tv The Ed Show MSNBC January 12, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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connected, then we need to be protected. >> the centcom twitter page has been hack. >> it is responsible for the operational command directing the strategy of operations of some significant campaigns around the world. >> any classified information they have would be absolutely critical and devastating in released. >> we're still examining and investigating the extent of this incident. >> the official centcom youtube site began playing isis videos. >> watch your back, isis. we won't stop. we know everything about you, your wives, and your children. >> we shouldn't have to forfeit our basic privacy when we go online to do our business. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. i find it very disturbing. how far is this going to go?
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we start tonight with news here at home. central command's twitter and youtube accounts were hacked. how does that make you feel? the group described themselves as the cyber caliphate. the group warned of cyber jihad. they also posted contact information for a number of military officers. pentagon officials say the twitter and youtube accounts were not classified and none of the contact information was classified. one official said this is clearlyclear ly clearly embarrassing but not a security threat. the hacking comes as president obama is pushing congress to act on cyber security. earlier today, the president was out pushing a series of new bills to protect americans from hackers. >> today i'm focusing on how we
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can better protect american consumers from identity theft and ensure our privacy, including for our children at school. and then tomorrow at the department of homeland security, i'll focus on how we can work with the private sector to better defend ourselves against cyberattacks. when these cyber criminals start racking up charges on your card it can destroy your credit rating. it can turn your life upside down. it may take you months to get your finances back in order, so this is a direct threat to the economic security of american families and we have to stop it. if we're going to be connected, then we need to be protected. >> so how can the republicans say no to that? can we find some common ground here? one of the bills would notify
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consume r consumers within a month that their information has been compromised in a data breach. there was a massive march against terrorism in paris. some are criticizing the united states for not sending any high ranking u.s. officials to the rally. we responded to that today. >> some have asked whether or not the united states should have sent someone with a higher profile than the ambassador to france. and i think it is fair to say we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there. >> french authorities have set up a comprehensive counterterrorism strategy in the wake of the attacks. thousands of soldiers and police officers will be stationed in sensitive sites around france. they will also reenforce
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electronic surveillance and look into schools and prisons that have a reputation of jihadist recruitment. new reports show hayat boumeddiene has crossed into syria from turkey. meanwhile back in america, republicans are using the french terror attacks to trash president obama. in his typical fashion, lindsey graham came after president obama. graham blamed the president for the rise of radical islam. >> our strategy to combat radical islam is failing. president obama's world view is i don't want to be george bush. radical islam has risen in the last four years on his watch. allowed al qaeda in iraq to rise again to become isil. not supporting the free syrian
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army three or four years ago when it would matter. taking kae i put it at the feet of our president. >> the south carolina president went on to use fear and warn of attacks here at home. >> i have never been more worried about being hit at home because of the president's world view and strategy toward radical islam is failing. bin laden may be dead but al qaeda is not decimated. >> republicans will use anything to bring down president obama. it's really a time isn't it when democrats, republicans, and the global community should be pulling together to fight terrorism? isn't anything unify us anymore? republicans are trying to scare and divide americans for political gain. they have the power. now do something about it. republicans are shameless when it comes to scoring political points over terrorism.
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looks like we haven't really gotten much better in the last 15 years, have we? get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. will republicans block president obama's cybersecurity bills? you can always leave a comment at our blog. we'll bring you the results later on in the show. i'm joined by the editor of the nation and the editor of "the atlantic." great to have both of you with us. isn't anything going to bring us together? if the republicans are so concerned that this is such a new and definite threat to the people, where's the unity? >> there is no unity. i worry that the lessons from paris are being lost not only on
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lindsey graham who speaks untruths and fear mongers, but it was an attack on free speech and the intolerance of radical islam. it was also the failure of europe and paris to integrate those with islamic backgrounds and faiths. the i think unity was shattered. we spoke earlier about 9/11. there was unity. but george w. bush's dick cheney's occupation torture, one of the paris terrorists was radicalized by george w. bush's war. these are a blight on america's
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reputation. we are not going to get wisdom from people like lindsey graham or john mccain or some of the democrats who have bought into a war against terrorism, which is making the united states and west less secure. not more secure. >> what about this hacking of the youtube and twitter accounts? i was surprised the united states government had a twitter account. >> we have lots of them actually. >> i don't know what all of that was about, but how serious is this? my first reaction is what else are they going to do. >> this is an ongoing story. it is interesting that the pentagon, which has been hacked previously -- in journalism, we have seen things like the syrian electronic army hack major journals of opinion like "the new york times" for its commentary on syria.
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hacking in this new world are now a part of the terrain. it is interesting and ironic that the president was out talk talking about protecting all of this on the day that centcom was hacked and the twitter was going to pursue its rights when getting requests for personal information. what is liberty and privacy in the middle of the world in which you have outside assaults on it but also governments doing things, including our own, that are invading our liberty and privacy? it's an interesting new terrain and we don't have it all figured out. >> it is a new terrain, but we're also dealing with an old terrain. no one is against targeted
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surveillance. edward snowden, who i interviewed for four hours in moscow last october, is for legal, targeted surveillance. these intelligence agencies already have broad powers. french media reports that nigerian warned of these attacks. >> so you think that this is as much the united states intelligence failure as it is everyone else? >> i think the united states and the west. you saw the rush. it reminds me of 9/11 when dick cheney and his cohort had plans on the shelves ready to go trigged by that terrorist attack to erode the liberties. we can be free and secure but i think that these intelligence
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agencies in britain have been salivating to expand their powers. >> when you say expand your powers, take us down that road. >> i'm thinking of bulk data collection. there's so much coming into these intelligence agencies. we saw this with the boston marathon. they weren't able to make connections. they have to find ways to coordinate rather than expand first. there should be investigation. >> steve, don't we have turf wars in the intel community? >> we have tons of turf wars in the intelligence community. when you talk about what more can be done when you look at the various times that the director of national intelligence was testifying bit by bit when forced about what we can do then make the assumption and jump ahead we are probably already doing it without authorization. they're taking bulk metadata.
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when you begin looking at video and other forms of material information that travels as bits as well all of that is technically possible and yet not authorized or permitted under our legal system. i imagine somewhere in the system is that there's a lot more capacity out there that this could grow into. it is important to establish rules of the road and a discussion about where our privacy and liberty exists within this new world. any excuses used to ratchet up the government's authority to take more and more -- that's why admire twitter for throwing up a red flag. we're not going to play along. we're going to under our first amendment rights challenge the
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u.s. government. we have the right to express and say when the national security requests are being made of us. right now, there are not enough people paying attention to the erosion of this. when you see things in paris and the horrors that have unfolded there or in ottawa or australia, there's a lot of data out there, but they can't all be used as an excuse. >> there's another school of thought here. one of force. this is senator lindsey graham saying what the remedy is. here it is. >> we need to get a ground component to complement the air campaign. there is no mythical arab army in the making. we're going to need an international force, at least 10,000 americans, to provide special forces to take on isil. >> he's proposing what, iraq all
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over again? >> he's proposing endless war. what it does to nations is it saps liberties and securities. people in this country have more wisdom than the elite. they don't have the stomach for going into other countries we're not occupying. the backlash will be even more severe. there are ways to combat terrorism. we have lost an opportunity since 9/11 when policing -- to put it on a war footing. if they want to propose this they should go fight. i'm not kidding. i mean these people have no measure -- they don't have any accountability. >> steve, your response to the senator. >> a few years ago, we used to do things with u.s. senators. they would pick movies they enjoyed. lindsey graham had his night and he picked a film called "seven days in may."
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he gave a very impassioned speech who are calling for endless war and demagoguery. go watch the movie that you said was your favorite because you have forgotten your lessons there. >> appreciate your time so much. thank you. remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen. like us on facebook and thank you for that. coming up, the power of the pen. the right wing reaction to the president's veto threats. john ellis bush versus willard mitt romney. rapid response panel coming up. stay with us. prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. startup-ny. it's working for new york state. already 55 companies are investing
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time now for trends. social media, this is where you can find us. you can also get my podcast free on itunes. we're on ring of fire it is available to you free 24/7. we're reporting here today and here are today's top trenders voted on by you. >> welcome you bunch of despicable brats. >> numberaward winning. >> there was 2.6 million globes related tweets. >> the golden globes most memorable moments trend on
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twitter. >> margaret cho appeared in character as a north korean army general. >> when prince showed up to present best original song -- >> ladies and gentlemen, prince. >> show over. i host next year. good night. >> the number two trender, pac man. >> i'm a lifelong die-hard packer fan. >> my favorite football team have the dallas cowboys. >> paul ryan taunts rival chris christie after the cowboys collapse. >> the green bay packers held on to beat the dallas cowboys. >> i think i need a hug. and today's top trender, veto threat. >> i haven't used the veto pen very often since i've been in office. now i suspect there are going to be some times where i have to
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pull that pen out. >> president obama draws the line as republicans vote on key issues. >> hopefully, we can persuade him to improve the nation's health care laws. >> the president is going to see the keystone xl pipeline on his desk. >> if this bill passes this congress the president wouldn't sign it either. >> we may have to attach it to other legislation. >> he's not going to determine what we do. >> joined tonight by congressman tim ryan and peter of oregon. i think they got something going on tonight. we'll get to that in just a moment. gentlemen, great to have you with us. the presidential veto, is this the only thing that's going to hold back the republican agenda? >> i'm pleased that the president has inked up his veto pen.
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he's going to need it. they are trotting out some of the same tired stuff for corporate america. let's unreform wall street, go back to the good ole days. let's take away health care from 8 million americans. remember they have said repeal replace. they have never told us what replace is. what about these 8 million people? now the state department is going to go through a process. they want to preempt that process. they want to take away states rights individual property rights, and give a canadian corporation the right to transport oil across america without paying into the oil spill liability trust fund and give a foreign corporation the right to take private property from americans. >> congressman ryan we're talking about the president holding the line here because you guys the only thing you
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have right now is the filibuster over on the senate side. what else is going to stop what was just described? >> well i think that's the fire wall. >> so you're counting on the president. he has to show up big time then right? >> we need him. we need him. i think he's probably going to have to throw one or two out there early to set the tone kind of like in 94. we had the government shutdown. i'm not saying we need a shutdown. but at some point in 94, bill clinton had to step up and say no. whatever the issue is, the president has to be decisive and say no. that veto threat means a lot more when you're negotiating these other issues, but i think they are going to test him, whether it is keystone or something else, and he has to step up to bat, set the tone and i think we can assume more of a posture of negotiations and
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facilitating some movement with some legislation. >> what negotiations trouble you? what's on the horizon that you think that the progressive movement has to be concerned about? >> i didn't think dodd frank was strong nuchenough. to allow wall street to gamble to gamble with taxpayer insured money -- number two is trade promotion authority, which the president is lobbying for and the republicans might give him, the democrats wouldn't. let him secretly negotiate a trade deal and plop it down in in front of congress. >> this just in. president obama just issued a veto threat against house legislation that would delay
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part of the vochler rule. your thought on that rule. if he's going to veto that, that's taking a stand against wall street, isn't it? >> it was some of the most exotic of these derivatives that tanked our economy. you can't use taxpayer insured deposits to gamble. by delaying the rule we are seeing these firms -- that's one part of the bill and the rule would say you have to move your proprietary training out of the insured part of the bank. there are two changes in that bill. >> now obamacare, what bothers me here is there are some democrats that are in favor of
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relinquishing the medical device tax. where do you stand on that? >> well if you're going to get rid of it you better find the revenue that can be consistent somewhere else. i don't think it matters to a lot of us where the money necessarily comes from but that the money is going to be there and it is going to be consistent. and i think the president, again, is the fire wall to make sure they don't start picking apart the affordable care act. i just don't think we need to go down that road. ultimate ultimately, that's what they try to do. well it is just that one little thing. over time that all adds up and you're dismantling the entire system. going back to the rule, i think it is important with something like that where the president can go back now after some of us -- i know pete has and i have been critical of him not being firm enough. he can begin to reframe.
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hey, we were the ones who dug ourselves out of the hole. we were the ones who set us back on track. we were the ones to stabilize. we're not going back to a casino system where we're going to tank the economy again. he can i think, go back with this veto and reframe the entire position of the democratic party and why we can't go back there and why he needs to be a strong, decisive leader. >> big night for both of you. ohio state against oregon. why is your team going to win tonight? >> well, quite frankly, we've got the heisman trophy winning quarterback. there's no better quarterback in america, and he's got a lot of great receivers and our defense has grown tremendously. i think it's going to be a tough game.
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ohio is a great opponent but i think we win by at least one touchdown. >> congressman ryan why are the buckeyes going to win tonight? >> it is tough to hate oregon. we can hate michigan minnesota, alabama, wisconsin. oregon is a great team. i like their coaches. i like their catholic school quarterback. i think it's going to be a great game. i think we're going to make some big plays. i think ohio state's defense is going to step up tonight and make some key plays. i may be in the last possession or two but i think they're going to step up and put us over the edge. but i think it is going to be a high-scoring game. i'm going to enjoy my oregon wine. >> go ducks. >> go buckeyes. >> have a fun night. thanks so much. coming up, clash of the
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titans. mitt romney takes on jeb bush. your questions next. ask ed live here on "the ed show." we're right back. rewards from bank of america the new banking rewards program that rewards our customers, every day. you'll get things like rewards bonuses on credit cards.... extra interest on a savings account... preferred pricing on merrill edge online trades and more... across your banking and investing get used to getting more. that's the power of more rewarding connections that's preferred rewards from bank of america.
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welcome back to "the ed show." our first question comes from mike. do you think it was a mistake that the united states did not send a high-level envoy to the rally in france? let me answer that with a question. first of all, was a big deal in france because there were 3.5 million people there or was it a big deal because it was a rally that was going on? i think the criticism of this is being heightened because of the number of people that actually showed up. i don't think anybody predicted there were going to be millions of people there. that's the first thing. secondedly
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secondly, the united states has been a resourceful ally to the french on many occasions. could have we have sent more people higher-level folks? absolutely. i think there's security issues here. our next question is from lucy. did you enjoy the packers game? yes. and it was not a catch, and i'll explain later on. stick around. rapid response panel is next. i'm hampton pearson. stocks begin the week in the red. the dow falls 96 points. the s&p 500 shed 16. the nasdaq is off by 39 points. after the closing bell alcoa reported better than expected revenue and earnings. it was another steep decline for oil. crude slid nearly 5% to settle at 46.09 a barrel after goldman
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are you thinking about running for president again? >> no. i'm thinking about the people who i want to see running for president and there's quite a group. >> i won't get a third chance. i'm not doing it again. >> i'm not running for president in 2016. >> i'm not running for president. i have said that so many times. >> mitt romney is dipping his toe in the water for 2016. romney said i want to be president. what's going on behind closed doors? third time's a charm. the republican landscape very different this time around. mitt romney faced a clown car of
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opponents last time. 2016 is the governor's ball. jeb bush stands out in the pack and romney is his worst nightmare. the republican establishment is split over who to support if this all comes down. let's compare. let's see, they both have famous dads. they both had hedge fund jobs. they both have a spotty position on immigration. let's see. they both supported the war in iraq. only jeb bush plans to release his taxes. it all comes down to cash folks. the gop frontrunner is going to need a record amount of money if they're going to pull off a win. jeb has been across the river in connecticut meeting with donors already, raking it in. romney has to get after it pretty soon. joining me tonight my rapid
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response panel. we're focusing on florida with this story unfolding obviously because jeb bush the former governor of florida. let's focus on romney first. mitch, is he serious or is this ego talking? >> it's probably both. i think there's no question as we stand here today that romney is running. i think he wanted to take a long time, maybe wait for the field to not do too well and come to him and say save us. i don't think there's any doubt that romney is running. i think there's been a bit of bad blood between jeb bush and mitt romney that really hasn't been talked about much when bush did support him. i think he felt bush breathing down his neck. he had to react quickly. he did. he's trying now to basically close the barn door before all the donors get out. >> annette, what do you make of
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mitt romney floating this behind closed doors in front of donors? >> i think he realizes that the donors are competitive with jeb bush in the game and the two of them do have bad blood, especially when it comes to immigration, when jeb bush tried to get him to be more moderate on immigration and has tried to get other people. but definitely during the presidential -- and he did not listen. he had to be the most conservative conservative. how will that work for jeb when he's not really a moderate, as they claim? both mitch and i will tell you he is conservative. but when it comes to immigration, he has always believed in a path to citizenship, which may come back to bite them. that's the difference between the two of them. >> we're going back to the old questions of who is going to release the taxes. i would say mitt romney is.
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we're going to regurgitate a bunch of old stories. what about jeb bush? >> that's why he moved out of wall street. he basically watched the mistakes that romney made last time on the taxes and slow to pull the trigger on a lot of transparency issues. he also said he's going to make all his e-mails in public. governor rick scott refused to release his e-mails and they're still in litigation. he watched the mistake of others and is trying to get ahead of the curve. these two traditional republican base kind of guys who basically chop each other up and do away with a lot of the field. >> how do you think jeb bush responded to hearing this news? >> not very well obviously.
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i do want to add that the one thing that does stand out with me is jeb bush's wife. she had some issues with the law when he was governor, and i think that's going to come back. i have asked a few people in florida what do they think, what do they remember and the first thing that everybody brings up is they remember those issues with his wife. so i think the wife may be an issue that is definitely going to come up. >> how do we know it's going to be a different bush clan or a different bush fraternity when it comes to organizers, when it comes to advisers, if it gets that far, or if jeb bush is president of the united states, would it not be regurgitated w. connecters, people who have been been there before. what about that, mitch? >> i think it will be a political regurgitation. if there is any doubt who is the
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establishment candidate, i think it's going to be jeb bush. jeb bush's greatest claim to establishment is he will use his brother's folks. his biggest weakness is no background in foreign policy. so who is he going to seek for help? his brother's friends the neocons. these are the folks that gave us iraq. 66% of the nation of those polled think iraq was a mistake. it may be higher how many thought cheney was a mistake. >> does it matter from a hillary clinton standpoint who would be the opponent in florida? >> from a florida perspective, it definitely matters and florida will be in play. jeb is popular in florida. i hate to admit it. he is.
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he speaks perfect spanish. i think it's definitely going to be someone to watch for the democrats, for hillary, but i still think hillary wins but i'm biassed. >> if it's jeb bush for hillary clinton, florida is tougher, mitch? >> significantly. if it is any other republican nominee other than bush hillary wins. it's going to be long and ardorous ardorous. we could be back to a presidential recount like in 2000. both are favorites in florida. >> good to have you with us tonight. coming up american muscle. the booming u.s. auto industry celebrates its comeback, no thanks to mitt romney, by the way. rkley twins. your brain can send information to
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welcome back to "the ed show." two-minute drill tonight. when this plan unfolded yesterday, this is what i was thinking. remember the old saying sometimes in life the way things look aren't always the way things are? well, i thought it was a catch, but then i saw the replay. it's the non-catch heard around the world. this could have been a game-winning catch for the dallas cowboys receiver dez bryant yesterday. this was a game-changer. originally the catch was ruled a completion on the field, but overturned by the officials. the nfl's vice president tweeted, bryant going to the ground by rule he must old onto it through an entire process of contacting the ground. he didn't so it's incomplete. so what's the bottom line? the ground can't figure in possession. and of course, packers win
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26-21. they go to seattle. cowboys robbed on the trail, but by the rules, not their fourth straight fcs championship game on saturday. the quarterback scored a touchdown. 37 seconds left in the game. linebacker easily thornton picked up a pass to seal the herds' win 29-27 over illinois state. heck of a game. i mean it was a heck of a game. and the last team to win i think four straight national championships was a division 3 school augustana back in the '70s. they're making history in fargo. stay tuned. you're watching "the ed show." we're right back. were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today.
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startup-ny. it's working for new york state. already 55 companies are investing over $98 million dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. from long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new york. they are paying no property taxes no corporate taxes no sales taxes. and with over 300 locations, and 3.7 million square feet available, there's a place that's right
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last month, the rescue of the auto industry officially came to an end. the auto companies have now repaid taxpayers every dime and more of what my administration invested in you. when our assembly lines grind to a lawsuithalt, we work together we get them going again. we don't give up. we get up fight back we come back stronger than before thanks to the hardworking people like you. america's coming back. >> welcome back to "the ed show." this is the story for the folks who take a shower after work. the annual northern american international auto show picked off in detroit today on the heels of some great news. when it comes to the american automobile industry, the great recession is in the rearview mirror. six years after a federal loan,
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the industry had its best sales year in nearly a decade. auto sales in the united states well surged to 16.5 million vehicles in 2014. that's a 6% increase over the previous year 2013. now analysts are predicting even a better year in 2015. sales are expected to reach 17 million units for the first time since 2005. uh, let's not forget mitt romney wanted to let detroit go bankrupt. let's not forget when the automobile executives flew their private jets to washington looking for government help president obama told them to go home go back to detroit and come back with a real plan and drive your own cars when you get back to d.c. next time -- president obama took a chance on the automobile industry and invested in the future of the american worker. now, what we have seen is 58 months of private sector job growth. gas prices are low. consumer confidence is through the roof. overall, americans are feeling pretty doggone good about the
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future. with a bit more money in their pockets, those americans are now lining up to buy new cars. it's going to be a record year coming up in 2015. but just remember one thing about this story. the republicans and the conservatives were totally against it. there was no money out there. there was no entrepreneur. there was no wall street money. there was no money anywhere in this country that was going to say, yeah i will invest in the american automobile industry. so president obama had a decision to make. and the democrats had a decision to make. they'd bet on american workers. look where we are today. joining me tonight mayor verge banaro of lansing, michigan. what is the lesson to be learned here? great times in michigan because of this loan. >> ed, the lesson is, always bet on the american worker. don't bet against the american worker and american consumer. people are practicing patriotic purchasing again. the near-death experience of the
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auto industry sent a wake-up call. i'm an unabashed supporter of american manufacturingermanufacturing. these foeks folks do a great job. if you haven't driven one lately test drive an american car. i'm going to the auto show tomorrow to see the unveiling of the all new cadillac ctsv. the 2016. the most powerful cadillac in cadillac history that will be unveiled tomorrow. i couldn't be more excited. the president invested in the american worker saved 4 million jobs stopped us from going into what could be have been a depression. the center for automotive research estimates a $285 million impact on the economy in terms of federal income. save the government revenue of $105 billion. it could have been a catastrophe. he saved all that. he acted when we needed to act and we ought to invest more in the american worker. it will always pay off. >> well united autoworkers took a haircut, went back reorganized some things. there was better product design, better manager at the top and
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pressure put on them. they were operated any way they wanted to. this made them reel in the industry. do you believe this is the product of an obama economy? where -- if we'd gone down the road of mitt romney and other wall streeters, this would never have happened. >> i tell you, ed as a mayor of a mid-size city, the capital city of michigan we're a proud gm town. of course, we're more than that but we're first and foremost a gm town. we're the state capital. michigan state down the road. that automotive is still so central to the economy. the manufacturing economy. the supply chain. that's why it's such an impact that the center for automotive research recognized when you say good-bye to the industry we could have been cat putted edcatapulted into a depression. again, other countries invest in their industry. we've got to invest in industry and invest in our workers, invest in technology the way other countries do. the competition is fierce out there. we make great products. general motors, ford chrysler of course. we're a gm town here making the bureaucrat enclave.
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these are great products. i say go out there if you're looking to buy a car, friends don't let friends buy anything but american. they're great products better than ever. it's the backbone of our economy. we make things that america great? cities like lansing, all across the country. >> this proves that government has a role this proves government can set the table to do good things for workers. of all the manufacturing jobs created since 2010 72% of them have been in the automobile sector. >> no question. >> and there's room for growth. and so quickly, where's the next opportunity? >> well it's in manufacturing. we're starting to see some manufacturing come back. we need to protect rnd, we need to protect our intellectual property. we need to invest. and we need to again, support our industries like other countries do. we need to make sure that our industries can be kpetcompetitive and support them. issues like fair trade over free trade. >> who are you rooting for tonight, ohio state or oregon?
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you're from michigan now. >> i'm going to stick with the big ten. you know the big ten has really surprised a lot of folks. i got to say, go ohio state. >> verge bernero, lansing, michigan food togood to have you with us torrentnight. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" begins with al sharpton. thanks for tuning in. we start with breaking news for the hunt of the woman seen in this video and up to six other terror cell members who french police say could be at large. this security video shows the widow of the gunman who attacked the jewish grocery in paris last week. the video is from an airport in istanbul, turkey. authorities say she had traveled from france to spain before flying to turkey on january 2nd. taking a domestic flight
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