tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC January 28, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PST
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upon a time the george w. bush administration paid people to do positive news stories about them. it was ten years ago this month that usa today broke it was ten years ago this month that usa today broke the news that the u.s. education department under george w. bush had entered into a p.r. contract that included payments of almost a quarter million dollars to this guy to do positive stories in the news as if he were a journalist about the bush administration's education policy. his name was armstrong williams. he had hosted a tv show and radio show called the right side. he was a syndicated columnist at the time. when the news came out that armstrong williams was getting paid by the federal government to do positive stories about them, that was a big embarrassment for the bush administration, it also made armstrong williams very famous in a bad way. he lost all his fake journalistic gigs at the time. ten years down the root, armstrong williams is back, his production company that created
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the hour long campaign video, which purports to be a documentary about ben carson, ben carson is a doctor, tea party favorite who's going to run for president this year. and you know, maybe armstrong williams is an incredibly talented storyteller. the department of education thought so once upon a time, maybe there's good reason to hire armstrong williams to tell factual journalistic stories about you that are actually paid for propaganda. if you did so, there's a reason you would not put the name armstrong williams on something like that, it's embarrassing, right? and the lack of shame around that sort of history also brings us to today's news in indiana. today was supposed to be a big day for the governor of indiana.
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mike pence, very ambitious guy, wants to have a national profile. the mike pence administration said today would be his big breakout day for getting a big, positive national news story. about mike pence the conservative leader. today they thought he was really going to make it on to the map. today is the day they were going to announce a deal about how obama care will be implemented in that state. they thought it would be a great news story for mike pence. he has been looking for one of those as he tries to establish a national profile. presumably to try to build some mow people item for him as a 2016 presidential candidate. unfortunately for mike pence, all of the news that he wanted to make today was overshadowed by his own armstrong williams problem. this was the headline in the indianapolis star yesterday. governor mike pence's state run
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news outlet will compete with media. a reporter at the indy star named tom la bianca got ahold of internal launch documents for something that mike pence was starting inside indiana state government called just in. he has been in the process of starting just in as "the state of indiana news service." as described in the star, it is a state run taxpayer funded news outlet that will make prewritten news stories available to indiana, as well as sometimes break news about his administration. so that was the headline last night in the indianapolis star. that gave way to this cascade of headlines immediately thereafter. columnist, mike pence's horrible idea. another columnist, governor, kill the pence news agency now. that gave way to governor pence, said to be clarifying state-run news plan.
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governor pence saying it has been one big misunderstanding. he was lamenting reports that this was said to be a news agency. he said it was meant to be a resource, not a news source. that is not what he was trying to launch according to the documents published by the star. these are the frequently asked questions about mike pence's knew state run news agency. >> does just in cater to the media or a general audience? neither? both? we expect reporters to find the site helpful and it will be a news outlet in it's own right. the governor of indiana, mike pence, was launching a state-run news outlet, like "russia today."
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but in the way of doing that, the local press, the real local press in indiana caught him doing it, and now governor mike pence is having to dial it back. he had to spend all day today fending off questions about this thing, dealing with the tide of negative press that he made for himself. so yes, indiana governor, former congressman mike pence may want to be the republican candidate for president in 2016, and so far he is not setting himself up for that very well. in the real world of our politics right now, there is a case to be made that whether or not mike pence is a good candidate, if voters are attracted to him.
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there's a case to be made that that doesn't matter right now. the thing that keeps a basically anonymous, somewhat ham handed politician like mike pence as a top tier 2016 presidential candidate, is nothing about whether or not he handles things well in the state of indiana. the reason he keeps circulating is because he has two very very important friends. hi, guys. for the past year, you would be forgiven for thinking that mike pence is nor famous than he is. for the number of mentions that he gets, right? the focus is always the same thing about his mentions. it is not about his deal on medicaid in indiana or whether he's trying to start a hoosier version of pravda. it's not about anything he's doing as governor, it's really about the fact that the koch brothers love him. his staff and former staff is well placed in the koch activists and funders.
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mike pence himself gets granted individual personal audiences with the koch brothers when he requests them. that's what leads to these headlines. mike pence heading into a private dinner tells people at that sitting how grateful he is nor the koch activists. mike pence a favorite for 2016 run for president. american politics right now is at a place and at a time where it's sort of being striated into top tier politicians and not top tier politicians. at one level it manages if you're terrible, embarrassing, and dodo things that make people laugh out loud at you. that may matter less than whether or not you have the support of a couple very key
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funders who like you and have liked you for a long time. there has been a remarkable clarification about who is a contender in our politics right now and how that gets decided. just over the past few days, before the big east coast snowstorm, we had two nearly simultaneous events that made it very clear, who's making a serious run, and has a real chance, and who on the other side is just making noise. for the just making noise category, we had an excellent showcase in iowa this weekend, and what unexpectedly became clear in iowa is that none of the people who have previously run for president appear to be making a serious, cogent and threatening run for it this year. you wouldn't necessarily expect to see this before you see them in action. but all the people who have run before are all the worst at running again. i did not expect this until i saw some of the speeches. the speeches were really weird and at times really, really
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inexplicably bad. it's been said, i'm sure you heard it. there is two things you should never see. you should never see a law or a sausage made. i have seen both. and i still eat sausage. but i can attest to the fact that neither are very pretty. and in the case of a sausage, you and i will get this in a way that no one else in america does. if you're going to have sausage, you have to kill some pigs. there is a lot of people in america that was sausage and they don't want to kill any pigs. we need to do some pig killing to get to the sausage. >> at this point in the speech, we're like what are we talking about here? are we talking about legislation? or is this something different? "the daily show" lost it's mind over this clip and for good
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reason. mike huckabee is someone worried about in the previous years. former alaska governor and vice presidential nominee told politico that she was seriously considering running. her appearance in iowa this weekend makes it clear that that is not a risk to the nation. >> racism, sexism, whatever, it is really observing how that works, that rule no doubt that the left employs -- disgusting charges from the left that reverse them. you know, for it is they who point a finger, not realize -- they have triple that amount of fingers pointing right back at them.
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>> if you point forward, there are three fingers pointing back at you. you know what that leaves unexplained -- >> even with all of the finger pointing and the angry fist shaking, the excitement from people like rick perry, none of this in terms of people who have run before, none of this feels like people who will make a serious run for president. of all the retreads who might win again. look at rick perry. on paper, he still seems like the best one for what he has going for him. then you see him giving these speeches and it's like no -- no, it's not going to be him. someone give him a bottle of syrup to hug. in texas, there was another round of headlines about his criminal and felony corruption charges. rick perry was charged with two counts of felony corruption in august. the federal judge rejected for the second time his lawyer's appeal to have that dismissed. which means the felony corruption charges against him. this is going to go to churn on for months yet.
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even if he ultimately is exonerated in this case, it's going to go on for a long time in the presidential campaign period. rick perry, no. sarah palin, no. mike huckabee, no. it appears, i would not have expected this. it appears that none of the people who have been contenders before, really seem like they're going to be contenders this time around. the the same time that iowa was showcasing, who was not going to be in contention, at the same time in palm springs this weekend, the koch brothers donor network were hilting nonretread candidates, who haven't run for president before, but who the koch brothers and their donor networks are taking seriously this time around. mike pence could not be there apparently in palm springs this weekend, they made sure his name circulated about who they were talking to, and who they like for 2016. for the first time they allowed
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a web stream from the candidate forum from the koch brothers threat. while the noise and the spectacle in iowa got the bulk of the attention because it was funny. the koch brothers network implicitly overshadowed the iowa circus, and they did it by taking seriously a whole different cast of characters. and also, by announcing the koch brothers donor network spending goals for 2016. just for perspective, the $889 million that the koch brothers said their network will raise and spend on the republican effort to take the white house in 2016, that number is more than twice what the republican party itself raised and spent on its effort to take the white house last time around in 2012. more than double. in any rational universe, there is no way that somebody like mike pence and his state run
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news agency would be taken seriously as a national candidate. there's no reason to expect that a guy like that would organically bubble to the top of people who are being considered for national office. in republican politics right now, it's not a rational universe, necessarily, it's these guys universe. not the parties and not anyone else's. that explains almost more than anything, who gets taken seriously and who is floundering in a sea of nonsek weers, if they are the ones who make the decisions about who gets to be in contention, what does that say about our decision making process, about who we get to choose from for our national leaders. joining us now is john braybender. it's nice to see you, thanks for being with us. >> actually, you haven't had me on forever, and i want to say, i miss these chaps. i appreciate the opportunity
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especially after watching that 12 minutes. >> i miss you too. i feel i should ask as a foundational question, if you are going to work with rick santorum if he runs again, or you are plighting your trough with any of these guys for 2016. >> i will say this, i'm loyal if nothing else, i've been on all of rick's campaigns since 1990 when he ran and won for the house of representatives, if rick so chooses to move forward, it's highly likely that's where i'll end up, but the good news for me right now is, there are no announced candidateses. i'm not under contract with anybody. if you want to offer me a quarter of a million dollars, i'm happy to be out there to say good things about you. >> you have the option of jumping in to support a candidate. because you're going to staff a campaign or because you want to support somebody. how do the koch brothers affect
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the -- your decision making process about who's viable and who's not? >> i mean, personally that would not affect me at all. i would -- if you're going to do a presidential race, you have to understand, for a consultant it's great expense to do that. you're giving up a lot of other races, you better be really like that candidate. that's number one, number two, you look at how much authority you have with that campaign. it's easy to make mochrie of these candidates by taking snippets of what they said. the majority of them are a pretty strong team, and if you really looked at what they were trying to accomplish on saturday, each one came with a completely different goal and agenda. in most cases they accomplished that. >> what i'm interested in as we watch the republicans try to figure out the size of their field and who counts as a top tier candidate is who gets to make the decision. do you watch for applause lines
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in front of social conservative activists in iowa, do you look at those high dollar donor events. do you look at the beltway press? who are the relevant decision makers at this point as we try to sort down from 20 candidates to a handful. >> let's look back at 2012. rick santorum ended up winning the straw poll. he spent less on advertising than any of the candidates. in fact we spent less than $100,000 on advertising. he actually had his super pack spend less than any of the other super packs, a lot of people say why is iowa first? i'll tell you why they're first, they take it incredibly serious, they kick the tires, take it for test drives, look under the hood and drive it again. the point is, you're not going to come in and spend a lot of money and buy with a wash you have to earn iowa, it's not where somebody's going to pick and say, here's who's going to be the nominee, i'm going to buy that nomination. it's an affront to people and it doesn't work.
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>> in terms of the big donors and their relationship with the party, when it gets to the point of a general election. what will it mean if the party is outspent 2 to 1 by outside forces that do whatever they want and don't have any internal accountability in terms of the republican powers that be? >> i think we all agree on both sides, it's not a particularly good thing. i can tell you from running campaigns, we no longer can control the agenda, sometimes it's the outside groups. presidential races are unlike anything else. in the senate race, the governor's race, an outside group can dump a lot of money and make a huge difference. in a presidential race, there is so much press coverage, people get to know the candidates so personally, that that outside money has less of an impact, even when it's in the quantities you're talking about. >> i really appreciate you being willing to talk with me about this stuff. i can't ever get any republicans to come on this show, you've never been anything other than sweet and a real treat to be here, thank you so much.
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hey what are you doing? i was thinking about taking this speed test from comcast business. oh yeah? if they can't give us faster internet or save us money, they'll give us 150 bucks. sounds like a win win. guys! faster internet? i have never been on the internet and i am doing pretty well. does he even work here?
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i was able to see it thanks to a neighbor who took me on his atv near the explosion site. we, of course, stayed a safe distance. even from there, i could smell the gaseous fumes, feel the heat. and hear the roar of the flames. >> another day, another pipeline goes ka-blewy. what is going on right now with pipelines? there was one under the yellow stone river. it dumped tens of thousands of oil in the yellow stone river in montana. a few days after that, another pipeline in north dakota, a three million gallon spill of toxic petroleum and chemical brine, a by product of the drilling industry. the previous record was a million gallons and they're still cleaning that up from a decade ago. this one is three times the size of the previous record. no one has any idea how much it will take to clean that up. that same day, there was a 100,000 gallons of toxic drilling brine. and now the latest is in west virginia.
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this was a natural gas pipeline. some of them that burst were older. this one that just went boom in virginia is a brand new pipeline. it goes down through a corner of west virginia and down to texas. that pipeline that just blew up has only been in population for a year. for some reason yesterday it blew up and created that huge fire ball. the company is trying to work with the federal government to find out what went wrong there, what caused this. the local fire chief credits the weather. that said there was no snow advantage for the last natural gas pipeline explosion. that was in mississippi, two weeks just before the yellow stone river spill.
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it created a plume of smoke so big it was picked up on a weather radar, as if it was weather. maybe this is just how pipelines celebrate january, but all over the country, pipelines new and old are popping like roman candles. we have had five this month so far and the month is not over. so far the only evident national response to this is senate republicans moving to jam through approval of the keystone pipeline. while the senate grinds on with that procedure, the rest of the country is wondering how much more pipeline we can take. on car insurance based on your good driving. you sell to me? no, it's free. you want to try? i try this if you try... not this. okay.
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hey matt, what's up? i'm just looking over the company bills. is that what we pay for internet? yup. dsl is about 90 bucks a month. that's funny, for that price with comcast business, i think you get like 50 megabits. wow, that's fast. personally, i prefer a slow internet. there is something about the sweet meditative glow of a loading website.
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don't listen to the naysayer. switch to comcast business today and get 50 megabits per second for $89.95. comcast business. built for business. look at this video from the boston globe. if you have seen snow being plowed, it does not look like this. this was shot today in scituate, massachusetts. that's not only snow, but it's snow and the sea. they not only got hit by snow, but they got flooded by a huge storm surge by the atlantaic ocean. the national guard was called in to rescue people today. there was damage. the storm did not hit new york
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and new jersey as hard as had been feared. the national weather service apologized today for bungling that part of the forecast. but eastern massachusetts, cape cod, and the islands off of massachusetts, they really did get creamed by this storm. in boston, the storm in the sixth largest snowstorm they have ever recorded in that city. i'll be right back. [ female announcer ] a 3d white smile has the power to captivate. [ all cheering ] ♪ ♪ that's why shakira uses... crest 3d white with whitelock technology, removing up to ninety percent of surface stains and locking out future stains. so your smile always steals the show. and to get even faster
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it is that time of year. kids will receive presidents for the holidays. many 8 will be excited when they unwrap the box an find an unmanned aircraft. don't fly near airports or any manned airport. do take a lesson before you fly. don't fly near people or stadiums. do fly for fun. the faa only wants you flying drones for fun. also they have to be small, fly them away from people, airplanes, or stadiums. why do you take the lessons? unless you get special authorization, it is the law
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that you can only fly drones for fun, for recreational purposes, and if you're into that sort of thing, recreational drones are easy to get. for example, here is the phantom aerial quad copter drone. you can attach a go pro camera if you want. it can hand a minor payload. that is apparently the same drone that a guy in washington dc was flying around at 3:00 a.m. yesterday morning before he flew that drone over the fence and on to the grounds of the white house. shortly after 3:00 amg yesterday morning, a secret service agent on the south grounds of the white house says he heard and spotted the drone overhead, and reportedly passed over the white house fence, and then whacked into a tree before crashing on
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to the ground and landed on the southeast lawn of the white house. the white house was put on temporary lockdown until secret service agents examined the drone and determined it didn't pose a threat. about six hours later, they got a call from a man who apparently coincidentally works for the geo spatial intelligence agency. he says it was him that flew the drone into the white house. it was just a mistake. he was messing around with his friend's phantom aerial quad copter at 3:00 in the morning, when he lost control of it near the white house grounds. he also apparently mentioned to the secret service that he was hammered when it happened. oops. so far the man has not been charged with anything. the secret service appears to believe him that it was an innocent 3:00 a.m. drunken screw up. but, of course, the question is, what if it hadn't been?
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this is the latest in a series of more or less security breaches at the grounds of the white house. we only just recently learned of a very serious incident in 2010 when a gunman fired a semiautomatic gun out of the car and the bullets struck the upstairs windows of the white house. it took days for the secret service to determine the shooting happened. that is after a white house housekeeper found broken glass on the home of the first family's residence upstairs of the white house. in september, a man was able to step on to an elevator with president obama. during the president's trip to the cdc in atlanta. that man on the elevator was not cleared to be there. he did have a loaded gun on him at the time, while he was riding the elevator with the president. that same month, a man wielding a knife ran across the lawn and made it into the east room
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birdie he was tackled by a secret service agent. since all of those have been brought to light, the secret service chief has resigned. the top executives have been fired. the secret was so and white house security have been reviewed bay top level government panel. now we have the drunken drone thing. which by all accounts was a relatively harmless accident. what if it had been carrying a payload of some kind. what if it had been carrying explosives, god forbid? the white house has antiaircraft missiles. the white house is protected by radar that monitors the air space around the white house. but the drone is very little. is the white house protected from small, commercially available, soon to be ubiquitous drones like this one. it's not always going to be some drunk regretful guy from the geo spatial intelligence agency. at some point, it will be someone trying to do some harm.
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joining us now is the washington post national reporter carol lennick. thanks for being here. >> glad to be here, rachel. >> you wrote today this is a problem, the prospect of a drone posing a threat to the white house. this is something that has gotten quite a lot of attention in the government recently. they have been studying how to deal with this as a potential threat? yes. and in an irony of ironies, this drunk droning event happened monday morning in the wee hours, roughly 3:00 in the morning. but on thursday, that panel of experts that you mentioned. they were having a private briefing with lawmakers, just a few days before this event. and they were asked are there any other things that are serious risks to the white house security? and drones was one of their top three sort of worries and -- in terms of risking security at the white house, that are unaddressed. we're not describing the others, but the drone one is sort of out of the bag now.
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you know, it got across the white house lawn, it crashed, it led to a series of secret service officers running around with flashlights. and the way they found the operator was when his friends woke him up and he learned about the news, and he called the secret service to say, that was my drone, that was my friend's drone. >> in this accident incident because of the circumstances, doesn't seem so scary. it doesn't sound like this guy in particular was a security threat. do we know if he's going to get in trouble for this. >> well, it sounds like his boss, the geo spatial intelligence agency is concerned -- the agency does the mapping for serious covert operations for agencies. they're the people who figured out the mapping for osama bin laden's secret hideout, and if this person was, even on his off
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hours was flying a drone and lost it somewhere over the white house property, they'll have a lot of hard questions for him. right now there is no action that has been taken. we'll see what happens there. you raised the really important question, rachel that is what if. is there a camera on this drone? a lot of people in the counterterrorism field is concerned about people learning the vulnerabiliies of the president and white house the first family through surveillance. and that's another risk. this could have been a weaponized item, it could have had something really harmful on it, it could have had a small payload of explosives, but it could just have a camera that nobody really noticed in the middle of the night.
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if it hadn't crashed, we would have to wonder would it have been found and it's owner been found. >> carol leonnig, appreciate you being with us. >> you bet, rachel. >> coming up, science. an unfortunate mens room on the third floor of this building. and what promises to be a high level of experimental chaos. stay with us, just ahead.
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.. .. >> i'm willing to bet that you know this man. long time congressman from georgia, even those who don't agree with his politics, congressman john lewis is admired and acknowledged nationwide across the board for his courage and what he sacrificed for this country. john lewis was one of the original freedom riders. they were brave enough to travel around the country and test and break the segregation laws of the jim crow south. one of the first stops was rockhill, south carolina, when john lewis and the other freedom riders stepped off their bus in rockhill, south carolina, they were physically attacked.
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white people in rockhill, set upon john lewis and the other freedom riders and beat them. that happened in may 1961. rock hill has recently let it be known they're sorry that happened. over the last few years, the town of rockhill, south carolina invited john lewis back to the city where he was beaten in 1961. one of the white men that went down to beat them came forward and apologized. john lewis accepted that personal apology. in recent years, the mayor of rockhill, south carolina has also apologized to john lewis for what happened to him there. gave him the key to the city. and jong lewis, states man, long time congressman accepted the key to the city. rockhill is trying to make good on what happened there a half century ago. they're trying to make it right. a few months before they pulled in, a group of friends from friendship junior college,
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decided they would break the segregation laws in rock hill in their own brave way. they decided to try to order lunch at a lunch counter in downtown rockhill. nine black students. they sat down, as soon as they sat down, they were pounced on and dragged away by police and arrested. for the crime of sitting at a lunch counter while black. that will group became nine as the friendship nine, after the school they went to, friendship junior college. today the surviving members of that group told mark potter what happened that day at that lunch counter. >> i remember being grabbed up by my belt and thrown to the floor and dragged out of the store. >> by who? >> police officers. >> the part that got me was when they put me in a cell and closed that door, the clang, you can still hear that clang, you know you was in there then.
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>> by the time of their arrest in 1961, the civil rights movement, enough people were getting arrested in enough places all over the south it was becoming a financial issue, as to whether the movement could afford to spring everyone out on bail. the friendship nine decided they would do it differently, they decided they would refuse to give their money to a justice system that was treating them that way. if they got thrown into jail for civil rights arrests, they would stay in jail, they would wait out the sentence, jail no bail. instead of paying bail to get out, they took 30 days on the county chain gang, they were arrested for a peaceful sit-in. that strategy became the strategy of arrested civil rights protesters all over the country. jail no bail meant not paying money to the police forces that abused protesters, and it meant embarrassment and inconvenience for the local authorities
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holding and holding and holding and holding all these peaceful protesters who refused to be bailed out. these guys changed the movement, they changed the country. tomorrow the town of rockhill, south carolina will gather the surviving eight members of the friendship nine at a local courtroom, and in that courtroom a judge will throw out their convictions from that lunch counter sit-in, 54 years after the fact. obviously can't take away the time they spent on the chain gang, but they can expunge their convictions. the local prosecutor telling nbc what these men did wasn't wrong, it was right. what they did wasn't illegal, it was an act of principled courage. 54 years late, but rockhill is finally getting it right, we'll be right back.
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mystery. science and mystery. unless you've been living under a rock the last week, you're aware of a controversy surrounding the new england patriots football team, and some allegedly underinflated footballs. the patriots are set to face the seahawks in the super bowl this sunday. it's expected to be the single most watched event in the history of television. but overshadowing the leadup to the game has been this question of whether or not the patriots cheated in their last game, whether they purposely underinflated footballs in the game they won that got them into the super bowl. an underinflated football can be easier to throw, catch, run with. the question has been, did the patriots intentionally deflate footballs in order to gain an unfair advantage in the game they won to get into the big enchilada. the answer so far is don't know. the nfl has been investigating the allegation since that last
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game, they confirmed publicly the number of footballs used by the patriots are were under inflated. but the patriots have denied any wrongdoing, the coach says he believes his team followed all the rules. the quarterback says he has no knowledge of any such thing taking place. the owner of the team came out last night and said his team did no, sir wrong, he looks forward to an apology when this is all disproved. in the meantime, mystery, what lapped? what we know so far, or what we think we know so far, has come from anonymous leaks, from people reportedly close to the investigation. first, anonymous sources told espn last week, that 11 of the 12 footballs were under inflated. 11 of the 12 footballs. the next big leak came yesterday when again anonymous sources told fox sports that the nfl had zeroed in on a patriots locker room attendant who took the footballs from the referee's locker room to "another room at
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the stadium" before the start of the game. that goes to opportunity, right? 11 of 12 footballs were under inflated sometime after the referees saw them. the implication is that a patriots locker room staffer took the approved footballs from the locker room to another room and did something. again, these are all anonymous sources, it's important to note that nbc news has not confirmed this. the next leak came last flight when nbc sports reported that it was not just any old other room in the stadium that this locker room personnel took the footballs to, it was a bathroom, an anonymous source telling nbc sports that the patriots turned over surveillance footage that showses a patriots employee taking two big bags of footballs into a bathroom. one bag holds the colts footballs and one holding the patriots footballs. that employee spent 90 seconds in the bathroom with the
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footballs. and that's now the heart of the mystery. is that the point? is that the place where the alleged deflating of the footballs took place? in the bathroom? over the course of 90 seconds? could a person even deflate 11 footballs in the span of 90 seconds inside the cramped space of a single seater bathroom? is that humanly possible? i think we're about to find out? hello. this is the bathroom right outside the studio. hi, will. you have the footballs. i can't hear you, but i can see you. >> yes, we have a pump with a gauge. okay. >> you're in this bathroom, you have 12 footballs and the pump. you're going to test this theory of whether a person could deflate two pounds per square inch per pressure out of 11 footballs.
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we're going to time you, are you ready to do this? >> ready. i'm supposed to put on this referee's jersey, but i can't figure out where the opening is to put it on. just imagine. i've got a stopwatch. are you ready? on your mark, get set, [ whistle blowing ] >> we have tried to simulate the environment as best we can. according to the anonymously sourced sports reporting, the patriots employee was inside a bathroom that contained one toilet and one sink. the door was able to be locked from the inside. but what actually happened inside that bathroom is part of the mystery. if the alleged deflating did take place in there. did he take each football and deflate each one and place it back in the bag? will we have time to do that? did he deflate them still inside the bag? would one method be faster than the other?
1:59 am
will's making pretty good time. there are alternate theorys. i mean, if it didn't go down like you're seeing right now, one guy deflating 11 footballs, was there another way? maybe there was a mystery bag of already deflated footballs that was stashed inside the bathroom, so the ball boy just went in and swapped the approved footballs with the under inflated ones that had been hidden in there, or maybe there were more people stashed inside the bathroom when the ball boy went in. we mocked up what that might look like, maybe it isn't one guy deflating 11 footballs. maybe there were 10 people inside the bathroom, who knows. this scenario right here, one ball boy inside the bathroom deflating each football one by one. time's up, time's up. how many did you get through, will? eight. eight? >> eight of them.
2:00 am
>> and you were going pretty fast. that said you're not a professional. >> i know. thank you, will. >> fake science. patriots are innocent of which i'm saying not because of any scientific conclusion, but right now on "first look," the blizzard of 2015 is putting the finishing touches on new england. record snowfall in some parts, but overinflated forecasts for others. just days ahead of super bowl xlix the nfl has a person of interest in deflategate. president obama returns to america with a busy agenda not to mention new security questions and that white house drone. good morning everybody. and thanks so much for joining us today. i'm betty nguyen. all right, so 30 inches and still counting. the coast isn't clear for snow-slammed, wind-whipped new england. some areas will get even more snow. in massachusetts, the sound of snowblowers was everywhere people digging out from
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