tv The Ed Show MSNBC March 18, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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of on how much mars one supporters points they have. applicants can donate the proceeds from media appearances back to mars one. well, it was fun while it was lasted. that's it for "now." good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show" live from miami, let's get to work. tonight -- >> another record-breaking heat day. >> there's been zero warming. none whatsoever. >> that's disturbing. >> what we're seeing right now is a failure -- >> a failure to communicate. >> a failure to invest in infrastructure and education. >> to be a winner you have to think like a winner. >> i understand hillary. i know hillary. and -- >> this will be the year guys. i'm winning the pool.
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good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. we start this evening with climate change and some numbers that are staring america right in the face. california's worst drought in 1200 years is making water the most valuable asset in the state of california. california could have one year of reservoir water remaining. water prices are responding. that's right water prices are surging in southern california to record rates. farmers could spend up to $700 per acre foot of water. there are about 326,000 gallons in each acre foot so do the math. california is doing something about it. on tuesday, the state approved new water restrictions. the new rules require water departments to restrict the number of days residents can water lawns.
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homeowners are banned from using sprinklers on days when it rains and two days after. a number of western states are seeing record warm temperatures. for instance monday brought record heat to the city of denver colorado at 80 degrees. it was the earliest 80 degree day on record. lincoln, nebraska saw the earliest 90 degree day on record. sioux city iowa, was in the club. it was the earliest 90 degree day on record for them. boston officially had a record snowfall this winter. through sunday 108.6 inches of snow had fallen. it's the most snow since records began in 1872. overall, 2014 was the warmest year ever recorded. last summer washington the state, saw their largest wildfire ever. record after record continues to be broken in this environment.
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severe temperatures severe storms snow numbers, unbelievable. droughts are happening, fires, water prices are responding. you name it. it's happening. where are the republicans? they're saying stuff like this. >> i just came back from new hampshire where there is snow and ice everywhere. debates on this should follow science and data. the science doesn't back them up. in particular satellite data demonstrate for the last 17 years there's been zero warming, none whatsoever. >> ted cruz is simply denying science. 97% of climate scientists agree warming trends are due to human activity. cruz and the rest of the republican party don't care about research and facts. they'll throw out whatever they
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can. consequences of inaction could be dire. a new report released on monday from natural geo science shows a glacier is at risk. scientists have discovered warm water troughs that eroding the glacier from below. it's accelerating the melting process faster than scientists originally thought would happen. if it collapsed, it would rise wur water levels and bring them up 11 feet. some scientists think we could be hundreds of years from this happening. regardless, a collapse would devastate the world. now while republicans deny science, other countries are responding. you may consider china a competitor in many respects. well china is going solar and they're making a commitment. china raised their solar target
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for 2015. they plan to install nearly 17.8 giga watts of solar projects in the coming year of 2016. republicans are fighting solar in the name of big oil. again, we are behind the curve. if we're going to do anything about these extreme weather patterns and what it's doing to our economy, we need to wake up. tonight's question -- should the united states match china's commitment to solar power? text "a" for yes. text "b" for no. we'll have the results later in the show. i want to bring in a congressman who is a professional rancher and a former lieutenant governor. he knows this story. good to have you with us tonight. >> ed thank you for sounding
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the alarm. you could not be more right about what's happening around this globe and more right about what's happening in california. it is a very serious situation in california and about every other state on the western side of this united states. it is a huge problem and it is here now. >> congressman, there is a domino effect here. it's now affecting the resources and the economy. have you ever seen it this bad and what do you think the future is? will california come out of this or is this the way it is? >> the way it is is there's going to be less water available in the future. we have known this since the mid 90s. we were studying these issues. we sounded the alarm there ahead of the kyoto conference. the senate refused to deal with the treaty coming out of the kyoto conference but we knew then in the mid 90s that the snow levels in california and
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the rocky mountains would decline. we knew then the colorado river and other rivers would have less water. it is here today. all of those predictions have come true. we can do things and we must do them. obviously conservation, but we're going to have to replenish our aweudiocassette wiquaudiocassette -- aquifers when there is more rain. >> what is this going to do to agriculture with the high water prices? >> i'll tell you what it is doing to my cattle business. we sold a third of my herd last year. we're going to put every bale of
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hail in the barn. we probably will need it this coming year. for agriculture in california we have seen a multibillion dollar reduction in values. we're going to see more of that. a third of the rice -- 25% of the rice in my district was not planted last year. maybe a third this coming year. almonds and walnuts that were planted in those areas that were dependent on surface area those orchards are going to die. it is serious, but we can deal with it. we are creative in california. we're looking at the new water conservation technologies for agriculture. our alfalfa fields are being irrigated with drip irrigation. not with sprinklers but with drip irrigation. most of the tomatoes are on
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drip. we're saving water everywhere we can. there's more to be done and we're simply going to have to do more. we're resilient people, but what is deadly is ignorance. that's absolutely deadly both kpik economically -- humans are going to suffer all around the world. >> good to have you with us tonight. >> always. >> let me bring paul douglas and the co-founder of the pacific constitute and the president of alliance manufacturing. these warm temperatures out west, explain it. is this the way it is going to be? >> it is another symptom of a warming climate, ed no question about that. thank you for inviting me on this evening. we're seeing some of the telltale signs of warming.
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it used to be said you can't pin any one storm, any one event, on climate change but a warmer climate is now flavoring all events. some more than others. with all deference to senator cruz, he doesn't speak on behalf of all republicans. his heart may be in the right place, but he's getting some bad information and some bad advise. more than 90% of the -- >> how could 97% of scientists be wrong? >> well again, if you go to the internet, you can find anything to support anything. there's an echo chamber on the internet. i read it on the internet. it must be true. people are many times repeating conspiracy theories that have been disproven. there is a mountain of evidence that shows that yes, atmospheric temperatures have
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plateaued somewhat over the past 15 years. how many coincidences do you need? 14 of the 15 warmest years have been since 1998. the oceans are incredibly warm. that may have been had an impact on cyclone pam being an off scale category 5. not all republicans are in denial. >> he does not speak for all republicans nor does he speak with any science experience whatsoever. these water prices going up in california, it is now affecting the economy. there's some desperation taking place. what does california have to do at this point? >> we're clearly in a terrible drought. it is clearly influenced by climate change. the last three years have not
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just been extraordinarily dry. they've been extraordinarily hot. their impacts on agriculture and our cities and our ecosystems we're going to learn how to manage our water in a different climate. we're going to have to learn to become more efficient. this is going to be a serious challenge, and climate change makes all of our water challenges much worse than they've been. >> dr. glick, what if this keeps up? watering lawns on a certain day, not using a sprinkler after it rains a couple days. that's just scratching the surface, isn't it? >> that's absolutely right. we're not doing enough. we should have done more last year and the year before and we should be doing more now. if the drought continues, we're going to see more land come out
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of production as the congressman mentioned. we're going to see more impacts on our fisheries and ecosystems that are not getting the water they need. the truth is we should probably be getting rid of our lawns. we should be getting rid of our lawns, which in the western u.s. take a huge amount of water. there are things we can do to reduce the amount of water that we're using and still have a healthy economy in every sector but we're not moving as aggressively as we have to given the change in climate. >> this connects to the energy sector and the capturing of greenhouse gases and trying to be as clean as we possibly can. america should be embarrassed that we're watching the chinese make this kind of investment and we stand here and fight solar in congress time and time again. from an investment standpoint what the chinese have decided to do, how far is this going to put us behind the curve?
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>> it could put us very behind the curve. china exports 95% of its solar production. i look for that to expand unless we change our game. we should have a comparative advantage in solar. we invented the technology a generation ago. we have some of the best sun worldwide yet we're behind countries like germany and china. and it is precisely because we lack that manufacturing strategy and we lack those incentives. we have seen some northeastern states like new jersey and massachusetts that have had the right incentives in place that have attracted some solar manufacturing and some solar deployment. we can't afford to let this industry escape because we have some entrepreneurs that are betting on it as well. just one example, one of the most amazing entrepreneurs on
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the planet today has doubled down on renewables. he's building a new battery plant for tesla in nevada, which has great solar resources. it's going to be largely powered by renewable sources including solar. it just shows it can be done. we need that entrepreneurial spirit to be reflective in policies. >> it is state sponsored in china, but it is the right move and the free market is behind the curve here in this country. we have to make a commitment. gentlemen, thanks for the conversation tonight on this very important subject. remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen. share your thoughts with us on twitter and on ed show and like us on facebook. you can get my podcast on
2:16 pm plus the donald wants to get hired by america. we'll talk about what his new exploratory committee really means for the 2016 race. stay with us. we're right back. meta health bars help promote heart health. experience the meta effect with our multi-health wellness line. ♪ ♪ we're on a mission, a mission for underwareness, a cause to support the over 65 million people who may need the trusted protection of depend underwear. join us. drop your pants for underwareness and show off a pair of depend. because wearing a different kind of underwear, is no big deal. support the cause and get a free sample of depend at [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer
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good to have you back with us. the republican house gop budget is a direct jab at the middle class and low-income americans. president obama slammed the proposal today in cleveland. >> lower taxes for the most well off. higher taxes for working families. gutted investments in education, job training infrastructure
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military, and our national security. kicking tens of millions of americans off their health insurance. >> the house says it could balance the budget in nine years all at the expense of medicaid and food stamps. medicare would be partially privatized and corporations would get a hefty tax cut. the republicans in the senate are concerned about retaining seats in the 2016 election so they went easier on cuts and privatization privatization. >> the chairman has gone to great lengths to produce a responsible budget. >> their budget came out today. joining me tonight is the cochairs of the progressive
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caucus. gentlemen, great to have you with us tonight. is the house republican budget -- is it ruthless or realistic? could we do this in nine years? >> it is ruthless and it is mean. it is mean spirited. this budget doubles down on the practical practices for the last decade plus for breaks for the super rich and corporate america and shifting the burden opposite taxation and the burden of everyday life to the middle class and further aggravating those who want to be part of the middle class, the poor and the working poor more and more. our budget is about jobs. it is about those families and it is about taking the vast majority of the american people. >> what does the progressive caucus view as a budget that would set itself apart from the
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president's and also the republicans? >> well our primary measurement for what we think makes a good budget is job creation so we're 8.4 million jobs by 2018. the economic policy institute used our numbers and came up with that. our roads and bridges don't need to fall into rivers. we're putting america back to work. we have put 95 billion into helping local governments put workers back on who were lost in the recession like teachers like police officers like firefighters, like health workers and people like that who really just make the city go right. we make the proper investments to make america strong. we do a universal pre-k for the
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little ones. we make a down payment on higher education for free higher education so people can go all the way through. >> republicans view this as just wasteful spending. do they have investment in their budget as you see it? >> no they're working on that theory -- a bankrupt theory that everything will trickle down from the breaks that the super rich and corporations are getting. the rest of us are going to inherit something, but the fact of the matter is everything has gotten worse. the middle class their insecurity about the future is very real. this is an investment. this is a budget about prosperity and growing this ity we have seen for a decade-plus has produced great wealth for the upper 1% and
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corporations, but the rest of america finds its jobs stagnant and salaries stagnant. >> tell us about the climate change provision. there's nothing in the republican budget that deals anything with climate change and after our opening segment tonight, it is amazing they can deny what the heck is going on in this country, but tell me about the climate change provision in your budget? >> we say the big gas and oil and natural gas folks, they shouldn't have publicubsidy. they're doing fine. we don't penalize them. we take them and instead of putting the money there, we put it into trying to deal with climate change and making sure we're doing things like that. we have a carbon tax. we do put a price on carbon.
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we promote green and renewable investment. we have a bill called the end polluter welfare act. we have put that bill into our bill which is to take subsidy away from big oil and gas. >> the president in cleveland today talking about jobs talking about investment yet his trade negotiator mr. froman and mr. perez were holding secret meetings at the white house, security meetings at the white house on trade promotional authority and the tpp. i know that your caucus is against this deal. wasn't this a day of mixed messages? >> there's a contradiction there. we're opposed to the fast track. as members of congress, we have to have a role in protecting jobs here in america, the environment, and for all the nations involved raising the
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standard of living and helping all. we're for trade. it has to be fair. it has to be balanced and fast track doesn't do it. and the agreement overall without any substantive changes, it's not going to work. >> is this an 11th hour sell job by the president and his administration? what was this today? >> i think they're nervous about getting this thing passed. everybody in congress has seen trade deals that promised a lot and gave very very little. in fact, actually took away. they're not there. they're a little worried. but look we're not worried about trade, but we are worried about bad investment deals that offshore american jobs and stagnate our wages. we're not going to support that even though the president is good on jobs. >> stand tall gentlemen. do that.
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i appreciate it. >> thanks. we're going to get more comment on this. later, president obama gets a case of march madness. he says who is going to go all the way? we're right back. they have all those warnings on them. might as well say, "you're going to die, jeff". you hired someone to clean the gutters? not just someone. someone from angie's list. but we're not members. we don't have to be to use their new snapfix feature. angie's list helped me find a highly rated service provider to do the work at a fair price. come see what the new angie's list can do for you. it's a significant improvement over the infiniti we had... i've had a lot of hondas... we went around the country talking to people who made the switch to ford. the brand more people buy. and buy again. all-wheel drive is amazing... i felt so secure. i really enjoy the pep in its step... that's the ecoboost... the new image of ford now looks really refined. i drove the fusion... and i never went back. escape was just right. just announced, make the switch to ford and get $750 competitive owner cash on top
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these could be signs of serious side effects. i'm down with crestor! make your move. ask your doctor about crestor. president obama wants fast track authority so he can rubber stamp what i think is a lousy trade deal. the obama administration held a classified briefing in the white house on the transpacific partnership. in the meantime, president obama was speaking in cleveland about manufacturing. this deal would jeopardize the very people and jobs he was talking to in cleveland today. mr. gerard is this the 11th hour? the votes aren't there and the white house knows it. >> i think they're very nervous. part of the reason they're so
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nervous is the facts don't support the trade deal. they don't support fast track. every trade deal that has been passed by sfastfast track has resulted in job losses. let's go to the passage of ngatathat nafta. it is in excess of $12 trillion. china is a cheater. south korea is a cheater. we have to lose jobs to prove we were injured. >> do you think the administration is deal making right now with some lawmakers.? >> i think there's a lot of nervousness and a lot of saying if you do this i'll do that. our executive council, we unanimously agreed that we would
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oppose this trade deal. progressive movements, women's movements, environmental movements. we have seen the results. these trade deals aren't about tariffs tariffs. it has nothing to do with tariffs. >> the bottom line here is the base of president obama's election is telling them not to do this yet he keeps moving forward with it and wants it. he can't sell one union, not one union, in this country. this is almost unprecedented, isn't it? >> it is unprecedented for the labor movement. the environmental movement is unified. the women's movement is unifyied. the anti-poverty movement is unified. there's a culture in washington that somehow these trade deals -- you'll hear the trade ambassador talk about how our
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exports have gone up. you'll never hear them talk about imports. there was a 33% increase in exports in countries like china, india, and south korea, and they don't play by the rules. if we sell steel for a dollar they'll sell it for 98 cents. >> i appreciate your time. >> we have to fight on. the donald is thinking about running again. that's next. there's a lot more coming up on "the ed show." stay with us. i'm kate rogers with your cnbc market wrap. stocks surged today with the dow jumping 227 points. the s&p adding 25 points and the nasdaq climbing 45. the federal reserve wrapped up a two-day meeting today with janet yellen saying just because the word patient was dropped from
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welcome back to "the ed show." despite the e-mail scandal, hillary clinton is still dominating the field. new polling shows clinton with a commanding lead over potential democratic rivals. clinton leads all republican hopefuls by double digits. rand paul is the closest opponent. the kentucky senator already has some stiff competition. a new republican challenger
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might throw his hat into the ring. >> you going to run in 2016? >> i'm looking at it very seriously. >> donald trump forming an exploratory committee. >> to be a winner you have to think like a winner. >> if i run, i think i'll win. >> i would totally succeed in creating jobs. i know what needs to be done to make america great again. >> you know many people who are skeptical. >> a lot of people think i'm doing this for fun. >> they say you do this every so often to help yourself help your business. >> we have to build a fence and it's got to be a beauty. who can build better than trump? >> get out there. >> you need somebody perhaps that wrote the art of the deal one of the great business books of all time i might add. i don't want what happened to
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mitt romney to happen again. >> i think nobody would do a better job against her than i would. >> rand paul comes closest at 11 points. >> i think she can absolutely be beaten, but you have to have the right person running. >> 74% of republican primary voters couldn't see themselves supporting him. >> the numbers in the polls, i'm not sure they mean very much. >> you people are going to have to make your own choice. who knows? >> joining me tonight is mr. brock. let's talk about this e-mail issue with hillary. little or no impact with the voters as you had predicted, is this a dead issue for 2016? >> yeah the poll shows that the public has looked at it and case closed. this poll shows that the so-called scandal has had no political consequence and the public doesn't believe it is a factor. secondly it shows that democrats are rallying behind hillary
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clinton. if anything her support is solidified in this poll. democrats know she's the most formidable candidate. they know the stakes are so high in this election it is too important to pay attention to a sideshow like this. three, i think it shows that the issue is not working for jeb bush. he's tried to make an issue of this. he's actually down a bit in support in the republican primaries since the last cnn poll. it's not working for him in the republican primary. >> is there going to be anybody else in the democratic field or is this just going to be hillary all the way? if the numbers are what they are and the fundraising is what it is, there is such a difference in the amount of money that could potentially be raised. is this all hillary's came? >> we don't know that yet. if the republicans think that they're going to preemptively
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disqualify her and create some kind of opening, i think this poll puts that to bed and shows that's not the case. >> trump, nobody ever takes him serious. i will take this about trump as far as seriousness. the guy loves to win, and he's a competitor. your thoughts on him? is he a different guy today than he was four or eight years ago? >> we'll see. i doubt it. no one is watching donald trump. his ratings are terrible and he wants attention. frankly, i hope he gets it. i think that if he wants to make a mockery of the republican process, last time he did bringing up the birther scandal. we're not going to stand in his way. >> all right. always a pleasure. joining me now is the executive board of the democratic national committee, he's a member of that and a florida businesswoman who
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has been very successful in restaurants and real estate. i love to talk to business people. great to have you with us tonight. >> thank you, ed. >> donald trump says he can create jobs. he would beat any of the democrats in that category. how do you respond to that? >> i don't disagree. i think he can create jobs. i think the american people have to determine what kind of president we want. that's something the american public has to determine. i don't disagree one bit that he knows how to create jobs. he's been a businessman from very early on in his life. he has a track record to prove it. >> does that impress you? does that give the republican field something it doesn't have? >> i think we had a candidate similar to donald trump in the business aspect in mitt romney.
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i want a leader. i want a businessman and a charismatic leader and i want somebody to be eschewed in dip diploma -- diplomacy. >> this is the fourth time he's running. maybe the fourth time would be the charm. i think he's a smart guy. this is all about branding. it's how many times can we say the word "celebrity apprentice". the closest he will come -- and i will slightly differ with our other guest in providing jobs -- this is about him having a good time. he's not going to have any
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ability to run to hawaii for birther information on the president. maybe he'll go to illinois and see if he can find the certificate that hillary clinton graduated junior high. >> what about hillary's e-mail scandal? do you agree with brock that this won't be an issue? >> absolutely. i'll tell you an additional reason why. first, we don't think it is going to show up in the polls. when republicans attack hillary on this type of issue and then they go out and have 47 republican senators send a letter to one of our enemies on the other side of the world, they kill the republican brand. they kill their creditability not just on foreign affairs issues, but on anything they say. >> what about hillary clinton? has she skirted this issue? >> i couldn't disagree more with your other guest.
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absolutely not. the jury is still out on that. i think we haven't entered the election cycle full force. there's still a lot to be heard on that. her base is obviously going to support her. that's logical, but i think the independents and the people who are not so sure which way they're going to vote, i don't think their minds are made up yet. >> let's say it is hillary, jeb bush. who wins florida? >> jeb bush. >> why? >> because he was a great governor, of course. >> you don't agree with that mitch? >> obviously not. i would be conservative and say i think the race is a toss up. he was popular here, but the more he attacks hillary on issues that he is guilty of the less creditability he has. oil prices continue to drop. no one knows how far they'll go but our next guest will give isus
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apply today at tonight, the two-minute drill march madness, presidential style. i like it when the president does this. a regular guy, no doubt about it. he filled out his bracket today. this morning on espn he's got kentucky going all the way, undefeated. the president is predicting that the wildcats will be the first team to go undefeated since indiana in 1976. >> it's nice being a little bit of the underdog because you have less pressure on you. on the other hand there's a reason they are the favorite. they are a really good team. i'm winning the pool. >> it's important to note the president has picked the big winner once before. let's see if he can pull it off again this year. a 16 seed hampton defeated
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manhattan, meaning that they move on. never before has a 16-seed defeated a one-seed. reggie miller said to win the national championship and asked how his team will fair against a very special call. >> they want to know how much of a mountain and what our odds are. hello? >> calling the man upstairs. let's hope it was a good connection. that's the two-minute drill. stay with us. lots more coming up on "the ed show." we are right back.
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finally tonight, we have pumped so much oil in this country, we don't have enough space to store it. the record supply of u.s. crude has sent prices tumbling after rebounding slightly over the last month. prices hit a six-year low. today, crude closed just over $44 a barrel the lowest level since march of 2009. citibank and goldman says it could go down to $20 a barrel. stock prices have hit record highs for ten weeks in a row. according to numbers released today, the energy administration, the u.s.
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inventories rose by 9.6 million barrels last week to more than 458 million barrels. it prompted concerns that some areas could run out of space to store the oil. bottom line the market has been weighted down by a supply glut and it's pushing prices down with it. world oil prices have collapsed 50% since last june. meanwhile, at the pump where is the break? americans are paying an average of $2.42 a gallon. joining me is senior policy adviser at dla piper. good to have you with us tonight. always good to get your insight on this oil market. what's going on here and what's going to happen? >> well it was amazing, ed because when people thought oil was down in the 50s, that might be sort of a leveling out the bottom and then as you say,
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we're down 44 now. it was down to 42 just a couple of days ago. oil has taken a 15% drop just in two weeks. so it's hit sort of a new bottom in recent times. and to me you know that's good for consumers. you know the traveling public and so many things are moved by transportation, that's good for consumers but it may spell some trouble for oil companies, et cetera, in the future. >> well it's also jobs. so we know that. there's going to have to be a balling act balancing act. how long do you think oil is going to be in this neighborhood? >> well, you read the folks that i do too. goldman says it's going to go down. most of the experts that i rely on say that this is sort of the low. but i'm not an energy expert with regard to the exact prices. i'm more from a regulatory perspective. the guys that i trust say this is sort of a low. >> you have called for
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speculative position limits. explain what that would do and why the cftc hasn't put them in the place and, if they were what would that be doing to the market right now? >> well ed you and i have been talking about oil prices for years back when it was $147 a barrel. a far cry from $44 to today. and my contention was and still remains that there were large speculators that were pushing the price up because at that time the supply was fairly constant, not a large oversupply like we have today. i'm sorry. the demand was fairly constant. the supply was increasing yet prices were going up. prices were going up and it didn't make any economic sense. but having some control, some speculative limits on these large institutions that can actually move markets is important to ensure that prices are fair. even when prices are low like
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today, you want to ensure that the markets can't be manipulated. and it may surprise people some of your viewers, ed but i saw one trader with upwards of 20% in the crude oil market. now, you know as well as anybody else, that can push prices around. so i think the agency or my former agency has been irresponsible in not getting it done. i hope they do so soon and then that will be a good thing not just for the agency but for markets and for consumers. >> isn't saudi arabia the big player here still? they are not going to lose money on oil. the way you put somebody else out of business you lower the prices to the point where the other guy can't make a dollar. i mean is that where we are? >> well it's where we are in part. opec continues to produce what they are producing. but, you know we've produced more oil in the united states. i'm not saying it's a bad thing but we weren't doing it. you have the opec producing and then we've ramped up our production and that continues.
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so, as you say, there's a glut. they are going to have to start filling swimming pools out there with all of this oil that we have. so no wonder prices are so low. >> bart chilton, thank you so much. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton starts now. good evening and thanks for tuning in. an alleged white supremacist arrested in that shooting rage in arizona and terrorist killing 19 independent people in an attack in tunisia. but we start here at home. president obama calling out republicans for doubling down on trickle down economics. the president went to cleveland today, the sight of the gop presidential convention
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