tv The Ed Show MSNBC March 30, 2015 2:00pm-3:01pm PDT
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that is all for "now." "the ed show" is coming up next. good evening, americans, and welcome to "the ed show" live from detroit lakes, minnesota. let's get to work. tonight, fall out for indiana. >> look we're not going to change the law, okay? plus mission critical on the iran deal. >> the end of march is a real deal. later, the debate over coded sexism. >> why a group targeting journalists for being too mean to hillary clinton? plus president obama and the liberal lion. >> what is the price that you want from these working men and women? good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. we're not going to change the law says the governor of indiana. we start with the outrage over
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indiana's so-called religious freedom law. on sunday he came out on defense. >> was it a mistake to sign this law? >> absolutely not. the religious freedom restoration act was signed into federal law by former president bill clinton more than to20 years ago, and it lays out the framework if government infringes on the religious rights of the independent worker. there's been a lot of misunderstanding around this police. >> misunderstanding misinformation. let's dissect this for a moment. every other law applies to disputes between a person or entity in the government. the law in indiana is the only
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law that applies to disputes between private citizens. the major problem is this. in section nine of the law, the person is explained to mean any organization, partnership, llc, corporation, company, firm church religious society, or other entity. do you feel like one of those folks? there really is very little misunderstanding about this law. it's an interesting spin, but pretty good for a right-wing talker. the law opens the way for business to turn away gay and lesbian couples on religious grounds. mike pence could not answer one very simple question. >> this is a yes or no question. is advance america right when they say a florist in indiana can now refuse to serve a gay couple without fear of punishment? >> let me explain to you the purpose of this bill is to empower and has been for more than 20 years, george this is
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not speculative. >> yes or no if a florist in indiana refuses to serve a gay couple in indiana, is that legal in indiana? >> george this is where the debate has gone. >> it said it would protect a christian florist against any kind of punishment. is that true or not? it's now legal in the state of indiana. that's a simple yes or no question. >> george the question here is -- >> final yes or no question here. do you think it should be legal in the state of indiana to discriminate against gays and lesbians? >> george -- >> it's a yes or no question. >> hoosiers don't believe in discrimination. >> well it is a simple yes or
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no question which pence could not answer six times. another problem is indiana's current anti-discrimination laws. they do not apply to sexual orientation. it's a possible fix, but pence not having anything of it. >> one fix that people have talked about is simply adding sexual orientation as a protected class under the state's civil rights laws. will you push for that? >> i will not push for that. that's not on my agenda and that's not been an objective of the people of the state of indiana. and it doesn't have anything to do with this law. >> finally, pence said the religious freedom law is here to stay. >> we're not going to change this law. it has been tested in courts for more than two decades on the federal level in some 30 states and it represents a foundational protection for individuals. >> if governor pence stands by his law, it's going to cost the
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state big time. many business leaders have threatened to leave indiana. some are taking action already. on sunday angie's list announced that they are cancelling a $40 million head headquarter expansion in indianapolis. today afscme announced they are moving their october 2014 women's conference out of indianapolis, indiana. all bad news. president lee sanders called it a direct result of the discriminatory law. tim cook said religious freedom laws go against the very
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principle our nation was founded on. governor pence, what are you doing? later this week indiana will host the final four in yips indianapolis. the ncaa is involved. they said they are concerned about indiana's law. charles barkley, he is slamming the religious freedom law. in a state, he called discrimination in any form unacceptable and he went on to say as long as anti-gay legislation exists in any state i strongly big events such as the final four and the super bowl should not be held in those state's cities. outrage over this law has gotten the attention of other states. georgia, you see they were working on passing something very similar working on their own religious freedom bill but they have had to table the legislation. just today indiana legislators have stepped forward and said they will work to clarify the law.
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my question tonight is what the hell does that mean? they are drafting legislation to address concerns the law could result in discrimination. all the pressure is on mike pence. you have to understand who this guy is. he comes from a culture of right-wing radio in america. that's where he's been for a long time. they can say whatever they want. they can think whatever they want and they can do whatever they want with no ramifications whatsoever, and that's the kind of governor he is right now, but this time pence has crossed the line. see when you're governor you're supposed to be representing all the people. he's put his state's economy at risk and started a national conversation about similar laws that's going to cause problems for the national republican party. this will no doubt play a role in the 2016 gop primaries. i mean it's a softball question now. reporters should be asking single republican presidential hopeful where they stand on
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this. do you think the law in indiana is discriminatory and do you support it? thank you governor pence. this is what right-wing radio culture of the mind will do for you in the political arena. it's easy to get on the radio and spew this kind of hate. the bottom line here is businesses are responding. get your cell phones out. i want to know what you think. tonight's question -- should every republican presidential candidate be forced to disavow the indiana law? text "a" for yes. text "b" for no. i remember back in 2002 03 and 04 when michael moore was big in putting out all these films and the republican narrative was ask the democrats if they disavow
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themselves from michael moore. well, where are we in 2015? serving up governor pence. let me bring in my panel. great to have all of you with us. mike, i'll start with you first tonight. is governor pence spreading lies with these interviews? he constantly goes back and puts it in correlation with what bill clinton did, what ted kennedy supported, and what they have done in indiana. >> mike pence and the legislature in indiana took a law and instead of applying it to individual rights of individuals to practice their religion has elevated it to a whole new level, including corporations and organizations who can claim religious
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freedoms. he is maintaining that this is the same as the federal law when that is patently untrue. when asked if that was untrue by george stephanopoulos, he couldn't really answer it. >> you know the business of sports. we have heard the ncaa. they're concerned. do you think they'll take action? you look at where all this is unfolding. indiana and basketball have a culture that goes back generations. i mean they're connected at the hip. assess the damage for us. what has mike pence done? >> this law was passed a week before the men's final four which is one of the biggest events on the sports calendar and the ncaa very quickly came out with a statement which said they're going to keep an eye on this. and i think that matters. i think the ncaa has shown a
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history of keeping sports events out of places that are not diverse and inclusive. it won't place predetermined hosts there in the ncaa basketball tournaments where they fly the confederate flag. this weekend's men's final four is too quick to do a turnaround. next year the women's final four is supposed to be held in indiana. pass some sort of sweeping statewide anti-discrimination legislation and make lgbt a protected class. i think the ncaa has a history and could move events out of indy as well as -- i don't think they'll move their headquarters
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but they are headquartered there. >> they're talking about clarification. there's an absolute. it is either discrimination or it isn't. what do they have to do? >> bush would sign laws and say i'm going to ignore now that it's the law. he needs to change the law. we know what the law is. it's so clear he won't answer questions about the law when they're posed to him on television. the law needs to change. there should be an increase in protections by adding sexual orientation and gender. i don't need a clarification how he wants to discriminate or why it is acceptable. the law needs to be changed and that's that. >> congressman, what's the
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biggest danger of indiana's law? we're seeing other states that are talking about it. of course, georgia has put it on hold, but this can get a life of its own, can't it? where does the federal government come in on this as you see it? >> what you see here is mike pence getting ready to run for the presidency or the vice presidency and he thought he would get away with it and he's gotten nailed by the lgbt community. they're talking about it in georgia. they're talking about it in arkansas. all these states where he thought he was going to get a jump in some kind of race for the presidency he just got nailed. it will have impact. if it doesn't get repealed then we'll have some action in washington, d.c. because the republicans in the congress are going to have a very hard time
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walking away from mike pence and this kind of thing. if they don't, you'll see what happened in arizona some years ago. that same sort of thing is going to happen here in indiana. people aren't going to take programs there. >> kate what about college presidents? college presidents call the shots. i mean they tell the ncaa what they think on key issues. how could a college president, you know have his or her teams compete in a state where there's discrimination and call themselves the leaders of an educational institutional? >> that's one of the key factors here. the ncaa is made up of college presidents and athletic directors and coaches. they are one and the same. the ncaa says it stands for
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diversity and inclusion. it can have some leverage on this issue. i think mike pence obviously did not see this coming did not know that there would be this kind of backlash. you saw the nba put out a statement saying that all are welcome at their arena to come support. you have seen local businesses that have taken this as an opportunity to say we serve everyone. the message that the businesses have offered up is they are an inclusive state. it is just a question of whether the leaders of that state are going to change this bill. >> yeah. mike rogers i would like you to respond. might mike pence be the perfect national candidate for the republicans? >> i think he will. i hope he's planning on running
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nationally because he seems to be ticking off an awful lot of people in indiana. he only won with 49% of the vote. it's not like he's in the most stable seat in the country in terms of the percentage of winning. i think the congressman is absolutely right. here we see him showing his true colors and what he's believing. i think he got blind sighted by the folks in business and the sports world. >> yeah. no doubt. i didn't think anybody could outdo mitch daniels, but mike pence has certainly done it. great to have you with us tonight on "the ed show." remember to answer tonight's question there at the bottom of the screen. you can get my video podcast and it's about this subject at
2:17 pm later, the coded sexism debate surrounding the clinton campaign. what can we say and not say according to some backers. we're right back. multivitamins with 20% more vitamin d. my heart beats 100,000 times a day sending oxygen to my muscles... again! i can lift even the most demanding weights. take care of your heart with centrum silver men. multivitamins for the most important parts of you. why do i take metamucil everyday? because it helps me skip the bad stuff. i'm good. that's what i like to call the meta effect. 4-in-1 multi-health metamucil is clinically proven to help you feel less hungry between meals. experience the meta effect with our multi-health wellness line.
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fear but let us never fear to negotiate. >> reporter: one hangup is how long any deal would last. ten years or more. another is what iran does with its fuel for potential bombs. years of purifying has gotten iran 22,000 pounds of uranium that is bomb grade. suddenly irans leaders are promising to dilute their own uranium, but demanding they keep it. >> here is an attempt to either weaken the u.s. position or to preserve a capability that's certainly not in the interest of the united states. >> reporter: if president obama buys a plan that leaves uranium in iran it might be harder to sell to lawmakers who charge he is giving up too much. >> there are senators who are
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willing to condition reject or otherwise take issue with the agreement. >> reporter: also wary of the agreement is iran's supreme leader. >> joining me tonight is rabbi shmuley and lacey heeleyicie heeley. it seems vladimir putin could be a solution to this. joe sorenscioni, how critical is this? is putin an option to the solution as you see it? >> this is down to the 11th hour. they want to get a deal by midnight tomorrow. this is not unsimilar to what happened back in november 2013 when just hours before they
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reached that breakthrough on the interim agreement things were very pessimistic. you're seeing hard bargaining. what we do know is they are very close on all the major issues. on this one sticking point should the uranium gas in iran be shipped out? yes. russia has the ability of taking that gas and converting it to fuel rods and shipping it back to iran. that is our preferred course but there's more than one way to skin a fuel rod in this case. you can take that and dilute it in iran to put it in a form that cannot be used to make a bomb. >> sounds to me like the iranians don't want their egos bruised here. if it works, why not do it? >> the negotiators have made
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very clear in negotiations there was never an agreement to ship the uranium out of iran and to russia. that's one of the possibilities that's been kicked around. obviously, it is preferable. anybody that puts iran's nuclear material under lock and key, that's really the concern here and egos that comes second. >> senate majority leader mitch mcconnell was in israel over the weekend. he said the emerging agreement is fulfilling israel's deepest fears. here it is. >> as israel and the arab countries see iran progressing with its aggression to conquer yemen, talks continue as usual and goes on on a deal from
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everything that we hear paves iran's way to the bomb. >> rabbi shmuley, how does this situation in yemen change things? >> here you have an iranian regime that is supporting shia militias that are bombing the saudis. they have one of the worst human rights records anywhere in the world. you can imagine just how wicked and evil this iranian regime is. we have reached a level of the theater of the absurd. iran is saying they're not going the ship their uranium to russia because it hurts their national pride. hanging a gay man from a crane, that embarrasses your national pride. shooting women in the heart for protesting a national election that embarrasses your national pride. the logic here is so absurd. i wonder if we're all thinking
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with some semblance of logic. >> i don't think that this deal is going to change society in iran, but if we can keep them from nuking somebody that probably would be a good thing. i mean we're now down to it sounds like stockpiles storage, and verification. we're not going to change society within iran but can we get those three things done before midnight tomorrow night? >> i think we can. rabbi, i love your passion, but this is a brutal region. saudi arabia doesn't recognize israel's right to exist either. two weeks ago they beheaded a woman in a public square. ed's point is well taken. what you want is to least remove this most dangerous option this nuclear option. we can then work on whether we can conform or restrain some of
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their activities. hopefully by tomorrow night we can put in some vigorous in inspections and make sure our allies are united on this so we can snap sanctions back on should iran cheat. >> the point of president netanyahu's dialogue with senator mcconnell was if you reward aggression, then you strengthen the regime. you release all of these frozen assets. now the government has billions of dollars by which to oppress their people further. they are a pariah state right now. they are crumbling because of international sanctions. tomorrow night, we might see the lifting of many of those sanctions so the people of iran can be brutalized.
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if the ie yo is it just the jews who are allowed to be spoken of in anniliatory terms? >> don't pull that on me. >> with all due respect. >> you're going beyond the pale here. richard nixon negotiated with the chinese in 1972. >> were they calling for the extermination of -- >> look. we negotiate with people because it is in our national security interests to stop them from doing absolutely terrible things. you don't have to agree with the nature of that regime. that's why we negotiate.
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>> rabbi, just to add onto that -- >> richard nixon did have the live and let live fillphilosophy. >> let me be absolutely clear. the united states government -- >> rabbi, you're not going to change society on a deal inside any country, but if you can come to some verification where they're not going to be nuking neighbors or the united states i think that would be a positive step to the next deal down the road. i think that's the way we have to look at it. laicie what options does john kerry have right now? >> sure absolutely. rabbi, all of your points are arguments for why we need a deal, i would say. this is not just a situation in which we don't trust iran.
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of course we don't trust iran. that's why we need the inspectors on the ground. our other option is to place sanctions on iran. iran built its current program under sanctions. what do you think iran is going to do if we put those sanctions if in place. >> we got to run. we'll follow the story. thank you for joining us tonight. still to come a warning inging for journalists who are allies of hillary clinton. we are right back.
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business? how many billion dollars more are you asking are you requiring? when does the greed stop? >> welcome back to "the ed show." the man known as the liberal lion is being honored tie eded today. lawmakers are gathering in boston. president obama remembered senator ted kennedy at the dedication. >> and no one made the senate come alive like ted kennedy. it was one of the great pleasures of my life to hear ted kennedy deliver one of his liners on the floor. >> senator kennedy is being honored for his legacy of reaching across the aisle. the institute will be open to the public tomorrow. stick around. a message to journalists from hillary clinton's super volunteers is next.
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issued a list of words and terms to the drive-by media in the form of a threatening e-mail to a "new york times" -- telling them these are not the words-- words you can't use to describe mrs. clinton. they didn't include cankles. >> west highlighted the coded language of sexism and innuendo. his e-mail slams commentary on clinton's age and looks. secretive, polarizing calculating, and ambitious as coded attacks. he concludes by writing, you are
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on notice that we will be watching reading, listening, and protesting coded sexism. a "new york times" reporter shared sections of the e-mail on her twitter feed. the e-mail has received sharp criticism from walking line between watchdog and thought police. the super volunteers are not affiliated with clinton or her team. west is not the spokesperson for the group, but folks are talking. what are the guidelines here? joining me is kim frederick, a hillary clinton supporter and a member of that group, ruth conniff, and a professor of politics. professor, let's start with you tonight, if we can. are we seeing some guidelines we
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haven't seen or heard in other campaigns because this is hillary's second time around? your take on what is being put out there by clinton supporters? >> i'm glad to see they are preemptively approaching this. i found it with sarah palin and clinton faced sexism in 2008. i'm glad to see there's a group addressing this issue before we head into an election. >> what is the mission here? do you agree with john west's e-mail? what's the mission here? >> i agree with the intent of his e-mail. when we see articles such as "the new york times" depicting her as the wicked witch of the west or lawrence o'donnell saying about the e-mail situation she may leave the
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situation room and come out and ask through e-mail her husband advice, i think that's coded and veiled as sexism. we definitely want to pay attention. >> how is that coded because she might do is that? how would that be coded? >> would you ask colin powell if she is going to he is going to ask his wife? >> every president has advisers in times of pressure situations. i don't think hillary clinton should be apologizing for being married to a former president. how would that be coded in some way? >> well it's one thing to use that resource, but to say that she's in the situation room and she's not qualified as secretary of state to handle it herself that she would need to ask the opinion of her husband -- maybe if he said the opinion of the
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former president bill clinton. that's how it's conniff, do these messages to the media help or hurt the clinton campaign? >> i think it hurts the campaign. hillary clinton and anybody who is in communications knows the last thing you want to do is tell a bunch of journalists what words they can use or not use. the cause of doing something about sexism, which is real in coverage of female candidates you don't do that by giveing journalists a list of words that they can or can't use. i think it was bush league. i think it was done by this guy who runs a landscaping business in chicago and has a facebook page. that's not the campaign and i think it is a big disaster frankly, for hillary.
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>> professor, respond to that. >> i would agree that it's bush league. there are words on that list that i don't think are coded sexism sexism. they're for both genders. however, we're talking about it right now. i think it's great that we're having this conversation. at least they put it on the agenda. >> well media police let me go forward. is this the way it's going to be, kim, if hillary clinton is elected president? i don't see how this helps the political campaign at all. >> i don't consider myself part of the -- i'm a consumer of news. i think the average american citizen is a little bit smart and wiser today to understand what is happening in the media.
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would you call jon stewart part of the media police? i'm not saying it is even intentional. sexism has been a part of our dynamic for many decades and centuries, if not. i think a lot of times it is unintentional. even women do it. we're just trying to draw attention to this so maybe we don't have this problem this time around. >> i'm going to finish this segment by asking all three of you the same question. if hillary clinton does more for women's rights and it's pointed out by the media, is that sexist reporting? we do not have equal pay. women's rights are under attack. if she makes this a focal point of her campaign -- we don't know where she stands on trade or how far she'll go in the environment, but if she puts women's issues front and forward, is that sexist if the
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media presents that? >> absolutely not. talking about her positions is not sexist. sexism is focusing on her appearance or going after her competency. not talking about her policy positions. >> if i were to say hillary clinton has a very ambitious agenda when it comes to women's rights that's sexist? i would champion that. >> discussing her ambition in a negative sense, which we tend to do with female candidates because women aren't supposed to be ambitious. they did it throughout the 2008 election and i'll assume they'll do it throughout this election as well. >> i think the best approach to this is a positive approach. to show women's leadership is a great thing and a positive thing and to just get out there and promote a positive message i
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think is really the only answer. i think it is women should write letters in droves if they see sexist coverage, but this is not the way to go. coming up the candidate who wants to challenge the american political royalty. keep it here. we are right back. i mean, come on. national gives me the control to choose any car in the aisle i want. i could choose you... or i could choose her if i like her more. and i do. oh, the silent treatment. real mature. so you wanna get out of here? go national. go like a pro. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals antioxidants and 9 grams of protein. [ bottle ] ensure®. nutrition in charge™.
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welcome back to "the ed show." finally tonight, two names have dominated the political world for more than three decades. a bush or clinton has appeared on every presidential ticket from 1980 until 2008. we could see both names on the ballot for 2016 as hillary clinton and jeb bush lead the pack. not everyone is rooting for a bush/clinton face-off. former maryland governor martin o'malley says the presidency shouldn't be a family affair. >> i think that our country always benefits from new leadership and new perspectives. and let's be honest here the presidency of the united states is not some crown to be passed between two families. two people. >> two families bush and clinton? >> right now george you know the -- any two families. >> o'malley is thinking about running for the democratic nomination says he'll make a decision this spring. the two-term governor has been in key primary states letting his positions known. he's been pretty vocal about
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wall street regulations. says he would take an economic approach to climate change. which i'm anxious to hear. so far, the governor has been pretty silent on trade issues which, of course is a big issue when it comes to jobs in america. let's turn now to adam green, co-founder of the progressive change campaign. also with us tonight, william pierce executive director of run biden, run. mr. pierce, let me ask you first. great to have both of you with us. by the way when is joe biden going to announce he's going to run? silence out of the biden camp. what's going on? >> all the media reports has said the vice president is going to be making an announcement sometime this summer. >> sometime this summer. why so late? why are all the democrats, possible challengers such as martin o'malley bernie sanders, why are they taking so much time, mr. pierce? what do you make of that? >> he's the vice president. right now, he's calling 15%, 20%
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in recent polls. he's doing nothing but focusing on basically continuing the president's great agenda. we believe at draft biden that he's a perfect candidate. governor o'malley and the secretary -- sorry, senator warren, they'll make great running mates to joe biden if he does decide to run. >> is the left concerned about a dynasty here adam green? your thoughts on this. >> well first, just on biden, you know jon stewart only has so many more months left on tv so i think biden should decide sooner rather than later if he's going to make this decision at all. the left wants pretty much what the center of the country wants which is bold economic populism. wants somebody out there willing to take on powerful interests like wall street, someone who's not going to cut social security benefits but expand them. and to martin o'malley's credit he's actually been talking about the economic populist themes. at this point, hillary clinton has a choice. she could cede that ground to people like martin o'malley or take that ground and also come out for things like wall street
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reform and accountability, social security benefits. we hope that she does. >> it seems like there's no doubt that if liberals found out that elizabeth warren was running, they'd be ecstatic. who's closer to elizabeth warren? martin o'malley or hillary clinton as you see it? >> well let's put it this way. martin o'malley is again, certainly coming out with bold economic populist positions like reinstated glass steagall, having account bltability for wall street bankers. hillary clinton hasn't launched yet and a big unchecked box for her is where does she stand on economic populism issues? i don't think her embracing these positions would be a change at this point. i'm looking forward to seeing how she launches her campaign whether she sounds the economic populist trumpet. a lot of people are rooting for her to do so. >> mr. pierce, how do you think joe biden would respond to a question such as martin o'malley did about a dynasty, either a
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bush or a clinton? >> well i'm 26 years old, every election presidential election for my whole entire life i've either had a bush or clinton on the blot. secretary clinton has been great for the country. clintons, i love them 100%. we're focused on electing the vice president. he's a perfect candidate. myself, i'm a veteran, i deployed to iraq and afghanistan. i want someone in the white house who understands what it's like to send troops over there. the vice president is the perfect candidate for that because he sent his son overseas. >> adam, why hasn't martin o'malley jumped out? why is he waiting? can he raise the money and can he move hillary to the left? what do you think? >> can he raise the money? possibly. we saw howard dean go from 1% to 2% in the polls to almost win iowa. it takes time ss, a number of debates to get voters to pay attention to the voice.
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she has a choice. is heshe going to cede the ground to martin o'malley or take it for himself? we hope there's a race for the top when it comes to economic populism. >> we'll leave it there. great to have you with us tonight. that's "the ed show." "politicsnation" begins with reverend al sharpton. good evening rev. >> good evening, ed. thanks to you for tuning in. we start with breaking news out of indiana. just moments ago, ceos from some of the state's leading companies speaking out against a so-called religious freedom law. they sent a blistering letter to governor mike pence, slamming the new bill that critics say could let religion be used to justify discrimination. pressure is building but governor mike pence is standing his ground. refusing to push a new law protecting the civil rights of gays and lesbians.
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