tv Politics Nation MSNBC February 18, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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over and over, it gets frustrating. when you have elderly fishermen retired coming and asking me i can't get nothing from bp they want to check my freezers wondering if i'm a true fishermen. we don't need all of that bull. take care of our people. >> and we'll continue this focus. mayor, i appreciate your time. we'll visit again, my friend. thanks so much. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts now. good evening, al. good evening. breaking news. president obama delivering a major speech on isis and fighting violent extremism around the world. the president saying he's confident the u.s. will prevail. >> in the face of this challenge, we have marshalled the full force of the united states government and we're working with allies to dismantle
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the terrorist organizations. i'm confident as we have for two centuries, we will ultimately prevail. and part of what gives me that confidence is the savagery of these crimes. to work together to these organizations. >> and it's provoked debate here at home. how to describe isis and groups like them. >> there's been a fair amount of debate in the press and among pundits about the words we use to describe and frame this challenge. so i want to be very clear about how i see it. al qaeda and isil and groups like it are desperate for legitimacy. they try to portray themselves as religious leaders, holy warriors under the defense of islam. we must never accept the premise
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that they put forward. because it is a lie. nor should we grant these terrorists the legitimacy that they seek. they are not religious leaders. they are terrorists. [ applause ] >> they are terrorists. and that's why the u.s. is pounding isis in iraq and syria and why the president has submitted a war powers request green lighting the use of special forces. and yet at this serious team we're also seeing republicans return to the kind of rhetoric we haven't heard since the bertha era. it's a poisonous atmosphere where a gop congressman actually feels like it's okay to say the president is on the side of isis. >> we have a commander in chief who seems not only not willing
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to work collaboratively with what i would say is the enemy of freedom and of individual freedom and liberty and western civilization and modernity. he might use it to further their cause in what seems to be his cause. >> a sitting member of congress accusing the president of the united states of trying to further the cause of isis. it's stunning. but we're hearing a lot of this from republican politicians. >> you've got a president who i don't think is committed to the war on terror. i don't think his heart is behind it. >> my concern is that the president doesn't have the fortitude that is remembered to what needs to be done. >> i don't believe that the president really wants to prosecute a war that would truly destroy isil. >> the president doesn't want to
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destroy isis? his heart's not in it. this stuff has seeped back into the groundwater on the right, back to things that we thought were behind us. now, one conservative website is even claiming the president flashed a muslim gang sign at a recent summit. it's ridiculous. america's confronting a serious threat and it's going to require a serious and united american response. joining me now is congressman andre carson democrat from indiana, the first muslim american to serve on the intelligence committee. and jonathan capehart "the washington post." thank you both for being here. >> thanks, rev. >> congressman, your response to the president's speech? >> well i thought the speech was a powerful speech. i thought it was a very important speech. the administration released its
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first cv strategy in 2011 and they've been working with many leaders who were present at the summit today in a way that helps to foster a greater understanding and cooperation in terms of pushing back on extremist activities. there's a growing concern that the emphasis has been too heavy on muslims but i think at a time when we have folks who are claiming to be muslim and claiming to be islam that are committing violent acts against fellow human beings, it's time that the muslim community comes together and say that enough is enough. >> now you are a member of the intelligence committee. you're an elected member of congress. i've been at the district with you in churches there. >> that's correct. >> and you're a practice muslim. >> yes, sir. >> is there anything in islam that justifies or calls for the
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kind of behavior that we've seen from those that have identified themselves as isis or isil? >> absolutely not. islam means peace. of course any religion has examples of those claiming or purported to have committed violent acts throughout its history but i think that's a small small fraction and it's unfortunate that it takes a small fraction of extremists who claim to be muslim to misrepresent the faith that is so peaceful. you, reverend have worked with muslims throughout your career. i know in my own community growing up in the inner city watching muslims take control of their communities, doing what law enforcement had failed to do in keeping communities safe and pushing out drug activities. >> now, if the president,
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therefore, made this even by inference, seem like a war against religion or a particular religious group which you practice rather than a war against terrorists as he said would he not risk deeply offending some american who is practice a religion that you do that does not at all require or call upon or condone this kind of activity? >> oh without question. i think whenever you step out there boldly in that kind of way in an official capacity you risk offending some people. and given the history of the muslim community's relationship with law enforcement, relationship with the government dating back to j. edgar hoover's intelligence program, many in the black community warned the immigrant muslim community decades before of the kind of relationship that is all too often been transactional, reverend it has been a cover to spy on communities. and the president noted that in
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his speech and i command him for being bold and doing so. >> jonathan the president is prosecuting a serious effort against isis and yet you have republicans litter low accusing him of fighting for the other side. what's your response to that? >> well it's outrageous. anyone who would say that the commander in chief of the united states would side with an enemy, side with an enemy so brutal really doesn't deserve to be an elected official. i mean it's outrageous to hear a sitting member of congress say out loud that he thinks that the president is working against people who would love nothing more than to destroy this country. and what that -- that clip you showed of congressman perry of pennsylvania shows the hope that the craziness and silliness and the bertharism and the tea party
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folks that swarmed capitol hill in 2010, that that was going to go away with the 2014 congress because there were reasonable members of the republican party elected to the house, we now know that's no longer the case. we are still back to having the president not only battle enemies of the country overseas who want to not only bring down the united states but just western civilization he also has to deal with some republicans on capitol hill who still to this day, six, seven years into his tenure as president of the united states still questioning whether he loves this country and whether he will do everything possible to protect this country. >> you know congressman, the president rejected the idea that the west is involved in some sort of holy war and also called on muslim leaders to reject that idea. listen to this.
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>> we are not at war with islam. we are at war with people who have perverted islam. just as those outside of the muslim communities need to reject the terrorist narrative that the west and islam are in conflict i also believe that muslim communities have a responsibility as well. >> congressman, why is it important to talk about this as a fight against terrorists and not just as some epic clash of civilizations. >> well i think there's been too much of an emphasis placed on the president's use of phraseology. but folks of goodwill be it catholic muslim christian must
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come together and take a stand and make a stand and acknowledge if you go in any major courtroom, you can find a muslim attorney or muslim attorney. go to any major hospital and you'll find muslims. they are making investments in our country each and every day. the question becomes, how can we as americans who believe that our country is a melting pot will say that we will not stay with those who are islamicphobic and when there's only a small section that misrepresent the greater muslim community. >> at the same time jonathan stand firm against islamicphobia but stand against terrorism and
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these people are beheading people. they are taking people's heads off and you use that to take a cheap shot at the president? >> yeah. i mean, the whole tenure and tone of the debate, especially around the isis or isil has been discouraging. the president's remarks that you played earlier were very important where he said we're not going to battle against religious leaders. they want us to legitamize them and if everyone would take that to heart and all those in the many i had dell east middle east who are beheading people and killing people all in the name of what i don't know. they might think that they are
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doing this in the name of islam, in the name of allah, but we all know the truth. the president has been trying to get that across and i hope today they got that message. >> and i hope that he did as well. i hope people got it. and if you can't rally around the president, jonathan at least rally around what is decent and what will preserve human life but rise above this partisan bickering when we're dealing with this kind of element that wants to distort religion. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you for your time. coming up awkward timing. jeb bush tries to distance himself from his brother as we learn the architect of the iraq war is not on his team. plus a twist in that road rage shooting in las vegas.
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why did the mom and son go looking for the suspect before she got killed? and jimmy fallon kicks off his second year on "the tonight show." our conversation nation panel looks at how he has redefined late night. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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we have a news flash from jeb bush. he wants you to know that he's not his brother. so far, so good. but there's a catch. and it reveals a lot about his potential run for president. that's next. already 55 companies are investing over $98 million dollars and creating over 2100 jobs. from long island to all across upstate new york, more businesses are coming to new
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jeb bush wants to be president. but he has a big problem. his last name. so in a speech today, jeb tried to put some daylight between himself and his famous family. >> as you might know i've been fortunate to have a father and brother who helped shape america's foreign policy from the oval office. i recognize, as a result my views will often be held up in comparison to theirs. look, just for the record one more time i love my brother, i love my dad. i actually love my mother as well. i hope that's okay. and i admire their service to the nation and the difficult decisions that they had to make. but i'm my own man and my views
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are shaped by my own thinking and my own experiences. >> he's his own man. he won't be w. 2.0. that's great. that includes former secretary of state james baker, you may remember him as bush's man in charge of the florida recount. the guy who helped get him into office. another jeb adviser, paul wolfowitz, one of the architects of the iraq war. the one who wrongly claimed that
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iraq oil would pay for it all. he doesn't disagree with his brother's foreign policy or apparently anything else his brother did. check out this claim from the dnc that they dug up today. >> what's your biggest political disagreement with your brother? >> i will tell you that i'm the only republican that was in office when he was in office and as president that never disagreed with him. and i'm not going to start now. why would i do that now? >> no. not one time did you call up and say, don't do that? >> i'm not going to start now. till death do us part. >> no disagreements? then or now. joining me now, msnbc's joy reid and abby huntsman. >> you showed paul wolfowitz there. the problem for jeb is that in a sense they were more his than
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george's. remember when he was running for governor for florida. >> we're talking to a floridian expert. >> i moved to florida in 1997. >> so you know everything that you need to know about jeb bush. >> he was an original signator. the co-signatories this idea of multiple theater wars, going in and invading iraq that including richard pearl, scooter libby. >> who he has advising him now? >> exactly. the neoconservatives will be inescapable for jeb bush because he's seen more intellectual in the family than his brother george and he was there in the
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neoconservative fold before george bush was. >> i get why he wants to make a distinction between himself and his brother but can he realistic do that? >> i come from one of seven children. i'm the first to say that you can be different from your siblings and parents. when you look at these group of advisers there are not a lot of people that understand the complexity of foreign policy that understand our world on the world stage. he has folks like tom ridge who are not neocons and some of the smartest minds in the business. i think he said it right. totally he said it the right way. he said look i admire my dad and brother in my service to this country but i am my own man. he's making it clear, regardless of who he surrounds himself with, whether it's his family or add vicersadvisers time changes and he's going to have to identify
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where those changes are. he hasn't said where he is. >> i'll get back to you on that. joy, he says he doesn't want to talk about the past but look at his advisers. >> that's right. the neocon piece of it is very important. if you were to ask jeb bush if you were president of the united states after 9/11, would you have invaded iraq? it's going to be hard for him to distance himself from that question. >> or he's going to have to start criticizing. >> exactly. >> let me go back to what you had said abby. you said that he is going to have to distinguish and decide where he's going to be critical. he did criticize some of what his brother did but then turned it into a critique of president obama. listen to this. >> there were mistakes made in iraq for sure using the intelligence capability that everybody embraced about weapons of mass destruction turns out not to be accurate.
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not creating an environment of security after the successful taking out of hussein was a mistake. but my brother's administration through the surge, there was no support for this and it was hugely successful and created a stability that when the new president came in he could have built on to create fragile but more stable situation that would not have allowed for the void to be filled. the void has been filled because we created the void. >> so abby iraq is unstable because of president obama, even though president bush led us in there, into war? how does that work? >> this is going to be the beginning for jeb bush. he's going to have to answer a lot of questions simply because he's george bush's brother. what he's doing here and correct me if you disagree i
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think he's already running in the general election. he's letting everyone know the sort of guy that he is he's talked about using drugs in the past. that's the jeb bush that we're seeing and the question is is. >> apath way for success? my dad was open about who he was and was able to disagree with people. my dad came in late and came from serving the democratic president. jeb bush has name recognition and support on the ground in some of the primary states. so the question is can he make it to the general election? >> and can he drag not only the baggage of his name but the identifying with the policies that are parallel with that name? you can say as you, i'm a child among seven. you can't say, and i'm going to have everybody to advise and guide the other six on my team.
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>> right. >> without saying wait what's going on? and he says oh no that's the new president's fault even though my brother brought us into iraq. >> and think about it one of the things that brought george w. bush down is the elements that were not necessarily in his pocket before and they dragged his presidency away from this low-key foreign policy that he was going to do into these neoconservative ventures. jeb bush was for that before his brother was. the other thing, if you unpacked what he said he's saying the surge was heroic. this was an attempt to not be necessary and after all that loss of life and destruction, it was a hail mary to try to get us out of the mess that george w. bush got us in. so is he saying that the idea of invading iraq is okay but not continuing in iraq forever and ever and ever. >> but his big problem -- and
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i'm out of time -- the big problem, also is going to be getting by the primaries and the other republicans among us. >> and i hope he stays true. he does not seem like the guy that could pander that would hurt him. i hope he stays true to who he is. >> he's got three problems. a general, primary and thanksgiving dinner and he has to be careful how he deals with the members of his family. joy reid and abby huntsman thank you for your time tonight. watch joy on "the reid report" on msnbc at 2:00 p.m. eastern. and stick around right after that for abby on "the cycle." still ahead, the stunning twist from the road rage shooting in vegas. was the victim out looking for her killer before she died? also we'll look at the man in charge of stopping the next white house security breach. can he fix the secret service?
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and the late-night revolution, one year into the jimmy fallon era, how he has redefined political comedy. that's next. your dog's definitely got your back. but who's got your back when you need legal help? we do. we're legalzoom, and over the last 10 years, we've helped millions of people protect their families and run their businesses. we have the right people on-hand to answer your questions backed by a trusted network of attorneys. so visit us today for legal help you can count on. legalzoom. legal help is here. meet the world's newest energy superpower. surprised? in fact, america is now the world's number one natural gas producer... and we could soon become number one in oil. because hydraulic fracturing technology is safely recovering lots more oil and natural gas. supporting millions of new jobs. billions in tax revenue... and a new century of american energy security.
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had critics early on? >> obamacare will ruin the best health care system in the country. >> obamacare is a malignant tumor that is met taft sizing and must be repealed. >> let's repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children kills senior citizens. >> and today despite millions enrolled and gop talking points they still pushed for repeal. they just took their 56th vote in the house this month and the potential 2016 candidates don't get it either. >> we need to repeal every word of obamacare. >> obamacare is a disaster. >> we must repeal obamacare and replace it. >> obamacare restricts freedom and must be repealed.
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gop. it's time for the justice files. joining me now, defense attorney eric guster and judge faith jenkins. thank you both for being here tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> up first, a mother gunned down outside her house after a road rage fight. tammy meyers was driving last week in las vegas when someone
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almost hit her. a daughter reached over and honked the horn and an argument broke out. but there's some new information we're learning in this case. after that argument meyers drove home dropped off her daughter and picked up her son who had a gun. they followed the other driver for about ten minutes and went back home. but when they got there, police say the other driver pulled up and started firing killing meyers, her son brandon fired back without hitting anyone. at a vigil for meyers last night, brandon said he would do it all again. >> i did what i had to do to protect my family. everyone can think what they have to think. i did it for a reason. and i would do it for anyone all over. >> she did everything she possibly could to protect me and i love her so much.
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>> the sketch is the best hope police have for identifying and finding the shooter. but faith, if they do find him, does he have a case? could self-defense be a factor? >> i don't think so. there's so many questions here. how does this family go home and then she picks up this -- moms picks up her son who has a gun. how do they find this other car who they have an argument with and follow the car for ten minutes. >> right. >> and then how does that person in that car then get to their home? i'm assuming they followed this mother and her son back to her house. here's the issue with self-defense. you can't pursue someone who is retreating, even if there's a dispute, rchlev, if that dispute is over and this mother and son went back home -- it's over they went back home you can't then pursue them shoot and kill a person and then say oh i had to defend myself.
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self-defense is about you being in eminent fear of great bodily harm or dying. >> if the son says they threatened that they were going to come back and i had to kill them before they came back. >> guns make people super bold. this woman went home and got her son with a gun, then went after this guy. they are totally at fault because she didn't call police. she didn't -- she didn't alert the authorities, hey, someone was harassing me. she went to the fight. now, i don't know if his self-defense claim will hold up but he definitely will have some mitigation being that they came after him first. >> well we don't even know -- all the police said is that the son had a gun. we don't know if he brandished it. >> this is beyond following. they went home and got the gun.
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>> but the son said i did what i had to do i would do it -- >> which makes no sense. >> the inference is if i'm the shooter and i'm caught he admitted he did something. >> they followed whoever the shooter was for ten minutes. what were they doing? driving around stalking this guy? it makes no sense. >> was he waiting on them? >> there's more to the store row. there's more facts that will come out. >> let's move on to the american sniper trial in texas. today was the first full day of testimony for eddie ray routh and his defense team. his lawyers have to convince a jury that he did not know right from wrong when he shot the movie's real-life hero and his friend. today, his sister testified that routh was not himself when he came to her house after the shooting. she says he was talking about pigs sucking his soul. at first she didn't believe him
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when he said he killed two people. routh pleaded not guilty to killing chris kyle and his friend chat littlefield in 2013. the friends agreed to meet routh at a gun range to try to help with his ptsd. eric how's the defense doing? >> the defense is doing a decent job. when you look at the totality of the evidence they have the murder victims texting back and forth saying this guy is crazy. then they are presenting evidence that he was not himself and they are going to present more evidence i would suspect that he had ptsd to the level for he did not account for his actions. so it's a very interesting case to say the least, because there's so many factors involved in it. ptsd, they are war veterans and i think they are doing a pretty decent job. >> you know eric you mentioned the texting and a key moment
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came when the defense in the opening statement claimed routh's insanity was evidenced in those texts, that kyle and littlefield sent right before the shooting. after meeting routh, kyle sent littlefield a text, "this dude is straight up nuts." littlefield wrote, "he's right behind me. watch my six." that's military talk for watch my back. how will that help the case? >> it's definitely going to help the defense case. that speaks to the defendant's state of mind right before he shot and killed kyle and his friend. and it's not just like one piece of evidence like that text message. what the defense is doing, they are building. they have their fact witnesses, like the defendant's sister they are putting on first to speak about his state of mind. >> right. >> and then you have the two individuals who were killed who spoke about his state of mind he was not in the right frame of mind. and then you are going to have the experts who will come in and
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talk about he was in the middle of a psychotic break. the jury is going to find i think, that this guy did suffer from a mental illness and the question is going to be did he know what he was doing was wrong when he pulled the trigger? >> well we're going to keep following both of these big cases. i'm going to have to leave it there. eric guster and faith jenkins, thank you for your time tonight. >> thank you. straight ahead, hollywood star kristen bell speaks out on the vaccination debate. and jimmy fallon kicks off year two on "the tonight show." conversation nation is next. i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase. like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire.
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it's time for conversation nation. joining me tonight, radio host stephanie miller democratic strategist jimmy williams and msnbc contributor maria teresa kumar. thank you for being with me tonight. >> thanks, rev. >> the gop's reaction to a court ruling from a republican-appointed judge temporarily blocking president obama's reaction on immigration. the president's executive action would keep millions of undocumented immigrants from being deported. but that hasn't stopped the gop from trying to reverse it. ted cruz spoke about it today.
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>> this victory this week, the de decision from the federal court was a meaj juror victory for the rule of law. all of us have reason to be proud that texas led the way, standing up to president obama's illegal and unconstitutional executive amnesty. >> maria, it's an historic executive action. 5 million people are impacted and the gop is touting this guy as a hero? what do you make of that? >> i caution them when it comes to being so giddy. when you're talking about this it's unprecedented but he's not the first president who has ruled temporary rule of law. this dates back to eisenhower and every president successfully has used their discretion to testify what group will have
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temporary relief. this is pretty much the only thing that the president can do right now. again, it's temporary relief. >> jimmy, aside from the legalities, which it is temporary, politically, i mean the republicans really want to act as though this judge is a hero and this temporary stop is something that will help them politically? >> well senator cruz who is actually an immigrant, he was born in canada so when he left another nation and moved to the united states as an immigrant and became a u.s. citizen because of his parents, what happened there is he is now a naturalized person right? he's now an american. that's a fascinating thing because that is not what president obama's executive order actually did. all it did was say, you cannot separate an american-born child from their parent who was not born in a foreign country. it's really that simple. so that's the legality of it. you asked me about the politics. they are simpler. if the republican party is going
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to put ted cruz, not mccarthy, up as the spokesman for immigration reform they are making a massive mistake. by 2040 there will be 100 million more latinos in the united states not by birth but by immigration. he will be an old man by that point and when that's the case he'll be like oh i know the majority of country. that's not the way for the republicans to expand their base. >> stephanie, your read on this? >> well let me say that ted cruz gives me a giant headache in my eye. and i think other republican colleagues share my thoughts on that. he's on the right side of history with this. most legal experts say he's well within his authority and i think that's the way it's going to play out and i think, you know everybody makes a good point about demographically, they are on the wrong side of this on the wrong side of human
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compassion, of families. >> all of it? >> all of it. >> let me move on because i want to cover a couple of things in the time we have. i want to move on to celebrities speaking out on the vaccination debate. it's become a political hot potato for republicans, like chris christie and rand paul. but hollywood star kristen bell is telling the world, if you're not vaccinated, stay away from my family. bell says she insists that anyone who wants to hold their baby must have the whooping cough vaccine saying quote, it's very simple logic. i believe in trusting doctors, not know-it-alls. stephanie, a big celebrity speaks out. your take on this? >> i'm out here in hollywood and it drives me insane. you can't cure an infectious disease with kale.
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a jahoba oil is not going to do the trick. these are diseases that we have erradicated already. this is ridiculous. >> reverend this is really a high-class problem. you have countries all over the world, third world countries that mother also walk miles to get their kids vaccinated and high-five to kristen bell. it's exactly the conversation that we need to have and the leadership that we don't have normally coming out of washington, we're not having that leadership. we're having it out of hollywood. >> that's an excellent point of others walking -- stay with me. we'll be right back with jimmy fallon changing late night one year after taking over "the tonight show."
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a-list celebrities to do really goofy things on national tv. what do you think, jimmy, about how he's reshaped the show? >> he's brought a young energy to it and it appeals to young demographics. my favorite is when i was in the audience and he had sting on and sting had to do cell phone rings with his songs. the audience was trans fixed by it. jimmy fallon is going to be around for a long time and he brings something new to the show and i think it's a wonderful, wonderful thing for -- kids can watch that show. older people can watch that show. that tells you everything you need to know about what he's doing. >> stephanie, what do you think about what he's doing? >> that clip that you showed when he played neil young and then you saw the real crosby
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steels steals the nash comes up behind him, we have the coolest, funniest president ever. i'm sorry. >> i think that's right. he bridges generation and demographics and he knows what funny is and that's basically what is the root of his brilliance, is that he's able to do that. >> and he's a genuinely nice guy. >> he really is. >> stephanie, jimmy maria, thank you for joining "conversation nation". >> thanks, reverend. one of the toughest jobs in america was filled today. that's next. and set out on their own. they believed in more, than the assembly line. they believed driving was a holy endeavor. a hundred years later, the dodge brothers spirit lives on.
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thanks for the ride around norfolk! and i just wanted to say geico is proud to have served the military for over 75 years! roger that. captain's waiting to give you a tour of the wisconsin now. could've parked a little bit closer... it's gonna be dark by the time i get there. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. we come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, we're going to be there anyway why don't you just leave it for us to pick up? or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself
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yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option it's kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. finally tonight, finding the right person for one of the toughest jobs in america, protecting the president. president obama is naming a 30-year veteran of the secret service, joseph clancy as the new permanent head of the agency
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he has his work cut out for him. last year a man hopped the white house fence and got inside the executive mansion while carrying a 3.5 inch knife. and last month, this drone landed on the white house lawn renewing questions about the repeated failure of the secret service. >> the agency has suffered a series of embarrassments in recent years, starting in 2009 when the salahis crashed president obama's first state dinner and as "the washington post" just reported in 2011 it took four days for agents to discover a gunman's bullets had hit the residence. a tipping point came in 2012 when several agents were fired after solace sitting prostitutes while on a trip to colombia. >> clancy has protected presidents of both parties. americans need to know that
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their presidents are safe. and mr. clancy must now restore the public's trust in the secret service. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. oh brother. let's play "hardball." ♪ good evening. i'm chris matthews up in new york. jeb bush took the first big step to the white house today. he did so by stepping away from his father and, most important, his brother's presidencies. >> i admire the difficult decisions they had to make but i'm my own man. >> i'm my own man. but look who he has on his foreign policy team. he has james baker, a realist, but also guess
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