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tv   Lockup  MSNBC  January 1, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PST

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due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. investigators are trying to figure out what prompted a man to start shooting at police in hackensack. >> a crime involving law enforcement, we take more personally. >> a police shootout leaves an inmate in the hospital with 14 bullet wounds and two other men are arrested.
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>> i didn't shoot the cop but i sold the gun. >> he had this thought in his head that he wanted to kill himself. suicide by police, basically. >> oh, look at her hair. >> a female inmate arrives with what she says is a hair salon mishap. >> my hair fell out. >> no. >> but officers suspect something else. >> it will be a good story. >> yeah. there's got to be a story behind that. >> definitely. the new york city skyline is visible from some parts of town, hackensack, new jersey, is a smaller, quieter city of about 43,000. but like its giant neighbor, it attracts visitors from all over and that's especially apparent
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at a landmark just outside of downtown. the bergen county jail. >> ain't nobody in this county from this county. crazy. i'm from trenton, new jersey. >> 65% are out of county residents. a lot are for drugs. they are going into the city or coming out, they get pulled over. they use bergen county because its use of artery highways. >> most of the roughly 900 inmates housed here have been accused of crimes and are awaiting trial under the resolution of their cases. like many, deanna collins is not only from somewhere else, philadelphia, she's also facing drug charges but she's unique in another way. >> what happened to your hair? >> really? it was a process. >> at the beauty parlor?
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>> yeah. i had a chemical treatment. i was supposed to be doing body wave and changing my hair color and they ended up singing off my hair. now that i look like this, i look like such a scum bag and not the kind of person you want to pull for. >> looks like it hurts. >> it does. it hurts my pride. it hurts everything. >> collins says things got worse soon after. she was arrested on multiple counts of obtaining prescription drugs through fraud. distributing prescription drugs and forgery. she has pled not guilty but admits to having done some of the things for which she is charged and for battling addiction. >> prescription painkillers, they were my biggest thing. oxycodone. >> she says she was coerced by a
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drug dealer. she stole prescription pads in order to obtain oxycodone from pharmacies in new jersey. >> i'll walk in there as if i have something legitimate and it's not. and then they fill it, they give it to me because they trust me and i walk out. >> why did they trust you? >> i'm nice and sweet and pretty normally. but it's something that i'm not proud of or anything at all. >> collins says she sold some of the pills and swallowed the rest. this is her first time in jail. she is currently on "a" block, a temporary housing unit for new inmates. their backgrounds must be reviewed by the jail's classification team in order to assign them an appropriate housing unit. >> they can either classify me as "c" or "d." "c" is maximum. "d" in minimum.
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i don't know what the categorical process is. hopefully i don't go to c because c is the hardened criminals of the female world, i guess. i don't seem to think i'm that. but i guess i'll find out. >> deanna collins, this is the first time that she's been in our jail. she's got quite a few charges. i see a lot of out of county and out of state charges as well pretty much for the same thing. quite a few actually. obtaining cds by fraud. 15 with one town alone. three with another town and she also has some out of county. dee is wanted out of pennsylvania. oh, look at her hair. >> officers have seen this look before, usually on suspects charged with scamming pharmacies just as collins has been. >> probably shaved it. maybe when she went to the pharmacy to obtain the drugs,
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she put her hair up looking like she was sick, maybe chemotherapy. interesting. i'll have to ask her about that. >> classification is an ongoing process at the jail as new inmates arrive every day. today they include jerry nunez on the left and shawn stark on the right. arrested within hours of each other. they have been connected to a shootout with hackensack police two days earlier. >> officer say the man was walking with a gun and opened fire on a cop car barely missing the officer inside. the shots caused another patrol car to rear-end the first car. they chased the gunman to the corner of first and sussex street. he's in the hospital in critical condition tonight. >> robert lenards charged with several crimes.
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the most serious, three counts of attempted murder. >> face the camera and don't move. >> stark was not arrested for any direct involvement in the shooting but he owned the alleged handgun. he says he's a good friend and had taken the weapon without him knowing it. >> he had came over my house and we were hanging out that night and he had this thought in his head that he wanted to kill himself. he said he would take his own life. i talked to him about this is not his last chance. there are things he can do to better his life. but that night he was over my house, he took my gun. basically how it got from my possession to his possession. i never thought that he would shoot at a police officer or
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even -- it's just. i have really no words. >> right here. >> those stark is not accused of being involved in the shooting he still faces a serious charge. simply due to the fact that he owned the gun used in the shooting. he has been charged with possession of a handgun while committing a crime. he says he will plead not guilty when he goes above the judge. hello. i have been trying to call your phone. >> if found guilty, stark can face up to 20 years in prison. for now he turns to his girlfriend for support. >> listen, okay. they hit me with possession of the firearm in shooting that officer, babe. you have to get me a lawyer. i'm serious. you have to see what lawyer can come here and talk to me asap because i'm going to lose my [ bleep ] mind and please promise me you'll be faithful to me.
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i do not deserve to be in prison. >> meanwhile, jerry nunez who says he sold the gun to stark for $500 is settling in his cell. >> crazy, right? just last night i was watching "lockup" on tv and now i'm on lockup for real. i woke up to banging on the door. it turns out to be the detectives from the bergen county prosecutor's office and they wanted to speak with me. they had questions with a shooting of a cop. i mean, i didn't shoot the cop, but i sold the gun and that's why i'm here. no towel, nothing. don't come to this hotel, guys.
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they don't got [ bleep ] ready for you. >> though nunez was investigated as to the gun, law enforcement authorities have yet to issue any weapons charges. >> they did a search, looking for guns. all they found was pot, weed and 70 grams of bath salt. that's about it. >> nunez was only charged with drug possession to which he plans to plead not guilty. he believes prosecutors are building a case against him related to the police shooting. >> i regret it. it's not even worth it. trade in a 45 caliber $500 for a 10 -- what is it -- 9 by 7? >> now in jail, nunez faces another demon, drug withdrawal. >> tomorrow i'm going to be
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feeling it. it will probably wake me up in the morning throwing up, puking, sweating. i kind of feel sweaty right now. coming up -- >> i told you the first time, a second time and the third time we put your stuff out in the gate and you go. >> he receives a warning. and deanna collins faces skepticism about her hair story.
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inside the bergen county jail it has been a difficult night for two men connected to a handgun used in a shootout with hackensack police officers three days earlier. jerry nunez says withdrawal from painkillers has caused frequent
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vomiting. >> i'm trying to stay positive. sleep it off. just let it out. drink a lot of water. it's all i can do. >> though nunez has had a brief stay in jail before this, his roommate believes he needs a refresher course in jailhouse etiquette. >> he can't come in here and throw up. and not flush the toilets. we can't have that. >> second time. letting you know you can't leave it like that. you got to fix it. >> make the bed. >> do that every morning. ten times you get in the bed, ten times you fix it. when you use the bathroom, got to flush it. it didn't go all the way down. you got to make sure it goes down. we got all types of mrsa here.
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we got staph infections. we tell you a third time, we put your stuff out of the gate and you got to go. you don't step on nobody's toes. you're good. >> though nunez was only arrested on drug charges he admits selling an unregistered handgun to stark who completed his first night here. stark was arrested because the gun he purchased was used by his friend robert leonardes to shoot at police officers. >> yesterday i was just emotionally distraught and the fear of just not what is going to happen to me and who was going to be there for me was very hard. my mind was all over the place but i've gotten a lot calmer and
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my head's in the right place. >> because of their connections to the high-profile case, stark and nunez were immediately placed in separate maximum security housing units. most other new inmates were assigned to a temporary unit until the jail's classification unit can determine the appropriate housing unit. deanna collins has been in the female pre-classification unit for two weeks now. >> we have women in here who have done everything from kill their kids to kill other people to -- just have a littering violation. loud. obnoxious. i may have done something wrong but i don't feel like i should be here. i feel like house arrest or probation or something. >> the one we're going to see today. >> is that the one with the hair? >> yeah. that will be a good story. >> yeah, there's got to be a story behind that. that's definitely done on purpose, you know that. >> yeah. >> classification officers will interview collins before determining whether to place her in minimum, medium or maximum security.
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collins says her hair loss was due to a salon mishap. the officers have their own suspicions. >> collins? >> yes. >> we are from the classification unit and we have to ask you a couple of quick questions. what happened to your head? i was at a salon and getting my hair colored so i could go blond so i could get away from people. i was doing body waves and the chemical process that they put on my head, my hair full out. >> it goes like a perfect line. >> they put the rollers like that. the rollers came out. all my hair was still on them. i was screaming. i was so a mad. >> this is right before you got locked up? >> right before. >> this is no type of scam? nothing like that? >> no. >> that wasn't part of the plan? >> no. >> the drug you were using what is it normally used for, cancer patients? >> yeah, i think so. >> and you're telling me that ball of head right there wasn't
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put in a bandana to go into a pharmacy? >> not at all. >> since her arrest, warrants for collins after matching her mug shot. >> you're all over the map here. >> yeah. >> maple shade. >> that's far. >> farm park. >> uh-huh. >> just continuing going and just leaving this area and just starting fresh? >> of course. i want -- more than anything, i want a house with my fiance and have kids and be done with this stuff. that's all i want. so bad. >> did you get arrested and these places released you? >> no, their popping up now. >> so they didn't arrest you on these charges? how many times did you hit. >> a lot. >> oh, boy. so this list is going to keep on going. you're going to come out as a
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maximum security and going to go to maximum security wing. i don't know what else is going to fall on you as far as charges. it seems like stuff is coming in by the minute on you. you know, all of the drug-related charges. but the mean reason you're going to be maximum is because you have the fugitive warrant. it gives us a reason to belief if you had the chance to get out of here, take off, you're going to do it. you seem like a pretty normal person overall, you know. >> that's fine. >> you got a long life ahead of you. you still have time. time's on your side, you know. >> i'm done with all that stuff. >> shortly after the hearing, collins is told to gather her belongings and is moved to maximum security. >> i think there's more to that story than she's leading on. i think there's more with the hair there and the beauty salon thing sounds good, but she's
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filling fake prescriptions, cancer medications at pharmacies. you know, i'm not a mathemetician mathematician but 2 and 2 is 4. you know what i mean? coming up, deanna collins tries to adjust to life in max and receives a surprise visitor. >> she was caught on the surveillance camera and we were able to get a good picture of her hairstyle. >> and -- >> the shooting in hackensack was very unusual. very rarely have we had a shooting of a cop. >> the hackensack police shooting becomes the talk of the jail. >> hackensack is a peaceful, quiet town. the last time we had a shooting in hackensack was 12 years ago.
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behind the walls of the bergen county jail, much of the talk over the past week has had to do with an inmate who has yet to step foot inside. hackensack police say
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22-year-old robert leonardes opened fire on three of their patrol officers barely missing one of them. police returned fire hitting leonardes a total of 14 times. now charged with three counts of attempted murder, leonardes is still recovering in a local hospital but his presence is felt in other ways. >> you heard about this? he shot and killed a cop. i hate when [ bleep ] kill a cop. and don't kill them. you're going to get the same amount of time as if you [ bleep ] miss them. hackensack is a peaceful, quiet town. you can't -- the last time we had a shooting in hackensack was 12 years ago. >> the shooting in hackensack was very unusual, very rarely have we had anybody come in here, if ever, for shooting at a cop anyway. i hate they shoot regular people but now they're shooting at cops. their status is greater than what it would have been if they
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would shot one of their homeys on the street. >> two other connections say they will trade their current status for freedom in a heart beat. one of them, shawn stark has run into an old friend here. >> the hackensack? >> the shooting. >> that was the gun? >> yeah. >> holy [ bleep ]. are you serious? how did it go down? >> because he owned the gun leonardes allegedly used to shoot at police. >> he's in hackensack? >> he's in the hospital with county police officers babysitting him and $2 million bail. >> that's [ bleep ] up. >> stark purchased the unregistered gun from another inmate being held at the jail, jerry nunez. >> the prosecutor came to my house.
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15 detectives. they were like you sold the gun to a guy and he shot a [ bleep ] cop. >> nunez was originally arrested on drug possession charges. prosecutor have filed the same charge against him that they have against stark, possession of a handgun while committing a crime. >> how much is your bail? >> $250,000. >> a quarter of a million? oh. you got a paid lawyer? you got any money saved? >> it's probably going to all be gone. >> you all right, man. you need something, call me. >> stark says leonardes stole the gun from him and a shootout is really a failed attempt at suicide. >> i feel like he had the gun out for somebody to see him with the gun so the police would have came and he would have tried to die like that, suicide by the police, basically. >> until their case is resolved, they will be kept apart from each other.
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>> the biggest reason is you don't want a group of people, whether it's one or two or more getting together and kind of conjuring up their story and getting their story straight. you can help a case get nailed down by keeping then away from one another. >> there's another reason as well. nunez now blames stark for his current problems and the jail doesn't want any conflicts. >> i sold him my gun and he gave it to somebody else that was not supposed to ever have it. i gave it to him and i told him this is yours, don't give it to nobody else. that's it. so i feel like he kind of betrayed me. >> if found guilty, nunez can face significant prison time and some here believe -- >> that boy is toast. he's going to smoke his ass like a pack of newports. say your prayers. that boy ain't coming home until cars start flying in the air.
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true story. coming up -- >> this involves allegedly crimes against police officers. judges look at that as the most heinous type of crimes. >> jerry nunez lawyers up. and the alleged hackensack police shooter leaves the hospital and is booked into the jail.
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26-year-old deanna collins came to the bergen county jail on multiple charges of using fraudulent means to obtain and distribute prescription drugs. one of her worst fears, assignment to the maximum security unit was realized. >> honestly, it's just what i heard when i was on the outside of maximum security prisons. just crazy girls who kill people. i heard horror stories about girls getting in fights just to keep their soap. >> but so far, it's been a different sort of experience. >> everybody is really, really nice and we treat each other like a family. >> among other things, collins has made new friends. >> oh, my god. i had this thing happen with my hair. >> what happened?
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>> i was in a salon and the process chemically didn't work with me and my hair fell out. >> no. >> collins has found a new stylist. >> that's my new favorite song. >> and had lots of new experiences. >> i never slept in a top bunk my entire life. i have never been in camp. i went to a day camp. i was too prissy for that so they sent me home. women on the whole like to care about people. >> see, i actually was pretty. >> you were. >> shut up. >> we are people still. we may have done some bad things. we're still human beings. >> my hair fell out in a salon. $168 they wanted me to pay for this. i was like -- >> but collins camp-like experience is suddenly interrupted. a detective from the nearby town
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of new jersey has come by to book her on a new set of prescription charges. once again, it was her hair that got her in trouble. >> she was caught on the surveillance camera and we were able to get a good picture of her hairstyle. very unique. very distinguishable. you don't see too many people with that style. >> come on over here. >> okay. >> that's one more stupid thing i'll have to deal with. >> deanna, you must have an idea of how many this is going to come to? >> i have been to one in every town. maybe two. i mean -- >> when there's a crime committed, there's a database system where you can put security images or surveillance photos and you send it to the other towns within the state, county, whatever you want to send it to and they sent out a
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picture of her and we recognized her from our incident. >> since collins is already in custody, the detective processes her for these new charges right at the bergen county jail where she will remain until her current charges are resolved. and with outstanding warrants from other counties, collins knows she could have similar visits in the future. >> i have done bad things in a lot of places. so they are finally catching on issuing a warrant for my arrest, something that breaks my heart every day. i've done something that only my face is on camera doing. >> over in the men's maximum security unit, sean stark is still dealing with the fact that, if found guilty, he could spend decades in prison for a police shootout for which he was not directly involved.
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>> i'm stressing a lot. i don't know what's going on with my case. i went to court. they just read me my charges and brought me back over here. >> since he was the last known owner of the gun robert leonardes allegedly used to shoot at hackensack police officers, stark has been charged with possession of a handgun while committing a crime. his new cellmate, james george has advice for him. >> first and foremost, do not go to the court room and let them judges do what they want to do. go to the law library. this is what it is. this is what is going on. i need to read up on this. i need loopholes in my case. i need to know what is going on. >> dawn is the inmate advocate for the bergen county sheriff's office. >> hopefully be able to contact them. let them contact you.
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thank you. have a good day. >> while not a lawyer, she provides resources to inmates as they prepare their cases and often interacts on their behalf with family members and drug counselors and attorneys. >> sometimes i don't like the title because it sounds like i'm in between the inmates and officers. i'm not. i want peace for the inmates and peace for everybody. i like to keep the anxiety down. you know? many of the inmates were frustrated. a majority have public defenders but are not seeing them because they have lots of clients. they are feeling helpless. so this way we allow them to participate in their own defense. tell me what we need today. >> i need to checkup on my case, cases that are similar to mine to try to find any loopholes or see what kind of time i might be facing. >> okay. so what i'm going to do is i'm going to look up your charge and then we'll look up some cases and you can look through those
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brief synopsis and see if anything you feel applies. okay? i work with their attorneys. you know, their public defenders to help assist to get them to court, to get them outside to wherever it is they need to go. >> this is a lot of information. like i said before, take your time. all right? don't look at it and go -- eh. okay? take your time. some is going to apply. some is not. let it fly. >> i appreciate that. >> thank you. >> good luck to you. >> the gun that got stark in trouble was sold to him by jerry nunez. because of that, nunez, like stark, though not directly involved in the shooting, has also been charged with possession of a handgun while committing a crime. but unlike stark, he has hired a private attorney to mount his defense. >> jerry is a good kid that is caught up in extremely bad
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situation. these charges can land jerry in jail for many years. worst-case scenario he'll be in the facility for a decade. these are gun related charges. state of new jersey has some of the toughest gun laws in the country. i'm here to see jerry nunez. >> nunez. >> i'm concerned for jerry, his mental well-being right now. i have to keep him strong. right now they're presenting the evidence to the grand jury. i believe within the next week or two the grand jury will come back with an indictment. the nature this involves allegedly crimes against police officers. judges look at that as sometimes the most heinous type of crimes, you know. crimes against children, crimes against police officers. >> they really hold that against me? i had nothing to do with it. >> i understand that.
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that's why we have to see what the evidence is. they will try to stick it to each and every one of you with the most charges as possible. but remember, they've got to prove the charges. they've got the burden of proof. i know it's a waiting game and the days drag in here. time waits for no one. it ticks along but in here it drags. you got to man up now and hold your own and don't break and stay strong. okay? >> it pisses me off where we're all being held accountable for these actions. but new jersey state law is new jersey state law, you know? if i'm guilty, i'm guilty. i'll take the best deal they can give me. you know what i mean? coming up -- >> i have open wounds. i still do. four times in my stomach, three times in my pelvic.
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>> robert leonardes speaks out. then -- >> i don't have to take it. we can rip it up. >> deanna collins makes a deal but the judge has the final say.
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new inmates are booked into the bergen county jail in hackensack every day of the week. most will arrive in a police squad car. but today one is driven into the compound by an ambulance from a nearby hospital. and due to the nature of his charges, robert leonardes' reputation has preceded him. >> at the end of the day, a fellow officer got shot at, it sticks with you. you're going to look at that guy differently than a guy for a parking ticket.
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>> any crime involving law enforcement, we take a little more personally. especially if they were shot at. >> you have to put your emotions aside. you can't let your emotions dictate what you do. so i mean, yeah, you think about it. it affects you. you still have a job to do at the end. >> one month earlier, leonardes was out on bail for a prior aggravated assault charge. police say he shot at three hackensack officers who fired back hitting leonardes 14 times. >> a shot in my hand. shot in my arm. i'm still healing up, going through a lot of pain and problems. i had open wounds. i still do. four times in my stomach. three times in my pelvic. and a shot right here. >> leonardes has pled not guilty to an array of charges including three counts of attempted
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murder. there has been speculation he was attempting suicide by cop. and leonardes acknowledges having felt suicidal prior to being shot. >> i didn't want to live before. i didn't want to be here. i didn't like here. here was not a good place for me. i was overwhelmed with a lot of things going on in my life. but now i don't feel that way. i'm just happy that i'm alive. just when you get shot so many times and see your life in front of you, you appreciate your life more. i appreciate my life a lot more now. it's something -- i don't know. something spiritually must have happened the day i got shot. >> he agreed to be interviewed only in the presence of his attorney. >> what kind of time are you facing with these charges?
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>> i'd rather address that. his case is not indicted yet. it's purely under investigation by the prosecutor's office. the legal process hasn't gone forward with the normal speed due to the injuries. >> why did you take this case, vinnie? it's going to be a tough case. >> i've had many difficult causes throughout the years. i know his family. he's a fortunate young man for a wonderful family. there was never a question to take the kid or not as difficult as it may be. >> i'm grateful i have the best lawyer in the state of new jersey. >> it could be months or years before leonardes' case is resolved in court. but now deanna collins enters her courtroom with high hopes. she says her lawyer has gotten her a favorable plea deal on charges of fraudulently requiring prescriptions from
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pharmacies. the other charges will be dropped. it's now up to the judge to sign off. >> i can rip it up? we don't have to take the plea. we can refer this to the grand jury and ultimately to trial. do you want me to let you take this plea or refer to the grand jury? >> i would like you to take the plea. >> i'll ask our assistant prosecutor to move the plea. thank you your honor. 1046/14. it's our understanding that the defendant will be pleading guilty to a single count of cds by fraud. recommend time served as a condition of probation. >> once i accept this guilty plea, you're bound by it. you cannot change your mind. do you understand that? >> i understand. >> this is a third-degree charge that carries with it, between three and five years in state prison. your attorney has been able to negotiate a very favorable plea. i'm satisfied and i'll find the defendant guilty.
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you'll be released today ror. no dollar amount unless something else is holding you. >> i understand. >> thank you very much. go with the officers at this time. >> thank you. >> with collins' plea accepted by the judge, her time in the bergen county jail is coming to an end. >> i'm happy. i didn't think it was going to happen. this is great. i mean, i was listening but i wasn't because i was so happy >> what does it mean about all the other cases -- >> they were all ran together and i was only charged with one, one case, and the rest were dismissed. >> all the other counties? >> all the other counts were dismissed, and i'm glad. coming up -- >> they said i was going to be
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on the streets today. >> well, i'm happy for you. i'm happy for you. >> deanna collins future comes into focus. or does it? >> i'm not getting -- >> there's something a little fishy about this. something is fishy about your case.
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deanna collins has returned to the bergen county jail for her court appearance where she received a sentence of probation and time already served for receiving fraudulently drugs from legal pharmacies. she expects to be released in a matter of hours. >> what's going through your mind right now? >> yea! that's what's going through my mind. and i'm wondering when i came in here and i'm remembering it was a dress. >> collins must return to the women's maximum security unit until officers have received notice to release her. >> what you get? >> r.o.r. >> are you kidding me? >> what judge you have?
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i need to get him. >> austin. >> something a little fishy about this 37 >> so you leave today? >> it's my first offense. >> so what? >> i had a good lawyer. >> i had a good lawyer, okay, i'm going with that. >> no, your charge is here. everything is done. all of them got rolled into one thing? >> it's straight. >> it makes me feel -- >> they said i would be on the streets today. >> you have nothing in pennsylvania? >> no. well, it was rolled into one and everything else was dismissed. >> well you [ bleep ]. >> who is your lawyer? >> his name is gamberg. >> let me speak to gamberg. >> why is it such a surprise to you? >> because like in six different places. they give probation, ror, what? i'm sorry, but what?
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>> oh, my god, i get my bra back today. yes! that's the happiest i am. >> wa-wa. >> officer troy, can you call up inmate collins? i need to speak with her in the hallway. >> inmate collins was r.o.r. out of her charges, however, she does have detainer out of mars county and montgomery county, pennsylvania. so there's no way she's leaving today. >> collins has apparently misunderstood a key component of her plea deal. >> you will be released r.o.r., no dollar amount, unless something else is holding you. >> she does not realize her plea deal only applies to the charges in bergen county. and will be released very soon. but as long as she has warrants in other counties, the jail is required to hold her until the
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authorities from the next one on the list pick her up. >> i'm going to notify her she's not going to be leaving today and they'll come pick her up. i don't have the exact pickup time but she will not be leaving today, unfortunately for her. >> collins! lieutenant russo would like to talk to you. >> okay. >> hi, miss collins. i'm in charge of the jail record department. you're not going to be leaving today. i have detainers out of other counties, mars county and montgomery county, pennsylvania. so we notified gloucester county, pennsylvania, and they'll come get you. >> that's all. >> thank you. >> not going anywhere. >> oh. >> going to gloucester county tonight. >> see. that's probably why they
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r.o.r.'d you. >> i'm not going anywhere. i'm going to gloucester county tonight. >> wait, wait. i'm coming out. i'm going to gloucester county tonight. they said all of my things were wrapped into one. >> all of them for bergen county. >> no, all -- that's what my lawyer said, like all the things against me right now were run concurrent. why didn't she tell me this? >> are you sure you didn't misunderstand? it's just the bergen -- >> why didn't she know about the other stuff? >> it doesn't matter. it's just another step. >> later her attorney told us that collins was fully informeded the deal only applied to bergen county and that she simply must have misunderstood. >> you got that pen?
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i want to put some eye liner on. >> i'm going to miss you, baby. >> hopefully i'll stay here tonight and leave tomorrow or something. because that would suck. >> we'll talk. >> we'll talk. >> less than 24 hours later, collins has changed back into the dress she was wearing when she was booked into the bergen county jail, but she's also in cuffs and shackles. an officer escorts her to a waiting van from the gloucester county sheriff's office, where she will face new charges for fraudulently obtaining prescription drugs.
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happy new year. coming up on "first look," revelers the world over said good riddance to the past and welcomed 2015 with optimism and excitement. and then more victims of air asia flight 8501 are found and searchers battle the elements, looking for clues. plus, dramatic new video of that frightening ferry fire, and a wild dust devil stirring up trouble at the rose bowl. and if you can believe it, snow in san diego, california. and a look at some of the biggest names we lost i


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