. >> what? >> do we get to drink it? >> all right you otherwise why
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are we doing this. >> love is in the air. can you feel it. makes me want to drink. >> cheers. >> the more you get to know me the more you will see i love art. >> abbey says you can get wisdom from lilwayne. nothing like talking about 50 cent. >> please welcome karnack the magnificent. >> a thousand blessings on your household. >> you look good as a cynic. you look good as a preacher. >> i've never been called that before. >> #awesome and i was like whash that's right and i'm like #no doubt. >> and i'm like #i wouldn't say awesome. >> i hope hawaiiare we going to have an awkward silence. ari lives from awkward.
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>> i just did some listening. >> this is a true story about a dozen political staffers. >> picked to be on a show about their lives. >> when people stop being real and start being political. >> welcome back to the final table of the cycle's first annual poker championship. i'm josh and that is your chip leader crystal ball also known as cavalier slim. all day long he's been slashing the man called sugar dice like a rag doll. >> this was me last week running to the cycle set. i arrived for the second segment this week with a little help from sally field. how we did it remains a tv secret as a flying nun would say i know my fellow cyclists really like me. >> you guys got to help me out.
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people are not liking my gas. >> oh, the segment is all ruined. >> we're live so we don't get to do it over. >> mom and dad if you're watching please cover injure ears. >> don't have casual sex it is effecting people's judgment. >> it's not all about me. >> look over there see a bird. >> he created his own graphic with his face on the cover. >> the television term is we are going to go to cloecher and cut off debate for this segment. it's a philibuster joke. >> i hear we have a commercial break. >> so quake, quake, everybody. >> we try really hard to produce this show. sometimes there's nothing you can do. things just happen on this show. >> it's live tv. that package made us laugh hereful. i hope others found that funny. >> do you hope people find it
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funnyful made it look like we didn't try but i swear we're trying. >> i might ask you to take us out of this block. >> i think we have a little more time to kill. >> vince is going to end up on next year. >> this is what i will say, this is what i will say, um i think that -- i think that what is beautiful in a show like this this is ensemble show and what is beautiful you do see some of that connect energy. abbey don't realize this at home. you're a ridiculous person. you're so nice to everyone. but you're so goofy. goofier on commercial than on
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the show. >> we're all like that. >> and you have a real thing about correcting people's pronunciation pronunciation. >> that did happen this year. i'm the last on, this is officially my full year. and i just learned so much from being around you, our team. >> you've learned so much being around ari? >> i have. but people might not guess this about you, but you're actually very smart. >> ooh. [ laughter ] >> you wouldn't know that. >> what else have you learned. what have you learned about hosting a tv show? >> ooh. >> from ari? >> no just in general. >> you can't predict anything. that's the perfect thing. i would ask you to read but i'm not after seeing all those bloopers. i will take it myself. there's more cycle to come today and in 2015. consider yourself warned people.
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mutual insurance. okay that does it for the cycle, have a great day everyone. now with the amazing jonathan k starts right now. debris and bodies have been found but many unanswered question for airasia 8501. it is tuesday, december 30th and this is "now." indonesia search and rescue agency confirms debris from the
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plane has been found in the java sea. >> quite a bit of debris. things that look like life vests and luggage. families found this out by seeing bodies floating in the water with no warning. >> families broke down in steertears. >> you brief the families first before providing any information to the media. >> it is absolute torture. >> now the question is where is the rest of the debris. >> the officials now try to learn what caused the crash. >> until we get those boxes we won't know what happend. >> they have also noticed there's a dark shadow under the water in the shape of the plane. >> what will be critical is identifying the tail section of the fusel lodge. >> they are not confirming that there's no survivors. >> you never know stranger
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