tv Politics Nation MSNBC February 16, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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y, our series will continue tomorrow night and throughout the week. nick, appreciate your time tonight. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts right now. good evening, rev. >> good evening, ed, and thanks to you for tuning in. tonight's lead, the gop's historic interference with an american president. it's president's day. a day to honor all presidents, past and present, regardless of party. and yet on the eve of president's day, a brazen political attack from republicans, undermining the commander in chief. speaker boehner explaining why he invited the israeli prime minister to address congress without telling president obama. >> i wanted to make sure that there was no interference. there's no secret here in washington about the animosity that this white house has for
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prime minister netanyahu. i frankly didn't want that getting in the way and quashing what i thought was a real opportunity. >> going around the president in a matter of foreign policy. think about that. it's disrespectful, and it contradicts what the speaker said earlier. >> you blindsided the white house with that. >> we gave them a head's up that morning. >> inviting a foreign leader to speak to congress without talking to the president is something new. but it's been the formula for this congress. disrespect and dysfunction. speaker boehner also now says he's prepared to let homeland security funding run out rather than make a deal with democrats. and a growing number of conservatives say they're not sweating a homeland security shutdown putting politics over people to attack the president. it's not working for republicans
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or the country. joining me now is former pennsylvania governor ed rendell, former dnc chair as well, ed rendell and's joan walsh. thank you both for being here. >> thank you rev. >> my pleasure. >> governor, speaker boehner didn't want the president to get in the way. what's your reaction to that? >> well it's just abysmal for the speaker to have done this. look, there can only be one person that conducts united states foreign policy. congress has its say in advising and consenting on war. but other than that, the administration, whether it's republican or democrat, conducts foreign policy. and america has to speak with one voice. once we start speaking with two voices it shatters any attempt we have to conduct a cogent and reasonable foreign policy. the speaker should be ashamed of
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himself. this is politics at its worst level. it's shocking to me. when you think that ronald reagan chose tip o'neil to go over as an emsary to speak to gorbachev, think of how far we've fallen in those days when two political polar opposites could cooperate in the benefit of the country. >> joan have you ever seen anything like this? >> no, i can't think of anything comparable. tip o'neil is a great example. can you imagine pelosi doing this to george w. bush? you now have five former israeli ambassadors to the united states saying, this is a big mistake. >> five? >> five. not just one or two outliers but five including the most immediate predecessor. so the idea that this is going around -- and to call it interference, the president can't interfere, it's his
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foreign policy. so condescending and patronizing. >> you picked the word that i want to use for this next clip for the governor. he says he's doing this to help the president. but the president doesn't realize it. watch this, talk about condescending, governor rendell. >> frankly, we want to hear what the prime minister of israel has to say because what we're trying to do is strengthen the president's hand in these negotiations. i understand he says he didn't want it. he doesn't understand that we're trying to strengthen his hand. >> i mean, he doesn't understand we're doing this to strengthen his hand. i mean there's nothing i've heard more condescending than that. >> well condescending and flat-out disinjennious. the speaker knows this is going to hurt the president's ability to conduct foreign policy not help it. the president speaks to
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netanyahu often. he doesn't need to hear prime minister netanyahu addressing the congress. the speaker is smarter than that. he knows it's i political attempt to embarrass the president. he's not trying to help him one iota's worth. >> since the president has given his war powers request to congress we've heard republicans say they don't think the president even wants to destroy isis. listen to this. >> i don't believe that the president really wants to prosecute a war that would truly destroy isil. i don't think he has any intention of doing that. >> i think there's a lot of skepticism about the administration's commitment to dealing with isis or isil, or whatever you want to call them. and that creates a lot of concern. >> i mean that is ugly rhetoric, joan. and keep in mind, 60% of
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democrats want congress to approve the president's request. 51% of independents support it. 52% of republicans support it. i'm trying to figure this out. is attacking the president just a knee-jerk reaction, or even if it doesn't make political sense it's just they don't know what else to do, that's their knee-jerk reaction? >> this is something we've seen them do. they're calling his loyalty to the country into question and his competence upon but it's not just competence. is it really is, does he want to -- they don't say this but there's an echo of, does he have dual loyalties? is he insufficiently dedicated to the defeat of our enemies? it comes up again and again. i find it unbelievable they would say something like that. i may not agree with the president on all of this, you may not either. but we can have a debate. but to insinuate -- not
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insinuate -- say he doesn't want to defeat them is just a level of insult that really has no place in this. >> and governor here's a president that brought us out of iraq, a president that got bin laden, on and on and on and he doesn't understand foreign policy, we're strengthening his hand? and even the christian science monitor is writing about how the president has returned to political rock star status. quote, it's a curious twist that involves obama smu completely turning the tables on republicans during what was supposed to be their finest hour. and clearly the liberal base that once provided the electricity for obama's mega watt stardom is buzzing once again. governor, you've been around and helped to do a lot of things in your career. how do you see this playing out
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the last quarter of the president and this congress? how do you see this playing out? >> the republicans may feel pretty heady because they used the president to win the congressional election in '14. but things have turned. and if they do these games and the games are fairly transparent, everyone knows they're doing this stuff, not to help the president, but to try to tear him down, they're doing it at some substantial risk to themselves. and, look these guys are full of hot air. if they want to get isis so badly, vote to give the president the power to do what he wants to do with isis. there's no excuse for every republican not voting. i don't want to hear one republican say this president doesn't want to get isis when they won't vote to authorize the president to do what he wants to do against isis. they should shut up until they vote it. >> governor ed rendell and joan walsh, thank you both for your
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time tonight. >> thank you, rev. >> thank you, rev. coming up justice ruth bader ginsburg's exclusive interview with msnbc. what she said about race relations, women's rights, and her own future on the bench. jeb bush won't talk about the wars his brother started, but can he hide from the past? and my red carpet moment with sarah palin. you'll see the conversation we had. and more of the epic "snl" show last night. that's all ahead. >> live from new york, it's saturday night! >> who is andre the giant? [ laughter ] >> is that an answer to a question? >> no i was just wondering who he is, andre the giant. tigers, both of you.
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we're back with breaking news out of west virginia, where a train hauling crude oil, has derailed sending a massive fireball into the sky. two nearby towns have been evacuated. >> i saw a mushroom cloud about as high as those plume is now, like that. >> we'll continue this in a second. >> heavy snow and frigid temperatures are slowing up the clean-up effort. that dangerous freeze is affecting millions of people across the country. temperatures plunging into single digits across the northeast and mid atlantic. people in boston are digging out from a record 62 inches of snow in the past month, causing roofs
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to collapse across the region. >> it's just getting really old. >> oh, just absolutely brutal. i mean, you can't even see in front of you. >> it's miserable, but that's what new england is. we just make the best of it. >> off nantucket coast guard rescuers have to brave the elements to pull a father and son off a sinking ship. and in philadelphia a building on fire, literally froze over as firefighters put out the flames. the storms created some freak weather. just check out jim cantore from the weather channel and his reaction to a rare bout of thunder show. >> oh yes! yes, yes, yes, we got it! oh, again! that's a two-fer! that's a two-fer baby! yes! yes! again! that's a three -- you got to be
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kidding me! you got to be kidding me! >> now, there's a guy who loves his job. here's what it all looks like from space. lots of white down there. everybody -- everybody, please stay warm and stay safe. we'll be right back. try nexium® 24hr. the latest choice for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection.
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good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. developing news tonight in the fight against terror. on two continents, that fight we saw today, in libya reports that 35 more egyptians have been kidnapped by isis. just hours after this video
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surfaced showing 21 other egyptian christians beheaded by the terrorist group. those beheadings prompting egypt to launch air strikes on isis targets today in libya. it's a dramatic escalation of the isis threat outside its bases in syria and iraq. this is all unfolding as denmark says it looks like islamic radicalism inspired the suspect in the copenhagen shootings. police killed them in a shoot-out yesterday after he allegedly shot and killed two people and injured five others in back-to-back attacks. people have arrested two people they think helped in the attack. the police have brought them into custody. and now we have a new audio recordings of the moment he started shooting first.
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>> why do we still say but when we -- [ gunfire ] joining me now, jim arcadis former defense department official. thanks for being here. let's start with isis. first they anger egypt now they're provoking arab powers in the region. is that really a smart strategy for them? >> well, it's fascinating what's going on in libya right now. you have this group that is basically they're a lot of returning fighters who have spent time in iraq and syria and then gone to libya. it's an ungoverned territory. isis has talked about how it's fertile ground for them because it is ungoverned. there are a let of weapons left over from the gadhafi era and it has a lot of radicals who have returned from iraq and syria. and so this technique where
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they've kidnapped these christians from egypt and then brutally executed them is a way where this group that has sought allegiance with isis and has receive baghdadi's blessing isis's blessing, has now it's almost like they're trying to show isis's headquarters in iraq and syria how serious they are. and there's a good possibility reverend, that they are on the verge of trampolineleing on their own message. they're being so brutal in a way to attract more people to show they're the new kid on the block. meanwhile, they're alienating a lot of average people in the street who ultimately they depend on to tolerate their existence in a place like libya which is in the midst of cleaning up after a long civil war. >> and long those lines you have militant groups in at least 11 countries, have declared
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allegiance or support of isis. how much of this is real connection? and how much is just local groups trying to piggy back on isis's notoriety? >> that's an excellent point. and it's probably as much of the latter, that is to say, individuals throughout europe and north africa who see that isis is the new terrorist network, has sort of displaced al qaeda to a certain degree, and people who have experience fighting in iraq and syria now return to their home countries and say, oh we know some people who were in isis, we want to be like them. meanwhile, i'd hazard a fairly well informed guess that there's not much formal communication between isis's leadership and these groups that are trying to pledge allegiance throughout the region. >> now shifting to denmark, here's what we're learning about the suspect in the copenhagen shootings. born in denmark he has a criminal record including violence and weapons arrests and
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he left prison just two weeks ago. it doesn't look like he was affiliated with any terror group. is this kind of lone-wolf attack the biggest concern for security officials right now, jim? >> well, it's certainly a very important concern, because individuals like this gentleman -- i shouldn't call him a gentleman -- in koeppencopenhagen can acquire weapons, identify a target and approach and shoot it up without formal direction from al qaeda or any number of terrorist groups throughout the region. so we live in the united states and obviously copenhagen is in denmark, in western europe, and we have a strong tradition of not living in a police state. so when we have these long actors, who take things into their hands, in the media we ask, what happened in the
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security services? how did this guy get through? but there's a balance between security and privacy in all of our countries. and no matter how many resources we dedicate to security services who track these guys who are horrible, horrible folks the bottom line is that we can't actually track all of them all the time. >> jim arcadis thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you, reverend. still ahead, justice ginsburg and her tough comments on race. and this republican congress. also, jeb's come down with a severe case of bush-nesia, why he doesn't want to talk about his brother's record. and of course all the highlights from the big "snl" special. what was happening behind the scenes here at 30 rock? stay with us.
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comedians and democrats got the tease of a lifetime last night on the big "snl" special. take a look. >> the next question, yes, tina. >> no, it's sarah, sarah palin. >> oh, sorry. sorry. >> hoump do you think lorne michaels would pay me if i were to run in 2016? what if i were to choose donald trump as my running mate? >> you're teasing us. >> jerry's right no way we'd be that lucky. but i do have some news about seeing both of them last night and about the man many consider the front-runner jeb bush what he's saying about his brother's legacy. that's ahead. the job jugglers. the up all-nighters. and the ones who turn ideas into action. we've made our passions
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as we celebrate black history month, we're reminded of the progress this country's made in race relations, but we also are reminded of the major challenges we still face. we're just weeks away from the 50th anniversary of the march from selma to montgomery. and while the house unanimously passed a bill to honor the thousands who marched in 1965, congress still hasn't acted to restore the voting rights act, which was gutted by a supreme court decision in 2013. justice ruth bader ginsburg wrote the dissent on that sdition and in a new msnbc interview, she says members of congress can't wish away our country's history of discrimination. >> i'm wondering how you see the current state of race relations in our country. >> people who think you can wave a magic wand and the legacy of the past will be over, are
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blind. >> should we be worried that all of those agreement achievements of the civil rights movement are being rolled back? >> some day we will go back to having the kind of legislature that we should, where members, whatever party they belong to want to make the thing work. >> we need a legislature that wants all americans to have equal rights. and we need more judges like justice ginsburg to speak out when those rights are challenged. joining me now is msnbc's erin karm own and james peterson. thank you both for being here. >> thanks, rev. >> great view. great job. justice ginsburg was very strong in her dissent on votes rights in her opinion that she wrote. what does she say needs to
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happen now? >> what's interesting, i think there were two audiences for her comments. one was her fellow justices, the ones who in the majority opinion in the shelby county voting rights decision, basically said, you know what, this history is over, there's no more racism. we don't need the kinds of federal protections we had to protect voting rights anymore, so she's saying, you can't wave a magic wand. she believes in a dialogue with congress but she recognizes that congress is really broken right now, and if you're sitting around waiting for congress, you might wait for a long time. >> a supreme court justice really calling the congress out, is that unusual? >> it's not unusual from justice ginsburg. i think she believes in the interlocking working relationships between all three branches of government. and i think her experience with the lilly ledbetter act shows her, when congress is working, things can happen. so there has to be that give and take. and just ginsburg is a great
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example of how one branch can apply pressure on another and make positive change happen in the united states. >> and erin another issue justice ginsburg weighed in on was abortion rights. she thinks overturning roe versus wade could happen but i think it's not a likely scenario and we will never see a day when women of means are not able to get a safe abortion in this country. but the many abortion restrictions passing at the state level have a major impact on lower income women. is this a warning from the nation's highest bench? >> i think it is. and again, like her previous comments, i think it's aimed at multiple people. it's aimed at her fellow justices to say, here's a precedent. women have now for 40-plus years, enjoyed the constitutionally protected right to end a pregnancy. and it's also a message to the country, saying look at who these restrictions have an
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impact on. >> that's right. >> and she's somebody who looks at the real-world effects of judicial decisions. she's able to say, we hand down these decisions what's the real-world impact. >> some have said justice ginsburg should retire while president obama is in office so he could name her successor. but she said i will step down when i feel i can no longer do the job full steam. is this trying to say the court is above daily politics? >> it is above daily politics. and justice ginsburg has earned her right to step down when she's ready. erin's comments highlight once again, when you have justice ginsburg saying, women of means will still be able to have access to certain reproductive rights but poor women and women of color will not. justice ginsburg and talking about people of color in an
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important moment where things are being rolled back and that's the leadership that we need on the bench, and she has every right to stay there until she's good and ready to retire. >> ererin, when you were talking to you how does she react to that kind of question? do you get the sense that she's not going anywhere? >> reverend, i happened to know she can do 20 push-ups. i don't think she's going anywhere anytime soon. >> she can do 20? >> she can do 20. >> and she stayed up all night the night before the state of the union. she told me that's why she fell asleep. she had a glass of wine, it's true. but she's somebody who loves her job. said it's the best job she's ever had doesn't intend on leaving. and last year, she used the words i'm very optimistic about 2016. so she may be waiting for hillary clinton to appoint her successor. >> you talked about the interview. i want to -- does she realize she's become a hero? i mean to a lot of younger liberals. i want to play part of your
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interview where she talks about seeing ruth bader ginsburg tattoos. >> i wonder have you -- >> i saw that, and i thought it was a joke. i thought it was something you pasted onto your arm. but i'm a little distressed that people are really doing that. >> distressed why? >> because why would you make something that can't be removed on yourself? >> i mean what does she think of all the attention she's been getting now? >> i think she had a jewish grandmother moment just now, why do you want to have this forever? but in seriousness, she's very happy to have the kind of reach that a supreme court justice doesn't usually have. she really wants young women to take up with enthusiasm, the same causes she's been working for her whole life. >> and i got to play this part of the tape where she said she had a sip of wine before the state of the union, and that's why she fell asleep. watch this. >> i got to ask you, by the way
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everybody's talking about the state of the union. >> yes. >> they're saying, you said yesterday that you were not 100% sober. >> oh what i meant was that i had a glass of wine with dinner. and that on top of having stayed up all night -- >> so you're a bit of a lightweight, as we call it? >> i said, i thought to myself, don't stay up all night. but then my pen was hot, and so i couldn't stop what i was doing. and then i said, just drink sparkling water, no wine. but the dinner was so good, and it needed to be complemented. >> and erin, this only makes her even more popular and more of notorious rbg. >> notorious rbg is the title of the book i'm working on for the fall and available for preorder.
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but i think people like she's a real person, she talks about her family, about having a glass of wine at dinner. she's opening up this very secretive court that we don't see much of. she's opening up and showing i'm a real person, i look at the impact on the world. i'm more than just somebody in a black robe. >> out of time, but james, what is her impact? >> her impact is tremendous. she'll go down in history as one of the great justices of the supreme court. that's why she's been more engaged in giving more interviews and young people are rallying around her because of that openness. >> erin great interview. and james, thank you for your time. erin forgot to mention, you can preorder the book "notorious rbg." watch more of the interview on rachel maddow tonight on msnbc.
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straight ahead jeb bush's w. problem. he doesn't want to talk about the past. but can he hide? plus president obama's famous rallying cry, "yes we can" almost never made it. >> and more on this. >> there's only one prescription. >> you mean, one cow bell? ♪ >> other questions. hey, larry david. >> hey, how you doing? look at this! it was a star-studded occasion. i've been called a control freak... i like to think of myself as more of a control... enthusiast. mmm, a perfect 177-degrees. and that's why this road warrior rents from national. i can bypass the counter and go straight to my car.
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>> ruth bader ginsburg, the liberal hero. she's spoken up on the history of abortion. >> been quite independent. >> challenge citizens united. >> the notorious rbg, the justice ginsburg interview on the rachael maddow show tonight on msnbc. time for "conversation nation." joining me tonight access hollywood's sean robinson, political analyst jason johnson, and msnbc contributor victoria defrancesco soto. thank you all for being here. >> glad to be here. start tonight with jeb bush and the past. according to "the washington post," the former governor doesn't want to talk about the wars in iraq and afghanistan his brother led america into. quote, i won't talk about the past.
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if i'm in the process of considering the possibility of running, it's not about relitigating anything in the past. jason, can he get by hiding from the past? >> no. not at all. especially if he ends up going up against hillary clinton. look everyone is going to look at his name and look at his past and look at his history. and you can't tell the audience don't look over here, don't look over there, only look at what i'm saying. so i think george bush is being very foolish with this strategy and the more he looks like he's trying to avoid talking about his past, the more people are going to start digging up everything in the swamps of florida. >> shaun? >> well, rev, i'm going to put an entertainment spin on this. do you remember eddy murphy's movie the distinguished gentleman? the congress in his district had the same name, so he stole all the campaign materials from that
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congressman and ran on this slogan of "the name you know", and he won the election because people were familiar with the name. when we talk about the clintons and the bushes we're talking about the names you know. is that something that people are going to be tired of now? are they going to be looking for some fresh blood, if you will? so i think people will be thinking about that when this presidential campaign comes along. >> interesting. victoria? >> he is going to be hanging on to this for dear life, let's look forward not backward. but where it's really going to get ugly, in the gop primary. it's the gopers who are going to slaughter jeb bush in tying him to his brother. this is where we need to look to. in wanting to say let's look to the present, let's refocus, these are legacy of the iraq
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invasion. so he's cornered in an extremely tough spot. >> victoria raises an interesting point. because before he gets to the democrats and the general election and worrying about people like those of us that have a public platform he's got to deal with some brutal shots that will come through the republican primaries if he runs. >> yeah, and i don't think he's going to make it through the republican primary. i've already put it out there. i'm predicting walker against clinton. i think his name, the vast majority of republican primary voters are looking for somebody who can win and a lot of them think that bush is going to lose against clinton. so i don't think he gets to the republican primary. >> let's move on to the big revelation about the obama campaign of 2008's rallying cry. >> yes, we can.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> yes, we can. yes, we can. [ audience chants "yes we can" ] >> yes, we can. we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people. yes, we can. >> but "yes we can" almost never made it. it was used in barack obama's 2004 senate campaign. according to david axelrod state senator obama didn't like it. he read through the script once, and after the first take, he said, gee, is that too corny? he turned to michelle and said, what do you think? she just slowly shook her head from side to side and said "not corny." shaun, what do you think? corny or not? >> well, i think al, it goes to show you, beside every great man
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is a great woman. you know, i understand from david axelrod from michelle obama just happened to walk into the first photo shoot for this particular ad campaign. >> wasn't even planned. >> right. not even planned. and when barack obama asked her, does this sound too corny and she shook her head and said no, i think he had two things going for him. barack obama first of all, a very smart iwife. we know how well she's done with the "let's move" campaign to fight obesity. and barack obama was going up against john mccain's country first slogan. that was a patriotic call to service and during that time americans were tired of the conflicts in iraq and afghanistan. so obviously, "yes we can" was the way to go. >> victoria? >> let me echo what shaun said. gentlemen, listen to your wives.
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but more broadly, when we are talking about, "yes we can" in the spanish translation it's a logo that fired up the latino community starting back into the '60s, got latinos incorporated into the latino political fray. so it's a beautiful thing to see it in english and spanish motivating millions of people. >> jason? >> all it does is remind me, i have always thought, when it comes to the president and michelle obama, she's the aunt viv and he's uncle phil. he's always been the one in touch with how real people operate. we know the president doesn't come up with the dirt off his shoulder. that came from michelle obama. i'm not surprised she's the person he goes to to find out if something is going to sell. >> stay with us. when we come back, "saturday night live" turns 40 with an epic party. and my red carpet meeting
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>> i think that was one of the best. even better than beyonce. >> yeah. and that brings us to number five. >> kanye, sit down. >> shaun what was your favorite part? >> celebrity jeopardy had me just on the floor rolling. will ferrell as alex trebek and norm mcdonald as burt reynolds. and darryl hammond. it was just hysterical. to me, that is classic "snl." and when you're in the skit, and you just want to watch it over and over and over again. classic "snl." >> let's watch what you're talking about.
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>> and the answer is this g-shaped letter comes between s and h. >> matthew mcconaughey, what are you doing here? >> what are any of us doing here? >> jason what was your favorite part last night? >> i too, first off, anything that andy samberg ever does with lonely island is great. but also i love chris rock's monologue. he basically got up there and said, all of you guys owe your lives to a black man who saved the show in 1983. his introduction of eddy murphy was fantastic. better than eddy murphy's appearance. >> let me play a little of that. ♪ ♪
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here's another one ♪ >> and that's what you referred to first jason that you love anything about what he does. victoria, what was your favorite part? >> my vote goes to the jeopardy skit too. kate mckinnon as justin bieber is genius. when she came out a couple weeks ago in the calvin klein ad she had me in stitches. when she was calling alex trebek girl, and he said wait, i have a mustache, i'm not a girl, i couldn't get enough of it last night. >> i'm going to go to break and come back and talk about it. thank you for joining the conversation. when we come back, my red carpet meeting with sarah palin. you, my friend are a master of diversification. who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets.
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sharea a sarah palin. >> yes, sorry. governor palin, welcome. >> i'm just curious, how much do you think lorne michaels would pay me if i were to run in 2016? >> run for president, sarah, i don't think there's a number too big. >> okay, just hypothetically, then, what if i were to choose donald trump as my running mate? >> sarah, you're teasing us that's not nice. >> that was one of the big moments for the "snl" special. but there was lots of action before the show as well on the red carpet. last night 30 rock was rocking with the biggest names in tv and entertainment. i saw everyone from eddy murphy and whoopi goldberg, to leonardo dicaprio and rihanna, but a got a huge response to social media to these pictures of me with sarah palin and donald trump two people i disagree with on politics and just about
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everything else. as i tweeted that last night i loved to tweet my attackers with candor and a smile. they want you bitter. and it's always a good idea to keep the other side off balance. >> this is the shot i want. i want this right here. >> talk about the odd couple right here. >> this is awesome. this is what "snl" can do. >> we are the direct opposites of american politics but we're here tonight. >> but you know what, we both love america so much, right? >> that's right. >> it's americana all the way and respect for the entertainment value they provide our society. >> and they spoof both of us. we're equally spoofed. >> how does it feel when you turn on the tv and you hear "snl" is going to do a sarah palin, or an al sharpton? >> i always do a double take because tina fey is so good. i'm like, is that me?
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>> tina was very good when she came on with lorne she was very good natured and i defend the fact that she actually sees russia from her house. >> oh, god! see! i'm going to kick you in the shins. this is americana, though. this is show is americana and those of us who have grown up with it, right? >> we can disagree without being disagreeable. without a doubt. >> at the end of the day, there are some funny things going on in this world today. >> i want you to run again. it will help us out. >> you think? >> you running again sarah? >> not if it's according to his reasoning, no. [ laughter ] >> be tough, be firm but don't let them see you sweat. wise man once told me, you can't be big and small at the same time. lot of people say a lot of ugly things. i've had to learn, don't be ugly because it only brings you to a level that you really don't want
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to be. and at the end of the day, they have the right to stand for what they want to. and i have the right to stand for what i want to. that's what makes the country good. i'm glad sarah palin told everybody that we both love america. that's not what they usually say about me. but i do. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. the face of evil. and this is "hardball." ♪ ♪ >> good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. at the front of the news tonight, a bigger horror. a group associated with isis behsds 21 egyptian christians in libya, they conduct the executions in broad daylight, broadcasting the pictures to the world. like previous video, the new one is highly
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