tv Politics Nation MSNBC March 17, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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all of this. great to have you both with us. we appreciate your time. we will follow this story as it is in the 11th hour. that's "the ed show." "politics nation" with al sharpton starts right now. \s. >> good evening. we start with breaking news. the polls in israel are close the prime minister netanyahu is fighting for his political life. right now the votes are being counted. the results could echo across the world stage. ♪ supporters of netanyahu today hoping for a win, but he's facing a major challenge from the center left forcing him to pull out all the stops, including a last-minute appeal
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to the far right. coming out again the palestinian state, and posting a warning on facebook today that arabs are voting in droves. the outcome isn't clear, but what is clear is this could have a far-reaching impact a far-reaching political impact here at home and expos the gop shenanigans on foreign policy. exactly two weeks ago today, netanyahu was in the middle of a controversy after speaker boehner broke with protocol and invited him. >> this is a bad deal. it's a very bad deal. we're better off without it. >> the speech sparked a backlash
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in israel and laid bare the disrespect that the republicans have for president obama. then came the open letter to iran signed by 47 republican senators. what "new york daily news" calling them traitors. that's why this election matters. it's about america's relationship with israel a grate ally in a dangerous region. the gop shenanigans have turned this into a very serious matter indeed. joining me is governor ed rendell and "the washington post" e.j. dionne. thank you for being here. >> our pleasure. how much did that raise the stakes in today's election in israel? in the short run -- campaign
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saying he wasn't in -- not in favor of a palestinian state appears to have helped him with the far right base with the israeli electoral. it looks as it's dead even at 27 seats each or maybe 28 to 27 seat lead for nettenia howard but you need 60 seats to form a government. it means both parties are going to have to deal with the collateral parties and try to put a coalition together or put a coalition together among themselves. it appears that he appeal to the right worked in the waning days of the campaign but he was hurt by coming to the u.s. and talking to the congress. >> so e.j. give me your analysis. did it help him in terms of the republicans helping them try to embarrass the president, but
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hurt him at home? and he had to go back to a fear right position which may not be in the interests of the united states and others in terms of saying no palestinian state. did he have to go there to try to save himself? >> yeah. i think it's because at the least his address to congress didn't help him. i think it may have hurt him in a couple ways which is why he had to go in the direction he did. it hurt him number one, because a lot of israeli voters were not voting on security issues. they kept saying housing and affordable and economic questions. the other thing is there are israelis sensitive to american opinion. they know the united states is an important ally. what he did in the end is he cannibalized the votes of the other right-wing parties. he did come up but this is not a shift to the right in the israeli electoral. it's just that some of the smaller right-wing parties gave up seats to push netanyahu um.
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what it looks like tonight at the moment if the exit pops turn out to be right is that a center card, the kulanu party, led by a former likud person allyally which is why he split away he may hold the balance of power, so if the seats shake out the way they look right now, a couple center parties will decide whether benjamin neddenia hue survives or whether we have a new government in israel. >> again, the exit polls say it is too close to call. governor, one thing that did happen after the speech is that both he and president obama said the relationship is above politics. listen. >> i no-no matter which side of the aisle you sit, you stand
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with israel. the remarkable alliance between israel and the united states is always above politics it must always remain above politics. >> this is the u.s./israeli relationship that extends beyond parties and has to do with the unbreakable bond we kneel and our commitment to israeli security. >> they both said the right thing, governor but how much did he coming here at the invitation of speaker boehner without informing president obama, how much did it add to the tension in the relationship between the administration the president obama and nettenia howard. no question it added a great. the prime minister's words belie his actions. his actions were very partisan. he chose to september the invitation of the republican congress, to address that congress without the approval of the democratic is thatpresident, and
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that's unprecedented in american history. he chose netanyahu to inject partisanship. i think the relationship will sustain itself over that but it was a bad idea for him to come. he suffered repercussions at the polls, and i think e.j. is right, all they did was cannibalize the far right-wing parties and manage to pull seats from them. that's why he bounced back a little bit and went from 22 to 27 or 28 tonight, slightly ahead of the opposition, but not enough to come close to forming a government. >> e.j., the american public also rejoked the gop's invitation of netanyahu, and rejected the letter to iran. just 30% said it was, and 18% said the her to iran helped u.s.
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efforts. is the gop damaging itself with these maneuvers, e.j.? >> i think that chart on the screen answers your question reverend. i think it really has. it's been striking to me and i must say heartening, quite a lot of conservative republicans have come out and said that iran letter was a bad idea. the invitation really seemed to be turning israel into a partisan and ideological issue. the fact of the matter is the american alliance has been based not just on what conservatives and republicans think, but liberals and democrats have been among israel's strongest supporters. if you turn this into an ideological issue in the united states that is not good for israel and this letter which just undercuts the president in the middle of a negotiation, we could easily say what republicans would say about that if it had been a democratic
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letter about a republican president. >> but governor despite that despite the polls, dizzy spite the logic of what e.j. is laying out, senator ted cruz was on this station this morning saying he would sign it all over again. watch this. >> i would sign it and as john hancock said in large print, so the ayatollah wouldn't need his reading glasses. >> there's always been extremists like ted cruz governor but where are the adults in the gop? >> first, let me say that's why ted cruz is my choice for the republican nomination for president. >> is that an endorsement? >> absolutely except it will hurt him. but secondly the adults as usual don't have the guts to confront the very slimmest of the slim right-wing base who thought that letter was a good idea. as e.j. said we've heard from
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conservative republicans. the "new york daily news" is no friend of president obama, and they disagree on the iran deal but they were the ones that put that startling headline on the front page of their paper, so you don't have to be for the iran deal to realize what the republicans said was shameful. they are proving they cannot govern. they said they were going to govern. they have governed irresponsibly. they need to be replaced. all right. well, we are going to be watching throughout the program the runs from israel and be covering that and the implications for the united states. e.j. dionne and ed rendell, thank you for your time tonight. look on the, there's a new plan to help the poor. it's even worse than what they've tried to do before. plus the gop comes up with a ridiculous new excuse for blocking loretta lynch.
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also should al gore run for president? lots of people are talking about it. why did paris hilton's brother get a sweetheart deal to keep him out of jail? that's ahead on tonight's "justice file." in small business you have to work hard, know your numbers, and stay focused. i was determined to create new york city's first self-serve frozen yogurt franchise. and now you have 42 locations. the more i put into my business the more i get out of it. like 5x your rewards when you make select business purchases with your ink plus card from chase. and with ink, i choose how to redeem my points for things like cash or travel. how's the fro-yo? just peachy...literally.
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it's a news trent we've seen on the right, talking about positive income inequality and the middle class. well today house republicans unveiled their ten-year budget plan and what's their master plan to attack these issues? slashing and gutting $5.5 trillion in spending. the grand idea to fight for the poor and middle classes to repeal the affordable care act, take away health insurance, and their timing couldn't be better. new numbers show because of the law, more than 16 million
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americans have game coverage. under the law, the uninsured rate has plummeted 35%, so what else is in this grand plan? to gut the federal food stamp program. they want to take food stamps away from families trying to put food on the table and those food stamps help the economy. >> our budget is our vision for how to get the country back on track, how to address the big problems at washington is facing and it stands in stark contrast to the vision the president has laid out not only in his policies but also in his budget. the contrast couldn't be clearer. >> i agree, the contrast couldn't be clearer. they want to get the safety net, and the president is trying to build the middle class. this was a statement of political philosophy today. we know what they truly believe, and it ain't pretty. joining me now is representative
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emanuel cleaver. thank you for being here. >> good to be with you. >> congressman, they talk about changing, then we see a budget gutting health care and food stamps what's your reaction? >> well this budget that will be released next tuesday is a combination of every bad idea that they've had over the last ten years. it would be like dracula, the return of dracula, the return of the return of dracula, plus godzilla, wolfman and freddy krueger all in one movie. that's what you get with this budget. the weird thing is that it does further damage to many of the constituents that we all represent, including republicans, and even the greater tragedy is they would take money from the affordable care act and take those 16
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million people plus that you mentioned, reverend away from health care and then not have any other supportive services for them when they don't have health care like having proper nutritional diet because the s.n.a.p. program has continued to be sliced apart, millions of americans, most of them elderly and children will continue to suffer. this is crazy. >> that's who benefits from these programs. i mean this is crazy, congressman. let's talk about the plan to gut food stamps. it would cut roughly $15 billion from food stamp program over ten years, or roughly 15% at current spending levels. in the federal entitlement program, as we know it. i mean would this be the end of food stamps if they got through through, congressman? >> yes, and also create a kind of society that we have not seen since the 1930s, because when
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you're talking about older people, we're talking about people's grandmothers many of them, perhaps the majority of them are republicans, democrats, black, white, brown, and what i think people need to understand is there are a lot of people in this country who bought into a lie, probably millions that this is a wasteful program. the truth of the matter is 92% of the money, according to the government accounting office goes for the people who need the service. on top of that the fraud program is one cent on the dollar. you can't spend that from church spending from the vatican, from the most purified sources in the world. >> what the president talked about the republican plan today. listen to this. >> it's no a budget that reflects the future. it's not a budget that reflects growth. it's not a budget that's going to help ensure that middle-class
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families are able to maintain the security and stability, and people trying to get in will have the rungs on the ladder. >> i'll keep my four-leaf clover in my pocket and see if the speaker and mitch mcconnell and others are interested in having that conversation. >> i think the president's going to need more than a four-leaf clover. what do you think, congressman? >> yes, he's going to need more. he's going to need hi veto pen. the tragedy is and maybe he'll use a green pen, but here's what we need to think about. the people at home the base who believes they can actually repeal the affordable care act and start over start over incidentally with things we don't know about, but they would somehow repeal the affordable care act, 16 million people would lose insurance. the insurance companies, the insurance companies would just
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almost collapse in this country, and -- >> that's right. >> the reality is that the president is going to veto it and the people at home they're trying to appeal to probably don't understand that. >> let me congressman, since i have you here i have to ask you something. you are from the great state of missouri. i need to ask about the comments from the lieutenant governor there, peter kinder. he was asked if there was more racism in the justice department than there was in the town of ferguson and its police department. listen to his answer. >> there is more racism in the justice departments than there are in any -- yes, than anywhere i see in the st. louis area. we are making progress. we've come an enormous way in 50 years. that's not to say we still don't have more to do but it is the left, the eric holder and obama left and their minute ons who
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are --minions on the left. >> where is this racism that's more in ferguson or missouri. what is he talking about? >> that is a very, very unfortunate that our lieutenant governor chose to use these words that are very diadvicive. i'm not sure about the racism he's talking about in the department of justice, so i think what we all ought to hope he will do including myself, is he will expos this racism. he ought to call it out. once he points it owl, i can tell you that i will be one of the first to condemn it and criticize all of this racism in the justice department. >> but he needs to document it. >> that's right. >> i won't say a word. just lay it out, but i think all of this reckless stuff, we have always called -- you, i and others -- we have heard serious
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allegations, let's go for the facts. even if it came in ways we didn't like we did not protest it we moved on to whatever other options were there to move on. >> that's right. >> but all of this name-calling and minions, and all that document what you're saying. if there's racism in the jut department? where? who? what is the allegation? let's look into it lieutenant governor. >> that's where i am. hope maybe the committee on government reform will look for the racism and maybe bring the lieutenant governor here as a witness. we need to wipe this stuff out. if it's in the department of justice, let's clean it up,ened the lieutenant governor ought to lead us in this great crusade. >> and we've invited him on the show to come any day he warrants this week. he can again do all the talking. we just want the facts, not just the name-calling. >> congressman cleaver, thank you for your time tonight. >> good to be with us reverend.
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straight ahead, a dramatic day of testimony in the boston bomber trial. will the suspect take the assistant himself? plus maybe you didn't see this one coming. should al gore run for president? there's talk about it today. why are we still waiting 129 days for loretta lynch's vote? today more republicans are blocking her, and it's insane. please stay with us. [epic music] ♪ introducing aleve pm... the pm pain reliever. that dares to work all the way until... [birds chirping] the am. new aleve pm. it's the first to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. for pain relief that can last
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time now for "the justice files." with me is aarriva martin and host of "judge faith" faith jenkins. thank for being here. first we go to the 2r50i8 of the accused boston bomber dzhokhar tsarnaev. today jurors heard from the owner of the boat where they were captured. he testified after spending the day under lockdown he checked on the boat noticed blood, and then saw dzhokhar lying in it at
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the bottom of the boat. today they saw pictures of carvings in the boat that said stop killing our innocent people and we will stop. later a high school friend of dzhokhar's took the stand and admitted lending the gun that tsarnaev brothers used -- allegedly used to kill a police officer. prosecutors are expected to wrap up their case in the next few days. faith, you know the defense is not being very aggressive so far, but will that change? will they have tsarnaev take the stand? >> well remember in the very beginning of the trial when the defense attorney gave his opening statement, he looked right at her jurors and his client and said three words -- it was him. he conceded at the very beginning this young man was involved in helping hi brother carry out these bombings. what hess's doing is he's not trying to prove his client's innocence. he's trying to say it was the older brother that masterminded
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me bombings and the younger brother was simply influenced by him, brainwashed by his older brother. that's why he's been letting the prosecutors do his job, because he's admitting that his client was definitely there, and they've been sailing through the witnesses. the prosecutors have put on 51 witnesses. now will tsarnaev take the witness stand? that is a good question. i don't think at the end of the day he will. during the testimony part of this face. i think he will be convicted. i think in the sentencing phase, there is a good chance he might. >> arriva what are the benefits of putting him on the stand? >> he's got to personalize himself. the case is not about guilt or innocence in terms of whether he did it that's already been conceded. now it's about saving his life. in order for the jurors to determine that he deserves the death penalty, they have to see him as this monster. that's what the prosecution has
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been doing, painting him as a monster. the defense's job, though is to paint a different story, as a young kid who was so influenced by his brother, he wasn't making the decisions. these a risky strategy for the defense because of the scribblings that you talked about in the boat. they don't appear to be of someone who is remorseful sorry for the acts that were committed. it's a very risky strategy for the defense. he may not tell the story of a brainwashed little brother. >> now, faith, dzhokhar's friends talked about lending him a gun, but the defense also tried to use this testimony to humanize dzhokhar. the defense asked -- you were shod that dzhokhar could do something like that? hi friend said -- yes. he also said -- i've never seen him violent. the defense asked -- he was kindhearted? the friend said, yes, he was. what are they trying to do here?
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>> without him taking the witness stand, they're trying to show a different side. the prosecutors have done a great job describing the carnage, the death and destruction that him and his brother caused. right now they can get other witnesses on the stand without putting him on the witness stand and somehow gain sympathy from thinks jurors? that's what they would like to do at the end they are trying to spare his life. they know he's going to be convicted, but a victory for them has a very different meaning. >> next up a plea deal for hotel heir conrad hilton. he was facing up to 20 years in prison for a mid flight meltdown. last july where he allegedly fought with the flight crew threatened to kill crew members, and referred to other passengers as quote, peasants. but today he pled guilty to one misdemeanor assault charge and
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prosecutors have agreed to recommend probation. it's got a lot of people asking is this another case of affluenza. here's comedian bill maher. >> you kind of think, why can't we book this kid on a malaysian airline? before you say, kid, every kid that inharnts money, doesn't become a jerk. let me give you two names -- donald trump. >> areva, probation for this crime? would a regular person get that deal? >> i just read about a case that a man did something very similar, and he got one year and a day in prison for the same acts. you know back in 2007 we were talking about paris hilton and her meltdown and the special treatment they got right here in los angeles county you know when she was let out of the
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jail, when others who would have committed the same crime were treated differently. we can't help but point to a lot of situations where celebrities, and people who are of high net worth get treated in our criminal justice system better than, at the prosecution stage, tess sentencing stage, and even once they get into custody. things are different for them. i think this case is an example of that. >> faith? >> what's so amazeing is obviously they're looking to give him a second chance. when you read about what he did, it's outrageous. he put the safety of everyone on that plane at risk with his behavior. >> in the air. >> in the air. >> you and i fly a lot. >> right. >> it really can't be tolerated. instead of sending a message, they give him a slap on the wrist. is it really about what you did? or about who you are? clearly they're trying to give him a second chance.
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this is a young man who's had all the opportunities in the world. there's no excuse for him to behave like this. >> my thing is if you're going to give him a second chance you should give everybody a second chance. because what happened was so egregious and put people at risk then you should do that for him, too, areva and faith, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks thanks rev. still 129 days and countic for loretta lynch. republicans have cooked up a brand-new excuse for not voting on her for attorney general. also republicans want to take a little peek at hillary clinton's e-mail server. and why are people talking about al gore running for president? "conversation nation" is next.
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time now for "conversation nation." joining me tonight political strategist angela rye, political analyst jason johnson, and's liz plank. thank you all for a being here tonight. we start with the new gop attack on hillary clinton. speaker john boehner is demanding she turn over her e-mail server in the name of
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transparency. >> the american people deserve all the facts about what happened in benghazi. that's why it's so important for secretary clinton to turn over her personal server to a neutral third party. that's the fairest way to make sure we have all the documents that belong to the public and ultimately all the facts. >> republicans are desperately hoping the e-mail controversy will hurt clinton, but there's not much evidence of that in the polls. 57% said they would be proud to have hillary as president. so jason, is the public already turning out the gop's e-mail-gazi scanned an? >> anytime i heard the word "benghazi" i go to sleep. no one cares. the public doesn't care. the only people who care are the republicans. they're hoping to find some secret e-mails.
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there's nothing to be found. i think it's perfectly legitimate to ask a public fivl to turn over any communication they engaged in while in office. i agree with john boehner on that but for benghazi's purposes, it's not going to go anywhere. >> angela isn't this more about some legitimate questions of transparency but in many cases in the past they have overrun the runway here and they have gone way beyond the import they could have just left out there and let mrs. clinton have to deal with and maybe even stumble on? >> i think there are a couple things. one is benghazi is not a scandal anymore. we saw secretary clinton testify before the committee just exasperated to the idea of i don't know what else to do. it's horrible that someone representing the america's interesting lost his life as well as the other folks representing that embassy.
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it's a horrible situation. the issue is at this point, when you're talking about transparency what else do they want from her? she turned over the e-mails. she had a server in her home. it's not like she's ever been subject to attacks and faux scandals about before. she experienced this in the white house. i think at this point maybe speaker boehner and trey gowdy can say, let's do a dare. we'll turn over our personal e-mails as well. >> or liz, turn over jeb bush's. he had a personal server. let's do it for everybody. we should pester even scott walker. these are people -- jeb bush asked his constituents to e-mail him to his private e-mail. what's not being talked about there? why aren't those scandals as
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sexy as the clinton one? and to me there's just -- if i was the republican party, i would draw attention to other things which i think are much more valid criticisms. the fact that the foundation is taking funnels from saudi arabia and dictatorships that are anti-women. >> they're not even raising issues like that. >> exactly. should al gore run for president again? it's been nearly 15 years since he lost his bid for the presidency but some folks think it might be time to throw his hat back into the ring. "new york times" has just published a profile of the new optimism of al gore touts his successful push on the environment. over at vox, they have come up with a list of reasons why, including his ability to
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fund-raise. >> angela, what do you think? >> rev, i don't think that al gore should consider a second run. part of it is because, just like i feel so deeply about the seahawks' loss i am still bleeding from that loss at the supreme court level about al gore's last run. i have to bring up kind of the woman question. when it comes to hillary, she's too old and washed up but now we can bring back al goir? that's interesting to me. the same exact administration we're talking about. but rev, since it is st. patrick's day and looks like both of us are feeling lucky, maybe there's another al we should consider running for president. >> it would actually be his third time running, and jason, not that i want to get into it with angela but the seahawks messed up at the line. >> don't do that rev. i'm still hurt.
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>> it was a great deceivesive play. >> i'm still hurt from the losses the i need sympathy. >> they took it back. there's the difference. >> c'mon rev. >> you brought it up angela. >> i'm still bleeding from the losses. >> i'll make it simple. al gore should not run again. i do not need any more '90s flashback, no seinfeld no cross colors. let's get -- i personally would prefer we have people who have dealt with the problems of today rather than candidates talking about the problems they handled 20 years ago. >> i totally have to agree. i think it shows there are anxieties on the democratic side right now about the presidential election, but my reaction was al gore really? he's vegan and works with apple and google so maybe young people would be interested but i think there's so many fresh faces to pick from. "saturday night live" would
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committee 19 days ago, but still hasn't had a vote on the senate floor. that's a longer period of time than the previous five nominees combined. there's no excuse for this delay. lynch graduated from harvard college and harvard law school. the senate approved hi as a u.s. attorney twice. so what's the problem now? well senator mcconnell's new excuse is he's delaying a vote until republicans push think anti-choice restrictions they tacked to a bill to help stop human trafficking. angela, what do you make of this excuse? >> it's a very sorry excuse. anytime you attack a poison pill like an anti-abortion provides on a human trafficking bill which is always supposed to be a bipartisan measure easily
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passed you're going to have problems. this is deja vu for us. they just went through this with dhs. they're going to look silly. it's house tactics taken to what's supposed to be the upper chamber. >> i'm speechless. the fact they would tack on you know pro-life abortion-filled language, about sex trafficking victims is just disgusting. not just to us here discussion it, but to voters. it just shows where they stand. they just have no respect for women, no respect for people who will actually benefit from them actually governs, which they're not doing. >> jason? >> you know the republicans and senate are crazy when rudy giuliani is out campaigning for loretta lynch. giuliani has said this should actually happen.
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as much as he disagrees with president obama, he has been an advocate for loretta lynch. this is dysfunctional government. the republicans need to let it go, let her go. before 2016. there's been no objection, no allegation. they made up things in my opinion a broke clock is right twice a day [ laughter ] >> i mean this is incredible. >> liz, there's no reason to not hold the vote. >> i'm shocked they're pulling this kind of stuff again and again. this is just a story line out of hell. again for voters who are watching this occur, who already feel like government is not being productive. to find this nomination go on
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for over 100 days. >> but angela -- i'm out of time but you have more republicans coming out, saying they're going to vote against her with no reason at all. >> it's not based on her qualifications whatsoever. i think the best line for this is what attorney general holder said -- the longer you wait the long you are you're stuck with me with whom you held in contempt. so they better remember that point. >> thank you all for your time tonight. >> thanks. we'll be back with crunk people who are spending their spring break in ferguson to make a difference. and stomachs are growling. or is that just me? it's lobsterfest... lobster's largest variety of lobster dishes all year. double up with dueling lobster tails. or make lobster lover's dream a delicious reality. but hurry this won't last long. in small business you have to work hard, know your numbers, and stay focused. i was determined to create new york city's first self-serve frozen yogurt franchise. and now you have 42 locations. the more i put into my business the
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plus chest congestion. oh, what a relief it is. here we go! wow. sweet new subaru, huh mitch? yep. you're selling the mitchmobile!? man, we had a lot of good times in this baby. what's your dad want for it? a hundred and fifty grand, two hundred if they want that tape deck. you're not going to tell your dad about the time my hamster had babies in the backseat, are you?! that's just normal wear and tear, dude. (vo) subaru has the highest resale value of any brand... ...according to kelley blue book ...and mitch. love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. for a lonk of people ferguson missouri has become a symbol of what's wrong with our criminal justice system. now some people want to turn ferguson into a reminder of what's right, with the new generation of americans. right now hundreds of college
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students are heading to ferguson for an alternative spring break, helping the community rebuild and heal. pinches i decide-- >> i decided to come because we've been receiving a lot of information from the media and nuances about what's happening here that aren't particularly true. >> blake stoner is among the group. his arrival is the continuation of a family tradition. hi grandfather was a freedom rider in the '60s. >> he's like let's stop talking about what we did, but what we need to do. >> it lifts morale. they see people walking around doing beautification projects you know just even talking with them. >> the ferguson spring break is part of a five-week program launched by local activists and leaders, trying to move the town forward in a positive direction. students are registering voters tutoring younger kids
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organizing food drives cleaning up the community, and helping out local businesses hurt by the unrest. these young people are working to make a difference. they're notarying anything down. they're working to build something up. it is right. it is appropriate when people call for justice, that all of us come and make sure that justice gets a hearing and the spotlight is on, but it's also just as right to stay there, rebuild, reconnect and be constructive. these young people are doing the right thing and it ought to be given attention as well. it's not about showing what's wrong, but also showing what's right at the same time. we must continue to deal with the justice department report and bring justice to ferguson but we must rebuild and concentrate on the people in ferguson at the same time and
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these young students are showing the way, and i applaud them. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. \s. bibi in the fight of his life. let's play "hardball." ♪ goodenes i'm steve car neki in for chris matthews tonight. the results are beginning to trickle in xi polls that his center left are neck and neck eel with about 27 seats in the can knesset. the question now is this who will be tapped to form the next government? can they build a coalition with the smaller parties? up until today it looked as though the center level coalition was
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