tv Up W Steve Kornacki MSNBC March 21, 2015 5:00am-7:01am PDT
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coffee talk. good morning. thanks for getting up with us. i'm sitting in for steve kornacki. ahead on up the man who changed americans now order their coffees is now trying to change the way americans talk about race. the details on that in just a moment. we'll have more on the investigation into the death of a man found hanging from a tree also. still to come this morning, a machete wielding man shot overnight at a busy airport.
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is the war on women really over? some would like you to believe it is. all that and a whole lot more is up ahead this morning. we begin this morning with the nation's largest coffee company's plan to sell more than coffee. stark starbucks is funding a campaign to start a conversation on race. they are hoping their employees will initiate that conversation. the conversation is supposed to begin on your coffee cup. right alongside your misspelled name. >> what if we were to write racetogether on every starbucks cup and that facilitated a conversation between you and our customers? what if our customers had a renewed understanding of the issue. they themselves would spread that to their own sphere of influence. >> this new effort drawing widespread criticism online. pbs's tweeting honest to god if
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you start to engage me on a race conversation before i've had my morning coffee it will not end well. i know her, it will not end well. >> i'm not going to stand here and tell you that starbucks itself is going to solve centuries old problems of racism in america. but i am going to tell you, that we're going to try and demonstrate a level of respect of leadership and concern that we can make a difference. >> you see, race today is one of the most controversial and uncomfortable issues you can discuss. we've certainly seen that in the last 24 hours, right? it's time for us to get comfortable with an uncomfortable conversation about race. >> so how will this starbucks initiative actually work in the real world? on the panel this morning the senior contributor for the daily signal, which is part of the heritage foundation.
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political strategist also president of the brooklyn chapter of the naacp. >> editor with the daily beast and a my former collying at the daily news and anchor are arise 360. thank you for being here. what do you make of howard schultz effort to engage the customers on race? >> i think it's a noble idea. in theory it could work but in practice, i think it could be a disaster. especially in a city like new york. no one has time to barely give their order let alone engage in a conversation about race. with barristas who aren't the most prepared or equipped to have these in depth controversial conversations. unless skip gates decides he wants to start working at the local starbucks. i don't think these people are going to be able to have this conversation and have it on the level we will need to have it for it to affect actual change.
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which is the real point of this conversation, to effect change. >> let me open that question up to everyone else at the table. what do you make of this? >> i think it's stick to the weather. is a better slogan when it comes to just ordering coffee. let's have a nice -- just interacting. i guess, i completely agree. i don't really know what they were thinking. i think maybe their heart was in the right place. starbucks has a long history of getting involved in the political conversation. they're asking people not to bring guns into starbucks in guns where you can conceal carry comes to mind. so they do this. this just seems a little bit more personal. >> i've been interested with the overreaction to it. you know i'm a conservative. there's a lot of things starbucks stands for i don't like. some things i do. i love their coffee. i think this is a noble idea. it's their business. they're willing to take a risk and say we don't have people who come in and buy coffee because they're nervous to come in. we may have an incident on the
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store. they're willing to put that on a line to bring this on the table. i think people are over the top with it. >> quite often people want to let us have an awards ceremony because you woke up one day and decided to open a conversation that millions of people have to live through every day. because this company who doesn't have to begins to engage in a conversation about race and we are supposed to give them kudos for bad implementation is a bad idea. if they're going to have this conversation, i think the way they started it is right. by starting it internally. they had these conversations with their staff. and then they needed to continue that conversation internally. because they missed a big elephant in the room is how does starbucks in communities -- it is one of the things that is used as a barometers in neighborhoods across the country. to be able to say we want to be a part of this conversation and
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we're going to start with us and how our blueprint across the country impacts that conversation. >> that's a very good point. my heart goes out to howard schultz on this. i heard for long time he's been having these conversations with his employees around the country as a result of ferguson. and it came from a very pure place. when i heard about this i was wildly impressed. i thought it's amazing that this, you know captain of american business that affects all of our lives is doing this on his own. what i didn't realize it was going to turn into this. so you know -- >> can you really have a kum biyeah over a dark columbian roast? if it happens organically, fine. if you're going to pay for your tea, and your barrista says let me ask you about oppression that's not the way you want to
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start your morning. >> because even in our conversation when we were talking about also don't want to make it seem we're insulting the intelligence of barristas. there are people going through college, going for a grad degree over whatever. >> we're not insulting their intelligence at all. >> it's unfair to them. >> unfair to expect them to have to do everything else in addition to what they were hired to do which was serve coffee and tee and maybe a doimate and a muffin. >> does anybody who has been to tobacks -- i went yesterday. i don't know if it was was in a good mood. the customers and barristas haven't been friendlier than i have seen. >> it is different -- >> i wonder -- >> i actually tried it the other day. i went to my local starbucks in my chelsy neighborhood and i tried to engage in a
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conversation about race. the woman behind the counter look at me like i had two heads. that was my conversation at starbucks. the green tea was amazing. >> one of the reasons with why it's so difficult to have a conversation on race whether it's with the barrista or even with your colleague or coworker or a perfect stranger. it's such a personal conversation it requires trust. i think one of the reasons why we go through these cycles or maybe we can have that conversation now, is because while we all know each other and we can have a conversation on race, if we walk up to a stranger. i don't know a perfect stranger. i don't know where they heart is or what their motivation is. >> yeah, but i think it goes back to my earlier point you start the conversation by talking about yourself and your responsibility in the conversation of race. acknowledging whatever
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privilege, acknowledging whatever history, whatever past whatever current reality that you have and that you play in the race together conversation. so that's where you start. and then being able to further have the conversation where now i've identified and worked through sort of how i fit in this space. now i can begin to have a conversation with others. >> with all due respect, i love what's you're saying and it sounds great at a harvard, you know, race 101 case. having that conversation at starbucks you're going to quote sweet brown. ain't nobody got time for that. >> i agree. but i'm talking about the company and the owner himself. >> i quote it all the time. >> barristas and the folks who are getting paid minimum wage or higher than minimum wage -- that burden should not be on them. i'm talking about the company itself. i'm talking about the owner
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himself. >> this is also selling coffee. let's be real. >> we're talking about starbucks. i mean, good for them. >> i'm not going -- >> i'm cynical about this. >> i'm not going to be that cynical and say the reason why howard schultz is doing this is to sell coffee right. you know newspaper and here's the race together that they're putting out in some tarbacks. i think you said you didn't see it in yours. starbucks has been doing, i think some really fantastic ads. on its own. i think a couple weeks ago it said shall we overcome asking the question for mlk weekend. i believe they did something -- i never realized before. if you spell the alphabet backwards, what you get is mlk. and when i saw it -- there is it on the screen. did that for mlk. what does it say at the bottom?
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it's time to look at things differently. again, a fantastic message. very subtle terrific. i think it's in keeping, with i think the pure heart of howard schultz and not the profit motive. as you said starbucks is taking a big risk by going into a subject that's wildly controversial as we demonstrated. the panel is staying put. when we come back the latest into the investigation of the terrible story of an african-american man found hanging from a tree in mississippi earlier this week. later monica lewinsky is back revisiting the aftermath at her time at the white house. what she had to say coming up. feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib)
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the fbi says it's too early to say whether the black man hanging from a tree in mississippi died as a result of suicide or murder. plmt results on 54-year-old otis bird are expected next week. >> we want to reiterate that individual pieces of information and bits of rumors we're going to hold off on speaking to those until we can collectively come to a conclusion and get you the truth that everybody deserves. >> attorney general eric holder addressed the case in an interview and msnbc yesterday. >> the fbi, the civil rights dwigds division, the u.s. attorney for the southern drikt of mississippi are looking into the matter to determine whether there are violations of law that occurred in this potential hate
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crime. we don't know the facts. we're in the process of trying to gather those facts. we do have a substantial federal presence helping determine what the facts are. >> nbc national correspondent joy reid is in port gibson mississippi, this morning. great to see you. what do we know about the case? >> as you just heard from attorney general eric holder officials here in mississippi are also counseling caution. that's everybody from the sheriff of the county all the way to the state-wide president of the naacp, all of whom are saying there are plenty of rumors rumors. there's a lot of anxiety as the naacp president told me. anytime you have the image of a black man hanging from a tree in mississippi with all the history that goes along with that, it does alarm people. everyone is taking a wait and see attitude. there's not enough information right now. we don't have the results of that autopsy to know whether otis bird took his own life or
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whether he was killed. as that proceeds. people are very calm. >> we don't know a lot until we get the results of the autopsy. what are officials looking to find out? >> well jonathan right now, what officials are doing is trying to re-create otis bird's last day. march 2nd is when he disappeared. what we do know is he went to a riverfront casino not far away from here. about 20 miles away. he went to the casino early in the day on march 2nd with a niece. he went home and then went back to the casino later in the day with a friend who dropped him off. a third person brought him back. he got back to the house that he was renting that's not far from me late at night, 10:30, 11:00 at night. that is the last we know of him until his body was found this past week.
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the family didn't put in a missing persons report for six days. the family is close. there are a lot of members of the family that live in this area. when they hadn't heard from him, they reported it to the sheriff. the sheriff said once he started to search for him, he felt he needed more man power. there are heavily wooded areas near the house that otis bird was renting. he called the fish and wildlife division because he needed more bodies, mow legs to go into the wooded areas and try to search for him. of course, unfortunately, he was found. so to wrap it up basically right now, they're searching a storage locker that was owned by or used by mr. bird. they are seeking surveillance video from the casino where he is known to have gone twice on the last day he was known alive. just waiting for that autopsy result. >> a lot of information you have just given us. thanks very much.
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msnbc joy reid in port gibson mississippi, this morning. next why african-american students at uva stormed out of a meeting with law enforcement. stay with us. impressions are important. you've got to make every second count. banking designed for the way you live your life. so you can welcome your family home... for the first time. chase. so you can.
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many... stories. join us and save without settling on the largest most reliable network. late yesterday, three ft. lauderdale police officers were fired and a fourth stepped down after a five month investigation into racially biassed behavior. >> all four officers' conduct involved racist text messages exchanged among themselves and former police officer alex alvarez created a video that was racially biassed. >> and about 200 university of virginia students stormed out of a meeting with local police and officials yesterday. chanting black lives matter. the student run meeting was an attempt to address the bloody arrest of an african-american student that rocked the campus this week. early wednesday morning, under
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age 20-year-old uva member martese johnson was arrested after trying to enter a bar. hids forehead was bloodied as he was taken to the ground. >> he was charged with public intoxication swearing and obstruction of justice is my belief. we're asking the state police to gather all the relevant facts. >> virginia state police have launched a criminal investigation into the bloody altercation, along with an independent review requested by the governor. >> to see the photos i can tell you as a parent i have a son about the same age in college. i have a daughter in college. i was disturbed about the pictures i saw yesterday. let's let the investigation go forth. i moved very quickly, i wanted an independent investigation and want to know what happened. >> officers involved in his arrest remain on administrative
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duty. >> i vus the scars on my face and head will one day heal. the trauma of what the officers did yesterday will stay with me forever. i believe we as a community are better than this. >> so what do we do? what do we -- this week's event tell us about the current state of policing and race relations in this country? i want to talk to my panel. sorry. i am sorry. i'm not meaning to make a joke because this is a series subject. we don't know the details of what happened to the arrest with martese johnson. what do you make of what we know so far? >> we may not know in its entirety all the details that left up to his arrest. what we do know is how he was treated. and that is in and of itself as said by his attorney, trauma. in that you have this young man. who was handled in such a way.
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this is across the country that young black males and black women are subject to this type of behavior. and this type of treatment. we all, as citizens of this country, deserve to be treated in a manner that is respectful. we all deserve to be treated the same way as any citizens who are white or of any other race or ethnicity. we know that not to be not the case currently. and so while we may not know what led up to, we do know exactly what happened and how he was treated. that is what our movements across the country are attacking. is that that treatment, that we are all subjected to across the country. >> seeing the pictures i think we showed the picture of martese johnson on the ground with his bloody face. there we have it on the screen. it tears my heart out both for him, but also as an african-american man, i -- that
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could be me. and, you know you went to uva. >> i went to the university of virginia. >> what's your reaction? >> the pictures are horrifying. the video is equally as horrifying. the university of virginia is my alma mater and i love it. to think that that could happen to a young student there, it just -- breaks my heart. i don't understand why an arrest would lead to a young man ending up with ten stitches in his forehead on the ground being attacked. and the video is there. we have all seen it. and i just don't know. i mean t leaves a huge stain on the university. this is something they have to address and address it seriously. i do not want black parents across the country who are thinking of sending their students to the university of virginia to have a second thought. i had an amazing education. i had a wonderful time while i was there. this will give parents pause. >> absolutely. >> i think the officials
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involved right now do deserve some credit for taking this very seriously and launching investigations very quickly. >> was this university police? i thought this was the bureau of alcohol -- >> abc it's called in virginia. it happened by campus. >> right. >> it's literally two steps away from campus. >> it wasn't campus police that did this. >> because it happened near the university of virginia literally two steps away from campus, it's university of virginia. >> one of the questions have they been over the top in past cases? this is one example. there is other cases have they been over the top? we have to know all the facts before we jump to conclusions. we have cameras here. i think this is another example where i think cameras are so important. we talk about cops should be wearing cameras. i think they should.
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if we don't have video, there is always the attempt to jump to a certain conclusion dchding on where you're coming up. we can't go there as a country. >> i don't want us to just rest on that -- that because he was a college student because it's uva because somehow he is different than anyone else. >> and immune. >> and immune right. this is something that happens in brownsville. it happens in chicago and mississippi. they could be on college campuses or standing on a corner in front of their local corner store. so whether or not you're in college and a college student and an honor student or whether or not you're just hanging out on the corner on your block and in your community, you should be treated with the same level of respect. and not this overabundance and overpolicing that we are subjected to. >> one of the students that was interviewed at uva made this
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pointant remark which is as an african-american you know no matter whether you have a college degree or if you're just around the way -- just you know standing on the corner that you will all be treated the same. it doesn't matter how many degrees you have. you know "the new york times," did this wonderful documentary talking to black parents about the talk. that they give their children. i got the talk and i remember crying my eyes out being told that my view of the world and my friends and just even my country was not true. >> yeah. >> it broke my heart. to think about it now, it still breaks my heart. let's take a look at this documentary. >> the conversation with him was really just look you're a beautiful young boy. >> being an african-american is a wonderful thing. it's a wonderful blessing. you have come from great people. but it's also a hard thing. >> in america, because of your
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skin color, as a black boy and as a black man, we are going to be dealing with a lot of danger. >> under no circumstance are you to talk to the police if you're arrested. until i get there. >> i mean the man -- we don't have it in the clip we just showed. but the man in the brown sweater, i think he was the first one to come on camera. as he's giving that monologue, he starts crying just tears roll down his face. and this man right here -- and i can't even talk about it because it gives me chills. >> i just gave birth to a young baby boy two and a half months ago. the fact that i will have to have this conversation with my son at some point, it's just -- it breaks my heart. it breaks my heart. i will have to have that conversation with him. >> and it's not a conversation not only that our parents have with us. my youngest brother, he's doing his first year in college.
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all right. and so i facetime with him every week. every week i'm asking a conversation -- he's in a town that is predominantly white. i went through my talk with him, all my knowledge as a naacp president. don't do this don't go this way. i mean he now has a number of friends who are white. i'm okay you can't do the same thing. you can't be in the same places. you can't react the same way. because this is going to happen. and, you know having these conversations with him that's you know the ego and the -- he's 19. it's like i want to conquer the world. to be able to -- that i have to crush his spirit a little bit just so he can live. is a problem. >> that you have to tell him that talking back to a police officer could get you killed in this country. >> even if you're right. >> even if you're right. that is scary. that is tragic. >> tragic. yes, tragic and scary.
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that's going to have to be the end. >> not on that note. no. >> do you have a more hopeful note to end on. >> the only -- >> things have to get better. >> i hope you don't have to have the discussion with your son. he's two months old. >> that's a hopeful note. thank you very much. she is an aingnchor with arise 360. newly elected benjamin netanyahu is changing his tune. we'll ask why. the war on women, is it really over? the debate is coming up next. ♪ hi, tom. hey, how's the college visit? you remembered. it's good. does it make the short list? you remembered that too. yea, i'm afraid so. knowing our clients personally is what we do. it's okay. this is what we've been planning for. thanks, bye. and with over 13,000 financial advisors
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by people like todd. or snind senate candidate who stated that pregnancy from rape is god's intent. or mitt romney who fumbled in a presidential debate who said he had binders full of women. comments that leped barack obama win by more than 11 points among women voters and among unmarried women voters. after all that happens, candidates declared this week. that the war on women is over. and pointed to mark udall as an example. the colorado senator lost his bid for reelection in a campaign where he stressed reproductive health rights so much one of his supporters called him mark uterus. democrats on the hill announced
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the return of the war on women this week. they cite the deadlock over hidden antiabortion language in a human trafficking bill as evidence. as well as the continuing stalemate on loretta lynch's kmfrlation. going forward the fight for paid family league and a national minimum wage increase seem to be the new tougher for the republican vote. republicans argue congress has no place regulating the issues. they are best left behind a woman and a boss. saying that it isn't your fight, is that the same thing as trying to deny the existence of we're all together? back with me to discuss are our edwort with the daily signal and the daily beast and joining the panel right now, terry o'neil president of the national organization for women. thanks all for being here.
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so i'm going to start with you, do you agree with the women on that panel? as a conservative would you declare the war on women is over? >> i don't know that there was a whole war on women in the fist place. i think some of what they were talking about -- i would agree. i don't think it worked too well in the election cycle for democrats who used it. it didn't help them. i do think if hillary clinton is a democratic nominee which likely she will be that it will be a tactic that i would say the left is going to bring back. >> terry, this apparently works with democratic voting block. it helps win elections perhaps maybe in some cases. how do democrats continue this message without sounding like a broken record? >> well that's a really problem. i mean my organization of course is non-partisan. we're focused on the actual policies that are being promoted. what we've seen from the republican leadership is exactly
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this a dramatic escalation in their antiabortion agenda. that little nugget that's in the antihuman trafficking bill is really astonishing. what it does is it says to trafficked victims, survivors of trafficking they can't get access to healthcare if it involves abortion care. rape is epidemic in the trafficked community. it's outrageous. that's a huge escalation. you put that together with the budget that has just been proposed by the republican leadership which slashes programs that women disproportionately live on. why do women rely on these programs? it's because two thirds of minimum wage workers are women. that is turn because 70% of tipped workers. these are women whose base rage is 2 .$.70 sents an how.
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you have dike into your own packet to pay essentially healthcare. it really is a war on women. >> i say -- >> she's like oh, no -- >> let her go ahead. >> my opinion on this is i don't think going into a election cycle having a conversation of war on wim want i can you have to expand it and i think it will resonate with voters. to the conservative women's point it is more than abortion action and coverage, i agree with them on that. particularly when you're talking about women of color, the issue is pocket book issues. when we're talking about equal pay, while overall for women it's one number for women of color, it's significantly lower. access to a job, having union access. having childcare. all of those things together are a part of issues that women care about. when you talk about a war on women, all of those issues are
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included in that. it's not only abortion access it's healthcare access equal pay, access to a job. child' care education. all of those issues. whatever candidate comes up from whatever party in 2016 whoever is able to speak to those issues and propose a budget and policies that address those issues, we'll get the women vote. and that who is consistently going to come out. >> genevieve? >> i'll make it quick. the trafficking issue exthe bill is something everyone was behind, democrats, republicans was behind this thing. there is a hide amendment is something that's been around since 1976 which says federal taxpayer dollars can't be used for abortion except in the cases of rape and incest. that is a perfect example of that being in this bill would not affect trafficked victims. i think the left is trying to
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blow this up into an abortion battle it should not be. could i make an off the abortion point? >> right. >> the other side you know i think it's important we realize when we keep talking to people and say you're behind you're down, you're behind the guys. that has a negative effect on women too. young women in this country need to know. more women are grad ing with masters and dockerates than men. young women coming out of college in major metropolitan cities in the country are murning more than their male counterperts. if they've got the same educational background, same jobs. there are studies that show that young women coming out of college have a negative view of what their prospects will be in the work force. a lot of that is because they hear this kind of talk and they don't hear about all the progress women have made. >> terry real fast and then
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jackie. >> i -- on the abortion restrictions for victims of trafficking, the reality is what we know is that vulnerable women are very disproportionately likely to be disbelieved when they say they've been subjected to sexual assault. look what happened in washington, d.c. it was revealed in the washington post a few weeks ago. a 11-year-old child gang raped and jailed for lying to police. this is the kind of culture we're living in. when you say there's a rape exception for the most vulnerable of all women. girls and women -- and trafficked. >> from a positive expectation this makeatize perfect. the hide amendment is usually a budget rider. this makes it permanent that makes it different. that said but, it's fines. so policy aside, so but i do think the interesting thing
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about this story from the daily beast -- i had to get it in there -- i think that republican women are now talking about talking to women. >> yes. >> republicans usually correct me if i'm wrong, don't divide the party into women or minorities. they're talking to women with a different message. that's different. and that is a -- it's going to be interesting to see how that played into an election with hillary clinton. they're acknowledging you talk to imwithen in a campaign. you do. >> not all women are the same. >> exactly. >> you see the way they vote. married women, single women. i'm single i'm still a conservative. people do have different needs based on where they are in life. i think you cannot treat everybody as they have the same needs. >> it's also important to the point you just raised in terms of not being able to communicate to young women on the progress we've made.
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while we talk about the progress, we need to shine the light that there is still much more to go. the same we talk about that with race relations. we have to do that with the gender bias. to be able to say to a young women we are graduating more. black women are starting more businesses, we're doing all that. these institutions still exist that prevent you from continuing to go higher. we need to -- >> terry. >> when you talk about the progress, it's really wonderful. but to say because some of these people are progressing then everyone else is experiencing an epidemic of personal failure is not fair to them. we have to look at the system. the system is holding them back. one quick statistic that i find jawdropping. looking at educational systems and the zero tolerance in some of the public schools, african-american boys are suspended at six times the rate for white boys in schools. african-american girls are suspended at ten times the rate for white girls. that is a systemic problem we
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have to address. >> if we had school choice it would help all those kids. >> way to go to drop that grenade at the end of that conversation. thank you for coming in. still ahead, the unexpected doctor of choice for a woman who has lived to 104. next the latest on the chaotic scene at the new orleans airport. a man shot after allegedly pulling out a machete at a security checkpoint.
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it purina pro plan can help him achieve it. ♪ driving rock/metal♪ music stops ♪music resumes♪ music stops ♪music resumes♪ [announcer] purina pro plan's bioavailable formulas deliver optimal nutrient absorption. [whistle] purina pro plan. nutrition that performs. get back to politics in just a bit. we want to update you on a situation in new orleans. where a man who was shot after allegedly attacking tsa agents at the airport remains in the hospital. authorities say 63-year-old richard white pulled out a canof wasp killer and began spraying agents and passengers in line. he pulled out a machete and
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began swinging it before running through the metal detector. authorities say he didn't get that far. >> the law enforcement proceeded down the exit line to come around coming in very close contact to the individual with the machete. that officer fired three times. hitting the perpetrator once in the left chest, the left facial area and the left thigh. >> a tsa agent was shot in the arm during the incident but should be okay. the airport was shut down for about 20 minutes leaving many flights delayed. this morning operations are fully up and running. still ahead, the not so bright future of the american space program. next the stone of staut walker's possible 2016 bid is changing. literally. he's losing his accent. we'll bring you that next. stay with us. mall business you have to work hard, know your numbers, and stay focused. i was determined to create new york city's first self-serve frozen yogurt franchise. and now you have 42 locations. the more i put into my business the
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headlines. so in the "new york times," the headline for scott walker washes wisconsin out of his mouth. let's take a look. >> i love wisconsin. we have a comprehensive plan it's called continuing the wisconsin calmome back. >> before the occupy movement it started in madison, wisconsin. it was occupy our capital. when they lost that battle and the court challenge, they moved on to wall street and they went else where around the country. but it started in wisconsin. >> hello, eliza doo little. did you hear that? >> you got to stick close to your roots. i don't have the upper midwest accent. i think you have to stay with who you are or voters will know you're not authentic. >> he's looking to expand his brand and looking towards 2016. there is probably some poll
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somewhere to polish him up a little bit. fix your accent. i've had candidates fix your hair, you know go to a speech therapist to fix a lis want. >> bill clinton didn't lose his accent or george w. bush. i'm sure there's a poll that there's the way he says wisconsin that bothers people. what he needs to do is he's speaking in a way people can understand his policies and he ought to smile a lot. >> the next headline comes from dallas. dr. pepper the doctor of choice for a 104-year-old woman. she celebrated her 104th birthday says the secret to her long life is three dr. peppers a day. warren buffett -- he calls it the six year old diet because they're the ones who die the least. >> you be you. >> it's working.
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part of her process, go for it. and hopefully she will live to 140. >> she's apparently got good genes. dr. pep. >> reporter: real fast can't let this article go without the talking about salt lake tribute. mitt romney will fight evander holefield. he says it will be a short fight or i will be knocked unconscious. >> i think this is awesome. i'm not sure if maybe holyfield is an idle. i would love to play tennis with serena williams. i'm sure i would get my butt whipped. >> that's tennis. >> it's not going to be a real boxing match, come on. >> i want to see romney's nominees in shorts. how is he going to be dressed in the ring? is this real? >> you know, it's for a good cause. >> why didn't he do this when he was running for president?
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we could have made him real to folk. >> no, we probably would have laughed. up next we tackle the week that was in foreign policy. another hour of news and politics is ahead. stay right here. i'm jerry bell the second. and i'm jerry bell the third. i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) what's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww! this is deep couch sitting. [jerry bell iii] deep couch sitting! ♪ 40% of the streetlights in detroit, at one point, did not work. you had some blocks and you had major thoroughfares and corridors
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that were just totally pitch black. those things had to change. we wanted to restore our lighting system in the city. you can have the greatest dreams in the world, but unless you can finance those dreams, it doesn't happen. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done, the public lighting authority had a hard time of finding a bank. citi did not run away from the table like some other bankers did. citi had the strength to help us go to the credit markets and raise the money. it's a brighter day in detroit. people can see better when they're out doing their tasks, young people are moving back in town the kids are feeling safer while they walk to school. and folks are making investments and the community is moving forward. 40% of the lights were out, but they're not out for long.they're coming back. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?"
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what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. ♪ edith piaf "no regrets" ♪ plays throughout ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ foreign policy gets personal. thanks for staying with us this saturday morning. we're going to go live to the white house in just a few minutes for the latest on the international spat between the president and the prime minister of israel. congress aaron schock may be resigning but that is not stopping federal investigators from looking at his finances. also with donald trump hyting he wants to get into the presidential race. should we take him seriously? the future is not what it used to we talked to our
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favorite astraummer. benjamin netanyahu unexpectedly won big this week. securing reelection one day after saying a palestinian state would not be created on his watch. his victory has forced the obama administration to rethink its entire middle east strategy. the president bluntly telling benjamin netanyahu that the u.s. will have to quote, reassess our options. the white house was reportedly unimpressed when netanyahu appeared to back away from his palestinian state comments in an interview with our own andrea mitchell. >> i don't want an one state solution. i want a sustainable peaceful two statelutions. for that circumstances have to change. >> post victory, republican house speaker john boehner is on his way to israel this week. house sources tell nbc news the trip was set up before netanyahu's win this week. still, the image of the prime
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minister and the head of the opposition party in washington will increase tensions with the white house. in his speech before congress, netanyahu called the administration's negotiationwise iran a bad deal. 47 senate republicans seeming to agree with him in what was trurpted intrrpabilitied in that letter. the president sending a message to those in iran. >> now our diplomats and our scientists are engaged notions in the hopes of finding a solutions for our problems. my message to you, the people of iran, is that together we have to speak up for the future we seek. >> for more we are joined now be nbc's kristin wellker at the white house. >> reporter: good morning. there is no doubt that that friction between president obama and prime minister netanyahu is creating a complicated backdrop
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as these iran talks are set to enter their final day. it is important to point out that the talks are on recess this weekend tr a couple of reasons. first, because it's the iranian new year. second, because the mother of the president of iran passed away and one of his brothers is among the negotiators. those are the official reasons why the talks are suspended for this weekend. there are still a few major sticking points on the issue of centrifuges, how many they should have to enrich yur yanument. they're talking 6,000 right now. critics say that should be lower. iranians think it should be hirer. iran wants sanctions lifted as soon as there's a deal in place. but the united states and its european counterparts are saying sanctions should be lifted over time and gradually. once iran proves they are series about whatever deal is in place.
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secretary kerry, who was in switzerland for these diplomat talks spoke to the press earlier today. and said there has been progress. take a listen to what he had to say. >> we have made genuine progress. we don't want just any deal. if we had, we could have announced something a long time ago. we are not rushing. this has been a 2 and a half years or more process. >> and you hear the secretary referencing the fact it's been a two and a half year or more process in part because there has been extensions. secretary kerry has signaled that president obama does not want there to be another extension. he wants the deal to be worked out, a preliminary sort of framework by this initial end of march deadline. for there to be a real deal in place by june. but there are still some major issues to work through. negotiators are going to be back at it next week. secretary kerry will spend part
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of this weekend meeting with his european counterparts in london today. back to you. >> a lot of work being done. thank you very much. kristin wellker at the white house. i want to bring in a correspondent for the bbc covering the state department since the beginning of the obama administration. she joins this morning's panel. eljoy wellumentilliams. does the state department look at the events of last week as a setback? >> i think a lot of people within the administration -- i assume you're referring to the israeli election -- a lot of people within the state department or white house were hoping secretly -- even if they didn't say so publicly that mr. netanyahu would lose the election. al but that is a bet that many members of the administration have made several times over the last six years or so. because this is not the first time that mr. netanyahu is
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elected or reelected. we've seen that in 2013 and 2009. but yet again, he has proven to be a tough and successful politician. and it's dashed the hopes of people like the american secretary of state, mr. kerry, who would probably have liked to have tried to give middle east peace talks another chance. in many ways it's dashed the hopes. in other ways it's also put everybody in a position where they are clear about what the obstacles are. you've heard it from the palestinians, they say well there was the preitancetense that mr. netanyahu wanted a two state solution. his statements before the day of the elections about where he really stood makes clear that there is simply no hope here. we've heard mr. noounge walk back those statements. and the white house rebutting him saying we don't take him at his word. >> the relationship between the president and the prime minister
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came up in the interview that andrea did with prime minister netanyahu. let's take a listen to that part of the interview. >> there is an unbreakable bond between the israel and the united states. the president said that i have said that. >> what about between you and barack obama? >> i think that was reflected in the relationship between the president of the united states and the prime minister of israel. we can have differences but we have so many things -- >> we have differences. i'm wondering, the common ground between the united states and israel, i'm wondering if that common ground is being lost over issues, such as iran. and now a palestinian state. and wondering where else might there be a rift between -- and i hesitate to say between the united states and israel but between the president barack obama, and the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. >> these two people clearly don't like each other. that being, you saw that also -- the white house isn't letting netanyahu take this back. his comments about the two state
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solution. they were like no, you said it. he had a great interview yesterday on npr, one of the things he said there, when you boil it down was it was just politics. sometimes you say things to get people to the polls. when you boil down what he said. so you have to wonder how much that this relationship between the two leaders is fraying. the larger issue. >> you know i don't think so. you know i think for both of them -- while they may individually not be favorable to each other, they do recognize, both of them that the united states and israel does have an unbreakable relationship. so being able to separate the policy and the politics from whatever individual issues they may have what i do think is that that tense situation is what has allowed or allowed space for congress and sort of those to kind of enter this conversation. and create more confusion during these negotiations at this time.
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i think that is unfortunately, sort of contributes to the difficult situation. >> they're amping up saying -- i can't remember the exactly language. it seems like -- revisit that relationship. that's problematic. >> i think part of this this isn't just a personality conflict. i think, there's a difference of policy the two administrations. what president obama and his administration want to do as relates to the middle east is different than the way netanyahu sees it for israel. i think a lot of conservative and republicans see what the right role for israel should be. i think there's a real policy tug of war here that's fuelling then the personality tug of war we see happening too. >> i want to bring you back into the conversation and talk about speaker boehner. he has this trip to israel next week. his office or folks on the hill are telling nbc news this was plned long before the elections and before he gave that speech to the house of representatives.
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how is the trip being viewed at the state department if you've been able to do reporting on that? two, do you think speaker boehner would still be going to israel if prime minister netanyahu had lost? >> that's a very good question. you would assume not. a lot of people that i was speaking to here in washington said that the reelection of mr. netanyahu or at least you know, the plurality he has won in the knesset so far -- because that is how the white house framed the message that they put out when they described the conversation between mr. obama and mr. netanyahu. so i don't think that mr. boehner would have gone to israel had bibi lost the election. that is a very good question. a lot of people i was talking to here said in essence this is not just a victory for mr. netanyahu, that election it is also a victory for mr. boehner. the idea that politics stops at water's edge that is gone. certainly when you're looking at the relationship between israel
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and the united states. and certainly when you're looking at the iran deal. look, this administration this president, you know he wants something to hold up. a piece of paper to hold up as his legacy on foreign policy. mr. kerry and his predecessor, hillary clinton, had perhaps hoped it could be a peace deal between israelis and palestinians. that is clearly not going to happen anymore. so mr. obama is very much hoping that despite the reelection of mr. netanyahu, despite the complications that this means for his negotiations despite the acrimony with republicans he he can drive this through. this negotiation and bring it to the finish line. that's why he appealed directly to the people of iran in his message, the iranian new year to say this is a chance of a lifetime. i'm not quite sure it actually makes a difference to the negotiations. he's trying to pitch the deal directly to the iranians. >> since you brought her up secretary clinton hasn't weighed
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in on the israeli elections. "the new york times" asked yesterday whether the obama administration's relationship with netanyahu poses problems for her. i'm going to bring this to the whole table. kim, i'll start with you. how can secretary clinton differentiate herself if and when she runs? >> if and when she runs that's a good question. i don't think she'll weigh in just yet on this issue. look when she was secretary of state, she was often described as the yeller in chief at mr. netanyahu. because she was the one who had to relay the message that the administration was very unhappy with the way mr. netanyahu was going about things like you know announcing more settlements, even as for example, the time when the vice president was visiting israel there was that announcement there. it made people furious at the state department. and so she's going to have to walk a fine line when she does decide to run. she needs to appeal to a certain base here within the united
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states. remember she has to appeal to democrats. she will have to appeal to independents. within the democratic camp there is a lot of upset with the way mr. netanyahu has handled this. there is a lot of anger that he himself is the one who is pushing this rift between the united states and american jews. so, it will be a fine line but i'm not sure it will be that difficult, necessarily. we'll have to say how she handles it. there's always the potential for mistakes. there is no doubt she will stand behind this administration's message. she does support the idea of a two state solution even if it's not achievable at this point. the conditions don't lend themselves to achieving that goal. >> so really fast to the table, start with jackie and go around. how will former secretary clinton differentiate herself if and when she runs? >> that is the question. she's going to have to respond to this.
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because republicans are going to hamther president on his relationship with netanyahu and what's happened with israel. i think she'll have -- i don't know what she's going to say. >> we'll see what deal they get out of iran. i think people are concerned about the president wants a deal, he'll sign lmsh everything. that's where hillary could come out and do something. she could say i wouldn't have signed that deal i would have gone for something harder. we'll see. >> i think she will try to differentiate herself talking personally what she would have done differently on whatever comes out. i don't think the president will sign anything. >> right. >> you're right. >> i think she will you know either -- if it's something strong that she'll end up supporting that or at least say what she would have done different. >> thanks very much for coming in this morning. still ahead, monica lewinsky speaks out about cyber bullying. hear her comments coming up. next a new investigation into now outgoing congressman
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aaron schock. empty seat next to me. and then i saw him, slowly coming down the aisle. one of those guys who just can't stop talking. i was downloading a movie. i was trying to download a movie. i have verizon. i don't. i get that little spinning wheel. download didn't finish. finished the download. headphones on. and i'm safe. i didn't finish in time. so... many... stories. join us and save without settling on the largest most reliable network. get fast-acting, long-lasting relief from heartburn with it neutralizes stomach acid and is the only product that forms a protective barrier that helps keep stomach acid in the stomach where it belongs. for fast-acting, long-lasting relief. try gaviscon®.
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it's been one story after another lately about the questionable spending habits of illinois congressman aaron schock which led this week to the announcement he'll be resigning at the end of the month. his pending resignation hasn't made the stories go away. there are new stories that say his legal problems may be just beginning. pete williams are reporting that agents are looking into schock's spending of campaign money as well as issues related to taxes. a federal law enforcement official telling nbc the irs is involved. the chicago sun times adding in her story for the paper. fbi agents are also interested in probing in kind contributions
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schock held for expenses that rur not reported. joining us a the chicago sun times bureau chief which has been all over this aaron schock story from the beginning. also is msnbc contributor jimmy williams. executive editor who has been doggedly pursuing this story. thank you very much for coming in. lynn, let me start with you. there's a slew of spending issues. the katey perry convert. reimbursement for car mileage, the bringing of all the staff to new york. is there any indication of which instances authorities are specifically looking into? >> no, because they are looking into everything to try and organize their case. right now, the investigation is in its preliminary stages.
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from what i understand it's largely based on the reports that news outlets have published -- it's not like the investigators found a whole new stream of information on their own. at this point, but based on how these investigations often go the -- when a member of congress gets in trouble like this everything could be at issue. one thing could lead to another. so i think the most serious category are issues where you can assert that congressman schock may have abused taxpayer money. that's more serious if he misused campaign funds. if you convert taxpayer money to personal use that is a bit more open and shut. the rules regarding campaign money are a little grayer. >> i know i mentioned in the intro the drip of stories. when you have one drip three drips, there are more drips coming. is there anything else that
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could come out? >> you know we looked also after he announced he was going to resign effective march 31st, we looked into the past stuff he done when he was in the state legislature. he testified in a state court under oath and admitted he had -- what's the world i'md i'm looking for? he signed documents that he had backtop dated for his father for investments. he admitted that in court. his father testified as well. there is nothing that's off the table. when the pipes burst, they burst all over the house, right? and so i think he has -- and the press has done a fabulous job, i think in laying this all out for federal and state investigators. they will look at this. this is just the beginning. i think that's exactly right what lynn said. >> since you brought up aaron schock's father he gave a
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doorstep interview to the media this week. let's -- we've got two clips. play either one. because they're just -- too golden. >> ten years from now, whatever he's doing, he'll be successful at i promise you that. two years from now he'll be successful. because -- if he's not in jail. >> if he's not in jail. thanks, dad. who does that? >> if my father were alive, i would -- that had been my father, i would have called him on the phone and said daddy, you're not helping my case. and that's the problem here. his father is for all intents and purposes saying my son will be fine which is a good thing to say. but i have a massive asterisk here which is unless he's in jail. if your father thinks you're going to jail that's a bigger problem. >> i'm not sure, but i can guess if you're going to play another clip and we could get into other stuff. i would say it's -- i have a very charitable impulse for a father. he's not the principal. he's not used to public
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speaking. al i don't think he understood that when he talks about anything using the word prison or jail you don't go there. i want to keep the spotlight on congressman schock. i think it shows the kind of pressure or -- gives us a little insight, i suppose, into aaron schock's world. but i've covered a lot of these cases where people get in trouble. this is outside of the norm. usually parents say -- even when their kids are accused of horrible things i love my child no matter what and i'm praying for them during this episode. >> we don't have a lot of time less than a minute apparently congressman schock has $3.3 million left in his political funds. what happens to that money? >> i think as long as he files regular reports on it. the answer is it just sits there for him. i think it is possible he might have to get some permission i
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think he can use it for his legal fees. but there may be some technical glitches on that. he could have it sitting there for now. >> interesting. >> he cannot convert it to personal use. >> right. and that's good to know. my thanks to you both for coming in. up next he's hinted at running for president before and he's doing it again. why donald trump may be more serious about it this time around. you can find a new frontier. there's nothing stopping you and a lot helping you. technology that's with you always. this is our promise. it's never been better to wander because wherever you go, you'll find us doing everything we can, so you can.
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and cancers including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. just like you know when it's spring when the college basketball tournament begins you know the race for president is underway when donald trump begins flirt ing with a run for the white house. on wednesday the donald announced he's forming a presidential exploratory committee. as only trump could put it he said he is the only one who can
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make america truly great again. if it sounds familiar it's because he considered a run for president in 2012 and in 2008 and he formed an exploratory committee all the way back in 1999. but how serious is his attempt? i mean there were always reports he was trying to renegotiate another season of "celebrity apprentice." and poll numbers show he has little to no chance of winning. ben carson another candidate with no political experience bears much better in that poll. carson, isn't polling all that way in iowa. a profile in this weekend's "new york times" magazine suggests carson could be the ideal republican presidential candidate conservative voters can and do see from him an up from nowhere african-american who shares their believes. his lack of experience and numerous gaffs like saying being
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gay is a choice because, a lot of people go to prison straight and come out gay. just let that marinate for a minute. making him a long shot to win the gop nomination. what are they hoping to accomplish? we have senior political writer with buzz feed. he joins the panel here. genevieve, jackie the prison thing always throws me. you've travelled with donald trump a little more than a year ago. i believe you wrote -- you wrote that covering trump's various stunts and inflammatory comments feels increasingly like a chore akin to dawning a network brand parka during a snowstorm and shotting to the camera a phenomenon that viewers somehow find amazing. reporters make to cover him is a journalistic indignity. it's hyping the storm of the
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century before a flake has fallen. has your opinion changed since then? >> no, i think if anything this pageant of pretend presidential ambitions of the last week proves my point, right? this is a thing for him, he pretends like he's going to run for president. what's interesting is every four years he has to go a little bit further in order for people to take him seriously. this time he's actually formed an exploratory committee, which is further than he's gone kpeft in 1999 which was a very brief thing. al i still would bet my entire year's salary that he will not actually be on a ballot in iowa come the caucuses in february of next year. but you know this does present a problem for the republican party. it's not just donald trump. it's the candidates that are running as celebrities, running with motives other than actually winning the presidency. they suck up a lot of oxygen and
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distract from the more serious candidates and issues that the republican party wants to debate. >> so the only thing that trump has proven is that he knows how to make money. and from this perspective, he continues to do this because it makes him money. and so i wish that at the same time the reporters who have to cover this and actually use his comments and do articles about what he said on race or what he said on foreign policy that you guys would actually get a check every time that happens. but because the only thing you're doing is furthering his brand, right? it's not really serious. the other thing i will say, although i'm not a republican is i don't want to blame particularly the republican party for these candidates. it's not as if the republican party themselves party leadership are going out and seeking these candidates and saying hey, can you come and be a candidate? right, they're look, please sit
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down somewhere and leave us alone. and so i think because the democratic party does this as well. we randomly throughout the years have candidates that are extreme either to the left or fringe candidates that do that as well. i don't want to blame the party. i think what the party can do is actively seek out other candidates of color that they can use and seek out moderates and others that can be put before the american people for consideration. and i think them proactively doing that helps take some more of the air that trump and all of those others suck out the room. >> you're the conservative at the table, you're going to one day support somebody vote for somebody, donald trump? >> i will say i was always for them, i was always for them from the get go. >> donald trump isn't polling well so well. but ben carson is. why is he polling so well?
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>> he hasn't run before. i think he's new. he's been a legitimate part of the policy discussion. whether people agree with him or not he's been a part of it. i don't think -- i don't want to say donald trump has been a joke. i don't think anybody republican or otherwise truly thinks donald trump is going to run for president. i don't think that. i think there are a lot of people who do think ben carson might and a lot of people hope he does. it doesn't necessarily think he's going to win. but they think he's going to bring something to the discussion to the bebait that's been missing. i think he's a serious guy. i don't think carson and trump are the same type of candidates. >> i agree with that. with carson and trump in the race, what does that do with people like jeb bush and scott walker? >> they don't want to be responding to things -- to a lesser extent trump -- i think he is joke at this point. it doesn't feel special anymore when he runs. it's like he came with the
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furniture of something. the danger with having more fringe candidates in the race they will say something and another republican is going to have to respond. >> we saw that with rudy guiliani. he is not running. he is the former new york mayor. some of the things about obama being an american, they have to respond to that. and be it fair, that creates a problem. >> if you look at after 2012 when mitt romney had to go through this tortuous process of beating back rick stan torm michelle bachmann donald trump at one point, any of these fringe candidates before he finally emerged with the nominee nominee. by the he eurged it was an embarrassing thing he had actually been competitive with these other people right? after that the party put in place a bunch of different policies and procedures to try to avoid that happening again in 2016. they have shortened the primary
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calendar tried to rein in the number of debates. they've done things to try to make it difficult for these movement candidates to gain momentum and to kind of suck up oxygen and distract. it's unclear. that "new york times" piece you mentioned points out that the field is much bigger in 2016. there are a lot of republicans running. depending on how things shake out, you could actually see a ben carson or a much more conservative movement candidate just hitting the sweet spot whereas all these other establishment candidates are battling it out. >> we'll have to live it there. thank you. up next the latest on the developing story in brooklyn. we'll go live to the scene right after this. this is special. food is my art. when we cook for someone, we are sharing a little bit of our soul. to life! and when we eat, we begin with our eyes. just as the beauty of the food entices you to try it,
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ron mott joins us live on the scene. >> reporter: good morning. a very sad tragic start to the saturday here in brooklyn. seven children killed in a house fire. the fire commissioner says it's the deadliest fire in this city in about seven years. you can see there are a couple of fire engines still on the scene. the fire is under control. they are still waiting to go through the house to collect whatever evidence they need. preliminary as we take a look at the videos shot earlier, the fire commissioner says there was a hot plate left on in the kitchen. this was an orthodox jewish neighborhood. obviously you can't use the oven so a hot plate was used to keep some food warm. it was left on and iginated the fire. two people did manage to get out. themotor mother and a 5-year-old managed to get out of the house coming through a second floor windope. they're in critical condition at area hospitals here. we're not sure whether they will
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plus, always discreet has a discreet fit that hugs your curves. you barely feel it. new always discreet underwear. now bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. because, hey, pee happens. morning's panel for a look at some of the other headlines making the news. these are what we didn't get to. monica lewinsky spoke this week. let's take a look at some of that. >> like me at 22 a few of you may have also taken wrong turns and fallen in love with the wrong person. maybe even your boss. unlike me though your boss probably wasn't the president of the united states of america. when this happened to me 17 years ago, there was no name for
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it. now we call it cyber bullying and online harassment. >> monica spoke for 22 minutes and spoke about the culture of humiliation. she talked about public museum il humiliation. >> this is a important conversation particularly in our culture now we rely so heavily on online communication and social media. we have to be aware of how the bullying that can happen in person that we see with children and adults. because adults participate in it as well. and in the form of obamanline because people -- being in front of everyone they go extra. right. and so it's extra. i think this is an important conversation. i think she's a great person to sort of -- >> i'm impressed by monica lewinsky and what she's done over the last year vanity fair and now this. >> i think the message -- i agree with you the message is
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extremely important. i wonder about the timing. i really do. cyber bullying has been a problem for a bunch of years now. i wonder why she is coming out now. i'm skeptical. >> why do you think that is? >> 2016 a certain person is going to come in. >> i always blamed bill clinton for that scenario not monica lewinsky. it is an issue. we were talking at break about some of the tweets and the like we get after doing shows like this one. some of them are really nice and some of them aren't. that's different than somebody who is like, the whole world is in on. you see what happens with kids. this is their world in many cases. whether it's their friends and people outside. what they say -- >> it's incredible. >> alex witt before we came on did a segment with a guy in toronto where they did the mean tweets. they have the kids reading these mean tweets. it tears your heart out. ted cruz he's planning an
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important speech in virginia. ted cruz is like donald trump. all he has to say is i'm going to give a speech and people show up. do people care? >> follow the they'll be there. he's probably going to talk about different policy things. i haven't seen his speech up front. he'll probably run for president. you'll see him on the 2016 stage. >> i think it's also a setup. come here me talk about some ideas and i'm going to run for president. >> how serious is he? >> i think he's serious. you mean as a person or candidate? >> i think he's serious. he's a smart guy. a lot of people don't like ted cruz or his policy -- i forgot who his professor was at harvard, he's one of the smartest students i ever have even if i don't agree with him.
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>> we have minute of. hillary clinton, the house gop sent a letter asking for her to hand over her private server to a neutral detached and independent third party. the request is voluntary. should hillary clinton exceed to the voluntary request yes or no? >> she is not going to do it. she is definitely not going to do it. it is not going to happen. >> she should do it unless she's got something to hide. >> should. i mean all of the information could be taken and used in a different kind of way. i don't think she'll do it. >> even with a third party independent neutral -- not saying give it to us so we can read through it. >> this is a third party. >> it's not going to happen. >> all right then. when we return does the final frontier seem further out than it used to be? or did the --
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nasa is scheduled to launch an unmanned rocket next week. there will be lots of ex. permits on board, one with the lofty goal of searching for other life in space. but almost four years after nasa scrapped the shuttle program ending our days of manned u.s. space flight we have reached a dubious milestone. we have arrived at the year that back to the future traveled to when he time traveled into his own future. that was filled with flying cars and hover boards self-driving teslas aside it's a future that's completely unrealized in the real world. there's also the future imagined by the jetsons. watch ing watching that show after school, i grew up expecting an adulthood filled with robots. the star trek reboot encouraged to dream of a san francisco that's home to star fleet and of boldly going where nobody has gone before all within the next two centuries. but these days we're boldly going nowhere.
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the retired space shuttle fleet lives in museums and private effort efforts to develop space travel are experiencing tragic setbacks. president kennedy helped inspire a generation to reach for. the moon, quite literally. did anyone forsee a future where manned exploration would end at the moon? chief astromer in for the franklin institute joins our panel. thank you very much for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> so there's a company that's trying to colonize mars. they say no new technology needs on to invent eded to create a human colony. how accurate is that? i find that hard to believe. >>. well, while it may be possible to establish a colony on mars with the technology that's available right now, certainly it could be done it's really the infrastructure that's most
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important in this. we have to be able to pull together all the right industries, all the right talent talents to build up what that infrastructure is to allow people to survive on the planet. that's where the real key is. do we have a motivating force, do we have a driveing force that's strong enough to pull together all those pieces of technology that would make it possible. and when you start to look pretty closely, that's the thing that's missing more than anything else is that driving force to do that. i do have to say one thing really quickly and that is contrary, my friend, there's a tremendous amount of exploration going on. >> well tell me what that is? what is that? >> so i mean a couple things. first of all, nasa is working really hard to build up its infrastructure to develop the tech technologies needed to safely
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and within reason be able to get people out to the planet mars by the year 2030 or so. it takes awhile to build that infrastructure up to do that in a safe way. in the meantime, here are the other things that are happening. there are a number of independent companies that are launching capability to give us easy access to low earth orbit. that's going to allow nasa to move into the 21st century as a space agency of the 21st century taking care of all the big exploration challenges rather than the small things of just suting satellites up. so when we look forward, there are a number of space probes that are going to different planets like pluto and space probes looking at jupiter and saturn more closely and see the development of the rocket technology needed to take humans off the planet and on to mars. >> why hasn't technology caught up to fantasy? i'm supposed to have my hover
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board. why don't i have that? >> well as i said when i said my responses back, where's my flying car? i should have had that by now. here's the problem, jonathan. the real challenge is when you look at fantasy versus reality, fantasy has no challenges in it really because when you look at the fantasy picture, you never find out where the money comes from to pay for all that technological development and support support. that's a real challenge because we know for sure that no buck rogers, you have to have the money to do it. that's nasa's challenge because congress doesn't allot the money that nasa needs to do the incredible job we want to see done. so one penny of every tax dollar paid by americans goes to nasa space exploration. imagine what could happen if two pennies went to that. so the other side of that is in fantasy, nobody really has to
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pay a price. so when the explorers that are out in space cutting the path for us when something terrible happens to them there is a real price that has to be paid to open the next door of exploration for us but that doesn't happen in fantasy and always takes a lot longer in reality to do these things. >> thank you to derek piths with the franklin institute and to today's panel. and thank you for getting up with us. melissa harris-perry is coming up next so keep it right here. have a great saturday, we'll see you back here tomorrow.
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hanging in mississippi. but first, why is no one running for president? good morning, i'm melissa harris-perry. march madness is in full swing right now. the national obsession with rankings, matchups and guessing game over whether the top seed will go all the way or be toppled by the surprise cinderella. and i'm not talking about the ncaa basketball tournament. i'm talking about the other big dance, the one that only comes around every four years, the race to be president of the united states. just like that other big tournament, the race for 2016 has already seen lots of fanfare, rousing pep rallies, fiery speeches and plenty of trash talking. but unlike the other tournament, we can't fill out ore 2016
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