tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC January 24, 2015 3:00am-4:01am PST
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s open for everyone. there's not one way to do something. no details too small. american express open forum. this is what membership is. this is what membership does. this is going to be a big show. there was a pastor in texas, evangelical pastor in texas who does not call herself a pastor. she said she is a prophet. she said she is a living prophet with a direct line to god. she says specifically that god has given her special powers including the ability to raise people from the dead. she says she has brought children back from the dead. it's no big deal. she has it all the time if you had a child that just died i
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command you to leave that child. i speak to the spirit of infirmty, and i say live in jesus name, and i see a child coughing, waking up, we saw that in pakistan, a little boy raise from the dead just like that. >> that is cindy jacobs. evangelical activist in texas. she is a prophet she says, and god tells her things ahead of time so she can stop them if she wants to or she can let them happen. >> i remember being in a meeting with prayer leaders, and i said we had to pray for the navel commanders. also we called for the navy, i think it was, maybe in norfolk, and you know, there was some occurrences.
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so when i said god, why is god giving these words? because he's a merciful god and he doesn't want these things to happen. >> he doesn't want these things to happen so he tells cindy about them ahead of time. she said she could not stop the navy yard shooting but she was able to limit the number of people who died because god gave her notice of the navy yard shooting. she also believes and preaches that the don't ask don't tell policy was not just bad because of how it related to gay people, but she said it was bad because it killed birds and maybe some fish. the blackbirds fell to the ground in arkansas. the governor of arkansas's name is bebe.
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and also there was something put out of arkansas called "don't ask don't tell" by a former governor. this was proposed bill clinton. and so could there be a connection? between this passage and the repeal of "don't ask don't tell." we could say it is okay for people who commit these acts to be recognized in our military for the first time in our history. it shows that there is something that actually happened in the land where 100,000 drum fish died, and also where these birds just fell out of the air. >> could there be a connection. is it possible that one of the policy consequences of the don't ask don't tell repeal was freak bird death in arkansas. the guy is named bebe.
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i've got one more. cindy jacobs says while eating chips and salsa one day god interrupted her so she would avert a cue deta. >> i might be eating mexican food, between the chips even salsa, and i said look, do you know the president, and i said look, the military is going to do a coup. call him and tell him up they will start praying and it will be averted. and i go back to eating chips and sal ta. i mean it's not hard. >> it's not hard for cindy jacobs. she is a tprof et, he she is a prophet, she says, that gets advanced word about things from god and she is the one who decided whether or not governments get overthrown in africa. he is tie fish kills and bird deaths to legislation concerning
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gay people in the military. she says she can also raise people from the dead if need be. and this weekend she is helps bobby jindal launch his campaign for president of the united states. >> i'm cindy jacobs and i want to share with you an event happening in america, state of louisiana. >> one of the conveners for an event called "the response" which bobby jindal will be headlining tomorrow in baton rouge, louisiana. you might remember if the response sounds familiar, texas governor rick perry did this same event with the same folks in houston. rick perry in 2011 used this prayer rally to kick off his campaign.
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just after he did it, he announced he was running for president. so bobby jindal is following in rick perry's footsteps. and even though the last one of these rallies did not launch e rick perry on a successful bid, people like cindy jacobs and apparently bobby jindal, they see other signs in the world that the event should have been seen as a success. >> in texas and all the coast, houston, galveston, some of that area the native american people were cannibals. and they ate people. so there has been a lot of prepare over that in houston, texas. they have done a lot of intercession and broke the occurs on the land. and we just had a pray erer meeting a week ago. the governor of texas, as a
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individual, instigated this. 35,000 people showed up to pray, so the land is starting to rejoice because of that prayer. >> rick perry's 2011 prayer rally with cindy jacobs did not succeed in getting him to the white but did succeed in cleansing texas that was on houston because of native american cannibals. so in that sense it worked. now bobby jindal is going to do it again, this time in louisiana. the organization funding this event overall is called the american family association. they are a surprisingly rich organization. they get people around the country to send them money so the american family association can fight the demonic scurge of the gay. and also islam and also beyonce. >> they are jack booted homo fascist thugs who want to use
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the totalitarian power of the state to send men of faith to jail. and that frankly sounds more like nazi germany than the united states of america. >> islam is like the ebola virus. it is deadly. it is lethal. all you can do with a virus like that, there is no cure for it. >> i saw a video this morning exploring the performance of beyonce at last year's halftime of the super bowl. and it's very clear that she was using a number of satanic symbols -- >> that's the american family association. their smokesman brian fisher. they are funding the bobby jindal event this weekend which he is using to kick off his presidential campaign for 2016. it's not like he is a moderate on social conservative issues or gay rights. he is really, really antigay rights. it is remarkable to see him kick
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off his campaign with a group that is so antigay, they once changed the name of tyson gaye. remember the sprinter? the hrpls hrpls. olympics. when they posted an article in their website about beginning something in the olympics, they changed his name to tyson homosexual because they don't believe in gay. they say that hurricane katrina hit louisiana not because of geography or weather. they say hurricane katrina hit louisiana because of gay people. gay people did hurricane katrina somehow. that's how antigay they are. that is how governor bobby jindal is kicking off his presidential campaign. it is being held tomorrow on the campus of louisiana state university. lsu, interestingly, does not seem all of that psyched about hosting the event. there has been protests.
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there is a big all day protest planned for tomorrow outside of the venue on the campus. they're saying they're hearing that people are coming from all over the state. the lsu faculty senate took a vote and expressed displeasure. it was brought up for a vote and it passed by a vote of 15 to one. but even as this event makes waves at home with his own constituents, bobby jindal is going ahead with this event. he hosted an event at the governor's mansion. they have made multiple videos promoting governor jindal's role in it. he may be annoying people in louisiana by doing this. when you're trying to build a national profile as the most right wing, right? the most right wing religious of all of the potential republican
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candidates of 2016 apparently you have to be willing to eat chips and salsa with some self-proclaimed prophets in order to get there. so that's what bobby jindal is doing tomorrow. another candidate redoing what rick perly did back in 2012. if that is not confirmation enough that the republican primary is starting right now, consider also this weekend in california, it is the koch brother's donors summit in palm springs. with multiple republican presidential wanna-bes. they will allow a web stream of their events instead of keeping the whole thing secret. what they're going to stream will be a panel featuring marco rubio, ted cruz and rapid paul. it will be moderated by jonathan karl. they're touting this as the first republican candidates forum of the 2016 presidential race. that is this weekend. in addition to that, a 1250 seat
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venue is sold out, there is a 1,000 seat waiting list. it is called the iowa freedom summit hosted by the very well known anti-immigration republican steve king. steve king used to be thought as of the very far right fringe of the republican party, but his event tonight has attracted no fewer than 10 likely presidential candidates. everyone said the 2012 republican primaries were sort of nadear in terms of republican primaries putting fringy conservative on display. everyone thought they hit that in 2012 and then they were moving away. turns out 2016 will be the same thing but maybe even better. joining us now from steve king fest is kacie hunt.
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great to see you. thanks for being here. >> hey, rachel. >> so i'm not going to have you talk approximate about bobby jindal's event, much as i would like to trick you into that. >> thank you, i appreciate that. >> trust me, the calls you get back from people to confirm the details. but in iowa tonight, can you just describe the basics of what's happening in iowa this weekend, and why like 10 presidential candidates are there? >> sure, these kind of cattle calls as they refer to them are not uncommon in iowa. they are hosted by a family leader, which is one of the conservative evangelical groups. we have the bulk of what we consider to be the 2016 presidential field. you're typically represented on the conservative side. it is kind of guides between people who are arguing over the
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evangelical christian vote. so from that group, you have mike huckabee who is a revered figure here. he will be closing out the conference. you have rick santorum. you have ted cruz. you have ben carson who captured a lot of excitement on that side. on the establishment side, you basically only have chris christie. mitt romney is not planning to make an appearance. jeb bush is not planning to make an appearance, and you have rand paul who is not coming to this and i would put him in a category by himself because he will have a base of support here in iowa that comes from what his father a laid the groundwork for when he ran for president. we will hear from all of them today. it is sort of the kick off of this season. santorum and huckabee will be staying in iowa to do book tours. excuse me, huckabee is doing a book tour santorum is making some stops. >> we're about a year out from the iowa caucuses, and some people feel they need a year's
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worth of runway to take off from there. iowa is a specific place for their republican preferences, what they like to be told, how they like to be courted. can you tell which potential candidates are doing themselves the most good by being there with steve king this weekend, showing their faces and doing this work? >> so i actually would throw a little bit of a curveball at you. i would think i think the person to watch is new jersey governor chris christie. he has a personal relationship with congressman steve king that goes back to when king stood up for him at the a hearing a few years ago. he has raised money for him, and i watch for how king introduces christie, if he is positive. while they differ on some policies, christie was asked about immigration last time in iowa. he says i'm not getting into
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immigration. i don't think that will stand up for very long. the way that you have king vouching for him, and christie being fear less, watching how the crowd reacts to him will be a significant tell for how he could do in sort of a broader context of the caucuses. i think there has been a lot of a assumptions about the fact that people will say, christie won't play in iowa because he is so moderate on x, y, z. i'm not sure that what i'm picking up from people on the ground saying that's really the case. >> it is amazing to me that you have to win steve king to be viable for the presidency. i mean five minutes ago he was like the republican parties -- someone they were trying to hide away from the rest of the country. now he's a kingmaker in addition to being a congressman. thank you, have a great time this weekend. >> thanks, rachel. >> we have lots more ahead including one of the most spectacular parades you will ever see, and later we have a
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hot dog. we have a bunch of other weird stuff because it has been a weird news day today, stay with us. discover card. hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? yeah, we help with fraud protection. we monitor every purchase every day and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you're really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. just to be clear you are saying "frog protection" right? yeah, fraud protection. frog protection. fraud protection. frog. fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we're on the same page. we're totally on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at they say after seeing a magician make his assistant disappear mr.clean came up with a product that makes dirt virtually disappear.
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bobby jindal and a event he is doing this weekend. an event that has a lot of protestors turning out tomorrow. while i was doing that segment, bobby jindal sent us a statement about what he was doing. i'm very excited. this is the statement. the response is an event for people of faith to come together and pray for the future of our country. it is a a prayer event, not a political rally, it is free and open to everyone. thank you governor for sending that statement. all of that obviously true. it is also true that he will be appearing at that event with a woman who says she can raise
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on for three days. he will be at the parade on monday. this is amazing. today they held a full dress rehearsal for the parade. there was daredevil motorcycle ride planes tanks, missiles floats, it's a big deal. president obama, look at the parade, president obama will be the first u.s. president to visit the nation of india twice as president. when he was there in mumbai in 2010, it basically brought that city of 20 million people to a complete halt. mumbai is basically the financial capital of india. this time president obama will be in new delhi, the political capital. he is basically expected to shut down that city. he will visit the president's residence. he will meet with the new indian prime minister, he will have a
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state dinner, and he will be out in the ohm for the giant republic day parade. it will shut down no fewer than 71 high-rise buildings where you could get a site line from him. that last trip to india was seen as a landmark trip. you might remember michelle bachman had it on good authority that that trip cost $200 million a day? it did not, but it will involve the president goes to the most off the hook parade i have ever seen a rehearsal for. wheels up at 6:00 a.m. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta.
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hi, it is that time again for friday. we have a friday night news contestant. i thought we could do one of those things. we have confetti guns. >> we have more than one, and it has a few charges left. >> i'm very reluctant to give it up, you feel like you never know, and they work so poorly. it would be very embarrassing. i don't know how you will feel about this one then. this is a picture of reese witherspoon.
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>> this is the discharge petition reference. from legally blond two. i want her to stop staring at me. and then, you know, we got this for that segment we're going to do later about sky mall, so we're getting this toaster that makes hot dogs and buns and what will we do with it after? >> because sky mall is going away. >> have you ever used it? >> we could try it out. >> i'm going to use it tonight, and then we could give it away used after we -- >> yes. >> you know what we'll do. i have to think about it.
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>> now that we have purged the calendar of five of the six democratic amendments, the majority leader tells us it is time to vote. >> we just had votes on democratic amendments that your members offered and didn't want to agree to have a vote on. >> you would not even give the authors 60 seconds to describe what was in the amendment. >> if i'm correct the senator from illinois is going to object to this consent agreement. >> i object. >> the senate was debating last night past midnight was whether or not to approve the construction of the keystone pipeline. congressional republicans made it their top priority this year, job one, to force crux of the pipeline. they surprised republicans when they cut off debate around midnight and they said they will move toward a final vote on the issue early next week.
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chop, chop. because the lord of coincidence is a merciful lord, while the congress has been up late trying to hurry up this pipeline through the midsection of the country, the region where this construction would be set to take place has been hit by not one, not two, but three major pipeline spills in the court of a few days. there was the yellow stone river oil spill, a 12 inch pipeline that burst and spewed 40,000 gallons of oils into the river. the keystone pipeline would be in the same area under the same river. then there was 100,000 gallons of a chemical laiden brine, a salt water and petroleum mix. that is in the epicenter of the oil boom. that 100,000 gallon oil spill was nothing compared to the three million gallon spill that happened in williston. they down river of the yellow
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stone, and now they have this three million gallon spill in their backyard. consider north dakota's history with things like this. this three million spill is thought to be the largest pill of this kind in state history. the one before this one was in 2006, an oil company skilled about a million gallons of toxic brine in a creek. it was the worst environmental disaster in state history of the time. that was in 2006. a million gallons, it is still
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being cleaned up today a decade later. that was one million gallons of brine. this one we just learned about is three million gallons of brine. in the years after that spill, north dakota lawmakers tried to fix the problem. they wanted to put devices in them to make transporting these things better. in the wake of this latest spill, in north dakota, the largest every spill, democrats say they're trying to bring that bill back. they say they may reintroduce it as early as monday. joining me is corey mock. he's a democratic on the oil and natural resources committee.
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finds out this is the largest spill in state history, and the last big one is still being cleaned up a decade later, how worried are you about these pipeline spills and what they will do to north dakota. >> you have to take any pipeline spill very seriously. what we're learning about was three million gallons of produced water and contaminants into the river system. it makes a lot of us nervous. we have to think of putting families first. people live along these watersheds and doing what is best so that this volatile industry, that is so sensitive to disruption, such as a spill, that doesn't create long-term effects for our economy. >> so it is not the entire economy, but it's a major part of your economy in the state.
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people don't want to harness it in a way to hurt the industry in a long-term way, but after the million began lon spill a few years ago, i'm surprised the vote was 86-4 against a republican introduced bill to try to add more safety issues. why was it beaten so badly? >> in full disclosure, i wish we would go back and reconsider what we did two years ago or didn't do. i voted against the bill. i had every intention of supporting it. we had a room full of industry professionals, we even had our own chief regulator. he along with many industry officials came in and opposed the bill saying that -- requiring that flow meters and shut off valves were a costly mistake.
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they made sure they would butt the precautions in place. but that was a step in the wrong direction for the industry. it caused many committee members to reconsider that decision to support the bill. >> do you think you could win the argument in the other direction? obviously you're going to support the bill if you're going to be part of reintroducing it now. do you think the argument will go the other way? >> well, you know we have to do something, we have to address a lot of the concerns brought forward two years ago. the best time to put in these amendments was four years ago. but have to do something that is comprehensive, there is no insurance or financial backing of any of these pipelines. we're looking at a comprehensive bill to have bonding for these pipelines, shut off meters for every new pipeline, and faze the same technology to the existing pipelines.
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hot dog? i can cook the dogs and toast the buns at the same time. this will be ready in just a minute. next question. do you need to grow more hair? do you need a cane is that has a cobra handle. do you want to had a cute little squirrel with a helmet. do you want to fake dog to cram a wine bottle down his throat? why would you pour wine like a regular person when you could do this. do you want your dog to pop in the house? your cat to poop in this little house.
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pierogi christmas ornament? want your shower to be a color? how about a giant plunger that covers the whole toilet seat? how about this thing that plays music and pumps oxygen up your nose. the answer to all of these things is too bad. because sky mall, the greatest catalog on earth, the only free phone call you could make, sky mall, that brought us the machine that cooks the hot dog and toasts the buns at the same time went bankrupt today. i'm very sorry. i promise to make it up to you tonight. stay with us. .... there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. mmmm. these are good!
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you know one person really can make a difference. tom coburn left the senate last year. the new congress does not have him in it. and because of that, because of his absence, some stuff is getting done know. it is kind of an inspirational story, him leaving. since the new congress took over there has been a lot of noise about the abortion bill they pulled after their women got creeped out by the rape provisions.
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other things related to the keystone pipeline, changing to obama care, but for all of the noise, the procedural votes on the way to other procedural votes, there is only one thing that has passed so far. that has been signed into law. it is the terrorism risk insurance act. this is kind of a noncontroversial house keeping issue. it is a thing that needed today be reauthorized after being in place for years. they were able to get that placed and signed into law. specifically because tom coburn poofed. while he was in congress he was blocking that, personally, for reasons that were persuasive only to him.
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he didn't succeed in persuading a single other member of congress. he blocked it alone until he could not because he left congress. now because she gone that bill has passed. that's the one thing they have done so far that has been signed by president obama and become law. the absence of tom coburn is strong. it can do more than that. the other thing that tom coburn devoted himself to before leaving congress was single handingly blocking a bipartisan small scale group that veterans groups made to prevent suicide. it is a best practices bill. we have 22 veterans a day committing suicide in our country right now. this bill had unanimous support in the house. all but unanimous support in the senate, but the support in the senate did not include one senator, tom coburn. he failed to convince a single member of congress to agree with whatever his objections were. that apparently created zero doubt in the mind of tom coburn. he stood alone. his arguments were persuasive to no one else. he just blocked it. alone. and so, it failed.
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last year, because of him. but now he is gone. and so the clay hunt veteran suicide prevention bill is going to happen. it is not a done deal, but thanks to tom coburn no longer holding a position of power, it looks like it will happen, the bill passed the house last week by a vote of 403 to zero. the veterans committee and the senate passed the bill by a vote of 15-0. the senator of that committee called this thing emergency legislation. now that that veteran's bill will head, very soon it looks like, to the senate floor, it looks like it is going to go. the absence of tom coburn means it will get a vote, and it will pass, probably unanimously. and our nation's veterans will get some of what they think they need to kick this terrible, terrible problem.
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don't let anyone tell you that one person cannot make a difference. a man named com coburn has made a huge difference in the lives of veterans. and now the country can clean up the disgrace of what he left behind. this should be getting done soon, we will keep you posted as we learn more. retirement? i don't want to think about the alternative. i don't even know how to answer that. i mean, no one knows how long their money is going to last. i try not to worry but you worry. what happens when your paychecks stop? because everyone has retirement questions. ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. to get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today.
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he trains. he's psyched. ready for the knockout? you don't know "aarp." he's staying in shape by keeping his brain healthy and focused with aarp's staying sharp. with online mind sharpening exercises developed by the top minds in brain science. and exercise and stress reduction tips that can impact brain health. so he's ready for the real possibilities ahead. if you don't think top of my game when you think aarp then you don't know "aarp". find more surprisng possibilities and get to know us at hrfrplt it's time to see if you have been paying attention to the news all week. yea! friday night news dump time. the producer is here with tonight's prizes. who is playing tonight? >> tonight we have d. patel. she likes to sail. her nickname is the dancing
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doctor. she practices clinical cardio electrophysiology. >> it's like being the electrician of the heart. so there's a wacky rhythm. i put in a pace maker. sometimes i burn part of the heart that is an electric short circuit. it's pretty fun. >> does it have a hyphen? >> ep. >> you could do it as two different words, hyphenate. >> yeah. it depends how lazy you are. >> why do they call you the dancing doctor. >> i love it. >> if my heart ever needs an electrician, i would be comforted by knowing that my doctor had "glee" in her work. all right, dr. patel. i'm going to ask you three questions. you get two or more of them
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right and you win something that honestly is not really worth winning. which julia will show you. >> it's beautiful. >> it's pitiful. also, because we have too much junk cluttering our offices, we have a prize that you can win. if you get all the questions tonight or we just feel sorry for you because you do particularly poorly. >> thank you. >> what is it? >> it is a hot dog/hot dog bun toaster. >> this is what's left on earth after the death of sky mall. we might give this to you. i don't know if you even like hot dogs. >> i think every household needs one. >> it doesn't apply to any other food stuff. it cooks the hot dog and the hot dog bun at the same time. there is nothing you can cook it. >> it is exactly specialized for
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its field. so it must be very good. >> or at least expensive. and the disembodied voice of lord of mat toe blight. >> good evening. >> good evening. >> are you ready for your first question? >> yes. >> on monday as all 50 states were celebrating the federal holiday honoring dr. martin luther king jr., three states celebrated another holiday on the same day. at least at first glance it seems to be the opposite of mlk day. in arkansas mississippi, and alabama, whose memory was also celebrated on monday alongside martin luther king?
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>> i'm going to go with robert e. lee. >> let's look at the segment from monday's show. >> today is martin luther king jr. day and robert e. lee day in alabama, mississippi, and arkansas. >> robert e. lee's birthday is still being honored in parts of the deep south. >> excellent. well done. >> god bless america. >> you have to get two to win the bad prize. so let's go to question 2. on wednesday's show we reported that senate minority leader reed is going to have to undergo surgery to try to protect the eyesight in his right eye after he was injured over the holidays. how was senator reid injured over the christmas break? >> a a. complications during laser eye surgery. b, he got punched in the eye during a charity boxing match. c, a piece of exercise equipment
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broke while he was working out. or d, bar fight in alaska. >> as much as i want to say d, i think it's c, his exercise equipment broke. >> what's the right answer on that one? >> let's take a look at the footage from the press conference. >> i was exercising which i have been doing for many years with the large rubber bands. and one of them broke and spun me around. and i crashed into cabinets. >> as much as i like the idea of harry reid getting into a bar fight, i'm going to say the answer is c. >> so he obviously busted his eye. that's terrible. but he also broke his ribs. and he was asked what about your rings. and he said his ribs were meaningless. >> i know. >> your torso doesn't need those ribs. >> absolutely not. >> they do their own structural
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work. roll them up like a sock. anyway. okay. so you have two right. are you ready for your last question? >> i'm so excited. i have already won. >> you have already won. but this is for the super prize. on last night's show we learned about yet another very powerful politician who has just been arrested and indicted on felony corruption charges. which of the following states has not seen its speaker of the house indicted within the last year? a, new york. b, massachusetts. c, alabama. or d, south carolina. three of those states have had their speaker of the house
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indicted within the last year. one of them hasn't. >> i'm stuck between c or d. i'm probably wrong. i'm going to go with -- i don't know i'll go with c. >> c. steve, do you have the answer for us? >> massachusetts had three convicted speakers in a row but not within the last year. so the correct answer is b, massachusetts. you did not get this one correct. >> totally hard speakers. >> i just figured. >> massachusetts is good at that one. they have been all right for a couple of years now. did dr. patel win? >> she won the beautiful cocktail shaker. >> we have no idea what to do with that freaking hot dog thing so you won that too. i'm going to take host privilege. thanks so much for playing. good luck being a heart electrician. >> thanks. it was awesome. >> you never know what you might
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win. sometimes you win stuff if you don't really wind. send an e-mail and let us know who you are, where you live, why you want to play. a dangerous mix-up up and down the east coast right now. snow sleet, freezing rain. it is expected to be the biggest storm in the winter. the full forecast ahead. air war. new twist and reaction in the scandal over new england's deflated footballs. the nfl now weighs in. but will the exact truth ever be known the race for the white house 2016. an event in iowa could give us a better look at what might be running for president up in the air. the future of a magazine that's been selling quirky items for years now in doubt. what will happen to sky mall magazine and why was it so fascinating to read?
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