tv The Ed Show MSNBC January 26, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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air travel flights can't get there from here. >> yeah. >> it's going to have an economic impact. there will be costs to this. >> this is a whopper of a storm. >> yes. >> it's always good to see you. >> that's a very good term. a whopper of a storm. >> that's all for us. "the ed show" picks up our coverage now. >> big ed. good evening americans, and welcome to "the ed show" live from detroit lakes minnesota. it's breaking news. the northeast is bracing for what could be a historic blizzard. snow has already started to fall in new york city up to two feet of snow is expected in the new york metro area with dangerously high winds. mayor bill de blasio said it could be the largest storm in the city's history and urged residents to prepare and take care.
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mario cuomo said this storm is a dangerous mix. >> we are expecting a very high rate of snowfall starting later this evening combined with high gusts, gusts as high as 55 miles per hour that is a big combination. you almost can't plow that much snow that quickly, especially with those wind gusts. >> just moments ago, governor cuomo has issued a travel ban for 13 counties in southern new york. if you are caught on the road after 11:00 tonight, it will be a misdemeanor and a $300 fine. the governor emphasized that as a total travel ban in the restricted area. the new york city subway system will limit service starting at 8:00 p.m. the metro north and long island railroad will suspend service at 11:00 tonight.
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the new jersey transit train service will close at 10:00 p.m. and is expected to remain closed on tuesday. in connecticut, the governor issued a travel ban for the entire state starting at 9:00 p.m. thousands of flights have been cancelled. more are expected tomorrow. announcements say there will be no flight out of laguardia airport tomorrow. an estimated 50 million people are in the path of this storm. for more let me bring in bill carons. bill, good to have you with us tonight. announcements by the moment at this point. this is a very fluid situation. where's the worst of the storm right now, bill? good to have you with us. >> it is right over the top of new york city. new york city is ahead of the schedule. we were thinking 6:00 to 8:00 get off the roads.
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everybody should be off the roads now. now is the time. if you don't want to get stuck on the roads or anything to do with the highways around new york city once we get to about 10:00 p.m. you are risking getting stranded on the highways. your car won't be able to move for days. that's what we're trying to avoid. getting all the word out. they don't want any rescues. they don't want to have to risk the national guardsmen and troops to rescue these people. all the yellows and oranges here, that's moisture being thrown up into the sky from our developing storm. you can see the flow of it heading north upwards right into new england. the bands of snow are starting to intensify. 29 million people roughly under the blizzard warnings in this greenish color here. you go all the way from jersey
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shore to down east maine. one in 1996 was one of the benchmark storms. we'll have to see if this one rivals that one. it probably will. here's another view of new york city smack in the middle of that band. not much to the north and none to the south. new york city, already about 3 inches of snow. the winds are starting to pick up. 23 at central park. the winds at the peak of the storm will be around 50 to 60 miles per hour. don't bother trying to shovel especially tuesday morning. it will blow right back where you put it before. wait until tuesday night or wednesday morning. the winds are picking up in boston and martha's vineyard. the winds are starting to howl
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in eastern mass. here's my snowfall forecast. if i'm going to do anything, this two to three foot band of blue, i may start to inch it closer to new york city and hartford. that's where the band will be from midnight until 8:00 a.m. in the morning. new york city a foot and a half. boston two feet. hartford almost two feet. philadelphia a foot. if i was to make any tweaks it may be up in hartford and new york. this storm paralyzing on tuesday, ed. wednesday is snow removal. power crews won't get out there until thursday. picture what that's going to be like with these families for three days in their homes with now power and they can't get out of their front door.
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>> it is a dire situation. when the power goes out and the temperatures fall it is a very dangerous situation. stay in communication with neighbors and loved ones. in forecasting this one thing about these alberta clippers is they are unpredictable. as the storm develops, it can get worse as time goes on in a very unpredictable fashion, can't it? >> they can sometimes go through harmlessly. they start in canada and come down through the midwest. sometimes they reach the coast and the flow is progressive and it kind of goes east to west. maybe they blow up off the coast, but they don't do the hook. if you look at the weather map, this stuff that came down from minnesota earlier today, this is what is responsible. this surge is diving south. we have snow heading for areas of tennessee with this. this is hooking down. that is causing everything to bend backwards. we call it a negative tilt. that's what changed with this forecast.
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that's what captured the alberta clipper that is making it stall out here and now it is feasting on the warm waters of the gulf stream. sometimes this can happen. the reason this one is so unprecedented is we're going to see this heavy band of snow over eight and ten hours and thunder snow. that band is not going to move tonight. holy cow. what happened? >> it is one of the archives no doubt. great to have you with us tonight. thank you for that update. all along the northeastern seaboard it is mother nature calling the shots here for the next 48 hours. in the thick of it of course is boston massachusetts. let me bring in the mayor of boston massachusetts. tell us what your people are dealing with there and how you're preparing for this? >> the snow is coming.
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now it is getting more heavy. we have pretreated the roads for the snow for the first at least plow of it. the roads are somewhat quiet right now. i'm telling people as they get home don't go out. don't expect to go out and try not to be on the roads tonight at all. we have an emergency parking ban going into effect here in boston at 6:00. the governor declared a state of emergency here at midnight tonight. all indications says we're going to get a direct hit here and it is going to be a pretty big storm here in the city of boston. >> mayor walsh, have you considered a travel ban in the city of boston? >> well, the governor did it on a statewide level. we're asking people tomorrow -- i don't think anyone will have the opportunity to go anywhere. we're asking people -- public transportation for the most part is going to be closed down tomorrow. i don't think many people will be moving around the city at
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all. only essential personnel. doctors and nurses and medical staff, any type of essential personnel that's needed in boston. >> and mayor, how is your city functioning right now? how would you say people are responding to this, and what do you want your folks to do? >> right now everyone listened to the reports and has followed who has been broadcast on the weather channel and the different networks. i'm asking people to make sure they keep an eye on their neighbors next door their elderly neighbors in particular. as the snow comes, once we get into the mode of removing the snow, check on your neighbors. help shovel them out. make sure they have enough food and supplies. make sure you have enough food and supplies. this is the last chance to go out and get it. don't take this storm for granted. all indications say this is
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going to be a pretty big storm. doesn't look like the weather map is changing anytime soon. you could be in your home for a cupouple of days. we cancelled school for tuesday and wednesday. hopefully we'll be up and running at full capacity once the storm moves out. >> all right, mayor martin walsh of boston massachusetts, here with us tonight, giving us the latest. thank you, sir. let me bring in the mayor of danbury, connecticut. also good to have you. your governor malloy has issued a travel ban after 9:00 tonight. do you anticipate any problems with people complying with that at this hour? >> after 9:00, we will be ticketing and towing people out on the roads who are not on official business. we take it very seriously.
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the sooner we can get people off the streets, the sooner we can get the streets cleaned and get the city open again. that's why we take those kind of recommendations and orders seriously. >> are you going to shut everything down or are these plows going to be working through the night in an attempt to keep these roads open? >> you never let your plow crews go home. that's the cardinal rule in snow removal. these men and women will be working the next 24 to 36 hours straight. we have an area set up where they can rest, take naps get something to eat. you can never let your crews go home because you can never get them back later in the night when things get bad. it is really hard to open it back up. many cities and towns struggled to get cleaned up in the last snow because they did let the roads get covered over.
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>> mayor, what would you compare this to? your experience in dealing with city services and county services being called on at this level? >> the february '13 storm was 20-plus inches of snow. the topper for me was the blizzard of '78. we'll have to see if this will verify out. the maps are just all over the place in terms of what's going to happen. i wish there was a little bit better alignment. we're ready to go and we'll get the job done. >> do you have any plans to mobilize people if you have power outages in your communities? >> oh absolutely. two things we do. one, we have a list of probably 200 to 300 super seniors. they are over age 80 that are
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shut-ins that don't have any family around. our fire department will check on them. we'll have several warming centers open. we're ready to go with all that stuff. you know, this is new england. we do get snow. you have to be ready for it. it is part of the job. >> all right, mayor of danbury, connecticut, here with us tonight. all the best of luck. mother nature calling the shots here. our blizzard of '15 coverage continues. stay with us. we have a lot more coming.
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welcome back to "the ed show". snow has started to fall in new york city. andrew cuomo issued a travel ban for 13 counties in southern new york. the ban goes into effect at 11:00 tonight. this is a total travel ban. up to two feet of snow is now expected in the new york city metro area. there's little doubt severe weather events are becoming more frequent in the united states. many scientists think that there is a direct link between severe weather and climate change. this year alone we have seen a record drought in california that is devastating local economies. washington state has seen some of the largest wildfires in their history. earlier this month noaa announced 2014 was the hottest year on report globally. this graphic shows sea surface
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temperature abnormalities for this time of year. the blue is below average. gray is normal. red is above average, and white is high above average. meteorologists say high sea surface temperatures are helping fuel weather patterns we're seeing unfold in front of us, especially this blizzard. let me bring in paul douglas, who is a senior meteorologist. great to have you with us tonight. the old saying in business hustle is the key to survival when it comes to weather, common sense becomes the lifeline right now. you have seen people think they can get out into this weather and think they are going to be okay only to find out things go south fast. the unpredictable of an albert that clipper such as this if you can speak to this and really convey to our audience what we really are dealing with tonight
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on the east coast. >> it's good to be with you as always ed. i should tell you i have a son in the navy. he flies helicopters. i keep reminding me son brett out in san diego do not push the weather. i think that's good advice for everybody. but these clippers are incredibly incredibly fickle. these clippers dive southeastward from al berberta, canada and they race out to the northwest. they can mutate. they can morph into nor'easters. storms that derive much of their energy and strength and moisture from the atlantic ocean. that graphic you referenced sea surface temperatures -- again, last week we told you 14 out of the last 15 years have been the
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warmest on record since the turn of the century. 2014 happened to be the absolute warmest. 93% of all that additional heat energy is going into the world's oceans. when people say, who cares about climate change you wind up amplifying, juicing, some of these storms. not all storms but you increase the potential of getting these occasional super storms. these jaw-dropping meteorological situations like we had in buffalo back in december when we had cold air passing over warm water in lake erie and the result was five, six, seven feet of snow. this is a winter's worth of snow in 36 hours. don't accuse the weather channel
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of hype. don't accuse your favorite local tv meteorologist of hype. i think the meteorologists are underplaying the potential for this storm because we have all the ingredients. very cold temperatures. this is not your typical, gloppy snow. this is going to be a dry, powdery, almost a winnipeg storm. >> we have these warm temperatures on the ocean's surface which is part of fueling all of this. what about the wind speed and the wind patterns offshore as it relates to the northeast portion of the united states? >> the meteorologists i've been talking to today in my own shop at and at the weather channel are calling this a bomb. it is called bombogenesis. it creates a partial vacuum.
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the center of low pressure. as the air accelerates into that partial vacuum, the wind speeds can be 40, 50 60 miles per hour. ten meter winds up around hurricane force. this is literally a tropical storm with snow. it is not a tropical storm. it is not a warm core system but in terms of the impact between coastal flood warnings the blizzard -- and it is a true blizzard. that is defined as 35 mile an hour sustained winds and low visibility. boston it may hang on through tuesday night and wednesday morning. coastal flooding at high tide after midnight. the snow is going to be prone to
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blowing and drifting. >> so paul meteorologically this is historic from the standpoint the temperatures of the water and the elements that are going into this aftermath of the alberta clipper. we have not seen temperatures in the water this high contributing to this weather pattern, so is this somewhat new territory for us in the meteorological world? >> absolutely. you put it very well. all this excess heat has been absorbed by the oceans in some cases deep into the ocean. out of sight out of mind no
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problems. the earth's natural checks and balances, but every now and then some of this excess heat in the oceans comes back to the surface where it can fuel extreme typhoons in the pacific, like we saw once again last year. in this case the water temperatures across much of the atlantic are 2 celsius warmer than average. that thin narrow gulf stream water strip, as much as 8, 9, 10 degrees celsius warmer than average for late january, and that is adding additional punch additional water vapor. would this storm have happened naturally? absolutely. is a warmer ocean making it worse and increasing the snowfall amounts? absolutely. >> okay. paul douglas, please stay with us. he is a senior meteorologist.
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welcome back to "the ed show." our blizzard '15 coverage continues tonight. this is a live look at times square. states of emergency have been declared in new york rhode island massachusetts, connecticut, and new jersey. what are the people doing? a lot of people left the city early today, did they not? >> reporter: you're right. this is the height of the commute typically for folks who work in new york city. i'm going to get you to pan over here if i can. just to show you the number of
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people that are left. just a handful of folks and most of them are tourists we found. a lot of folks heeding the requests from governor andrew cuomo to leave early if you can. most people seem to have done that. most folks seem to be staying off the roadways as well. we have seen a number of buses and a number of taxis, but by and large not a lot of passenger cars. also want to show you something down here. the 30 rock ice rink over the past few hours we have seen no less than 8 to 10 inches of snow accumulate on the ice rink. we're usingeing promethius as a bid of a guide here. we fully anticipate this time tomorrow for him to be all
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white, not gold. >> craig, what is the situation with the subway service? is there any word about how they are running and what kind of crowds they're having there? >> reporter: earlier this afternoon, governor cuomo announcing the long island railroad will shut down around 10:30, 11:00. metro north shutting down between 10:30 and 11:00 as well. the subway system over the next few hours areis going to be scaled out as well. the hope is to get nonessential personnel off the roads, to keep them from traveling. the second reason is to protect the trains. we saw this during superstorm sandy. we have seen this during a couple of other blizzards as well. in an attempt to preserve the train cars they bring them in.
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keep in mind the roads effectively shut down. 13 counties folks being told after 11:00, if you're not an emergency vehicle, you will be ticketed if you're found to be on the roadway. governor cuomo effectively shutting down the big apple for a while, at least. >> okay. i have to tell you that it looks like you have gathered standard issue with that hat, that bomber hat. i have got one of these too. we have these in minnesota, you know. you can't go anywhere unless you have one of these bomber hats. isn't that about the warmest hat you have ever had on? >> reporter: it is. i always feel like such a poser when i put it on. i only put it on for tv. you can pull it off
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authentically. >> you got the memo. great to have you with us tonight. it looks like there people in the city are doing what they have to do. being very calm about the whole thing and moving about their business. heeded the warnings got out of the city early, doesn't look like there's a lot of activity around you, which is all good news. this is the key to survival when people start paying attention to broadcasters are saying on the scene and people of authority. mother nature isn't kidding this time around. it is very important that uyou pay attention to what is being broadcast. we have more continuing coverage of our blizzard '15 as soon as i put on my hat here standard issue here in the north country.
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welcome back to "the ed show." continuing coverage here on blizzard '15. we're bringing you the latest. we're hearing out of new york city reporter melissa russo. >> reporter: it is not just cars and trucks but bikes also. be prepared for high winds, low visibility, and dangerous conditions and the high possibility of no late night food deliveries. the mayor wants everyone off the road. he said that before governor cuomo announced the statewide driving ban. the mayor wants no driving unless you drive an ambulance or a salt spreader. the roads will remain closed until the blizzard dies down. some drivers are complaining about the question to leave
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their cars plowed in for a couple of days. kids are reacted to schools being closed tomorrow although it may not be the fun snow day where kids will be playing in the snow. >> it will not be an optional matter. as part of our emergency declaration, i'm ordering that at 11:00 tonight our streets will only be available to emergency vehicles. all nonemergency vehicles need to be off the streets of new york city by 11:00 p.m. tonight. we will continue that emergency declaration until the situation is safe. >> we are very hopeful that everyone will get home safely. it is really important also that parents consider the safety of their children in the coming days between day and tomorrow. keep the kids home and reading a good book is not a bad way to spend the day off from school. there will be dangerous situations out in the streets.
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that may not be the best place for them to be. >> i get extra days to study for my test. >> we can take shelter and go nowhere else. >> you can take shelter. that's what the mayor wants us to do. what do you think about school being closed? is that a good thing? how do you feel about it? >> bad thing. >> you'd rather go to school. where all the kids like this? >> i don't know. >> why is it a bad thing? >> if you don't have school you don't learn. >> that was reporter melissa russo from wnbc in new york city. we're bringing you the latest developments on the historic storm throughout the hour. let's turn to ron allen on long island. ron, what is the situation there tonight? i understand the winds are expecting -- are going to be very very high. >> reporter: indeed. they're saying now up to 70 miles per hour. that's higher than they were forecasting earlier and they're saying the snow is accumulating
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faster than they thought as well. we have a couple of inches of snow on the ground. the roads are already very, very dangerous. there's still a lot of traffic moving. up there is the long island expressway. those cars and trucks are heading out east to where the storm is going to be even more severe. there was a ban of truck traffic on the roads as of 4:00, but we can still see some heavy trucks trying to move off the roads. we see a steady stream of cars trying to get off and get home. the winds are starting to gust. that's a big concern out here. this is long island. we are surrounded by water on a couple of sides here. you can't see it this time of night. they're concerned about big storm surges and big erosion and so forth. the big fear is what would happen after dark. local officials have been trying
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to get ahead of the storm. earlier today, we saw them hoping to get a layer of sand and salt between the road and the snow. they hope they have been successful so they can start clearing it. the roads are passable. we haven't seen a lot of cars sliding down this hill. they've been cominge inginge inging evenly but we have seen emergency vehicles stuck in the traffic trying to get down this ramp to get to where they're trying to go. right now the winds are picking up the snow has been falling steadily the past couple of hours. it's a dangerous situation on the roads. stay at home. that's the warning. that's the law. pretty soon it will be a misdemeanor traffic fine of $3000$300 or more if you're caught on the roads after 11:00 tonight. >> all right, ron allen reporting from long island tonight. they are expecting 70 mile an
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hour winds. he was referring to the total travel ban that governor mario cuomo -- governor cuomo just within the last hour said that goes into effect on 11:00 tonight. that'll be a total travel ban. if you're on the road traveling, it will be a misdemeanor and a $300 fine. joining me now is the mayor of new haven, connecticut. what's the situation? >> the situation is very similar. the amount of snow they are predicting as actually gone up. they are predicting here anywhere from 24 to 36 inches of snow. we too, in new haven are on the coast. there is an added threat of a surge during high tide so we're really concerned about flooding. it is going to go from two to four feet. we're really really very
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concerned. >> what kind of preparations were into high gear say, 12 hours ago? are you pleased with the way the folks have responded in your town of new haven? >> i am very pleased. there are 13 departments that have been working today on this issue. but as early as friday saturday, and sunday we had our department of public works, the police department fire department, our transportation department all working on plans for this storm. we feel we are very prepared as well. everyone is on board. we are in the emergency operations center and coordinating between each other. we're really hoping that everyone will be safe in our community because of our team effort. >> yeah. mayor harp the region is probably going to be dealing
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with some power outages here in the coming 24 to 36 hours because of what we're seeing unfold in front of our eyes. what kind of emergency plans do you have if you have to get to people who are stranded isolated, and without power? >> we have actually gotten three payloaders from the national guard. they'll be assisting ambulances as well as the fire department to getting to folks who are trapped. we learned during nemo that was a particular problem, so we wanted to be prepared for that. we believe that we are with the three payloaders that are stationed at various fire stations. and they'll be able to get through -- dig through those streets that are impacted the narrow streets. we're an old city so we have a
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lot of narrow streets. we think the payloaders will help. we didn't know about those three years ago. >> mayor of new haven, connecticut, here with us tonight. i certainly know that the governor of new york is andrew cuomo. i misspoke just a moment ago identifying him as his father mario cuomo. i apologize for that. please forgive me. it is andrew cuomo who did put in a travel ban within the last hour that goes into effect tonight at 11:00 eastern time. we have another view of the storm. take a look at this. this is the snowstorm as seen from space. the blizzard warning covers a 250-mile stretch of the northeast. noaa satellites captured these
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welcome back to "the ed show." you're looking at the latest images coming out of the northeast as residents brace for winter storm juno. tens of millions of people in the region are being urged to stay inside and off the roads. the governors of five northeastern states have declared states of emergency in
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new york new jersey connecticut, massachusetts, and rhode island. new york city subways, which carry 5.5 million riders daily, will be on a limited a limited schedule 800 p.m. tonight. at 11:00 p.m. the port authority will shut down mass transit. all drivers are ordered off city roads after 11:00 p.m. as well. new jersey transit will close by 10:00 p.m. tonight. connecticut governor has order aid statewide travel ban beginning 9:00 p.m. this evening. pennsylvania governor come wolf has designed a disaster emergency proclamation for his state. baker banned all motor travel beginning at midnight tonight. speaking of mass marks football fans can rest easy knowing the super bowl bound patriots beat the blizzard.
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deadliest clippers to hit the region. 16 died and hundreds were stranded as wind gusts over 70 miles per hour created whiteout conditions. there's documentaries about that particular storm as its become known as the great white wall. >> this carried wind speeds of 70 miles per hour delivering wind chill factors as low as 70 degrees fahrenheit. . >> we were called during the evening and told that his friends hadn't come home from the theater by west acres. he was concerned. we advised our units. we weren't that concerned because nobody -- nothing had seriously happened before. >> i remember when colonel hague called me. he says i got some bad news. i said do i want to hear it? he said probably not. >> we have tragic news. we have confirmation i guess that three have been found dead in a vehicle on 19th avenue north in far go. cause of death is not known. further did detal-- further details are not available. >> it was announced four, not
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three, had died of carbon monoxide ied poisons after they got stranded. robert hues his son bradley, and two others. >> i'm joined by paul douglas, senior meteorologist at media logic group in minneapolis. paul, i wanted to playthat clip because people may wonder why a travel ban is put in place. i speculate when you're looking at two to three foot of snow when you go out in these conditions and your car gets stranded, i guess there's documented cases of people who's tail pipe gets clogged with snow. they don't know what to do. it leads to dead. 1984 those are years after color weather radar got in
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effect. technology and calling of storms is far more so fistphisticated today. there's no one not paying attention to what authorities are saying. there's documented history people have not paid attention and it's cost them their lives. i know you have seen this. >> absolutely. there's no way that road crews in spite of of best intentions ed will be able to keep the roads open tonight. not when you have 40 50 60 miles per hour gusts, horizontal snow and some places thunder snow. new york providence to boston. no way you could keep the roads passable. you're asking for trouble. i know you know this ed. you've been in the media for a long time. meteorologists, as a profession have a tendency to overpredict snow. our worst fear is predicting flurries and waking up to a foot
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of flurries. people have long memories. as a result we tend to overcompensate. this is a hype worthy storm. everything you're hearing about this storm is verifying. now the question is is it 18 inches, 26 inches 30 inches? for new york, this will be the biggest since snowmageddon since 29 inches of snow fell. i think the best advice is hunker down stock up on candles and blankets and flashlights. expect the power to go out. be pleasantly surprised if it doesn't. we'll all hope for the best and stay tuned. >> and power up everything you can as far as recharging batteries, cell phone recharge and all of that. communication is going to be so terribly important. paul douglas, great resource. great to have you on "the ed
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show" as we continue our coverage. that is "the ed show." politics with reverend al sharpton continues here on our coverage on msnbc. >> good evening ed. thanks to you for tuning in. we start with breaking news. rush hour in the blizzard of 2015. commuters making their way home as a dangerous storm slams the northeast bringing high winds, whiteout conditions and possible record snowfalls. about 29 million people across 250 miles are under some form of weather advisory from new jersey all the way to maine. with two two to three feet of snow expected in some areas. five states have declared emergencies. officials are closing roads.
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