tv Politics Nation MSNBC February 10, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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spacex rocket. they'll give it another shot at 6:03 p.m. on wednesday. that's "the ed show." "politics nation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. \s. good evening, ed. thank for tuning in. emotional reaction from the friends and family of kayla mueller. they spoke out late today about the aid worker who was killed while being held hostage by isis. >> she had a quiet calming presence a free spirit, always standing up for those suffering and wanting to be their voice. >> i'm not yet sure how to live in the world without kayla, but i do know we're living in a better world because of her. so i'm going to end on a quote that reminds me of her -- peace
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is not something you wish to. it's something you make. it is something you do. it is something you are. and it's something you give away. a heartbreaking tribute, but it's still unclear what happened to her. isis claims that she was killed when a jordanian bomb hit this building in syria, but the u.s. says it can't confirm that. one senior official said her injuries were not consistent with an air strike. jordan has steeped up its response to isis after the group killed a jordanian pilot. the country has deployed thousands of troops to the iraqi border. this as president obama preparing for ask congress for new authority to use force
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against the terror group. it will be the first war vote in congress in 13 years. but tonight americans all over the country are grieving for kayla mueller. today her family released a letter she wrote them more than a year in captivity. she wrote -- i have been shown in darks in light, and have learned that even in prison one can be free. i am grateful. joining me now is congressman gregory meeks, democrat of new york. he serves on the house foreign affairs committee. also with me is jim arkedis, a truman fellow and former pentagon analyst. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> thank you, rev. kayla mueller's death is obviously a real tragedy for her family and for all americans. will this stiffen resolved to
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fight isis, in your opinion? >> well i think we have the resolve to fight isis and we will continue that resolve. i think that united states utilizing our air powers and working and coordinating with our allies will stiffen it. hopefully even on you arab allies jordan, saudi arabia others stepping up their commitment to this fight, because we have to get rid of this terrorism group. >> jim, the mueller family received a forecast of kale kayla's body. is isis trying to avoid responsibility for her death? >> they are absolutely trying to avote responsibility. the importance thing for us all for remember is they are 100% responsible for it. they took her hostage. so it's heartbreaking to hear her friends and family talk
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about what a special person she was, and if there's any doubt in their minds that somehow she got wrapped up in this entire thing and that blame should be laid at the feet of anyone other than isis it's simply not true. they are the ones who kidnapped her and held her hostage, and that's the end of the story. >> congressman, we don't have all details of what president obama will ask for, but in his authorization for the use of military force, that is -- but the associated press says it's expected to be a three-year authorization authorization, so the next president would need to get it renewed. it will have no restrictions on geographic location and it would be limited to fighting isis or a future group that evolves from it. will congress approve this kind of authorization? >> yeah i think we've got to see, the devil is always in the details. i think that as long as we're not talking about boots on the ground, maybe with the exception
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of special forces i think that the congress is ready to come together to make sure that we are working -- give the president the kinds of dollars and authority that he needs to combat against isis and working in conjunction with our arab allies in the region. and we -- >> how will this tragedy -- how will this impact any future decisions of how we deal with these matters in the future? >> well you know i think number one, clearly kayla, 26iers, dedicating her life to individuals, shows the exemplary life she has and great family she has, and i think congress will be resolved as to tanned around our american families. those who were de-capitated, those who were destroyed congress will make sure those
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lives are not lost in vain. i think that helps make us understand -- and give the president the kind of strength he needs, and we can do that because it would hurt us to put books on the ground. if any boots on the ground it needs to be other arab nations. i look at and i will be looking at the authority that the president is asking for, and if it's in that regard i think in those constraints, i think it will pass with strong support. >> jim, the president talked about kayla mueller in an interview with buzzfeed posted just moments ago. waffle this -- watch this. >> i deployed an entire operation at significant risk to
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rescue not only her, but the other individuals that had been held, and probably missed them by a day or two, precisely because we have that commitment. the one thing that we have held to is a policy of not paying ransoms ransoms. with an organization like i system il. the reason is once we start doing that not only are we financing their slaughter of innocent people and strengthening their organization, but we're actually making americans even greater targets for future kidnappings, so you know it's -- it's as tough as anything i do having a conversation with parents who understandably want by any means necessary for their children to be safe. >> jim, he says we would be financing their slaughter and
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their we would be putting americans at more risk and of really putting them in a situation where paying ransom would increase a lot of the danger. your reaction to the president's statement? >> i fully support the president's statement. the fact of the matter is that isis is a group of brutal thugs. the only language that they understand is power, and i am absolutely for negotiation and compromise whenever it is possible. dialogue is one of the most important parts of our foreign policy. however, isis is beyond -- far far far beyond the point of trying to speak with and reason with, and we have to use our military to be very strong against them and snuff on the this cancer at its root. at this point our military is the only way to do that and the president is right to say if we tend to pay ransom that will only continue to encourage them
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to take future hostages and financial their current operations. yes, i absolutely endorse what the president said. >> congressman, when the president talk about we would be putting more americans at risk i want to raise -- the white house press secretary, he was asked today if isis is holding any other americans. here's how he responded. >> there is at least one other hostage that is held in the region, but you asked me specifically about isil. what i can tell you is that we are aware, we have avoided discussing the individual cases of americans being held hostage, but we were aware of other american hostages being held in the region. >> this is interesting, because he's saying there's at least one other american being held in the region. does this have an impact on u.s. policy, congressman? >> i think that our policy will move forward, and i think that the statement earlier that we cannot you know start ransom
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money to help finance these guys, we could do that but i think it's also good. there's other thing going on and to talk about though that ma -- because i know what the president is doing. he's trying to find them first. he's not afraid if he finds out where they are, to try to get them and get them out. those kinds of operations you do clandestinely, so this president is serious about trying to find them and getting them out, and to the degree that we can, not paying for them that's what's taking place, and i think that's the way he needs to continue to move forward. >> so a terrible tragedy, and we're going to stay on this. congressman gregory meeks, and jim arkedis, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. coming up eight years ago today, senator barack obama announced his intention to run for president. what he's saying today about his agenda.
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plus the so-called "american sniper" murder trial. as the movie smashes record the real-life 2r50i8 is about to kick off. will the movie impact the trial. and aaron hernandez' fiancee gets immunity. will she testify against him? and what is president obama saying about michael jordan's trash talk? conversation nation is ahead. toenail fungus? don't hide it... tackle it with new fda-approved jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. once applied jublia gets to the site of infection
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indicted in the shooting death of akai gurley. he was shot be a rookie police officers in a dark stairwell at a brooklyn housing project in november. nbc news has not confirmed the charges, but "new york daily news" reports that the officer has been indieted for plan slaughter. he could face up for 15 years in prison. the shooting came just months after the tragedies in ferguson an staten island. in that case eric garner was killed by a police chokehold which was caught on camera in broad daylight. a grand jury decided not to indict the officers involved but the justice department is investigating. in all the cases i mentioned here, we have said we believe there is enough evidence to have a public trial. thankfully in the dellath of
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gurley, we will now have that trial. we'll be right back. and a lot helping you. technology that's with you always. this is our promise. it's never been better to wander because wherever you go, you'll find us doing everything we can, so you can. shopping online is as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. we've made hiring anyone from a handyman to a dog walker as simple as a few clicks. buy their services directly at no more calling around. no more hassles. start shopping from a list of top-rated providers today. angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. visit today.
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i stand before you today to announce my candidacy to president of the united states of america. then illinois senator barack obama eight years ago today announcing his intention to run for the country's highest office. traveling to the old state capitol in springfield laying out a vision that would guide him and the country in the coming year.
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>> let's make college more affordable, and let's invest in scientific research. let's be the generation that ensures or nation's workers are sharing in our prosperity. we can turn this crisis of global warming into a moment of opportunity for innovation job creation. i want to win the next battle for justice and opportunity. i want to win that next battle for better schools and better jobs and better health care for all. >> eight years later, despite historic obstruction from republicans, millions more americans have health coverage. the uninsured rate is now 12.9%, a record low. on claimant change a landmark agreement with cut carbon emissions up to 28% by 2025. on the economy, 7.5 million private sector jobs have been added. now the president is entering what he calls the fourth quarter
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of his presidency. he'll put forward an ambitious domestic plan tackling income inequality. republicans have tried to derail his agenda from the start, and they're still trying. it's that fight over protecting and expanding the obama legacy that will dominate the next two years and beyond. joining me now is congress ma -- democrat from pennsylvania just minutes ago he and other members of the congressional black caucus wrapped up a meeting with president obama. >> it's a great day to be here a historic day. i remember that speech. it was just within days from that that we saw his campaign really take hold. and we've seen the results. we're going to block and tackle and defend this legacy but we
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also want to advance the legacy. there's so much more for us to do. that's what the president talked with us today about. >> eight year after announcing he would run for the white house, what priorities did you talk about with the president today? >> we talked about criminal justice reform. as you know there's a bipartisan consensus than any other nation on earth on a per capita basis, and we have to change that. we talked about education, talked about making sure that dealing with the question of the economy, that we make sure that family that are struggling to get into the middle class are also included in the debate and we work to maintain the middle class. >> now, you know right now republicans are trying to hold funding for homeland security hostage. to roll back the president's immigration action.
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today gop senator mark kirk said democrats would be to blame if there was a terror attack during this. quote -- the republicans, if there is a successful attack during the dhs shutdown we should build a number of coffins outside each democratic office and say you are responsible for these dead americans. at a time when the u.s. is dealing with the threat of isis or isil what do you make of this remark? >> i remember the attack on 9/11, and democrats joined with republicans and with president bush to respond to that. only until president obama have we seen the notion of a terrorist attack as an opportunity for a partisan attack on the president. it's shameful we have a majority party that really is morally bankrupt to the point of attacking the president on some notions that our enemies would
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be successful on some attack. that's not what we did. >> but beyond the partisan politics. it's almost unbelievable, they're talking about holding up funding of homeland security at a time like this we're dealing with the mourning of a hostage that has been killed and they're talking about holding the funding to deal with their differences on immigration? this is unbelievable, i would assume, to most americans. >> this president is unequivocal, he will not compromise on the question that we're going to make sure that we protect the homeland and that we don't have a bill that they try to deal with thinks policy issues. he says send him a clean bill and he will sign it. those questions should not be
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merged into this debate. the president says pass a bill send it to him, let's fix the system. the senate passed a bipartisan bill the house refused to take it up so don't take it out on the appropriations bill. if they want immigration reform let them pass a bill. >> the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu las said he can is coming to address the congress in march, despite many that have called on this speech to not take place since it went around protocol in not informing the president of the united states by the speaker of the house. did that come up in the meeting with the caucus? and are members of the congressional black caucus going to join other democrats who say they will not attend of speech. >> it didn't come up in the meeting. i did note today they did finally read the letter. we we know it was -- that was a
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pretext, because the bipartisan leader of the congress did not invite them. i think this would be used as a circumstance in which perhaps this speech can be delayed. there will be lots of people. the vice president would note be there. a host of people think this is ill-advised, and that again we should not put our nation's relationship with one of our most important allies israel in this partisan mix here to try to, you know i don't know what the specifically was things but i think it should be reconsideringed. >> well, the speech is to come out and oppose the president's position, but it did not come up in the meeting? >> it did not come up at all. >> do you feel most of the caucus members will not attend the speech? >> i feel that and i also feel there's so many other members who would not attend the speech. this is not a matter of the
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caucus. this is a decision in which we have foreign leaders who are invited on a bipartisan basis and we don't have a circumstance where right in the midst of an election in a foreign country, we would use the congress as a prop for that election. >> congressman, that i can you for your time tonight. >> thank you. still ahead, the "american sniper" murder trial. how the hit film could affect the trial of the marine accused of killing chris kyle. also a bombshell development in the aaron hernandez murder trial isally in tonight's justice fools. ♪ [epic music] ♪ introducing aleve pm... the pm pain reliever. that dares to work all the way until... [birds chirping] the am. new aleve pm.
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he released a resolution to quote -- insist that each member of the missouri congressional delegation endeavor with manly firmness and resolve to totally and completely repeal the affordable care act. repeal the aca with manly firmness? i heard that he lifted that line from the declaration of independence, but i really think he just has been watching too many tough guy movies. >> go ahead, make my day. >> are you talking to me? you're talking to me? >> say hello to my little friend. >> i feel the need -- the need for speed! >> i'll be back. but maybe mike moon is on to something, like that manly all male panel that republicans held
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on women's health or the almost all male committee chairs they appointed. maybe they thought it was manly not standing and applauding for the equal pay at the state of the union. now we have a new one. manly firmness on obamacare. i guess state rep moon thinks it's tough when 200,000 missouri residents lose health insurance if the law is repealed. kicking people off insurance isn't manly. it's wrong. did he think we would ignore his macho man fail? nice try, but we gotcha. but who's got your back when you need legal help? we do. we're legalzoom, and over the last 10 years, we've helped millions of people protect their families and run their businesses. we have the right people on-hand to answer your questions backed by a trusted network of attorneys. so visit us today for legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here.
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pierce, i'm so glad you're here because i've got a role that is perfect for you, man. don't tell me, action/adventure. sort of. alright, picture this: we open on you. you're driving in a beautiful car up a snowy mountain road. you're going... 200 mph? no, 30. you look up in the trees and you see. sniper? no, an owl. you come around a bend. there's something blocking your way. a missile launcher, right? no. a moose. a moose? [laughing] what's the mission? there is no mission. top secret, eh. yeah...sort of. so you keep going towards the summit your destination... and there it is... a cabin! a cabin. and it explodes. [agent] what? no. it's just a cabin. no explosions? no explosions. but there are fireworks. oh, i like fireworks... [agent making fireworks sounds] [agent] right? [pierce] can i keep the car? [agent] oh yeah, you can keep the car.
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[pierce] ok, i'm in. we come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, we're going to be there anyway why don't you just leave it for us to pick up? or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option it's kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk
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testimony should start tomorrow in the case of eddie ray routh. he's accused of killing sniper chris kyle the man "american sniper" is about, and his friend chad littlefield, in 2013. investigators say kyle and littlefield took routh to a gun range to help deal with his ptsd. they say ralph turned on them killing them both. the movie is about kyle and is breaking box office records, raking in mills ons. the judge estimating no more than two dozens people were dismissed from service because of the publicity about the case and what it could do to the impartiality of judgment in the trial. in the movement -- and the hero status might affect the trial.
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faith, the judge went to great lengths trying to find an impartial jury. is that even possible here? >> it's possible according to all the attorneys and the judge, they selected a jury and it has been done. is it challenging? of course. you want people who don't have any independent knowledge of the case and the facts of the case coming into the courtroom. so what they've had to do is they sat done and asked the users what have you heard, have you seen the movie? have you read the book? if you have the question is if you have set aside what you previously heard and just base your decision on the facts and the testimony you hear in court. >> but karen, how do you weigh whether or not they are in fact impartial? i mean they may say the right things but how do you really determine that? >> well how they answer the questions, but i've tried enough to enough cases to tell you there's no such thing as an impartial jury. so you try to get as close as you can to that.
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can you? you can try, but the problem is you have to take their word for it. if they're going to answer truthfully, you don't know. there's always the unconscious biases that i think speak volumes. i want to play the 911 call routh's sister made. >> what is it. >> listen, my brother just came by here. he's now lost it. he told me that he's committed a murder. >> okay hold on. >> i'm terrified for my life. i don't know if he as -- >> who did he say he had killed? >> he says that he killed two guys they went to a shooting range, and like he's all crazy -- he [ bleep ] psychotic. >> routh has a history of ptsd. his attorney plans to use an insanity defense. will jurors buy this? >> this case isn't a whodunit,
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right? so the defense will be some type of mental disease or defect. based on his history, the fact had called the police before. they had taken away his guns. they said he was having mental issues based on the history i think the jury will say he was suffering from some type of disability, but the standard for court is did he know right from wrong at the time? did his mental disease or defect cause him not to know right from wrong when he killed these two individuals? that's the standard in court. >> the defense tried to move the location, they tried to move the timing of the trial and failed. how will they try to manage the public image that kyle has? >> unfortunately i think that's very different. this is a small county small town. moving it anywhere will be problematic, but you also have a judge who used to be a former district attorney. you can't play down this kind of publicity. this is a movie that almost
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everyone has seen you're talking oscar nominations, it's bradley cooper my goodness and the equation of him as a hero will be problematic. late in the day we learned aaron hernandez' fiancee might be on the stand testifying against him, the judge giving her immunity. she was facing a perjury trial. this means she could be forced to testify against hernandez or face jail time according to "the providence journal." prosecutors have suspected she may have dumped the murder bep and disposed of other evidence. she's been in court sitting right behind the former new england patriot, and she still lives in their home with their daughter. hernandez and two other american are accused of killing odin lloyd in 2013. karen, what do you make of all of this? >> well i think it's an amazing
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development in the story, because there have been allegations about the motivations of why this took place. why would aaron hernandez kill lloyd? this is one of the pieces to the puzzle. this testimony is going to be key to that because it appears that there really is no motive at this juncture. so this information could give them that plus the murder weapon. these are two key details that the prosecutor was probably sweating prior to gift this immunity and obviously they are giving her immunity because they have hopefully worked out some deal. >> motive and murder weapon there was a picture and people were debating whether that was a gun in hernandez' hand in the photo, or whether or not it was a something else a remote that you would use for television. she could clear that up, possibly. >> and if she does. if she testifies that she took a gun and removed a gun from that
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house and hid it that could be the nail in the coffin for aaron hernandez. >> you think she will actually testified. >> if she's forced to take the witness stand and has immunity if she didn't testify, she could go to jail. she's in a very difficult place here. she's already been indicted for perjury. >> why would you give them immunity unless you want them to testify. >> they know she knows something. >> but will she do it? >> she has to. >> what will we say? we don't know. if she's subpoenaed, she has to appear on the stand. >> we'll be watching. karen deand faith jenkins, thank you both for your time. coming up the gop has a new plan against hillary clinton, and it might backfire. plus president obama talks about michael jordan's trash talk. and we've seen president obama sing at the apollo but now he's singing "shake it off." kind of.
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teraney. they're actually trying to push her into running. the rnc posting a memo on the home page declaring hillary's hiding, quote -- out in public speaking to voters and sharing ideas, but hillary clinton is nowhere to be found. and they promise we're going to keep asking where is hillary? you will see more from us in the coming days and week. they also released this attack video. >> hello? >> hey, this is barack. listen, i need to know if you're on board. >> well yes, i guess i could. >> because i'm counting on you. >> i can't try to help. >> because i'm counting on you. >> of course i will do anything to help. >> okay. good. it all comes down to you. i have no doubt that hillary clinton is the right person to lead our nation and the world. [ laughter ] >> you're absolutely right. >> what is happening here? >> i know it's disappointing,
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though i was never that good. i hope i get a chance to see you again at the white house soon. >> all right. well, look i will be there as fast as i can. [ laughter ] >> i love that phrase. i think if you don't mind i will use that. >> angela create a video, but are they really sure about this strategy? be careful what you ask for. >> rev, can we talk first about why they're using that jimmy fallon slow jam in the news like background track? that is horrible. on top of that when was the last time hillary clinton had a flip phone? they don't even have new footage. it is terrible. not only is it a bad strategy it's a bad video. i don't know who they're trying to get to watch it but i think we're all smart enough to know what it looks like when you splice clips together. you make a mess. that's exactly what this is a hot mess. >> absolutely. i was going to say the one good thing about all of this i suppose is the gop at least has
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started to use youtube, obviously trying to show off the new technology. well done. you're nearly there, guys. not quite, though. this really misses the mark. it looks kind of like somebody did it in their basement. >> but they really want hillary clinton out of hiding? >> i don't think so. >> this is one of those brer rabbit situation, don't throw me into the briar patch. >> when i looked at this video, it had only 300 hits. i'm sure there's youtube cat videos that have done better. she's got to actually see it first, and apparently no one has. >> angela brought up the flip phone maybe that's the demographic they're trying to get to. >> hello, church. hello, church. absolutely. michael jordan might be the
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greatest basketball player of all time but not winning any spelling bees. david axelrod talked about getting jordan to sane a poster for the president's birthday. he wrote, quote -- to barrack, you still owe me dinner. he misspelled the president's name with two rs. that's why i tried to roll the rs. still a nice thought. most recently there's been some ribbing between them after jordan called the president a hack golfer. now president obama has no hard feelings. >> you know what? michael will always be -- will always have a place in my heart, the joy that he gave all of chicago. he talks trash on the golf course, i understand even though he has never played with me he's a pretty hyper-competitive guy, and obviously somebody
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wasn't giving him the proper spelling of my name. but i'm going to forgive him for all of that. i have six championship memories that will never go away. >> caroline i think that was interesting, the president took it in good stride. what do you think? >> i think it was really sweet. i think there's a deeper situation going on here which is that michael jordan famous for playing mind games. i think this is the ultimate mind game. i think he's trying to psych him up before playing another round of golf. i think this is like his stealth approach to finally beat the president when they do play golf. >> is this a mind game to build up to the ultimate golf match between the president and the greatest bask ballplayer of all time jason? >> i think so. i'm sure jordan will get on the golf course jordan will be like, i won six of them and barack obama won't really know how to respond to that. look, it's very clear to me this goes back like some deep
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chicago thing, jordan wants to make sure that president obama always knows who is the better champion. i think this will go on the golf course and eventually the basketball course. >> but angela michael jordan won six, but the president won two big ones. there's no shame in his game. >> there's no shame in his politics or hi game. i think he said the last time when michael jordan criticized in a word we won't use on this show reverend but he did say, back to him, hey, if i was playing golf twice a days for 15 years, i probably would be just as good as you. even if this is a buildup to a match, i think it's one that the president would take in stride, when he has time. >> they're both welcome on "politics nation" for the pre or post interview. by the way jason, spell barack -- just kidding. we'll be back with president obama doing "shake it off" sort
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we're back with the panel. you're probably sitting on your couch in your favorite chair watching this show right now, but is your tv watching you, too? the "today" show's kerry sanders has more on how one brand of television might be eavesdropping on everything you say. >> reporter: samb sung's newers smart tv has a camera on top
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that pops up to watch you. when you talk it hears and then follows your command. pause. unless you opt out, it's always watching always listening. deep in the samsung smart tv user agreement is this warning -- please be aware that if your spoken words including personal or other sensitive information, that information will be among the data captured and transmitted to a third party. samsung says it takes consumer privacy very seriously, using industry standards security to secure consumers' personal information and prevent unauthorized collection or use, and the company doesn't keep or sell the voice data to others. but critics warn it's not a problem until it is. >> so a divorce lawyer might be interested in the kinds of things that go on on the family couch, for example. >> caroline what do you think? is big brother finally here? >> honestly, rev, yeah i think so. this is kind of terrifying.
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i appreciate the company saying look we're being transparent about this to a point by p ultimating it in the privacy terms and conditions but still it smacks of something that is too -- too dangerous, going too far, and i'm concerned as well. you know they say we're going to keep your data safe. really? we've just come off the back of the sony hack where another large conglomerate says don't worry, your information is safe and look what happened. i don't think they're able to make good on the promises. i don't know why they want to sell it to a third party, confide frankly. >> jason, this could be a very, very controversial in a lot of homes for a lot of reasons. >> first off, they were saying they might at facial recognition -- isn't this how "the terminator" started? intelligent a.i.? i don't want anyone hearing -- i do a lot of cussing during nfl games, i'm sorry to say.
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but i think it's a grotesque violation of privacy, and samsung really needs to change the policy. >> i'm not even going to ask you, angela because we know that technology has gone too far in your mind. >> absolutely. i think when you think about the fact that they have in that little clause that says unauthorized use? i want to know what the authorized use is? >> you may not want to know. finally tonight, is there anyone who knows how to shake it off? it's president obama. evidenced by this latest dub of him singing taylor swift's hit song. ♪ but i -- ♪ ♪ can't stop ♪ ♪ won't stop ♪ ♪ it's like i've got this music ♪ ♪ in my ♪ ♪ want to be all right ♪ ♪ as a player play gonna play play play ♪ ♪ and the haters gonna hate hate hate ♪ ♪ i'm just gonna ♪ ♪ shake shake shake ♪ ♪ shake it off ♪ ♪ shake it off ♪
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angela, pretend you're on "the voice." how was it? >> his voice wasn't that great, but the surprising we saw some bad version of that earlier, but this was really good. you missed the uh-huh part. that's what i wanted to see. >> i don't think kanye would be interrupting that performance. [ laughter ] >> that's good. >> i think it was pretty good. definitely better than the gop mashup from earlier. >> i absolutely love it but nothing will ever beat the mashup of mitt romney singing the real slim shady from a couple years ago. that was the best one. the president comes in second. but that mitt romney is always first. thank you for joining us on "conversation nation." we'll be right back. there's nothing more romantic than
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civil war. before that, she had done aid word in israel and india, and back here at home. she had helped homeless women and hiv patients. today president obama said, quote -- kayla represents what is best about america, and expressed her deep pride in the freedoms that we americans enjoy, and that so many others strive for around the world. it's a feeling shared by her friends and family. >> she had this amazing ability to share another person's suffering and still add a little happiness to it. she could always find that silver lining. >> the world wants to be more like kayla, and if that is her legacy and the footprint she leaves on the world, then that is a wonderful thing. mueller's family shared a powerful letter she wrote to them from captivity, a letter that a lot of people read through tears today.
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she wrote, quote -- i remember mom always telling me that all in all in the end of only one you really have is god. i have surrendered myself to our creator, because literally there was there was no else -- one else that i could. i have been shown in darkness light, and have learned that even in prison one can be free. she also wrote -- i am also fighting for my side in the ways i am able and i have a lot of fight left inside of me. i'm not breaking down and i will not give in no matter how long it takes. do not fear for me. continue to pray as will i. and by god's will we will be together soon. all my everything, kayla. it shows that even in darkness
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her spirit was strong and she sought light. they may have broken her freedom freedom, but they didn't break her spirit a spirit we must all have to fight the ruthlessness and those that would look at life as something they can take for no reason. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. \s . kayla is gone. let's play "hardball." good evening aren't i'm chris matthews in washington. let me start tonight with confirmation that the american hostage, kayla mueller is dead. she was taken by isis in all of 2013 while work fog an aid organization in syria. she was there trying to help the suffering people. today her family said she received evide
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