tv The Reid Report MSNBC January 30, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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conflict of issue with the nichol report and he said we have integrity and laughed it off. >> thank you. appreciate you stopping by today as we cover the commissioner's nfl state of the union pressing there. rf daily. "the reid report" is up next. welcome to "the reid report" and i'm joy reid. we've been listening to roger goodell press conference and we've been listening to him talk about deflate-gate. let's listen to him talk. >> we are focusing principally on two questions. why were some footballs used in the game that were not in compliance with the rules. and was this the result of
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deliberate action? >> for more now, going to cig melvin in arizona just outside of phoenix. how did he address this going into the super bowl about the under inflated footballs. >> the news conference is still going on so he could get more questions. he said the investigation is still ongoing and he did not want to engage in speculation to risk in any way, shape or form hampering the investigation. he spoke about ted wells, heading up the deflate-gate investigation. and ted wells also the same man who led the investigation into the bullying involving the miami dolphins and a side note a classmate of clarence tommins, representing scooter libby,
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former chief of staff to cheney. but a lot of folks thought this was something that would be done quickly. that this was something the league might be able to put behind itself ahead of the big game on sunday. that is not the case obviously. and at this point, really no timetable on when that investigation will be complete. and also whether punishments will be handed down and fines levied. so goodell spent some time talking about that and took a question later in the news conference and asked whether his relationship and his friendship with robert kraft, the owner of the new england patriots whether that might -- he was asked about the appearance of impropriety and whether that relationship could in any way cloud the investigation. he seemed to almost take offense to the suggestion saying that everyone involved should be considered above reproach. one of the things i found
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interesting, joy, was also when roger goodell spent time talking about domestic violence. and as we all know the league spent a great deal of time this season talking about domestic violence in the wake of the ray rice incident the elevator video that everyone has seen several times. but he said after that he spent a great deal of time of going into shelters and seeing the folks that run the hotlines and seemed to be someone touched by what he'd seen and heard and that was something that had changed the commissioner. so again the news conference still ongoing. this is something he does every year ahead of the super bowl. the state of the nfl, so to speak. and he appears to be poised to take just as many questions as reporters can throw at him. and also found it interesting toward the end, our own ron mott
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asking him about his relationship with players. you would be hard-pressed to find a team with more players who have been outspoken against some of his actions than the seattle seahawks. richard sherman of course this week taking issue in a public setting in the relationship with goodell and bob kraft. we heard about marshawn lynch. again, he has a storied relationship with the press. a love-hate relationship and that by i mean he loves to hate the media. saying i'm only here so i won't get fined. he has gone above and beyond to be a good steward and above and beyond to develop and cultivate a good relationship with the 3000 players who suit up week in and week out and saying when you have that many players, there are folks who don't like you.
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and talked about the criminal -- go ahead. >> i wanted to quickly ask you, do you recall, as you said this is done every year do you recall this kind of an atmosphere going into a super bowl probably not the way roger goodell predicted himself going into the super bowl weekend? >> no. and there have not been that many reporters in the room for the state of the nfl address ever. no that room completely packed. you are right. here is a commissioner this season alone, we talk about ray rice incident and adrian peterson and the child bruce incident, aiddrian hernandez, the code of conduct, personal conduct policy under review for most of the season. this is a commissioner dealing with a lot. so it was interesting to hear him say he didn't think there was a circumstance under which he would offered to or be fired.
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he was very confident about that. i think he's probably very confident because at the end of the day, and we've talked about this a lot here at the end of the day roger goodell works for the owners and the 32 owners in the nfl, most of them are doing very well financially. this has been -- these are sort of the golden years for the league. this is a golden age for the nfl. everyone is making a lot of money. so that is one reason why roger goodell is still commissioner of the nfl. and a commissioner who draws a hefty salary. north of $30 million a year. >> indeed craig, when you are making people richer it is a secure place to be job-wise. so it doesn't sound like he is going anywhere. not a pleasant weekend. just unpleasantness ahead of the super bowl. thanks craig. now to the other big developing story. the answer that republicans have been waiting for and it is no.
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mitt romney is not running for president. >> after putting considerable thought into making another run for president, i've decided it is best to give other leaders in the party the opportunity to become the next nominee. >> he made the announcement during the pair of in vitation only conference calls this morning after teasing a potential run for the white house. almost immediately other potential candidates issued statements. jeb bush said mitt is a patriot and i join many in hoping that his days of serving our nation and our party are not over and i look forward to working with him to show all americans to rise up. >> marco rubio said he certainly earned the right to run and i give him the chance to lead. >> and so now the question for mitt romney, because he has the resources to do it again, but in a sense the question was whether the party wanted him.
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do you get the feeling he was going to do it until he got the very clear message that the party didn't want him? >> joy, i think that really is probably the central thing in the last three weeks. and it was just three weeks ago on a friday when mitt romney said i might be interested in running for 2016 and flash forward to today where he says no. what is the big difference between what we heard from three weeks ago and until today and it was negative comments coming from top party leaders and those familiar with his 2008 and 2012 presidential bids so i think that blow back was a huge consideration. he could have ended up going on and still competing and doing pretty well. but the difference between 2012 and what he was then and now, in 2012 he had the entire party
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behind him in the campaign to beat barack obama but it was successful but now it would be paired down where a lot of the loyal aides would be on with other candidates. >> and i was talking to a friend who said between the donor network and the jeb bush donor network, what do you think of the unannounced candidates. >> jeb bush is one, making his path a little bit more established. the danger between mitt romney and jeb bush and chris christie is they would divide up the vote three ways and with mitt romney out of the way, that establishment is easier. and you can make an impression that this could benefit scott walker because if he can get into mitt romney donor orbit,
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that could benefit him sand this could benefit chris christie and some were counting him out and still might but now all of a sudden there is a lot more room for a chris christie and i've been asking for years, what about rand paul. but we'll save that for another day and i would love to talk about that. maybe next week. >> next week. you got it. >> thank you, mark murray. and now to isis and the waiting game in jordan and japan over the fate of two hostages being held by the terrorist group. it has been over 24 hours past the deadline set by isis who vowed to kill them if jordan didn't release an al qaeda prisoner. nbc news global column istist bill neely with the latest. >> in amman, people are holding breath for their hostage the
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jordan pilot but both hostages are still hanging. there is no sign that any hostages are being released and no word from the terror group isis which has kidnapped these men. and no word from either of the families today. the signs, i have to say, are not looking good. the jordan's government has diswaded the family of the air force pilot from speaking to the media. they are almost preparing the public for the worst news and really preparing for a backlash because if the air force pilot here is killed that will reflect very badly on jordan's king and government and that is exactly what isis wants. isis loathes jordan's regime and government and it is on its borders and it would love to see the government here fall. jordan remembers a staunch u.s. ally and so isis sees it as a
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militant and they believe the life of the air force pilot is in danger. in toek yo the prime minister is -- tokyo, the mooimt is looking power lts and very little he can do to. and isis holds all of the cards if you like and things not looking terribly good here. back to you, joy. >> nbc's bill neely. thank you. and the president of the university of virginia meanwhile is responding to a decision by sorority leaders to keep uva members away from fraternity parties this weekend. they say it is for the students' own safety. in the midst of a heating controversy over an alleged assault of a gang rape at a
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university party. at the state of the university speech, the president spoke about the steps that will be taken on the issues on campus. >> we've divided it into three responses and we have patients staff and alumni assigned to each category. they will carefully but briskly. they will deliver interim reports by march 15th and final records by april 30th. and let's bring in april erin and this advice for women to stay away from fraternity parts and the reaction. >> the university is still in the midst of responding to the charges brought up in the rolling stone article, by a gang rape, both about the rolling
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stone's reporting and the victim, but whether there is a rape indifference or quote, unquote, rape indifference. she trashed the article again, we will take the initiative to lead and listen to students and figure out how to make things different. and in part due to the controversy, there is the boys' bid night and the leadership organization of the greek organizations outside of the university of virginia campus sent letters to the university of virginia sorority sisters and to james madison in virginia thinks the sore sority girls should stay home and stay away from fraternity parties. now the university of virginia has issued rules meant to keep
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people safer. they have issued things like sober monitors and you can't issue mixed drinks and students are reacting with great outrage. here is what one student had to say about the implications of the ban of sorority sisters at fraternity parties. >> at first i was kind of shocked shocked. i think a lot of my friends and i were in terms of basic human or women's rights. >> so the implication is to stay home and not be in public spaces and the focus should be on women's behavior rather than fraternity brothers are keeping each other accountable. >> you said it here-here. erin car moan thank you.
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>> and mitt romney is staying out. what does it mean to republicans. we'll talk about it. and race relations in denver an police shot and killed a 17-year-old girl while she was driving. we'll dig into the outrage around this case. hey! guess what day it is?? >>hump day! hummmp daaay! it's hump day! >>yeah! >>hey mike! mike mike mike mike mike! >>mike mike mike mike mike. hey! he knows! hey! guess what day it is! hey! camel! guess what day it is! >>it's not even wednesday. let it go, phil. if you're a camel, you put up with this all the time. it's what you do. (sigh) if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ok... sunday dinners at my house... it's a full day for me, and i love it. but when i started having back pain my sister had to come help. i don't like asking for help. i took tylenol but i had to take six
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i'm convinced that i we could win the nomination but i fully realize it would be a difficult task and a hard fight. >> mitt romney announced today he won't run for president in 2016, still leaving about two dozenish candidates. a number of first and second tier candidates and dark horse candidates are making this one
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exciting candidates and making this a knock-down drag-out affair and doc barrow is a correspondent for the new york times and my fellow contestant of the all-in candidate task. >> i'm envious of your slate. we'll trade later. let's talk about this romney in out, not in out. and i think we were talking about this with mark murray that he felt he was draftable and there would be a romney bubble because of a poll a year ago because people missed him. >> this happens with polls a few years out. you would find al gore was leading for the democratic nomination. and was i surprised that mitt romney didn't run, only in that they spent the last three weeks building it up.
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it was a weird thing this do and then cut it off and not run. the biggest thing being that he made a credible run for the presidency two years ago and losing by four points and if he came back and had a humiliated loss and that is what everybody would remember about him and it is a risky move. and it is not that surprising but what is surprising to have this three weeks and then do it. >> you have this come back and lose and then the three weeks and lose. but in the republican party is there a center of gravity for them to wrap their arms around. is there a center of gravity? >> i don't think so. i think jeb is the established front-runner now but he has significant liabilities including around -- >> bush. >> i think that is a liability in the general. in the primary, it is education
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and common core curriculum where he's been on the wrong side of the base. and mitt romney was in the wrong, but ready to change his views as necessary and didn't think it was beneath him to change his campaign views and i get the idea from jeb that he couldn't get past the common core. i'm not sure jeb wants the presidency as desperately as mitt romney wanted it in a way to let him get over attachment to education reform that he has put a great deal into education in his life. you have a vast field of candidates that are not close to a front-runner position. if he wanted to be drafted, this is too early. you need too look around and say this is not coalescing around any front-runner and then he
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could come in and be the savior of the party. >> and that was jeb's position earlier. that he would get in. and i want to play one sound bite. because romney is placing himself around poverty and the under classes and one ways to position himself today was on race in the gop. let's listen to what he had to say. >> i think the gab in communication between republicans and leaders in my party and the populations of america is greatest in some cases with minority populations where we spent less time. where during our campaigns for the primary vote we tend to go to the audiences that vote in republican primaries and tend therefore not to be as involved in minority elections to be involved. >> that was actually on wednesday. but if we take seriously romney's point that the republican party can not win with the rising shares of
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non-white voters that put the presidency in a statistical way out of their reach. is there a candidate in the 30 or 40 that are thinking about running that has the opportunity to solve that problem? >> i don't think anyone can totally solve it but i think rand paul has the most credible idea of how to do that. he is taking up the police levels and overreach by state and local police and focusing around police millitiarization than around day-to-day action around beat cops and public because there is less disagreement that the cops shouldn't have tanks. but rand paul gets it is not just about putting in face time with communities that the gop doesn't do but you have to connect on issues and this is something i'm going to do that you have a grievance with the government that i'm going to try to fix. and i think he is gone out of a limb and i think that is admirable. and the policies that rand paul
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has isn't likely to go over well on. and when you poll saying do you provide a bigger government and nonwhite people are more likely to say they don't like that. but i think he has found more lip issues to talk to people about. >> and if you read ebony magazine on the issue of policing they are saying the same thing. you do see that libertarian convergence. thank you very much. >> and we'll see you at the top of the hour. you're going to be on "the cycle." and we always miss our "the cycle" friends. and chris hayes, you can check it out at all in.
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girl was shot and killed by police on monday and how an officer was injured in the same event. police say that the officer shot and killed 17-year-old jessica hernandez who was behind the wheel of a stolen car. the shooting has sparked protested in a probe of denver police procedures. the denver post said within the last seven months denver police have shot at cars four times, killing two people. denver police chief robert white is reviewing the shootings and the independent monitor has launched an investigation into the department's policy. which now allows officers to shoot at cars if they have reasonable belief the vehicle poses an immediate threat of death or physical injury. now we've reached out to the denver police the prosecutor's office and the independent monitor. the prosecutor told us in an e-mail the district attorney acknowledges what a tragedy this is for all involved and is working to further the investigation as quickly as possible but we have cautioned the community that it will likely take several weeks to
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complete the investigation. the actual time frame depends on how long it takes to complete the gathering of all statements evidence, and test results, including the autopsy result and toxicology results. >> and joining me anthony results and mim my from the colorado anti-violence program. and i'll with you on this pastor grimes, what is the reaction of the shooting and do you feel the police have been forthcoming enough to have the public be informed about it? >> thank you, the reaction is grief that is palpable as you can understand. this begins with a baby one of our babies in our community, jesse hernandez, being on the ground and being handcuffed instead of resuscitated. and as you can imagine, our grief -- our community is hurting over something like this and we currently are putting pressure on the department and
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on the d.a. has proven that unless we do that we won't get justice and the community is pretty much in line with that. >> and mimi is the question on the community there in denver, is it the individual circumstances of the shooting or is it the policies that as we read in the denver post have resulted in multiple shootings of people in moving cars. >> it is both an individual situation but at the same time we are, as a community, holding solidarity not only for folks who have lost their lives here in denver but people all across this nation who have not survived violence from the police. and so while it is an independent case there is solidarity across the nation not only to change policies because we understand having cameras or changing the policy of shooting vehicles might be a start but we want real accountability from the police department, all of the police
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departments across the nation to keep police officers accountable and to bring charges to them to indict them and bring charges to them to the full extent of the law, especially when dealing with young people and young people of color. >> and anthony grimes, i grew up in denver i haven't lived there for many years, but what is the relationship like for the communities of color, that we know there are individual communities of color growing in denver and i know the denver police department has an african-american chief. what was the relationship like before this incident and what is it like now? >> we certainly have work to do. you mentioned chief white and there are other individuals who have seemed to make an effort to be in relationship with the community but this is not about any individual police officer it is about reforming a rotten system. not going after bad or good apples but reforming a rotten system of policing and we have
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much work to do and that is why we are out there on the street and protesting and doing what we can to point the spotlight on the issue as my sister here said mimi said we have way too much of this going on across the nation, the eulogies whether in spanish or english, a mother is reading the eulogy of her baby and we want to change that across denver and the nation. >> we thank you for being here and we'll keep an eye on this story in denver and across the nation. thank you, anthony grimes and mimi. why does boko haram have a strangle hold on nigeria. we'll look at the group's impact on nigeria and the entire continent of africa.
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a report now on what is being characterizeds a major break through against boko haram in nigeria. eyewitness accounts given to the a.p. and reporting from the sources including "the new york times" which state that a regional military effort today led by the country of chad has pushed boko haram out of a border town since october. if confirmed, it would be the first positive news coming out of the fight against boko haram but the first of troops on africa soil. and they are sending more groups to combat the terrorist group. and for a new group called the explainer, we turn to michael cain a former officer in the british military who will explain about who boko haram are and their significant in the
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country. >> where do boko haram live and they are in nigeria, and they straddle christians in the north and the south. let's look at nigeria. this is nigeria here. boko haram translates into western education is forbidden. it came about in 2002 as a consequence of social economic problems from poverty and corruption when it took on the islamic extremism and embraced the austere sunni islam which saudi arabia has been exporting for decades. >> that was in 2009. now we know there are around approximately 2,000 to 900. and a narrow ideology is to
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establish a caliphate. and the fighters are up in the northeastern quadrant of nigeria. here is the capital and the red activity of boko haram over the years. more prominently, if you cast your mind back to last summer you saw the bring back our girls, that was back to where over 150 girls were kidnapped and we still don't know the outcome. they have not been released and then there was the "charlie hebdo" attack and then about 250 people were attacked and we don't know too much about because of the "charlie hebdo" attacks and then more attacks going on in this region where reports are up to 30 people were killed. so why is all of this going on?
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this slide here this graphic gives you a feel of the wealth distribution within the country. the darker areas are the very wealthy areas app the lighter areas, these are the places where social economic problems lie. what is the solution? the solution is difficult but social economic problems lie at the center of it all. corruption at the government. the fact there is no money from the vast oil reserves making its way out to this area and porous borders in cameroon and borders where it exists. and what about africa. huge amounts of instability. al shabab here and then zimbabwe where there is genocide and then boko haram over here and the big genocide as a consequence of the
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conflict and boko haram just in that. joy, back to you. >> michael mckay we appreciate it. and we'll be right back. mpact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so. well if you start putting that towards your retirement every week and let it grow over time, for twenty to thirty years that retirement challenge might not seem so big after all. ♪ ♪
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it must have seemed like a good idea for someone. an effort to promote fresh off the boat. a sitcom featuring an asian-american family has backfired. it is based on the memoir of eddy wang and set in the 1990s. by a tweet drew criticism over the complaints that is engaged in racial stereo typing. the tweet was pulled but the ugly is still there. and joining me now is jeff yang the creepy father of hudson yang and the columnist with the wall street journal and with me richard louie who is participating in a community viewing party in new york city last week.
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and i almost missed that i'm exciting to say richard louie my friend. that is an example of what you've done with your life that is an exceptional title. and abc doing ground-breaking work that deal frankly with race has this new show fresh off the boat and promoted it with this tweet, what do you suppose went wrong? >> i can tell you right now, the production was as blind-sided as the community and as myself. i'm sitting there on twitter and someone fires off and says have you seen this and my face fell on to the screen. and this points to the fact this is such a unique show only the second asian american show on american prime time in 20 years and there is no infrastructure. all of the people who handle this the middle managers an the inturns, we know it doesn't get
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as much attention as it is and let me tell you for asian-americans on mainstream media, they've heard about it. >> and they create different hats and i'm not sure what they are saying but they missed the double meaning, the meaning of the title of the show with the tweet. >> fresh off the boat or f.o.b. used in the asian american community and in the 80s and 90s, and those today, the distinction between those abroad and those from here those who ate and spoke differently, there in lies the controversy, you have the executive producer the author of the book and guys like this involved in this production, and they are asian american. so is that okay? that is the question. >> and you wonder if they ask
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anybody. your son is on the cast of the show. were they as shocked as the rest of the universe? >> nobody sees any of this until it gets out there. and that will change and it is changing as of yesterday. i think the biggest issue here is this is a show which nobody quite knows how to talk about yet because it hasn't been on air and people are reacting to the name and things like this. all of these external aspects of the show that are completely in some ways uncontrollable. i would point to the television critics association just a couple of weeks ago where the very first question the cast was asked, there are chop sticks on the show? right? so this points to the fact that because it is so unique it is so necessary. we are having these conversations we've never had before. and i'm glad we're doing it. >> go on. >> and these are within the community and outside. if you are referring to the african-american or latino
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experience, and those parallels, how long ago were they? three or four decades ago. we are still discussing that within the asian-american community but there are 49 origin countries and that is a big group coming together as immigrants when three out of four adults were born abroad. >> and we have this african-american and latino experience and not the asian-american experience. and eddy wang and your son plays him as a kid and he's had this back and forth tweet you've been involved with and he said fresh off the boat at least they didn't do the native american with the chicken pox blankie and they literally slagged every group. you have a cowboy on there and a hispanic send-up with the mustache, it is sort of a tone deafness. is this a social media deafness.
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>> this is a hollywood deafness. bad multi-culturalism is worse. let's make everybody happy but doing one of each that makes everybody unhappy. i think one thing that eddie has pushed for and i'm down with this, these stories haven't been seen as asian americans at large. it is a story inspired by him and doesn't map out as to his and it is a sitcom and it is fictional and we need a hundred or a thousand stories out there so it doesn't have to carry the entire community's weight. this is not the be-all end-all and if we don't get this straight in 20 years, we can look back. >> and do you think this will create more proliveration of
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attempts to do these kind of shows or will this frighten the corporate media world into doing this again. >> from what we've seen from the community and their response more engagement and what does it mean when you see two actors with an asian accent which is a derogatory thing that people hate. and what might pop into most people's mind but this is not only a immigrant family it is a multi immigrational family because the son is born in the united states. >> i think i'm looking forward to the show because it will allow us to add asian americans to the conversation. and adding in the asian demographic and this is more of a hundred stories and eddie yang he will be a huge
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superstar. thank you for being here. >> take care. >> this wraps things up for "the reid report". join us at "the reid report" at msnbc. i doubt you'll have as cool of guests as i have in front of me. but bring it to me. what have you got. >> we won't touch what you have over there. >> i'll tell you, we have a bill super bowl show report and some odds making. i'll do some commentary on something that the president agrees with republican leaders on and they may all be wrong about and we'll do a little bit of mitt romney including abby's thoughts being out on the campaign trail and then robert e. lee, if it is friday on the cycle it is robert e. lee. >> but if the republicans and obama agree, by the time the show is over they won't agree any more.
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12:00 pm
failed championship bids in 2008 and 2012 will about the third time be the charm? maybe for the pats but not for mitt. hi i'm ari mel bur. we'll get into the odds and deflate gate coming up. but first another big rivalry out of massachusetts. mitt romney all but officially pulling his name off the official 2016 roster. it is a while out and anything can happen but he said he has decided to give other people in the party an opportunity to be a nominee. perhaps jeb bush or chris christie or scott walker.
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