tv Politics Nation MSNBC February 24, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PST
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\s. good evening, ed. breaking news tonight. president obama vetoes the gop bill to approve the keystone pipeline. flexing his political muscles with just the third veto he's issued in his entire presidency. it marks a key item on the gop's agenda stopped dead in its tracks by the president. and why? because the gop claims that the pipeline would create jobs and lower gas prices just weren't true. >> i think that there's been this tendency to really hype this thing as some magic formula, and to what ails the u.s. economy, and it's hard to see on paper where exactly they're getting that information from. >> it wouldn't be worth it. that's why the at the present time issued this veto and he's
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just getting started. so far this year the white house has issued at least ten veto threats. again the gop bills to repeat the health care law. roll back abortion rights and defund the president's executive action on immigration. these are the kinds of bills that republicans are pushing. ones they know the president won't sign. they're not interested in governing, just in scoring political points f it's the complete opposite of what they promised back in november. >> the american people made it clear election day, they want to get things done. >> we're going to function. this gridlock and dysfunction can be ended. >> it was a joke. they're not serious about passing bills that were actually
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become laws but the president is serious about stopping the harmful agenda. joining me now are congressman jim mcdermott democrat of washington and jonathan capehart of "the washington post." thank you both for being here. >> thanks, rev. congressman, how significant is this? >> a big one. they have staked so much on this faulty project. now the president has put it to the wall we'll see if they have the power to make it happen. they don't. the president is going to win. they have not figured out that compromise is what has to happen for go. to work. nobody can bully their way through. they keep trying to bully the president, this shutdown they are working on right now is another bully tactic.
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>> the republicans have been trying to bully the president since he was inaugurated. now they are learning that the president is not going to be bullied. the president has made is very clear, especially since the midterm elections of 2014 when reps thought, now that we have the house and now that we have the senate now we will exert or will on the president. they are beginning to discover that the president has a whole lot of other tricking up his sleeve to keep them from doing things he doesn't think are good for the country, but also the nation is seeing that all these promises of one-party rule on capitol hill does not necessarily mean or equal governance. >> congressman, we heard a lot from republicans about how great the keystone pipeline would be for jobs but a report by the
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state department found the project would only create 35 permanent jobs after construction. and lots of reports have found that the pipeline would have a minimal effect if at all, on gas prices. i mean aren't there better project for the gop to push? >> you would think they would want an infrastructure bill. they would have a much better impact on the economy if they would put together a bill figure out a way to finance it and compromise with the president. we could do some really good things if they wouldn't pick these things where he has said no, that's not good for the environment and i'm not going to do it. >> and infrastructure is a necessary thing, but you know jonathan, today was owned the
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third veto the president has issued, a lower number than all of his most recent predecessors but "new york times" says the president is opening the veto era of his presidency which would be quote, an extend of his second-term strategy to act alone in the face of republican opposition and safeguard his legislate sieve record. how important will the veto be for the president going forward, jonathan? >> when the democrats had the senate -- then senate majority leader harry reid was the block. that's one of the reasons the president has so few vetoes. very few bills came to his desk that required it because harry reid was the block. now that mitch mcconnell is the majority leader and they'll be sending the president bills that he knows he's not going to sign they know he's not going to sign that's three right now, will skyrocket over the next two
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years. >> congressman, in light of that the other big issue? washington this week the looming shutdown of the department of homeland security and republicans senior starting to sound very nervous. listen to this. >> i remember the last time we shut down the whole government. this would obviously be homeland security the last time we shut down the whole government, it duran away 600,000 visitors -- >> in making this a hostage -- to the immigration issue.
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bain or has been saying we're going to shut her down. he's going to have to go the other way and pass a clean bill. you can't put 230,000 people out off the payroll and then expect the country's security to be secure. i mean it's just -- it makes no sense. how can you -- how are you going to walk past somebody in the airport who is working because they're essential, but they're not being paid and expect their mind to be on where am i going to pay my mortgage this monday? >> jonathan? >> everyone is looking to senator mitch mcconnell to come up with a plan for a clean dhs bill to come to the floor to be voted on. under our constitution appropriations bills come from the house, so as the congressman said, speaker boehner is the one
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who's going to have to figure out how he is going to get a clean bill from his chamber to the senate. the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is able to do it in his chamber. speaker boehner will have to pass an identical bill so that it originaltes there and go back to the senate. how they do that befriday is beyond me. >> congressman, i don't know that they can do it by friday. i think they have waited -- they played this game too far down and they're going to go over the cliff. they may rescue themselves by extending it some way by two or three days or something these people in a terrible place. it's unbelievable they could say this is what the american people wanted in the 2014 elections. they want a government that
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works. its amazing this kind of stuff is still happening. congressman mcdermott and jonathan capehart thank you both for your time tonight. coming up breaking news from hillary clinton's first public speech in month, dropping hints about 2016 saying there's a, quote, special spot in hell for women who don't help other women. republican candidates, are you listening? also the progressive warrior, elizabeth warren has a new plan for the middle class. she'll join us live tonight. plus the gop plan to block loretta lynch's nomination is gaining momentum tonight. it must be stopped. and a department of justice makes a big announcement on george zimmerman, and rudy giuliani gets the jon stewart treatment. big show ahead.
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no there is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. nobody. god bless, keep a big hunk of it, but part of the underlying social contract is you take a hunk of that and pay forward for the next kids who comes along. it was a progressive call to arms by then candidate elizabeth warren. it created a sensation? politics. since then senator warren has put up a relentless fight. today she's teaming up with another champion congressman
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elijah cummings launching the middle class prosperity project. they write -- for morn that 30 years america's middle class has been hammered the system has been rigged to jack up their profits and grab the suppose for themselves. it's time to change that system. yes, it is time. so how do you do that? joining me now is senator elizabeth warren and congressman elijah cummings. thank you both for being here. >> good evening. >> good to be here. >> senator warren tell me about your new initiative. >> so congressman cummings and i have teamed up because we look around and we see that the economy is starting to recover, that rich people are doing great, that fortune 500 companies are doing great, that the stock market is doing great, but that hard-working people are not doing so great.
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that's because of choices that are made right here in this place, right here in washington. right now washington works for those that can hire arms of lobbyists, armies of lawyers, but it's just not working for working families. what we have done is organizing a project so say we're ready to fight back fight on behalf of middle-class families working people all across this country. >> congressman cummings we know you as a fighter, what do you hope this projects achieves? >> first i want to make sure we inform the american people and the congress of exactly what's happening. make sure they understand while they are working harder and producing more their paychecks aren't showing that. we want them to be clear that the corporate ceos and shareholders are taking the biggest share of the profits, and their wages are stagnating. we want them to understand that a lot of that has to do with policies of the federal
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government and that it can be changed. the number one thing we're trying to do first of all is inform, then we want to move to reform to try to address some of those issues through legislation. >> senator you know the american wages grew with the economy for decades, but that started changing around the 1970s, productivity is up almost 75% since 1973 while wages have risen just over 9%. what is the core of the problem? what is driving this senator warren? >> you know we had today at our forum, we had in some top economists, who came in and talked about exactly what's happened. here's how i put it. from about 1935 to 1980 90% of america -- everybody outside the top 10%, they took in about 70% of all the wage growth. in other words as our economy was getting more productive the
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median income was going up for workers across the spectrum. then starting roughly in about 1980 under 2012 you look at that period the 90%, they got zero income growth. zero none. the reason for the difference -- that's a big part of what we talked about today in this forum. the reason for the difference are, in part federal policies made right here. so for example, just to pick one, from 1935 to 1980 we had strong unions and workers had a strong voice in america, a strong voice in the economy. that really got ripped away from them. got ripped away from them with bad trade deals. it got ripped away from them with a government that began to undermine unionization. when workers lost power in the
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economy, their wages flatlined. what happened is all of the money from their increased productivity just went to the ceos, the shareholders it didn't go to the workers. that's at least a part of it. >> congressman, right in that bill then some of the federal policy helped to lead to this it would take federal policy to undo what federal policy has done. how do you and senator warren plan to get that done with a republican congress and senate? >> well you know rev, you have taught us that you've got to have an outside game. >> yeah. >> that's why i talk so many about informing the public. we believe if the public can back up us on things like tax reform that benefit the middle class, and daycare, helping people address the daycare and costs of education, and they understand that it can be changed and it must be changed, then they will force their representatives to do the right thing. we're determined to make this
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happen. we don't have any choices. we do not have the right to remain silent. by the way the middle class, they're basically they're not asking for a handout, reverend they're asking for just a fair shake. >> i think clearly, senator warren, you've been saying the handouts have gone to the top 1%. >> no kidding. >> they've gotten the big lift. they're the ones who have gotten the tax breaks. 1935 to 1980 we had much more progressive taxation and we said to those at the top, good for you that made it but you've got to kick back into the kitty, so we can make those investments in education, so we can build those roads and bridges and power structures so that we can invest in basic research, so we can built a future for all of our kids. that's gone away and it's gone away because of bowls made right
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here. >> congressman, we even see some of the republicans in 2016 not talking about income and equality. >> that's sad and very unfortunate. the things too, reverend is that it's very important that we address this issue, because what happens is a if we can straighten this out, that means that people will have more money to spend, more discretionary money so they can help the economy grow. keep in mind 70% of the gdp is consumer spending. if they don't have the money, a lot of these businesses will not be able to make the kind of money that they could. so this is something that we're all in this together and that's the thing. we've got to make sure the people understand we've got to work together and we can address this issue. >> senator warren before we go i'm not going to ask that same question you keep getting asked about. you already told me that but you have a meeting with hillary clinton, and i'm not even going
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to ask you about your private meeting, you didn't invite me but a lot of progressives have question about whether she'll be a progressive warrior. what would you say to them? >> you know i think that's what we've got to see. i want to hear what she wants to run on and what she says she wants to do. that's what campaigns are supposed to be about. >> all right. i'll accept that -- take it at that. senator warren and congressman cummings, thank you both for your teem tonight. >> thank you. still ahead, breaks news from hillary clinton speaking out on 2016 and throwing down the gauntlet on women's issues. >> there is a special spot in hell for women who don't help other women. so -- [ applause ] also the right wing's new push to derail the loretta lynch nomination. just days before her first key vote. but first, a republican
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lawmaker whose instagram habit has landed him in some hot water. that's next. if a denture were to be put under a microscope we can see all the bacteria that still exists. polident's unique micro clean formula works in just 3 minutes, killing 99.99% of odor causing bacteria. for a cleaner, fresher brighter denture everyday. toenail fungus? don't hide it... tackle it with fda-approved jublia! jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. use jublia as instructed by your doctor. once applied jublia gets to the site of infection by going under, around and through the nail. most common side effects include ingrown toenail, application-site redness itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. tackle it! ask your doctor now if jublia is right for you. [ male announcer ] legalzoom has helped start over 1 million businesses. if you have a business idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here
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to help you turn your dream into a reality. start your business today with legalzoom. breaking news from california where hillary clinton just wrapped up her first public speech in months. she dropped some big hints about 2016, and also weighed in on everything from the oscars to being agrandmother. that's ahead. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her
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shock may be one of the most prolific instagram users. smiling with pop star ariana grande parasailing in argentina, climbing glaciers in patagonia, and surfing in hawaii. here's what he told "morning joe" about his instagram account, just last year. >> that's my instagram and i control it. i put up the photos and there's a reason it's a private account, but as you know in public office nothing is private. so i've just learned that anything i post to my friends and family could end up on "morning joe." >> but now his instagram is turning out to be a big new source of trouble. an associated press investigator reveals that congressman schock has spend taxpayer and campaign monies on private planes consequencents, even a massage
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parlor. the a.p. tracked schock's travels partly thus the instagram posts. thanks for being here. >> good to be here. >> jack in your reporting, you discovered at least $40,000 for flights on donors' planes nearly $2,000 to take interns to a katy perry concert, and $1400 to a massage parlor for a fund-raising event. why are these expenditures problematic for congressman schock. >> "the washington post" a few weeks ago revealed the congressman's use of funds to redecorate the office. since then reporters have been looking into the expenses those expenses being quarter of the quarterly reports that the hounts puts out, the office expenses like the toner for your printer, postage pretty much the same things you would do in
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your office. so we began looking through them and really under transportation and came across a lot of different expenses that went to aviation companies and donors who own private airplanes. >> how did you use his instagram account to figure this all out. >> in addition to the report sets which details when the money was spent, we also traced the planes through some of the different flight services available, you know, saying when a plane took off, and the instagram photos which he has seen uploaded a campaign rally in iowa or a meeting in illinois, or meeting in ohio is that hidden behind those uploads shows a latitude and longitude, basically a pinpoint on the map of the world and a date and time in which it was uploaded which we were able to correlate when the donors' planes had landed down to the minute as well as when the flights were paid for
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maybe even just a couple weeks lace. >> jack gillum great reporting and thanks for your time tonight. >> good to be here. ted cruz says republicans must oppose loretta lynch and there's actually momentum behind it. and a major ruling from the department of justice today on george zimmerman. please stay with us. and aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. so why am i still thinking about this? how are you? aleve, proven better on pain.
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most health plans. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. just two days before loretta lynch's finally gets a vote there's a new republican push to keep her from becoming our next attorney general. the right wing of the party, led by senator ted cruz wants to block her nomination. he just wrote an op-ed for politico demanding that republicans stop lynch as a way to attack president obama. >> she's sitting in the hearing saying, yes, i will facilitate and implement president obama's lawlessness, refusal to obey
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federal law or the constitutional. >> of course that's not what she want at all, but for these right wingers, the facts don't matter. over in the house more than 50 republicans signed this letter saying quote, a vote for this nominee so fairly be considered a vote in favor of the president's lawlessness. both parties have praised lynch, and key republican senators say they'll vote to confirm her. so what's this all about? joining me now is new york congressman greg meeks, who supported lynch as nominations after seeing her work as a federal prosecutor in brooklyn. thank you for being here, congressman. >> good for being here. >> isn't this just another way to attack the president? >> that's exactly what it is. these individuals with their own political will and political gains, no one is more qualified to be the funnels attorney than loretta lynch on her own merits.
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no one can talk about how she has not been successful as a u.s. attorney and throughout her legal career. i daresay there's no one more qualified than these individuals who are the same ones that shut down the government before the same ones who don't want to fund social security the same ones like that guy who who's questioned the president's loyal our love for america, they have the same right-wing agenda trying to distort and prevent one of the best person to be the attorney general from being nominated. i hope we don't play those tricks. >> congressman, we're keeping track on how long this takes. the president nominated lynch 108 days ago, the longest confirmation period for a recent attorney general by a landslide, and it's not even over. i mean why is this still taking so long? >> well you know it is the
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senator cruzs of the world who, you know the people elected barack obama and he's going to choose his attorney general. we did not object. i did not like ashcroft did not think he represented what i represent, but democrats went along with republicans and made him the attorney general under george bush. loretta lynch is eminently qualified. the only reason she has not been confirmed yet is the games that senator cruz and those like him are playing and trying to halt the progress of america. >> senator cruz told newsmax he was upset that loretta lynch was too similar to eric holder. listen to this. >> when i asked her in what way she would differ from eric holder, she said in no ways whatsoever. >> we went back and looked at the tape. here is what she actually said
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congressman. >> so i want to ask you at the outset, the simple question of if confirmed, mow would your tenure as attorney general differ from that. >> you asked how i would be different? i i will be loretta lynch. >> cruz is not tell her the trust. do the facts matter at all? >> not at all. they just have their own political agenda that was from the very beginning to try to stop anything and everything that president obama has done and will do. look, it is clear in my estimation that eric holder has been a great attorney general. maybe no mistake. i think his work will stand the test of time but loretta lynch is her own person. loretta lynch is not eric holder. she is a strong woman who has proven her competency and that she can run an office. no one, no law enforcement agency, no attorneys, no one has been critical of the work that
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lo are etta lynch has done as u.s. attorney in the eastern district. on her own merits she stands. >> it's kind of ironic you know conservative republicans have clashed repeatedly with attorney general holder. last week he said it was kind of funny they weren't taking a fast approach of confirming loretta lynch. listen to what he said. >> i guess it's ultimately up to congress as to when i actually leave office. you would think in some ways that loretta's process would be spend up given their desire to see me out of office. >> i guess they're not thinking this one through, congressman. >> i don't mind. as i said i believe eric holder has been a great attorney general. >> i agree, but i believe in her own right she'll said her own footprints different and she stands a her own. >> i great on both points.
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congressman greg meeks, thank you for your time tonight. >> good to be with you as always. coming up breaking news from hillary clinton's first public speech in months. talking about the oscars drops hints about 2016 and who gets a, quote, special spot in hell. also jon stewart went after rudy giuliani in a big way last night. and a single mom's rags to riches story. "conversation nation" is next. if you're running a business legalzoom has your back. over the last 10 years we've helped one million business owners get started. visit legalzoom today for the legal help you need to start and run your business. legalzoom. legal help is here. when i'm shopping for a used car, i want to be comfortable. i don't want an aggressive salesperson breathing down my neck pressuring me into a decision.
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time for conscious conversation nation." joining me msnbc's crystal balance. comedian and syrian/xm radio host john fugelsan and -- thank you all for being here. we start with hillary clinton breaking her silence. moments ago she gave a keynote speech at a silicon valley conference in front of the women executive. it's the first public speech in the u.s. this year. she used the opportunity to hint at what everybody is dies to
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know. >> there is a special spot in hell for women who don't help other women. so -- [ applause ] what you do does not have to be big and dramatic. you don't have to run for office. although if you do, more power to you. crystal, is this speech a calculated move on clinton's part. could we hear an announcement soon? >> i don't know how soon the announcement will come about but if you can bet if it's hillary clinton, it's a very calculated move. it's interesting how she's positioning herself this time she's clearly running with more emphasis on the historic nature of her candidacy, on the fact of being a woman and highlighting and empowering women. i'm going to d.c. next week
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hillary clinton will be keynoting the emily's list conference a progressive women's organization. >> she was also quizzed by whether she would announce her intention soon,all. what do you think? listen to this first of all. >> it seems her intentions are very, very clear. the important thing to remember is there are a lot of women who would like to avoid that special spot in hell by supporting a dim woman for the white house, namely senator warren who you had on earlier. so for all discontent about mrs. clinton, it's great to see her -- when she announced postponing until april, i thought this was bad news because i don't think this coronation is very good for her, but i would say to the progressives who are not in favor of a clinton presidency who think maybe she's the best republican i've got, rude bader ginsburg is 147 years old, and
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liberals out there who don't wand rand paul or jeb push picking the next three supreme court judges should be excited how joyful she seem today. >> i'm going to -- at least a part of it, but angela let me show what i had referred to when i told john about how she was quizzed about announcing her intentions. watch this. >> president of the united states running president of the united states or host of the oscars next year? both jobs are open, it seems. >> yeah well -- and both jobs are really painful, from my own internal experience and observation. >> what about the president thing? >> you know -- there have been -- you can -- >> listen you have -- >> there have been a lot more
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oscar presentation than there have been presidents. so the pressure is probably somewhat less. it's a one-night gig. for many it's just one night. the other one, it's like you know, a many-year commitment. >> read the tea leaves, angela. is there any doubt about her intentions? >> there's no doubt, rev. i honestly have to say to you that tonight's hillary clinton is one that i find to be extremely refreshing. she was so comfortable in her own skin. she seemed casual in that space. she's walking across the stage. the presentation was's awesome. this hillary clinton i can totally get down with. >> was that the hillary you saw and can get excited about as well, crystal? >> look i think that you know i'm one who has been somewhat critical of hillary clinton and really want to make sure she'll by the economic champion for the
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working class and middle class that we need. >> amen. >> but in terms of branding for her campaign her biggest struggle in 2008 was connecting with people giving people a sense that she wasn't just this perfectly constructed political candidate, that she was also a real human being. i think that's something she has grown, and i think in an interview like this you see her more whimsical, funny, relaxed side. that's definitely an asset on the that campaign trail. >> but john also the history, relating back to being a woman, and would be the first woman president if she is successful she even talked about one of the big headlines from the oscars a call for fair pay. listen to this. >> up and down the latter many women are paid less for the same work, which is why i think we all cheered at patricia
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arquette's speech at the oscars because she's right. it's time to have wage equality once and for all. >> is this a big issue in 2016 john? >> well it should be. we passed lily ledbetter and it's still a problem. the right will do all they can to paint her as a humorless person, she's smear her for her age, and they'll try to lie about benghazi all over again, but i think crystal nailed it. the joy she showed on stage seemed both practiced and real. she has to be joyful because they know they'll try to sneer her as a humorless, but having fun is the smartest thing she can do and it's hard put to find anyone to disagree with wage equality. >> let me show you her answer -- how does hillary clinton get the progressive vote?
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a lot of progressives have questions about whether she'll be a progressive warrior. what would you say to them? >> you know i think that's what we've got to see. i want to hear what she wants to run on and what she says she wants to do. that's what campaigns are supposed to be about. >> not a resounding endorsement, angela. >> no it's not. it's brilliant on senator warren's part. the more she continuing to be seen as the progressive champion of all progressive issues including wage fairness, i certainly hope that elizabeth warren starts to not only include women in that but also people of color, because we know those wages aren't fair either she'll be positioning to have a key role -- >> and we know from "new york times," the senator didn't deny tonight her and hillary clinton have had a meeting. i don't know whether these issuing came up or what but i was -- crystal, i was kind of
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waiting to see what her reaction would be and i think she positioned herself as sort of somewhere between noncommittal and we'll see. >> i think that senator warren is already -- even without -- she had she not getting into the race but even without jumping in, she's already had a huge impact on the debate on the democratic side of the equation heading boo 2016. she does have such an incredibly powerful voice, such a true voice that speaks to the progressive base and speaks to the direction the country needs to go in so i think she does feel pressure from elizabeth warren she doesn't want her to be a critic she wants her on her side. elizabeth warening is a key ally for hillary clinton. everyone stay with me. coming up a single mom of four hits the powerball jackpot. it would put a smile on your face. look out, rudy.
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we're back with our panel, crystal, john and angela. we start with rudy giuliani and the fallout from saying president obama doesn't love america. last night, he got the jon stewart treatment. >> you know president obama didn't live through september 11th i did. president obama didn't almost you know have a building fall
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on hem, myself my police commissioner, my fire commissioner did. >> shut up! you know you're not the mayor of 9/11 right? you don't own 9/11. you don't own anything but the unique willingness to crassly exploit it. >> your reaction? >> that's exactly right. how dare he use an opportunity like one of the greatest terrorist attacks on this country to trivialize the president's love and/or patriotic nature on this country. it's absolutely insane and it's getting very, very tired. >> john that really is probably one of the criticisms that could hurt the impact of whatever the far right thing rudy has left which i don't know what they do
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but that would be across the board, most people would be a little upset with him exploiting 9/11 the way jon stewart has raised -- >> most people should and again, you know trying to get the fair -- he's just auditioning for any public speaking fees and i'm glad we're using the word exploitation, because this is the problem around several of our republican friends. they exploited 3,000 dead on 9/11 to attack iraq and exploited four dead in benghazi to attack barack. it's a ugly habit. a 26 years old single mother of four came forward to claim her share of a $564 million powerball jackpot. >> this is going to make a huge difference in our life. they can go to school not have to worry about paying for it. they'll live a comfortable life and not worry about struggling.
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anything my kids ask for, i can get it for them and i don't have to tell them no. >> are you going to tell them no though? >> yes. >> she also plans to donate money to her church and to cerebral palsy charities, a disorder that her 7 years old son has. isn't this great to see? >> it is really great to see. i mean this is a whom who struggled to be able to balance the budget for her family. she's worked at walmart, mcdonald's, four kids one of them with special needs, and i they people want to see more of this news. there's an actual stud,that shows the more positive the news story, the more people want to share it. i think it's important to get these good, positive stories out there, too. >> crystal, john and angela thank you for joining the conversation. be sure to watch crystal on "the cycle" weekdays at 4:00 p.m. right here on msnbc.
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state of florida versus george zimmerman. we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty so say we all. george zimmerman found not guilty for the fatal shoot of trayvon mart. the justice department announced today they have found insufficient evidence to pursue criminal civil rights charges against zimmerman. let me say i respect the decision, but i also want to make it clear i do not agree with it. this thursday marks three years since the unarmed 17-year-old was shot and killed on his way home from a convenience store. in a statement, attorney general eric holder wrote in part -- this young man's premature death necessitates that we continue the dialogue and be unafraid of discussion the issues his
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pasting brought to the surface. he sparked a national conversation in this country at a time it desperately needed it a conversation that got all the way to the president of the united states. >> if i had a son, he would look like trayvon, and you know i think they are right to expect that all of us as americans are going to take this with the seriousness it deserves and we're going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened. >> that conversation must continue, and i look at his mother and his father who have beared this pain with the utmost dignity and with respect for the law even today, as they build their foundation and continue to raise his name. but trayvon all the way to ferguson and staten island and others must not just end in a conversation. it must end with a reevaluation
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and legislation, and change in policies where equality becomes the order of the day. i'm as firm today as i was three years ago, we've got to fight and we've got to fight for the better of the country. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. \s. big deals. let's play "hardball." good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. two huge stories tonight, both pointing to historic breakthroughs. the first involves homeland security and immigration. majority leader mitch mcconnell today called for the senate to separate the issues. he wants a separate strait up or down v
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