tv Ronan Farrow Daily MSNBC February 10, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PST
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hostages held alongside her. she said i have been shown in darkness, light. have learned that even in prison one can be free. later, i have a lot of fight left inside me. i'm not breaking down. i will not give in no matter how long it takes. her family says they were sent evidence of kayla's death, a photograph of their daughter's face. our hearts are breaking for our only daughter but we will continue on in peace, dignity and love for her. following this from istanbul richard engel. have we learned any other facts? >> reporter: andrea mitchell reported a short while ago that according to u.s. officials there has been some photographic evidence provided to the family and the family is working in close coordination with u.s. officials. and that this was a photograph that apparently showed the young
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woman, kayla mueller, that she died from a traumatic injury that the u.s. officials said would be consistent with an air strike but wasn't necessarily caused by an air strike but that was the kind of trauma you would associate with some sort of explosion. they are confirming that it was a photograph. they are confirming it was a photograph of her that shows that she was killed. but they can't ascertain from the photograph when she was killed or why she was killed or exactly how she died just that there was some traumatic injury that would be consistent with an air strike or some similar explosion. >> richard, how do you see this fitting into the broader offensive against isis? is this going to galvanize the u.s. role from what you're hearing? >> reporter: i think the u.s. is already involved in this fight. it is leading an international coalition. there's a major decision that
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the u.s. may have to face down the road if it wants to escalate dramatically, but i don't think this is necessarily going to change the calculation, the american calculation dramatically. but it could change isis' calculation. they are not in a very uncomfortable position for itself in that it doesn't have -- not known or believed to have any other high profile western hostages. and having western hostages has been critical to the overall isis strategy. you remember since james foley was killed the american reporter who was the first to be beheaded in isis captivity, every few weeks isis has come out with a new atrocity from a hostage. now it's going to be -- well now isis won't be able to do that. the group may look for other ways to try and provoke the west, try to provoke a ground invasion and it's unclear what isis might do.
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>> nbc's richard engel, thank you. andrea mitchell here at nbc has been following this story. i want to go to her. we saw the president respond so emphatically and the u.s. is committed to the offensive. we know he'll be seeking more authorization from congress. there have been back and forth as to whether that would happen. he actually just released a statement on this day we take comfort in the fact that the future belongs not to those who destroy, but rather to the ir repressible force of human goodness that kayla mueller shall forever represent. any changes that you foresee in this fight? >> i think you've seen an escalation from jordan uae joining the fight with f-16s based in jordan. john dan up until the death of their pilot and the evidence of way he was burned alive had not been willing to acknowledge that they were fighting against isis. now they are putting out gun camera videos showing exactly
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what they are doing. they are rallying forces and the queen issued a statement, a video statement leading that phrase. this has been become a unifying force in the region. whether it becomes more of a force propelling u.s. action remains to be seen. what we need to do on the ground, to get the iraqi forces more engaged, better trained and able to attempt something as challenging as retaking mosul. that said what the white house is focused on today and all of us frankly affected as well just without knowing kayla mueller, the sentiments expressed in her letter letter written over a course of several days if not weeks, hastily, a handwritten letter not knowing when the other french hostages were going to get out. >> extremely strong statement. >> strong statements that she wanted to communicate to her parents, to her family and brother. the sadness that everyone is
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feeling for that family. >> and that goes to our leadership as well, you mentioned the woishite house response. josh earnest just spoke about kayla a few minutes ago. >> isil radless of her cause of death is responsible for it. this after all is the organization holding her against her will. that means they are responsible for her safety and well being. and they are therefore responsible for her death. >> and andrea what is the white house up against and now seeking a new one and acknowledging that has been insufficient for the current strikes? >> they initially said they have as much authority as needed and now acknowledging it would be better to have a broader authorization. but there is a disagreement what the white house said today it would be better to be bipartisan and eventually will be passed will be bipartisan.
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but there is a big difference what the john mccains and lindsey grahams want as many as 10,000 boots on the ground. and what nancy pelosi and other democrats are saying a more limited version, no boots on ground and three-year time limit. so this is where the negotiation begins. >> and andrea you have a great deal of experience covering these heartbreaking stories where seemingly the very best of human kind is so much in the cross hairs, humanitarian workers under fire. if we look at the most recent numbers, that seems to be more and more the case. what does this death reveal about the threat to humanitarian aid workers in general? >> and aid workers around the world who are in nigeria and other places and chad whereboko haram has been waging war. it is just profoundly disturbing. and these are the people like kayla mueller, whoe take their
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own lives in hand go to a place like turkey work with the refugee camps and decided to cross the border. and doctors without borders said they did not even know she was coming to aleppo. what she did was very risky. she was an adventurer and humanitarian and deeply religious as we see in her final level. >> and seemingly spent her whole life devoted to helping others. thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day. with this news the president is going to congress for those new war powers to fight isis. an updated authorization for the use of military force in what would be the very first war vote in congress in more than a decade following this from the white house is our casey hunt. we just heard about this delicate balance the president faces coming up going to the hill essentially acknowledging that the strike so far haven't had sufficient legal authority. >> reporter: ronan, well at this point the white house has a
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draft of this aumf they are planning to send no the hill. they are in the final stages of outreach. that started back in january when congressional leaders first came to the white house after the republican congress was sworn in and members on both sides expressed an interest in having bipartisan input into what the language is. but as you were outlining, this is going to be a delicate balance for the white house. on the one side you have hawks like senator john mccain and lindsey graham who frankly have been focused on this issue for months and saying that the white house has not gone far enough in whether it was aiding syrian rebels or in taking the fight to isis. on the other side you have members of the president's own party concerned about this potential aumf opening the door to another limitless conflict. that's the balance that the president and his advisers are trying to strike now. the white house council is up on the hill this afternoon briefing senate democrats. what we hear from them coming
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out of that meeting will give us a good clue about whether or not democrats are prepared to get on board and potentially open this door to a new sort of sanctioned by congress conflict. >> our kasie hunt at the white house. thank you. there's another unexpected international wrinkle we want to update you on. bashar al assad made a claim to the bbc that the u.s. led coalition is pass on information to his syrian regime about information about isis. >> there's no cooperation -- >> is it through iraq? >> through third party. like other countries, sometimes they convey message, general message but there's nothing tactical. we didn't know about the details. >> is that a continuing dialogue that you have through third parties? >> there's no dialogue.
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there's let's say information but not dialogue. >> they tell you things? >> something like that. >> do you tell them things? >> no. >> this has been a dilemma for the state department a regime that they have accused of mass murder now safeguarding territory where isis has its strong holds frm. the state department hasn't responded. back home we have an update on another sad story. in virginia a man held for months in a college student's disappearance was officially charged with her murder. university of virginia student hannah graham was 18 and her body was found more than a month later. jesse matthew was seen trailing her in surveillance video as she left a bar. he is indicted for first degree murder and abduction and attempt to defile. >> these indictments signal the beginning of the next phase in what has been an incredibly difficult process for the family of hanna graham for our
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community and men and women of the many departments and agencies who have worked on this matter since september of last year. >> nbc's peter alexander is in charlottesville following this. this indictment was for first degree murder primarily not capital murder. why is that? >> reporter: it's a good question. a question we posed to the prosecutor a short time ago and frankly they didn't have an answer. they did concede that they did have conversations with the family of hanna graham before the indictment before the felony charges were filed. as you noted there's abduction with attempt to defile to sexually assault hanna graham and the charge associated with her murder that carries life in prison. there's not an effort to pursue the death penalty in this case. this is obviously a case that has rattled this community. this is a case that has been in the headlines for a while. she disappeared five months ago
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and it wasn't until today that formal charges were finally filed although there's still a ways to go before the case is finally closed. >> thanks for that update, peter. as at the hadn't already had enough, parts of new england could see more snow. two more systems could lead to more snowstorms before valentine's day. brace yourself. poor boston is again in the sweet spot there. in the last two weeks along, they have gotten a record 74 inches of snow so far. and the president is huddling it one group on the hill the congressional black caucus a lot on the docket for that conversation from the new war authorization to the controversy over benjamin netanyahu's visit to washington. i'm going to ask one of the founders of the congressional black caucus charles rangel if he's going to attend. that's up next. stay with us.
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you have a practice of not meeting with leaders right before their elections, two weeks before their elections. as much as i love angela if she was two weeks away from an election, she probably would not have received an invitation to the white house. and i suspect she wouldn't have asked for one. >> as always the refrain, what would angela merkel do? that was president obama explaining why he won't be meeting with benjamin netanyahu when he visits washington next month. he plans to address a joint session of congress and those aren't changing i'm determined to speak before congress to stop
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iran, retweet if i have your support. very digital native of him. there could be a few empty seats, however in the real house when he hits the floor march third, the day he's scheduled to speak and not backing down from speaking. most democrats are saying they are not going to attend. we have the names up there. joining me from capitol hill with the latest on this growing controversy at this point, nbc news correspondent luke russert. what is the reaction to bb doubling down today? >> reporter: republicans say he should be speaking here because who better than the prime minister of israel to address the concerns that radical islam poses coupled with the fact of the danger a nuclear iran could pose. that's what you hear from republicans, that in this time of terror he should be front and center. democrats say, look this is a controversy that is boiled over. the controversy stems around how this invitation went out.
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and steny hoyer didn't call this -- didn't call for a boycott. he said this was not a boycott. he said some democrats are responding to a controversy. it would be unfair to call it a boycott. however, i do think it's fair to say, this has rubbed some people the wrong way, especially people who are strong advocates for israel. nancy pelosi house minority leader has said to the press corps over the last few weeks, the only president to address congress on three separate occasions in a joint session is winston churchill leaving it up to interpretation whether or not netanyahu is on the same as win store churchill, wink wink nod nod. what does this have to do with the authorization of military force? if you in fact have these -- could that bring more hawks on board, especially democratic israel supporters, it's
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elongated there. ronan. >> luke russert, thanks for the update. prominent democrats who plan to boycott the speech whether calling it a boycott or not, include leaders of the congressional black caucus like the chairman north carolina butterfield, john lewis of georgia and highest ranking leader yet to say he's going to skip the speech james clyburn of south carolina. president obama is scheduled to meet with the cbc today with netanyahu's speech likely to be a big topic of discussion. joining us is one of the former members, charlie rangel. always a pleasure to have you on. it's been reported you're going to skip the speech, is that true? do you plan on skipping the netanyahu speech? >> in all probability i'll be there but i'm not broadcasting that because i don't want to encourage -- >> in all probably you will be
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there? >> i will not be there. >> i will not be there. i'm offended as an american nobody has been more supportive of israel from its birth than i have and so many democrats in the house have felt that way. i think israel is the one issue that brings republicans and democrats together in support, not just because she's a friendly country but she's important to our national security. she represents everything that a democratic government should and that part of the world. so it doesn't make any sense at all for us to have any light between this wonderful friendship. i cannot think of any reason as to why someone who differs with my president should be coming to my country, my congress in order to -- especially especially when it's preceding an election in a foreign country as friendly as she might be. i've been asking before i talk
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about boycott and not showing up give me one reason why he should be coming to the house of representatives inviting the senate without telling -- without involving the president and democratic leaders. it just doesn't make sense. >> and it is worth pointing out for viewers, it is highly unorthodox in terms of procedure that it would happen without the white house saying we can't host this individual because of the proximity to an election. in terms of personal relationships here this president is often reported to have a chilly relationship with the prime minister. do you see this speech as an act of slight to president obama? >> let me say this i don't know what the personalities are, but i know one thing, him coming here without checking with his counterpart, that is the president of the united states of america, does not do good in
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making the relationship better. and so as i've said that the whole idea that republicans and the prime minister would bring this issue to polarize to hinder the wonderful friendship that we've had doesn't make any sense at all. and i'm hoping i'm hoping that the president will extend an invitation to the prime minister after the election no matter which way it goes to share his views as to why he believes that we are not as sincere as he is in making certain that iran does not have any weapons of mass destruction. >> let's talk about that congressman. in that tweet earlier, netanyahu did emphasize the iran piece of this. how do you think this will impact talks with iran? >> i don't think it will impact it at all.
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this has nothing to do with the talk in iran. if you think for one minute that getting international publicity is going to affect the talks in iran, it affects the climate of the people in the united states in having the podium of the house of representatives dramatically and grossly misused and have an impact on constituents and voters in israel. but in terms of doing anything positive if i thought that we needed that type of help then we would turn the house of representatives into a united nations forum. and invite people to come and share these sensitive issues with us make no mistake about it there is no positive thing that can come out of this republican extended invitation to a candidate for re-election in israel period. >> congressman, going to today's
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meeting with the president, what are you hoping to accomplish in that conversation with him? >> how serious it is to our consistents as we find them being pushed out of the middle class, the wide diversity in income and increase in minimum wages and how the key of becoming a free and decent and contributing american is being taken away from us. i also hope that the president would be able to discuss with us as to what is the threat to america's national security with this horrific war that's been going on for centuries in the middle east. and if it is a threat is he calling among all americans to be drafted? is he calling on taxpayers to pay for it?
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or will this heavy burden be carried by the poor and middle class and will not make younger people who volunteer because they lack economic opportunity, they will be once again to carry the burden without a declaration of war. >> so concerns of both the principle and of the economy there, we'll being looking forwards to readouts after that meeting today. congressman charlie rangel thanks for the update. >> thank you. >> congress and american people both reacting today to that loss of the aid worker kayla mueller, her death reveals a disturbing trend as well. the latest numbers showing the most violent year for aid workers ever. why are the most heroic so often the most vulnerable and what can be done to protect them. that's up next.
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her name has almost 50,000 twitter mentions so far and the #kaylamueller. a letter she wrote is a prominent part of those conversations and its accelerating at 3.1 thousand tweets in less than an hour. images of those final words hastily scrolled filling facebook and instagram feeds across the country. president obama's statement about the death has almost 800 shares and 5,000 likes on facebook. the message of hate the terror group that held kayla captive is spreading. the "newsweek" hacking, the cyber caliphate and the same one that previously hacked centcom. we'll look at what today's loss
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reveals and what needs toe change. kayla mueller and why the risks she and other humanitarian workers face seem to be on the rise. that's coming up. your mom's got your back. your friends have your back. your dog's definitely got your back. but who's got your back when you need legal help? we do. we're legalzoom, and over the last 10 years, we've helped millions of people protect their families and run their businesses. we have the right people on-hand to answer your questions backed by a trusted network of attorneys. so visit us today for legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. today america lost someone it's fair to say was a hero kayla mueller, from prescott, arizona, she was an aid worker who devoted her life to helping others. that work led her to india, israel and palestinian territories and to turkey to help syrian refugees. that's where she was captured by isis back in 2013. her story underscores how often the very best of human kind humanitarian workers giving everything to serve those most in need are often those most in danger. and it is getting worse. according to a report 2013 set a new record for violence against aid workers, 155 aid workers killed, 171 seriously injured and 134 kidnapped.
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for more on the importance and danger of the kind of work kayla mueller risked everything for. ayman mohyeldin who spent years covering international aid organizations. ayman, those figures represent a 66% spike in the number of aid worker victims from the year before. why would it be it's getting even more dangerous for those trying to help? >> we're seeing conflict zoenls are becoming much more volatile and where there was once a line that somewhat kept humanitarian aid workers and journalists and others immune from that violence, we're seeing that line being less and less respected. more and more aid organizations and workers are being seen as an extension of many of their countries and as a result of even though they are independent and sometimes have nothing to do with their governments or foreign policy they are there to do good work those carrying out attacks are using the opportunity to strike at the countries of origins of these
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eight organizations. in other cases they know the aid workers coming from western countries are valuable commodities for kidnappers and ransoms and also driven from a commercial sense to try to kidnap these individuals for ransom. >> ayman, i talked to a lot of aid groups in reporting this story and honestly a lot are reluctant to get into the fray and issue a statement of support for kayla mueller, to touch the topic at all. that's how afraid they are for the safety of their workers still in the field. what can exchange to savefeguard those workers more? >> there are a lot of different theories about it. in the case of what is happening in isis, a group like isis hasn't shown respect or compassion to any humanitarian law. in cases like afghanistan, there have been all kinds of recommendations as to what aid
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organizations can do when they enter a conflict zone. they can certainly try to reach out to these tribal communities and let them know they are try to engage with the local population and not just one aspect or sector of the community. >> most of the major aid groups including a number that kayla mueller was involved with do just that. >> they do. and their operations and methods are constantly evolving as new risks emerge. and as we're saying in some theaters of operation, like afghanistan, it's very different than the battlefields of syria, different than the battlefields of south sudan. every organization in some cases try to reduce their profile and rely on local staff and not bring in westerners. there are constant reevaluations of security assessments. but the overall situation unfortunately is that it is becoming more and more dangerous for aid workers who are as you
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mentioned representing the best of humanity when they go in to help ordinary people. kayla mueller had one proposal she wanted a no fly zone over the refugee zone. it has to be the highest levels of conversations to the parties within the conflict. thanks for breaking that down for us. >> the president is going to congress, he's seeking new war powers against isis. what does that reveal about the current legality of operations and how are lawmakers responding so far? we dive into that next. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda.
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held by isis. the news comes at a turner point in the broader conflict with isis. president obama will approach congress and seek new war powers. so far he justified air strikes under a congressional authorization to use military force granted under george w. bush. in a statement released after the death, the white house made one thing very clear. no matter how long it takes, the united states will find and bring to justice the terrorists who are responsible for kayla's captivity and death. ambassador michael sheehan joins me now. he was recently the head of special operations at the pentagon, long history of working on these issues and now at the combatting terrorism center at west point. ambassador, how does the death of this american hostage impact american policy in this conflict going forward? >> first of all, let me say about kayla, she's a saint in my view, she served god and died serving god and we all pray for her. the impact on the policy is
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real. when people are killed like this or held hostage, it affects political decision-making. i've been in rooms where those decisions are made. the risks that people take. the president doesn't want to wake up some morning and see an american captive being held in a cage being threatened to be burned alive. in order to accomplish our policy objectives we have to take risks and move people in those zones. >> one thing we were talking about, the president so far seems to have said we're not going into the fray this is going to be done by proxy as much as fobl and the way in which we're going to advance this fight is through foreign fighting forces not our own. do you think that needs to change? >> he needs to be clear. in iraq for instance we do have special forces advisers on the ground and they are out there. they try to stay out of harm's way but in order to be most effective, even in iraq they need to be with the forward forces. in syria, we're very much more restricted. inmy view again, in order to be
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effective and i've been an adviser on the ground. in order to be effective with your partners that your advising, you need to be as far forward as possible and that incurs some risk. so the president is going to have to make that case we're going to follow -- try to achieve these objectives and inherent in that are risks. >> ambassador something coming in just over the wires now, josh earnest is speaking at the white house and he was asked, is this the last american hostage that isis has? his response was very telling, there's one more american being held hostage in the region. was not explicit whether that's by isis or some other party. in light of that what is the impact of operations going forward? and what are the challenges the u.s. faces in trying to rescue these hostages we haven't done it successful yet. >> the impact is that it inhibits decision makers from allowing either our cia
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operatives or special forces from operating in combat zones and particularly in syria. we have to reassess our situation if we want to be effective in taking on our objectives there. you can't do it from a hotel in amman of you've got to be on the ground with the fighters and that incurs risk. >> are you afraid this news will cause a further doubling down to the approach of we're going to do it from hotels elsewhere? >> we have had americans held and i'm not sure which one they are referring to because we have hostages held in pakistan as well. so we've had that through many years. we've weathered it. i think this is a situation where the president and senior members of the administration have to talk about that and prepare the american people for this type of event happening, but, by defining our clear objectives there, we take those types of risk because we cannot allow the terrorists by taking
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one american hostage to inhibit the most powerful military on the face of the earth. then the terrorists win. based on your defense experience or tactical experience, what are the challenges that have prevented these supposed operations we've heard reports of to save hostages from succeeding? >> it's very difficult. when i was last in govern i was trying very hard to find sergeant bergdahl. we spend a lot of time trying to find him and there were a lot of issues involved. how many assets will you take away from protecting american forces to go look for a hostage? secondly, even if you do find that person is it possible to even mount a rescue? sometimes it's almost -- the situation they are in makes it extremely difficult but really the hardest part is finding them because they move them know they want to keep a low signature. these people are smart. it becomes very difficult, like finding a needle in a haystack. very difficult to find them. >> what about the broader issue of president going to congress
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and seeking new authorization for use of military force. does that sail the authorization we have now isn't sufficient that the strikes haven't been legal? >> i would argue that they are still legal but it's really pushing the envelope on that authority that was provided to the president, department of defense right after 9/11 associated with the attacks on 9/11. we've been stretching that pretty far since september of 2001. it is appropriate to redefine it and take it up to congress and make it more explicit about these type of operations which are very different than the operations right after 9/11. >> from what we know about the specifics of the powers the president is now seeking from congress, will those new powers encourage a push towards potentially forces on the ground in the way we've been discussing? >> i don't think so. i think what the president is looking for is the legal justification to act, be consistent with the constitution and the role of congress in declaring war.
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that's his purpose. by getting it it also helps by getting congress involved in supporting the policy. that's always a good thing. and now the president may have a little bit more leeway and little bit more confidence that he could make decisions and he knows he has backing of congress that's authorized him to do so. >> michael sheehan, always a plerk you are to get your insights. >> stay with us, reports of cyber threats affecting all aspects of our lives. we'll look at whether the government is doing enough to keep our data safe even as the administration response with a brand-new policy and first of its kind summit just this week. that's next. how much money do you have in your pocket right now? i have $40 $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement? i don't think so.
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and there were celebrity hacks an the list goes on and now the government is acting. the obama administration has announced a new centered monitor for the cyber and it is called the center cyber. and now i'm joined by julian from nbc news. tell me about what sparked this and how will this trager meaningful change? >> as you said there have been so many cyber attacks, sony and anthem and you name it. and cyber has affected dhs and doj and the ctic will sin sethize will take information
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from agencies and an al size and let people take pieces of information here and there and create a streamlined bit of intelligence julian since the rollout of and the v.a. problems and some of the tech initiatives under this administration and what are you hear from the private sector about the skepticism for the hope for the newent it. >> the idea is that it will work with the private sector. government could help and vice versa. but i did speak with cyber security experts about this and they are mixed. one said listen you are talking about cyber security talking about consumer privacy and you need someone to coordinate and that will be holes in that kind of community so there will be a stream line center and that is great.
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and another expert said we have groups working on cyber intelligence do we need another layer of bureaucracy. and if they can get the private sector that will only help. everyone sharing that information, it can be helpful but it is a matter of how it is implemented. >> will agencies push back on this initiative that is supposed to corral all of their efforts? >> that is interesting to see. the agencies have a lot on their plates already. this is too big to ignore. as you said with the different attacks, it affects national security, the economy, it has affected consumers. all of us know someone whose e-mail has been hacked or their target information was swept up in that attack. and i think it just -- it has become too big. it has affected too many people and affected too many consumers app the time is now to act. i think cyber security experts would say the time to act was probably long ago and they are hoping that moves like this will
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eventually make a difference. >> julian we are having folks participate in our call to action exercise to their leadership on the hill they want to see reform on cyber security and tell me about the highlights from the president's proposal and that is something he is talking about stanford this week. >> yes. president obama spent a lot of his state of the union talking about cyber security and made it clear it is in focus and there was talk about coordinating between the private sector and the government to coordinate that information and putting a disclosure and a shot clock if you are a company that has been hacked you have 30 days to disclose that and let people know. so there are frameworks out there and they are all a big if. it depends on congress working with the white house and passing the proposals into law but it is telling even looking at a year or two years ago, this was never in the conversation. this was never a part of the state of the union. so i think the experts who are
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looking at these scary threats are heartened it is part of the conversation now but the implementation and whether these centers will have an effect is the real key. >> it is a set of issues effecting more and more americans. julian pepper toen. nbc reporter. thank you for the time. >> thank you. and leading up to the potential summit on cyber security we are looking to your threats to data all week and there is a call to action you can join in on it. something can you do. tweet your reps in congress and urge them to pass the president's cyber security bill and we have suggested a few tweets that hit the points. you can find them at ronan nation and let us know what you are doing to protect your data. the hash tag is ronation. and now it is time for "the reid
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report" with my friend joy reid. >> and coming up next we'll continue to cover the breaking fuse on the death of -- the news on the death of american aid worker kayla mueller. and same-sex marriage in limbo between the supreme court and alabama courts who are deny denying marriage licenses. >> and can they get it together before the race for the white house begins. "the reid report" is next. if i can impart one lesson to a new business owner, it would be
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kayla's family her parents marsha and carl and her brother eric and his family and all of those who loved kayla dearly. at this time of unimaginable suffering, the country shares in their misery. but it is not known at the date and manner of her death. >> there was no evidence of civilians in the area prior to the coalition strike taking place and that would call into question the claims made by isil. what is not possible to call into question is that isil is responsible for her death. >> and her family is expected to speak at 4:00 p.m. eastern time and we'll bring her statement live when it comes
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