tv The Reid Report MSNBC February 6, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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joy reid. starting with breaking news. isis released a message claiming money american woman they've been holding as a hostage has been killed in an air strike. kay lay mueller is her name. the state department cannot confirm the news and neither has nbc news confirmed the claim. claiming she was hit in a building hit by jordanian aircraft. but it is believed that isis is lying. they asked how they can distinguish between allied eric. and what was a woman during near a training center or a storage center which is the jordan targets. they have taken a greater role in airstrikes for the death of one of their pilots but also for
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a propaganda video showing him killed in a disturbing way, locked in a cage and burned alive. and let's begin with keir simmons in amman. what is the jordanian government saying about the claims regarding isis? >> reporter: they've just issued a statement. let me read it to you. the jordanian official from the government is saying we are looking into the claims but they are illogical and we are highly skeptical about it. it is part of their -- meaning isis' -- criminal propaganda spinning campaign. they have lied this spokesperson said that our pilot was aliveing during the -- he was alive during the negotiation and we must be diligent when dealing with information generated by them -- meaning isis. what they are saying there, you'll remember that the jordanian pilot captured by isis
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was executed by isis in a video of whoeffic -- a horrific video where he was burned alive. jordanians say that took place a month before and that during a period of weeks isis was claiming that the pilot was still alive while, in fact they had executed him. that is what the jordanians say and that is their case now with the way we should view what is being claimed by isisment and as. and as you rightly point out, there is no verification of it. nbc news has not confirmed it. what isis is claiming is that a female u.s. hostage that it says it is holding has been killed in an air strike by the jordanians those eric strikes launched from here in jordan. >> and we know more about the
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young woman who was killed in the air strike. she is a 26-year-old humanitarian aid worker from arizonaand she was taken hostage in app ello after leaving hospitals with doctors without borders and devoted to those around the world and drew her to the turkish-syrian border. and keir we have heard reports about different terrorist groups and militant groups in that syrian border region taking and trading hostages. do we know anything specific about the circumstances of kayla mueller's capture. >> reporter: that does happen and your description is right as far as we are aware, that she was involved in a humanitarian
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mission and was entirely innocent as you would expect. and now allegedly finds herself in this terrible situation. it should be pointed out, of course, that every single thing that isis does or at least most of what isis does pretty much all of it is carefully calculated to try to change public opinion in this region and in the u.s. and what isis has seen in recent days is a real strengthening of resolve it appears amongst the public here in jordan backing the jordanian government launching more airstrikes against isis. isis may well think this kind of claim plays into its hands and that is another reason why we have to be really cautious about what isis is saying because first of all we have to be cautious about whether or not it is the case that this hostage has been killed and indeed we have to be doubly cautious about
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how isis might claim that she died, if indeed she has. so it is a war in the air and the ground and there is a propaganda war happening and right now, here in jordan we've been out in the streets where there have been public protests and support of the jordanian military campaign against isis today. here in jordanian they are campaigning behind this war with isis and now isis will be attempting to shift public opinion again with this announcement. >> absolutely. and keir simmons, please stick around in am man, jordan because we want to come back with more information. and right now i want to bring in ayman mohyeldin who is joining me here in new york. i want to bring in the propaganda war being waged by isis. a lot of analysts saying about
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the murder offal kassasbeh, and now a group putting out propaganda that they killed a woman -- not that they killed a woman hostage, but that the jordanians did that. what is the propaganda value of that. >> on the surface, it is to create tension between the united states and the jordanian government over this that would be then described -- obviously from the jordanian perspective as an accident. in a situation like this the propaganda value for isis would be to get the jordanian to doubt the intelligence they've had. we've heard from the minister of information in jordanian saying that the strike was targeting a weapons depot or a training site. and if the hostage was there and that is new to the authorities, would be questionable. so that would be a propaganda value as well for isis to raise doubts about the capabilities and the knowledge intelligence of any of the intelligence being provided to the coalition for the purpose of these airstrikes.
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so there are -- they are two-fold one to create friction and divisions between this coalition and to try to undermine the intelligence-gather capabilities of the counties carrying out these strikes. >> and let's talk about the intelligence front. the united states does have a small number of u.s. troops that are there in advisory capacity and leading the airstrikes themselves. when you talk to u.s. officials, how good do they believe their intelligence is, about a, where their intelligence is and b, how good it is. >> they are able to pick up on the communication, perhaps through the internet and telecommunications capabilities of isis but there is also a requirement to have human intelligence and i think at that point that is where the arab countries provide the intelligence and have more assets on the ground particularly the jordanians and
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the turks and certainly in iraq where they have a foot hold. so in terms of eyes in the sky, there is no doubt the united states has good capabilities of tracking the motions and the communications of isis particularly in strong holds like racka, the defacto capital of the islamic state. >> i want to play a sound bite from susan rice at the brookings institution today and made comments about the case of miss mueller. let's listen to what susan rice had to say. >> we're obviously very concerned about the reports that have come in in recent hours. we do not, at the present, have any evidence to corroborate isil's claims.
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we have a broader prospect with hostages around the world. we don't make concessions to terrorists or hostage-takers. we don't pay ransom. and we adhere to that policy rigorously because it is our strong view in our experience that when you make concessions and pay ransom you are only generating great erin inin -- greater incentive to fuel those continued operations and horrific attacks. >> and before i go and get a menyman mohyelding mohyelding's opinion. let me update that she is national security adviser to the president. and so in your view how might this development, if in fact it
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winds up being verified impact that strategy? >> the u.s. has a long standing position long known it does not negotiate with terrorist groups or pay ransom monies. there have been questions on whether the u.s. should attempt to go with special forces to rescue some of these individuals. they have a good success rate in some cases. and as in other cases as we saw in yemen, they killed the captive before they managed to get to him. so you hear both sides of debate. and some have questions whether the families of some of the hostages should be allowed to have a say in what rescue attempts take place for their relatives that may be held in captivity and some have tried to float that u.s. from a government policy doesn't pay ransom but what about individual families are they allowed to raise money to pay the ransom. so it is a question that ignites
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debate but for now the u.s. policy is they do not negotiate or pay ransom for american citizens as hostages. >> and isis pretended to negotiate with jordan for a potential prisoner swap for a prisoner they had purportedly already killed. so thank you very much ayman mohyeldin. thank you. and the president is expected to speak in indianapolis and he is addressing students there and be watching to see if he will speak out about isis. kristin joins us from the white house. do we expect any comment from the white house on the situation regarding the alleged killing of the american hostage and has the president spoken with the jordanian government? >> i would be surprised if we heard president obama address this or the white house before they have confirmation and the latest from the white house is they still do not have any evidence to corroborate these
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statements. this is a statement from the national security spokesperson who said we are obviously deeply concerned by these reports and we have not at this time seen any evidence that corroborates the isil claim, that is another term for isis. and nothing known that the president or the white house have confirmed this with the jordanian government but that is probably going on behind the scenes as the administration works to try to clarify whether the claims are accurate or inaccurate. this is days after the president told savannah guthrie they are trying to get this american hostage back and the u.s. is doing all it could to combat isis and we know that just days ago the united states and jordan signed a memorandum renewing their security agreement into 2017. the united states vowing hundreds of millions of derls
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every year in -- dollars every year in campaign to help in the campaign for isis and susan rice mapping out the strategy for the next few years in office and a core part of that is trying to combat and destroy isis. president obama is expected to in just days from now submit legislative language to congress asking for authorization for this campaign in the middle east but there are key sticking points including the length of time that the united states will be able to engage in this and also the scope of this. also there are some democrats that would like that legislative language to include a prohibition of putting u.s. troops on the ground. of course president obama has been adamant he will not put u.s. forces into a combat-role on the ground in places like iraq and syria but there are democrats that want that written in the authorization language. so that is the back-drop as this
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administration tries to monitor and determine what the reality of the situation is on the ground. the president, as you mentioned, about to make remarks in indianapolis about the economy. but yet again, foreign policy the war against isis taking the center stage here at the white house. >> yes indeed. kristin welker at the white house. thank you very much. and after the break, more on the claims by isis that an american hostage has been killed. more about the threat and what the white house can do about it. alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours, but aleve can last 12 hours... and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? aleve, proven better on pain.
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air-strikes with about 20 more conducted today. the more public profile is retaliation for the death of a pilot but also in retaliation for the sickening manner in which he was killed. on tuesday they released a video that showed he was locked in a cage and lit on fire. in jordan there was a massive outcry. the government -- i'm sorry jordan's king abdullah has chosen to eradicate isis and whether the government will clear more than air-strikes is yet to be seen. and casey anthonial cory with flash point, and i want to start with you laith, about the question of propaganda and he say this is a lie of the notion that an american was killed in
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jordanian air-strikes so why would they want to put off the killing of the american on the kingdom of jordanian? >> joy, this is a move that is meant to create a strain on the relationship between the united states and its ally jordan in the region. we know the jordanian government has vowed to eradicate jordan and until they see further. but for now i think isis might be trying to create mistrust between the u.s. government and the jordanian government. >> and steve, i want to put this in the context we just heard from kristin welker at the white house, that the president and the administration is planning to go to congress within potentially a week or weeks or days or weeks to request specifically legislative
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language using force against isis, isil and the question being what is the length and the scope of the operation and the most important question for americans, will this involve massive amounts of american troops on the ground. >> right now senator tim kaine is trying to push this and saying this conflict is different than before and we have to move forward. the president is dealing with a temperature that is cot. we don't know what has happened to kayla mueller and she is from prescott arizona. john mccain is her senator and he as chairman of the armed services committee will be leaning in on providing more. if john mccain is not saying a lot of troops but some u.s. troops on the ground you can take that as one goalpost in the debate versus the issue of no u.s. troops but now isis is
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changing tactics, creating spectacular crimes and murders, i think the white house is going to be calling as much for flexibility in this option as possible. >> and that begs the question. laith, this was a bridge too far even for a group as notorious for just massive and over-the-top violence and putting it on tape for propaganda purposes might this be a signal that even the leadership of that video of muath al kaseasbeh that that might have awakened the sleeping giant of many even in the region? >> yes, joy. i think that crossed the line. they have crossed the line in every murder and terrorist act carried out. but this is so excruciating and so unprecedented and that it has
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created shock and awe here and in the arab world and it has created a negative backlash that people might thinking about joining it now they have to take a second thought and said maybe this is not the right group to join. >> and laith, to stay with you, i know that isis has taken hostage several americans and killed at least four. they have killed other nationals of other countries. they've killed two japanese hostages very recently and killed muath al kaseasbeh in a horrifying fashion but they have not done a jump suit video that is a woman. there was a notion to free the two women italian hostages. what do you make on the fact that up until now that this terrorist group that is known
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for extravagant group for violence has not depicted female hostages. >> they do follow strict islamic video are not shown in videos completely covered and they are not shown in a humiliating way and they are not to harm the women. they are killed a whole bunch of women. whether in in iraq or eastern libya, it has executed women for supposed adultery by stoning them to death. so in a way it is completely contradictory, on one hand they can't show the women on video, but on the other hand they have shown women being stoned to death in pictures. so i think the group is trying to play a propaganda stunt here. >> and that begs the question steve. if this is a sign of weakness that this group would want to put off the death, if they want to do this and nbc and the state department has not verified that miss mueller is dead we don't know that is
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true and if this is choice of propaganda indicates weakness and if this group is at some weakness and we know where to strike them with air-strikes, ourselves and the jordanians does it push the u.s. congress to give the president more authorization to go in now while it does appear there is some opening to make a difference against this group? >> i believe it creates a tilt in that direction but i would caution against thinking that isis is particularly weak at this moment. what we've seen is a whacka mole problem, popping up and synthesizing 18,000 foreign fighters speaking across foreign languages into a formidable fighting machine. we shouldn't estimate what this group can do. we are planning a major offensive and i think that spring offensive that the president is planning is what they will directly tie that authorization of military force to and throw everything we can. at the same time bringing in the neighborhood countries to shut off isis's ability to move.
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>> and very quickly, as we bring this to an end, keeping in mind that americans -- it is still fresh in our minds that what many people and the majority of americans say this was an ill-advised plant. >> that or disbanding the iraqi military. isis is taunting us so the other side of this is the more we talk about going in one has to understand that to some degree isis wants that because it helps legit mate them in the eyes of a lot of people. some crazy but some not so crazy in the middle east that are anti-american or anti-western. >> hopefully we'll have an open debate about this in congress. laith and steve, thank you for being here. and we'll continue to cover the breaking news, claims by isis that kayla mueller has been killed by air-strikes by jordan. we'll be right back.
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let's take a look at the social media reaction to claims made by the terrorist group isis that an american hostage was killed in one of jordan's air-strikes against the terrorist group. you are sending 5,000 tweets per hour about this new development and you are also engaging in very restrained speculation because of course the u.s. has not confirmed the claims of taye law mueller's death. this tweeter called the hostage a kind-hearted and generous and brave woman. on a hash tag bearing her name you are wishing for her safety. but others are reminding us there is zero evidence and said stop reporting names and pictures now. and isis offered to exchange muath al kaseasbeh after already killing him so this needs to be questioned.
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and they claim it is by jordanian air-strikes. as we wait for the truth, those in jordan have been rallying in the streets. thousands marched in support of king abdullah saying they will revenge the death of the jordanian pilot that led to air-strikes that isis claims kill the american hostage today. you are sharing pictures of this like a queen joining to take the fight to isis at all costs. and that is growing here in the united states as well. angry americans are sending tweets like this one today. i can't believe i'm saying this but even jimmy carter would have been more proactive against isis and obama is comparing them to christians. yes, it is true as this user did put it people are freaking out after obama cared isis to the crusades and we'll have more
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on the controversy over his comments about islam coming up. and coming up more on the identity and the american hostage that sis claims was killed in an air strike. plus an update on the measles outbreak across the country, shutting down a day care center after five small children became infected. curl up with their favorite man. but here's the thing: about half of men over 40 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. well, viagra helps guys with ed get and keep an erection. and remember, you only take it when you need it. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing.
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programs that encourage people to take their medications regularly. introducing cvs health. a new purpose. a new promise... to help all those wishes come true. cvs health. because health is everything. welcome back to the reid report. we are continuing to follow the breaking news of claims by isis that an american woman being held hostage by the terrorist group was killed in a jordanian air strike in syria. nbc news has not confirmed these claims. the hostage has been identified by her family as 26-year-old humanitarian worker kayla mueller. in august of 2013 she was captured in allepo.
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they said we are deeply concerned about these reports. the report distributed on twitter isis stated that the hostage was buried in the rubble of a building hit by jordanian air-strikes. keir simmons is in jordan. and what are we hearing from the jordanian government? >> reporter: well the jordanian government has clearly no ability to confirm these reports, as you say. they haven't been confirmed. the only organization making this claim is isis itself. not reliable. and in fact a government official here has actually tweeted some comments that are interesting, describing those isis claims as sick. and pointing out that this is a group that has beheaded hostages that was responsible for the gruesome execution, burning alive, of a jordanian pilot. and going on to say in this
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message, and now we're supposed to believe what they are claiming. the jordanians in particular claim that the killing of their pilot happened many weeks a month, in fact before they claim it did. and that is the message the jordanians are trying to send to say, hold on take time to assess what is being claimed here because in particular, we have been saying it is in isis' interestest to put out propaganda -- interest to put out propaganda and they will try to change public opinion, here in this region and perhaps in the united states and they will think that claiming that this female hostage has been killed if indeed that is the case by an air raid carried out by the jordanians will be to their advantage. so there are many many questions here and at the moment
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the jordanians are among those just trying to establish whether or not these isis claims are true and that is a very very difficult thing to do. >> indeed. nbc's keir simmons, thank you very much. >> and turning to the economy. we did get fresh numbers on that front this morning. the unemployment rate edges up from 5.6 to 5.7% but experts are saying that is good news because it means that despite the uptick in rate the u.s. added 257,000 jobs in january, suggesting that more people kicked off the new year by returning to the job hunt. meanwhile the discovery of five new cases of measles at a illinois day care center is spreading the fear about an outbreak making its way across the country. illinois has confirmed that five babies that were too young to be vaccinated contracted the disease. and two more confirmed by state
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officials in nevada this week raise the total number of measles cases in the u.s. to at least 109 that we know of in 15 states. nbc's john yang is live in chicago. what do we know about the condition of the babies and the ten other kids that may have been exposed to the measles? >> reporter: joy, they are all at home. they are not being treated in the hospital. they are being cared for by parents or other care givers at home. the ten who have been exposed and also they are also under 12 months of age so they have not been vaccinated they are under quarentine. and health officials caution they expect more cases of the measles that come out of this because the ten infants in the same room health experts say there is a nine in ten chance a 90% chance that if you've been exposed to the measles and have not been vaccinated against the
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measles, you will get the measles. so they expect more cases. although in chicago and cook county and illinois the vaccination rate is high above 91%. so they feel people who have been vaccinated are not threatened by the outbreak at this day care center. officials are tracing back the contacts and seeing where these young children had been in the past trying to determine the point of infection for these children. it is not yet clear whether it is related to the outbreak in disneyland. now this day care center who have told children that have not been immunized and staff to stay home. and any staff who works with children below the age of 12 months or any other child who hasn't been immunized has to show proof of immunization and
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urging the other staff to get immunized but not requiring it. joy. >>on yang in chicago. thank you. and more on the an confirmed claims by isis that an american hostage they are holding was killed by jordanian air-strikes. we'll go live to the pentagon to see how the government is working to confirm the claims and if it is even possible. ♪ stouffer's mac and cheese
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>> and we're back now with the latest on the breaking news. claims by isis that an american hostage, a 26-year-old woman, has been killed in a coalition air strike. the family of u.s. aid worker kayla mueller has released her name today along with this photo. she is an arizonanative taken hostage by isis in sear on august 4th in 2013 while leaving
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a doctors without borders hospital. so we know the u.s. has not been able to authorize this claim by isis but what do we know the process by which the u.s. is trying to confirm this if that is possible jim miklaszewski. >> well the intelligence on the ground there in syria is extremely limited. in fact it was last year when there were attempts to rescue the hostage james foley, they were relying on other hostages including a french hostage who had been released by isis earlier when france or at least institutions in france agreed to pay a ransom for that hostage. but by the time the u.s. military got to that site foley was long gone. so that is an example they use of how difficult it is for them to generate any kind of intelligence on the ground. they can have satellites in the sky, they can have drones spying
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in the air constantly but without that intelligence in the ground, their data base and their information is very thin. and quite frankly, joy, very weak. so at this point, they are all scrambling to learn what they can. but they are turned to jordan and what they think of this may all mean and they are skeptical of the isis claims that this woman has been killed in an air strike. so that is where this stands now. everybody is scrambling but so far they have found nothing to really corroborate or compete with the kind of information that is out there now out of isis. >> and jim, we do know that in this propaganda statement released by isis where they claim that the jordanian military and the air-strikes had killed miss mueller and released photos of what they claim was the location of the air-strikes. does the u.s. military take that information with a huge grain of
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salt or does it match up with what jordan say they were targeting, they say they were targeting specific locations and is there taking any of that information and incorporating that in the intelligence or just thrown out as propaganda. >> well they try as much as they can to avoid any kind of civilian casualties so they go after what they describe as military-related targets or in the case of the portable oil refineries that they destroyed very early on in the air-strikes in syria to deprive isis of any oil income to support their terrorist activities. so the buildings they go after are military-related. can there be civilians in those buildings? yes. because it is impossible to penetrate in those building without the surveillance they use but at this point they have
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no clue as to whether this woman could have been at the sites that are designated as targets. >> jim miklaszewski live at the pentagon, thank you very much. and after the break, why many are outrages by what the president said at the national prayer breakfast yesterday. >> we see faith as being twisted and distorted. used as a wedge, or worse, sometimes used as a weapon. we see isil a brutal vicious death cult in the word of religion carries out brutal acts of barbarism. ♪ welcome to the most social car we've
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today and over recent weeks. >> as we speak, around the world we see faith inspiring people to lift up one another, to feed the hungry, and care for the poor and comfort the afflicted and make peace where there is strife. >> so far -- >> but we also see faith being twisted and distorted, used as a wedge, or worse, sometimes used as a weapon. we see isil a brutal vicious death cult that in the name of religion carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism, terrorizing authorities, like theys edies and claiming the mantle of authority for such reactions. >> so far so good. but what president obama said a few seconds later set off a fire
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storm of outrage on the right. >> humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. and unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of christ christ. in our home country, slavery and jim crow was justified in the name of christ. it is not unique to one group or one religion. there is a tendency in us a sinful tendency that can pervert and distort our faith. >> so were president obama's remarks the simple truth or inappropriate and off the mark. reverend paul rauchen busch the editor at the huffington post.
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and thank you for being here first of all. so i want to get your reaction to the president's speech at the national prayer breakfast. >> i thought it was one of the best speeches he's given in recent years. i thought it was so important for him to name what is going on in religion. to lay out where we are and where we need to be. religion is the cause of a lot of strife right now. and he named it. and he named isil a death cult. he talked about the atrocities that were happening in the name of religion and then said these not what religion should be about and we all have a responsibility in all of our faiths to make sure that it is not about hatred it is not about harming other people. in fact it is about lifting other people up and being more unified and he gave many examples about how faith does that. >> and that was your take on it your reaction to it. i want to play you the other side of it. because it did provoke a angry
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and furious reaction and immediate and negative reaction from some of the president's friends on the right. and i think charles krathammer made that point on fox news. >> here we are not two days away from an act of sort of shocking barbarism, the burning alive of a prison of war and obama's message is we should remember the crusades and the inquisition. for him to say that all of us have sinned and all religions have been transgressed is adolescent stuff. everybody knows that. the overwhelming volume of the violence and barbarism we're seeing in the world, from nigeria to paris, all the way to pakistan and even to the philippines -- >> australia. >> is coming from one source and that is from inside of
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islam. it is not the prevalent idea of islam, but it is coming from islam. >> and i should mention that the administration did respond to his criticism aboard air force one and you did have a press gaggle in which the president spoke about his believe in american exceptionalism because of military mine and prowes and because our standing in the world and so part of that is holding ourselves up to our own values and when we fall short we need to look inward and hold ourselves accountable. but speak for a moment if you could, to that criticism, that at the moment we're dealing with a militant strain of islam and for the president to take the focus off of that right now is irresponsible. what do you think about that? >> i think the president is speaking about that. he met with muslim leaders the day before to speak about that. in the national prayer breakfast, when we are supposed
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to talk about prayer and faith and the goodness and our community in general, it is not the time to start pinpointing one religion and saying this is the source of the problem. it is a time for -- his speech was a spiritual exercise. he talked about humility how we have to be aware of humility and what he was doing is practicing what he is preaching. i admit, in my tradition, there are things we have done wrong. you have to do the same in your tradition, whatever tradition that is. and especially in islam. i think it doesn't -- you don't need to point at that constantly for that to be true. but what we saw immediately was the high horse that everybody ran in on. and they got on their high horse and said christyianeity isn't this and that is what he was trying to defend against. if we are going to defeat radical islam or any other religion, we need to do it together and i think that is what he was trying to do.
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>> thank you for being here. and the reverend paul rauchenbush. and that does wrap thing up for "the reid report." and i'll be back here on monday. be sure to visit us at the "the reid report" on "the cycle" is up next. boy: once upon a time, there was a nice house that lived with a family. one day, it started to rain. the house tried to keep out all the water, but water got inside and ruined everybody's everythings. the house thought she let the family
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breaking news starts "the cycle." i'm toure, as we come on the air, top officials from the white house to the pentagon are scrambling to sort out claims by isis that a young american aid worker kayla mueller, who they've been holding for a year and a half was not killed by them, but by a jordanian air strike. many are skeptical. jordan has increases their air-strikes after one of their own being burned alive. jordan has only been striking targets picked out
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