tv The Reid Report MSNBC February 25, 2015 11:00am-12:01pm PST
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and michael cherdoff and expected to mount a argument to congressional republicans amid a long partisan battle over funding dhs expires and we'll have that for you live when it gib -- begins. but we begin with three men arrested at jfk in new york city today accused of planning to go to syria and join isis. and if that didn't work out, they were planning direct attacks here at home. let's get the very latest from pete williams. what do we know about these two men, pete? >> reporter: well three in all, two who planned to fly to syria the fbi said, that they bought airline tickets, one arrested at kennedy airport on a flight -- trying to board a flight to turkey that the fbi said would take him to syria. another had a ticket to go in just a couple of weeks. it appears the fbi -- these are
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the three people who are arrested. the one at the top, the 24-year-old, the fbi said it appears that they got on to him first because federal agents say he posted a message on a islamic sympathetic jihadist website in the uzbekhi language why which he talked about trying to go to syria to support isis and if he couldn't get there he would do anything, if ordered to do so including killing the president. the fbi talked to him and kept talking to him and put him under surveillance. he was not too concerned because according to court documents, just a few weeks later he was in communication with the person who ran an islamic -- or an isis rather, website overseas and the operator of the website how come you are not coming here. and he seemed in his answer more concerned about his family than the fbi. he said, according to court
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documents, my parents, i need to get out of here with extreme caution without being noticed by them. and the fbi introduced an undercover agent and the two people are charged with trying to go to syria and a third man is accused of providing support to them and there is at least the suggestion in court documents that at least two or three other people were also willing to provide funds to help these two get to syria to join isis. >> nbc news justice correspondent pete williams. thank you very much. we'll continue to follow this story closely. and msnbc retired special agent jim cavanaugh joins me. we became familiar with this during the bush administration where there are reports that there are supposed individuals plotting against the united states and the isis is trying to get them to come there to their caliphate and when they stay
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home they are more dangerous. and how do you determine who want to do something ugly but isn't organized or funded or equipped to do anything really? >> well what you do joy, is what the special agents and the nypd did in this case for 18 months, they talked to them and listened to them and monitoring their websites and got their criminal intent and disposition and outlined the conspiracy. i looked over the complaint and it is detailed in what they were planning to do. and conspiracies are a powerful federal statute and we use it in bombing conspiracies like this case. and in a conspiracy the group gets together to plan something. that is talk. it takes overt acts. you have to do something in furtherance of the conspiracy to make the conspiracy come together. and then once that happens, the act of one becomes the act of all. so just in simplified terms briefly, if the three of us talk about robbing a bank but never do anything in furtherance to do
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that robbery, that is not a conspiracy. but if we all agree to rob a bank and i go out and steal the car or buy the masks, once i do that the conspiracy has culminated for the law and the conspiracy is in effect a conspiracy to rob a bank. and that is what you have here. conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, isis in particular. >> and let's talk about what the real world threat or danger is to americans here. you have somebody as pete williams just said even though he was already under surveillance wasn't -- didn't have the cognition to think maybe i shouldn't make a phone call or get in contact directly with somebody who is known to be connected with the terrorist group isis. so if the person doesn't seem to have a savvy plan or maybe doesn't have the wear with all to do -- the wherewithal to do anything dangerous, are they still a threat that they have the goal to attack the country. >> it is a great question joy. but history is reif with people
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who had disasters that didn't have any planning. oswald hinckley hassan and fasad, there are people who didn't have great planning that could cause death and destruction if they had desire. and that is what we might have had here. >> thank you very much. we appreciate. and back to the fight over dhs funding. we are watching jeh johnson who is giving say homeland security press conference right now. let's listen in. >> i'm pleased that everyone could be here. i'm particularly pleased to be here with secretaries ridge and chertoff to with them express the importance of reaching an agreement in congress so that we have a fully-funded department of
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homeland security in fiscal year 2015. as i've said for weeks, today on capitol hill meeting with republicans and democrats, and with the press and the public in these challenging times, it is critical that the department of homeland security receive a full year appropriation. there are concrete dramatic consequences for the homeland security of this nation if we allow the funding of the department to lapse. there are consequences if we have to exist on a continued c.r., another continuing resolution passed on friday night. there are huge drawbacks to that which i've talked about repeatedly over the last several weeks. and so we need on behalf of the american public a fully-funded department of homeland security. now, i want to turn it over to
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my predecessor number one, secretary tom ridge. and thank you for being here. >> thank you, secretary. first of all, let me say, mr. secretary, i'm grateful that you gave me an opportunity to participate in this press conference. because i think your goal is one that i'm proud to say and as you've indicated, all four secretaries of the department of homeland security embrace. let me say at the outset ladies and gentlemen, that i personally believe as a former member of the congress of the united states that the president has gravely overstepped his constitutional authority. that is my strong opinion. and i do think from the political and legislative point of view there is -- the party in opposition, the republican party has every right to challenge that. but i don't think we right that wrong on the backs of the patriots that go to work every day to provide safety and
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security at the department of homeland security. >> that is former pennsylvania governor and former department of homeland security secretary tom ridge, opening with politics and saying that as a political matter, he believes that the president of the united states overstepped his boundaries when it comes to immigration. but that in his words, that wrong, as he called it shouldn't be righted on the back of the people. and jeh johnson attempting to make the case for fully funding his department with republicans withdrawing or with holding funding for that department basically as a retribution for the president's action on immigration. let's bring in luke russert on capitol hill. luke, so leading with politics tom ridge there, and they are still marrying together these dhs issues regarding homeland security and immigration, which surprised me a little bit. i'm wondering how that struck
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you? >> reporter: well, it was the surprise, in fact that we got here from the government funding bill they passed last year because even some republicans were very -- i should say they were wore kbri -- worried how this would look because they were the party of national security and as tom rinl said there, they would be fighting this battle of immigration on the backs of those that go to work every day. and on the hill, the last hour harry reid announced he is okay moving forward with mitch mcconnell's plan to move forward to divide the two issues. a clean homeland security bill would go on the senate floor and another vote where republicans could have the opportunity to express their anger regarding the president's immigration executive actions. we do not know when exactly that vote will occur. it could be within the next day that we had the procedural vote to move forward, but then the ball is still in the senate's
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court and the question becomes what does ted cruz do and jeff sessions of alabama do? do they try and block the clean dhs bill from moving forward. we still have to see that in the senate. now when we go to the house side it is even more complicated. john boehner has three options. he can take the mcconnell bill which will pass in the house, which i told by two members, it will get 65 votes along with democrats, or say no way, jose and let the conservative part of his conference scream and yell and join them and say we are going to fight the immigration fight now. or he can come up with a third option which is a temporary funding of the department of homeland security and figure out a way in the court system to challenge the legality of the president's executive actions. so two things. can the bill get through the senate before friday at 11:59 p.m. and then what happens with john boehner and out of the three options i mentioned.
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>> and luke, this is playing out on a day when we do have the new report from the fbi that there were three -- three people potentially attempting to join isis or wanting to join isis or plotting, if they couldn't get to syria, attacks here in the u.s. so it is a very interesting atmosphere in which they are now debating this. has that news started to resonate on the hill with people you are talking with. >> reporter: it is interesting that you bring that up joy. i had an opportunity to talk with the homeland security secretary jeh johnson and i asked him that question. i said what do members of congress say to you, you have one hand behind your back and take a listen to what he told me. >> the response is we need to fund homeland security. and go talk to the other guy. and that is a little frustrating. so i'm talking to everybody i can. >> reporter: so there it is joy.
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the typical capitol hill washington, d.c. answer. yeah we acknowledge the problem and know it is there and the individuals arrested in new york and we know that al shabab has threatened the mall of america and we support homeland security but go bother the other guy about it because maybe they can get it done. what else is new here. >> it is like dr. seuss is writing the script for what is happening in our nation's capital right now. luke russert. >> take care. senator warren throwns down the gauntlet to hillary clinton, show us. >> and eddie ray routh found guilty for the killing of kyle and littlefield and we'll discuss what led the jury to reject the insanity defense. >> it was all an act. that is just the way he was. he never grew up. he was still just opposite and
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see how new york can grow your business and create jobs. visit after two weeks of testimony in the so-called american sniper trial it took jurors just 2 1/2 hours to reach a verdict. eddie ray routh was found guilty of the murder of chris kyle and littlefield. roublg was sentenced -- routh was sentenced to life in prison without parole. and the family reacted to an interview this morning. >> it was an answered prayer. we've waited a long time to hear
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that and we feel justice was served. >> it was just an answered prayer because we waited so long and owl of our pain it needed to be done and i think that the jury did it right. >> charles had lock has been covering this trial and what is the reaction in the community in stephenville, texas. >> reporter: it took the jury two hours and including having dinner to make the decision. it simply didn't believe eddie routh's story that he was insane at the time of the killings. they simply didn't believe the story. they watched the facts unfold in this trial and the facts led them to the fact that eddie ray routh admitted to killing the two men who were trying to help him. the facts pointed to the fact that
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that he shot both men six or seven times and littlefield was struggling to stay alive and he walked over to him and shot him in the head and loaded a gun and took off in the truck. and they say, crazy, don't run and eye euphemism saying that the insanity reason doesn't work and you don't run and he ran from police before he was caught. that is what they decided. and the defense said they will appeal the decision. >> and joining me civil rights attorney and the host of the docket on shift msnbc. and so you wrote a piece about this trial and i'm going to read a little bit of your words and you said after handling hundreds of cases with mentally ill clients i've learned that most individuals lie in a -- lie in a
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middle ground where they could lie either side of legal insanity. er go expert dilemma. and so it is difficult to prove the insanity defense. >> it is difficult. and in that piece, i was trying to explain that if both sides agree the person gets sent to the hospital and no need for a trial. why it is difficult, number one, the jurors are not given enough time to ingest all of the information that it takes clinitians and physicians decades to comprehend. that is one problem. the other is the defendant is sitting there competent to stand trial after having been restored to competency. so his crazy was a long time ago. it is not in front of the jury. so they don't see that. and in in particular case the american sniper factor. >> well let's talk about that. that is the elephant in the room. this is the trial that is also attached to a very popular film
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in which eddie ray routh appears and they say him. so the jurors were allowed to see the film. how was that not prejudicial. >> i don't know. and how did the prosecutor not line this up with the premier of the movie and the oscars. so that falls in there. this wasn't called the routh trial or the chris kyle trial it was called the american sniper trial. and the certain lies that routh gave meaning that he was in iraq, and that he was in haiti. the jurors knew about that. and the jurors did not hear at least during the trial, that chris kyle lied about post katrina, that he was there and he said he killed 30 people. that was investigated and found to be not true. that he was carjacked in texas, also investigatived to be not
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true -- investigated and not true. and he claims all of the proceeds from his book went to charities. only 2% went to charity and that was $52,000. and the family kept millions. i think over $3 million. >> do you think -- and in a nutshell do you think eddie ray routh got a fair trial? >> no. and i think he will have a chance to appeal based on that. >> thank you for being here. and you can catch sima on the docket on tuesday on shift by msnbc. and in a few minutes we expect to hear from the new york police commissioner on the three men arrested in a plot to travel to syria and join isis and we'll have that for you live:.
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any moment now we expect to hear from nypd commissioner bill bratton on the three mep a -- men accused of going to sear to fight with isis and we'll have that when that begins. and can we stop hinting and saying she is running already. and there are hints that hillary clinton is running for president. she spoke to 5,000 people at a tech con conference yesterday but she said light into her thinking in 2016. >> why wait announcing and all of these women here in silicon family. >> all in good time is sort of my response. because there is a lot to think about. i have to tell you. i don't know how many of you are list makers.
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i have a very long list. i'm going down it. i'm very committed to go down it but i haven't checked off the last couple of things. >> and while clinton may be getting closer to a decision there are some in the world who are skeptical of a clinton bid. enter massachusetts senator elizabeth warren. >> i think that is what we have to see. i want to hear what she wants to run on and what she says she wants to do. that is what campaigns are supposed to be about. >> and joining me now, former ohio state friend joan turner and from salon, and jamie williams executive editor. and my super friends, joan why all of the coyness. i understand that the clinton camp doesn't want to have this wash over her potential bid but is it going to -- and does the
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coyness look problematic? >> it does look problematic because you don't have to make any campaign preparations. so it is just assumed you can take your time and declare when you think it is the best time for you. so i think she is getting close to having to stop this. and some people thought that what elizabeth warren said was shocking or negative or critical. i was perfectly happy to hear it. i don't expect elizabeth warren to give her endorsement to somebody until she does declare and with a progressive platform as someone who expects to support her, i want to hear more and know more and i want to see warren push her. >> and they did write about this in the washington post elizabeth warren wants to make sure that the clinton people know she won't be a pushover. warren wants to remain apart from the ard ebt clinton support hes to -- arden clinton supporter to make sure that a tough and aggression to wall
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street is part of her campaign. >> we need that. everyone wants to say she was throwing shade at the secretary but she was saying i want to wait and hear and know her platform and if she is in line with what i want and believe. most of what the former secretary stands for is in line with what senator warren stands for. so i'm having a shakespeare moment, what is in a name -- a rose by any other name is sweet. >> and there is the question of how progressive hillary clinton is. and she was a sent rift and a hawk on foreign policy and is he going to have a problem from the left? >> no. because warren won't come out against hillary clinton. and if she does that will not only eclipse, and that warren is not endorsing her or having to vote for her, and that won't
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happen. but hillary clinton is progressive and she is progressive on marriage progressive on choice and civil rights progressive on -- how much more progressive can she possibly be. and also she was the senator from new york. the last time i checked, down the street from where we are currently there is that neat little ugly place called wall street, and they are doing well and middle america is not. she has to say i was the senator from new york, two terms, i want to be the president of everybody and that is a middle class issue and she can talk about it and hammer it home and she can be progressive and pro-business too. there is fog wrong with that. >> and during the 2008 campaign she supported the abolition of the carried interest loophole. >> which was anti-wall street. >> she took a few stands that surprised me even at the time and that was before the populous moment. >> and don't forget how she got her start. she heard a speech by the reverend dr. martin luther king,
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jr. >> which turned her from a republican to a democrat. >> let's turn to -- speaking of republicans. we have to talk about rand paul. he has liabilities and clearly what he has his is -- has is his dad. and let's listen -- which is a liability. listen to him talk to lou rockwell in february about the congressional black caucus and the subject of war. >> i was always annoyed with it in congress because we had an anti-war unofficial group, a few libertarian republicans an then generally the black caucus and others did not -- they are really against war because they want the money to go to food stamps or to people here. >> i don't have a question. i think you should just does that. >> barbara lee is not anti-war she carried it on her back.
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last time i checked she was a member of the cbc. it is so racist and i'm sorry, rand paul will have to answer for it. he worked on his dad's campaigns and that is where he cut his teeth. he needs to tell us he thinks this is not just i don't believe it, but my dad had a moment. because that is disgusting. >> i'm annoyed as heaven and i know this is a pg show. the fact that members of the cbc would want people to eat -- to try to malign the cbc in that way is just tragic by every measure. it is absolutely wrong. and agree with joan flat out racist. call it what it is. >> when food stamp president became the newt gingrich calling card against president obama it was a rightly lyly as a way to malign him in a racially charmed way. >> this is not dog whistling, this is kicking the dog. this is not even the sarah palin standing of the dog. rand paul is cray cray and he
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has lost his mind and -- >> making it known. >> and he said this to buzzfeed. this is not hewitt. people read buzzfeed. >> i thought he said it to lew rockwell. >> he did. >> okay. and now every single republican candidate has to say, i get he doesn't want to have a conversation about dinosaurs but he will have to say either he agrees with what ron paul said or not. >> at minimum the son will have to do it. >> and the democrats should say something about it too. >> indeed. we could do this all day. john walsh, jimmy williams nina turner thank you. >> and we'll let you know we are awaiting bill bratton, the new york police commissioner who will be speaking any minute about the three arrests at jfk airport regarding isis so we'll
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and we are awaiting new york police commissioner bill bratton's press conferenceond three arrests today, three people plotting to go and join isis and if that didn't work out to launch attacks here in the united states. let's get the latest from wabc reporter jonathan dienst. >> well one traveled a plane ticket overseas to try to get into syria to join isis and a second suspect was planning to travel in march. part of a network of three suspects from brooklyn who were plotting to join isis overseas and if not as you said they talked about wanting to carry out attacks here inside of the u.s. aspirational perhaps, but they talked about bombing or carrying out shootings on coney island which is a beach and amusement area in brooklyn and targeting
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police or fbi agents here in new york and even targeting president obama himself. the fbi has all of that on secret recordings that they've been following and following one of the men since last summer and in tracking him that led them to two other suspects. we are told from law enforcement officials they are looking at several other people to see if they have any other connections to the cells or at least if there are any immigration issues involving those so we may expect in the near future the contacts the three men may have had from others here in new york city or others in the u.s. the investigation is clearly ongoing. but one of the suspects appeared in court in jacksonville florida, two others expected to appear in brooklyn federal court this afternoon. and again, police commissioner bratton and the fbi expected to hold a news conference here in new york within the next half hour to explain more details about who the men were and what
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exactly they were allegedly up to. >> w nbc reporter jonathan deets, thank you. >> and lawrence o'donnell -- host of the last word here on msnbc is sitting here with me. and so bill bratton juggling a lot as new york city police commissioner but this isn't just a city this is a metropolis. >> he has a job like a president, during a few weeks at a time it can appear to be about one thing but in fact, as occupants of those jobs there are so many things going on every day and in the case of the president and the commissioner there is international terrorism and how it flows through this city and what the nypd has done since 9/11 is set up a small army within the army of a police department. >> and i think a lot of us of those of us still scarred by the
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bush years you would have periodic rollouts and supposed plots by people who had no money or wherewithal to carry something out but then you have the boston marathon bombing and the actual 9/11 attacks and you do have a city that is a unique terrorist target so you have to take it deadly seriously even if the people may not have the wherewithal. >> new york will always be the number one target because of population density. i bomb that goes off here can hurt more people than a bomb going off, generally speaking than any other area of the country. the population density here on one block is more than anywhere else. and it is such a big metropolis with easy access to all sort of things that are important, and including a transportation system that could be in effect instantly shut down and it requires this constant vigilance. and the nypd and bratton know the price of failure here and it could be literally the shut down
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of the city. >> and invited you to talk about other things he is dealing with as far as police relations but it is important to have good and symbiotic relations. >> and that new phrase they came up with if you see something, say something. well you will say something if you feel better about the people you are saying something to. it is the ultimate lesson in the value of community policing and the ultimate lesson in the value of a strong relationship with a community. and basically, what we've learned about police work in the last 150 years of it in the united states is every community is best policed by people in that community. where bratton is from in boston there was a protest in fan ual hall when they hired the first irish cop because the local protestant community there, the
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english stock said literally, one politician said it is a conflict of interest for an irishman to be a policeman because they are all criminals. and what civilized both the crime rate in boston at the time and other developments in the city was actually allowing this big influx of irish cops to police the irish, who were then the primary criminal element. so he has known and watched the value of community policing throughout his career. and he's done better than most. you can criticize every police commissioner. when i look at bratton, my grade is always better than most. >> and he's dealing with union issues as well. and stemming from what happened on 9/11, you did have this tremendous militarization of the police. >> and it was starting before that. the so-called tactical units. and literally over 15 years
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before that and 9/11 gave it justification and a federalization and in effect the tanks moving in from washington that you could have if places like we saw in st. louis and ferguson places that there is absolutely no call for that kind of equipment. >> but at the end of the day, the see something and say something turns out to matter more. >> absolutely. and it always has. and that is what cops on the beat always knew. my father was a cop who walked a beat in boston and new the names of -- knew the names of people. and that was value. and bratton is trying to increase that starting this year in new york. you never get back to the point we used to see in the old movies of the cop and everybody knows his name. but literally getting people out -- police officers out into a community that grows to know them not just the store owners in the community, but more people getting to know them that is the ultimate in effective police work. >> and extraordinarily and difficult job bill bratton has
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to do. that is almost impossible to grade that. >> he has a police department of 35,000. the largest in america. there is nothing quite like it. there is no urban police department quite like it. and again, if you look for example, questionable or bad use of deadly force by a police department, in new york city that problem has gone straight down in the 30 years that i've been studying it. it used to be kind of out of control in this city. it -- every instance of it is unacceptable. absolutely unacceptable. but what you've seen is an improvement in the overall statistical picture of that steadily and bratton has been a big part of that. >> indeed. we are watching and waiting for this news conference to begin. bill bratton expected to speak and we'll bring it to you and the great lawrence o'donnell. thank you for being here and we expect you to watch the last word every week night monday through thursday. >> expectly when joy reid --
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especially when joy reid is a guest. because the show is so much smarter. >> thank you. thank you for being here. we'll be right back. you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. it's just you and your honey. the setting is perfect. but then erectile dysfunction happens again. you know what? plenty of guys have this issue not just getting an erection but keeping it. well, viagra helps
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as we are awaiting the new york city police commissioner bill bratton's news conference this was a pre-scheduled news conference to make comments about the three arrests today plotting to join isis and if not successful to launch attacks in the united states. we'll bring you that when it comes. and we are three hours away from the town hall with the president with jose diaz balart tonight at 8:00 p.m. here and on telemundo. it comes as republican leaders are using every tool at their disposal to stop the president's action on immigration. and as the white house tries to reverse an injunction on the plan to shield up to 5 million
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immigrants for deportation. and it hasn't been all that long since some immigration activists took to calling the president the deporter and chief. and joining me the president and ceo of voter latino and with me in new york raul reyes, contributor to nbc so let's start with the latter point. we have the irony that president is facing the possible defunding of the department of homeland security while we are awaiting the news conference of the arrests and the executive action and there were activists that were blaming the white house for the passes -- lack of passing on immigration. >> and that is why i found the judge's opinion to be so irregular. he used words like amnesty and invasion in his opinion and he said the obama administration has abandoned the immigration
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and that was a surp to the 2 million plus people deported. so this is hirely irregular. and if dhs is defunded people still have to go to work but parts of the government will have to [ technical difficulties ] >> and the handling of visas, that will continue because that is funded by fees. so it doesn't make sense and seem to be an end game here other than thwarting the president no matter what the cost to so many undocumented people who want to come forward and be part of this country. >> and the politics are confusing from the point of the view it is tied to the department of homeland security which is something that republicans do support.
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but also the optics of it. because we are talking about expanding deferred action for childhood arrivals and making that for people over 30 and you came here as a child and you had no idea you were being brought to the country without documents and that is daca abuelitas -- >> your spanish is amazing. >> deporting a granny do you understand the politics? >> before he went to the town hall in miami, the president met with a group of us to talk about what you are saying. it doesn't make sense to defund dhs. what congress is saying is that we are going to defund dhs whether they are kids or grnd parents and -- grandparents and
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because homeland security cannot do their due diligence to protect the american people every single day. i don't know how this will play in middle of america except for them shaking their head and saying this doesn't make any sense. and at the end of the day they shoulder this temporary action of the president and overstepped his bounds and at the end of the day this is leaving a sour taste in the american latino voter come 2016. they won't easily forget if they halt this because they are playing politics on the backs of families. >> indeed. and dan eaton vote a interesting take on this on and said the judge might have done a favor to the millions of people who could get relief under daca because say they came forward and allowed themselves to be registered an put themselves on the record and then this was overturned or withdrawn and then people would be completely exposed to potential
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deportation. as an attorney do you agree with that? >> yes, i do. and as i touched on the opinion was such a political document with so little nuance i think in a way it is easily the higher we do in the -- we go in the judicial system the more likely it is overturned. he did a disservice or his beliefs, whatever you want to call it a disservice by going so far. and there is another enemy at stake here and that is the clock. because the longer this drags on this could be weeks or months. >> that is right. and ray -- >> it creates a chance for people not to come forward and if they are on the fence or scared or intimidated and that might be the intention. but it is destructive to the immigrant community because there is fear and anxiety and the president will have questions tonight at the town hall about what should i do and can i trust the government and is it safe and what about the next administration. that is what people want to know. >> and very last word teresa? >> one thing we have to look at
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closely is the fact that the judge ruled very much on texas alone. so because it actually provides the parameters for the department of homeland security saying, so texas, folks living in texas, you can't come forward, but california can because they don't have -- so looking at those nuances where there are ways to carve around the law that make sure this happens. >> it is very -- it is a puzzle. well i want to thank maria and ray for being here. and tune in tonight for the exclusive town hall. you can watch that at 8:00 p.m. eastern here at msnbc. and we are still watching for the press conference by bill bratton and that will be picked up in the next hour by "the cycle" and i'll see you back here tomorrow on "the reid report" at 2:00 p.m. eastern. the "the cycle" is up next.
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join isis with ties to new york city and are now under arrest. we are waiting to hear from the nypd commissioner on this breaking news. here is what we know so far. the feds nabbed three brooklyn residents accused of planning to join isis overseas and if they didn't succeed with that plan the trio allegedly planning to carry out attacks here at home. nbc news justice correspondent pete williams is on the story. these men apparently voiced even a willingness to kill president obama if that is what isis wanted down the road. explain why the fbi made their move today and what we know at this hour? >> well they made the move today because one of them was boarding a plane the february said to turkey to go on to syria and another had a ticket to go there next month. so that explains today. one of them talked about shooting the president. the fbi clearly got on to all of this last aug when it discovered
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