tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC March 24, 2015 1:00am-2:01am PDT
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in the great state of massachusetts, there are 40 seats in the senate. 40. right now the party division looks like this. do we have it? there it is. that is the party division. blue for democrat, red for republican. there are 34 democrats in the senate, six republicans. but don't feel bad. there may only be six of them, but every single one of them is a winner by which i mean every one of them is a leader. the great frank phillips of the boston globe today says even though there are only 6 republicans in the senate, every one of them a leadership in the senate. that means they all get an extra $15,000 in their salary. if you check under your seat right now you get a leadership job, you get a leadership job, everybody gets a leadership job.
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who follows the leaders? the other leaders. the best one is this guy, a tea party guy, his leadership title is the assistant minority whip. what he is supposed to do for that extra $15,000 a year is he is supposed to as the assistant minority whip, he is supposed to whip the votes of all of the republican senators in the state who are not in the lip to make sure all of the other senators do what the leadership tells them to do. the problem is all of the republican senators in the state are in the leadership. they called themselves all leaders. so this guy literally has no work to do for that $15,000. which is very nice work if you can get it. it is, at least, at the legislative. when the last six republicans
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left in the senate decide that in their leadership race they're all tied for first place. sometimes it is funny like that, sometimes it is less funny ha ha. massachusetts does not usually make national political waves and when it does it is almost always because of something corky or funny. right now massachusetts is trying their best to throw a really big rock into the very still waters of national democratic politics. this is a column that just ran urging senator elizabeth warren that she should run for president. this is another column that ran in the sunday boston globe urging her to please run for president.
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this is another column that just ran in the sunday boston globe urging her to run for president. and this is the editorial that just ran alongside all of those other columns on the same day imploring senator elizabeth warren to run for president. the "boston globe" did a whole special section to try to persuade elizabeth warren to run for president even though she clearly doesn't want to. we called to ask about this paper's decision to go huge with this push. as far as they know, the paper has never done anything like this before. they asked what is the most unusual and provocative way to get the point across, and they
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decided on this blast approach running all of these columns at the same time simultaneously. the globe wants to "urge a discussion of the ideas that elizabeth warren represents on a national scale." so then make the case. they make the case over and over and over again. again, what is amounts to is a special section of the boston globe. as a national leader, elizabeth warren can make sure that doesn't happen. she should not shrink from the chance to set the course for the democratic party. if she puts her causes and goals front and center as democrats gather their forces for the 2016 campaign she could enrich the political process for years to come.
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that is all from the globe editorial warren is the democrat best positioned to draw out hillary clinton in areas critical to the democratic party. she is a strong candidate, she could win, this moment was made for elizabeth warren. the globe told us today that what they have done is that it should not be mistaken as an endorsement for her has president, they are endorsing the primary process. they want the democrats to have a primary and they think elizabeth warren would give her the best one. they don't want her to run, necessarily, they want her to run because her running would, itself, be good for the country and specifically for the
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democratic party. they're saying it would pull the democratic party to the left, or at least to the issues of middle class economics and the absolutely stupefying levels of income inequality. even if she could not win were her issues would be in the race. it has to be weird if you're elizabeth warren, right? a whole section of your hometown paper trying to persuade you to run when you don't want to. it is also an interesting argument happening right now in massachusetts. an interesting argument that whether or not you can win, there might be value, great value, just in you running. just by running. if you run well, in the right race, at the right time, even if you don't win you could change
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the direction and commitments of one of the two major political parties in the country. which brings us to this guy. with big fanfare, today texas senator ted cruz launched what i believe is his dam pain for vice president of the united states. technically what he said today is that he is running for president of the united states, but -- at least nobody who is handicapping the 2016 race at this point seems to think there is any credible threat of that happening. i don't bet, i'm terrible at gambling. if i had to bet money on the 2016 race, i think elizabeth warren has a better chance than ted cruz is, and that includes the fact that he is running and she is not. he could not be elected
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president of the united states of america. he could be elected president of texas. that may yet happen in our lifetime, but i think there is no reason to believe he could wick a national general election race. him getting into that race though today is important for the future of the republican party and the future of ted cruise. if they pick a more establishment centralist candidate, jeb bush, and if they need an exciting excite the base running mate, ted cruz may put it that bill. his best hope is positions themselves well for a vice presidential pick. you only need to persuade one person when it comes to picking a vice presidential nominee. stranger things have happened -- sarah palin. he will be in the race, at the debates, he will push the others, and republican politics
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as a whole toward something closer to his image. further to the right. he is a good debater, his political strategy has been to stake out a position more conservative, more compromising to the point of being imprak -- impractical. all of the other people at cpac gave a speech about how terrible president obama was, and he gave a speech about how all republicans are. he is in now. he made the announcement today in a long speech he delivered without notes and without a teleprompter.
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kids at the university were required, by the school today, to go to this ted cruz event. anyone that did not show up would face a fine of $10 if they did not attend today's speech and that insured a full room. these liberty university kids did not want to be fined $10 or think that their presence at the ted cruise event indicated their support. their t-shirts stay stand with rand. so the announcement was a mix of very well planned and very poorly planned. it's nice to have a big room filled with hundreds of people there against their will. it was nice for their campaign that he had a text message number ready where you could, right then and there take out your cell phone and text to that number and sign up to support his campaign.
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it was not so nice that anyone that wanted to check out, or were greeted with these websites. that is right now is for sale. takes you to sign up for obama care. maybe this one is just me messing manage up, but had this is what it just brings up, a slide show of random stock photos of scenery with no words or nowhere to click. he is the guy who is first in. it is a weird mix of well
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prepared and well done. we're also learning interesting details about the timing. as recently as saturday afternoon, liberty university was not admitting they would be a speaking there or announcing that he was running for president, they had terri mcauliffe on the schedule to come speak. so however long they may have been planning it for, the liberty university part of it they were not planning that for long at all. reporter todd gillman had an interesting mini scoop. while everybody else was just marveling that he jumped in and said i'm running, that he skipped the dumb exploratory
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faze, todd gillman said that quietly, almost secretly last week, ted cruz did form an official exploratory committee for president. he just did not tell min, he did not announce it. so for whatever reason, he felt the need to set up an exploratory fund last week to do house keeping and organizational work you need to do to set up something to run. he did it last week, he just kept it all completely out of the news. today would feel like oh my god, beyonce's record just showed up on itunes, we didn't even know she was working on one. kind of a genius move. if you have been prepping all of this time. you have been prepping in
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public, and you're quietly and secretly behind the scenes. we would not have known about it had todd gillman not reported it. he was in lynchburg today for the event. thank you for being here. >> it is a pleasure, rachel. >> i have to ask you about this exploratory committee. before i saw you report on this, i had not realized that maybe he had to do stuff behind the scenes before making the big splashy announcement today. did he keep that quiet to today would land with a bigger splash? >> i think that is right. he was going for the element of surprise and the dramatic effect of going straight to a campaign. i think filing an exploratory committee from speaking with one
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of his strategists. they just needed to do is so they could sign some contracts in the very brief window between last week and this. >> we are seeing sort of a mix of granular detail. it would be one thing if it was just, it is, >> 20 years ago we used to ask these candidates stupid questions like boxerings or beliefs. now we need to ask are or kind of a guy. it is kind of bad planning they didn't squat on the various names that might be associated
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with ted cruz like someone out there in cyber space did to pre-empt him. >> between that and liberty university finding out about what he want today do very late, and if it was last week, performing the mini exploratory committee, do you have any sense about the decision, the timing, and why he may have seemingly rushed to get out there today. why today? why now? he want today be first, but why is this happening in the way it has? >> i don't think it was rushed. the current president and son of the founder of liberty university explained to his student body that he got a call from a cruz aide asking for this forum. it happened to be the time slot
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that terry mcauliffe didn't want his message stepped on so he gave it up for cruz. i think he decided to do it now as a strategy. he is lagging in the poles. he is doing better in places like iowa where the evangelical vote is more important. but what he gets to do now is leap frog in front of everybody else. can you imagine how much attention someone now gets for forming an exploratory committee, that's not exciting we have someone now actively running for president. he short circuited that, there is not that much time left. people will have to declare for president, the first debate is five months away. they need to start raising
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money. many are waiting until april 1st or later. so they don't have to worry about how much money they flaz this filing for the report that's will be due. cruz is setting an ambitious target of raising a million or more in this quarter to show credibility in that regard. he will be lagging people like jeb bush and some others in fundraising, but being first out out gate gets you more attention, and now that he has done it in front of 8,000 or 10,000 people, it puts you out in front. >> thank you, todd, thank you. i appreciate it. >> looks like one piece of the reaction to ted cruz declaring is that he is not a possible member because so many other members of congress hate each him.
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♪ ♪ ...manage your appointments... [ dog barks ] ...and check your connection status... ♪ ♪ ...anytime, anywhere. ♪ ♪ [ dog growls ] ♪ ♪ oh. so you're protesting? ♪ ♪ okay. [ male announcer ] introducing xfinity my account. available on any device. every day toward the end of the business day, the white house press sends out president obama's schedule for the next day. so yesterday they sent out this daily guidance of what he would do today. at 11:10 the president goes to see the student's science fair. he delivers remarks at a summit in maryland. that is what he had on the books today officially. but there was an addendum. late tonight we learned about
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something not on the official schedule they hand out ahead of time. they disclosed an off the schedule meeting that took place today between president obama and someone named hillary clinton. apparently they didn't announce it in advance, but he met with secretary clinton one on one at the white. they met for about an hour and discussed a range of topics. what they talked about we don't know, but we know they met at the white house today in a meeting that the president did not allow to be publicized in advance. this is the part we all say "oh to be a fly on the wall."
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early this morning at the start of the workweek, a woman went to open her office, she went to the back door, and she noticed one of the security cameras lying on the ground. it was ripped off of it's usual spot, the wires were dangling loose, and then she saw a second security camera was pulled off of it's housing as well. and it appeared that someone tried to cut an electrical cord going inside. she heard the alarm going off. the business reporting this is the last remaining abortion clinic in the state of mississippi.
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defenders and supporters painted in bright pink saying they were not hiding or ashamed of their work. their motto was this clinic stays open. now that welcomes like a watch word for the last clinic open in mississippi. they say whoever attacked them last night ended up getting caught at least on video. they sent us this surveillance video just before the cameras were knocked down. you see that figure there in boots, a hood maybe at some kind. and they're carrying what might be a hatchet or another longhandled tool. the surveillance images were taken very early this morning at the last open abortion clinic in the whole state of mississippi. they are definitely lurking. seems to maybe want to do damage to the clinic itself.
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we don't know. but right after these images were taken, the cameras that took these images were destroyed. we have been following the story of the clinic in jackson for afew years now. republicans have come up with a few ways they think they can force the clinic to close. they forced the doctors to get referrals from the hospital. our goal needs to be to end all abortions in mississippi. i believe the admitting privileges bill gives us the best chance to do that. >> you can't just stop a federally protected right, but mississippi has been very determined to try.
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this new way of attacking clinics through state laws, new requirements about privileges, they have turned out to be pretty popular with courts. it is a federally protected right in this country. on friday, a federal judge blocked that same kind of law in wisconsin just like in louisiana and alabama. last month officials in mississippi said they would keep fighting to get that admitting privileges law back in place to use it to close that last remaining clinic in their state. that is how the fight is playing out in the courts. on the sidewalks this is a different fight. this clinic mississippi has tried to shield their patients and staff from local protestors. they built up a group of defenders and escorts. in the past few days a new annty abortion protest group has arrived. they posted something online but
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the new arrivals that they say are younger and more militant. they also posted pictures of the damage they found when they opened the clinic today. it looks to be a deliberate shut down. we asked the local police and they did not get back to us. the local fbi office says they cannot comment. they say what is happening now at this last clinic in mississippi is an unsettling change from the challenges they have faced before. the clinic's director said their staff and volunteer defenders from now on will keep watch around the clock 24 hours a day while the new and heightened protests continue in mississippi.
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we are going to be here. we're not going anywhere. we're insisting that from this day to the end of this, we're going to be here. that clinic staff is, as i said, going to keep watch to stay open safely. keeping watch around the clock tonight in mississippi. many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope... doesn't work on wrinkles. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with the fastest retinol formula available, it works on fine lines and even deep wrinkles. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. stop hoping for results, and start seeing them. rapid wrinkle repair... ...and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®.
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>> you're very good at this, i'm so impressed. are you resetting it? >> yes. >> that's our special page. >> the magic page. >> this is wonderful guys. can i take a picture with you? >> yes, what camera do we look at. >> the annual white house science fair where kids from across the country show off their inventions in an effort to bettered world, or to maybe just shoot a marshmellow across the room. he made waives in a mini hydro electric power demonstration, and he consulted with the super girls who created a page turning machine out of legos.
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>> where are those super girls? yes. you -- they're standing up but you can't really see them. because they're in kindergarten and first grade. they realize that some people who might be paralyzed or arthritic might have trouble turning pages. they said "this is just a prototype." that's what they said. i said how did you come up with the idea? and they said we had a brainstorming session. and one of them asked mr. president, have you had brainstorming sessions and i said yeah, but i didn't come up with something as cool as this.
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>> where are those super girls? president obama interacting with very earnest kids at the science fair is a nice demonstration of what can go right between kids and politicians. [ r&b slow jam playing ] ♪ yeah, girl ♪ ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ ♪ bundle ♪ ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby ♪ and that's how a home and auto bundle is made.
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if is easy to feel cynical about politics. it is also a way to have your faith restored. this girl wrote to her state legislature and said one of the first vertebrate fossils was found in her state, and that south carolina should have a state fossil, and could they try to make that happen. olivia, age 8, started by choosing the wooly mammoth, and it became a big story last year.
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and a legislature stopped that bill from passing by adding in whole statements from the book of genesis. that wooly mammouth was created on the sixth day. south carolina eventually came around in part because of her perseverance and they got their official state fossil, and olivia says she wants to be a scientist, but now i would prefer her to be a governor or legislature since she can get things done. this is the giant salamander, cute. it is from idaho.
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in 2012 a fourth grader wrote to get it named the state amphibian. she got as far as the bill getting drafted. in 2013 she tried again. bill was printed, could not get a hearing. 2014 she tried and could not get it passed. this is her fifth treat to the legislative session in her state trying to get this thing passed. when they brought it up in january they voted it it down. they voted it down. they raised an objection, they said maybe if they declare their love for it, it could become endangered or something. there was nothing to do with picking a state amphibian and a endangered species. the only other argument against the salamander bill is that
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salamanders are gross and icky. memories of a childhood aversion to salamanders led ken andrus to oppose making salamanders the state amphibian. somebody give that man a noogie. the girl who started this campaign in the fourth grade in idaho, she did not give up, she said she would not and she has not. she is now 14, she started this in fourth grade. today, she started to win. today. her bill got through the idaho house even though the guy who said he could not vote for it because salamanders are ugly, but she has stuck with it since fourth grade, she is now 14. she is now getting it done.
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that earnest perseverance is infectious especially when faced with so called adult opposition that makes no sense or is incredibly immature. this doesn't just happen around naming official state things. this was the scene in frankfurt, kentucky. they are holding signs, giving speeches, everybody rallying at the state capital trying to come up with something called house bill 236. it would allow a student to be part of a search committee process. kentucky law currently blocks that. the high schoolers bill is straightforward. not particularly controversial or a polarizing thing. they have a good case to make, right? they want to be involved in decisions that directly affect them as students. that bill quickly picked up
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sponsors and it sailed through the house of representatives by a vote of 88 to five. while that was going on, at the same time, a republican state senator maimed cb embrey was pushing a controversial use of a mandate of special bathrooms by students who are transgender. also, albert robertson was pushing a bill about religious objections to things and freedom of speech. both of those bills stalled out in the democratic controls kentucky house. none of them have anything to do with the high schoolers bill. and those two senators saw the high school kids bill sailing through the house easily, and they thought, hmm, let's attach our super controversial going nowhere bills to attach them.
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they said they wanted to send a message to the democrats by sending the high school kids dreams. government is historically unpopular right now. historically unpopular. last week gallup poll asked what people are most concerned about right now, and people said our terrible government. that is what we worry most about in the terms of the whole country in terms of our biggest problems. as the earnest, salamander and fossil loving kids keep proving that is not universal. legislatures are doing their best to make these kids lose their love of government and making them think that the government can't work toward a good purpose.
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from kids who know that we can do better and who are insisting that we do. joining us now are elisa jane schaffer, she was pushing for hb-36 in kentucky. thank you for being with us this evening, nice to have you here. >> thank you, nice to be here. >> elisa jane, i will start with you. in kentucky the legislative session ends tomorrow which means we're down to the wire. where do you understand your bill's chances are at this point, do you think you have any hope? >> i would say it is about 50/50. we're very hopeful. we're hoping maybe a compromise. the senate leadership has been looking into it. like i said we're hopeful that we'll be able to pass, but there is always a chance that it is not going to happen.
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if that is the case we'll be back next year. >> nice, let me ask you about that big rally today. lots of your students, lots of supporters, a diverse group out there, are you surprised by the support that you're getting and the attention that you're getting as you keep pushing and pushing for this? >> i'm so blown away by the level of organization and the ability these students have had to mobilize not only other students, but the adult community as well. they have taken it upon themselves to do everything a high level lobbying firm would do. they are doing this between classes, school, extracurricular activities and everything else they're supposed to do as volunteers. it was incredible today. over 300 students turned out and many adult allies standing with us in support and it was a show of force for the desire of a lot of kentucky youth to be
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civically engaged and this was really a modest request for this to happen. >> why do you think this bill is so important? why do you -- how do you think this would make things better? and what's it been like for you to see it get banged around the way it has? >> well, in my opinion, education is the single most important service that a government can provide for it's people. it is very important that we get it right. and these education policy decisions are made by administrators, government officials, parents, teachers, but surprisingly not students. people in the system and living out the effects of these decisions every single day. i think we have a very important perspective to offer, so that's why i think it is important that there will be a student on the committee. are 100% of the constituents and
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we have 0% representation. it has been a wake up call of what democracy is like in the real world. it's not really what i expected. >> has it been a bummer? did you think you would be more -- taken more seriously on the merits? were you bummed out to see it get diverted for all of this stuff that had nothing to do with your bill. >> bummed out is a good description of how i felt. >> we'll find out tomorrow if wednesday will do right by you guys, but to hear that you'll be back no matter what, it's an impressive fight, especially for those of us feeling cynicism, your the antedote to that. thank you. >> thank you. >> pushing for a bill that makes total sense that no one has come up with an argument against.
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they're grabbing him. >> it's like right at the top of that video. >> they're saying, please don't hurt me. >> they're going to eat -- oh! okay. it's really good. it's really good. . >>mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria
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we have a little bit of developing news tonight from the state of utah. sort of unbelievable news. we were warned that this might happen. now that it has happened it still seems hard to believe, but it's happened. earlier this month, the utah legislators voted to bring back the firing squad if they can't get ahold of the drugs they usually use to kill people. they have none of the drugs they would prefer to use to put their prisoners to death. suppliers are increasingly unwilling to sell lethal injection drugs to prisons.
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and a few months ago the state said okay, let's just start shooting people. the governor said publicly that he found the whole idea quote, a little bit gruesome. but tonight he decided to sign it. he has just signed the bill that will bring back the firing squad as a method of execution in utah. happy 2015.
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if it's the pope versus the mafia, my money's on the pope. last year pope francis basically declared war against organized crime. he excommunicated member the of the mafia and said they were condemned to hell unless they repent and quit. and this weekend he went to the mafia's home territory in italy.
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it's a neighborhood in naples. he drove around in the popemobile. while he was in the mafia-controlled area, he railed against organized crime and corruption. he said a corrupt society stinks. he celebrated mass in the square and urged people to resist the easy earnings and dishonest income that can come from organized crime. we do something on the show called here's a thing. the pope's trip created a now here's a thing moment. everybody's been posting this all over facebook and twitter. it shows the pope in his popemobile. everybody's yelling "papa, papa", and a man approaches and hands the pope a whole pizza. he takes the whole pizza, everybody cheers! a week ago he said one thing he misses is being able to get a
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pizza without people bugging him. that's a thing that happened. that's amazing. but there was an another now here's a thing moment. from a meeting he had, the pope probably should have known something was going to happen when the nuns started clapping and waving at him like this. these are cloistered nuns. they don't get out into the world ever. on saturday they got permission to come out just to see the pope. you can see how excited they are. how very excited they are. look, when pope francis sat down, they basically released the nuns, and bam, they just swarmed him. where did he go? at this point the cardinal got onto a microphone and urged the nuns to calm down. he said over the microphone, they are going to eat him! level of excitement that they exhibited just from being able to wave to him should have been a warning about what would happen when they were allowed to touch him. he was making decisions about how to spend his papacy, but occasionally amazing things
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happen all around him. he smiles through it all. whoo! that is a thing that happened. that does it for us tonight. it all. that is a thing that happened. >> good morning. right now on first look a breaking overnight. a major health announcement. another bomb shell from angelina jolie jolie. the inside story of what police say happened in the uva gang rain controversy. and the isis kill list is being more serious by the minute plus hillary clinton reveals what she really thinks of journalists. vin diesel's most personal tribute to paul walker and what might be the cutest animal video ever. good morning. breaking news this morning. actress angelina jolie is opening up about cancer and a recent surgery she underwent
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