tv The Reid Report MSNBC February 20, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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flight to istanbul. officials believe they are still in turkey but they fear they are about to cross into syria and meet up with a fourth girl who went there in december. families are devastated but officials believe they still can have some hope of bringing the girls back with this public request for information. >> and alex girls aged 15 and 16, do authorities know how they could buy those tickets or afford to by them or who bought the tickets for them. i imagine somebody would have had to obtain the flights. >> this happened during the school holidays but the police haven't given information about how they were able to obtain the tickets. but they are concerned about the number of girls out to syria to join isis. the total number of british people who have gone out there is thought to be unknown.
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hundreds. and these are thought to be women and young girls. >> thank you very much. we really appreciate it. nbc's alex smith. u.s. officials are condemning a series of suicide car bombings in libya for which the terrorist group isis has claimed responsibility. the bombings killed 45 people and took place near the area where egypt is sending retaliatory air-strikes for at parent execution of 21 egyptian christians. the attacks come as the u.s. prepared to lead a u.s. offensive to retake the northern city of mosul. this morning the white house press secretary predicted an iraqi success. >> they will be backed when they undertake the operation, backed by american military air power and that will give them an advantage on the battlefield. the president has a coalition of more than 60 countries that are part of the effort and we have
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made important progress and over the course of the year we'll make progress as the iraqi forces get better trained and equipped and perform more effectively on the battlefield. >> recent videos released by isis show the death of iraqis and a jordanian pilot. and covering breaking news from the white house, the obama administration said the justice department will seek a stay while they appeal a federal judge's ruling blocking white house programs. >> we believe when you evaluate the legal merits of the argument there is a solid legal determination for the president to do to take the steps to take care of the immigration system. it is how previous presses have used their executive authority and that is why we'll continue to use the legal system.
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>> and so kristen, the white house presumes they can prevail with this stay and what does that mean for the many of millions people potentially waiting for relief under this program? >> it is still a question mark joy. and of course what is so complicated is that there is going to be a lengthy appeals process. but it appears at this point some of those several million, up to 5 million undocumented immigrants could begin the application process to get a reprieve from deportation. that is what president obama announced in his executive action. a little bit of background so folks understand how we got here. earlier this year a federal judge in texas blocked the president's immigration action ruling he had overstepped his bounds and that is why we have the obama administration trying to figure out how to appeal whether or not they will in fact issue an emergency stay. so what josh announced today is that the administration has decided to move forward with
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this emergency injunction filed as early as monday. president obama has argued he is on firm legal ground and talked about it when speaking to the dnc earlier today. take a listen to what he had to say. >> if you want to be the party that is paving the way for people to get into the middle class, a good way to start is stop trying to strip health insurance from millions of american and preventing contraceptive care for millions of women and trying to deport millions of striving young kids who just want to earn their shot at the american dream like the rest of us. help us fix a broken immigration system. >> joy the reality is those several million undocumented immigrants will remain in limbo while they wait for the court battles to weigh out. this could end up in the supreme court. >> kristen welker thank you very much. and for the first time the
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white house is responding to comments by former new york mayor rudy giuliani which were calling the president unpate otic. and we'll have that in a few moments. and here in the u.s. a fwift in a -- a twist in a deadly case that was believed to be an act of random road rage. eric nowsch junior could be charged in the death of a mother of four. the arrest and manhunt for a second suspect comes from a standoff one block from the victim's home. we have the latest on a story getting weirder and more disturbing by the day. >> reporter: good morning. the 19-year-old questioned here could face murder charges as early as today. the arrest happened a few miles from here. he is not -- he has not yet entered a plea. standoff in a quiet las vegas neighborhood. s.w.a.t. teams moving into position with guns drawn, aimed at the home of a teenage suspect. a weak-long manhunt ending not
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far from where it began. >> there is the animal a block away. are you happy? >> reporter: investigators say 19-year-old eric nowsch shot and killed tammy meyers in front of his home a block away from his own house. meyers revealing they knew the alleged shooter. >> she was good to him. she fed him and gave him money. >> meyers was taking his daughter home after driving lessons in this parking lot when something happened by meyers car and a car driven by nowsch. the mother dropped off her daughter at home and picked up her 22-year-old son armed with a handgun. police say meyers and her sob found nowsch and he followed them home exchanging a volley of gunfire, one bullet striking meyers in the head. >> the suspect very muched in the killing of mrs. meyers is in
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custody and off the streets of vegas. >> but the prosecutor said this might not be a typical case of road rage. >> the law doesn't allow for vigilanteism and once that initial incident is over then you have to seek help. >> reporter: after a week of grieving and a manhunt ending a week away from the shooting, they are giving away few details about the suspect and the victim. >> we knew how bad he was but not how bad he was. >> they learned the suspect knew the victim and investigators say they may be looking for a second suspect connected to the shooting. >> nbc's miguel almaguer thank you for that. back here on the east coast, we are breaking cold temperature records that date back to 1899. in norfolk, virginia forecasters are rewriting the record books after the city hit single-digits for the first time ever this late in the season.
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lexington, kentucky, notching a new low of 18 degrees below zero. and while it is winter and folks in north korea state are familiar with the bitter cold it is still a sight to see when fountains this size are frozen nearly solid. frozen mountains and fire hide rants in -- hydrants in georgia and kentucky not so often. and we are tracking the weather, alex. the siberian express, we need it to go away. when will it go away. >> people are saying when and we need a break in the storms. and this storm pandora, and it is bringing a break to places like kentucky like you mentioned, and illinois and parts of missouri and into kansas. and look at tomorrow. a mess. snow up in the north and through
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the areas in pink through west virginia and virginia and ohio. freezing rain down into eastern tennessee and that could cause problems. watch for power outages. and then boston looking at rain for this one and that will add to the weight on the rooftops. we've seen plenty of problems due to that. as far as ice is concerned, sunday looking at up to half an inch through parts of tennessee and even up into kentucky with significant ice accumulation. and through sunday the snowfall rates are high through the mountains of west virginia with a foot to a foot and a half and possibly higher. and look at the numbers. you mentioned the siberian express, record lows record lows and we could be setting records tomorrow morning. >> meteorologist alex wilson. we are just getting this in. 119 roof collapses reported through the state of massachusetts. as alex mentioned the weight of
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the rain and we'll continue to watch that situation. and a federal judge has sentenced the virginia former first lady to one year and a day in prison. bob mcdonnel and his wife have multiple counts of conspireing to sell thein kplurns of the -- to sell the influence of the governor's office. >> the fourth circuit has found substantial issues for appeal that could overturn this verdict and we intend to file an appeal and pursue the issues vigorously. we still believe in maureen's innocence and intend to seek her vindication. >> the governor was sentenced to two years in prison last month. they are both free on bond pending their appeals. and just ahead, the war of words between the white house and rudy giuliani. >> it is sad to see when someone who has attained a certain level of public stature and even admiration tarnish that legacy so thoroughly and the truth is i
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don't take any joy or vindication or satisfaction from that. i think really the only thing that i feel is i feel sorry for rudy giuliani today. >> pity. the former new york mayor has perhaps dug himself a deeper hole after questioning the president's patriotism and how he was raised. we'll tell you what giuliani is saying now about the president. then how governor chris christie's new jersey attitude may have ruined his front-runner status in the race for the white house. ♪ there's confidence. then there's trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts mean your peace of mind.
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this is not about notches on a belt or ideological battles and proving how smart you are, it is about making the nation we love better. >> and the nation we love. that was addressing the democrat democratic democratics showing very little signs of wear and tear from rudy giuliani. he told friends at a new york fundraising dinner that he doesn't believe the president loves america. and today the former mayor stirred up even more controversy saying some people thought it was racist and i thought it was a joke because he was brought up by a white mother and a white grandfather and went to white schools. this isn't racism or socialism or possibly anti-colonialism and last night he dug even more.
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>> do you want to apologize for your comments? >> not at all. i want to repeat it. from all i can see of this president and i've heard of him,' poll jazzes for america and criticizes america and talks about the crusades and how the christians were barbarians and leaves out that the muslims were bear bearans also. he sees christians slaughtered and doesn't stand up and hold a press conference but holds a press conference for the situation in ferguson. >> joan walsh is an nbc political analyst and jonathan cape hart is an opinion writer at the washington post. you both know me well and i like to talk. and sometimes i'm speechless and i have to let others talk it. so joan first, your witness. >> what a hateful man. but let's take it back to 2007. two guys running for president.
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they had new brands. one is president and the other man is a recentful failure. the face of white backlash rudy giuliani and selling himself to the highest bidder and after ferguson he is channeling the white channel to african-americans and now getting rich off of this persona. he's a failure as a politician and now he's competing in donald trump land as a carnival barker. >> and now you have a piece out today, and people associate you with d.c. but you did used to live in new york. and rudy giuliani's brand when he was mayor of new york a lot of it was tied up in this hostile almost relationship between him and self-and african-americans. and that you could argue of what limited his growth as a politician politician. what do you make of this diving down deeper into the -- what do you make of it? >> i agree with joan's
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assessment. back when i was in new york around -- in 1999 after the police killing of deallo and our colleague reverend sharpton was leading protests at the police department against the mayor, people were getting arrested the highest ranking african-american official in new york city was a woman named virginia field she was the manhattan borough president and giuliani refused to meet with her and she was trying to work with her to diffuse the tensions. and when they did meet it was like a cold war summit with her climbing the stairs of gracy mansions and i got to interview giuliani and talked with him about the african-american community and what i came away with was this understanding was the city had a mayor, when it came to race and dealing with african-american citizens in his city he a decidedly 1950s
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color-blind view of the world and that is just not the city -- he was the mayor of. >> rudy crew his former education commissioner that he was barren. but let's allow mr. giuliani to speak for himself again because he did call in last night to a program -- and this is coming before press secretary josh earnest expressed pity for him. and this is bloomberg tv with a sort of an apology for former mayor rudy giuliani. >> i should say that the president does or does not love anything or anyone i don't know. i'm not a psychiatrist and he doesn't have one and he doesn't need one. >> joan? [ laughter ] >> look, let me turn it over to my friend wayne barrett in the daily news writing today -- i'm going there, writing about what rudy giuliani knows about love and his three wives and love of
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money and fame. and i think jonathan is being too kind calling him color blind. i don't think the tension with black community were a byproduct of his governing strategy they were his goal. and he is standing up to a community, what does it mean when you stand up to a community with a disadvantage makes you a tough guy. they are riding against a backlash against things that went wrong in the '70s and he took that and made it his calling card and he is dining out on it. >> and he got one delegate when he ran for president. but one person who does potentially have viability within the 2016 framework is bobby jindal jonathan. and let me read you what he said in response to what giuliani's comments were. he said this. the gift of what mayor giuliani said that the president has shown himself to be completely
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unable to speak the truth about the nature of the threats from the isis terrorists, is true. if you are looking for someone to condemn the mayor, look elsewhere. is it helpful to somebody like bobby jindal to associate himself with these kinds of comments, jonathan? >> clearly it is because he is speaking out in favor and agreeing with the gist of mayor giuliani. the problem with what the mayor said is plainly apparent to everyone. it is the racist uttering of the president. and what is clear to everyone is the silence. scott walker couldn't bring himself to condemn what the mayor said. questioning the patriotism of the commander and chief. and we haven't heard from any of the people who are contemplating running for president saying anything about rudy giuliani. no republican of any stature has said anything about rudy giuliani and there was a time if someone black in the country said something racist or derogatory, every black elected
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official would be called on to denounce that person. and the silence is disful -- disgraceful. >> and when the president was running, his pastor he would have to give a speech. >> and so is this requirement in order to be a proper president that you have to sort of constantly pet the country as to its perfection and constantly cuddle the country and tell it how wonderful it is. what is that about? >> and obscure what is great about this country in my opinion, is that we've had challenges that we've met. we haven't overcome them all and racism, but we've made progress. and that is starty that president obama tells and that is the true story and the idea that the people are so afraid of criticism that they are protective of the country in the way that the country doesn't need protection. the country needs honesty and that is what is great. but i want to say on one last
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note. john mccain, everybody is going back to the moment when he stood up to that crazy woman -- it is a travesty that we have to go back that far to come up with an example of a republican seriously defying that othering of our president. tragic. >> very well said. joan and john i could talk to you all day long. we have to go to a break. thank you both for being here. we appreciate it. and now three things to know on this friday. police in colorado have made an arrest in the suspected bombing that took place near the naacp chapter next month. 44-year-old thaddeus murphy was arrested but not charged. but in a twist, police say they are looking into the possibility that a tax preparation business may have been the target of the bombing, not the naacp. an 18-year-old is in grave condition after he was inspected by a superbug during a procedure at ucla medical center. several people who of whom
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died, were infected after procedures. and more than 70 more. and the superbug is an anti- antibiotic and many are going after the hard to clean instrument company. and the 2014 tax information have erroneous information on it. the administration said customers will have the updates by the first week in march.
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show parks and recreation starring amy pohler. last night she made a statement from his death of an apparent overdose. today i lost a dear young friend in my life who was struggling with addiction. and you are remembering him for his appearance on the show like this one. >> well let me show you around. those are some chairs and that is a cat or a possum. and this is a napkin where i wrote down a cool name for a dog. bark obama. and he invented the trend humble brag. and he was just 31 years old. and oliver sacks is the author of a man who miss took his wife for a hat. and he revealed he has terminal cancer. and i cannot pretend i'm without fear but his dignified way he is
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addressing teth has you tweeted that it is important to identify that life is precious every day at every age. >> and meanwhile, the president is christening parks. >> i haven't been there yet. >> and the white house sent this tweet, including the hash tag, the president loves america and that might be a jab at rudy giuliani after he said the president doesn't love america. and some are using that sarcastically. and this person said the president loves america because ignoring 20% of the country -- ignoring 60% of the country while catering to a small extremely left electorate is his idea of heaven. and this story about a job-seeker's chance encounter said you should never be rude to
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strangers on transportation. this man recently tweeted karma, the guy who pushed past me on the tube and suggested i go bleep myself just arrived for his "interview" with me. he didn't get the job. but you learned the lesson and this is why it pays to be nice. join the conversation nicely on facebook, twitter and and now kim jong-un is rocking a new hair cut and the internet is going bananas.
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welcome back to "the reid report." here is a look at other stories we're watching for the half who. u.s. and coalition forces continue air-strikes against isis fighters in syria and iraq. five air-strikes in syria destroyed an oil rig. tactical units in fighting positions and ten air-strikes took out a number of targets, including tactical units and bunkers. in two hours supporters of akai gurley will release balloons at a candlelight vigil marking three months since his murder e. was killed by -- he was killed by an nypd officer as he and his girlfriend entered a dwarkenned -- darkened stairwell. and bobbi kristina brown has
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been taken off of a ventilator. they want to take the 21-year-old out of the medically induced coma. chris christie is the subject of three high-profile reports today, all with basically the same message. that his grasp on 2016 is quickly slipping away. the stories are all worth reading but cite gaps and his campaign staff and the rise of one johnell is bush jeb bush. and the only person as geeky as me that knows what jeb bush stands for. and putting that aside as the kpeltive -- competitive factor what are his main problems. >> he has a few. this is the invisible primary. you are going after donors and big-name endorsements and you want to create the aura of in
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conveniencibility. he is doing a great job behind the scenes but struggling to lockdown donors in new jersey and new jersey is a very big money state when it comes to presidential politics. big money in new jersey not going to chris christie and flirting with bush. and big-name republicans in new jersey going with or flirting with bush instead of chris christie. thinking of tom cain, the former governor and the 9/11 chair. and he was known to be chris christie mentor and he made a move against kane's son and they had a falling out and it creates in this invisible strong, where you want to look strong he is looking weak. >> and is it about temperament or viability. one of the pieces "the new york times," talk about the trouble with the campaign and they say
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some blame the chris christie bubble and some on his trip to london lacking his foreign policy and his opinion about vaccination. >> the london thing raises conditions about what kind of candidate are we getting here. all of the uncertainty about the george washington bridge and potential indictments coming down. so if you are a donor and you have ten other candidates i don't know what will happen in months with chris christie and there is a that concern. and the articles are getting at -- and every politician he has such confidence in his own ability and this is a good thing and it could be a bad thing, but to talk into any room nobody in there will vote for you. oh yeah i'm chris christie i'll win them over. you haven't done the early fundraising and gotten the donor. don't worry, i have the power of the personality, i can make it
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work. he believes in the power of his personality in a public setting to overcome barriers that people say are there and will fail any other candidate but he falls behind in the invisible primary is there is a clash between he still has confidence to pull this out and people are saying how do you pull this out. >> i find it fun that you say the power of his personality but his favorable ratings have gone up but whenever he speaks he is not showing a personality that is friendly or positive. that was interesting. i wish we had more time because you are an encyclopedia. >> i can go three more hours. >> let's do it. we'll go rogue. thank you, chris kornacki. and watch every morning up with steve kornacki. thank you, steve. and coming up a look at favorite movies that could score a shiny gold an statue this weekend. and i'll speak with the
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daughter of malcolm x about her father's legacy and what he would think about the black movement. i barely get a signal so i can't download videos or stream music. i don't have that problem. i'm on verizon. i'm not. sometimes i get a signal if i hold my shower curtain rod with one hand... but not always. join us and save without settling on the largest most reliable network. ♪ ♪ welcome to the most social car we've ever designed. ♪
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television events. so what can we expect from the 87th academy awards. alicia quarrels joins me to break it down. you look fantastic. >> you always look fantastic. >> we are color coordinated. >> and let's get into it. american sniper is the biggest controversy. what do you think? >> there is big controversy because the character is not likeable. bradley cooper acts his butt off directed by clint eastwood i think boyhood will win best picture. this is a link letter film shot over years and it seems like it was shot? one continuous shot but i don't think it will go to american sniper. >> and then to best actress,
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juliana moore, from still alice. is this looking at the go-to. >> this is the front-runner. and i would put money on it. and if i'm wrong, i'll bring you a bottle of champagne. she suffers from alzheimer's and this is a career achievement for her. she should win no matter what but she's been snubbed in the past where she should have won. this is hers to take home. she face the competition against meryl streep who is constantly nominated but this is hers for the taking i think. >> a bottle of champagne on this. and what about best actor? bradley cooper and steve corral. >> there are good names. but i think this one goes to michael keaton. and steve carell acting against type. but birdman, michael keeten and the film will not win for much
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else and let's celebrate his come-back, about an actor trying to make a comeback. and i've been interviewing him all season and he's been playing it cool and people in harlem would like to see him win. >> and when you see denzel was nominated for hurricane, does that hurt him, surrounding the real person for bradley cooper and american sniper. >> it hurts the film. when you look at best picture or director, that hurts the film. but it doesn't hurt bradley cooper. but actors who play real-life characters win more than anybody else. so it helps him. >> now we have to talk about selma. there is talk about the lack of diversity and the categories that we just mentioned, not a lot of diversity going on. no diversity going on. does selma stand any chance not being nominated other than for the song and overall film does
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it stand a chance? >> it doesn't stand a chance. there were no minorities in any of the categories and one of the voters who is anonymous said regardless of case this wasn't a great movie in their opinion. i don't think it stands a chance. last year 12 years a slave won but the academy has not acknowledged minorities or black people and when they do like when halle berry won or jennifer hudson afterwards their acting careers go awry so i don't think it has a big chance at all. >> and the academy awards does get huge viewership and is it harmed that it is not diverse and responsive to the way the culture is changing? >> and sadly, i don't think it is harmed by it whatsoever. if you look historically at past nominations and past votes, it still gets the ratings it will get. what determines the ratings is the post. so last year ellen knocked it out of the park.
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>> neil patrick harris. >> it is hard to top ellen. because brad and angelina were snubbed it. comes down to host and the star power. >> it is great to see you. and i look forward to clicking champagne with you on monday. >> all right. >> fabulous fabulous. >> and we'll host a town hall with barack obama on wednesday, february 25th at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on msnbc. the interview will focus on immigration. and we want to hear from you about that. so send us your questions for the president using the #obama town hall. yoplait greek 100. for when you just can't make it without a protein-packed, thick and creamy, power-me-up-with-something filling taste-bud-loving,
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of the most influential and dynamic leaders of the civil rights era, malcolm x. he was gunned down in manhattan. his life was filled with transformation, from juvenile delinquent to charismatic spokesperson for islam and sunni muslim. his fierce advocacy for equality by black muslims by any means necessary was considered at the time to be radical and dangerous but it still resonates today. and now a whole new generations are learning more in a new book based on his teenage years, called "x" written by his daughter. and you decided to do this in novel form and focus on his
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teenage years. why? >> i wanted to give young person to journey with him and to see what it was like for him during that time and all of the challenges that my father confronted which he was able to go out and become this world's icon. >> was it difficult for you as a daughter and i think you were three years old when your father was killed was it difficult for to you channel his voice? >> no, it wasn't difficult. my nephew malcolm, he said aunty, my life is parallel to his grandfathers and he was right. so it was easy for me to accept the fact that malcolm -- malcolm x had this dynamic, fulfilling childhood with both parents and with his siblings and he stepped in the footsteps of his own father and became an iconic
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figure. >> and what was said about this young black child in a difficult time. what do you think it was about that that enabled him to overcome even the parts of his life that were troubled? >> it was the values that his parents provided for him. and i talked about that in malcolm little the children's book. he a great foundation and it was very solid and clear on who he was as young person of color in america. he was challenged in this book because he lost his father he lost his father his siblings were dismantled and he's on his own and when you are in such pain because his teacher said to him no can you not be-- you cannot be a lawyer and so he drops out of school and he is in pain. and so for those in pain they choose a life that is self destructive. they don't say let me get a great education. because they don't have adults to say this is the path you should go. >> and what do you think the
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young malcolm little the young malcolm x would make of the young people now part of the black lives matter movement and what do you think the real live malcolm x and the young man you portray in this novel would make of that movement? >> i think that he would join the movement. i think that oftentimes you need to have young people just like you who are doing great things who understand the challenge -- the challenges of being of the african or of color to have the direction. it is good for young people to come together -- my father -- i'm sure when you are enlighten enlightened you are more apt to go with people that are able to express themselves and say they are challenged by so many things and do something constructive about it. >> what is the most important thing you want people to take away. you wrote a children's book and you are going up in an age group. what do you want young people to understand about malcolm x.
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>> that he was just like them. and being just like them being challenged, not knowing where his father was, just the many challenges that ultimately he was able to become this iconic figure. and so each child has the same opportunity to be an effective dynamic leader such as malcolm. >> this is great. the book is called x, a novel. and i hope people will check it out. an important story. thank you for being here. and as we continue to celebrate black history month, we want to hear from you. facebook, tweet and share your thoughts on what it means to you using the #my black history. that does wrap things up for "the reid report." have a good week. and "the cycle" is next.
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consequences boots on the ground. good afternoon. i'm steve kornacki and cycling now, as we come on the air, american troops are getting iraqi fighters ready to reclaim the second largest city from isis. here is the wording at this hour from u.s. central command, our special forces might -- and the key word is might, join the iraqis on the front lines. a springtime assault set for april or may and the city is mosul which fell to isis last summer. they believe 2,000 isis militants are holding mosul and the iraqis are expected to lead the assault while the u.s. will provide air-strikes. today targets were hit in that area. if you look at where the strikes are concentrated since last summer, the mosul has been one of the most frequent targets.
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let's get to jim miklaszewski. it seems weird for the military to put something out this specific and public this early. what is the loblgic? >> no yes. and when reporters asked what is this about? there was push-back from the military and they said the intention is to set isis back on their heels and put them on a defensive crouch and take them out of their own battle rhythm but quite frankly after being hammered pretty much fairly or unfairly, however you want to look at it as to what many consider lack of progress in the u.s.-iraqi military effort against isis in iraq you have to guess somebody wanted to put out something that sounded like progress, steve. >> and this is the same iraqi
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